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Page 1: Replying to the Allegation

The Series of

Replying to Anti-Islamic Allegations

Replying to the Allegation

of Denying the Revelation

Prepared by:

Professor Hekmat Bin Basheer

Bin Yaseen

Muallim Muhammad Awadh Bin Laden Chair

of Qur'anic Studies

Translated by: Tamer Muhammad


Revised by: Dr. Khaled Tawfik


Page 2: Replying to the Allegation

All thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,

and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger

Muhammad and those loyal to him. To commence, this

research is "A Reply to the Allegation Denying the

Revelation" within the series of, "Replying to Anti-Islamic

Allegations". This series starts with the issue at hand due

to its paramount importance. I started this research with

a historical study of the origins of such allegations and

the stages they have been through. Then I replied to this

allegation through textual proofs from the Bible, Torah,

Psalms and Psalter, followed by logical ones. Then, I

concluded with the testimonies of great scholars from the

West and the East, who all stressed the Divine nature of

the Noble Qur'an and the truthfulness of the wise Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH).

At the end of this introduction, I would like to

express thanks to the sponsors of this Chair: Bin Laden

Group President and Chairman, Engineer Bakr bin

Muhammad bin Awadh bin Laden, and Bin Laden Group

Chairman and Executive Vice President, Engineer Yahya

Muhammad Awadh bin Laden. May the mercy of Allah

Almighty be upon the Father of those in charge of the

Chair, Mu'allim Muhammad 'Awadh bin Laden, after

whose name our Chair has been named.

Special thanks are also due to Director of the Post-

Millennium Development Program, Professor Abdur-


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Rahman Khamakhim, for his blessed efforts, concern with

and appreciation of the Chair. I would like also to extend

deep thanks to University President, Professor Usamah

bin Sadeq Tayyib, University Vice President for Business

and Cognitive Creativity, Ahmad bin Hamid Naqadi, Dean

of the Research and Consulting Institute, 'Abdul-Malek

bin Ali Al-Juneidi, and Vice Deans Professor 'Abdullah

Ahmad Al-Ghamedi and Professor Haitham bin Hasan

Lingawi. Thanks also go to the members of the KAU

Scientific Chairs Research Committee.

Let me also express deep gratitude to Chair

Supervisor, Professor Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-

Halawani, who exerted praiseworthy efforts in this

research paper. I also thank Assistant Researcher, Sheikh

Ibraheem bin Muhammad Awwal, who typed this

research paper.

Allah Almighty is the Source of all success!

Professor Hekmat bin Basheer bin Yaseen

Muallim Muhammad Awadh bin Laden Chair of Qur'anic



Page 4: Replying to the Allegation

Those who have been denied the blessings of the

Noble Qur'an have launched a war of mean allegations,

arousing serious skeptic arguments and enticing

propagandas against the Revelation of the Noble Qur'an

as a means of casting doubts on its Divine nature and

distorting the image of the merciful Prophet Muhammad


What even makes such allegations more serious is

the fact that they stand in the way of establishing peace

among Muslims and other non-Muslim nations. Indeed,

those successive waves of allegations against the Prophet

of Islam and the Qur'an, which has been preserved by the

Lord of the Worlds, entice sedition and propagate the

concept of the clash of civilizations.

It is really weird that such heinous allegations have

been so widespread that they are now studied as

curricula; unfortunately, they are now taught at some

modern schools and universities.

For example, Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdul-Qadir

Buradah reviewed about 168 course books in Spain and

he found them all abounding in fallacies distorting the

image of Arab Muslims. 1

That is why such heinous allegations are highly

serious, for they aim at demolishing Islam and the Noble

Qur'an. In fact, these allegations are not newborn, rather

they are a historical legacy dating back to the days of the



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Revelation of the Noble Qur'an; they have been passed

down from one generation to the other up till the present

day by people driven by envy and malice against Islam

and the Noble Qur'an which is the very source of

Muslims' victory and happiness, both in this life and the

Hereafter. Having realized the greatness of the Noble

Qur'an, perceiving that it is the eternal miracle of Islam,

those people sought to attack it through such rumors and

allegations trying to eradicate its holiness, or its being a

Divine Revelation preserved by the Lord of the Worlds. To

reach this goal, those people have claimed that the

Qur'an is defective and unable to keep pace with the

development of life and its nature in the age of science

and civilization. They have also belied the truthful and

honest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), alleging that he

faked the Revelation of the Noble Qur'an, accusing him of

claiming that it was from God while in fact it was he who

composed it! They further added that in order to do so,

Muhammad took advantage of the Jewish and Christian

Scriptures. Moreover, others alleged that he (PBUH) was

a contemporary of great Arab poets and he thus mastered

the art of poetry in order to compose the Qur'an! All

these are blatant lies aiming at distorting the manifest


"Nothing can be rightly understood,

if people need to prove that broad daylight exists!" 2



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Such fabricated allegations, which can be

confounded by reasonable dialogues, spread in an

atmosphere of sedition and ignorance of the greatness of

Islam and the Divinity of the Noble Qur'an. Therefore, it

is a must to strongly reply to such hideous allegations

against the merciful Prophet Muhammad and the Noble

Qur'an which he (PBUH) did receive from Allah. This is

necessary to make no room for confusion on the part of

those who are unaware of the status of the noble Prophet

(PBUH) and the wisdom of the Qur'an so that they do not

to mistake the Truth for falsehood:

"Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by

blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the

revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may

detest (it)". (The Qur'an- 61:8)

A poet said:

"How can a sea abounding in water be harmed by a

stone thrown by a boy?!" 3

The enemies of Islam must have ignored the fact

that Allah Almighty has promised to preserve His Noble

Qur'an and protect His wise Prophet from lying or

concealing the Truth. Allah says, "Indeed, We have

revealed the reminder, and, indeed, We will preserve it."

(The Qur'an- 15:09). If those arousing such suspicions

adopt a just and reasonable stance, they will for sure

perceive that such allegations are completely unfounded

and frail, just like a spider's web.


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At all times and places, Allah enables elite groups of

learned and rational scholars, Muslim or non-Muslim, to

show how defective such arguments are, aborting such

anti-Islamic schemes and conspiracies, confounding such

allegations with uncontested proofs in various studies and

on various occasions.


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A Historical Study of the Stages of This


The allegation at hand has gradually evolved at

various stages and witnessed developments in terms of

means and mechanisms, with its main goal unchanged

throughout history. These stages can chronologically be

arranged as follows:

Stage 1: Emergence of Allegations Belying the


Mecca's polytheists spread such allegations, belying

the merciful Prophet, as indicated in the words of Allah:

"And indeed We know that they say: Only a mortal

teaches him. The tongue of him whom they hint at is

foreign, and this is clear Arabic language" (The Qur'an-


Also the Jews of Medina concealed the

characteristics of the wise Prophet (PBUH) and some

others in the Arabian Peninsula followed their footsteps.

Nevertheless, Allah Almighty granted victory to His

Religion, Islam, and let his Prophet Muhammad triumph

through evidence, wisdom and the Qur'an.

Stage 2: Emergence of Attempts to Imitate the



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Some people dared try to imitate the Qur'an, which

caused them utter humiliation. In doing so, their tongues

could not help producing words full of ignorance, lacking

eloquence, so much that they became a a source of

ridicule as many satirized them and their defective

utterances. Among those who tried to imitate the Qur'an

was Musailamah Al-Kadhdhab (The Liar) and Al-Aswad Al-


For example, Musailamah made up with the

following so-called verses:

"The Elephant! What is the elephant? And how would you

know what the elephant is? It has a strong tusk and a

long trunk.."

In his "Animalia" الحيوان, Al-Jahiz said about frogs: "I

do not know why Musailamah was driven to refer to them

and why he thought ill of them, so much that he

mentioned them in his fake qur'an: 'O frog, daughter of

frogs! Clean up as much as you like to be clean! One half

of your body lies in water and the other half lies in mud!

Neither do you make water impure nor prevent people

from drinking it!"4

Stage 3: Emergence of Writings Belying Prophet


With the Call of Islam propagated in neighboring

lands such as the Levant, Iraq and Egypt, Islam prevailed


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and peace spread all over the Arabian Peninsula. At that

time, Muslims started to coexist with non-Muslims, doing

them justice and granting them their due rights. All this

enraged some accursed Christians, which drove them to

imitate Arab polytheists in spreading rumors belying

Prophet Muhammad. Such allegations turned from the

form of mere words to that of books and treatises. For

instance, الدمشقي John of Damascus, who died in 132 يوحنا

A.H., wrote two books entitled, " مسلم مع A Dialogue" "حوار

with a Muslim" and المسلمين جدل في النصارى "إرشاد "

"Guiding Christians to Reason with Muslims". He claimed

that Islam was merely a Christian heresy! 5 This was

mentioned by Dr. Qassem As-Samarra'i quoting Edward

Sa'id in his "Mohammed and Charlemagne"; he said:

"John of Damascus and Abdul-Maseeh Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi,

whose origins are unknown, were among those who

played a major role in formulating Western conceptions of

Islam. John of Damascus wrote his 'Dialexis' seeking to

make it a way of debate between Christians and Muslims.

He expected that Muslims would reply to that, thus

making room for disputes. It is unknown whether anyone

volunteered to reply to him. Perhaps, he was the first to

utilize scholastic theology to answer the questions he

aroused, introducing what Christian theologists call

'Dialogue'. John of Damascus launched a fierce attack on

the noble Prophet (PBUH) accusing him of faking the

Revelation to satisfy his own worldly desires. This point

was the main and conventional concern of all medieval


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writings. That priest introduced to the West the fallacy

that Islam is a falsification of the Torah and Bible; a task

which was catered for through the assistance of an

Arianist priest who used to teach Muhammad (PBUH) in


"The 3rd Century A.H. witnessed the emergence of

Abdul-Maseeh Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi's treatise written in 215

A.H. belying Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stating that

Islam is not a Divine Faith… It was translated by Marc of

Toledo into Latin upon the order of Peter the Venerable.

The treatise includes another treatise by Al-Hashemi to

Abdul-Maseeh Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi in which the former

invited the latter to embrace Islam. It also includes Abdul-

Maseeh Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi's reply treatise to Al-Hashemi

inviting him to embrace Christianity. This treatise was

published twice in London between 1880 and 1885 A.D.

to be used by Christianizers. English Orientalist William

Muir published an abridged version of the treatise in

English, which was in turn published twice in London in

1881 and 1887 A.D." 7

Stage 4: Atheists' Attack on the Noble Qur'an

In the 2nd Century A.H., a group of atheists popped

up claiming that there were contradicting verses in the

Noble Qur'an, casting doubts on its Divine nature. But

Allah helped Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal reply to them in his


Page 12: Replying to the Allegation

valuable Treatise, والجهمية الزنادقة على A" الرد reply to

Atheists and the Jahmites".

