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Page 1: Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare ... reports/CY 2015 Annual...Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG

Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development

Field Office XII, City of Koronadal

Annual Accomplishment Report for CY 2015 I. Introduction The Department of Social Welfare and Development envisions being the world’s standard for the delivery of coordinated social services and social protection for poverty reduction by 2030. To continue its effort to fight against poverty, DSWD focuses on the pillars of poverty reduction which are Risk Protection, Asset and Capability building, and voice and Empowerment. As 2015 implementation goes on, Field Office XII thru the leadership of its director intensify its implementation of various social protection programs and services in different part of the region as well as some part of ARMM. In Region XII, the presence of lawless element in areas of North Cotabato and Maguindanao that brought series of battles between them and the Armed forces affects the lives of almost 62,000 families in those areas. In 2015, we responded almost 20 incidents of armed conflict and serve almost 320,000 individuals. In the implementation of DSWD Core program, and Programs and projects with implementation support with the LGU, we exemplary deliver to our target beneficiaries such services on time. Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG and Local Government units attends trainers training for the rollout of Social Protection Handbook. This is the start of our efforts in mainstreaming the Social Protection programs and initiatives at the local level to ensure that social protection is incorporated in the local development planning and policy-making process. The long awaited second round Listahanan (NHTS-PR) assessment started early 2015. Challenges such as limited timeline and rigid government procurement process affect the initial stage of its implementation. Field Office XII and ARMM-LAMA targeted 775, 335 and 529,246 respectively. For region XII they assessed 705,315 which is 6% lesser than its target and ARMM-LAMA assessed 422,901 household which is 20% lesser than its target. For the strategic Goals 1 to 3, Field offices XII intensifies its timeline and maximize its resources in-order for it to achieve its Breakthrough Goals. Field Office spares Php 900,000.00 from regional fund to initially implements pipelined activities in the Regional Technical Assistance and Resource Augmentation Plan. The effort exerted in-order for the Field office to deliver its commitment to its partners and it’s constituent helps us bring to the people its resources, make them feel the presence of the government, and everyone is given an opportunity to uplift from poverty.

Page 2: Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare ... reports/CY 2015 Annual...Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG

II. SOCIAL PROTECTION POLICY SERVICES 1. Formulation of Social Protection and Development Report

• To date Field Office XII updated 14 Municipal Social Protection Development Report. 2. Planning and Monitoring

• Presented the DSWD XII 2016 Budget Proposal to the RDC XII ExCom. • Submitted the 2015 Regional Work and Financial Plan • Participated in the Sectoral Updating of 2017 Annual Investment Program conducted by NEDA

XII • Conducted the URBME cascading activity on time and as planned. • Submitted the regional Results framework to central office • For the Regional initiative, Field Office XII conducts regular Regional M and E meeting as part

of the M and E Plan of the region. • Attended the trainers training for the roll-out of Social Protection HAndbook

III. DSWD Core Programs (TATSULO) 1. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

A. Introduction

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a human development program of the national government that invest in health and education of poor households aged 0-18 yers old. Pantawid Pamilya uses conditional cash transfers to poor households based on their compliance with verifiable conditions that have been identified and agreed upon by the beneficiaries. As a government’s response to poverty problem, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in Region XII continues its straggle to achieve its objective of breaking the cyclical poverty situation among poor. The Project now covers 1,287 barangays in 45 municipalities and 6 cities (including Marawi City).

B. Program Coverage

a. Household Coverage

As of December 21, 2015, there are 228,462 households enrolled in the program which is

93.15% of the 245,256 Sets 1-8 target beneficiaries (please see Table 2). Children aged 0-18

years old from these households totaled 581,619.

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Table 2: Household Coverage (Sets 1-8) (As of December 21, 2015)

Set/Year Started Target

Households Number of

Registered HHs Percentage (Target

vs. Actual)

1 (Started in 2008) 5,730 5,767 100.65% 2 (Started in 2009) 11,316 11,471 100.37% 3 (Started in 2010) 25,727 15,403 59.87% 4 (Started in 2011) 98,512 108,243 109.88% 5 (Started in 2012) 6 (Started in 2012) 7 (Started in 2013) 8 (Started in 2015)

47,339 22,846 24,042 9,744

48,492 22,511 13,456 3,119

102.44% 98.53% 55.97% 32.01%

TOTAL 245,256 228,462 93.15%

The number of registered households, as compared with the 2014 data which is 229,793,

decreased to 228,462 resulting from the registration of beneficiaries under Set 8, updating of

beneficiaries status from active to code 14 & 15- no eligible member of households for CV

monitoring, waived, duplicates, missing and move-out.

Figure 1: Household Coverage by Province (As of December 21, 2015)

Based on the distribution of households by province, 74,894 or 33% comes from Cotabato

Province, 45,083 or 20% from Sultan Kudarat Province, 41,638 or 18% from South Cotabato

Province, and 31,114 or 14% from Sarangani Province while 12,008 or 5%, 11,758 or 5% and

11,967 or 5% are from Marawi City, Cotabato City and General Santos City, respectively (please

see Figure 1).

General Santos City, 11,967, 5%

Cotabato City, 11,758, 5% Marawi City,

12,008, 5%

Sarangani Province, 31,114, 14%

South Cotabato Province,

41,638, 18%

Sultan Kudarat Province,

45,083, 20%

North Cotabato Province,

74,894, 33%

Page 4: Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare ... reports/CY 2015 Annual...Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG

b. Program Budget

For the calendar year 2015, 97.15% or Php 1,950,730,800.00 total cash grants paid to compliant Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries covering the period of January-August (P1-P4 2015) releases and retro payments, which consist of Php 1,077,757,300.00 for education and Php 872,973,500.00 for health.

The following is the distribution of the total cash grants per mode of payment and per geographical areas as of December 2015.

