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Page 1: Residents' Magazine April 2015


1 Spring/Summer 2015


4 Information on the new Council

7 new approach to Planning

Pull out:

Arts, Culture & leisure What’s on

Page 2: Residents' Magazine April 2015

ReportAll App We have subscribed to a mobile application for you to report any faults you see by using your smartphone. The app automatically forwards the incident to the relevant Council, no matter where you are in NI.

‘Reportall’ means that residents can do their bit for the community by letting the Council know about problems they encounter in their daily lives such as litter, graffiti, dog fouling and fly tipping as well as anti-social behaviour. 

New website goes live 1st April

We have been working hard to develop the Council’s new website. Our new dynamic site with easy to read buttons will make it easy for you to find what you are looking for and do business online with us. The new site is accessible on all devices and offers you a wide range of services online. We have also introduced some new features that we think you will like.

Useful features include:

Bin checker facility, look up your street name to check your bin collection dates.

Near me, find out about the Council facilities near you.

Book your leisure centre courses and classes.

Pay your dog licence online.

Contact your local Councillor.

From the 1st April you will no longer be able to access www.newtownabbey.gov.uk or www.antrim.gov.uk. Please save

www.antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk into your favourites. You never know when you will need it!

Please follow us @ANBorough

Our Twitter service is a great way to keep up to date with Council news and events and you can also report anything that you need our help with. Give us a follow!

QR code for Android devices

QR code for iphones or ipadswww.antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

If you live in the Antrim area call Antrim Civic Centre on 028 9446 3113 Minicom 028 9448 1343

If you live in the Newtownabbey area call Mossley Mill on 028 9034 0000 Textphone 18001 028 9034 0000

Please continue to contact:

Contact Us

Continue to leave your bins and recycling containers out

on your normal days.

The Planning section of the Council can be contacted

on 0300 123 6677 see page 7 for more information.

Please remember this important information:

Page 3: Residents' Magazine April 2015

Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 3

Inside the 1st issue...4 Your information about

the new Council

6 new Council strikes great deal for residents

7 new approach to Planning

8 Corporate Plan

9 new branding

10 What’s happening at the Valley Park

11 Recycling at o’neill Road

12 Regional Gateway to lough neagh

13 Fun and fitness at Crumlin leisure Centre

14 Your Councillors

16 Your new Council area

18 Facilities other useful numbers

19 dates to remember

This year marks a new era for local Government with eleven new councils for Northern Ireland.

As you know, from 1st April Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Councils will merge to become Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.

Both Antrim and Newtownabbey Councils have served residents well and have been recognised for providing excellent services and facilities to citizens. As your new Council we are determined to continue to put you at the centre of all we do. We are setting ourselves ambitious targets for the future and will be working closely with local groups, businesses, the community and voluntary sector and other agencies to make these ambitions our reality. This will be reflected in our Corporate Plan for 2015-2030 and your input during the recent consultation period has been invaluable.

It is not just a case of the two Councils coming together, this new era brings great opportunities as Councils take on additional responsibilities like planning and community planning. These new powers mean that local people will have more influence on shaping their local area and more opportunity to make change happen. It’s a very exciting time.

You can also keep up to date by following us on Twitter @ANBorough or please visit our new website www.antrimandnewtownabbey. gov.uk which will be live on 1st April 2015.

Councillor Thomas Hogg Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Pull out insert Gateway to lough neagh


If you have any comments on the magazine please contact:

Communication and PR, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey BT36 5QA.

028 9034 0030/27

[email protected]

The magazine is available in alternative formats for those with a disability, please contact us for more information or see page 9.

The magazine is delivered to postal areas BT29, BT36, BT37, BT39 and BT41; if it is not delivered to any of your neighbours living in these areas, please let us know.

Printed on FSC accredited material.

© Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council



Front cover image taken at Antrim Castle Gardens.

Arts& Leisure


Page 4: Residents' Magazine April 2015

4 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Your information about the new Council

Q What is the name of the new Council?

On 1st April 2015, Antrim Borough Council merges with Newtownabbey Borough Council to become

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Q Who is my Councillor? A list of the Antrim and

Newtownabbey Borough Councillors can be found on pages 14-15 or visit

www.antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk

Q Should I contact Antrim Civic Centre or Mossley Mill if I have a query on a Council service?