One of those who also dared attack the Noble Qur'an

was Ibn Ar-Rawendi8 who wrote للقرآن Anti-Qur'anic" الدامغ

Evidence". In his Book, he tried casting doubts on the

composition of the Qur'an and its meanings, saying, "It

contains irrationality and lies."9 He even wrote some silly

words claiming that by so doing, he could imitate the

Noble Qur'an, defying Allah Almighty Who says, "Say: 'If

the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together

to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce

the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with

help and support.' " (The Qur'an- 17:88)

It is noteworthy that Ibn Ar-Rawendi's "Anti-Qur'anic

Evidence" للقرآن was written during his stay at the الدامغ

house of Ben Levi, the Jew who sheltered him when the

sultan ordered to arrest him. 10

Stage 5: Writing about Alleged Qur'anic


Among those who tried to trace contradictions in the

verses of the Noble Qur'an was Joseph Ibn Naghrela or

Joseph ha-Nagid, the Jew11 who wrote a book claiming

that there were contradictions among the verses of the

Noble Qur'an. But Imam Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi confronted


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his attempt through his valuable Treatise, ابن على الرد

Replying to Ibn Naghrela" that was published with"النغريلة

other treatises by Ibn Hazm in the third volume reviewed

by Dr. Ehsan Abbas.

Stage 6: Suspicious Translations of the Noble


At this stage, the allegations against the merciful

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the attempts to deny the

Divine nature of the Revelation further developed through

claiming that the Noble Qur'an was invented by

Muhammad and was not from Allah Almighty. That was in

the 6th Century A.H. when the first translation of the

meanings of the Noble Qur'an came to exist. In this

regard, Dr. Muhammad Saleh Al-Bendaq said, "The first

European translation of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an

was into Latin. It came in response to the order of the

Abbot of Clugny Abbey in southern France, Pierre le

Venerble, and it was under his supervision. That was in

1143 A.D.. and the job was done by an English Priest

called Robert de Retina and a German one called


Peter the Venerable (or Pierre le Venerble) also

asked Robert de Retina to abandon the study of

engineering and astronomy to translate the Qur'an

instead so as to confound the so-called fallacies of Islam.

According to Edison the Evangelist, Peter the Venerable


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traveled to Spain to visit some branches of Clugny Abbey

in 1141 A.D.. and he realized the dire need for polemic


Also among those who undertook to translate the

Noble Qur'an was George Sale in 1149 A.H./1734 A.D..

Although he praised the Noble Qur'an and translated its

meanings into English, Sale denied the possibility of its

being a Revelation from God. He rather stressed that it

was made up by Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH), saying

"That Mohammad was really the author and chief

contriver of the Koran, is beyond dispute…" This is old

Orientalist allegation so much influenced the readers of

the English translation of the meanings of the Qur'an.

Such an influence extended even to the readers of the

French translation of the meanings of the Qur'an when

Bolognan Orientalist Albert Kazimirski translated the

English version of the translation of the meanings of the

Holy Qur'an into French in 1256 A.H./ 1840-1841 A.D.

following the same technique of George Sale. 14

About the foreign translations of the meanings of the

Holy Qur'an, Dr. Muhammad Al-Bendaq said, "They

started translating the Qur'an, with an orientation to

make it appear to everyone, through their translations, to

have been composed by Muhammad (PBUH) and to give

the impression that it is an incongruent Book that was not

revealed by Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). They even went further to say that the Qur'an

was a lexical or a semantic replica of Jewish Books. That


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was evident in Jewish Orientalist Abraham Geager's

attempt to prove his evil theory stating that the Prophet

(PBUH) read various Jewish Books in various languages;

Hebrew and Aramaic, including the Torah, the Ketuvim

(or Writings), Nevi'im (the Prophets), the Mishnah, the

Gemara (the Talmud), the Midrash and the Tarjum …etc" 15 .

Stage 7: Writing in the Name of an Allegedly

Christianized Muslim to Attack the Noble Qur'an

and the Wise Prophet:

One of the books that appeared in the 10th Century

A.H. handling such serious rumors was الفقهاء نقض

"Contrarietas Elfolica"; literally, "Contrariety of

Jurisprudence Scholars". It was written in Arabic by a

man who claimed to have been Christianized and it was

translated into Latin by Marc of Toledo; its Arabic version

is not available yet. But its claims were confounded by

Historian Norman Daniel who proved that proofs

undoubtedly attest to the fact that the writer of that book

was a Spanish Christian who wanted to lend importance

to his book through his allegations. The seriousness of

that book lies in its great influence on Ricoldo de Monte

Croce who harbored so much hate for Islam and whose

writings had a profound influence on medieval writers.

For instance, Martin Luther was extremely pleased upon

receiving his Book, "Confutatio Alcorani" in 1530 A.D.


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Luther even hastened to translate it into German with the

purpose of confuting the Noble Qur'an and attacking it.

Here is a quote by Ricoldo de Monte Croce who

addressed the noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saying,

"O Muhammad, I do not believe that you received such

insights from God because you are weird and odd in

terms of your message; for you do not agree with any

other Holy Book.. We must abandon what Muhammad

claimed to have received from God because it is the exact

opposite of the rulings written by Moses, and the

Prophets and Messengers that came afterwards with

Divine revelations and orders." 16 How rude!

Some translations were republished, as was done by

Marracci who compiled such translations, to be published

by people who were not versed in Arabic in cooperation

with people unfamiliar with Latin, and published them in

1698 A.D.. The reactions to such translations were

positive as they appealed to many.

However, this edition was confronted by a French

Nobleman, Historian and Philosopher, Le Comte Henri de

Boulainvilliers who led a noble pro-Muhammad

Movement in Paris, but he faced strong opposition.

Recently, he has been attacked by Régis Blachère who

accused him of "undertaking to defend Islam to destroy

the goodness of Catholicism". Afterwards, successive

translations of the Qur'an were produced in various

languages, including Hebrew; in 1634 A.D.., Rabbi of


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Zante, Jacob Bin Israel, produced another version

translated from Latin.17

Stage 8: Many Writings about the Prophet's

Biography Denying the Revelation:

Not only this, but also such allegations spread even

in dictionaries, encyclopedias and writings dedicated to

the Biography of the merciful Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). Over the past four centuries, libraries have

abounded in many Western writings on the Prophet and

his Biography in various European languages. In 1304

A.H., the number of such writings reached 1300

according to Al-Muqtabas Magazine المقتبس issued in مجلة


The abundance in such writings reflects Western

scholars' great concern with this important topic.

Undoubtedly, this concern is driven by suspicious motives

and far-reaching goals.

According to Dr. Edward Sa'id, the volume of the

Orientalist movement's legacy from 1800 to 1950 A.D.. is

60,000 books, which is equal to the amount of books in a

whole public library!19

If the recent editions for over half a century are

added to that number, it will surely increase and even



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As a matter of fact, the Biography of the Noble

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) occupied a large space in

such writings; they left nothing, whether of minor or

major importance, in this Biography without interpreting

or explaining it with an orientation to demean the status

of Prophet Muhammad. Indeed, they exerted immense

efforts to convince readers, Christian ones of course, that

any person who has characteristics similar to those of

Muhammad could not be a God-sent Prophet, which in

turn implies that Islam is not a Divine Faith and that the

Qur'an was made up by Muhammad to justify his worldly

acts for his ignorant and uncivilized Arab people. Such

writers claimed that theirs is the true Faith and thus,

Muhammad's hocus-pocus could not beguile them!!

Their defective and diseased imagination even drove

them to invent a lie saying that Muhammad was a

Catholic Cardinal who had an ambition to occupy the

Pope's post, but when he was not elected Pope by

cardinals, he got angry and went to Mecca to proclaim a

new faith opposing Rome, and because the Arabs were all

Christians, he managed to delude them!!

However, the Christianized Jew, Pedro Alfonso (or

Petrus Alfunsi), came up with another view saying that

Muhammad's teacher was a Jewish apostate!

In fact, these two views are the very bases of today's

orientalism and evangelism. This is because many of

today's orientalists reiterate that Islam, with its Qur'an,


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Prophetic Sayings and even its civilization, is based upon

Judaism and Christianity. Those who make such an

argument might disagree when it comes to the totalities,

fundamentals and sources of the Islamic Religion, but

they do not disagree when it comes to arguing that the

Qur'an was made up by Muhammad. This argument led

them to conclude that Islam is not a Divine faith!

Based on this belief, orientalists have agreed with

evangelists, both secretly and in public, except for a small

number of them, supporting them with their knowledge

and long expertise. This is not something strange, given

that the vast majority of orientalists are both church

members and Christianizers, or Jews who, in one way or

another, all shared similar objectives regardless of their

disagreements. 20

Among the orientalists who disseminated such

allegations are:

1. British Orientalist Muir21 who wrote "The Life of

Mahomet" that dealt with the issue of the Revelation

and in which he said, ".. Our sketch of the life of

Mahomet has now reached a point when anxious

yearnings after religious truth were springing up

within him; and the mind, brooding over the gross

superstition and abject worldliness of the inhabitants

of Mecca, and bewildered by its own speculations

amidst the uncertain flickerings of spiritual light


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ever and anon flashing around, began to unburden

itself in fragments of wild and impassioned poetry. "

Muir re-emphasized the words of Martin Luther and

Pedro Alfonso descriBing the Prophet as a pretender

and a Satan's follower! 22

2. English Orientalist Margoliouth, who, in 1905

A.D../1323 A.H., wrote " Mohammed and the Rise of

Islam ", said that Muhammad used to frequent Okaz

Market to get updated on the art of poetry through

the poets who used to compete there and he thus

managed to utilize this experience later on to dictate

the Qur'an! 23

3. English Orientalist Richard Bell who wrote "Bell's

Introduction to the Qur'an" claiming that the Noble

Qur'an was fabricated by Muhammad.

4. French Orientalist Régis Blachère who wrote "Le

Coran" citing the previous claim.

5. German Orientalist Clair-Tisdall wrote "The Sources

of Islam" making the same claim.

6. French Orientalist Gustav Lobon who also claimed

that Muhammad took the Qur'an from other Faiths. 24

7. Spanish Orientalist Vernet who wrote "El Corán,

Introduction, Translation and Notes" claiming that

Muhammad was the author of the Qur'an.25


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Stage 9: Belying Prophet Muhammad in

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries:

Orientalists have written numerous books about the

Noble Qur'an in various widespread languages. This huge

orientalist task was confronted by many Muslims

specialized in various fields. They scrutinized, studied and

criticized such works with a detailed explanation of the

difference between offensiveness and moderation. In this

regard, Professor Ali Bin Ibraheem An-Namlah made a list

of 548 related research papers in his valuable research

titled, "Muslim Scholars' Efforts in Studying Orientalist

Writings on the Noble Qur'an".26

Here are only some of these valuable studies citing the

English encyclopedias that have disseminated such


1. Encyclopedia International: Its first edition came

to light in 1968 A.D. in Canada. It mentioned the

words of US Orientalist Hodgson, Marshall G.S.,

University of Chicago, who stated that the Qur'an is

the words of Muhammad, not a Divine Revelation.