Table 3: Distribution of Cash Grants per Payment Mode

Payment Mode Education Grant Health Grant Total Amount

Over the Counter (OTC) 78,554,800.00 102,717,000.00 181,271,800.00 Cash Card (CC) 999,202,500.00 770,256,500.00 1,769,459,000.00

GRAND TOTAL 1,077,757,300.00 872,973,500.00 1,950,730,800.00

Table 4: Distribution of Cash Grants per Province/City

Province/City Education Grant Health Grant Total Amount

North Cotabato 344,016,300.00 285,028,500.00 629,044,800.00 Sarangani 149,119,100.00 123,047,500.00 272,166,600.00 South Cotabato 190267500 159221000 349488500 Sultan Kudarat 205,336,400.00 172,503,500.00 377,839,900.00 Cotabato City 50,532,600.00 44,668,500.00 95,201,100.00 Gen. Santos City 59,154,200.00 44,137,500.00 103,291,700.00 Marawi City 79,331,200.00 44,367,000.00 123,698,200.00

GRAND TOTAL 1,077,757,300.00 872,973,500.00 1,950,730,800.00

c. Compliance Verification System (CVS)

The system enhancement (switching of monitoring periods) commenced this 2015 P3 monitoring period. The said enhancement aims to streamline the compliance monitoring processes for improvement of the program implementation. The transition phase starts at Period 3 2015 onwards; for the months of May, June, July the transition and processing of payment (OBR) was done last August and the payout is September 2015. The succeeding monitoring months for Period 4 is on August-September, for Period 5 is October-November, and Period 6 is on December-January.

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Table 5: Compliance Rate January-September 2015 (Period 1-4)

Category Number of Monitored

Beneficiaries Number of Compliant

Beneficiaries % of


Education 391,631 375,417 95.86

Health 33,815 32,802 97.00

FDS 224,079 216,348 96.55

Figure 3: Increase/Decrease in Compliance Rates

Table 5 shows the compliance turn-out for the 1st to the 4th monitoring period for CY 2015 (January-September 2015) while Figure 3 illustrates the comparison of the compliance rates covering the CY 2014 and CY 2015.

There is a decrease in the rate of education compared to CY 2014 it is mainly caused of not updated school facility of children registered under Sets 1-7. Appropriate and accurate updating of facilities per child is being prioritized by the BDMU in coordination with the CVU to address this issue. While the increase in health and fds is due to updating of children’s records in health centers and moved out/transferred beneficiaries. The abovementioned strategies turned out positively considering the increase in the compliance rates with 1.04% for health and 0.77% for fds.












Education Health FDS



95.78 95.86



CY 2014

CY 2015

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2. Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP)

A. Micro Enterprise Development for Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries

A total of 10,253 pantawid beneficiaries were served for the year 2015 under the micro-enterprise development including skills training leading to micro-enterprise track.

B. Skills Training for Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries For CY 2015 there are 10,594 pantawid beneficiaries were trained by TESDA and service providers in various skills training such as Food processing, carpentry and plumbing, poultry production, corn production etc., each trained beneficiaries were provided by the starter kit after the training. C. Employment Facilitation for Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries

Industry Province Participants


Association 435

North Cotabato 88

Sarangani 224

Sultan Kudarat 123

Government 4,932

KALAHI-CIDSS Project All provinces 4,207

North Cotabato 70

Sarangani 117

South Cotabato 108

Sultan Kudarat 430

Private 870

Cotabato City 27

North Cotabato 54

Sarangani 279

South Cotabato 350




SEA-K Funded 6,500 All provinces in Region XII 58,781,859.00

Provided with physical assets

27 Province of South Cotabato 40,500.00

Pamana 2,637 Provinces of North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani


BUB 1,089 All provinces in Region XII 16,157711.60

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Sultan Kudarat 160

Grand Total 6,237

Total of 6,237 Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries were facilitated for employment, were in KALAHI-CIDSS has the highest number of Pantawid beneficiaries employed during project implementation which is 4,207 beneficiaries across region, followed by our partnership with the private sector which counts 870 beneficiaries and the least is employment with associations which counts 435 beneficiaries. 3. KALAHI-CIDSS Project The DSWD Regional Field Office is continuing KC-NCDDP implementation in 16 municipalities and started implementation in one municipality. The regular implementation of KC-NCCDP is now underway in 17 municipalities. The Field Office is also implementing sub-projects under the DFAT and the BUB. The implementation underway for the 17 covered municipalities of the region. Carmen was able to conduct their MIBF-Prioritization this quarter, adding 20 more prioritized sub-projects to the 162 sub-projects from the other 16 municipalities. The table below details where the municipalities currently are in the CEAC:

Province Municipality CEAC Status

Cotabato Province Alamada 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 9 sub-projects prioritized: 2 completed, 7 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Cotabato Province Aleosan 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 7 sub-projects prioritized: 4 completed, 3 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Cotabato Province Banisilan 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 9 sub-projects prioritized: 1 completed, 8 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done

Cotabato Province Pikit 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 11 sub-projects prioritized: 1 completed, 9 on-going, 1

not yet started 2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done

Cobato Province Carmen 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 20 sub-projects prioritized: RFR on process at the

municipal level

Sarangani Glan 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 5 sub-projects prioritized: 1 on-going, 4 not yet

started 2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sarangani Kiamba 3rd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 12 sub-projects prioritized: 1 completed, 11 on-going

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MIP approved for MT Cycle Municipal Orientation done

Sarangani Maasim 3rd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 12 sub-projects prioritized: 1 completed, 11 on-going

MIP approved for MT Cycle Municipal Orientation done

Sarangani Maitum 3rd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 6 sub-projects prioritized: 5 on-going, 1 not yet

started MIP approved for MT Cycle Municipal Orientation done

Sultan Kudarat Bagumbayan 2nd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 14 sub-projects prioritized: 14 on-going

3rd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 3rd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Isulan 2nd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 14 sub-projects prioritized: 8 completed, 6 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Kalamansig 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 10 sub-projects prioritized: 7 on-going, 3 not yet

started 2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Lambayong 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 13 sub-projects prioritized: 10 completed, 3 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Lebak 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 5 sub-projects prioritized: 1 on-going, 4 not yet

started 2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Lutayan MT Sub-Project Implementation on-going 11 sub-projects prioritized: 11 on-going

Sultan Kudarat Palimbang 1st Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 18 sub-projects prioritized: 18 on-going

2nd Cycle Municipal Orientation done 2nd Cycle BAs on-going

Sultan Kudarat Sen. Ninoy Aquino

3rd Cycle Sub-Project Implementation on-going 12 sub-projects prioritized: 12 on-going

MIP approved for MT Cycle Municipal Orientation done

The region is also implementing sub-projects funded under DFAT. Most of the sub-projects are nearing completion. More detailed discussion for sub-projects would follow in another section.