We are reviewing our telephone arrangements. For now please continue to contact Antrim Civic Centre or Mossley Mill as you would have done previously.

Those residents who live in the former Antrim Borough Council area should call

028 9446 3113 and those who live in the former Newtownabbey Borough Council area should call

028 9034 0000.

Q Will the day that my bin is emptied change?

No, for all areas within Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough the bin collection days will remain the same for the moment. You will be able to check your bin collection dates on the bin checker tool on the new website after 1st April.

Q I am a gym member at one of the Leisure Centres, what centres can I use now?

With five leisure centres in our new Borough; Antrim Forum, Ballyearl, Crumlin, Sixmile and Valley, we have reviewed our membership levels and we are pleased to offer a three tier system.

Adult membership prices - £31.70 per month will give you access to all five centres, £26 per month will give you access to four centres (all except the Antrim Forum) and £22 will be Crumlin only. Those on the concessionary rate can have access to all five centres. If you are unsure what your current membership includes, contact the membership advisors or a member of the fitness suite in any of the centres.

See page 18 for contact details or visit

www.antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk

Allen Park

Antrim Forum





1st April 2015

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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 5

Q Does the Council have responsibility for Planning now?

On 1st April 2015, the planning function currently delivered through the Department of Environment Area Planning Office will transfer to local Councils. To prepare for this transfer the planners for the Antrim and Newtownabbey area moved to Mossley Mill in January. For more information see page 7.

Q Can I now dispose of my recycling at Antrim, Bruslee, Crumlin and Randalstown as a resident of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council?

Yes. Residents can use any of the recycling sites. However, commercial waste can only be recycled at Bruslee and this service will now be offered to businesses formerly in the Antrim Borough Council area. For more information

028 9034 0056/57.

Q Will I still be able to recycle items through doorstep collections?

Yes. Newtownabbey Kerbie Box and Antrim Blue Bin collections will remain unchanged for the moment.

Q Can I register a birth, death or marriage at either Antrim Civic Centre or Mossley Mill?

From 1st April you can register a birth, death or marriage at either Antrim Civic Centre or Mossley Mill. The opening hours for registration at both Antrim Civic Centre and Mossley Mill are Monday to Friday 9am-4pm

Q I have my name on a mailing list to receive information from the old Councils. Will this automatically transfer to the new Council so that I can receive information on the whole area?

Your contact details will transfer to the new Council. Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Councils have a Data Sharing and Transfer Protocol in place. Please be assured that both Councils and the new Council recognise the importance of keeping all ratepayers’ information secure and appropriate measures will be taken in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Council’s Data Protection Policies.

Q Does the new Council have a website?

Yes, please visit www.antrimand


Planning 0300 123 6677

See page 2 for more

information about the new






Antrim Civic Centre

Mossley Mill Newtownabbey

Answers to your questions

Page 6: Residents' Magazine April 2015

6 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

New Council strikes great deal for residents

This subsidy will be phased out in stages over the next four years.

The Regional Rate, the portion of all rates bills which is determined by the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the same across all council areas, has now been set at 1.4%. Any increase that residents see this year in their rates bills will be due to the Regional Rate.

For more information on the district rate please see

www.antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk/rates after 1st April.

Business RatesBusiness rates are a rate for all non-domestic properties, such as offices, factories and shops, with individual bills based on the rental value of your property. For more information please see www.dfpni.gov.uk/lps/reval2015ni

Your rates bill is made up of two parts, the regional rate and the district rate.

District RateThe district rate for Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council pays for a wide range of services and facilities including:

/ Refuse collection and disposal

/ Recycling

/ Street cleansing

/ Leisure centres

Domestic RatesThis is a rate for household and all residential properties, with bills based on the capital value of your home.

For more information see www.nidirect.gov.uk/

index/information-and-services/property-and- housing/rates.htm

Regional RateThe regional rate is set annually by the Northern Ireland Executive and is the same throughout Northern Ireland. This pays for services such as:

/ education

/ emergency services

/ health

/ housing

/ roads

/ water and sewerage

At a special meeting on 12 February, Antrim and Newtownabbey District Council agreed its first District Rate, which will come into effect on 1st April 2015.

