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Page 1: Research and Innovation Fellowships Program

Accelerating development through science innovation and partnership

Research and Innovation Fellowships


Courtney Matson and Jamie LeidelmeyerResearch and Innovation Fellowships


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Informational Meeting Agenda

I. Introductions

II. Presentation by RI Fellowships Representatives

Fellow Presentation

III. General Q & A

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USAID The United States Agency for International Development is an independent U.S. government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential

USAID works in over 100 countries to:

• Promote broadly shared economic prosperity;• Strengthen democracy and good governance;• Protect human rights;• Improve global health; • Advance food security and agriculture; • Improve environmental sustainability;• Further education;• Help societies prevent and recover from conflicts; and• Provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural and man-

made disasters.

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The U.S. Global Development Lab

USAID is spearheading a bold, new approach to discover, test, and scale solutions to help people lift themselves out of poverty.

The U.S. Global Development Lab (The Lab) will accelerate the application of science, technology, innovation, and partnerships to solve some of the most complex development problems more cost-efficiently and effectively.

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The ApproachCollaborate with host-country counterparts, entrepreneurs, world-class experts from corporations, NGOs, universities, and science and research institutions to solve development challenges more cost-efficiently and effectively

The Lab will: Source, discover, and scale new technologies and innovations; Build partnerships to co-design new solutions and take them from

pilots to global impact; Inspire, strengthen, and link the brightest young minds in America

with those in our partner countries; and Improve USAID’s development impact by supporting scientific and

innovative approaches to strategic decision making, procurement, and program design

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Why is USAID Invested in Science, Technology, and Innovation Expertise?

● Solutions to 21st century development challenges are increasingly technical

● International scientific and technological collaboration is a source of innovation and growth

● To attract the best scientific and technological

expertise to developing countries

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Who’s doing science?

Peer-reviewed scientific papers

Developing World



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What are USAID’s Research and Innovation Fellowships?

● An interconnected global network, not only a fellowship program:○ International students○ Scientists○ Researchers who are interested in research and innovation projects for development

● Builds relationships between institutions

● Provides an easy way to access opportunities to use science and technology to tackle development challenges

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Research and Innovation Fellowships Program

Connects U.S. and international students, scientists, and researchers to focus on research and innovation in-country

Builds relationships between institutions

Creates global network for sustainable partnership

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Fellowship Basics

• 2-12 month Fellowships

• USAID funds the student

• Host provides in-kind support as possible

• Host can be NGO, private sector organizations, research centers, universities, and even Government ministries

Pilot Countries

• Brazil

• Colombia

• India

• Indonesia

• Philippines

• Senegal

• South Africa

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Snapshot of Eligible Fellows

Graduate students – PhD and Masters

In good standing within respective university

Meet university specific requirements

National Science Foundation (NSF) grant recipients (8,000 students who receive GRF grant of $135,000 for 3 years)


Eligible Fellows through university partnerships

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Visit www.usaid.gov/RIFellowships or find us on Twitter at @USAIDscitech,


Process Map

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Creating mobile apps to harness the tourism industry in Colombia

Example of a Host Opportunity

Developing apps for marketplace exchange, cultural event promotion, and local business recommendations

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Developing sustainable agriculture practices in Senegal

Engineering hardier crops through seed breeding and soil chemistry

Example of a Host Opportunity

Engineering hardier crops through seed breeding and soil chemistry

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Helping fight human trafficking in India

Example of a Host Opportunity

Developing socio-economic profiles of targeted households to quantify the risks associated with early marriage and child labor, including linkages to trafficking

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Map Coral Reefs in Indonesia

Example of a Host Opportunity

Help conservation efforts in Indonesia by mapping coral reefs and developing sustainable environmental strategies

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Anthony is researching the impacts of violence and development on Black communities in Colombia. Prior to joining the MA/PhD program in Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, he founded the Colombia Land Rights Monitor (www.colombialand.org) and worked at the Washington Office on Latin America. Anthony received his bachelor's degree in Political Science and Latin American Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and former Fulbright Scholar.

Current Fellow EXAMPLE #1

Anthony Dest

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•Christian grew up in sunny Kissimmee, Florida and is a graduate of the University of Florida where he received a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He received his Master's degree in Environmental Engineering at Cornell University in 2011 and is working on his doctorate in the same field at Cornell. Christian is currently working on integrating tropical watershed hydrology and ecosystem services research for improved nutrient and water use efficiency in the Colombian Andes with CIAT in Cali, Colombia.

Current Fellow EXAMPLE #2

Christian Guzman

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The Catalog

Connects you to opportunities from universities, research centers, government ministries, non-governmental organizations, private sector

Host submissions are reviewed for: • Scientific merit, • Development impact, • Safety, security, and legitimacy of organization

in-country• Once verified, all opportunities will be placed in

the Catalog of Opportunities.

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Snapshot of the Catalog of Opportunities

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How does the Research and Innovation Fellowship advance your career? Gives you applicable foreign experience to emerging markets, expanding studies, and companies that are growing and expanding.

Gain new connections.

Enhances your reputation with U.S. science, technology and innovation communities.

Gain additional skills such as applied research, field experience, mentoring/teaching, cultural contexts, and project management.

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To become involved...● Visit our website for more information


● Davis RIFA website: ip.ucdavis.edu/what/rifa

● Search the catalog!!! www.rifellowships.org/

● Questions and comments can be directed to [email protected]

● On Twitter: @USAIDscitech, #RIFellowships

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