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BUB projects under under KALAHI are managed and monitored by the Area Coordinating Team and for non-KALAHI areas, three personnel were hired to implement and monitor the project. 4. Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB)

Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) approved projects are one of the helpful interventions to reach our strategic goals. Year 2013-2014 implementation just reached 40% accomplishments. Mr. Edmundo Corder was designated as Regional Project Coordinator of BUB protective services, Ms. Noraidah T. Busran for BUB Sustainable Livelihood Program and Ms. Emerita Q. Dizon for BUB Kalahi. To fast track the implementation of BuB projects, aside from the existing twelve BUB hired staff, Social Welfare Officers II (SWO II) and Community Development Assistant (CDA) of convergence unit was deployed to areas with a high number of projects and less number of MAT members. They facilitate implementation and monitoring of BuB – identified projects classified as Protective Services. SWO II was deployed in areas where projects are DSWD-led implementation. CDAs were deployed in areas where projects are LGU implemented. Sustainable Livelihood Program staff facilitated implementation and monitoring of BuB projects classified as Sustainable Livelihood Program. Kalahi-CIDSS staff facilitated implementation and monitoring of BuB projects classified as Kalahi-CIDSS.

As to date, the following are the status of implementation of bub projects in the region:





completed % Ongoing % Pipelined %

2013 274 274 100%

2014 305 180 59.02% 70 22.95% 55 18.03%

2015 215 48 22.33% 36 16.74% 131 60.93%


DSWD XII thru its convergence strategy intensifies its operational efforts to raise the level of well-being of covered beneficiaries. As far as FO XII is concerned, the comparative SWI results shows that only 28, 896 Pantawid Pamillya Families, or 13.33% of the total 216,735 target families attained an improved level of well-being for the past 3 years of converged operations. Given the data, DSWD FO XII is very much eager to harmonize and strengthen all possible strategies to deliver quality services to the beneficiaries and thus making a great impact in their level of well-being.

Ensuring effective convergence relies on the entire regional implementation. This means: (a) Convergence must become a lifestyle of the region; (b) Make the region convergence-friendly by supporting innovation; making procedures more convergence-responsive; recognizing people who raise the bar of excellence and break outdated norms, systems and rules; and managing by

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exemption; (c) Cultivate a “learning culture”. Drive innovation so that we can be more adaptive to changing and varied conditions.

6. National Household Targeting System

For 2015 the long awaited second round Listahanan (NHTS-PR) assessment started early this year. Field Office XII and ARMM-LAMA targeted 775, 335 and 529,246 respectively. For region XII they assessed 705,315 which is 6% lesser than its target and ARMM-LAMA assessed 422,901 household which is 20% lesser than its target. Challenges such as limited timeline and rigid government procurement process affect the initial stage of its implementation. Field Office XII pool all its personnel resources to be able to conduct preparatory activities, hiring of NHTS-PR Area supervisor and enumerators and Training of newly hired staff simultaneously in order to cope with the timeline of the central office for this second round of assessment. After the assessment, validation was conducted to 190,968 household for Region XII and 162,060 Household of ARMM-LAMA. Currently the encoding of validated forms will continue until the end of January of 2016.


A. Supplementary Feeding Supplementary feeding targeted Forty Nine (49) LGUs for 2015, out of 49 only 2 LGU’s completed the 120 days feeding and three (3) LGU’s haven’t started the 120 days feeding program, the delay of implementation is caused by the un liquidated cash advances of the LGU’s and due to the delay procurement process at the LGU level. Out of 93,440 targeted children for the feeding only 90% or 84,229 was served. Of the total allotment of P148,718,000.00, the total obligations incurred was 148,717,678.32 or 100% and for centrally managed fund, the total obligation incurred was 1,961,243.50 or 88.69 % accomplishment as against the Php 2,211,291.00 allotment. B. Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens Social Pension Program is being implemented in the region for five years from 2011 up to the

present covering 50 LGUs and targeted 60, 857benificiaries this year.

Page 11: Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare ... reports/CY 2015 Annual...Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG

Distribution of Pensioner’s by Province and City

Distribution of Social Pensioners in four provinces of the region including its five cities. North

Cotabato has the large number of beneficiaries or 32% followed by the province of South

Cotabato that has 23%. Sultan Kudarat with 21%, followed by Sarangani with 12% and the five

cities that have 12%.


Province No.of ben



Amount No.of ben. Paid

Amount No.of ben. Paid

Amount No.of ben. Paid


North Cotabato












Sultan Kudarat












South Cotabato












Sarangani 7,386











Cotabato City












Grand Total 60,857









300,037,500 82.17%

Out of Php 365,142,000.00 allotment of Field Office XII, P300, 037,500 or 82.17% from was

disbursed and the 12.83% will be disbursed January of 2016.

Sultan Kudarat 12,876 (21%)

North Cotabato 19,658 (32%)

Sarangani 7,386 (12%)

South Cotabato 13,778 (23%)

Cities 7,159 (12%)

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C. Disaster Relief Operation DSWD XII Augments Php 124,464,670.05 to disaster affected families in Region XII, ARMM-

Maguindanao and other regions. This amount was spent to provide Family Food Packs,

Tarpauline Hygene Kits, Malongs and other non-food items needed by displaced families. A total

of 136,069 or 680,340 families were served for 2015.