2. Encyclopedia Harver World: Its use spread in the

US and Europe in 1973, namely in New York and

London. It included the following:

"The Qur'an is the Holy Book of Islam. To Muslims, it

is not just a Divine Revelation, but it is the actual

words of Allah." So, they at least did not deny this



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3. Britannica Junior Encyclopedia (for boys and

girls): Its first edition was issued in 1934 A.D.. by

Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. It was published by

William Benton in London, Chicago, Toronto,

Geneva, Sydney, Tokyo, Manila and Johannesburg. It

included a skeptic argument stating that it was

Muhammad who said that Gabriel had imparted

Allah's words to Him.

4. Encyclopedia Britannia: (Vol. 14, p. 342): "The

argument that the miraculous language of the

Qur'an, with its beauty and tranquility that cannot

be imitated by humans or Jinns, including eloquent

Arabs and Arabia's rhetoricians, is unacceptable."27

Other French Dictionaries and Encyclopedia


1. Bibliotheque Orientale: It is a multi-volume

encyclopedia investigating oriental sciences,

cultures, religions and customs in an alphabetical

order. Its Author is Bartelemy d'Herbelot, a French

Orientalist of the 17th Century. In this encyclopedia,

the image of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was so

much distorted; in the Chapter on Muhammad

(PBUH), we find shameful words such as: "He is the

famous assumer Mahomet who composed and

founded some heresy in the name of religion"!!!


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2. Dictionnaire des Religions: It is found in one

medium-size volume reviewing the entry word,

"Muhammad", only in two columns. This is a brief

review of the Prophet's Biography that cast some

doubts on it, e.g. the claim that Muhammad's

obtaining religious culture from Baheera during his

travel to the Levant. 28

Stage 10: Translating the Qur'an by Omission and

Distorting Interventions:

Translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an

entered a new phase with a translation omitting one third

of it and intervening in its wise order of verses. This

English version of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an was

by Orientalist Kenneth Cragg, Theological Studies

Professor at London University, and it came in his

"Readings in the Qur'an" that was published in 1993. Not

only did he omit parts of the Qur'an, but also changed its

form in English. That writer retranslated big parts of the

Qur'an into English after reducing it to two thirds of its

original size claiming that the last third of it is a

repetition that could be skipped, and then he divided the

Qur'an into five main subjects.

Cragg was keen to achieve various goals through his

book such as changing the form of the Noble Qur'an; an

old objective which orientalists have sought to achieve

over long years. They were even about to produce a new


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copy of the Qur'an based on ancient manuscripts which

they claimed to have found, but this project came to an

end during World War II; the institute in charge of the

project was bombed and destroyed.

The author of that book divided the Qur'an into

various major sections according to its major topics, as he

puts it. He also claimed that the topics of the Qur'an are

not organized and are scattered in indefinite patterns i.e.,

the subjects mentioned in the Qur'an are neither in the

form of fully-developed stories, nor in the form of a

historically connected timeline nor in the form of two

major sections according to the two periods of the

Revelation of the Qur'an: Meccan Qur'anic verses and

Medinan ones. That is why the author recommends that

his readers read the Qur'an in a reverse order, from end

to beginning, i.e., starting with Chapter 114 and ending

with Chapter 2, given that Chapter 1, as the author

claims, is not a good opening of the Qur'an…

He is also of the view that the Qur'an was imparted

to Muslims via a human being, the Prophet, which is a

fact. As for how it was imparted to the Prophet, the

author believes that this is something mysterious though

Muslims, and only Muslims, are certain of it, but their

certainty is not based on convincing facts.29

Stage 11: Teaching Such Allegations in Europe and

the US


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The real catastrophe is teaching such non-sense and

lies at one of the greatest European universities, namely

London University! Also Princeton University that was

built in 1746 A.D. in Elizabeth Town, New Jersey,

assigned the task of teaching the Noble Qur'an to one of

those antagonizing Islam most, Dr. Michael Cook, who

attacked the Qur'an endeavoring to prove the human

touch in it.30

These lies are also taught at schools in Italy and

Spain; the curricula there claim that the Noble Qur'an

was composed by Muhammad (PBUH).31

Here comes a new stage of disseminating such

allegations; the orientalist activity in previous centuries

started to be taught within the curricula of European and

US schools, along with previous works in the field of

studies pertinent to distorting Islam and assaulting the

Noble Qur'an and its great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This had a major influence on the modern Western

thought, for such curricula wronged a whole generation

by stuffing their minds with these wrongful fallacies

besmearing Islam and Muslims. As a result, some of those

belonging to that generation condemned teaching the

Qur'an in the first place, regardless of the defects

inherent in that teaching process per se as previously

indicated. The reactions of those people who are filled

with malicious intentions started to accumulate through

the curricula they study at primary, intermediate,


Page 26: Replying to the Allegation

secondary and university stages and even during their

post-graduate studies.

For instance, Representative Sam Ellis (NC-R) "told

a local radio station he did not want the students in the

university system to study 'this evil. ...If they wish to

pursue it on their own, or if they wish to pursue it as an

elective, that's fine. But I don't think it is something our

university system should be encouraging.' " Another

representative, Winn Saskatoon also said, "See how much

we have paid for September 11 attacks and for acting to

protect our country from being vulnerable to such attacks

again? See how North Carolina University is acting to

promote terrorism by publishing this book?"

Bill O'Reilly, a popular conservative Fox News

television commentator drew an analogy between the

study of the Qur'an and Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in

the years prior to World War II. He said that teaching the

Koran to US students was wrong as it was the book of

"our enemy's religion."

The author of "World History Connected",

particularly in the Chapter on "The Rise of Islam"

mentioned that a critic said, "The book started adopting

an inappropriate evangelical approach by stating that the

Muslim myth of Muhammad's receiving a revelation is a

real fact. It says that Muhammad received a call to be

Allah's Messenger and Gabriel said to him, 'Read' (The

Qur'an- 96:1). This is a grave mistake, for asserting


Page 27: Replying to the Allegation

historical questions this way is not different from

Muslims' propagating their religion and their ceaseless

attempts to spread it all over. So an academic writer is

not to mention what is cited in this book regarding

Muhammad's receiving a Divine Revelation, or state that

Ramadan is Muslims' holy Month because Gabriel came

with the Revelation in it or similar explicit evangelical


In his "Qur'anic Studies", London University

Professor, John Wansbrough, said that the Qur'an was

either copied from Jewish and Christians Scriptures or is

based on the debates with the Jews or was composed by

Muhammad, his Companions, their followers and the

followers of their followers over two centuries in Islamic


Many Islamic studies scholars in the West abstained

from Wansbrough's argument dubBing it radical and

extremist. However, a group of the author's followers at

major Western universities such as Harvard, Princeton

and London are still compelling Islamic studies students

to study his book to shake their belief in the originality of

Islamic sources, topped by the Noble Qur'an.32

This stage of allegations was influenced by the

previous one; the sources which the authors of these

course books rely on are influenced by orientalist writings

and distorted translations of the Holy Qur'an.33


Page 28: Replying to the Allegation

Stage 12: Spreading Rumors and Allegations in

Arabic Books and Distributing Them Through

Christian Organizations:

One of these books is "The First Tasteful Book on

Religious Narrations" الدينية الروايات في الشهية that الباكورة

was published by The Youth Center Organization منظمة

الشبيبة an underground Christian organization whose ,مركز

premises is in Schon and it has a branch in Basel in

Switzerland. 34 This book says that Muhammad is not a

Messenger, but he claimed to have a Message, thanks to

his intelligence!!! The author added that the Qur'an is not

a Revelation from Allah, but it was made up by

Muhammad who copied it from the Torah and Gospels as

well as ancient narratives and myths!! He further added

that the Qur'an is not miraculous or inimitable, simply

because it is composed of words by a human that came in

the most sublime and eloquent Arabic styles!!35

Stage 13: The Writing of "The True Furqan"36 by

Priest, Dr. Anis Shorrosh

That book denied the fact that the Qur'an was

revealed to the merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),

claiming he was a liar. Shorrosh also added that the so-

called "Furqan" was revealed to him and it consisted of

70 Chapters! In fact, many parts of that book were copied

from the Noble Qur'an. In other words, Shorrosh denies


Page 29: Replying to the Allegation

the Qur'an, yet steals from it, both at a time! Indeed, this

is the most serious stage and the most heinous crime.

Through these thirteen stages, one can clearly see

the origins and evolution of such waves of allegations by

people imitating the polytheists of the Pre-Islamic Era.


Page 30: Replying to the Allegation

Replying to These Allegations

First: Allah's Prophets, peace be upon them, recognized

the high status enjoyed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Bible and Torah prophesied that he would be a

Prophet highlighting the truthfulness of his Message and

his characteristics. For instance, Prophets Moses and

Jesus, peace be upon them, explicitly recognized the

truthfulness of the Message of Muhammad (PBUH), the

Prophet of mercy, through their prophecies in their

Divine Books. In this respect, a whole Chapter in Al-

Bukhari's Book of authentic Sayings, "Sahih Al-Bukhari",

was entitled, "The Seal of Prophethood" and he cited a

Saying by As-Sa'eb Ibn Yazeed, may Allah be pleased with

him, in which he stressed that he had seen the seal of

Prophethood between Prophet Muhammad's shoulders.37

In his book, the Chapter on the Seal of Prophethood,

Al-Hafez Ibn Hajar said about that seal, "...it was between

the shoulders of the Prophet (PBUH) and it was one of his

Signs by which the People of the Scripture knew him."38

How did the People of the Scripture know about that

Sign? They found it in their Divine Books that foretold

Prophet Muhammad's Message, and they are as follows:


Page 31: Replying to the Allegation

The Characteristics of Allah's Messenger


in the Bible

Historian Ibn Hisham said that Ibn Ishaq reported

the prophecy of Jesus regarding Allah's Messenger

Muhammad, saying: "It came to my knowledge, with

regard to the stand of Jesus, Son of Mary, concerning

what Allah revealed to him in the Bible about the

characteristics of Allah's Messenger, as John, the

Disciple, proved to them, on writing the Bible for them, as

regards Son of Mary, Jesus' recognition of Allah's

Messenger yet to be sent, that he said, 'When the

Comforter (Menahem) comes, whom I will send to you

from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the

Father, he will testify about me. And you also must

testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.' "

In Syriac, "Menahem" means "Muhammad";

"Parakletos" in Greek.39

As was said, and according to the Gospel of John in

Greek, the name, "Barakletos" was used, given that it


Page 32: Replying to the Allegation

typically refers to the name, "Ahmad" i.e., Muhammad;

this is what Bible Expert, Professor Abdul-Ahad Dawoud,


Here is another Biblical text, (Haggai 2:7-9), that

foretells the coming of Muhammad:

"And I will shake all nations, and the Himada of all the

nations will come; and I will fill this house with glory,

says the Lord of hosts. Mine is the silver, mine is the gold,

says the Lord of hosts, the glory of my last house shall be

greater than that of the first one, says the Lord of hosts;

and in this place I will give Shalom, says the Lord of


Abdul-Ahad also said, "I translated this extract from

the only copy I have of the Bible which an Assyrian

woman, my cousin, had lent me. This copy comes in the

national colloquial language of the time. But let's go back

to the English translation of the Holy Bible in which the

word, 'Himada' had been translated originally from

Hebrew into 'umniah' i.e., 'wish', and the word, 'shalom'

into 'Islam'."

