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Page 1: Research article Biorobotic insights into how animals swim · Biorobotics is a means of gaining insight into the mechanisms these animals use for maneuvering. In this study, experiments


IntroductionThe beauty and performance of swimming and flying animals arefascinating to man. If we consider biology as nature’s design andengineering as man-made design of competing functions,then these two applied disciplines may be deemed akin(Bandyopadhyay, 2004). However, there are some differences inapproach that reflect on interpretations. Biorobotics allowssynthetic examination of mechanisms and functions,complications are built over simplicity and unsteadiness may beconsidered a special case of steady behavior. On the other hand,in biology, steady flow, for example, is a special case ofunsteadiness. Here, we sought to conduct controlled andcompartmentalized engineering experiments on abstracted aspectsof swimming animals to gain insight into their mechanisms ofpropulsion. In particular, we focused on the pectoral appendagesof penguins and sunfish, which are relatively stiff and flexible,respectively. We sought answers to several questions. (1) Why isit that the wing and body forms of swimming animals in generalare similar to those of National Advisory Committee forAeronautics (NACA) profiles but the former are unsteady whilethe latter are developed for steady flows? In other words, howunsteady is the hydrodynamics of the pectoral appendages ofswimming and flying animals? How did unsteady hydrodynamicsevolve? How did animals discover the seemingly counter-intuitivenotion that stall vortices can be harnessed for lift and thrustenhancement? (2) While engineers design based on theirunderstanding of inherent laws and principles, how do animals

evolve to optimize their efficiencies, albeit with constraints? (3) Isthe dynamic stall mechanism present in flexible fins? Do flexiblefins have inherent abilities of station keeping in disturbed streams?How do they compare with relatively stiff fins?

The engineering implementation of biology-inspired fluiddynamics has received much attention since the work of Ellingtonand Dickinson showing how dynamic stall is used by flying animalsto sustain themselves aloft in a low-density medium such as air(Ellington, 1984a; Ellington, 1984b; Ellington, 1984c; Ellington,1984d; Ellington, 1984e; Ellington, 1984f; Dudley and Ellington,1990; Ellington, 1991; Dickinson, 1996; Dickinson et al., 1999;Ellington et al., 1996; Sane and Dickinson, 2002; Birch et al., 2004;Triantafyllou et al., 2004; Bandyopadhyay, 2004; Bandyopadhyay,2005). Similar investigations of the mechanisms of the appendagesof swimming animals, however, are not as advanced (Lauder andDrucker, 2004), although progress is now being made (Lauder et al.,2007). The engineering significance of these largely model-based‘biorobotic’ investigations is that it is indeed possible – afteraccounting for penalties – to sustain an entire platform based on thehigh-lift mechanism of dynamic stall, a phenomenon that has beenknown to engineers for a long time (Bandyopadhyay, 2005;Ellington, 1999). It is frequently cited that animals have wings andbodies that closely match NACA profiles, although the design andselection of the NACA profiles are based on steady-state flow. Thisled Bandyopadhyay, while at the Office of Naval Research, tocommission a medical imaging survey of the cross-sections of theappendages of swimming animals. The close match with NACA

The Journal of Experimental Biology 211, 206-214Published by The Company of Biologists 2008doi:10.1242/jeb.012161

Research article

Biorobotic insights into how animals swim

Promode R. Bandyopadhyay, David N. Beal and Alberico MenozziNaval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI 02841, USA

*Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected])

Accepted 15 October 2007

SummaryMany animals maneuver superbly underwater using their pectoral appendages. These animals range from sunfish, which haveflexible, low aspect ratio fins, to penguins, which have relatively stiff, high aspect ratio wings. Biorobotics is a means of gaininginsight into the mechanisms these animals use for maneuvering. In this study, experiments were carried out with models ofabstracted penguin wings, and hydrodynamic characteristics – in particular, efficiency – were measured directly. A cross-flowvortex model of the unsteady force mechanism was developed that can compute instantaneous lift and drag forces accurately.This makes use of the steady characteristics of the fin and proposes that cross-flow drag vortices of bluff bodies in steady floware analogous to dynamic stall vortices and that fin oscillation is a means for keeping the vortices attached to the fin. From whathas been reported for sunfish with pectoral fins to our current measurements for single abstracted penguin wings, we infer thatthe maximum hydrodynamic efficiency has remained largely unchanged. A selection algorithm was used to rapidly find the finoscillation parameters for optimum efficiency. Finally, we compared the measurements on the penguin-like relatively stiff fins andthe reported flow visualization of flexible sunfish pectoral fins. The flexible pectoral fins of station-keeping sunfish exhibit a richrepertoire of capability such as the formation of dynamic stall vortices simultaneously on two leading edges during part of thecycle, changes in projected area in different planes, and the vectoring of jets. However, such fins may not be scalable to largerbiorobotic vehicles and relatively stiff fins appear to be better suited instead, albeit with somewhat limited station-keeping ability.

Key words: biorobotics, flying, high-lift, swimming.