Table 1.: Number of Affected areas and families per type of Disaster

Type of Disaster Number of Areas Affected

Number of

Families Affected

Armed Conflict 30 62,148

Bombing Explosion 2 27


1 54

Drought/Dry spell 3 5,156

Fire Incident 6 160

Flashflood 14 66,212

Food Poisoning 3 47

Grenade Explosion 2 8

Repatriates 2 185

Shooting Incident 1 422

Social Disorganization

4 1,152

Soil Erosion 1 46

Strong Wind 6 442

Vehicular Accident 1 10

Total 76 136,069

Distribution of Relief Goods

Page 13: Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare ... reports/CY 2015 Annual...Along Social Protection policy services, a team from DSWD XII and different partners from DILG

A. Augmentation to other Regions.


Typhoon Koppu, Field Office XII augment 4 regional staff to conduct the Rapid Damaged

Assessment and Need Analysis (RDANA) in Region CAR, 1, 2 and 3 to assess damages caused by

the typhoon.

b. TYPHOON NONA: FO XII immediately responded to the request of Central office to augment

and transport relief goods and hygiene kits to Catarman, Northern Samar.

B. Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program – Region XII continuously implements the Cash for Work, Supplementary Feeding and construction of Day Care Centers under this program. Table 2. Number of benificiaries served per type of program

Type of Program Number of


Supplementary Feeding Program 2,680

Construction of Daycare Center 100

Cash for Work Program 7,467

Socio Economic Program for Normalization 145

Total 10,392

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Walk-in Referred



Mode of admission

Re-engagement Orientation

D. Crisis Intervention For crisis intervention thru the provision of Aid to Individuals and family in crisis situation serves a total of Two Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Four (2,524) clients as aide to partners and local government units. A. Client served

a. Client served by Mode of Admission Most of the clients served were walk-in with 1,675 while 849 were referred from the LGUs, CO, and other regions.

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Male Female

881 1,643











Below 18 18-29 y.o 30-44 y.o 45-59 y.o 60 above






Served clients by Age

B. Clients by Ages

Out of 2524 clients served, 1,643 or 65% were

female while the remaining 881 or 35 % were


Chart 3: Breakdown of clients

served by Aged

The chart shows that most of the

client age ranges from 30 to 44

year old with 1,072 clients.

Followed by 45-59 year old with

675 clients, 546 clients from 18

to 29 years old, while only 219

clients were belongs to 60 year

old & above while 12 clients age

ranges from 18 years old and


C. Clients by Category:

Chart 4: Breakdown of clients served

by Category.

From the total of 2,524 catered

clients, 807 were Men in especially

difficult circumstances (MEDC), 218

Old Person (OP), 1,298 Women in

especially Difficult Circumstances

(WEDC), 34 Person with Disabilities

(PWD), 90 Youth in Need of Social

Protection (YNSP),12 Children in

need of special protection, 65 with

persons living with HIV.

D: Number of Client by type of Assistance & Amount Disbursed:














12 90 65

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For 2015, total amount disbursed was Eight Million Nine Hundred Thirty One Thousand Two

Hundred twenty Nine and Seventeen Centavos (8,931,229.17) this includes the regular/CIU

funds, Standby funds for the disaster victims clients as well as the Office of the Secretary (OSEC)

funds. Clients who seeks Medical Assistance has the highest number of clients served in the

amount of 7,716,422.17.

V. Centers and Institutions

A. Center for the handicapped – The center for the handicapped serves 52 individuals wherein

29 are male and 23 are females with different types of impairment or disability.

A. Physical Headcount- Non – Residential








2,086 232 93 23 15 21 54



283,457.00 94,000.00

0 200,000.00

66,950.00 Client


by Clientele Category



1. Orthopedically Handicapped 3 2 0 0 3 2 5

2. Hearing Impaired/Deaf 15 18 0 0 15 18 33

3. Visually Impaired 5 2 0 0 5 2 7

4. Mentally Challenged 4 1 0 0 4 1 5

a. Multiple Handicapped 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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This year the Center for the Handicapped received the Certificate of Accreditation from DSWD Central Office, as well as DSWD approves the Manual of Operations of the Center. B. Home for Girls

b. Down Syndrome 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

c. Autistic 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

d. Cerebral Palsy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

e. Attention Deficit Hyper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Activity Disorder (ADHD)

TOTAL 29 23 0 0 29 23 52

B. Service Head Count- Non- Residential


Services Provided MALE FEMALE




1. Social Services 9 12 21 20 11 31 29 23 52

2. Voc. Guidance & Psychological Services 9 12 21 20 11 31 29 23 52

3. Vocational & Social Rehabilitation Service 9 12 21 20 11 31 29 23 52


a.1. Scientific Massage 0 0 0 5 2 7 5 2 7

b.2. Computer Operation 0 0 0 5 2 7 5 2 7

a.3. Cellphone Repair 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

a.4. Functional Literacy 7 12 19 8 6 14 15 18 33

a.5. Social Preparatory 0 0 0 4 1 5 4 1 5

B. PHASE II (on the Job Training/ OJT

Outside Center) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* Place out for OJT 3 4 7 3 1 4 6 5 11

4. Placement Services

* Job Placement 5 4 9 0 1 1 5 5 10

5. Referral Services

1 0 1 1 0 1

* Medical * 1After Care 8 5 13 0 1 1 8 6 14

6. Other Admin. Support Services

* Gratuity/ Cash Grants 9 12 21 20 11 31 29 23 52

TOTAL 59 73 132 106 58 164 165 131 296

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For the year 2015, Home for Girls served 59 clients. Out of 59, 17 are Women and 42 belong to Girls group. Among these clients, 40 were discharge from the center. Activities such as Skills training and Educational fieldtrip were attended by the clients. Some of the clients were enrolled to Alternative learning system of the Department of Education. This year, we started the construction of the Home for Girls Building in a donated lot located at Brgy. Sanfilipe, Tantangan South Cotabato. A. SUMMARY OF CLIENTS SERVED AND DISCHARGED 1. WOMEN