Over the last few years, both Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Councils have put in place a strategy to minimise the difference between their two District Rates.

As a result, households in the former Antrim Borough Council area will see a

5.37% decrease in the district Rate,

£17 on the average Rates bill, while households in the former newtownabbey Borough Council area will

see a 0% increase after a subsidy has been applied.

The subsidy for ratepayers, who were facing increased rate bills because of the amalgamation of council areas and the redrawing of council boundaries, has been agreed by central government. The discount will be automatically applied to rate bills and no action is needed from ratepayers who are eligible for the subsidy.

The scheme will provide an 80% subsidy this first year to reduce the district rate element of the bill in those areas that would have increased as a result of the convergence of council areas.

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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 7

On 1st April 2015, the planning function currently delivered through the Department of Environment Area Planning Office will transfer to local Councils.

What powers will Antrim and newtownabbey Borough Council have for planning?The Council’s new powers will include:

/ Developing a local plan which will set out what the Council area should look like and how land should be used and developed;

/ Making decisions on the majority of planning applications;

/ Investigating alleged breaches of planning control and determining what enforcement action should be taken.

Is anything else changing?At the same time as planning transfers to Councils, improvements will be made to make planning a speedier, simpler and more streamlined process. These improvements will make it easier for you to access and participate in the planning process. It will also help deliver faster and more predictable decisions and stronger and more effective enforcement.

How will the new system work?Planning applications will be categorised as local, major and regionally significant, with the Council responsible for determining all local and major applications. The Council’s Planning Committee will consider and make decisions on these planning applications.

What benefits will I see?One of the biggest benefits of these reforms will be putting the decision making in the hands of those with local knowledge. The Council will be able to make planning decisions suited to the local community and will have greater freedom to respond to local need. With the planning function working alongside Council colleagues in economic development, regeneration, capital projects and building control, there will be more opportunity to make real improvements within communities on the ground. Then, as the new local development plan gets underway, the Council will be consulting with local communities, giving businesses, local groups and organisations a real opportunity to have a say in shaping the look and feel of their local area.

This process will also link with the development of the Community Plan for the area, which will seek to ‘join up’ services and resources locally to achieve better outcomes for those living in, working in and visiting the area.

Where can I see the planning applications lodged for the Council area?The weekly planning applications will be advertised on

www.antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk/planning or you can access this from the planning portal www.planningni.gov.uk

Two local papers, the Antrim Guardian and the Newtownabbey Times will also carry the weekly adverts. We are also considering new ways to communicate with the public on planning issues and will keep you informed of progress.

Can I attend and/or speak at Planning Committee Meetings?Yes. This is one of the key changes to the planning system. Details of the procedure for public speaking are available at

www.antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk/planning

How do I contact the local planning office from 1st April

0300 123 6677 planning@antrimand


www.antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk/planning

New approach to Planning

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8 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Corporate PlanThe Council has prepared a Corporate Plan for the new Council from 2015 until 2030. Included in the Corporate Plan are the Council’s corporate values, vision and mission statement. Consultation has taken place online and in various local facilities and the feedback has been very useful in finalising the plan.

A big thank you to residents who responded to our consultation on the draft Corporate Plan for 2015 - 2030. Over 90% of respondents agreed that the proposed Values, Vision and Mission Statement were appropriate and relevant and feedback on the detail of Place, People, Prosperity and Performance has been invaluable in shaping the final plan. As a result of feedback we have strengthened our commitments and added more detail into our key performance targets to ensure these can be monitored.

In particular, we have strengthened our support for older people and rural areas and we have challenged ourselves to work even more closely with partner organisations and our communities to attract investment into the Borough and to make it an attractive and welcoming place for visitors.

Your new Council will also be developing a Community Plan and a Local Area Plan. We will keep you up to date with progress and opportunities to get involved in the consultation for these.

the Corporate Plan can be viewed online

at www.antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk


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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 9

New brandingYou will start to see our new branding on our promotional material and signage. The design work was carried out in house by Antrim and Newtownabbey’s designers.

