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Resource Planner by PlannerOne© - Manual


“Resource Planner” For Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Introduction to the Basics

to be used for “Self Study” or Instructor Lead Training

Distributed by:

Cost Control Software, Inc.

12409 Old Meridian Street

Carmel, IN 46032

Phone: (317) 846-6025

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Table of Contents

Application Description ............................................................................... 3

Installation ...................................................................................................... 4

Setup ............................................................................................................... 5

Sequence of Implementation ..................................................................... 7

Daily Workflow ............................................................................................... 8

Screen Orientation ........................................................................................ 22

Tips ................................................................................................................... 34

Summary ......................................................................................................... 38

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................... 39

Bonus Videos from Planner One© .............................................................. 42

Student Evaluation ........................................................................................ 43

Course Evaluation ......................................................................................... 44

Support ........................................................................................................... 45

This Training Material is designed for the following individuals:

• 1-2 trainees per company.

• Trainees are experienced at scheduling

• We are not teaching scheduling methodologies

• We are working on one company installation.

• Trainees will already be trained on setup, workflow and terminology of NAV Jobs.

This Basics Training Manual is provided “free of charge” to companies that have purchased PlannerOne through

Cost Control Software only. This manual should have come to you directly from Cost Control Software. Any

distribution of this manual and the embedded videos is strictly prohibited. Please report violations of distribution

to [email protected].

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Application Description

Objectives of this Class

PlannerOne’s Resource Planner is a fully integrated and embedded scheduling tool within

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Jobs. Resource Planner will take about one (1) day to setup, and one (1)

day for learning with this Manual, and 1 to 2 Days of extended Training and Troubleshooting with

your Cost Control Software Support Person. Resource Planner is designed to enhance your NAV

Jobs with Visual Drag and Drop Scheduling; and it is localized to be used with basic NAV Jobs or

Job Manager by Cost Control Software.

Key Features

• Allows users to easily move Activities around with Drag-and-Drop tool.

• Advanced scheduling features like Move, Align on Calendar, Recalculate Dates, Close

Periods, Open Periods, and more.

• Provides the look-and-feel of Microsoft products for easy usage.

• Infinitely customizes activity labels on our powerful Resource Gantt and Job Gantt.

• Shows resource utilization & availability by looking at organized Capacity Plan graph & grid.

• Highlights problems, like overloads, in red so you’ll never miss a scheduling conflict again.

• Color Coded Activity Stickers


• Improved customer service level

• Visualization of the Plan (By Job/Task or by Resource)

• Reduced cycle-time and inventory

• Improved responsiveness through the tight integration into Microsoft Dynamics NAV with

Web Services.

• Monitor your “On-Time Delivery” Percentage in the KPI Window.

• Organize your Resources by Resource Groups (Welders, Painters,…)

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Installation Installation will be completed by Cost Control Software staff remotely.

For the best possible scheduling results and to stay within a reasonable implementation budget

we recommend the following:

1. Ensure your SQL Installation meets the Hardware Requirements specified during the sales


2. Ensure we are able to work with your IT Staff on a timely basis to expedite the installation.

3. Ensure we have the necessary credentials and instructions to work remotely on your

server. (Install and Troubleshoot)

4. After Installation the application will be in the hands of your Resource Planner. Be sure

they have access to your Development Database and your live Production Database.

5. This class is designed for an experienced scheduler. It does not teach concepts of

scheduling, it covers how to use Resource Planner with Dynamics NAV.

6. We also assume the student of this class knows NAV Jobs or “Job Manager”. We have a

separate Training DVD on how to use “Job Manager” for Dynamics NAV.

7. We also recommend you watch the all the embedded videos in this manual. Then re-watch

and use the pause button so you can try what you see in your Practice Database.

8. Note: The majority of the “content” of this class is in the Video Presentations.

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1. Calendars – Review the Default and add any new ones as needed.

Resource Planner’s DEFAULT Calendar:

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2. Resource Card –

Select the Calendar to use per Resource.