Category of Cases Served Discharged

Old New Total Old New Total


a. Rape 1 1 1 1

b. Incest 4 1 5 3 1 4

c. Acts of Lasciviousness

Physically-abused/ maltreated 1 1 1 1

Psychologically/Emotionally Abused 1 1 1 1


Strandee 7 7 7 7

Others (CICL) 1 1

Stow-Away/ Mentally Challenged 1 1

Total 7 10 17 4 10 14


Category of Cases Served Discharged

Old New Total Old New Total


a. Rape 5 6 11 2 1 3

b. Incest 3 7 10 3 3 6

CICL 1 1

Abandoned/ Neglected 2 2 1 1

Strandee 1 3 4 3 3

Dependents 1 13 14 13 13

Total 11 30 42 6 20 26

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A. Nature of Discharges

Category of Cases

Reunited w/


Reunited w/




Discharged to RP

Transferred to other

Residential Facility

Endorsed to C/


Others: Licensed

Foster Care


A. Women Physically Abused 1 1

Rape 1 1

incest 2 1 1 4

Strandee 3 4 7

Emotionally Disturbed

1 1

B.Girls Rape 2 1 3

Incest 1 4 1 6

Stow Away/ Mentally Challenged

Dependent 13 13

Strandee 3 1 4

Total 25 5 2 6 1 1 40

C. RSCC This Year the Regional Study Center for Children catered 25 children, out of these 17 were carried over from 2014 and 8 are newly admitted children. Out of 25 children 7 were discharged.

Number of Client per case category

Category of cases

In the Center



Abandoned 7 2 7 2

Neglected 1 1 1 1

Voluntary Committed Surrendered

3 2 1 4 2

Foundling 1 1

Dependent 2 1 2 1

Orphaned 4 4

18 6 1 19 6

Table shows that per case category, abandoned has the highest number of cases served at the center which has 9 or 36% of the cases served, and Foundling has the lowest number of cases served which is 1 or equal to 4%.

Nature of Discharge

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Category of cases

Nature of Discharges Independent living


Death Return to court

Integrated w/ family

Integrated w/ relative

Adoption Foster

Care Legal guardianship

Transferred to other center

Job placement

Local Foreign

Abandoned 1

Neglected 1

Surrendered 1


Foundling 4

The Table shows the number of clients discharged based on the client category and its nature of discharge. Out of 7 cases, 4 of foundling clients were transferred to other institution. D. RRCY This year, the center had served 33 CICL cases, 7 or 21.21% are newly admitted cases, while 26 or 78.78% are carryover from 2014. Out of 33 CICL, 15 45.46% were released. Thus, at the end of this year, there are 18 or 54.54% active remaining cases at the center which will be carried over for 2016 and 9 or 50% of the active cases met the Rehabilitation Goal formulated for them and been recommended for dismissal.






Admission Discharged/Reintegrated to


Still at the center Transferred toother Facility


Client Served

Client Served

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Case on Trial SuspendedSentence


On custodysupervision

DiversionProgram /Release on


Casedismissed by



3 3


7 7



Fig. 1.2. shows that out of 33 total cases served for this year, 3 residents were promulgated with suspended sentence, 12 are case on trial, 15 were discharged/reintegrated to their respective families and communities (8 case dismissed by court, 7 on diversion program/release on recognizance) and are 3 awaiting discharge. A certificate of Accreditation Level One was awarded to Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth by the Standards Bureau, DSWD Central Office. Likewise, two of the RRCY staff was awarded with the certificate of accreditation as Social Worker Managing Court Related Cases.

VI. Capability Building Services

A total of 86 capability building activities were conducted to 11,170 Internal Staff/Field Staff, LGUs, NGOs, NGAs, POs, Volunteers and other stakeholders. Table 1:

Participants Number of Participants

1. Internal Staff/ Field Staff


2. LGUs 1,749

3. NGOs 36

4. NGAs 22

5. Volunteers 5,428

6. POs 546

7. Other Stakeholders 4

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Field Office XII hosted 11 National Initiated Activities for the year 2015: Leadership Development Intervention Course I – Problem Solving Decision Making for Local

Social Welfare and Development Officers of Region XII at East Asia Royale Hotel Leadership Development Intervention Course II - Strategic Communication for Local Social

Welfare Officers of Region X at FB Hotel, Koronadal City Social Accountability Training for Regional Executive Assistants at FB Hotel, Koronadal City Social Accountability Training for Capability Building Focal Persons at FB Hotel, Koronadal

City. Management Audit Analyst Program Review and Evaluation Workshop at East Asia Royale

Hotel. Training of Trainers on Youth Development Session at East Asia Royale Hotel, General

Santos City Training for Supervisors for ECCD Modules at East Asia Royale Hotel, General Santos City CSO partnership on Grievance Capacitating Civil Society actors in Handling Grievance a at FB

Hotel, Koronadal City Regional CCT Workshop at FB Hotel, Koronadal City 3rd Joint Systems Quarterly Meeting a Sun City Suites, General Santos City Organizational Review on Institutional Development Partnership ans Supply Side –

Mindanao Cluster at East Asia Royale Hotel We conducted Social Welfare and Development Forum to LSWDOs for the 1st semester and City Links/Municipallinks, CSO IP leaders for the 2nd semeter. This aims to help increase the number of provinces with major cities/municipalities having fully functional LSWDOs and advocate and promote IP sensitive Programs and services of the department. This year also the Field Office renovated its Regional Learning Research Center and includes the provision of conference room and a library. To date we already have 622 resource materials.

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VII. Standards Unit

a. SWDAs/SWA Applied for Registration and Licensing and Accreditation of Program

and Service

The above chart shows that of the twelve (12) Social Welfare and Development Agency who

have applied for Registration, only four (4) or 33% had completed the documents submitted to

the Department and they have also passed and issued with a Registration certificate. Two (2) or

17% did not comply with the requirements and their application is pending. Out of this number

six (6) of them has yet to apply for a SEC registration which is an essential requirement for

registration as SWDA.

Above chart shows that among the twenty five (25) applications received from the Department,

eleven (11) or 44% Social Welfare Agency (SWA) have passed and were issued with the

Registration and License to Operate as Social Welfare and Development Agency. Out of this

number five (5) of them are new applicants and the six (6) SWA’s have renewed their license.

Issued 33%

Not Issued 67%

SWDAs Registration

Issued RL 44%

Pending 56%

SWA Issued with Registration and License to Operate

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Fourteen (14) or 56% have not submitted lacking documents despite monitoring visits and

follow up to their agencies.

