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Mutual Attraction: A Study of Magnetic Fields

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By Johnathon Williams

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The Big Picture: A Mutual Attraction

Since 1985, total cell phone subscribers have boosted by 986%. (CTIA, 2014)

Consumer reports study states “Nearly six out of 10 U.S. parents of children ages 8 to12...have provided those children with cell phones.”

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Problem: There are magnets in our phones, laptops, and headphones and we live with these fields next to us all the time.

Why are we Concerned?

Question: Are these magnetic fields causing physiological damage?

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• International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

o Authority on guidelines for magnetic fields.

o No significant changes have been made since 1998.

oMinor changes only accepted by Germany and Japan.

• National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

oStates 100 Microteslas is daily level of exposure not exceeded. (2002)

oAmerican based study

ICNIRP and NIHS Studies: The Big Guns

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• Electromagnetic fields present in speakers.

• Magnetic fields are in question for negative health effects.

(Amara et al., 2007; Ghandi et al., 2012; Ghodbane et al. 2013.)

• Health agencies have recommended exposure limits for magnetic fields.

• FDA provides strict precautions for pacemaker wearers.

Magnets and the Beginning of a Project

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• Null Hypothesis: Average magnetic field values will not be differentfrom the published value of 100 microteslas.

• Hypothesis: Average magnetic field values will be greater than themicroteslas.

• Null Hypothesis 1: The majority (greater than 51%) of people do notkeep their cell phones on their body for more than 8 hours per day.

• Hypothesis 1: The majority (greater than 51%) of people keep theircell phones on their body for more than 8 hours per day.


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• Tested cell phones and headphones with a SPARK and recording magnetic fields.

The Study: Part One

• Sampling Technique: Hold phone or headphones perpendicular to SPARK, and record highest reading that can be obtained for three seconds.

• Survey was distributed to students to assess electronics usage.

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c Mag







Average Magnetic Field Emitted from Headphones and Cell Phones

Headphones Phones

NIH Study: 100µT

Pacemaker Warnings: 0.4µT


Results of Magnetometer Study


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Phone on Person-Daytime Hours




Headphones in Use- Daytime Hours




Phone in Use Talking- Daytime


Results of Student Survey

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• Null hypothesis: Rejected that the mean calculated magnetic field strength will not be different than 100 microteslas.

• Hypothesis: The mean calculated magnetic field strength was larger than 100 microteslas. • Alternative Null hypothesis: Rejected that the majority (greater than 51%) of people do not keep

their cell phones on their body for more than 8 hours per day.• Alternative Hypothesis 1: The majority (greater than 51%) of people do keep their cell phones on

their body for more than 8 hours per day. (64%, p=0.0043)


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Discussion: What Does this Mean?

Perhaps we’ve underestimated the problem.

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• Sperm: Broken DNA, decreased fecundity, unique morphology.

• Oxidative Stress: Increase of free radicals in body with lack of ability to detoxify them.

• Physics: Particles in motion through our bodies could be having forces interact with them.

• Pacemakers: Flip switch off and stops heart

Physiological Effects: The Bad News

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• Largest epidemiological study on cell phones to date that studies cell phone affect on tumor growth.

• Study only looked examined the ages of 30 to 59

• Didn’t examine subject that had used a cell phone for more than 10 years

• Showed association in highest decile at 1640 hours for 10 years

Interphone Study: Old News

Highest Decile Quantified= greater than 1640 hours in 10 years

Days in a year

Hours per day



Hours in ONE year

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Final Thoughts: What to Take Away

“I have not proven anything” – Dr. McGrath

Literature is still inconclusive, but there is enough evidence to pose more questions.

I recommend keeping your cell phone away from your body until more research has been done.

“”Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in” – Sebastian Vettel

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Thank you Very Much



Holly, Wally, AndrewThe Incorrigible Mrs. Beam


Test Subjects

Thank You

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By Johnathon Williams

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