To encourage our residents and customers to identify with the new Council, key elements of both Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Councils’ existing, well established logos were incorporated into the design. At the same time, we wanted the branding to have a modern and contemporary feel to signify the formation of a dynamic new organisation.

We will be implementing the new branding on a gradual basis, considering how we replace items or develop new projects to ensure a cost effective approach.

Will the new Council have a coat of arms?Yes. The coat of arms is being produced at the moment. It will feature elements from the coats of arms from the two existing Councils.

What do you think? Have you enjoyed reading this magazine? Has the information provided been beneficial to you? Tell us what you think and have your say on how the magazine looks and feels to you by visiting

www.antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk /magazine

Different formats of magazineThe Residents’ magazine is available in a range of formats, including disc, Braille, audio, daisy and large print. It can also be requested in minority languages to meet the needs of those whose first language is not English. To arrange to receive a copy of any of these formats please contact us on

028 9034 0030/27 or [email protected]

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10 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

What’s happening at the Valley ParkThose of you driving along the Church Road, Newtownabbey past the Valley Park or using the Valley Leisure Centre may have noticed that work has started on a major scheme.

This exciting project will create a civic linear park, a floodlit third generation pitch for rugby, Gaelic sports and football, and an awesome adventure play area. After lots of consultation with local communities, sports clubs, schools and the wider community, the final design was agreed and work started in November 2014.

This new shared space will encourage people from all backgrounds to come together through sport, recreation and arts-based activities. The project is receiving £3.58 million EU PEACE III funding and will create an iconic new facility to complement the existing facilities at the Valley Leisure Centre.

The new facility will be known as V36 and will be open to the public from early July 2015. We are currently planning a full programme of events for Summer 2015. We are very keen to hear from local clubs and groups interested in using the park space, particularly for events. The performance area, open space, paths and public art in the new civic linear park will provide excellent locations for a wide range of activities and events.

Play area illustration

Aerial image of site

For further information on the scheme please

contact Oonagh McMullan, Project Officer on

028 9034 0193 or oonagh.mcmullan@antrim

andnewtownabbey.gov.uk or see www.antrimand


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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 11

Recycling at O’Neill Road


The Council is developing the former landfill site on O’Neill Road, Newtownabbey into a Recycling Centre. All materials will be either recycled, reused or recovered, making it Northern Ireland’s first zero waste recycling centre.

The Council will continue to make progress on reducing the amount of waste going to landfill. The project is being funded by the DOE Rethink Waste Fund.

It is hoped that the facility will be open in Spring 2015.

This is another important step

in improving our recycling figures

What o’neill Road will take: Glass, rubble, cans, paper, cardboard, cartons, grasscuttings, leaves, hedge cuttings, plastic bottles, hard plastics, books, magazines, oil, textiles, shoes, small electrical equipment, old phones, TV’s, fluorescent tubes, large domestic appliances, wood, metal, soil,

paint, gas cylinders, cd’s, car batteries, household batteries, spectacles, ink cartridges, mattresses, carpet, sheet glass, furniture, plasterboard.

Tyres and asbestos won’t be accepted on the site.

Where does the rest go:Food waste - brown bin

Nappies - black bin

Dog foul - brown bin

Cat litter - brown bin

Cellophane - black bin

Bubble wrap - black bin

Mixed general waste - black bin

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12 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Regional Gateway to Lough Neagh

Exciting plans

for a £2.3 million

Gateway Visitor Centre to be opened at Antrim’s Lough Shore Park have been unveiled. Designed to take advantage of the stunning views of Lough Neagh, the Gateway Centre will feature a ground floor café with outdoor terrace, a first floor restaurant, a function room and new public toilets including showering facilities for watersports enthusiasts. The Centre will also provide two separate units which

can be let to a voluntary rescue service, an outdoor activity provider or tourism service.

The Centre will be a major, regional landmark for residents and visitors. It will be a great resource for those who use the Lough Shore Park for water-based and outdoor activities or for those who just want to relax and enjoy the superb facilities and natural surroundings.

Work is expected to start in May and the Lough Neagh Gateway Centre will open in Summer 2016. The existing Lough Shore Coffee House

and adjoining public toilets will remain open during the construction period.

