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Page 1: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

Task: Look at the following sources below and have a discussion with your peers about the following questions:• What can you infer from the following sources about Jewish reactions to persecution?• What details in the sources helped you make these inferences?• How successful might these acts be against the Nazis and the German Army?

They are resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!

Page 2: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

‘How could the Holocaust Happen?’Monday 4th May 2020

Success Criteria:

Bronze (WT): To identify and describewhat the term resistance means.

Silver (WA): To explain how opponents of the Nazis resisted against persecution and the Holocaust.

Gold (WB): To evaluate the success of resistance against the Nazis and justifywhich was more successful: violent or passive.

Learning Objective: To investigate how Nazi opponents resisted against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust.


Partisan/s: A person or a group of people who join an armed group who are secretly fighting against an occupying force.

Victim: A person harmed, injured or affected by an event.


BRIDGES dispositions:

Courage / Empathy

Page 3: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

‘What is Resistance?’

Task: Have a discussion with your peers about the following question above^

Resistance: the term ‘resistance’ refers to ‘someone who refuses to conform (or to agree) with something.’

Task: What are the positives and negatives of the following question (draw a small table):

‘Does resistance have to be violent?’

Positives of Violent Resistance Negatives of Violence Resistance

Change might happen quicker… You might look like the aggressor

Page 4: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

Debunking myths about the Holocaust:

Task: From your own knowledge about the Holocaust how have Jews and other opponents of the Nazis

been portrayed?

Task: From the sources on the right what can we learn about people’s experiences of the



We can learn that everybody’s experience of the Holocaust was DIFFERENT! This is because it was influenced by a range of factors: AGE, GENDER, TYPE OF PERSON (JEWISH, POLISH, HOMOSEXUAL, DISABLED)

Page 5: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

MAKE NOTES-Debunking myths about the Holocaust:

• Jews and other opponents of the Nazis did not simply consent or agree with the Nazis during the Holocaust.

• Men, women and children resisted violently and passively against the Nazis.

• Despite the risk, some non-Jewish people also helped Jews by offering them shelter or a place to hide.

Page 6: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

How did the opponents of the Nazis resist against the Holocaust?

Jewish Partisans in Eastern Europe: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943):Task: Watch the following

video clips.

• How are people resistingthe Holocaust?

• What are the dangers of this type of resistance?



Page 7: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

How did the opponents of the Nazis resist against the Holocaust?

Task: Read the following diagram ON THE NEXT SLIDE about resistance to Nazi persecution and the Holocaust and create a MIND MAP about the different ways there was Jewish resistance.

• Which type of resistance do you think was the most effective against the Nazis and justify why (PEEL).

Going for WB in History? (7+)

Read the case study about Josip Tito. How did he help influenced

resistance against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust.

Does this make a particular type of resistance more or less effective?

Page 8: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent
Page 9: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

‘How could the Holocaust Happen?’Monday 4th March 2019

Success Criteria:

Bronze (GCSE 1-3): To identify and describe what the term resistance means.

Silver (GCSE 4-6): To explain how opponents of the Nazis resisted against persecution and the Holocaust.

Gold (GCSE 7+): To evaluate the success of resistance against the Nazis and justifywhich was more successful: violent or non-violent.

Learning Objective: To investigate how Nazi opponents resisted against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust.


Partisan/s: A person or a group of people who join an armed group who are secretly fighting against an occupying force.

Victim: A person harmed, injured or affected by an event.


BRIDGES dispositions:

Courage / Empathy

Mr Smith’s fun but massively helpful progress checking quiz (True/False):

1) Partisan resisted the Holocaust by blowing up railway lines and helping hide opponents of the Nazis.

2) It was only at Sobibor where Jews and other victims organised camp uprisings.

3) The Warsaw ghetto revolt involved 15,000 Jews who only had 2 machine guns and 15 rifles.

4) The Jews only helped and served in the British, American Russian Army.

5) Tito was the leader of the Yugoslavian partisans, which had a membership of 450,000 and only manage to saved 500 Jews.

Page 10: resisting against Nazi persecution and the Holocaust!...the Holocaust. Gold (WB): To evaluatethe success of resistance against the Nazis and justify which was more successful: violent

Secret Schools: The key to resisting against the Nazis?

Task: Watch the following video from: 2:45-5:35 and answer the following question:


‘How might education be seen as an act of resistance during the Holocaust?’

Task: From what you have learnt today, write a judgement (PEEL) evaluating which method was more successful in resisting against the Holocaust: violent or passive.

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