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profiles was found to be widely prevalent (for a collection of medicalcross-sectional digital images of common dolphins, contact Prof. F.Fish, Westchester University, Weschester, PA, USA), but the role ofthe foil cross-section derived from studies on steady-flow section inthe unsteady high-lift mechanism is unclear. The performance ofswimming animals greatly depends on the hydrodynamic efficienciesof their active appendages, such as the pectoral fin. Estimates ofperformance based on hydrodynamic models tend to have largeuncertainties and pertain to the animal as a whole, as opposed to theirindividual appendages (Fish, 1993). The hydrodynamic efficienciesof pectoral appendages for cruising and maneuvering still remainunknown. The position and number of appendages and theirmorphological scaling depend on whether the animals are dexterousin cruising or in maneuvering (Bandyopadhyay et al., 1997). In thisstudy, we explored how swimming efficiency could be rapidlyoptimized without any a priori knowledge of the hydrodynamicmechanisms. Finally, intrigued by the fact that large, open-watercruising animals (such as whales, dolphins and penguins) have fairlystiff wings, while smaller and more maneuverable and station-keeping animals (such as sunfish) have flexible pectoral fins, weexamined the question: is dynamic stall universally present in bothflexible and rigid high-lift appendages? What are the functionaldifferences between relatively stiff and flexible fins?

Materials and methodsThe apparatus used to determine the hydrodynamic characteristicsof rolling and pitching fins, which are similar to the pectoral finsand wings of swimming animals, is shown in Fig.·1. Three rigidfins with chord (c) of 10·cm in most of the span (s) and span/chord(s/c) ratios of 1, 2 and 3 were tested in a low-speed tow tank. Thefin is imparted pitching and rolling motions using a set of twoorthogonally placed motors. The pitch motor and fin assembly isattached to the roll motor shaft. The six forces and moments areread by the load cell that connects the roll motor to the tow carriage.Optical encoders on the motors give rolling and pitching positionsand angular velocities, while torque sensors attached to each motorshaft used to measure the efficiency. The chord Reynolds numbersof the hovering and towing tests are in the 20·000 to 150·000 range,based on total speed Ut (the symbols are defined below, see List ofsymbols and abbreviations).

The roll motor is controlled to oscillate sinusoidally as follows:

�(t) = �0sin(�t), (1)

where �(t) is the instantaneous roll position, �0 is the rollamplitude, and � is the flapping frequency in radians·s–1. The pitchmotor, which rides on the roll motor, oscillates as:

�(t) = �0sin(�t+�) + �Bias, (2)

where �(t) is the instantaneous pitch position, �0 is the pitchamplitude, � is the phase angle between roll and pitch, and �Bias isthe pitch bias (which is 0 for zero-mean lift). Roll and pitch torqueare measured from the output at each motor’s gearbox. Inconjunction with motor velocity data, these give the power appliedby the motors to the fluid:

Phydrodynamic(t) = (�Roll�+�Pitch�), (3)

where � is the instantaneous torque for the roll and pitch axes. Thisis a measurement of power independent of the specific actuatorsused in this experiment. To estimate inertial uncertainties, powertime traces were measured in air. They were compared with themeasurements made in water. The power trace in air leads that inwater by 90°, because the resistance to motion in air is

predominantly inertial, whereas in water it is predominantlyhydrodynamic with velocity squared. The mean power in aircalculated using torque and angular velocity is near zero, becausepower expended during acceleration is absorbed duringdeceleration. At the moment when the inertial effect in air is atmaximum, it is about 15–25% of the hydrodynamic power in waterfor the cases shown in Fig.·8. At the moment of peak hydrodynamicpower, the inertial component is zero, because the fin is at a pointof peak velocity and zero acceleration.

Hydrodynamic efficiency �hydrodynamic is defined as:

where FX is the cycle-averaged force in the forward direction,Phydrodynamic is the cycle-averaged hydrodynamic power, and U iseither the forward velocity of the tow carriage U� or, if the carriagespeed is zero, an estimate of the induced velocity through the sweptarea Uind. The induced velocity is defined as:

where is the fluid density and As is the area swept by the wing(Wakeling and Ellington, 1997).

Cross-flow vortex modeling of unsteady stall hydrodynamicsWe propose that the dynamic stall vortices are analogous to cross-flow drag vortices of a fin placed normal to a steady uniform streamas a bluff body and as shown in Fig.·2. At shallower angles ofattack, the vortices in Fig.·2 are simply the leading and trailing edgevortices resulting in the fin-normal component of force due to thecross-flow, of which lift and drag are resolved representations. Ifthe angle of attack is constantly changing such that these dragvortices can be retained over the fin surface during the cycle, thenstall can be prevented and lift enhanced at large angles of attack.Thus, unsteadiness does not do away with the basic steady lift anddrag characteristics of the fin, but merely delays the occurrence ofstall.

FXU �hydrodynamic = ,



FX Uind = 2AS


6-Axis load cell

Rollmotor and


Pitchmotor and







Fig.·1. Photograph showing a 30·cm-span fin attached to the roll/pitchmechanism. (Dimensions are in cm.)