For further information on the scheme please contact Paul Kelly

on 028 9446 3113 or paul.kelly@antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk

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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 13

Fun and fitness at Crumlin Leisure Centre

Our brand new Leisure Centre in Crumlin opened in January and is now offering state-of-the-art facilities suitable for all ages and types of activities including:

/ Modern Fitness Suite featuring the latest in hi-tech Pulse fitness equipment

/ 3 new third generation (3G) football pitches suitable for rugby and Gaelic sports

/ 10 new changing rooms complete with showers and locker facilities

/ A full size sports hall with Taraflex synthetic flooring suitable for a range of indoor sports and activities

/ Community Conference Rooms featuring a range of IT equipment and kitchen facilities

/ Dance studio featuring a mirrored wall

There’s also a wide variety of programmed classes and activities including gymnastics, ballet, Altitude Dance, Fit & Active Over 50s and fitness classes available. And don’t forget – take the stress out of birthday parties and book the Leisure Centre!

For further information contact 028 9445 2733 or crumlin@antrimandnew

townabbey.gov.uk or see www.antrimandnewtown


new 3G pitch

Girls in the dance studio

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14 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Antrim District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Antrim Centre, Fountain Hill, Greystone, Springfarm, Steeple and Stiles and consists of 6 members.

ADriAN COCHrANE-wATsON UUPt 07843 211488 e adrian.watson@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

NigEl KElls DUPt 07825 418774 e nigel.kells@antrim andnewtownabbey.gov.uk

NEil KEllY ALLIANCEt 07587 657116 e neil.kelly@antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk

rOisiN lYNCH SDLPt 07827 276840 e roisin.lynch@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

DrEw riTCHiE UUPt 07713 864953 e drew.ritchie@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

jOHN sMYTH DUPt 07436 582180 e john.smyth@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

Ballyclare District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyclare East, Ballyclare West, Ballynure, Ballyrobert and Doagh and consists of 5 members.

DAviD ArTHUrs TUVt 07925 740395e david.arthurs@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

jiM BiNgHAM UUPt 07789 208142e jim.bingham@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

MANDY girvAN DUPt 07912 028945e mandy.girvan@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

TiM girvAN DUPt 07895 208006e tim.girvan@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

vErA McwilliAM UUPt 07792 477050e vera.mcwilliam@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

Airport District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Aldergrove, Clady, Crumlin, Mallusk and Templepatrick and consists of 5 members.

THOMAs BUrNs SDLPt 07803 535094 e thomas.burns@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

ANNEMAriE lOgUE SINN FEINt 07533 353610 e annemarie.logue@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

MATTHEw MAgill DUPt 07825 374019 e matthew.magill@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

PAUl MiCHAEl UUPt 07587 657120 e paul.michael@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

MErvYN rEA UUPt 07860 590614 e mervyn.rea@ antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

Key abbreviationsDUP - Democratic Unionist PartySDLP - Social Democratic and Labour PartyUUP - Ulster Unionist PartyTUV - Traditional Unionist Voice

Your Councillors

Page 15: Residents' Magazine April 2015

Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 15

glengormley District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyhenry, Burnthill, Carnmoney, Collinbridge, Glebe, Glengormley and Hightown and consists of 7 members.

Threemilewater District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Ballyduff, Fairview, Jordanstown, Monkstown, Mossley and Rostulla and consists of 6 members.

Macedon District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Abbey, Carnmoney Hill, O’Neill, Rathcoole, Valley and Whitehouse and consists of 6 members.

Dunsilly District Electoral Area (DEA) covers Cranfield, Parkgate, Randalstown, Shildovan and Toome and consists of 5 members.



FrAsEr AgNEw UUPt 07711 135267e fraser.agnew@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

williAM BAll DUPt 07917 543674e william.ball@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

PAMElA BArr DUPt 07974 826165e pamela.barr@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

TOM CAMPBEll ALLIANCEt 07595 978690e tom.campbell@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

BEN KElsO UUPt 07515 854858e ben.kelso@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

sTEPHEN rOss DUPt 07713 946038e stephen.ross@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

BillY DeCOUrCY DUPt 07789 208144e william.decourcy@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

PAUl HAMill DUPt 07803 186008e paul.hamill@antrim andnewtownabbey.gov.uk

THOMAs HOgg DUPt 07792 891572e thomas.hogg@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

