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  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One



    NTPC Ramagundam, a part of National Thermal Power

    Corporation, is a 2600 MW Power station situate atRama!unam in the state of "nhra Praesh#Inia$%It is the

    &urrent lar!est Power in 'outh Inia% It is the first I'O ()00(

    &ertifie *'uper Thermal Power 'tation* in Inia%

    +eneration of su&h humon!ous power inoles &om-ustion

    of lar!e amount of &oal, whi&h results in prou&tion of hu!e

    .uantities of /l "sh% Improper isposal of /l ash results inseere enironmental pro-lems an thus disposal of fly ash is

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    of utmost importan&e% Disposal of /l ash is primaril one in

    two methos1 Wet pro&ess an Dr Pro&ess% In NTPC

    Rama!unam the wet pro&ess is aopte% The wet pro&ess

    inoles isposal in an ash pond whi&h is -oune - an ash


    This report is an attempt to es&ri-e the &onstru&tion an

    maintenan&e of an "sh D3e%

    D4'CRIPTION O/ 'IT41

    The ash 3e is lo&ate near Rama!unam railwa station in

    3arimna!ar istri&t of "nhra Praesh% The site is &ate!orise

    into ) 5a!oons namel N(,'(,N2'2where N an ' ini&ates

    that the 5a!oon is lo&ate in northern an southern parts of

    the site respe&tiel an su-s&ript num-er ini&ates the orer

    of &onstru&tion of 3es in the respe&tie re!ions %

    This report es&ri-es the &onstru&tion of '23e% '23e is

    sprea oer 700 a&res an -oune - D3e on 7 sies an

    iier -un on the southern sie%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    /58 "'9 "ND IT' DI'PO'"51

    /l "sh1

    Fly ash is finel iie resultin! from the &om-ustion of

    powere &oal% /l ash is !enerall &apture from the

    &himnes of &oalfire power plants, an is one of two tpes

    of ash that :ointl are 3nown as coal ash; the other, -ottom

    ash, is remoe from the -ottom of &oal furna&es% Depenin!

    upon the sour&e an ma3eup of the &oal -ein! -urne, the

    &omponents of fl ash ar &onsiera-l, -ut all fl ash

    in&lues su-stantial amounts of sili&on io

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    Disposal of /l "sh1

    The isposal of /l "sh is primaril one in two s&hemes1

    (% Dr Disposal 2% Wet Disposal

    Dr isposal1In r isposal, the fl ash is transporte -

    tru&3, &hute or &oneor at the site an ispose off -

    &onstru&tin! a r em-an3ment #3e$ or in a lanfill%

    Wet isposal1In wet isposal, the fl ash is transporte as

    slurr throu!h pipe an ispose off in impounment &alle*ash pon*%

    Most of the power plants in Inia use wet isposal sstem,

    an when the la!oons are full, four -asi& options are


    #a$ Constru&tin! new la!oons usin! &onentional

    &onstru&tional material

    #-$ 9aulin! of fl ash from the e

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    ash pon whi&h are lo&ate within 6 3ilometres istan&e from

    the power plant% Depenin! on the istan&e an eleation

    ifferen&e, ener! re.uire for pumpin! is er hi!h

    a&&orin!l the pumpin! sstem has -een esi!n aninstalle%

    There is a -asi& ifferen&e -etween an ash pon an a water

    reseroir% The ma:or ifferen&es are hi!hli!hte -elow%

    ?Onl the ash parti&les settle at the -ottom of the pon%

    ?The -un is not su-:e&te to hrostati& pressure oer the

    full hei!ht of the -un Due to proision of 'an -lan3et ,'an &himne an Ro&3 Toe for !oo raina!e all alon! the