Page 3: Research article Biorobotic insights into how animals swim · Biorobotics is a means of gaining insight into the mechanisms these animals use for maneuvering. In this study, experiments


Consider a fin undergoing rolling and pitching motions in theY–Z plane and moving forward in the direction X, as shown inFig.·3. Forward velocity U� and rolling velocity Uwing result in thetotal velocity Ut. The fin forces (lift Lfin and thrust Tfin) aretransverse and in line with Ut, respectively, and N is normal to thefin surface and is the resultant of lift and thrust. Viscous drag isignored. The angles are defined as follows: �(t) is the roll angle,�(t) is the instantaneous angle of attack between the fin and Ut, and�(t) is the pitch angle; t is time. For a steady fin at small angles ofattack, lift changes much faster with angle of attack than drag does.Therefore, we assume that the coefficient of force normal to the finsurface is given by the same slope:

as that of lift with an angle of attack near zero:

CN,model[�(t)] = msin[�(t)]. (7)

Resolving this orthogonally, lift and drag are given by:

CL,model[�(t)] = msin[�(t)]cos[�(t)], (8)

CD,model[�(t)] = –msin2[�(t)]. (9)

If the fin planform extends from radius ri to ro from the roll axis,the average radius of the fin swept area is defined as:

The wing velocity is given by:

Uwing(t) = �(t)Ravg. (11)

The instantaneous angle of attack is given by:

The total speed is given by:

Note that the angle of attack and the total velocity of the fin arecontinuously changing as given by its unsteady motion. The pre-stall steady fin characteristics can now be used to determine the

Ut(t) = U2 wing (t) + U2

� . (13)




d�(6) m =

lim �r0


ro2 + ri

2 Ravg = .




Uwing (t)


(12) �(t) = –atan + �(t) .

Research article

unsteady lift and drag characteristics for any angle of attack. Thismodeling is shown below to hold for time signatures of forces.Because steady fin characteristics are used to model the unsteadybehavior, this is also a quasi-steady model. However, we offer aphysical basis of the inviscid character of drag and liftenhancement. This physical approach might provide a clue to thelarger question as to how animals may have discovered that invisciddrag can be re-vectored to enhance lift and thrust.

Method of optimizing fin efficiencyWe implemented a downhill simplex method (Flannery et al.,1988), using frequency, roll amplitude, pitch amplitude, pitch bias,and phase between the roll and pitch sinusoids as the dimensionsto be searched, and a user-chosen optimization parameter tominimize. This optimization parameter could be efficiency whilehovering, defined from Wakeling and Ellington (Wakeling andEllington, 1997) and subtracted from one:

Alternatively, the optimization parameter could be a function of FX,FY and power, such as:

Fopt = (FX–8)2 + (FY–3)2 + kP2hydrodynamic , (15)

which would try to find a motion that would produce a mean X-force of 8·N and a mean Y-force of 3·N while minimizing the powerspent. The weight k is added for priority.

When the search algorithm outputs a new set of motionparameters to try, the fin will change its motion to the new set andflap a user-defined number of times. The fin control programreturns the mean forces, power and efficiency recorded during theroutine, which are then sent back to the search algorithm, wherethey are translated into the optimization parameter of interest. Asimulated annealing term was added to the method (Flannery et al.,1988), with a gradually reducing ‘temperature’, to avoid becoming



FX Fopt = (1–�) = 1 – 2AsweptP2





Fig.·2. Schematic diagram of a fin positioned normal to uniform flowshowing drag producing ʻcross-flow bluff-body dragʼ vortices. These areformed as the angle of attack of the fin increases well above 0°. The 90°situation is shown. The rolling and pitching motion of the fin helps retainthe vortices over the fin, thereby delaying stall and enhancing lift due to thelow pressures in their cores.





θ(t)–Lfin Ut(t)







Fig.·3. Schematic diagram of the variables in a rolling and pitching fin. Fordefinitions, see List of symbols and abbreviations.


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stuck at a point where the repeatability level of the data resulted inan anomolous local minimum due to noise in data.

ResultsCross-flow vortex model

The cross-flow vortex model is compared with measurements inFigs·4 and 5 at a tow speed of 1.34·m·s–1. The agreement is good.In Figs·6 and 7, a similar comparison is made but at a lower speedof 0.46·m·s–1 and a higher pitch amplitude of 35° to retain a similarmaximum angle of attack, but with other fin oscillation parametersremaining the same as in the case of the 1.34·m·s–1 tow speed. Atthe lower speed, the model agrees with the time signatures of theforce measurements as well. However, the measurements, and notthe model, indicate a seeming hysteresis. This hysteresis is a directmeasurement and is reminiscent of a Wagner effect as per whichthere is a time delay in the mechanism of force production inimpulsively started lifting surfaces. Due to viscous effects, there isa delay in the development of the asymptotic value of the circulationaround the lifting surface, that is, a delay in the establishment of theKutta condition. The proximity of the starting vortex near the trailingedge in the early stages also affects this delay.