DAviD HOllis TUVt 07475 033363e david.hollis@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

jOHN sCOTT UUPt 07803 598637e john.scott@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

w.j. wEBB jP ALLIANCEt 07799 866876e billy.webb@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

TrEvOr BEATTY DUPt 07825 409722 e trevor.beatty@antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

liNDA ClArKE DUPt 07803 132601 e linda.clarke@antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

HENrY CUsHiNAN SINN FEINt 07871 229810e henry.cushinan@antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

BriAN DUFFiN SDLPt 07702 710517e brian.duffin@antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

rODEriCK swANN UUPt 07423 457376e roderick.swann@antrimandnewtown abbey.gov.uk

AUDrEY BAll DUPt 07749 083538e audrey.ball@antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

jOHN BlAir ALLIANCEt 07788 871189e john.blair@ antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

PHilliP BrETT DUPt 07971 538685e phillip.brett@antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

MArK COsgrOvE UUPt 07740 063726e mark.cosgrove @antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

MiCHAEl gOODMAN SINN FEINt 07827 818500 e michael.goodman @antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

MiCHAEl MAgUirE UUPt 028 9050 6499e michael.maguire @antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

NOrEEN McClEllAND SDLPt 07789 208157e noreen.mcclelland @antrimandnew townabbey.gov.uk

Page 16: Residents' Magazine April 2015


lwayLOUGH NEAGH Mallusk

Nutts Corner








MossleyCarnmoney Jordanstown



GlengormleyThe ValleyLeisure Centre

Ballyearl Arts &Leisure Centre

Mossley Mill

Bruslee CivicAmenity Site

Sentry Hill

Abbey Centre






Leisure Centre

M22Toome Randalstown

Outlet CentreJunction One

Antrim Forum & Stadium

CAFRE Greenmount


Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House

Civic CentreAllen Park

NewparkRecycling Site

Crumlin Leisure Centre Recycling Site

CraigmoreRecycling Centre






A8 (M)















16 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Facts about your new Council area

2 138,000 people live in the area, there are 3,730 businesses and 212,000 annual visitors.

3 65,000 vehicles pass through each day on the M2 - one of three major transport corridors through the area.

4 Five million people arrive or depart every year through Northern Ireland’s busiest gateway, Belfast International Airport.

5 Two of Northern Ireland’s most popular and modern retail outlets, Junction One and Abbey Centre, attract shoppers from far and wide. Our town centres offer a friendly local shopping experience.

1 It covers 274 sq miles from the shores of Lough Neagh in the west to the shores of Belfast Lough in the east and from its northern boundary with Ballymena, the Glens of Antrim and the Port of Larne to its southern borders with Belfast and Lisburn.

Map key

New joint council boundary

Current boundary

Page 17: Residents' Magazine April 2015


lwayLOUGH NEAGH Mallusk

Nutts Corner








MossleyCarnmoney Jordanstown



GlengormleyThe ValleyLeisure Centre

Ballyearl Arts &Leisure Centre

Mossley Mill

Bruslee CivicAmenity Site

Sentry Hill

Abbey Centre






Leisure Centre

M22Toome Randalstown

Outlet CentreJunction One

Antrim Forum & Stadium

CAFRE Greenmount


Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House

Civic CentreAllen Park

NewparkRecycling Site

Crumlin Leisure Centre Recycling Site

CraigmoreRecycling Centre






A8 (M)















Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 17

6 Three higher education facilities, the University of Ulster at Jordanstown, CAFRE Agricultural College at Greenmount Campus in Antrim and Northern Regional College cater for over 20,000 students.

8 90 services delivered by 700 staff.

7 Two hospitals, Antrim Area (acute) and Whiteabbey (sub-acute), are within its boundaries.

11 At 833sq km, Lough Neagh is the largest freshwater lake in the UK and an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI).

9 six top class recreation facilities are on offer at Allen Park Golf and Lawn Bowls, Antrim Forum & Stadium, Ballyearl Leisure Centre, Crumlin Leisure Centre, Sixmile Leisure Centre and Valley Leisure Centre.