    -un, the preti& line is maintaine at er low leel to ensure

    that the -un safet%

    The ash pon &an -e esi!ne e&onomi&all utili@in! the

    aanta!e of low phreati& line as mentione a-oe% This paper

    es&ri-es important issues relate to esi!n, operation an

    maintenan&e of ash pon%

    "'9 POND 5"8OUT1

    /ollowin! points shall -e note while sele&tin! the lo&ation

    an laout of the ash pon1

    (% The area shall -e as &lose as possi-le to the power plant to

    reu&e the pumpin! &ost%

    2% Proisions shall -e mae for erti&al an hori@ontal


  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    )% In &oastal area were !roun water is alrea saline, area

    with perious soil is prefera-le to effe&tiel rain the water

    throu!h the -ottom of the ash pon %'u&h ash pon &an hae

    !oo raina!e, !etsraine faster an hae -etter sta-ilit%A% In the interior areas, een if it is awa from water -oies, it

    is prefera-le to hae a fairl imperious stratum to preent

    mi!ration of ash water into the !roun water% "s per Pollution

    Control Boar norms, an imperious mem-rane has to -e

    proie to preent pollution of the !roun water%

    6% If hill terrain is within reasona-le istan&e, a suita-le

    alle &an -e ientifie for formin! the ash pon% In su&h&ase, the hill slopes will sere as ash 3e an the len!th of

    the 3e to -e -uilt will !et &onsiera-l reu&e%

    % In most of the ash pons, the total area aaila-le is iieinto two or more &ompartments so that anone of the

    &ompartment &an -e in operation while other &ompartments

    were ash has alrea -een eposite is allowe to r an

    there after the hei!ht of the pon is further in&rease% If the

    area &omprises of a sin!le pon, it is not possi-le to in&rease

    the hei!ht while the pon is in operation% 4a&h &ompartment

    is re.uire to hae &ertain minimum area to ensure that there

    is ae.uate time aaila-le for settlement of ash parti&les while

    this slurr traels from the is&har!e point to the outlet point%

    This istan&e shoul -e minimum 200m to ensure that onl&lear water a&&umulates near the outlet%

    It is an o-sere fa&t that the ash pons in N%T%P%CRama!unam are in a&&oran&e with the a-oe liste


    D4'I+N O/ BUND1

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    The &onstru&tional methos for an ash 3e &an -e !roupe

    into three -roa &ate!ories1

    #a$Upstream Constru&tion Metho

    #-$Downstream Constru&tion Metho #&$Centreline Constru&tion Metho

    #a$ Upstream Constru&tion Metho1 This is mostreferre esi!n as the earthwor3 .uantit re.uire isminimum%

    Out of the a-oe 7 alternatie methos, the upstream methois mostl &hosen ue to its minimum &ost% The aspe&ts to -e

    ta3en &are are ae.ua& of the eposite

    parti&les to support the aitional wei!ht% "part from the

    sta-ilit of the 3e, followin! features shall -e in&lue in

    the esi!n1

    (%The entire upstream fa&e of the 3e shall -e proie with

    stone pit&hin! or -ri&3 linin! or pre&ast tile linin! to preent

    erosion of the slope - wae a&tion urin! hea win%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    2% The entire ownstream slope shall -e proie with !rass

    turfin! to preent erosion of the ownstream sie urin! rains%

    7%" ro&3 toe an toe rain shall -e proie for safe e

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    "fter e&antation, the &lear water shall -e raine off ensurin!

    minimum hei!ht of water a-oe the ash eposition at the

    outlet su&h that the suspene parti&les are within the

    permissi-le limit of (00 ppm%

    6%If natural alle is utili@e for ash pon, the surfa&e runoff

    from natural hill slopes outsie the pon area shall not -e

    allowe to enter the ash pon area% Instea it shoul -e

    suita-l ierte to the surrounin! area - &onstru&tin! &at&hrains so that the loa on e&antin! sstem oes not in&rease

    urin! monsoon% "lso a spillwa shall -e proie

    for the unforeseen &ir&umstan&e of er hea rain an

    -lo&3in! of the e&antin! sstem% If su&h spillwa is not

    proie, slurr an rain water &an reu&e the minimum free

    -oar re.uire an &an result in serious failure of the 3e%

    Pre&autions for Upstream Constru&tion Metho1

    (%The entire wei!ht of new &onstru&tion for raisin! the 3e is

    supporte on &ompa&te founation up to AE of MDD%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    2%'in&e the entire se!ment of new &onstru&tion is supporte