A clear hysteretic unsteady behavior has not been directlyevidenced in the literature on animal-inspired flying andswimming. In our measurements, such hysteresis is present in thecases of hovering and low speeds of tow, and this is eliminatedas the speed is raised. The hysteresis increases at the extremevalues of the angle of attack (Fig.·6), which coincide with theextreme roll positions of the fin. Our estimation of induced flowvelocity – from an actuator disc method (Wakeling andEllington, 1997) – is constant in time and space, which will leadto errors in the magnitude and direction of Ut. To resolve whetherthere truly is hysteresis in the low-speed fin behavior, the timesignatures of fin torque were examined. This is because torqueis an independent and direct diagnostic of the fin response to theroll and pitch oscillations where induced velocities do not haveto be estimated. The torque versus roll velocity response isshown in Fig.·8 at tow speeds of 1.34 and 0.46·m·s–1. The torqueversus roll velocity is linear and ‘elliptic’, respectively, in Fig.·8at the higher and the lower speeds. While there is no hysteresisat the higher speed, some is seen at the lower speed, but it is not

as dramatic as the reduced data in Fig.·6 suggest. At 0.46·m·s–1,for peak–peak roll torque of 8·N·m, there is a maximum deviationfrom the mean value of about ±1·N·m – a 12% effect. A moreaccurate method of estimating induced velocities during hover orlow speeds of tow is needed.

The universal validity of the cross-flow vortex model for lift anddrag over all oscillation parameters such as frequency, roll angle,pitch bias and pitch amplitude during hovering and towing, as wellas for varying fin spans, is shown in Figs·9 and 10, respectively(roll 30°, 40°; pitch bias 0°; pitch 25°, 35°, 45°, 55° and 65°;roll–pitch phase –90°, 90°; frequency 0.75, 1, 1.25 and 1.5·Hz; span20, 30·cm; cruising speed –0.46, 0.46, 0.83 and 1.34·m·s–1). Thesteady fin measurements are included for reference. The unsteadydata indicate lift and drag forces averaged for bins at a given angle

–20 0 20 40








α (degrees)


ce c







Fig.·4. Comparison of the measurements of unsteady coefficients of lift(red) and drag (blue) with the cross-flow vortex model. The steadymeasurements are also included. Tow speed is 1.34·m·s–1. Motionparameters are �0=30°, �0=15°, f=1.25·Hz, U�=1.34·m·s–1, span=20·cm,�Bias=0°, St=0.26. St is Strouhal number defined as 2f�0Ravg/U�, where f isthe frequency of oscillation. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1



Time (periods)




ic (W



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–50







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–20







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–50




le (





Fig.·5. Comparison of the measurements of unsteady time signatures offorces in the forward and transverse directions and of power with the cross-flow vortex model for the case shown in Fig.·4. Tow speed is 1.34·m·s–1.The fin kinematics are shown at the top.

–20–40 0 20 40–5



α (degrees)


ce c







Fig.·6. Comparison of the measurements of unsteady coefficients of lift(red) and drag (blue) with the cross-flow vortex model. Tow speed is0.46·m·s–1. The steady measurements are also included. Motionparameters are �0=30°, �0=35°, f=1.25·Hz, U�=0.46·m·s–1, span=20·cm,�Bias=0°, St=0.78.


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of attack for all cases. For low tow speeds, the averaged value ofthe hysteretic behavior is shown. The cross-flow vortex modeldescribes the unsteady measurements well.

Rapid optimization of hydrodynamic efficiencyThe magnitude of the mean lift and thrust forces produced by thefin are functions of the flapping frequency, roll amplitude, pitchamplitude, phase difference between roll and pitch, and pitch bias,as well as the incoming flow speed and direction. To make the forceproduction robust to disturbances in the incoming flow, such as thatcreated by cross-flows and large-scale vortices, one would eitherhave to study the fin in all sorts of flow fields and then measurethose in practice, or enable the system to react to changing flowsin such a way as to produce the desired forces nonetheless. As an

Research article

initial step to a flow-adaptable fin, we demonstrated the finsearching through its parameter space – with no a priori knowledgeof its hydrodynamic capabilities – in order to optimize betweenforce production and power cost.

The optimization method was successful in converging tooptimized points within 40–50 cycles, in approximately 4·min,depending on the initial random set of motion parameters. This isshown in Fig.·11. The optimized motion parameters were withinthe range seen in a previous matrix study of the fin performanceversus input parameters. This is shown in Fig.·12.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10


Time (periods)




ic (W



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–50







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–20







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1–50




le (





Fig.·7. Comparison of the measurements of unsteady time signatures offorces in the forward and transverse directions and of power with the cross-flow vortex model for the case shown in Fig.·6. Tow speed is 0.46·m·s–1.The fin kinematics are shown at the top.

–200–300 –100 200100 3000–10





Roll velocity (degrees s–1)

τ rol

l (N


Fig.·8. Measurements of the roll torque and roll velocity at a tow speed of1.34·m·s–1 for the case shown in Fig.·4 (blue) and a tow speed of0.46·m·s–1 for the case shown in Fig.·6 (green). Observe the presence ofhysteresis in the latter in comparison with the former. The hysteresis isattributable to the slower development of the Kutta condition at lowerspeed.

