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FLAME4501 Walnut St. KC, MO 64111

816-531-2131 www.allsoulskc.org Like us on Facebook; open to all: All Souls Unitarian

Universalist Church, Kansas City, MO

For complete calendar: http://allsoulskc.org/happenings/calendar/

Oct. 2016

Sunday Services 2 Minister’s Message 3 New Members 3 Religious Education 4 Adult Education 5 Response Preparedness 6 Sabbatical Task Force 6

Board of Trustees Policy 7 Fundraiser 8 Fellowship 9 Simpson House 10 Special Offerings 10 Financials & Attendance 11 Solar Panels 11

Table of Contents

Nov. 6

All Souls UU Connections Fair Oct. 9, 9-1, Conover

Check out All Souls’ community, interest groups & volunteer opportunities.

Where can U share your time & talent?

Contact: Jamie Koelsch, [email protected]

REQUIEM by Gabriel Faure

October 30, 11:15 am

All Souls Choir Anthony T. Edwards, Music Director Sarah LaBarr, Soprano Seth Golay, Baritone


Oct. 30


Sunday Services


11:15 Service: "A Time to Kill; A Time to Heal”                                                        Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long With pleasure we welcome to our pulpit our intern from last year, now minister of the UU Society of  Fairhaven, MASS.  She invites us to consider the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, as we work to purge ourselves of disgruntlement, and respond to the extraordinary elec on season that no one saw coming.   


Oct. 16



11:15 Service:  “Of Des ny and Detrivores”             Rev. Kendyl Gibbons Issues around the Dakota Access Pipeline remind us that while some real progress has been made, our ‘first world’ culture is s ll addicted to the consump on of fossil fuels.  And like an addict, we arrange our world around keeping our supply available.  What would recovery and a return to health look like?  The choir will sing, we will honor the spirituality of indigenous peoples & the offering supports StandUp KC.


11:15 Service:  “Since What We Choose Is What We Are”                                               Rev. Kendyl Gibbons Today marks another step on our building renova on journey; following this service, the vo ng members of the congrega on will choose which of the architects’ proposals to implement.  As always, what we decide in the present shapes what the future will be.  We will share joys, concerns, and milestones at this service, and the choir will sing.  The offering will support StandUp KC.

11:15 Service:  “Failure to A ribute”               Rev. Kendyl Gibbons We hear public survey results that say atheists are the most unpopular and mistrusted in our culture ‐‐ more despised than poli cians, lawyers, or criminals.  We can be indignant about how  misunderstood some of us are, or we can ask more though ully what lies behind this general percep on.  What makes people think with alarm about those who don’t believe in god, and what might any of us be able to do about it? The children will parade in Halloween costumes, and their carved pumpkins will be for sale.   

10:00 Forum:  “Aging with Grace”                                                George Bagge  & Camilla Huet‐Derrosse  With an aging popula on, the goal is an end of life with as much grace as possible, with minimal impact on those who provide support.  George, who recently completed this process with his parents, and Camilla, Marke ng Director of Carondelet Home Care Services, will share their experiences.  

10:00 Forum: "Gunpowder Girls: The True Stories of Three Civil War Tragedies”            Aaron Barnhart & Diane Eickhoff: Barnhart and Eickhoff, founders of Quindaro Press, publish interes ng books of                 history for young adults and older readers.  They will discuss their work in general, with emphasis on  Tanya  Anderson's upcoming book Gunpowder Girls, about the girls and young women who were vic ms. 

10:00 Forum: “Community Health Improvement Planning & Engagement”                      Melissa Robinson The 2016 five year health plan (“CHIP”) addresses factors with direct impact upon the wellness of KC,  targe ng health deficits by way of broad, mul ‐disciplinary & neighborhood‐level stakeholder engage‐ment.  Health Commissioner Robinson will describe the development, goals & implementa on of CHIP. 

10:00 Forum: "Eastside Figh ng for Economic Renewal”                                                       Prof. Karen Curls Although Kansas City's Eastside has been hit hard by job loss, historic racism, and a catastrophic housing crash, the City's redevelopment ini a ves have mostly passed it by.  Eastside leaders are challenging that, star ng with a proposed 1/8 cent sales tax dedicated to renewal.   