Indicate if you want to “Ignore Resource” with the Boolean. We call these Non-Scheduling


Check the Base Unit of Measure. HR = HR in Resource Planner.

Time units must be the same.

We recommend you have general labor resources like LABOR20.

Use that resource for your “Estimating”.

Add your “People Resources” like “RALPH”.

Use that resource on the Planning Desktop as your make your Schedule.

(Use the “Move” function to move the activity from LABOR20 to RALPH)

The Publish will show that RALPH is the Scheduled Resource.

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3. Ensure the Time Refresh is set on the Server to “Server Time Zone”.

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Basic functionality Test:

1. Select the Job to be tested. 2. Select the Task to be tested. 3. Select the Planning Line to be tested. (ie: LABOR20 for 10 hours)

- Add one if none exists. 4. Go to Resource Planner, Job Planning 5. Create Activities for just the testing Job. (Best to test 2 or 3 Planning Lines) 6. Verify the Activities show on the Desktop. 7. From Resource Gantt, test the “Move” option. 8. Verify the Publish is working 9. Verify the Job Shows the “Scheduled Hours” 10. Verify the Task shows the “Scheduled Hours” 11. Verify the Planning Line shows the assigned Resource if it was changed.

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Resource Planner has 3 Levels of Access:

1. The Planner (Full Access)

2. The Viewer (View Only)

3. The Collaborator (View only, but access to Tags and Messages)

If you only need “Planner” access then no other action is needed.

If you want Viewer and Collaborator, then security must be adjusted:

Please contact our office if you need assistance with Security.

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PlannerOne Manager:

There may be time that you need to re-initialize (re-init) Resource Planner.

This is rare, but our technicians may need you to do this.

This is what you want to see ALL the time.

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Sequence of Implementation Install, Setup, and ensure Resource Planner is operational

1. Cost Control will create a “Testing Database” with Resource Planner installed.

Note: New Dynamics NAV Job installations will take less time than an existing NAV customer

with NAV Jobs fully operational.

2. Your Database will now be ready for the learning process to begin.

Start the Learning Process with our “Warm Up” Self Study Manual. (This book)

3. Client will complete this Manual’s pre-recorded “Warm Up” training on their Testing


4. Client will attend a Web Training Session after completing this Study Guide.

We will want to confirm that the “Warm Up” process is complete.

This may extend into “trouble shooting” and “Q&A Sessions”.

5. Optional: Client can attend a 2nd Web Meeting to get answers to their questions on the


Next is Level 2 training either on premise or via web meetings.

6. We will be asking the “Scheduler / Student” to demonstrate what they have learned so far.

We ask that the Quiz Pages be returned first.

7. Now we start to “Apply” Resource Planner to your business. With new NAV installations

we setup Planning Lines for scheduling. With existing NAV installations we analyze your

setup and make recommendations to optimize your scheduling. We recommend you

practice with your real data, but in a Development/Training Database.

Advanced Training Topics (optional)

8. This is optional: Our Trainer travels to the client’s location for a minimum of 3 Days of on-

site training and application configuration. This advanced training might also be provided

through frequent web coaching sessions. We want to be sure you are properly applying

Resource Planner to solve your scheduling needs.

On-Going support will always be available to you via web meeting and billed as needed.

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Daily Workflow

Let’s begin by understanding who does what:

• Your ‘Estimator’ sets the Estimated Dates, Costs, Resources Assignments

• Your ‘Scheduler’ sets the precise Dates and Resource Assignments

• Your ‘Accountant’ tracks the Actual Costs

This manual is for the person that will run ‘Resource Planner’.

1. Start your new Job(s) in Job Manager.

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2. Review the dates for reasonableness:

Job Start, Job Finish, Task Starts & Finish, Planning Line Start Dates

The planning line’s “Planning Date” will adopt the “Begin Date” of the task to which the

planning line is linked. If all resources will not start on the same date, you will need to go

to the planning line’s and adjust the date.

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Adjust the Planning Line dates if you need to, “before” you create your Plan.