10 Three theatres - Courtyard Theatre at Ballyearl, Theatre at The Mill, Newtownabbey and the Old Courthouse in Antrim will provide excellent venues for all round entertainment.

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18 | Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Residents’ Magazine

Other useful numbersContacts for services which the Council is NOT responsible for:

Animal welfare 028 2566 0412

Bryson Energy (local energy advice) 0800 142 2865

Bus and rail queries (Translink) 028 9066 6630

Education & library Board 028 2565 3333

Electoral Office 028 9044 6688

Electricity Faults & Emergencies (Airtricity & Power NI) (24 hours)

0845 764 3643

gas Emergency response (24 hours) (Firmus Energy & Phoenix Gas)

0800 002 001

Housing Executive Main Number (including grass cutting & graffiti) Repairs Line Housing Benefit

0344 892 0900 03448 920 901 03448 920 902

land registry 0300 200 7803

Mapping (Land & Property Services) 0300 200 7804

NE Education & library Board 028 2565 3333

Northern Health & social Care Trust 028 9442 4000

Pest Control - Consult Phone Directory

rates (Property Rating & Valuation) 0300 200 7801

Transport Ni (previously Roads Service) Antrim office

Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti

Cut roadside trees and grass verges

Fallen trees

Flooding roadway, footpath and blocked road gullies (24 hours)

Road repairs Street lighting Traffic Hotline Winter salting (24 hours)

028 9442 6500

028 9046 3250

028 9054 0540

0300 200 7891

028 9025 3000

0300 200 7893 0300 200 7899 0845 712 3321 0300 200 7893

social security Agency Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices: Benefits Freephone Employment Service Ballyclare Office

0800 220 674 0300 200 7822 028 9335 2822

Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT) 0800 223 388

voting (Electoral Office) 0800 432 0712

water DRD Water Service

Report your property is flooded or flooding (Flooding Incident Line) (24 hours)

Flooding - Council owned property

Burst watermains and blocked sewers (Northern Ireland Water) (24 hours)

Overflowing rivers and watercourses (Rivers Agency)

Water pollution in watercourse (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)

0845 744 0088

0300 200 0100

028 9446 3113

0845 744 0088

028 9260 6100

0800 807 060

Arts and CultureAntrim Castle Gardens - Clotworthy House

Flax Gallery

Museum at The Mill

Sentry Hill

Theatres: Courtyard Theatre

Old Courthouse

Theatre at The Mil

028 9448 1338

028 9034 0129

028 9034 0129

028 9083 2363

028 9034 0202

028 9446 3113

028 9034 0202

Community facilitiesBallyclare Town Hall

Ballyduff Community Centre

Greystone Community Centre

Monkstown Community Centre

Muckamore Community Centre

Neillsbrook Community Centre

Parkhall Community Centre

Rathfern Community Centre

Rathenraw Community Centre

Stiles Community Centre

Pavilions: Hazelbank, Glengormley, Mossley

028 9034 0137

028 9034 0137

028 9446 8175

028 9034 0137

028 9446 3208

028 9447 2595

028 9446 2519

028 9034 0137

028 9446 0781

028 9446 7862

028 9034 0137

leisure CentresAllen Park

Antrim Forum





028 9442 9001

028 9446 4131

028 9084 8287

028 9445 2733

028 9334 1818

028 9086 1211

Recycling CentresBruslee Recycling & Civic Amenity Site

Craigmore (Randalstown)


Newpark (Antrim)

028 9034 0057/56

028 9447 3813

028 9442 3640

028 9442 8107

Registry officesAntrim Civic CentreMossley Mill

028 9446 3113

028 9034 0180 /79

FacilitiesTo contact our facilities directly please use the numbers below:

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Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2015 | 19

Dates to rememberThe Council’s holiday arrangements:

Kerbie CollectionDAY COllECTED ONFri 3 April Normal collectionMon 6 April Sat 4 AprilTue 7 April Normal collectionMon 4 May Normal collectionMon 25 May Normal collectionMon 13 July Sat 11 JulyTues 14 July Normal collectionMon 31 Aug Normal collection