For this year, we have pre-assessed seven (7) Social Welfare and Development Agencies. Out of

this number, four (4) have met the minimum standards as SWDA with its programs and services

abiding with the five (5) working areas such as Administration and Organization; Program

Management; Case Management; Helping Strategies; and Physical Structure and safety. The

other three (3) or 43% are held in abeyance and need to comply with the findings conducted by

the Regional Monitor of DSWD Standards Bureau.

For the accreditation of DSWD Run Centers, one of our DSWD facility was pre-assessed for

accreditation namely the Reception and Study Center for Children located in Tantangan, South

Cotabato as Level II accreditation and it was issued with accreditation. Also our Home for Girls in

Koronadal City has also passed with the Level 1 renewal of accreditation.

Issued 43% Pending


Pre-assessed SWDA for Accreditation

Level I

Level II

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



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Per Area

This chart explains that General Santos City has the area with more numbers of Social Welfare

and Development Agency with 39 SWDA or 42%. Cotabato City has fifteen (15) or 16% and

South Cotabato ranked 3rd with ten (10) SWDA or 11%. Tacurong City has two (2) SWDA or 2%.

Per Program/Services

This shows that there are more SWDA’s in Region XII whose program and services are focused

on Family and Community with 61 SWDA or 66%. Child and Youth has 21 agencies or 25%;

agencies serving women has four (4) or 4%; Older Persons has three (3) or 3% and Persons with

Disability has only one. This means that we need more advocacy to Non-Government

Organizations to put up more agency that will cater to our older persons and persons with

disability. Also there is a need to put up center for children with special needs as there has no







Per Area

Child and Youth 25%

Women 4%

PWD 1%

Older Person 3%

Family and Community



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one yet in Region XII and there are a couple numbers of children with special needs catered by

our centers of which the staff has no knowledge and skills in taking care of these children.

Day Care Centers and Day Care Workers Accreditation

For 2015, we have assessed 249 Day Care Workers and Day Care Centers. Out of this number

one hundred seventy (170) DCWrs/DCC’s or 68% have passed the minimum standard and were

issued accreditation certificate while seventy nine (79) or 32% were held in abeyance as they did

not met the indicators of accreditation of DCW/DCC.

C. Service Providers/LGU Run Centers/SCC

Service Providers

Assessed Endorsed to SB Held in Abeyance

1. Pre-Marriage Counsellors

24 24 -

2. SWMCC 10 10 -

3. LGU Run Centers

2 2 -

4. SCC 10 10 -

Above table shows that 100% of the service providers, LGU Run Centers and Senior Citizen who

were pre-assessment were also endorsed to Standard Bureau. This means that their documents

are ready and that they are also compliant to the standards.

Issued Accreditation


Held in Abeyance


Assessed DC/DCW

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D. Area-based Standards Network (ABSNET) Mobilization For 2015, the camaraderie that has been established among ABSNET members from Clusters I to V and the Local Government Units strengthen its partnership and support towards the continuing advocacy, encouraging and facilitation of SWDAs applying for registration, licensing and the accreditation of the social welfare programs and services. The essence of appreciation of this strategy had iron SWDAs to become more proactive in sustaining their adherence to regulatory and advocate the departments programs and services to other stakeholders. The following are the major accomplishments of the network aside from the monitoring of SWDA’s, dialogues and regular meetings, to wit; Regional ABSNET FEDERATION

1. Facebook account was created for the purpose of easy line of communication and updating of its members as well as activities can be posted by any members with fb account [email protected].

2. Initiated medical mission to its member SWDA which is Rural development Institute of Sultan

Kudarat, Inc in Barangay Tinumigues, Lambayong Sultan Kudarat in partnership with the Cluster

V, Christian Light Foundation, Inc and BLGU. It serves 103 individuals for medical check-up and

medicines and 52 individuals for tooth extraction.

3. 2 medical missions to its member SWDA which are International Care Ministries Foundation,

Inc. Koronadal City Base in Barangay Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City in partnership with Christian Light Foundation, Inc and BLGU. It serves 53 individuals for medical check-up and medicines and 18 individuals for tooth extraction on July 30, 2015 and Mindanao Children’s Library, Inc. at Brgy. Lanao Kuran, Arakan, North Cotabato on September 17, 2015. It serves 11 individuals

for tooth extraction, 69 individuals for medical check-up and 100 individuals were given family food packs in partnership with Christian Light Foundation, Inc.

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1. Human Resource Development

The Human Resource Development Unit continuously providing services related to addressing the Department’s manpower requirement and ensuring the well-being of personnel towards greater employee productivity and overall organizational effectiveness. For this year the unit was able to accomplish the following:

• On Staffing all vacant positions were published both in the Regional Office and CSC’s bulletin boards as well as in the DSWD 12 website. These vacancies were properly filled up in accordance with the existing qualification standards set by CSC and the Competency-Based Recruitment System and Placement (CBRSP) of the Department. We hired staff in the regular position such as (Administrative Assistant I) and two newly-opened positions under the juvenile Justice Welfare Committee an attached agency of DSWD (one Social Welfare Officer III and one Administrative Assistant III). Also series of promotions happened this year wherein fifteen (15) regular staff were promoted. The Listahanan on their second round of enumeration needed thousands of manpower composed of Area Coordinators, Area Supervisor, Enumerators, Verifiers and Encoders to administer the assessment. The simultaneous interviews were held in the four (4) provinces of the Region such as Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani Province, North Cotabato and South Cotabato in the whole month of April 2015. There are 109 Area Coordinators, 544 Area Supervisors, 1,718 Enumerators, 280 Verifier (Region) and 280 Encoders (Region) were hired. In November 2015, 182 Area Supervisors and 602 Enumerators were hired for validation. For the Social Welfare and Development Indicators (SWDI), 533 Enumerators and 177 Encoders were hired. The hired staffs were mostly the beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. Competency-Based Interview (CBI) was conducted to all applicants either regular, contractual and MOA/JO positions.