3. If you want to schedule this job in Resource Planner, you just set the “Plan in Resource

Planner” to YES. (Job Card’s Planning Tab)

Note: This just means it is available to “Create Activities” in Resource Planner.

Also, if you have Job Manager, this can automatically be set to YES upon “Order” status

being set to “Order”.

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4. Now go to the Resource Planner, “Job Planner Tab”.

Your new Job should be shown, but “Not Completely Planned”.

5. Hover over Job, select the “Create Activities” for one Job or use the “All Jobs” function to

create Activities for all Jobs.

These activities (Stickers) will be/are 1 to 1 to the Job’s Planning Lines.

Each “Job” planning line (Type = Resource) will create an activity sticker in Resource


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6. Job should move to the “Completely Planned” group of Jobs.

You are not quite done yet.

This just positions the stickers as defined by the Estimator. It is now up to the ‘scheduler’

to do the precise placement and assignments. (Drag & Drop)

7. Use the Resource Gantt to: Drag, Drop, or Edit Activities. (if needed)

The ‘scheduler’ now has control of the dates and the load hours per Activity.

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Double Click an Activity Sticker to open the detail window

8. Go to Resource Gantt to use the “Move” function.

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9. Click the “Move” icon to activate the functionality. (if not active)

Then just use your mouse to “Drag and Drop” any Activity on the Planning Board. You can

move an Activity to a different Start Date or even to a different Resource.

Note: You can also leave the Plan as presented by NAV, but most Schedulers like to fine

tune the plan.

We suggest this becomes a “first thing each morning” task. Review the

Job Planner Window for any new Jobs to be planned.

Then “Create Activities” when you are ready to begin planning the Activities

10. Test again the “Move” procedure. ( You will use this quite often)

Test again the “edit” in the Activity Box.

11. Note: All changes are made in your “Working Plan”. (What if Board)

This is similar to a NAV Journal, Editable until posted. (Published)

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12. Once you are satisfied with your “Working Plan”, it is time to “Publish”.

Note: This will overwrite the current version of the Published Plan

13. Do you really want to publish this plan?

14. At this stage the Published Plan and the Working Plan are identical.

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15. The “Publish” function writes all the Activity Data to NAV. With “Job Manager” it is then

viewable at 3 different levels:

Job Level from the Job Card:

Task Level from the Task List:

Planning Line Level from the Planning Line List:

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16. Note: All the “Scheduled” Fields are Drillable to the Activity Data that is published.

Hours over 8 hours will be carried forward to the next day.

(Skips Weekends if that is how you have the calendar set)

17. Here is a summary picture of the “Cycle”.

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Notice that the Activities come from the “Job Planning Lines”, so it is very important that

you setup you Planning Lines in NAV as close to the desired schedule as possible.

If you are also using Job Manager from Cost Control Software this is done for you by the

Backward Date Scheduling Engine within Job Manager. That is why Job Manager asks for

the Target Ship Date when a Job is first entered.

18. For “Job Manager” users.

Job Manager has a function to “Change Job Status to Complete”.

If Resource Planner is installed, then it will automatically remove the Check Mark to

Schedule the Job. Hence, this Job is removed from the Planning Board.

19. Note: Resource Planner is very “Free Form” Drag & Drop.

You can easily re-assign Activities to a different Resource. (Move from Labor Pool)

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This is a very good thing. The “Scheduler” takes over from the “Estimator”. The Scheduler

makes the Resource Assignments. The Publish command writes this assignment back to the

Activity Table.

20. Concept Review

a. Estimator assigns Tasks to “Labor10” or “Drill Press X”. (Generic/Unknown)

b. The Scheduler will use the MOVE feature to make the precise assignments.

c. “Publish” will update that decision on the Job Card, Task List, Planning Lines.

Hence your Task and Planning Line will show both the original assignment by the Estimator

and the current assignment by the Scheduler.

Task Level View:

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Planning Line View:

Notice above the Scheduler has Dragged the Planning Line/Activity to “Mary” for a more precise


Now use the Resource Sequence to see “Mary’s” Assignments:

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Use the Resource Task List information & Report on the Resource Card.