Refuse CollectionDAY COllECTED ONMon 6 April A* Fri 3 April

N* Sat 4 AprilTue 7 April A* Normal collection

N* Wed 8 AprilWed 8 April A* Normal collection

N* Thu 9 AprilThu 9 April A* Normal collection

N* Fri 10 AprilFri 10 April A* Normal collection

N* Sat 11 AprilMon 4 May Normal collectionMon 25 May Normal collectionMon 13 July A* Fri 10 July

N* Sat 11 JulyTues 14 July A* Normal collection

N* Wed 15 JulyWed 15 July A* Normal collection

N* Thu 16 JulyThu 16 July A* Normal collection

N* Fri 17 JulyFri 17 July A* Normal collection

N* Sat 18 JulyMon 31 Aug A* Normal collection

N* Normal collectionA* Antrim collectionsN* Newtownabbey collections

Please remember to leave your bin out for 7am on collection day at normal collection point.

028 9034 0057/56 or check your bin collection day at

www.antrimandnewtownabbey. gov.uk/binchecker

Sentry Hill Historic HouseDAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April ClosedMon 4 May OpenMon 25 May OpenSun 12 July ClosedMon 13 July OpenTues 14 July OpenMon 31 Aug Open

028 9083 2363

Museum at the Mill & Flax Gallery DAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April ClosedSun 5 April ClosedMon 6 April ClosedTue 7 April ClosedMon 4 May ClosedMon 25 May ClosedMon 13 July ClosedTues 14 July ClosedMon 31 Aug Closed

028 9034 0129

Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy HouseDAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April OpenMon 4 May OpenMon 25 May OpenSun 12 July ClosedMon 13 July OpenTues 14 July OpenMon 31 Aug Open

028 9448 1338

leisure CentresDAY ArrANgEMENTMon 6 April Open APark, AForum,

Ballyearl, Valley Closed Sixmile

Mon 4 May Open APark, AForum, Ballyearl, Valley Closed Sixmile

Mon 25 May Open APark, AForum, Ballyearl, Valley Closed Sixmile

Sun 12 July All ClosedMon 13 July Open APark

Closed AForum, Ballyearl, Valley, Sixmile

Tues 14 July All OpenMon 31 Aug All Open

Allen Park 028 9442 9001Antrim Forum 028 9446 4131Ballyearl 028 9084 8287Crumlin 028 9445 2733sixmile 028 9334 1818valley 028 9086 1211

theatresDAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April Open C’house, TATM

Closed C’yardMon 6 April Open C’yard, TATM

Closed C’houseTue 7 April All OpenMon 4 May Open C’house

Closed C’yard, TATMMon 25 May Open C’house

Closed C’yard, TATMSun 12 July All ClosedMon 13 July Open TATM

Closed C’house, C’yard

Tues 14 July Open TATM Closed C’house, C’yard

Mon 31 Aug Open C’house Closed TATM, C’yard

Courtyard Theatre 028 9034 0202 Old Courthouse 028 9446 3113 Theatre at The Mill 028 9034 0202 or visit www.theatreatthemill.com

Civic CentresDAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April ClosedMon 6 April* Closed*Tue 7 April ClosedMon 4 May* Closed*Mon 25 May* Closed*Mon 13 July* Closed*Tues 14 July ClosedMon 31 Aug* Closed*

* Newtownabbey Cemetery Office open for arranging funerals 8.30-10am

# Newtownabbey Registry Office open for the registration of deaths only 9-10am

Antrim 028 9446 3113 Newtownabbey 028 9034 0000

Recycling CentresDAY ArrANgEMENTFri 3 April OpenMon 6 April OpenTue 7 April OpenMon 4 May OpenMon 25 May OpenSun 12 July Closed BrusleeMon 13 July OpenTues 14 July OpenMon 31 Aug OpenWe are open as normal all other bank and public holidays. Last arrival should be 1/2 hour before closure. Open summer (April-September) Mon-Sat 9am-8pm, Sun closed Craigmore 028 9447 3813 (Randalstown) Crumlin 028 9442 3640 Newpark (Antrim) 028 9442 8107

Open summer (April-September) Mon-Thu 9am-8:30pm, Fri-Sun 9am-5pm Newtownabbey 028 9034 0056/57 (Bruslee) Or visit www.antrimand newtownabbey.gov.uk/recycling

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