11: 15 Service: “Requiem”             All Souls Choir and Music Director Anthony Edwards  We honor the season of remembrance, including El Dia de los Muertos, and All Souls Day, with an          opportunity to recall our own lost loved ones, and a moving performance of Gabriel Fauré’s inspiring  Requiem.   The offering will support our Music & Religious Educa on programs. 

10:00  Forum: “KCPS: What's New for 2016‐2017”                                                                     Dr. Mark Bedell KC Public Schools enter the 2016‐2017 school year with a number of changes including a new                          Superintendent and a new base of opera ons on historically significant Troost Avenue.  Dr. Bedell comes to KC with a diverse background and explicit commitment to being in, and of, the KCPS community.  He will share his aspira ons and his expecta ons for community support. 

On October 2nd, this congregation will vote on how to proceed with our proposed building renovation project. You can view the text of the resolution that is offered by the Steering Committee on the All Souls website under “About Us/Renovation” http://allsoulskc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Resolution-and-Financing-Handou.pdf. I want to acknowledge the enormous amount of thorough and thoughtful work that has been done by the Steering Committee, our consultant, Barry Finklestein, the Visioning committee, the Architect Selection task force, the Design task force, the architects at Gastinger/Walker&, the Capital Campaign committee, and all those who have been part of the process by listening, offering ideas, contributing, and being excited about the future of our facility. While we have not been able to afford quite as grand a scale of project as many of us would have liked to see, in my view we have moved through an orderly and inclusive planning process, that has produced a responsibly attainable plan for updating our building, remedying some of its most glaring deficiencies, increasing its attractiveness and accessibility, and leaving us in a good position to take on future improvements whenever that may be feasible. As predicted at the very beginning of this project, each of us has a favorite feature or two of the plan, and each of us is missing some things that we had hoped to see happen. Speaking personally, I will be happy to be moving out of office space where visibly wracked book-shelves and separating brickwork clearly show the uneven settling of the west wing foundation, and every severe rainstorm leaves me a little more nervous about the stability of my work space. If the project moves ahead as planned, it may be possible for much of the construction to be accomplished during my sabbatical leave next spring, which would be a great relief both to me and to those planning the logistics of the build and space management throughout that time. Again if we are fortunate enough to stay on schedule, the project might be complete in time for the June 2018 UUA General Assembly in Kansas City, as well as the celebration of our 150th anniversary as a congregation. On the other hand, if the timing doesn’t work out quite that propitiously, it still won’t be the end of the world -- such projects seem always to take longer than anyone imagines they possibly could. This decision will be the next step in an exciting chapter in the life of our congregation, to be sure. However, it is important to remember that our building is a means, not an end in itself. It is a tool that we use in the service of our mission to build community, inspire growth, and create justice and compassion in the world. As fond as many of us may be of this facility’s unique beauties and quirks, and as blessed as the memories it holds may be for us, the church is not the building. Our covenant of memory and promise abides in the minds and hearts of the members of this community, not in concrete and drywall. Like everything else we do here, this renovation project is just one more opportunity to practice good will and service; to seek truth in love, to dwell in peace, and to help one another. If we are deeply committed to such a way of being together, any shelter will become a shrine, and the spirit of the place will be its highest beauty. As the velveteen rabbit was told, “Once you are Real, you can’t be ugly, except to those who don’t understand.” So may it be for All Souls. — Rev. Kendyl

Sunday Sermons in lobby and online: http://allsoulskc.org/category/read-sermons/

From the Minister Rev. Kendyl Gibbons

Lana R. Dealy, Alley O’Doran, John Ross, Carrol White

New Members



Children & Youth Sunday Morning Schedule 10:00—12:15 Nursery service is provided for babies and toddlers. 10:00—11:00 A time of creativity, conversation, and community for all ages. 10:30—11:00 Children’s Choir, grades 1-6, lower level 11:15—12:15 Sunday School classes for all ages to explore our Unitarian Universalist faith and principles through storytelling, discussion, creative experiences, and service projects.

An All Souls tradition with children and youth decorating pumpkins and adults enjoying the resulting parade of Jack-o-Lanterns. Decorating: Sunday, October 23, from 10:00-11:00 am. Parade: Beginning of the 11:15 service, October 23. Purchase the Pumpkins: You can purchase the pumpkins in the lobby service and support the music and religious education programs at All Souls.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF It’s Scary how much Good You Can Do

Let’s fill our Trick or Treat Boxes for UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund. Our children will receive their boxes Oct. 30. Parents, please help your children fill their boxes on Halloween with donations from family and friends and. If each child at All Souls collects a minimum of $5.00 we can make a significant contribution to UNICEF.