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Screen Orientation

Go To:

- Today

- Start of Planning

- End of Planning

- Selected Date

Time Scale

- Week, Day, Month, Advanced (User Defined)


- Hide Non-Working Periods

- Activity Colors

- Row Height

- Activity Labels

- Activity Screen Tips


- In, Out , Cancel


- Auto refresh

- Refresh

- Restore Defaults

Use the Time Scale control to set the Timeline.

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Adjust to your typical time frame.

Customization – Row height

You can define the fields that display on sticker: (These 3 are good ones)

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You can define what fields are displayed on your “Activity Screen Tip”

[Unable to get a screen Tip sample]

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Control your Activity Colors

We recommend you normally use the “Advance/Delay” view to spot late activities.

However, you might want to set to “Job” so all activities on the same Job are in the same color.

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• Manage Activities

• Move Activities

• Recalculate Activities

• Manage calendars

• Markers

Filter/Sort Resources

Filter Activities

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User the Filters tab, Highlight Job

Shows all the activities within a Job.

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Environments and plans

Configure Planning

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Help – Detailed Help file for Resource Planner

Indicators& Details -

From an activity sticker, you can “Drill Down” to the NAV details.

ESC will exit back to Resource Planner.

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Test the “Search” Function and view your Job. You will find this very helpful in locating information

within Resource Planner.

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Add a new View – i.e.: Job Gantt

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See the Duration of ALL of your Jobs with the Job Gantt.

Notice you can click the PLUS button to open up to the Task List.

Resource Sequence

See all the activities assigned to each Resource.

Ability to Re-Sequence from here too.

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Design Consideration for your “Resources”:

Are they People or Machines?

Do you assign a Task to a Machine or a Person? (Both?)

This will impact the number of Planning Lines to be managed.

How many Resources do you want shown down the left side?

You can control this list length with the option to remove on the Resource Card.

See the LOAD Percentage on your Resources.

Add in: Load and Capacity for more details.

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Find additional views from the Master Files:

- Resource Card

- Job Card

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We recommend you utilize Resource Groups:

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Resource Capacity is set up on the Resource Card

Resource Planner displays the Capacity with the width of the vertical bars. (Working Periods)

We are testing to see if the Default Calendar in Resource Planner eliminates the need for this

detailed allocation of capacity.

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“Scheduled Resources”

From the Job Card you can view this Job’s Scheduled Resources.

Plans –

There are two plans: Working Plan or Published Plan

The “Scheduler” always works in the Working Plan, then it is Published.

“Viewers” can only view.

“Collaborators” can view or annotate an Activity. (Tags & Messages)

Custom Fields:

Please request our extra documents and video on how to add custom fields.

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Summary Real Time

• Uses web services

• Interacts with NAV functionalities, enabling real-time communications.

Ease of Use

• Quick and Easy

• It’s more about “Re-Scheduling” than Scheduling

• Make the schedule to accommodate ‘real life’

• Graphical planning is easy to understand.

Fully Integrated

• Works right out of the box

• Simple integration and no data replication

• Developed using the latest Microsoft technology (Visual Studio 2010, .Net4)

• Fully integrated into Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Key Functionality

• Visualization for Scheduler and Viewers

• Bi-Directional Integration

• Manage Schedule & Exceptions.

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Test Your Knowledge:

1. What is a Job in NAV? (In your business)

2. What does it mean when you run the “Create Activity” function in PlannerOne?

3. Can you save filtered views of the Resource Sequence List?

4. Provide a real situation where filtered views of the Resource Sequence List would be used?

5. What can a Collaborative User do in PlannerOne?

6. When does Planner One get information from NAV?

7. When does NAV get information from PlannerOne?

8. What functional area of NAV does the schedule use for the Gantt charts?

9. Access the scheduler from all 4 places. Did you have any trouble finding them?

10. In the Resource Gantt chart, what is the NAV term for the Group Code column?

11. On the Resource Gantt chart, what is the NAV term for the Resource Code column?

12. How do you adjust the time scale?

13. What is a Sticker?

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14. If the sticker contains: 1011004|20

What is 1011004?