He also wrote a Chapter titled, "John the Baptist

Foresaw Muhammad's Coming" and he quoted the Gospel

of Barnabas as saying that Jesus, the Son of Mary, was

talking about the soul of Muhammad, proving that


Page 33: Replying to the Allegation

"Parakletos" stands for "Ahmad" or "Muhammad". He


"The Qur'anic Revelation stating that Jesus, the Son of

Mary, made the following declaration to the Israelites:

'...and to give (you) the glad tiding of an apostle who shall

come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.' (The

Qur'an- 61:6) is one of the strongest proofs saying that

Muhammad is in fact a Prophet and the Qur'an is verily a

Divine Revelation, for he could have never known that

'Parakeltos' implied 'Ahmad', unless through a Divine

Revelation. Indeed, that Qur'anic evidence is uncontested

because that Greek name is literally and undoubtedly the

accurate equivalent of 'Ahmad' and 'Muhammad'."41

Sheikh An-Najjar once talked about his dialogue with

Italian Orientalist Carlo Nalino, who was his friend, on

discussing the meaning of "Parakletos". An-Najjar said, "I

asked him, 'What does 'Parakletos' mean?' He said,

'Priests believe that this word means 'Comforter. 'I

replied, 'I am now asking Dr. Carlo Nalino who has a PhD

in Ancient Greek Literature, not a priest!' He said, 'It

implies, 'one praised much'. I said, 'Is this similar to the

superlative form of the adjective deriving from 'hamada'

i.e., 'to praise' in Arabic?' He said, 'Yes.' Thereupon, I

said, 'One of the names of Allah's Messenger Muhammad

is Ahmad i.e., 'one praised most' in Arabic.' Carlo Nalino

said, 'O brother, you memorize too much!' Then we

parted after I had become more certain of the meaning of

the Qur'anic verse in which God quotes Jesus as saying,


Page 34: Replying to the Allegation

'...and to give (you) the glad tiding of an apostle who shall

come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.' (The

Qur'an- 61:6).'. " 42

In an authentic Saying, Jubair Ibn Mut'am said,

"Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, 'I have five names: I am

Muhammad, and I am Ahmad, and I am Al-Mahi

(Eradicator) by whom God eradicates disbelief, and I am

Al-Hashir (Gatherer) at whose feet people shall be

gathered (on the Day of Resurrection) and I am Al-'Aqib

(the last Prophet to come after another one).' "43

Still, Muhammad had other names; Ibn Hajar said,

"It is said that the wisdom of restricting them only to

these five names cited in this Saying is that these five are

known more than the other ones; they are found in

ancient books and previous nations were familiar with

them." 44

Learned Scholar Al-Qarafi cited tens of related

prophecies about Muhammad (PBUH) such as: "Behold

my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul

delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring

forth justice to the nations.. He will not cry aloud or lift

up his voice, or make it heard in the street; 3 a bruised

reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will

not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. 4 He will

not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established

justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his law.

Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and


Page 35: Replying to the Allegation

stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what

comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and

spirit to those who walk in it: 6 "I am the LORD; I have

called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand

and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people,

a light for the nations, 7 to open the eyes that are blind,

to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the

prison those who sit in darkness... What I have given to

him I will not give to anyone else: Ahmad, because he

praises God and this praise comes from the best part of

the earth, and this will bring joy to mankind and they will

recite the word of divine unity on every hill and glorify

God in every high place.' " (Isaiah: 42)45

"Prophecy 32: Isaiah (PBUH) said in his prophecy:

'…you, the seed of Abraham my friend. (9.) I have

strengthened you from the ends of the earth, and from

her chief men I have called you, and I said {&waw&} to

you, You are my servant; I have chosen you, and have not

rejected you. (10.) Do not be afraid; for I am with you: do

not be dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you;

yet, I will help you; yet, I will support you with the right

hand of my righteousness. (11.) [+Behold,+] they shall be

ashamed and humiliated all who are incensed against you

and they shall perish [m+ they shall be as nothing] all the

men striving with you. (PP) (12.) You shall seek them, and

shall not find them,} the men of your strife: those who

war against you shall be as nothing, and finished. (13.)

Because I YHWH your God will hold your right hand,


Page 36: Replying to the Allegation

saying to you, Fear not; I will help you. (14.) Do not be

afraid O worm Jacoband friends of Israel; I will help you,

says YHWH, and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

(15.) Behold, I will put you as a new sharp threshing tool

owning teeth: you shall thresh the mountains, and crush

them, and shall make the hills like chaff. (16.) You shall

winnow them, and the wind shall carry them away, and

the whirlwind shall scatter them and you shall rejoice in

YHWH, in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory.' "

In his 33rd Prophecy, Isaiah also declared

Muhammad's name explicitly saying: "I have made your

name Muhammad O Muhammad, O beloved of the Lord,

your name will abide forever.”

His 37th prophecy reads: "We heard, from the

extremes of earth, the voice Of Muhammad."

Habakkuk 3:3 reads: "God (His Guidance) came from

Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His

glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his


In his prophecy, Danial (PBUH) said, addressing

Muhammad (PBUH), ''With your bows you will defeat

your enemies and the arrows will pour like rain by your

command, oh, Muhammad!"46 This statement made

Negus adopt Islam; he said, "I testify that he is the

Messenger of Allah, for he is the one we find in the Bible,


Page 37: Replying to the Allegation

and he is the Messenger whose coming Jesus, the Son of

Mary, prophesied."47


Page 38: Replying to the Allegation

The Characteristics of Allah's Messenger


in the Torah

Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymeyah said, "The news about

the knowledge the People of the Scripture have about the

characteristics of Muhammad (PBUH) is found in their

early books according to their connected chains of

narrations." 48

Imam Adh-Dhahabi reported that Ibn Abbas (Son of

Abbas), may Allah be pleased with them both, asked Ka'b

Al-Ahbar (literally, the cornerstone of Rabbis): "How do

you find the characteristics of Allah's Messenger (PBUH)

in the Torah?" He said, "We find him (known as)

Muhammad, Son of Abdullah, who shall be born in Mecca

and immigrate to Teebah. His Dominion shall be in the

Levant. He is not known for indecency and he does not

make a noise at markets. He does not do evil in response

to evil, but he rather forgives and pardons." 49

Here is another related Saying reported by Al-

Bukhari who quoted 'Ata' Ibn Yasar as saying, "I met

'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn Al-'As and I said, 'Tell me about

the description of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless

him and grant him peace, in the Torah.' 'Yes,' he said, 'By

Allah, he is described in the Torah partly as he is

described in the Qur'an: "O Prophet, We have sent you as


Page 39: Replying to the Allegation

a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner and a

protection to the unlettered. You are My slave and

Messenger. I have called you the trusty one who is

neither coarse nor harsh nor loud in the markets. Allah

Almighty will not take him until He has made the crooked

community straight by him so that they say, "There is no

god but Allah," and by it they will open blind eyes, deaf

ears and covered hearts.'" 50

Imam Ahmad reported a sound Saying by Ibn Mas'ud

who said, "Allah sent His Prophet (PBUH) to lead a man

to enter Paradise. So he entered the synagogue and he

found Jews there and a Jew reading the Torah to them.

When they came to the part mentioning the description of

the Prophet (PBUH), they stopped reading. And a sick

man was there somewhere. The Prophet said, 'Why did

you stop?' The sick man said, 'They came to the part

mentioning the description of the Prophet.' Then the sick

man came crawling until he took the Torah and read it

until he came to the part mentioning the description of

the Prophet (PBUH) and his Nation. He said, 'This is your

description and that of your Nation. I testify that there is

no god but Allah and that you are Allah's Messenger.'

Then he died. The Prophet (PBUH) said to his

Companions, 'Take care of your brother (i.e., wash his

corpse, pray for him and bury him)!' "51

Al-Hafiz Ath-Thahabi also reported Waraqah Ibn

Nawfal's words about Muhammad's being sent as a

Prophet; he quoted Ibn Ishaq as saying, "Khadijah had


Page 40: Replying to the Allegation

already told her Uncle Waraqah Ibn Nawfal, who had

read the Scriptures and embraced Christianity, of

Maysarah's words and the shade provided by the two

angels for Muhammad. He (Waraqah) said, 'If that was

true, O Khadijah, Muhammad would be indeed the

Prophet of this Nation.' He had already known that a

Prophet was expected to be sent to this Nation at a

certain time.. Waraqah had kept waiting impatiently for

that Prophet saying, 'Until when (shall I wait)?' Then he

recited a poem."52

Also among those who had knowledge of the coming

of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his character was

Abdullah Ibn Salam. Al-Wahedi commented on Allah's

words in this verse: "Those to whom we gave the

Scripture, they recognize it as they recognize their sons"

(The Qur'an- 2:146), saying, "It was revealed to talk about

the believing People of the Scripture; namely Abdullah

Ibn Salam and his companions who knew Allah's

Messenger's traits, description and Mission from their

Books, just like anyone of them knew his own son on

seeing him with other boys."

Abdullah Ibn Salam said, "I knew Allah's Messenger

(PBUH) even more than I knew my own son." Omar Ibn

Al-Khattab asked, "How, Ibn Salam?" He said, "Because I

testify that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger for sure, but

I cannot testify that I am equally sure that my son is

really my son; I do not know what women (i.e. his wife)


Page 41: Replying to the Allegation

might have done!" Omar said, "God grant you success,

Ibn Salam!"53

Abdullah Ibn Salam was an expert in the Torah; he

exposed those who concealed the ruling of stoning. 54

Al-Hafez Ibn Hajar reported that Al-Baghawi, Ibn

Sa'd, Ibn Shaheen and Ibn As-Sakan quoted Khalifah Ibn

Abdah Al-Manqari as saying, "I asked Muhammad Ibn

Adeyy Ibn Rabi'ah, 'How did your father call you

Muhammad before Islam?' He said, 'I asked my father the

same question and he said, 'I was one of four men from

Bani Tameem who were on a travel; they were I, Sufyan

Ibn Mujashe', Yazeed Ibn 'Amr Ibn Rabee'ah and Usamah

Ibn Malik Ibn Habeeb Ibn Al-'Anbar. We wanted to meet

Ibn Jafnah Al-Ghassani in the Levant. We reached some

water near a monastery and its monk came to us and said

to us, 'A Prophet shall soon be sent among you, so hasten

to join him.' We said, 'What is his name?' He said,

'Muhammad.' Later on, after we had left, each of us begot

a baby boy.' " That was why he called his son Muhammad. 55

How did Waraqah Ibn Nawfal, Abdullah Ibn Salam

and Adeyy Ibn Rabee'ah know that information? They

knew them through people of Divine Books.