$5 Can provide 13 doses of a measles vaccine. $15 Can provide a year’s worth of clean safe water for a child. $50 Can provide 35 malnourished children with lifesaving nutrition for one day. $165 Can provide a bicycle to deliver medicine to children.

Let’s create a better life for the world’s children

Children & Youth Education

Rev. Judith Cady

Our Jack-O-Lantern Parade

We Need Lots of Pumpkins Could you bring pumpkins for our children to carve? (Or you can give Judith cash and she’ll do the shopping.) Leave your pumpkins in the lobby Oct. 2—16 and bring a smile to the face of a child (as well as a pumpkin!

Pumpkin Scooping Party: Sat, October 22, 10:00 am Come join in the fun!!!

Adult Education and Support

“Journey Through Grief” Support Group led by Carolyn Connor Mondays, 3:30 p.m. Beginning Oct. 10 through Nov. 14 We have all suffered losses and can benefit from sharing our grief experiences with one another. No matter what the nature of the loss (death of a loved one, divorce, loss of health, etc.), you can feel the support of others who have traveled the same path.

No need to sign up, just show up.

Adult Educa on Classes Keeping the Sabbath: Sundays, 12:30—1 pm, Bragg, All spiritual traditions honored through prayer and meditation. Facilitator: Rev. Diana Hughes

HUUmanist Book Club: Mon, Oct. 10, 7 pm, Library: The Metaphysical Club by L. Menand. A Pulitzer Prize winning intellectual history with many intersections with our Unitarian history. All are welcome. Contact [email protected].

Gnawing for Knowledge: Wednesdays, noon: philosophical discussion.

Agnostics AA Meeting: Thurs, 7-8 pm, Tues, 7-8 pm, Lower Level; Fri & Sat, noon, Mtg. Rm

All Souls Movie Group: Wed, Oct. 5, 7 pm, Lobby: “Hell or High Water,” “Life Animated,” “Snowden,” “Southside with You” and “Sully.”

Adult Religious Education Minister’s Classes, led by Rev. Kendyl Gibbons

History of Humanism: 6 meetings, Wed. Oct. 12 – Nov. 23, 1:00 – 2:45 or Thursday, October 6 – November 17, 7:00 – 8:45

The development of Humanist ideas has a fascinating narrative of its own, with roots predating Christianity. We explore Greek antiquity, the Renaissance and Reformation, and Humanism in the Eastern traditions, as well as the impact of the scientific and industrial revolutions, the emergence of democracy, the Enlightenment and its Romantic counterparts, and the development of 20th century and contemporary trends in Humanism. World Religions: 11 meetings, Wednesday, November 30 – February 22, 1:00 – 2:45

Constructing a Personal World View: 10 meetings, Thurs, Dec. 1 – Feb. 23, 7:00 – 8:45 


Response Preparedness, Sabbatical Task Force

Throw a Life-Line Security & Hosting Training

Sunday, Oct. 23, 1 pm, Following the Lunch

What would you do if the tornado sirens go off while you are here at church? How can you facilitate church teams to meet here without hiring staff to be on-site? What do you do if the fire alarm goes off? What do you do if someone asks for food or money while you are here at the church? What if you are cooking and the smoke alarm sounds? What do you do if the electricity goes off? What if something needs repair immediately? How can you support All Souls to be a center of activity for the city? Learn our security and emergency procedures.

Be of Service to All Souls Be a Host for Church Functions

Sabbatical Task Force Forms

Sabbatical -[suh-bat-i-kuh l] any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc; traditionally related to university staff or teachers; approximately every seventh year. Many of you may have heard that our senior minister, the Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons, is taking a sabbatical next spring. You may also have questions about what this means and how the church will operate during that time. Fear not, because a Sabbatical Task Force (STF) has been formed to work with Kendyl prior to the start of her sabbatical to get plans in place. Kendyl will be on sabbatical from March 1 - June 30, 2017. During this time period, she will not be delivering weekly sermons or performing routine duties. She will, however, remain available for significant events in the lives of congregational members, such as memorial services and weddings. Routine duties, such as pastoral care, community involvement and outreach and planning services will be facilitated by the STF working with other staff members as well as various existing committees and groups (Caring Connection, Worship Team & Moderators, Social Responsibility Board). The STF is reaching out to invite guest speakers, both ministers and lay persons, to help fill the pulpit during the 3 months that Kendyl is on sabbatical as well as the summer months from July 1 - September 3, 2017, when All Souls has traditionally had lay-led services and guest ministers or speakers. How can you help? The STF is looking for members who would be willing and able to provide several of the following things: Host housing for out of town ministers/speakers Airline travel points to donate to reduce travel costs for out of town ministers/speakers Tickets to sports events, such as the Royals and Sporting KC, as part of honoraria for guests. Interested in helping out in any of these ways? Contact me, Scott England, Chair of the STF at [email protected], or leave a note in my Board mailbox at the Communication Center.  

