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For this assignment, we were assigned into groups to go and conduct an interview on two businesses in the same field, so we targeted two seafood restaurants for our interview – they were, Seremban Seafood Village located in Jalan Tuanku Munawir 3720-3724, in Seremban, and Kuang Hua located in Teluk Gong, in Klang Valley. We got information regarding the restaurants’ history, their operations, and their experiences in the business as abiding by the criteria of the assignment. We then used the information and compiled the necessary details we needed to produce our report.

Seremban Seafood Village

• Owner - Kung Zhoy • Sole Proprietor

• Has authority over all the businesses operations

• Has unlimited liability

• The restaurant business was founded over 30 years ago in the year 1984

Seremban Seafood Village

• SSV – Only branch existing

• Serves a range of seafood items from seafood tofu, baked crabs, do Re.. MEE!, fried fish with tomato sauce, grilled crabs, dried chili mantis prawn (Kung Pou) and Kam Heong Lala.

• Generates approximately 2 million ringgit annual revenue

Seremban Seafood Village

• 30 employees

• Serves around 200 customers on a busy day

• Baked crab is the specialty among customers

• Has no competitors – Kung Zhoy cares to think that they and other restaurants around ‘mind their own business’


Good promotional strategies in place i.e. banners and internet reviews

Serves a variety of seafood offering customers more choice

Prices customers according to what is fair


High customer expectation – Kung Zhoy finds difficult to keep up with the high demands of his clientele

High staff turnover – Kung Zhoy says its difficult to find the right people to handle the seafood – may lead to a lack of consistency in maintaining quality of the seafood.

Kuang Hua• Partnership

• A partnership constitutes of at least two or more people coming together qualified with various business skills, agreeing to help each other by working together to achieve a common business goal - gaining profit

• Kuang Hua Partners

include: by Mr. Sha, Tina Wong and San L Jessica

Kuang Hua

• The restaurant business was founded 10 years ago in the year 2004 by Mr. Shah’s grandfather

• Motive was in order to inherit the family business

• Has 2 restaurant branches in operation and a total of 15 employees

• Some items on their menu include seafood, noodles, and dai chao


2 franchises in operation – likely to attract more customers and generate more revenue

Business operations are more easier to handle having three partners in control as opposed to a sole proprietor i.e. just one person in control

Being a franchise, the potential to grow and expand it’s business is easily attainable as opposed to a sole proprietorship


Has no official website i.e. for promotional purposes. Losing out on potential customers

Lacks product variety. Failing to offer customers more choice could have them likely move their custiom elsewhere



Seremban Seafood Village

Invest time, money and effort to meet customers needs – could benefit in the long run

Offer staff monthly incentives e.g. fringe benefits to motivate them to maintain their employment in the restaurant – reduce staff turnover

Kuang Hua

Has no official website i.e. for promotional purposes. Losing out on more potential customers

Lacks product variety. Failing to offer customers more choice could have them likely move their custom elsewhere





http://www.foodspotting.com/places/66408-seremban-seafood-village-%E8%8A%99%E8%93%89%E7%83%A7. last Accessed 1st November 2014

Elmer G. Wiens (2007). Внешняя торговля. [ONLINE] Available at: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/848871. last Accessed 2nd December 2014

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