Barnabas said, "A Messiah shall come; one sent by

God to the whole world… at that time, prostration shall

be made to God all over the world and Mercy shall be

attained." 56


Page 42: Replying to the Allegation

Mentioning the Merciful Prophet

in David's Psalms and Psalter

Al-Qarafi said, "David (PBUH) said in his Psalms:

"May he rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of

the earth. (9) May his foes kneel before him, his enemies

lick the dust. (10) May the kings of Tarshish and the

islands bring tribute, the kings of Arabia and Seba offer

gifts. (11) May all kings bow before him, all nations serve


Page 43: Replying to the Allegation

him. (12) For he rescues the poor when they cry out, the

oppressed who have no one to help. (13) He shows pity to

the needy and the poor and saves the lives of the poor.

(14) From extortion and violence he frees them, for

precious is their blood in his sight. (15) Long may he live,

receiving gold from Arabia, prayed for without cease,

blessed day by day. . "57

Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymeyah also cited this

quotation from David's Psalms: "And Muhammad has

spread happiness all over…"58.

He also said, "I have seen copies of the Psalms

explicitly naming Muhammad a Prophet."59

Based on these explicit texts and authentic proofs,

accusing Muhammad (PBUH) of telling lies is but a denial

of what Jesus and Moses mentioned in the Torah and

Bible. Had not Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of mercy,

been truthful, Jesus and Moses, peace be upon both,

would have been liars, for belying Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) means belying Moses and Jesus and disbelieving

in their prophecies cited in the Torah and the Bible.

Second: The Miraculousness of the Qur'an:

Had the Qur'an been fabricated by the Prophet

(PBUH), Arabs would not have failed to find even one

single defect in it, given they were eloquent rhetoricians.

Indeed, Muhammad (PBUH) challenged them telling them

to produce the like of it, or even the like of one of its


Page 44: Replying to the Allegation

Chapters, but they failed despite their keenness to reject

it and belie it.

Had the Qur'an been the words of Muhammad

(PBUH), he would have been able to read and write

before the advent of Islam, and would have been even

versed in all the issues related to the Qur'an, e.g. belief,

rulings, morals and dealings. He would have also been

familiar with the stories of earlier nations with such

faultless precision recognized by his foes. Allah Almighty

says, " And thou wast not (able) to recite a Book before

this (Book came), nor art thou (able) to transcribe it with

thy right hand: In that case, indeed, would the talkers of

vanities have doubted." (The Qur'an-29:48)

Third: Foretelling Future Events and Discoveries:

The merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recited

the Wise Qur'an foretelling future events that were yet to

take place, and indeed they did later take place just as he

had mentioned! These include allegations and rumors

which Allah refers to in this verse:

"Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions

and in your personal selves; and ye shall certainly hear

much that will grieve you, from those who received the

Book before you and from those who worship many gods.

But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,-then


Page 45: Replying to the Allegation

that will be a determining factor in all affairs" (The

Qur'an- 3:186).

Indeed, Muslims have been tried by such allegations

which do them much harm, just like Allah Almighty

mentions in this verse! So had not the Qur'an been

Divine, this statement would not have turned out to be

true, because this was something unseen and none but

Allah could have knowledge of it at the time of the

Prophet (PBUH).

In this connection, French Physician Maurice

Bucaille contributed to the reply to such allegations

through scientific discoveries in the fields of medicine

and astronomy. Bucaille said, "the information that is

useful for the people of knowledge has been made clear

for all generations, for the Holy Qur'an comprises data

concerning some natural phenomena that could only be

perceived at modern times, thanks to the scientific

advancement of the time. I cited many examples of them

in my 'The Qur'an, the Bible and Science'. But I will only

mention the various contemplations on human

reproduction and some physiological data which I

presented in 1976 A.D. at the Academy of Medicine in

Paris, which frankly confirmed that such information

perfectly conform with modern discoveries. It is clear that

such information was unknown at the Prophet's time. The

very existence of such information in a text dating

backing to the 7th Century A.D. is something beyond


Page 46: Replying to the Allegation

human interpretation. The history of science proves


Fourth: The Qur'anic Verses Are not Contradictory:

The verses of the Qur'an are harmonious and

proportionate on both the lexical and semantic levels;

they are faultless having no defects. Hence, those who

allege that its verses are contradictory cannot really

support their defective and unfound argument. In the

past, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal replied to this allegation in

his "A reply to Atheists and the Jahmites" الزنادقة على الرد

. والجهمية At modern times, late Reverend Sheikh

Muhammad Al-Ameen Ash-Shanqity, may he rest in

peace, wrote a book entitled, "Refuting the Fallacy of

Incongruity in Qur'anic Verses"" آيات عن االضطراب إيهام دفع

. "الكتاب

Suffice it to mention these words of Allah Almighty

negating the existence of contradictions and incongruity

in the Qur'an:

"Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been

from other Than Allah, they would surely have found

therein Much discrepancy." (The Qur'an- 4:82)

Do not the eloquence of the Arabic words of the

Qur'an, the clarity of its meanings and the power inherent


Page 47: Replying to the Allegation

in its structures suffice as a proof confounding such


Fifth: The great Qur'anic rulings that elevated Muslims

when they stuck firmly to it cannot be man-made, for they

are pregnant with benefits, means of happiness, systems

and precision, which are all prerequisites for a stable life.

Sixth: The Preservation of the Qur'an:

Had the Noble Qur'an been made up of human

words, it would not have existed up till now, preserved

both in lines and hearts, and it would have been

vulnerable to changes and alterations.

Seventh: Allah Blamed His Merciful Prophet in

Some Verses:

These include the following:

"He frowned and turned away; Because there came

to him the blind man (interrupting). And what would

make you know that he would purify himself ..." (The

Qur'an- 80:1-3).


Page 48: Replying to the Allegation

"O you prophet, why do you prohibit what GOD has

made lawful for you, just to please your wives? GOD is

Forgiver, Merciful." (The Qur'an- 66:1)

"GOD has pardoned you: why did you give them

permission (to stay behind), before you could distinguish

those who are truthful from the liars?" (The Qur'an- 9:43)

"No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he

participates in the fighting. You people are seeking the

materials of this world, while GOD advocates the

Hereafter. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise." (The Qur'an-


Had the Qur'an been invented by Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH), he would have made no mention of

such blame words directed to him in particular.

Eighth: Had the merciful Prophet (PBUH) pretended to

have received the Revelation, he would have made use of

that at the time of the Slander Affair, for he was then in a

dire need of clearing his chaste Wife Aishah, mal Allah be

pleased with her! Muhammad (PBUH) had to wait a

whole month until he received verses from Allah clearing

Mother of the Believers Aishah, may Allah be pleased

with her. So if Muhammad (PBUH) had faked the Qur'an,

he would not have waited for long at those hard times

that inflicted much suffering upon the Prophet's



Page 49: Replying to the Allegation

Ninth: Replies by Western Men and Women

Scholars to Such Rumors:

1. Italian Orientalist L. Vaccia Vaglieri said:

"The strongest enemies of Islam tried hard to arouse

allegations about God's Prophet, forgetting that

Muhammad, before the advent of his Message, was

so much respected by his people, thanks to his

honesty and purity. It really beats me how these

people did not take pains to realize that Muhammad

(PBUH) would not have dared threaten liars and

hypocrites by citing some Qur'anic verses stating

they were doomed to eternal suffering in the blazing

Hell-fire, had he been a liar himself, God forbid!

How could he have dared propagate Islam with his

own people hurling abuse at him, had not he had

some internal power constantly motivating him to

carry on, given his pure nature?! How could he start

a conflict that seemed to be fruitless at its

beginning?! How would he have managed to carry

on with this conflict for over ten years in Mecca,

with little success and untold sorrows, had not he

had sincere and profound Faith in the truthfulness of

his Message?! How could that large number of

notable and intelligent Muslims have believed in him

and supported him after converting to his new Faith,

had not they sensed the warmth of truth in his

words?!" Verily, such testimonies are enough, for

even Westerners almost have a consensus on the


Page 50: Replying to the Allegation

fact that Muhammad's truthfulness was deep-rooted

and beyond all doubts.61

2. Egyptian Christian Historian, Dr. N. Luka, said,

"What allegations are left to be aroused?

Muhammad's Faith stood the test of time amid long

trials before attaining victory; a victory that once

seemed to be unexpected, or was not even semi-

expected, for a man inviting people to take Allah's

Path in the very Capital City of idols and

abominations... His integrity rose above all personal

interests and he was too superior to indulge in life

luxuries. He was tolerant having no vanity or taking

pride in the powers granted to him. He abrogated

his tribe's superiority over other people, as had been

the case during the days of Pre-Islamic era, so much

that he let slaves, Abyssinians and Quraish's

chieftains be treated all on the equal footing. He and

those dear to him were not granted special

privileges, though his own people had enjoyed

unsurpassed superiority before Islam. He

disregarded such considerations, making no room

for any claim damaging that high status of glory or

casting doubts on his self-evident truthfulness! It is

no use trying to tarnish the reputation of that

Prophet. One can but admit the truth; Muhammad

never uttered a word out of his own caprice and

never went astray or got deluded. Verily, none would


Page 51: Replying to the Allegation

have deserved to be truthful, had not that

Messenger been truthful and honest…"62

3. English Writer Thomas Carlyle said, "How he was

placed with Kadijah, a rich Widow, as her Steward,

and travelled in her business, again to the Fairs of

Syria; how he managed all, as one can well

understand, with fidelity, adroitness; how her

gratitude, her regard for him grew: the story of

their marriage is altogether a graceful intelligible

one, as told us by the Arab authors. He was twenty-

five; she forty, though still beautiful. He seems to

have lived in a most affectionate, peaceable,

wholesome way with this wedded benefactress;

loving her truly, and her alone. It goes greatly

against the impostor theory, the fact that he lived in

this entirely unexceptionable, entirely quiet and

commonplace way, till the heat of his years was

done. He was forty before he talked of any mission

from Heaven. All his irregularities, real and

supposed, date from after his fiftieth year, when the

good Kadijah died. All his "ambition," seemingly,

had been, hitherto, to live an honest life; his "fame,"

the mere good opinion of neighbors that knew him,

had been sufficient hitherto. Not till he was already

getting old, the prurient heat of his life all burnt out,

and _peace_ growing to be the chief thing this world

could give him, did he start on the "career of

ambition;" and, belying all his past character and


Page 52: Replying to the Allegation

existence, set up as a wretched empty charlatan to

acquire what he could now no longer enjoy! For my

share, I have no faith whatever in that."63

4. Carlyle also said, " Why, a false man cannot build a

brick house! If he do not know and follow truly the

properties of mortar, burnt clay and what else be

works in, it is no house that he makes, but a rubbish-

heap. It will not stand for twelve centuries, to lodge

a hundred and eighty millions; it will fall

straightway... This Mahomet, then, we will in no

wise consider as an Inanity and Theatricality, a poor

conscious ambitious schemer; we cannot conceive

him so. The rude message he delivered was a real

one withal; an earnest confused voice from the

unknown Deep. The man's words were not false, nor

his workings here below; no Inanity and

Simulacrum; a fiery mass of Life cast up from the

great bosom of Nature herself. To kindle the world;

the world's Maker had ordered it so. Neither can

the faults, imperfections, insincerities even, of

Mahomet, if such were never so well proved against

him, shake this primary fact about him."64

5. French Comte Henri de Castri said:

"If we refer to what wise people stated about

Prophethood, which was rejected by Christians, we

can consider the case of the builder of the pillars of

Islam, being certain that he was not a fabricator.. It


Page 53: Replying to the Allegation

is hard to know whether he truly heard the voice of

Gabriel, but even knowing this makes no difference

because truthfulness is ensured anyway."65

6. In his "An Introduction to Islam", published in 1988

at Columbia University, Ruhr University Islamic

Studies Professor Gerhardt Indris said, in the

Chapter of "Islam, Religion and Law", criticizing

Islamic studies extremist academics, like Michael

Cook, Patricia Crone and John Wansbrough , and

others who cast doubts on the originality of the

Qur'an and the authenticity of its origins and

regarding it as a legislative source for Muslims:

"They did not present any convincing evidence

supporting their hypotheses and claims".66

7. French Physician Maurice Bucaille said, "How could

a man, from being illiterate… pronounce truths of a

scientific nature that no other human being could

possibly have developed at the time, and all this

without once making the slightest error in his

pronouncements on the subject?"67

8. French Orientalist Régis Blachère said, "The real

and only miracle of Prophet Muhammad is conveying

a Message of unmatched literary marvelousness...

When the polytheist Meccans said he was a poet, or

when they argued that the source of Revelation is

some well-known Jenni, God cleared him saying,

'What we taught him (the messenger) was not


Page 54: Replying to the Allegation

poetry, nor is he (a poet). This is but a formidable

proof, and a profound Quran. To preach to those

who are alive, and to expose the disbelievers.' Thus,

this Revelation whose beauty has reached

miraculous extents, confidently invites people to


9. In his "The History of the World ", Russian

Orientalist Platonov said, "All that we can confirm is

that Muhammad was not a liar or diseased."69

10. Dutch Orientalist Dosi said, "Supposing that

priests' claiming that Muhammad was a hypocrite

and lying Prophet, how then did he triumph? How

could his followers' conquests follow one another?

Why did not their victory over other peoples have a

limit? How could not this prove the Messenger's


11. In his recent writings, French Orientalist Ernest

Renan also attacked Voltaire's stand against the

Messenger saying, "My scientific and historical

experiment proved that dubBing Muhammad a liar

and a fabricator is a mistake whose origins are some

national habits of some biased people, like Voltaire,

who wanted to find a cure for their foul mentalities

and heinous fanaticism by saying, 'He was inclined

towards being authoritative and in control, though

Muhammad, according to historical facts and the

testimonies of great historians, was the exact

opposite of that; he was not arrogant at all and was


Page 55: Replying to the Allegation

rather modest, truthful and honest, bearing no

grudge to anyone. His traits were noble, his heart

was pure and his feelings were tender."70

Tenth: These replies, made by people whose faiths and

nationalities are the same faiths and nationalities of those

attacking Islam, are also followed by testimonies of

Western scholars attesting to the truthfulness of the

Prophethood of the merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

I will only pick some of these various testimonies which

are as follows:

1. Former Arabic Studies Department Dean at

Edinburgh University, Montgomery Watt, said,

"There are no sufficient grounds, then, for regarding

Muhammad as an impostor. On the contrary, the

case for his sincerity is strong. A high degree of

certainty is attainable here, since the discussion,

unlike that of the other two moral criticisms, is at a

factual level and does not involve any dispute about

moral standards. In other words, if it could be shown

that Muhammad, in full knowledge that the contents

of the Qur'an were the product of his own mind,

gave out that they were revelations to him from God,

that would be imposture and would be generally

recognized as a serious moral defect."71

2. Lebanese Christian Historian, George Hanna, said,

"Muhammad came out of his short meetings with


Page 56: Replying to the Allegation

Gabriel with verses of wisdom to invite his people to

abstain from their delusion and believe in the One

and Omnipotent God, accursing the idols worshipped

by his people. It was then natural to find Arab

notables bearing grudge to him and harboring evil

feelings for him, for his Call jeopardized their


3. Austrian Thinker Leopold Weiss (now Muhammad

Asad) said, "Sunna is the exemplary model designed

by Messenger Muhammad through his actions and

words. His amazing life was a vivid representation

and interpretation of what came in the Holy Qur'an.

We cannot do justice to the Qur'an doing anything

rather than following the one who conveyed the


4. Yale University Professor, F. R. Nadal, said, "The

thoughts of Messenger Muhammad which he

received as a Revelation, or those which his

independent reasoning led him to, have promoted

the study of history most. Individual acts, past

events and the deeds of all the Earth's peoples have

all gained religious importance. Moreover, the

character of Messenger Muhammad was a clear

dividing line throughout the course of history. The

science of Islamic history never crossed that line.."74

5. English Scholar Lightener said, "As far as I know

about Jewish and Christian faiths, I would say that

Muhammad's teachings were not copied from other


Page 57: Replying to the Allegation

sources, rather they were revealed to him and there

is no doubt about that, so long as we believe in the

Revelations that came to us from the Almighty, the

All-Knowing. With all respect and humbleness, I

would say that sacrificing personal interests, the

sincerity of goals, the strong unshakeable belief, the

true far-sighted vision of the details and hidden

secrets of sin and delusion and utilizing the best

media to obliterate them are all clear signs speaking

well for Muhammad's Prophethood and the fact that

he received Revelations."

6. Lightener also said, "I would frankly express my

hope that the day will come when Christians respect

Jesus much (PBUH) by respecting Muhammad.

Certainly, a Christian who recognizes the Message

of Muhammad and the Truth he came with is a true


7. English Historian and Critic, Rom Landau, said,

"Muhammad never assumed divinity or miraculous

powers. On the contrary, he was keen to state that

he was just a Messenger chosen by God to convey

the Revelation to people."76

8. French Orientalist and Historian, Emile

Dermenghem, said, "Maria the Copt begot

Muhammad a son called Ibraheem who died in

childhood. Muhammad grieved much over his son's

death, buried him himself and cried over losing him.

Ibraheem's death coincided with a solar eclipse


Page 58: Replying to the Allegation

which Muslims believed to be a sign related to his

death. But Muhammad was superior enough to

respond to that saying, 'The Sun and the Moon are

two Signs of Allah and they do not eclipse because of

anybody's death…' Such a statement could never be

made by a liar or a soothsayer.." 77

9. English Doctor M. G. Dorani said, "That belief and

that endeavour, insistence and determination, with

which Muhammad led his Movement to ultimate

victory,are but an articulate proof of the absolute

truthfulness of his Call. Had he had the slightest

amount of doubt or confusion, he would have never

survived the storm that remained strong over 20

years. Is there any other proof needed to prove the

utmost authenticity of his goal, his moral

uprightness and his sublime character. All these

factors can but lead to one inevitable conclusion:

This man is truly the Prophet of God." This is our

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who attained

phenomenal perfection in terms of unique qualities.

He was the perfect role model of virtue and

goodness, and a symbol of truthfulness and sincerity.

Indeed, his life, thoughts, truthfulness, uprightness,

piety, generosity, belief and achievements are all

proofs of his Prophethood.

So anyone who studies Muhammad's biography

and Message without bias can but testify that he is


Page 59: Replying to the Allegation

truly a prophet sent by Allah, and that the Qur'an

which he conveyed to people is truly His Book. All

fair and serious thinkers investigating the truth must

reach that conclusion.

10. French Comte Henri de Castri said, "What we are

looking forward to investigating most, on looking at

Islamic Faith, is the part dealing with the personality

of Prophet Muhammad. That is why I meant to

investigate his personality first to reach a decision

about his reality so I may, through this research, find

new evidence of his truthfulness and sincerity which

is agreed upon almost by all theological historians

and the fervent supporters of Christianity."78

Eleventh: As for the allegation by Dr. Shorrosh, it is a

desperate attempt on his part to block the source of Light

for humanity; that authentic and solid source that is

never shaken by ordeals or changed by intrigues. Such an

allegation was refuted and condemned by Islamic Fiqh

Academy in its 18th Extraordinary Session in Mecca on

10/3/1427 A.H. In his "Achieving Qur'anic Victory" االنتصار

Dr. Salah Al-Khaledi made a comprehensive reply ,للقرآن

to that book of allegations. He even mentioned some of

the newspapers and magazines that replied to that

hideous crime.

Such an allegation is rejected by all those who have

commonsense or faith; those who studied the Qur'an and


Page 60: Replying to the Allegation

realized its greatness and importance. Some of those

believed in it and embraced Islam, while some others

admired it and admitted it.

This serious crime is one of the most serious ones in

human history, for it represents an assault on the words

of Allah Almighty and blows up the efforts exerted to

promote inter-faith dialogue. The Vatican, for example,

has called for respecting faiths in general and the Qur'an

in particular according to the resolutions of the Second

Vatican Council in 1965 recognizing the Qur'an as an

authentic religious source and the main religious source

of Islam. The Vatican also recognized the fact that

Muhammad took the path of Prophets, highlighting the

major issues agreed upon by Muslims and Christians. In

2002, the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy,

Washington Catholic University, issued a book titled,

"Christian-Islamic Dialogue: Modern Western Christian

Theological Understandings of Muslims Since the Second

Vatican Council (1926-1964)" by Mahmut Aydin79 and it


"The teaching of the Second Vatican Council on non-

Christian religions has been regarded as an important

beginning and an epoch-making breakthrough in the

Catholic Church’s relationship with non-Christians and

their religious traditions. For the first time in the history

of the Catholic Church, the magisterium (the teaching

office of the Catholic Church) has spoken about non-

Christian religions as entities which the Church should


Page 61: Replying to the Allegation

respect and with which Christians should enter into


This crime also cancels the constants shared by

religions; all the previous statements properly reply to it.

Finally, it is really strange that people who have

reached the peak of material civilization are imitating

Arab polytheists, going back to that ancient Pre-Islamic


Allah Almighty says:

"Had he uttered any other teachings, We would have

punished him. We would have stopped the revelations to

him. None of you could have helped him. This is a

reminder for the righteous. We know; some of you are

rejectors. It is but sorrow for the disbelievers. It is the

absolute truth. Therefore, you shall glorify the name of

your Lord, Most Great." (The Qur'an- 69: 44-52)


Page 62: Replying to the Allegation


- "Heroes" by Thomas Carlyle, translated by

Muhammad As-Seba'i, "From the East and the West"

Series, 11th edition, National House, Cairo.