–50 0 50 100–100 150 200










Inflow attackangle (degrees)










00 10 20

Inflow attack angle (degrees)

Fig.·9. Comparison of the averaged measurements of instantaneous liftforces with the cross-flow vortex model. The steady fin measurements arealso included. Blue and green data indicate tests with a 20 or 30·cm span,respectively. The inset expands the data up to an angle of attack of 20° toclarify the validity of the model up to angles where stall occurs in thesteady case.

–50 0 50 100–100 150 200









Inflow attackangle (degrees)









00 10 20

Inflow attack angle (degrees)

Fig.·10. Comparison of the averaged measurements of instantaneous dragforces with the cross-flow vortex model. The steady fin measurements arealso included. Blue and green data indicate tests with a 20 or 30·cm span,respectively. The inset expands the data up to an angle of attack of 20°where stall occurs in the steady case (Fig.·9) to clarify that the cross-flowvortex model does not account for viscous drag. Reproduced withpermission (Lauder et al., 2007).


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The measurements of efficiency in Fig.·12 contain two sets of data– one for hovering and one for cruising. The thrust was normalizedas CX,wing=FX/(1/2U2

wingAplanform), and the efficiency was defined as�hydrodynamic=FXU∞/Phydrodynamic for U∞>0 and �hydrodynamic=FXUinduced/Phydrodynamic for U∞=0, where the induced velocity wasestimated using the disk method of Wakeling and Ellington(Wakeling and Ellington, 1997), meaning that the �hydrodynamic valuesduring hovering have higher uncertainties than those during cruising.All data with CX,wing>1.5 are for hovering, and most of the data for

CX,wing<1.5 are for cruising. Using the best means available forcomparison, the best efficiency for hovering is nearly half that duringcruising. This suggests that propulsive efficiency when maneuveringis less efficient than when cruising. Note that the highest efficiencyof about 0.6 is similar to the 0.5–0.6 measured for two-dimensionalfins (Read et al., 2003). Thus, increasing the aspect ratio of finsbeyond the maximum of 3 in the present work does not offer anincrease in efficiency. A private communication with G. V. Lauderand P. G. A. Madden in 2006 indicated that the highest efficiency ofa sunfish with a pair of flexible pectoral fins during station keepingin a stream is 0.42. If we allow that the efficiency of a fish is lowerthan that of its appendages, then the sunfish pectoral fin efficiencyis probably higher than 0.42 and may be closer to 0.6. This suggeststhat the efficiency of pectoral appendages from penguins to sunfishis similar.

Biorobotic rigid fins and flexible pectoral finsA convergence between the above results of the rigid biorobotic finand those of the sunfish flexible pectoral fin was sought to explorethe force production mechanism of sunfish pectoral fins. Anexplanation of how sunfish maintain station within close tolerancehas been lacking. Lauder et al. (Lauder et al., 2007) have arguedthat the sunfish pectoral fin has two leading edges because, due tothe cupping of the fin during outstroke, both the leading and trailingedges become positioned at the same axial station during stationkeeping in a laboratory flow tunnel. If so, then, where are thetrailing edges? A still frame showing the formation of two clearvortices at the fin edges is given in Fig.·13 and a synthesis is shownin Fig.·14. If both edges are leading, then the contrarotating vorticesin Fig.·13 must be from the leading edges of two symmetric fins.We then attach importance to the fact that similar contrarotatingvortex pairs away from the leading edge vortices are not produced,as would be expected had there been two trailing edges. Thisimplies that there are no trailing edges at all, but only two leadingedges. Accordingly, we synthesize these arguments to arrive at thehypothesis that the sunfish pectoral fin acts as a conjoined


0 10 20 30 40 50–0.1





0.4η h




Fig.·11. Time sequence trace of the search for the highest efficiency duringhovering. The green circles track the highest level of efficiency reached asyet during the scheme. Two flapping cycles were tested for each oscillationparameter set. Total search time is ~4·min.


–0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2–0.1








η hyd




Fig.·12. Measurements of efficiency versus coefficient of X-force. The bluedata were first collected in a systematic matrix study over a predefinedrange of oscillation parameters. This data gathering was spread over about1.5·years, which is common in conventional experimental procedureswhere the hydrodynamic characteristics and the models of control laws aredetermined before a vehicle design is carried out. The symbols denote thecarriage speed, where � is U�=0, o is 0.46, + is 0.83, and * is 1.34·m·s–1.The numbered dots denote trial numbers from the random searchalgorithm; green dots denote trials with a pitch bias greater than 5°, andred dots denote runs after which the bias had converged to less than 5°.Observe that from an arbitrary starting point, the algorithm rapidly reachesthe point of highest efficiency for hovering as denoted by the � symbols.The search for maximum efficiency converges with any initial randomselection of oscillation parameters. The rapid search method also workswell when the fin is towed.

Fig.·13. PIV and laser cross-sectional end view of sunfish pectoral finstation keeping in a stream of speed 8.5·cm·s–1 (from G. V. Lauder and P.G. A. Madden, personal communication, 2005); total fish length is 17·cm.The fin is in abduction phase. Observe the formation of contrarotatingvortices at the fin tips. We hypothesize that they are cross-sections of twodifferent stall vortices as shown in Fig.·14.