• Orientations on Newly-Hired Employees- Various orientations for newly-hired staff were conducted. On January 30, 2015, 80 (10 Project Development Officer II and 70 Social Welfare Assistants) newly-hired MCCT staff and it was held at EMR Center. On January 28-30, the orientation on the newly-hired PDO from SLP was held at Phela Grande, General Santos City wherein the roles of the PDO’s in the area and strategies in the implementation of the SLP. On June 01, 2015, it was the newly-hired staff of Standard Unit held in the office of IDD Chief followed by the newly-hired staff of Protective Services Unit and AICS on June 25, 2015 was oriented and it was held at EMR Center; and on August 11, 2015, another orientation was held at EMR Center for MCCT/Pantawid newly-hired staff.

• Regional General Assembly for this year was conducted last January 09, 2015 at DSWD Grounds, Koronadal City. The agenda were the Financial Updates on SWEAP, the Membership and the mode of mortuary deduction, and the basis and computation of the payment of Hazard Pay.

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Second Regional General Assembly (RGA) was held in The Farm and Carpenter Hills on August 12, 2015. Representatives from Pag-Ibig Fund, Philhealth and Social Security Services were present to answer queries from the staff regarding their benefits. Third Regional Assembly was held in October where the following topics were discussed; (1) GSIS Membership where it was clarified that only those in regular, casual and contractual positions can be a member of the Agency that the deduction is 9% of the basic salary, (2) Pag-Ibig loyalty card where the staff was oriented regarding the importance of the said card, and in relation to this the Pag-Ibig Fund Offices scheduled the Loyalty Card enrolment of DSWD employees to be held in the Region, and (3) is the checkpoint on Individual Performance Contract. All employees were advised to check their accomplishments against their targets, any changes in their IPC should be discussed with their supervisors and subsequent submission of the said documents to HRDU must take place. Fourth Regional Assembly was scheduled in December 2015 with the following agenda; Maxicare Annual Physical Check-up, Year-end updates for SWEAP and PROSPER, wearing of new uniforms, submission of required documents, OPC and IPC Monitoring and other

• Individual Performance Contract- There was different meetings conducted for Individual Performance Contract (IPC) orientation, crafting, re-crafting, checkpoint and assessments. For the orientations, all divisions and programs were oriented by the HRMO and the IDD Chief, this is to guide the employees in crafting their IPC aligned to the strategy.

• Training Needs Assessment Tools for 2016 were administered in September 2015 to all staff including SLP, KALAHI CIDDS and PANTAWID staff and consolidated in October 2015 to identify the training needs of the staff and to conduct the same on the following year. As a result of the TNA administered in 2014, Training-workshops on Technical Writing Levels 1-4 and Training-workshop on Technical Writing Batch 2 were conducted on July 28-30, 2015 and September 3-4, 2015 at FB Hotel. The batch 1 was attended by the regular, contractual and MOA workers while the Batch 2 was intended for supervisors but since not all of them was available on that day, contractual and MOA workers had the opportunity to attend in the said training. The resource person was Dr. Erlie Josefa Babayen-on. In November 2015, Pantawid also conducted their training on technical writing in two batches. Having positive result on the conducted Training-Workshop on Technical Writing, the Food for the Thought was launched in August 2015 wherein participants of the said training were tasked to share their learnings to other employees every Mondays during the flag ceremony.

• Character of the Month is being discussed every Monday during flag ceremony by the staff from different divisions assigned to host the activity, this is to ensure that every employees are constantly reminded on code of ethics and values as a government employee.

• Maxicare Health Card- In terms of Health Card 99% of Health Card (Maxicare) was released to the 2014 renewed staff under KALAHI, Pantawid, SLP and other programs. Those who had lost their cards have been replaced and clarifications of staff have been accurately addressed and clarified thru Maxicare DSWD CO. The annual physical check-up had been scheduled in January 2016 with Allah Valley Hospital and other MAXICARE-accredited clinics in Koronadal City.

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• Different Committees- There are series of meetings held under the different committees PDC, PMT, PRAISE Committee and Grievance Committee. For PDC, there were meetings wherein most of the agenda were on the invitation for scholarships. The guidelines of the scholarships were discussed and the possible qualified employees were identified for consideration. For the PRAISE Committee, employees and groups were identified as the Regional nominees for the National PRAISE. On the other side, Grievance Committee also met for some issues that needed to be addressed immediately by the Committee. The PMT discussed the guidelines and the schedule of the assessment to be done for the field staff and RPMO, also is true with the regular staff of the Field Office.

• On HRM-PRIME Assessment-on April 27-29, 2015, the Civil Service Commission Region XII visited the Regional Office for on-site HRM-PRIME Assessment with their staff Ms. Anabelle Salcedo and Ms. Grace Illustre. The Said assessment focuses in four (4) areas namely Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Learning and Development and Rewards and Recognition. They also checked Personnel Transaction Areas.

2. Administrative Support Service

• Construction and Maintenance – The extension of Annex A DSWD Field Office XII building commence September 201. The building will be occupied by Policy and Plans Division, Units from Operation Division and the ICTMU and Encoding station.

Transportation Management –Registrations of vehicles were done early this year. Periodic Maintenance such as change oils and check-ups of RP vehicles was strictly observed in order to ensure safety of passengers, performance capabilities, and longer vehicle service life. Proper standard operating procedures were always followed when vehicles are deployed. Some conflicts occurred during the deployment schedules, but were immediately resolved by the concerned staff by prioritizing and offering alternatives such as hiring private vans. There are Fifteen (15) RP Vehicles existing in the office, all of them are in good condition. Included here is the 1 unit pick-up newly deployed by Central office for DRRM purposes.

Records Management – Records section staff received 7,863 incoming communications, 3,928 email documents, 1,945 application letters, 2,336 request for travel order, and 221 liquidations. They also recorded and forwarded 12,556 outgoing communications as well as sent out 3,928 email documents to concerned staff during this year.

Procurement& Supply Management –For this year, the supply unit recorded one thousand six hundred nineteen (1,619) Purchase Requests, eight hundred sixty-seven (867) Purchase Orders, one thousand one hundred sixty-six (1, 166) Requisition and Issuance Slips (RIS), nine hundred eighteen (918) Requests for Quotations (RFQ), and five hundred thirty-three (533) Inspections and Acceptance Reports (IAR). While the procurement section The completed twenty-eight (28) public bidding projects, and seven hundred eighty (780) successful procurements acquired through shopping for the entire year.