- "Fine Answers to Vicious Questions" عن الفاخرة األجوبة

الفاجرة by األسئلة Imam Shihab Ad-Din Ahmad Ibn

Edrees Al-Qarafi, reviewed by Dr. Nagui Muhammad

Dawoud; Ph.D. from Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca

(1405 A.H.).

- "Orientalism Between Objectivity and Fabrication"

by Dr. Qasem As-Samerra'i, Ar-Refa'i Printing and

Publication House, Riyadh, 1st edition (1403 A.H.)

- "L' Islam, Impressions et Études" by Henri de Castri,

translated by Ahmad Fathi Zaghloul Pasha, Ash-

Sha'b Printing House, Cairo (1911 A.D..)

- "Islam at Crossroads" by Leopold Weiss (now

Muhammad Asad), translated by Dr. Omar Farroukh,

Dar Al-Elm Lil-Malayeen, Beirut, 6th edition (1965


- "Islam in Contemporary Western Curricula" by Dr.

Muhammad Waqi'ullah Ahmad, Prince Nayef Bin

Abdul-Aziz International Prize Edition, 1st issue

(1427 A.H.)

- "Islam in the Face of International Orientalism" by

Abdul-Azeem Al-Mat'ani, Al-Wafa' Printing House


Page 63: Replying to the Allegation

and Publishers, Al-Mansoura, Egypt, 1st edition

(1407 A.H.)

- "Islam and Arabs" by Rom Landau, translated by

Munir Baalbaki, Dar Al-Elm Lil-Malayeen, Beirut,

2nd edition (1977 A.D..)

- "Achieving Qur'anic Victory" by Dr. Salah Al-Khaledi,

Al-Forsan Publishers, Amman, Jordan.

- "Concern with the Prophet's Biography", English

version, by Professor Muhammad Mohr Ali.

- "Concern with the Prophet's Biography", French

version, by Dr. Hasan Edrees Azzouzi. These

research papers were submitted to the KSA Seminar

on Caring about the Prophet's Sunna, held at King

Fahd Qur'an Printing Complex (15-17/3/1425 A.H.)

- "The Beginning and the End" by Ibn Katheer, Dar Al-

Ma'aref Publishing House, Beirut, 3rd edition (1978


- "Muhammad's Message" by Sulaiman An-Nadwi,

translated by Muhammad An-Nadwi, Salafi Printing

House, Cairo (1372 A.H.)

- "The Prophet in Orientalists' Writings" by Natheer

Hemdan, Al-Manarah House, Jeddah, 2nd edition

(1406 A.H.)

- "The Prophet's Biography" by Ibn Hisham, Al-Halabi

edition, reviewed by Mustafa As-saqqa, Ibraheem Al-

Ebiari and Abdul-Hafeez Al-Eshbili, Dar Al-Fikr,



Page 64: Replying to the Allegation

- "The Prophet's Biography" by Ath-Thahabi, reviewed

by Hosam Ad-Deen Al-Qudsi, Sceintific Books House,

Beirut, 1st edition (1401 A.H.)

- "The Bible, the Qur'an and Science: The Holy

Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern

Knowledge" by Maurice Bucaille, Dar Al-Ma'aref,

cairo (1978 A.D..)

- "The Holy Qur'an and Modern Science", translated

by Foudi Sorbea Camara, Dar Al-Ma'ather, Medina,

1st edition (1420 A.H.)

- "The Qur'an and Orientalists", the Supreme Council

for Islamic Affairs, Cairo (1393 A.H.)

- "Orientalists and the Translation of the Holy Qur'an"

by Dr. Saleh Al-Bendaq, Dar Al-Afaq Al-Jadeedah,

Beirut, 2nd edition (1403 A.H.)

- "The Comprehensive Book of the Deceased" الوافي

الوفيات by As-Safdiفي

- "Orientalists' Views on the Qur'an and the Exegesis"

by Dr. Omar Ibraheem Radwan; Ph.D. from Imam

Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh

(1410 A.H.), a computerized version.

- "The Qur'an's Miraculousness" by Al-Baqlani.

- "The Qur'an's Miraculousness and the Prophet's

Eloquence" by Ar-Rafe'I, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi,

Beirut, 9th edition (1393 A.H./1973 A.D..)

- "Histoire de la Littérature Arab" by Régis Blachère,

translated by Dr. Ibraheem Al-Kilani, Ministry of

Culture, Damascus (1974 A.D..)


Page 65: Replying to the Allegation

- "Muslim Scholars' Efforts in Studying Orientalist

Writings on the Holy Qur'an" by Professor Ali

Ibraheem An-Namlah, King Fahd Qur'an Printing

Complex, Medina.

- "The Life of Mahomet" by Emile Dermenghem,

translated by Adel Ze'eitar, dar Ahya' Al-Kotub Al-

Arabeyyah, Cairo, 2nd edition (1949 A.D..)

- "Spanish Studies on the Prophet's Biograohy" by Dr.

Abdul-Qadir Baradah, King Fahd Qur'an Printing

Complex, Medina

- "Defending Islam" by L. Vaccia Vaglieri, translated

by Munir Baalbaki, Dar Al-Elm Lil-Malayeen, Beirut,

3rd edition (1976 A.D..)

- "The Religion of Islam" by Leitner, translated by

Abdul-Wahab Saleem At-Tenneer, Salafi Library,

Damascus, 2nd edition (1342 A.H.)

- "The Biographies of Noble Figures" by Imam Ath-

Thahabi, Ar-Resalah Establishment, Beirut, 4th

edition (1406 A.H.)

- "The Explanation of Al-Mutanabbi's Anthology" by

Abdur-Rahman Al-Barqouqui.

- "Sahih Muslim" by Imam Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj Al-

Qushairi An-Nisaburi, reviewed by Dr. Muhammad

Fu'ad Abdul-Baqui, Dar Ehya' At-Turath Al-Arabi,

Beirut, Lebanon.

- "Muslims' Science of History" by F. R. Nadal,

translated by Dr. Saleh Ahmad Al-Ali, reviewed by

Muhammad Tawfeeq Husain, Al-Muthanna Bookshop


Page 66: Replying to the Allegation

(in association with Franklin Institute), Baghdad,

(1963 A.D..)

- "The Creator's Inspiration in Explaining Sahih Al-

Bukhari " البخاري صحيح شرح في الباري by Ibn Hajar "فتح

Al-Asqalani, Dar Al-Fikr edition, a photocopy of the

Egyptian Salafi edition.

- "Human History" by George Hanna, 5th edition, Dar

Al-Elm Lil-Malayeen, Beirut (1973 A.D..)

- "Muhammad in Mecca" by Montgomery Watt,

translated into Arabic by Sha'ban Barakat, Al-

Maktabah Al-'Asreyyah, Sidon, Beirut.

- "Muhammad, the Message and the Messenger" by

Nazmi Luqa, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Kotub al-

Hadeethah, Cairo (1959 A.D..)

- "Muhammad in the Holy Bible" by Professor Abdul-

Ahad Dawoud, translated by Fahmi Shamma, issued

by the Presidency of Courts and Religious Affairs,

Qatar, 1st edition (1405 A.H.)

- Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal's "Book of Sayings of

Connected Chains of Narrators" ,Musnad المسند

reviewed by Shu'aib Al-Arna'out and a group of

scholars, supervised by Professor Abdullah Bin

Abdul-Mohsen At-Turki, Ar-Resala Establishment,

Beirut, 1st edition (1421 A.H.)

- "Orientalists' Stands Regarding the Noble Qur'an"

by Professor 'Adnan Muhammad Al-Wazzan, King

Fahd Qur'an Printing Complex, Medina.


Page 67: Replying to the Allegation


Page 68: Replying to the Allegation

End Notes

1. "Spanish Studies on the Prophet's Biography"-

النبوية للسيرة أسبانية دراسات

2. Poetry by Al-Mutanabbi, from "Explanation of Al-

Mutanabbi's Anthology" by Abdur-Rahman Al-

Barqouqui البرقوقي الرحمن لعبد المتنبي ديوان 2/215شرح .

3. Poetry by Al-Akhtal, from his Anthology األخطل ديوان


4. "The Miraculousness of the Qur'an and the Prophet's

Eloquence" النبوية والبالغة القرآن 175إعجاز .

5. "Orientalism Between Objectivity and Fabrication"

واالفتعالية الموضوعية بين 39-38االستشراق .

6. Ibid.,

7. Ibid.,

8. Ahmad Ibn Yahia Ibn Ishaq Ibn Ar-Rawendi Abu Al-

Husain, Marwir-Rawdh (Merv Ar-Rawdh). He lived in

Baghdad and was one of the Mu'tazilah advocates,

but he dissented from the sect and became an

atheist. It was reported by a group of narrators that

he repented on dying and showed regret, confessing

that all that he did was due to his anger and vanity

after being deserted by his companions and their

keeping him away from their sessions. See to "The

Comprehensive Book of the Deceased" في الوافي

3/100الوفيات .


Page 69: Replying to the Allegation

9. "The Qur'an's Miraculousness" القرآن by إعجاز Al-

Baqlani, and "Achieving Qur'anic Victory" االنتصار

.P. 28 للقرآن

10. "The Comprehensive Book of the Deceased" الوافي

الوفيات 3/100في .

11. Ishmael, the Jew, who was appointed Vizier by

King Badis Bin Heus of Granada after he had been

his Scribe.

12. "Orientalists and the Translation of the Qur'an"

القرآن وترجمة P.5 المستشرقون

13. "Orientalism Between Objectivity and Fabrication"

واالفتعالية الموضوعية بين .P78 االستشراق

14. "Muslim Scholars' Efforts in Studying Orientalist

Writings on the Noble Qur'an". في المسلمين علماء جهود

الكريم القرآن حول االستشراقية الكتابات .P 6-7دراسة

15. "Orientalists and the Translation of the Holy

Qur'an" الكريم القرآن وترجمة P.107-108المستشرقون

16. "Orientalism Between Objectivity and Fabrication"

واالفتعاليةص الموضوعية بين 62-61االستشراق .

17. "Orientalists and the Translation of the Holy

Qur'an" الكريم القرآن وترجمة P95 المستشرقون ، 96 ، 106.

18. Quoted from "Muhammad's Message" by Sulaiman

An-Nadwi الندوي سليمان للسيد المحمدية .P65-66 الرسالة

19. "Edward Sa'id, Islam, Orientalism and the West":

P. 54; quoted from "Islam in Contemporary Western

Curricula" المعاصرة الغربية المناهج في .P43 اإلسالم

20. "Orientalism Between Objectivity and Fabrication"

واالفتعالية الموضوعية بين .P55-56 االستشراق


Page 70: Replying to the Allegation

21. A senior British public servant who served in India

and had close relations with missionaries in India.

He was a judge of some debates in Agra, India, in

1853 A.D../1269 A.H. See "Concern with the

Prophet's Biography", English version, P. 24.