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symmetric biplane during station keeping in a uniform streamduring the outstroke half of the fin beat. The flexibility is a meansof making two fins out of one in order to balance unsteady forcesin the vertical direction. The formation of the two attached edgevortices shows that the dynamic stall mechanism is present insunfish pectoral fins although the projected fin area is muchreduced from the maximum possible.

To achieve station keeping, it is necessary to be able to promptlyproduce forces and moments along stream and also normal and cross-stream in amplitudes that are just enough to cancel the perturbations.The flexible fin has the ability to control the projected surface areain all planes as indeed we see in the movie frames in Lauder et al.(Lauder et al., 2007). The fin folding also changes the local anglesof attack. The twist of the fin can also be controlled at the root,thereby controlling the vector of the co-flowing jet (Fig.·14). Thesethree traits, with the aid of sensitive lateral line sensors and aninstantaneously deployable controller, could dynamically cancelforce and moment perturbations in all directions and axes. The rigidfin measurements of force vectors at each instant were examined inthree-dimensional fields. Rigid fins produce large transverse periodicforces, which may be undesirable when holding position (Beal andBandyopadhyay, 2007). To achieve station keeping in the verticalplane, two symmetric fins are needed to balance the instantaneousvertical (Y-) forces. Such data show quantitatively that stationkeeping can be achieved at all times by symmetric biplanes,

Research article

conjoined or not. The symmetric fins would not have to be mirrorimages; their angles of attack to the flow and flapping speed couldbe different as long as they cancel undesired unsteady forces. Asample of the sunfish pitch angle time history from Lauder et al.(Lauder et al., 2007) is compared with a similar sinusoidal history ofthe rigid fin in Fig.·15, where a qualitative similarity is seen to exist.The sum of the pitch angles between the dorsal and ventral rays iswithin 0° to 20° during abduction, while it is closer to zero duringthe adduction phase. The pitch angles in the biorobotic rigid fins, ofcourse, sum exactly to zero at all times. In the absence of detailedkinematics of the sunfish pectoral fin, this zero sum is taken as anindication of real-time station keeping.

DiscussionWhat can we learn by comparing the force production in sunfishdue to their flexible pectoral fins and the present relatively stiffpenguin wing-like biorobotic fins? Lauder et al. (Lauder et al.,2007) have given the time sequences of the flexible fin contortionsand the distributions of local velocity variations about thefreestream velocity for a sunfish holding station in a stream. Wepropose the following mechanism to be in play in the flexible fin.During the outstroke, while the spanwise edges of the fin arefolding inward, due to separation and the ensuing pressuredifference, two symmetric leading-edge vortices are formed(Fig.·14). The projected area of the fin is much reduced from itsmaximum value during the cupping process, which suggests thatits thrust production role is smaller. The two leading-edge vorticescoalesce to form a downstream-pointing jet. The spanwise bonestructure and the chordwise fin corrugations would assist thisspanwise jet flow. The jet is inclined rearward to the body and is asource of thrust. The outstroke takes the fin to a position just shortof being normal to the body. The fin subsequently expands, whichcauses the twin leading-edge vortice jet to expand into a diffuser,allowing pressure recovery, at the end of the outstroke. During thereturn stroke, the fin concaves with the fin tip facing upstream. Dueto stiffness, the spanwise edges of the fin this time do not cupinward and no significant leading-edge vortex is probablyproduced, although a stall vortex could still form at the tip.Conceivably, this tip vortex inclined cross-stream and parallel tothe body could interact with the caudal fin downstream, providinga means for precision streamwise control of the fish body to stationitself in the face of perturbations, because it is sinusoidal and small

Fig.·14. Proposed dynamic stall vortex pairs shown in color in the sunfishpectoral fin formed during outstroke when the fin is undergoing ʻcuppingʼmotion. The fin picture is from Lauder et al. (Lauder et al., 2007). The totalfish length is 17·cm and the stream speed is 8.5·cm·s–1. The fish ismaintaining its station in a ʻuniformʼ stream, shown by the vertical arrow,while the fin is turning upstream and the spanwise edges are curlinginward. The stall vortices locally augment the pressure difference acrossthe two leading edges and could help cancel perturbations in the verticaldirections. The co-flowing jets on both sides of the fish could be vectoredappropriately to hold station laterally and provide some thrust. The verticalarrow shows the stream direction.

Time (s)


h (d





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1












Fig.·15. Comparison of measurements of the variation in fin pitch anglewith time during one cycle (red and blue diamonds) in bluegill sunfishpectoral fins (Lauder et al., 2007) with our rigid fin data. Sunfish pectoralfin: roll amplitude, 40.8°; frequency, 1.0·Hz; pitch amplitude, 44.8°.