    on eposite ash, li.uefa&tion analsis of the eposite ash is

    er important% If the eposit is not safe a!ainst li.uefa&tion,

    suita-le remeial measures nees to -e aopte -efore raisin!3e%

    #-$ Downstream Constru&tion Metho1 "fter the pon!ets fille upto the first sta!e of &onstru&tion, the pon hei!htis in&rease - epositin! the earth F fl ash on the

    ownstream fa&e of the 3e ash shown in the fi!ure%

    In this &ase it is possi-le to raise the hei!ht of the pon een

    when the pon is in operation% 9oweer there is no reu&tion

    in the .uantit of &onstru&tion whi&h is same as a sin!le sta!e


    #&$Centreline Constru&tion Metho1 In this metho, after thepon !ets fille up to the first sta!e, material is pla&e for

    raisin! hei!ht of the 3e on either sie of &entre line of the

    3e su&h that the &enter line of the 3e remains at the

    same lo&ation% This re.uires part of the raw material to -e

    pla&e on the eposite ash an part of the material on the

    own stream fa&e of the e

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    re.uire to -e eposite on the settle fl ash, it is not

    possi-le to &arr out the &onstru&tion when the pon is in

    operation% This metho &an -e aopte onl if the total area of

    ash pon is iie into &ompartments%

    In N%T%P%C Rama!unam the Upstream Constru&tion Metho

    has -een aopte%

    D3e Constru&tion an 5aout1


    (%Preparation of wor3 areasF&learin! siteF:un!le &learan&e


    7%/ounation preparation an -en&hin! at :un&tions with

    hi!her !roun or 3e%

    )%/ormation of the 3e se&tion%

    A%Constru&tion of san -lan3et, san &himne an san filter%

    6%Constru&tion of ro&3 toe an filters%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    %RR Masonr wor3%

    >% Insie slope prote&tion with -ri&3 linin! on flat A mm

    thi&3 pain! an pointin! with (16 Cement mortar%% outsie slope prote&tion with !rass turfin!%

    (0% Constru&tion of slope rains%

    ((% Constru&tion of roa%

    (2% 4

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    'an -lan3et1 The hori@ontal laer of san of spe&ifie

    thi&3ness #A00 mm$ proie so as to ensure passa!e of water

    from san &himne to rain%

    'an &himne1 The erti&al laer of san of spe&ifie with

    #A00 mm$%It has to ensure water passa!e from ash pon to

    san -lan3et%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    A00mm Thi&34arth &oer on the upstream of


  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    san &himne

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    Bri&3 pit&hin! #Upstream sie$

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    Constru&tion of rain

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    Measurin! thi&3ness of san #shoul -e A00 mm when

    measure perpeni&ular to the surfa&e$

    M"N"+4M4NT O/ "'9 POND1

    Proper operation an maintenan&e of "sh Pon is essential

    -e&ause ash pon failure is isastrous% /or e atGin!ston /ossil Plant in Unite 'tates of "meri&a whi&h

    resulte in massie eastation of life an propert% The

    followin! !uielines are -ase on arious o-serations atarious sites an the &oer important points to -e followe

    urin! operation of the 3e%

    #a$Metho of 'lurr Dis&har!e1(% /or ash pons of this nature, it is most important that the

    is&har!e of slurr is istri-ute uniforml oer the entire

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    perimeter of the ash 3e, e

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    #-$ De&antin! 'stem1The eleation of &as&ae wall or flash -ar or openin! in

    e&antin! shaft is er important% This shall -e &hosen to

    ensure the followin!1i% The .ualit of e&ante water shoul -e satisfa&tor with

    total suspene solis less than (00ppm% If the eleation of

    outlet is low, the suspene solis will in&rease%

    "t an time urin! operation, if the out flowin! water oes

    not meet the re.uirement, the eleation of the e

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    shall -e raise% Water samples shall -e re!ularl &olle&te at

    interal of ( wee3 an &he&3 for total suspene solis% "re!ister shall -e maintaine with re&ors of su&h