22. Ibid., P.28

23. Ibid., P. 34

24. "Orientalists' Views on the Qur'an and the

Exegesis", والتفسير القرآن حول المستشرقين ،82، 73، 1/64آراء


25. "Spanish Studies on the Prophet's Biography"-

النبوية للسيرة أسبانية .P46 دراسات

26. Printed as part of the Seminar on: "The Holy

Qur'an in Orientalist Studies" الدراسات في الكريم القرآن

ندوة at االستشراقية King Fahd Qur'an Printing


27. "Orientalists' Stands Regarding the Noble Qur'an"

الكريم القرآن من المستشرقين .موقف

28. "Concern with the Prophet's Biography", French

version, P. 41.

29. "Islam in Contemporary Western Curricula" اإلسالم

المعاصرة الغربية المناهج .P314- 319 في

30. Ibid., P. 223, 227.

31. "Spanish Studies on the Prophet's Biography"-

ص النبوية للسيرة أسبانية تجدداإلساءات 35-34دراسات وبحث

.. وآثارها أهدافها البابا وتصريحات P.5"Investigating المسيحية

the rebirth of Christian Insults and the Pope's

Statements: Goals and Effects" by Professor Ja'far


Page 71: Replying to the Allegation

Abdus-Salam; a research paper submitted to the 7th

Mecca Conference: "Defending the Nation's

Prophet" held by the Muslims World League

32. ( هـ5-7/12/1427)

33. "Islam in Contemporary Western Curricula" اإلسالم

المعاصرة الغربية المناهج 326-320في .

34. "Teaching Islamic Sciences at US Universities"

األمريكية بالجامعات اإلسالمية العلوم P.26 تدريس ، quote from

"Islam in Contemporary Western Curricula" اإلسالم

المعاصرة الغربية المناهج .P258 في

35. Reported by his Eminence late Sheikh Muhammad

Ali Al-Harakan, former Muslim World League

Secretary General, in 1400 A.H. in his speech

mentioned by Professor Abdul-Azeem Al-Mat'ani who

undertook to refute that serious book in his valuable

Book, "Islam in the Face of International

Orientalism" العالمي االستشراق مواجهة في .P12 اإلسالم

36. Ibid., P. 10.

37. Issued in 3 editions; issued in Texas in both Arabic

and English (See "Achieving Qur'anic Victory"

للقرآن .(P.10 by Dr. Salah Al-Khaledi االنتصار

38. "Sahih Al-Bukhari: The Book of Virtues, the

Chapter on 'The Seal of Prophethood' " - البخاري صحيح

- ح النبوة خاتم باب المناقب 3541كتاب .

39. "The Creator's Inspiration in Explaining Sahih Al-

Bukhari" البخاري صحيح شرح في الباري 6/561فتح .

40. "The Prophet's Biography", reviewed by Al-Abyari,

As-saqa and Ash-Shalbi النبوية 233-1/232السيرة .


Page 72: Replying to the Allegation

41. "Muhammad in the Holy Bible" الكتاب في محمد

P.51 المقدس , the author was a Catholic before

converting to Islam.

42. Ibid., P. 179, 181, 223.

43. "The Prophets' Stories" by An-Najjar األنبياء قصص


44. "Sahih Al-Bukhari: The Book of Virtues, the

Chapter on "The Names of Allah's Messenger

(PBUH)" - - أسماء في جاء ما باب المناقب كتاب البخاري صحيح

وسلم – عليه الله صلى الله 3532رسول .

45. "The Creator's Inspiration in Explaining Sahih Al-

Bukhari" البخاري صحيح شرح في الباري 6/588فتح .

46. "Fine Answers to Vicious Questions" الفاخرة األجوبة

الفاجرة األسئلة 2125عن , P741-743. This Prophecy is in

conformity with what Al-Bukhari reported quoting

'Ata' Ibn Yasar as saying, "I met 'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr

Ibn al-'As and I said, 'Tell me about the description

of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in the Torah.'

'Yes,' he said, 'By Allah, he is described in the Torah

partly as he is described in the Qur'an: "O Prophet,

We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good

news and a warner and a protection to the

unlettered. You are My slave and Messenger. I have

called you the trusty one who is neither coarse nor

harsh nor loud in the markets. Allah Almighty will

not take him until He has made the crooked

community straight by him so that they say, "There


Page 73: Replying to the Allegation

is no god but Allah," and by it they will open blind

eyes, deaf ears and covered hearts.'"

47. Ibid., P747 ، 751 ، 755 ، 756 ، 761 ، 762. This Prophecy

is also found in "The True Answer" الصحيح 3/330الجواب

and "Guiding the Restless" الحيارى 141هداية . Ibn Al-

Qayyem quoted Ibn Qutaybah as saying, "Some

People of the Scripture added to the narration: ' …

and the arrows will pour like rain by your command,

oh, Muhammad!' after citing: 'God (His Guidance)

came from Teman…' " (Guiding the Restless:141).

48. Authentic Saying transmitted by Imam Ahmad in

his "Book of Sayings of Connected Chains of

Narrators" Musnad (440ح 7/409المسند) . It was

reviewed for authenticity by Al-Hafez Ibn Hajar

("The Creator's Inspiration in Explaining Sahih Al-

Bukhari" البخاري صحيح شرح في الباري 7/189فتح ) and its

soundness was checked by Al-Hafez Ibn Katheer

("The Beginnig and the End" والنهاية 3/69البداية ).

49. "The Right Answer" الصحيح 1/340الجواب .

50. "The Prophet's Biography" by Ath-Thahabi السيرة

1/50النبوية .

51. "Sahih Al-Bukhari: The Book of Sales, the Chapter

on 'The Undesirability of Shouting at Marketplaces' "

52. ح األسواق في السخب كراهية - 2125باب البيوع. البخاري صحيح -

53. "Book of Sayings of Connected Chains of

Narrators" Musnad المسند P. 7. Al-Haythamey said,

"It was reported by Ibn As-Sa'ib, but it is

unauthentic ('Secondary Sayings Collection' مجمع


Page 74: Replying to the Allegation

1/231الزوائد ) . But Imam Ahmad transmitted it through

Hammad Ibn Salamah Ibn 'Ata' whose version of this

Saying existed before the unauthentic one. So the

transmission of this Saying is acceptable.

54. "The Prophet's Biography" النبوية .P.68-69 السيرة

55. "Reasons for Revelation" النزول ,by Al-Wahedi أسباب


56. "Sahih Al-Bukhari: The Book of Virtues, the

Chapter on the verse, 'They know him as they know

their own sons..', 3635" - - باب المناقب كتاب البخاري صحيح

": أبناءهم يعرفون كما يعرفونه تعالى الله ."قول

57. "The Creator's Inspiration in Explaining Sahih Al-

Bukhari" البخاري صحيح شرح في الباري 6/556فتح

58. The Gospel of Barnabas, 16:82-18

59. See the meaning of this Prophecy in Psalm 72. See

"The Right Answer" الصحيح 3/322الجواب , "Guiding the

Restless" الحيارى 146هداية , and "Fine Answers" الجوبة

.P.727 الفاخرة

60. "The Right Answer" الصحيح 3/139الجواب , "Guiding

the Restless" الحيارى 147هداية , which conforms with

this authentic Saying by Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH), "Allah foregathered the whole earth before

my sight and I saw both its easts and its wests, and

verily, the kingdom of my nation shall reach all that

has been foregathered before me.'' (Sahih Muslim

"Muslim's Book of Authentic Sayings: The Book of

Turmoils, the Chapter on the Destruction of the


Page 75: Replying to the Allegation

Nation at the Hands of One Another" - باب مسلم صحيح

- بعضا- بعضهم األمة هالك باب 4/2215الفتن ))

61. "The Right Answer" الصحيح .P. 2/27 الجواب

62. "The Qur'an and Modern Science والعلم الكريم القرآن

.P. 97-98 العصري

63. "Defending Islam" اإلسالم عن .P. 37-38 الدفاع

64. "Muhammad: The Message and the Messenger"

والرسول الرسالة .P. 183-186 محمد

65. "Heroes" األبطال P. 51

66. "Europe and Islam" واإلسالم .P. 46-47 أوروبا

67. "L' Islam, Impressions et Etudes" خواطر اإلسالم

.P. 21 وسوانح

68. "Islam in Contemporary Western Curricula" اإلسالم

المعاصرة الغربية المناهج .P. 261 في

69. "The Qur'an, the Bible and Science" واإلنجيل القرآن

.P. 150 والقرآن

70. "History of Arabic Literature" العربي األدب -2/14تاريخ


71. "The Qur'an and Orientalists" والمستشرقون .P القرآن


72. "The Messenger in Orientalists' Writings" الرسول

المستشرقين كتابات .P. 48 في

73. "Muhammad in Mecca" مكة في .P. 497-498 محمد

74. "The Story of Man" اإلنسان .P. 76 قصة

75. "Islam at Crossroads" الطرق مفترق على .P. 87 اإلسالم

76. "Muslims' Science of History" المسلمين عند التاريخ علم

P. 40.

77. "The Religion of Islam" P. اإلسالم دين


Page 76: Replying to the Allegation

78. "Islam and Arabs" والعرب .P. 32 اإلسالم

79. The Life of Mahomet" محمد .P. 318 حياة

80. "L' Islam, Impressions et Études" خواطر اإلسالم

.P.6 وسوانح

81. Aydin Mahmut. "Modern Christian Theological

Understandings of Muslims Since the Second

Vatican Council", Washington, DC: The Council for

Research in Values and Philosophy, 2002.


Page 77: Replying to the Allegation



A Historical Study of the

Stages of This Allegation


Stage 1: Emergence of

Allegations Belying the



Stage 2: Emergence of

Attempts to Imitate the



Stage 3: Emergence of

Writings Belying Prophet



Stage 4: Atheists' Attack on

the Noble Qur'an


Stage 5: Writing about

Alleged Qur'anic



Page 78: Replying to the Allegation


Stage 6: Suspicious

Translations of the Noble



Stage 7: Writing in the

Name of an Allegedly

Christianized Muslim to

Attack the Noble Qur'an

and the Wise Prophet


Stage 8: Many Writings

about the Prophet's

Biography Denying the



Stage 9: Belying Prophet

Muhammad in

Encyclopedias and



Stage 10: Translating the

Qur'an by Omission and

Distorting Interventions


Stage 11: Teaching Such

Allegations in Europe and

the US


Stage 12: Spreading

Rumors and Allegations in



Page 79: Replying to the Allegation

Arabic Books and

Distributing Them Through

Christian Organizations

Stage 13: The Writing of

"The True Furqan"34 by

Priest, Dr. Anis Shorroush


Replying to These



The Characteristics of

Allah's Messenger (PBUH)

in the Bible


The Characteristics of

Allah's Messenger (PBUH)

in the Torah


Mentioning the Merciful

Prophet in David's Psalms

and Psalter



End Notes59


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