Page 8: Research article Biorobotic insights into how animals swim · Biorobotics is a means of gaining insight into the mechanisms these animals use for maneuvering. In this study, experiments

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in amplitude compared with net thrust (Bandyopadhyay et al.,1998). During the sweeping motion of the return stroke, the fin actslike a row. The sweep motion is analogous to rolling in rigid finsand the cupping of the fin changes pitch – the angle of attackconstantly changes during both motions. In Lauder and colleague’s(Lauder et al., 2007) experiment, pitch bias may be zero becausethe fish is not steering (Fig.·15). Because rowing is inefficient, andthe fin edges would break at higher thrust levels, flexible fins arenot seen in larger animals. The flexible pectoral fins are probablymore suitable in low speed and smaller swimming animals. Theywould be difficult to scale up for biorobotic application. Becauseflying insects need to produce steady lift as well as thrust – unlikefish, which are nearly neutrally buoyant – they do not use similarflexible fins, which are optimal for station keeping. Although thecupping motion during the outstroke produces a lower thrust peakthan the return stroke (Lauder et al., 2007), it can neverthelesscancel vertical perturbations to allow exquisite station keeping.Therefore, the outstroke cupping motion may assist in stationkeeping with regard to vertical perturbations while the return strokesweeping motion is important for thrust production because theprojected fin area approaches its maximum value. What isfascinating about the flexible fin is that it can conceivably cancelforce and moment perturbations in all directions and axes andproduce thrust. Clearly, there is a need to investigate how in asunfish the controller uses lateral lines to actuate this unsteadyhydrodynamics of the flexible fin. At the very least, the control andsensing of the flexible fin hydrodynamics are shaping up to be farricher than those in rigid fins.

This work identifies the common underlying principles in steadyand unsteady fin dynamics and in rigid and flexible fins. Theeffectiveness of the cross-flow vortex model helps to place the roleof unsteadiness in the context of classical steady-foil theories,which have a firm theoretical foundation – unsteadiness, whilebeing novel, is inclusive rather than an entirely exclusivephenomenon, from an engineering view point. On the other hand,in nature, unsteadiness is not novel and steadiness is rare. Thevalidity of the model points to intriguing notions; for example,would it be possible to infer the habitats of ancient species fromthe fossils of their pectoral fins?

Quasi-steady modeling has been attempted in the past to explainthe force production mechanism of flying insects that enables themto hover, by comparing them with what would be produced had theactuators been entirely steady (Ellington, 1984a; Wilkin andWilliams, 1993). However, early works suffered from a lack ofmeasurements on isolated insect wings and of time histories of forcesproduced by the lifting appendages. Sane and Dickinson (Sane andDickinson, 2002) generated such data and developed a semi-empirical ‘revised quasi-steady’ model. Their measurements of liftand drag show that the time histories are fairly steady but for brieftransients during the beginning and end of the up- and downstrokes.Their model agrees uniformly well with measurements when theforces have reached a steady level, which is about 75% of theduration of the cycle. It does not agree well during the beginning ofthe down- and upstrokes when the forces rapidly rise – which areabout 25% of the cycle time – but does agree at those times whenthe force is dropping near the ends of the strokes. In their data, theforce spikes from zero or negative values during the beginning of thestrokes, while it spikes from a steady level near the end of the strokes.The gradient of unsteadiness is higher during the beginning of thestroke, probably causing Wagner and added mass effects to spike aswell. Because we have a sinusoidal oscillation, which is alwayssmooth in contrast to that of Sane and Dickinson, we did not have

any such force transients. But, we do have some Wagner effect atspeeds approaching zero. It would be useful to know whether theforce transients in the biorobotic experiments of Sane and Dickinson,where the fin kinematics are strongly non-sinusoidal, are truly presentin insects. Their quasi-steady model involves the budgeting of theeffects of added mass, translation, rotation and wake capture. Thisrequires empirical data for translational effects (including wing tipvortex effects), as well as simplifying assumptions of quasi-two-dimensionality for added mass effects and small angles of rotationfor rotational effects. The model is useful for a qualitativeunderstanding of the kinematics that influences the components ofthe mechanism. However, it does not clearly state what therelationship is between the steady and unsteady characteristics andwhy the animal fin cross-sections are so similar to NACA profileswhich have been developed for steady flow application (Fish, 1999).On the other hand, the present work addresses these questions clearly.The general conclusion is that biorobotics produces data of lowuncertainty but that the data’s fidelity to the animals simulatedrequires closer scrutiny. On the other hand, controlled measurementswith animals have fidelity, but they do not allow synthetic studies ofthe mechanisms of the appendages.

Swimming and flying animals and their biorobotic renditionsare reported to have efficiencies that vary widely. Directmeasurements have tended to be on the low side. On the onehand, Fish (Fish, 1993) has modeled bottlenose dolphinefficiency to be 81%. On the other, Wakeling and Ellington(Wakeling and Ellington, 1997) have reported the measurementsof dragonfly mechanical efficiencies to be 9–13% based on heatproduction after flight. Anderson et al. (Anderson et al., 1998)have reported the measurements of peak hydrodynamicefficiencies of 87% for two-dimensional heaving and pitchingfoils. However, later measurements from the same laboratoryhave reported an efficiency plateau of 50–60% (Read et al.,2003). The present measurements are in this range, as are theestimates for sunfish by G. V. Lauder and P. G. A. Madden(personal communication, 2006).

