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The Resilient EntrepreneurThe Resilient Entrepreneur

5 key strategies for thriving on the challenges 5 key strategies for thriving on the challenges of a growing and changing business.of a growing and changing business.

Jen Tiller MBIH, NLP Trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, EFT Practitioner, Jen Tiller MBIH, NLP Trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, EFT Practitioner, Buteyko Breathing Therapist, Golden Grid Energy Master Practitioner, Buteyko Breathing Therapist, Golden Grid Energy Master Practitioner,

Winner BEW Innovation Award, authorWinner BEW Innovation Award, authorPresentation at E2 copyright Jen Tiller 2010Presentation at E2 copyright Jen Tiller 2010

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In a business, you need more money coming in than In a business, you need more money coming in than going out to stay solvent, and extra resources for going out to stay solvent, and extra resources for hard times. hard times.

In order to stay solvent at a personal energy level, In order to stay solvent at a personal energy level, you also have to have more coming in than going you also have to have more coming in than going out, plus extra resources for hard times:out, plus extra resources for hard times:

PhysicallyPhysically MentallyMentally EmotionallyEmotionally because you can’t give what you don’t have!because you can’t give what you don’t have!

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StressStress occurs when the demands on your resources occurs when the demands on your resources – personal or external - are greater than you can – personal or external - are greater than you can

give at a particular time. give at a particular time.


BURNOUTBURNOUT occurs when the demands on your occurs when the demands on your resources – personal or external - are greater than resources – personal or external - are greater than you can give over an EXTENDED period of time.you can give over an EXTENDED period of time.

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5 keys to resilience5 keys to resilience

1.1. Create balance and a strong centreCreate balance and a strong centre

2.2. Live with passion and purposeLive with passion and purpose

3.3. Nurture yourself Nurture yourself

4.4. Surround yourself with great peopleSurround yourself with great people

5.5. Live your life with awareness!Live your life with awareness!

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Where are you now? Do a personal MOT:Where are you now? Do a personal MOT:what drains you, what sustains you?what drains you, what sustains you?

-10 0 +10-10 0 +10ClientsClientsFriendsFriendsExerciseExerciseFoodFoodAdminAdminHobbiesHobbiesTechnologyTechnologyFamilyFamilyHome env.Home env.Office env.Office env.ColleaguesColleaguesCommutingCommutingFinancial mgtFinancial mgt??

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Your personal MOTYour personal MOTWhat drains you, what sustains you?What drains you, what sustains you?

-10 0 +10-10 0 +10

ClientsClientsFriendsFriendsExerciseExerciseFoodFoodAdminAdminHobbiesHobbiesTechnologyTechnologyFamilyFamilyHome env.Home env.Office env.Office env.ColleaguesColleaguesCommutingCommutingFinancial mgtFinancial mgt??

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Poor sleep patternsPoor sleep patterns IndigestionIndigestion Bouts of illnessBouts of illness Muscle tension – head Muscle tension – head

and back achesand back aches Lower energy levelsLower energy levels Shallow breathing/lots of Shallow breathing/lots of

yawning and sighingyawning and sighing Performance anxiety – Performance anxiety –

exams, music, sportexams, music, sport

Temper or tears Temper or tears Increased conflictIncreased conflict Withdrawal/avoidanceWithdrawal/avoidance Anxiety/easily startledAnxiety/easily startled Panic attacksPanic attacks Lack of organisationLack of organisation Less ability to Less ability to

concentrateconcentrate Poor memoryPoor memory Diet/Weight issuesDiet/Weight issues

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PAY ATTENTION!PAY ATTENTION! What changes FIRST as you get more stressed?What changes FIRST as you get more stressed?

Breathing speed or Breathing speed or depthdepth

Sighing or yawningSighing or yawning Heart beat speedHeart beat speed Muscle tensionMuscle tension Voice tone or pitchVoice tone or pitch Digestive symptomsDigestive symptoms OrganisationOrganisation

Voice speedVoice speed Language patternsLanguage patterns Gestures and body Gestures and body

movementsmovements Facial expressionFacial expression Thought speed/qualityThought speed/quality Energy levelsEnergy levels Habits – food etcHabits – food etc

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When your purpose, values, thoughts and When your purpose, values, thoughts and actions match it will bring you into a state actions match it will bring you into a state of absolute integrity. You will feel great!of absolute integrity. You will feel great!

Do your highest values match how you Do your highest values match how you live you life and run your business?live you life and run your business?

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What makes you feel great – What makes you feel great – and most importantly, are you doing it?and most importantly, are you doing it?

Sufficient sleepSufficient sleep Healthy foodHealthy food Favourite exerciseFavourite exercise Vitamins/mineralsVitamins/minerals Good postureGood posture LaughterLaughter Good breathingGood breathing Making a differenceMaking a difference

Holidays and hobbiesHolidays and hobbies Massage/physical Massage/physical

therapytherapy Space and timeSpace and time Keeping a journalKeeping a journal Nature, music, artNature, music, art A little luxuryA little luxury Spiritual practicesSpiritual practices

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Supportive peopleSupportive people

What sort of support networks have you created? What sort of support networks have you created? Are they mutual or one way? Are they mutual or one way?

FriendsFriends Mentors Clients Mentors ClientsCoachesCoaches Peers Consultants Peers ConsultantsFamilyFamily Trainers Financial Trainers Financial Tech support Staff Tech support Staff Colleagues Colleagues

Who are you spending time on? Who are you spending time on?

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Decide your priorities and put them in Decide your priorities and put them in the diary: exercise, fun stuff, family…?the diary: exercise, fun stuff, family…?

How good do you want to feel – this How good do you want to feel – this year, next year, in 10 years?year, next year, in 10 years?

Measure your progress Measure your progress Smile, laugh, get a bit of perspectiveSmile, laugh, get a bit of perspective

Celebrate every success!Celebrate every success!


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What next?What next?

Consider:Consider: Relaxation CDsRelaxation CDs Books, journals, posters Books, journals, posters Full MOT sessionFull MOT session WorkshopsWorkshops Individual programmesIndividual programmes20% off anything booked or ordered today!20% off anything booked or ordered today!

Please connect with me!Please connect with me!

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