Theboardhasvotedtoabolishtwopolicies,currentlyfoundintheAllSoulsPolicyManual. GovernanceStructure(p.2ofPolicyManual):Theboardvotedtoabolishthispolicyasit

islargelyduplicativeofthedutiesandresponsibilitiesoftheboardoftrusteesidenti iedandoutlinedintheAllSoulsBylaws.Additionally,thediscussionoftheLiaisonsystemisnolongerrelevant,asthatsystemwasabolishedseveralyearsago.


Board of Trustees, Policy

Build. Inspire. Create.

All Souls Recycling Bins

A note from the Facilities Committee: As you may know, there is a recycling bin at All Souls. There was a time when we received a modest payment for the materials left there and some of you regularly bring your paper, etc. to church for this reason.

But, we no longer earn income from this and instead, we now pay for pickup service. So, if you have recycling service for your home or apartment, please use that service. If you do not, you

are welcome to continue to use the church's recycling bin for paper, cardboard, metals and plastics. There is a recycling bin for glass at the Home Depot on Main.

The Board of Trustees is continuing with the Mission Based Conversations it began two years ago. In response to issues raised in prior discussions with committees and teams, the Board is publishing the Mission Based Conversation schedule at the start of the program year so that committees and teams can know in advance when to expect to conduct their conversation and also the names of the board members assigned to various groups. This information is available in the Communications Center and also at the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx9_y9X-1845cnpRbV9nTjJyS1E.




All Souls Raffle: Goal $10,000 for security cameras for church property & parking lot

Raffle Prizes 1. Wine lovers, bottle of Stage Leap cabernet 2007($96.00), bottle

of Vueve Cliqout Rose($90.00), Cakebread Chardonnay($70.00) and 4 Triton wine glasses

2. Pierpont’s gift certificate of $75.00 with 3 Boulevard Brewery 4 pack of Smokestack beers of Tap 7, The Calling IPA, mix of reserve and select finishing last basket

3. Trader Joe’s Coffee and Tea Basket

Tickets: 1 for $5; 3 for $10; 10 for $20

Keep Cool: An Afternoon of Chill Jazz & Poetry November 6, 1:30—3:30, Bragg Auditorium

Innovative Improvisational Jazz & Poetry to Celebrate Life & Good Will

All Souls Fundraiser Funding security cameras for church property & parking lot

Tix: $20 suggested All Donations Welcome

River Cow Orchestra

With Wine




s Bill Trowbridge Former MO Poet Laureate

Fellowship, Membership

Bridge Friday, Oct. 14 7 pm

RSVP: Hosts Sue and Dave Coy, [email protected]

NeedleHearts Sun, Oct. 23, 12:15

We will put together another afghan and show off our holiday

projects. Newcomers are welcome; we would love to give you a lesson to start you on a rewarding hobby. If you missed our summer gatherings, come and we will talk about our scarf and hat donations.

Contacts: Sue Coy or Sharon Cassity, [email protected] Snacks Welcome

Potluck &



Oct. 18

6:00 pm


Sunday Plus Lunches, 12:15 $7 per person/$20 family

Oct. 2: Fundraiser for General Operations Chef: Mark Gibbons Oct. 23: Fundraiser for Carver Dual Language Elementary

All Souls Men’s Group Thursday, Oct. 13, Conover

Hors D’oeuvres: 5:30 pm

Dinner 6:00, Discussion 7 - 8:15 $8 donation for dinner

Vegetarian available on request

Reservations strongly recommended. Don Dickey or Don Wakefield,

[email protected] All Men Welcome; Invite Your Friends!


Great big THANK YOUS to those who save and continue to feed the Boxtop for Education container in the church lobby. Because boxtops expire, they are delivered to Carver School as they accumulate and are accepted there with excitement and appreciation.