The efficiency optimization work shows that the process isremarkably rapid and seemingly effortless. This approach makes acumulative accounting of past experience in the sense of ‘learning’and is akin to the spirit of evolution. This suggests that once thespecies discovered the high-lift mechanism, the optimization mayhave evolved quickly. As a consequence, it may be that rolling andpitching appendages of all species are of generally high efficiency.

Neuroscience posits that mobility demands richness in neuronalabilities, and the higher density of neurons is a precursor of an abilityto perform complex motions. If we look at specialized maneuveringas more complicated than cruising, then was the evolution of speciesendowed with such richness the result of a step increase in neurondensity? Our experience indicates that the roll and pitch motions ofthe fin are useful for both cruising and maneuvering, whereas pitchbias is useful only for maneuvering. These classes of behaviors mightgive us a framework for understanding the relationship betweenhydrodynamics and control in different species of swimming animalsbecause they are proving crucial in the development of bioroboticunderwater vehicles (Menozzi et al., 2007).

ConclusionsThe following conclusions can be drawn from our controlledhydrodynamic experiments in a laboratory with bioroboticabstracted penguin pectoral wings.

1. A cross-flow vortex model of unsteady lift and drag forces hasbeen proposed that is reasonably accurate, instant to instant. It


Page 9: Research article Biorobotic insights into how animals swim · Biorobotics is a means of gaining insight into the mechanisms these animals use for maneuvering. In this study, experiments

follows that the rolling and pitching motions of unsteady pectoralappendages may be viewed as a means of ‘trapping’ what areessentially inviscid drag vortices manifested at the fin leading andtrailing edges over the fin surface for the augmentation of lift. Froman engineering viewpoint, unsteady hydrodynamics is seen as amanifestation of the steady-state characteristics in the regimestudied and not as a totally new phenomenon. However,unsteadiness in nature is old and steadiness is rare.

2. Measurements of hydrodynamic efficiency have been givenfor hovering and for forward motion. The peak efficiency forcruising is similar to that for two-dimensional foils and in theneighborhood of that for the pectoral fins of sunfish. Maneuveringis less efficient, hydrodynamically speaking, compared withcruising, and in the best cases it is twice as costly.

3. An optimization method has been shown to rapidly determinethe fin oscillation parameters required for highest efficiency at agiven forward speed, or during hovering for a given coefficient offorce. The method does not require any prior knowledge of anysteady or unsteady characteristics of the fin.

4. The biorobotic measurements of the rigid fin were used toexplore the station-keeping mechanism of sunfish pectoral fins ina stream. It is proposed that a dynamic stall mechanism is presentin the flexible fins of sunfish pectoral fins and that such fins foldto act essentially as pairs of symmetric biplanes that are conjoinedat their trailing edges in order to balance unsteady force byproducts.The flexible fin appears to have a rich portfolio of control schemesfor station keeping in streams of low speeds. Scaling up of rigidfins appears to be more feasible than scaling up of flexible fins.

List of symbols and abbreviationsAs fin swept areaAplanform fin planform areac fin chordCD,model coefficient of drag force; CD,model=D/(1/2Ut

2Aplanform)CL,model coefficient of lift force; CL,model=L/(1/2Ut

2Aplanform)CN,model coefficient of normal force; CN,model=N/(1/2Ut

2Aplanform)CX,wing coefficient of cycle-averaged force in X-directionf frequency of flapping (Hz)Fopt optimization functionFX cycle-averaged force in direction of UFY cycle-averaged force in horizontal direction transverse

to ULfin fin lift relative to instantaneous inflow anglem slope of N with � near �=0N normal force on finPelectric cycle-averaged electrical powerPhydrodynamic power put into the fluid by the finPhydrodynamic cycle-averaged hydrodynamic powerRavg average radius of the fin swept areari inner radius of wing spanro radius of wing tips fin spanSt Strouhal numbert timeTfin fin thrust relative to instantaneous inflow angleU flow velocity, defined as U� or Uind

Uind induced velocity through As

U� velocity of tow carriageUt absolute wing inflow velocity at Ravg

Uwing flapping-induced fin velocity at Ravg

X, Y, Z coordinate system attached to tow carriageX0, Y0, Z0 coordinate system attached to Ravg

� instantaneous angle of attack of Ut on fin�hydrodynamic efficiency defined using Phydrodynamic

�electric efficiency defined using Pelectric

� pitch position of fin� pitch velocity

�0 pitch amplitude of the fin�Bias fixed pitch amplitude of the fin fluid density�Roll roll torque measured at the motor output shaft�Pitch pitch torque measured at the motor output shaft� roll position of fin� roll velocity�0 roll amplitude of fin� phase between roll and pitch sinusoids, defined as positive

for pitch leading roll� frequency of flapping (rad·s–1)

The authors acknowledge the sponsorship of the Cognitive and NeurosciencesProgram of the Office of Naval Research, Program Officer Dr Thomas McKennaand NUWC ILIR Program, Program Officer Mr Richard Philips. Discussions withProfessor George Lauder are appreciated.

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