    measurements% 9i!her &on&entration of parti&les is li3el to&reate more eposition in the re&ir&ulation sump raisin! the

    outlet eleation an it ma re.uire ea&uation% " ela in

    raisin! the outlet eleation will result in hi!h &on&entration of

    ash% On the other han, too earl raisin! will result in

    in&rease area of e&ante water pon an reu&e the -ea&hlen!th%

    #&$Raisin! of "sh D3e1The pon whi&h has alrea -een filleup shall -e allowe tor without an further is&har!e of slurr for a minimum

    perio of ( month -efore the &onstru&tion for raisin! the

    hei!ht is ta3en up% The pon whi&h is not -ein! use shall -eproie with water sprinklers at re!ular interals to ensure

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    that the surfa&e of the pon is maintaine moist to preent

    ust pollution%

    Too mu&h of water sprain! shall -e aoie as this is li3elto ma3e the surfa&e slush an moement of the ehi&les for

    &onstru&tion purpose will -e iffi&ult%

    #$ Maintenan&e of "sh D3e1It is er important to &onstantl superise the ash 3e an

    &arrout ne&essar remeial measures% /ollowin! aspe&ts

    hae to -e &onsiere urin! inspe&tion of the 3e1(% Wet patches on downstream slope1 If the wet pat&hes&ontinue to appear, the area shall -e prote&te - pla&in! a

    san filter laer followe - a laer of stones to preent

    pipin! failure% Whereer relief wells are proie, the outflow

    from the relief wells shall -e monitore% " re!ister shall -e

    maintaine re&orin! rate of flow from ea&h relief well% 'u&h

    measurements shall -e ta3ena fre.uen& of (A as% If an of the is&har!e pipe from the

    relief well is foun to hae -een -lo&3e, the same shall -e

    &leare for effe&tie relief of the seepa!e water%

    2. Gulley formation1The ownstream fa&e &an hae !ulle

    formation ue to surfa&e water flow urin! rain% This &an-epreente - maintainin! !rass turfin! an - sele&tin! non

    eroi-le earth &oer urin! the 3e &onstru&tion% If an

    !ulle formation is noti&e, the same shall -e -a&3fille with

    &ohesie soil #not fl ash$ an &oere with !rass turfin!%

    7% Rat holes / animal burrows1Durin! inspe&tion if an rat

    holes or animal -urrows are noti&e, the same shall -e

    plu!!e usin! &ohesie soil an &oere with !rass turfin!%

    ). Softening of downstream area1"part from the 3e slope,

    the are a:a&ent to ownstream of the ro&3 toe shall also -e

    inspe&te% If an softenin! of the !roun is noti&e ue to

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    'ewa!e of water, the area shall -e proie with an inerte

    filter -lan3et% "t su&h lo&ations, relief well shall -e installe

    for safe e% The 3e shall -e isite parti&ularl after eents li3e

    earth.ua3e, &&lone, hea rains, hi!h floo in the rier, et&%

    an a report prepare -ase on the o-seration% If an ama!e

    is noti&e, the same shall -e re&tifie as per the !uielines

    !ien in this note% If no suita-le !uielines are foun for the

    nature of the ama!e, the esi!ner of the 3e shall -e

    &onsulte immeiatel%

  • 8/13/2019 Report Ntpc Good One


    4N=IRONM4NT"5 I''U4'1

    Thou!h fl ash is 3nown to -e an inert material, there isan apprehension a-out &ertain solu-le &hemi&als in the

    e&ante water whi&h &an hae aerse effe&t if su&h e&ante

    water is let into a rier -o or !roun water% /or thispurpose, the norms of Pollution Control Boar insist on

    proiin! a plasti& liner oer the entire -ottom of the pon

    an upstream fa&e of the ash 3e% New ash pons -ein!

    &onstru&te hae to proie the plasti& liner to preentpollution of !roun water% Due to the presen&e of plasti& liner,

    proision of the raina!e -e&omes iffi&ult an as result the

    eposite seiments &oul not !et &onsoliate to the same


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