Simpson House, Special Offerings

Did you know??? 

Rental income from the Simpson House (right) supports All Souls Church.  This elegant house, purchased by All Souls over 35 years ago has been the site of hundreds of weddings,         recep ons, anniversary par es, birthday par es, and many  other celebra ons. 

The House is decorated for the holidays, and many                          organiza ons and businesses book their annual par es there.  If your organiza on is planning a holiday party, recommend the Simpson House for that event.  Every event is enhanced when held in this beau ful turn of the century mansion.  Keep it in mind when planning your next big celebra on. Check the webpage at Simpsonhouse.net, Like us on Facebook, or phone 816‐561‐1167 to make an appointment with Charles, to tour the house and book your party. 

All Souls Affirms and Promotes the UU 2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations How? 3 Sundays a month, a designated cause will receive a special offering. All checks with the memo line “special offering” and one half of all undesignated cash will be forwarded to the service organization advocating for the welfare of others and demonstrating what we value. Please make checks to All Souls; note on the memo line “special offering.”

October Special Offerings on Oct. 2, 9 and 16: StandUp KC

StandUp KC consists of fast food and retail workers in KC coming together to demand good wages and a voice for low-wage workers. The average fast food worker is now 28 years old and the average retail worker is 38. Both make about $7.35/hour, have no healthcare, no paid sick days or vacation pay, and face daily discrimination. All Souls supports the work of StandUp KC by providing the organization space for their meetings on a regular basis. But we want to do more, and so, we are asking for your contributions through the Special Offering.

Results of September Special Offerings

Carver Dual Language Elementary: $1253.53 All Souls Music and Religious Education: $1315.00

Thank you for demonstrating the UU principles and

making the world a better place!

Financials, Attendance, Solar Panels

Attendance Figures for August 2016: Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Service 134 91 105 91 Sunday Odyssey 28 30 34 26 Sunday School* 42 38 41 41 * includes teachers

August 2016 Pledged Income is $18,232—$7,935 under budget (‐30.3%). 

Total Dona on Income is $24,043 ‐  $5,449 under budget (‐18.5%). 

Total Income is $30,347 ‐ $2,845 under budget (‐8.6%). 

Total Expenses are $38,830 ‐ $3,228 under budget (‐7.7%). 

Total Expenses exceed Total Income by $8,483—$382.94 under budget. 

Year to Date: 

Pledged Income is $39,785 ‐ $12,549 under budget (‐24%). 

Total Income is $80,953 ‐ $695 under budget (‐0.9%). 

Total Expenses are $79,515 ‐ $9,024 under budget (‐10.2%). 

Total Income exceeds Total Expenses by $1,078 ‐  $8,328 over budget. 

A complete report can be found in the Communica ons Center. 

Sunny Portal Info Report for PV System: All Souls Church as of August 2016 Monthly Production: 2617.908 kWh Monthly Revenue: $247.908 USD Monthly CO2 Reduction: 1832.479 kg

Thanks to everyone who helped with the UNplaza weekend.

The Used Booksale raised lots of money for our children’s trip to Boston to learn about the history of Unitarian Universalism and many people say that our concession stand is the best of the weekend.


CONTACTS Phone 816-531-2131 Fax 816-756-5651

Website allsoulskc.org

Minister: Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons, [email protected]

Board President: Carrie Bader, [email protected] Religious Education: Rev. Judith Cady, [email protected] Administrator: Rev. Diana Hughes, [email protected]

Music Director: Anthony Edwards, [email protected]

Membership Coordinator: Rev. Josh Paszkiewicz, membership [email protected], 816-399-5621 Bookkeeper: Vicki Norris, [email protected] Admin. Associate: Sherry Anspach: [email protected]

Scheduling: Sue Trowbridge [email protected], 816-518-0925 (cell) Facilities Mgr: Charles Dickinson, [email protected], 816-533-5058 Custodians: Elsafi Ahmed, Miho Komatsu

Flame November 2016 submissions deadline: 9am October 10 Sunday Morning bulletins & Friday e-mail deadline: 9 a.m. Wednesdays Send all submissions to Rev. Diana Hughes: [email protected]

Directories Any member or friend who has chosen to be in the directory may receive one, printed or electronic. Is yours out of date (older than a month)? Contact the church office and request your new copy.

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