What is 20?

15. How do you change the content of a Sticker’s Help Tip?

16. What indicates a closed period?

17. What indicates the duration of an activity?

18. How do you access “Indicators and Details”?

19. How do you change the colors of the activities?

20. What is the purpose of the Advance/Delay Colors?

21. What happens when I switch from the Advance/Delay Color mode to the Job color mode

while on the Resource Gantt Chart?

22. Name two other Color modes?

23. Describe why you would use the Filter Tab?

24. Name all 5 of the Views available in Resource Planner?



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25. What does the + sign next to the view tabs do?

26. How do you adjust the row height?

27. What is your favorite part of the Planning Board?

Student Name:

(required for evaluation)

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Bonus Videos from PlannerOne©

These additional videos of Resource Planner are provided by the PlannerOne Development Staff:

• Ctrl + Click PlannerOne Video, Part #1 [2:13]

Introduction to Ortems, Developer of Resource Planner

• Ctrl + Click PlannerOne Video, Part #2 [3:26]

General Introduction to Resource Planner

• Ctrl + Click PlannerOne Video, Part #3 [2:45]

Some advanced features of Resource Planner

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Student Evaluation Congratulations. You have completed the first steps toward learning about Resource Planner by


Step 1 is this Self Study program providing basic knowledge on PlannerOne Resource Planner.

Level 2 training will be a discussion on how you will use PlannerOne in your business.

As a prerequisite to beginning Level 2 training, we need you to send to us your responses to the

tests on pages 39, 40, and 41. Shortly after receiving the “Test your knowledge” pages we will

setup a 2-hour web meeting to review the self study topics and your responses, to make sure you

have a firm grasp of PlannerOne basics.

Please sign and return the Question &

Responses pages to:

FAX - (317) 846-6025 or

[email protected]

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Course Evaluation

It is very important to us to know what you thought about the self-study program. We feel that

there is a certain amount of basic training that individuals can gather on their own time and pace

as well as saving the implementation budget for more in depth application topics for instructor

lead training. But, we really need to hear from you. Please, take the time to fill out this short

questionnaire and fax or email it back to us.


Julia Baxter, CEO

Cost Control Software, Inc.

1. Approximately how much time did it take to go through the program? _______________

2. Did you learn something? YES or NO

3. Was it worth your time? YES or NO

4. Did you like this form of training? YES or NO

Please explain: _____________________________________________________________

5. Would you recommend this form of training to others? YES or NO

6. How can we improve on this training?

Student Name _______________________________________ Date ________________

Please return evaluation to:

FAX – (317) 846-6025 or

[email protected]

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Congratulations on your purchase of PlannerOne! We couldn’t be more thrilled for you. Soon, you

will be on your way to enjoying and utilizing the features and functionality of this product.

This training manual is just the beginning. After completing this self-study program you should

feel like you can move around in PlannerOne Resource Planner, understand basic terminology, the

integration with NAV, changing visualization modes and actually doing some simple scheduling.

Your next step will to work with a PlannerOne special trainer to discuss how you will use this

product in your business. Contact us to schedule the next step, Level 2 training.

On behalf of NAV Software, NAV Solution Centers, and NAV Service Providers, we thank you for

your business. Most importantly, Cost Control Software sincerely appreciates your trust in our


Should you have any questions or comments regarding our product, we encourage you to contact

your local NAV Solution Center (NSC). Please also contact your NSC if you are considering

modifications or seeking new software functionality.

Cost Control Software provides many add-on products that may be just the solution you were

looking for. Your NSC can provide you with our complete list of add-ons. You may also check out

our website to see available add-on products as well.

Visit: www.costcontrolsoftware.com for more information.

Distributed by:

Cost Control Software, Inc.

12409 Old Meridian Street

Carmel, IN 46032

Phone: (317) 846-6025

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