General Administration Support –

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The table below shows the comparative data for Cy 2014 and CY 2015 on electric, water, fuel, and telephone consumptions:

Type of consumption

Actual Consumption

in 2015

Target Consumption



In kwh/cu.m/


Percentage (%)

Electric(kwh) 233,963 177,470 -56,493 -0.31832422

Water (cu.m) 8467 3967 -4,500 -1.13435846

Fuel (liter) 103,636.5 87,480 -16,157 -0.18468793

Telephone (peso)

392280 577,876.61 185,597 0.321169964

Personnel Administration –As of December 2015, the DSWD Field Office has a total of one thousand two hundred forty-seven (1,247) employees. Out of 1,247, 89 are regular employees, 776 contractual and casual employees and 471 MOA workers.

3. Information and Communication Technology Management

The RICTMU primarily provide Technical assistance to Special Projects by providing: network

connections via wired and wireless internet connection, computer repairs and attends to the

network and online systems issues of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program including its

Provincial Cluster Offices, Kalahi CIDSS NCDDP systems, NHTSPR and SLP-IS, including ECCD-IS

LGU users and encoders and Social Pension information systems utilization, assisting

information systems users of ENGAS, MTA, SWADAs, RLA and RGIMS , ARRIS/AFCIS, DIRS and in

DIRS12 via Wiserv.

For assistance to Disaster monitoring we recorded 29 Disaster reports via Disaster Incident

Reporting System (DIRS); on wiserv DIRS12 29 disaster message sent; on FO 12 website front

page we have 11 articles/stories for this year; and rendered 153 technical assistance ranging

from computer repairs to coaching. On Bid/Request for Quotation posting on FO 12 website we

have 115 posted this year. On Job opportunities we posted 95 jobs positions with 4,199

vacancies for this year.

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Compiled significant activity summary: On ICT Policy and Plan Development: - Reiterated/remind the Memorandum Circular No. 26 series of 2004 entitled Information

Technology (IT) Usage and Network Security Policy to regional users. - Revision of WFP for 2015 and PPMP of RICTM Unit - Staff Meeting with PPD regarding planned activity and RICTMU targets. - IPC updating - Business Continuity Management response and recovery plan crafting - Share per division a copy of AO 09 S 2015 Policy on stewardship, acceptable use and

security of DSWD ICT resources - Crafted the 2016 WFP and PPMP of RICTMU - Provided regional information to ICTMS in contribution to the crafting of ISSP On ICT Infrastructure Management: - Assisted the inventory team on the ongoing equipment inventory as member of the regional

inventory team together with the regional Auditors. - Configuration and placement of new yealink voip phones - CCTV placement and installation - ISAT Phone set up and testing - Yealink voip phone distribution - Securing Server equipment from construction debris, dust and water seepage - Transfer of xitrix module power supply number 3 power source to other UPS - Creation of new VM at xitrix server and application installation for VOIP local SIP server - Replace 2 Xitrix power supply ARDs office and BAC office - GrandStream voip phones SIP configuration - Creation of 2HV on Xitrix server for NHTS offline encoding applications - Provided 3 dualband wireless routers and switches to NHTS encoding - Set up 120 laptop and desktop encoding stations at the regional office covered court - Acquired and installed 5-16 port gigabit switch and 2- 8 port switch - ACQUIRED and Set up of Wireless Satellite disk linking FO 12 to Satellite office (AGAN NHTS

encoding and SWDI) - Set up 25 computers and LAN for SWDI IS encoders at Satellite office - Provision of Management Console for Palo Alto - Transfer and set up 22 laptops to regional office area for swdi encoding On ICT Security Management: - Employing domain users file backup (files at my documents only) - Malware, virus and worm attack on computers are usually via usb sticks and pendrives.

With this we employ the anti-malware software and the usb firewall to prevent intrusion. Utilizing combofix on infected computer units or manually remove identified virus and worms.

- Install and Update KAV server licenses - KAV upgrading - CCTV and DVR installation and configuration - Palo Alto Security Firewall appliance upgrading - Deployment of KAV to workgroup computer members - AD registration of NHTS and SWDI IS encoders - Provision of GP account to NHTU encoders - Provision of GP accounts to SWDI IS encoders - Adding Browsec to the PALO Alto firewall policy.

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On ICT Information Systems Development: - On Monitoring of DSWD information systems:

A. Along Disaster Incidence Reporting System for this year, (29) disaster report received via

DIRS and 29 sent via DIRS12 on wiserv and forwarded to (37) Thirty Seven recipients. B.) With the E-services and other Systems:

- MTA in-house system developed by RITO II, ongoing enhancement - Attended enhanced MTA system and SWADA System orientation training - Attended the ARRIS / AFCIS System users orientation training - Attended and participated at the 9th ICTSM

A.) On online job posting we have 95 job positions with 4199 vacancies posted for this year. B.) On Regional Website management, we have uploaded 11 articles for this year. C.) On invitation to Bid notices and Request for Quotation posting on Field Office Website

we have 115 for this year. D.) Wiserv updated and adding group members’ number. E.) Usage of Data Tracking System and orientation of new staff /users about the system F.) Updated LGU users of ECCD IS accomplishment’s G.) Jumpstart the development of supply inventory system (first in first out module) by

RITO II H.) Lynch 2013 deployment to domain members I.) Assisted LGU users on ECCD IS on their accounts and on the system J.) Assisted on the account activation on CRIMS, SWDI IS, ENGAS and ARRIS /AFCIS K.) Attended The Trainings For SLPIS, GIS Base Support System For Disaster preparedness

and Response, and The Protective service Information System













T.A. 39 38 43 33

DIRS 9 10 6 4

DIRS12 Wiserv 9 10 6 4

Web Articles 3 5 1 2

Jobs posting 40 26 13 16

Bid posting 22 20 22 51

39 38 43 33

9 10

6 4

9 10

6 4 3


1 2



13 16

22 20



Annual Summary of accomplihments Table and Graphs

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