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Page 1: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


ARIAH PARK CENTRAL SCHOOL 1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665 02 6974 1105 ariahpark-c.schools.nsw.gov.au

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16 SEP

RAP Study Day @ BCS

(note change of date)

25 SEP

Night of the Arts

27 SEP Whole School


(Year 12 Farewell)


Respect, Honesty and Resilience 

Page 2: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents

Canteen Roster Friday 13th September: Susanne Furphy & Cath Chalmers

Monday 16th September: Julianne Penfold & Caroline O’Brien 

Principal’s Report It was a bit cold but the show went off really well yesterday. Our school

did excep onally well and our Agriculture department took away first

place in a number of divisions. Thank you Bethany for the pain ng of

my dog Rex and well done winning first place. A big thankyou to

Jeane e Gash who put together our show display and those that helped

out. The Barking Dog Team worked relessly all day pushing up sheep

and me keeping. There was around 100 entries for the day over the

two rings. Thank you Mitchell Doyle for coordina ng the back yards and

his team.

A big thankyou to our Country Women's Associa on for dona ng $1000 towards suppor ng our

major excursions. The pressure drought places on our rural community is significant and we would

like to keep the excursion costs as low as possible to help families at this me. Thanks again to the

CWA for helping us make a difference.

Last week we had a film crew come to town producing a documentary on the 30 Years of Access.

Thank you to those who braved the cameras and it was really great to hear how highly the

producers spoke of our town and community. They have travelled for weeks and said they have

never come across such a welcoming, dy town. We all should be proud and it was fantas c to hear

some of our local stories.

Spring is here and Asthma is always greater with the pollen in the air. If your child suffers from

Asthma please see your doctor and enquire about the formal Asthma Ac on Plan. Schools are not

permi ed to stock Ventolin, however can administer a student’s personal Ventolin if they have a

current Asthma Ac on Plan. Parents should ensure the school holds a puffer for your child at the

Front Office and/or the student carries one in their bag at all mes. If a child presents with

persistent Asthma like symptoms, without an Asthma Plan, the protocol is to administer an Epipen

injec on of Adrenalin. If you have any concerns please contact the school.

Jus n Dunn, Principal

9th September 2019

Page 3: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News PBL Ques onnaire 

Our Core School PBL Values are: Respect, Honesty and Resilience.

Students will be rewarded with a blue token when they have displayed the expected be-

haviour. Students can also receive tokens for displaying any of the taught core values. The

PBL Team is in the process of doing signage around our school promo ng our core values.

We would  like  to hear your  thoughts.   Please answer  the  following ques ons and  return 

them to the main office.

1. Should we include a mascot on the signage?

2. What kind of mascot should our school have?

3. What colour scheme would you like to see?

4. What sort of signage would you like to see? (magne c board/electronic board)

4. General comment/other ideas:

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Yes, please enter me into the raffle.

Page 4: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News All response forms returned by parents/guardians to the Front Office will receive an entry

into the raffle.

Jacqui and Paul from the Ariah Park Hotel have kindly donated a $50 voucher as the prize!

Alterna vely, you can enter the raffle by submi ng your

responses online by using this QR code.

Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. 




PBL Lesson 

Our focus this week is “We seek advice if there is a problem.” This builds on our core value

of honesty.

PBL Team 




Primary and Secondary Captains Expression of Interest 

All Year 5 and Year 11 students interested in running for school captain next year are

encouraged to put their name forward as an expression of interest to Mrs Jenkins and Mrs

Tidd by Friday of Week 10. Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students

and a P&C representa ve about why they would make a good captain. These speeches will

take place Friday of Week 4 Term 4 and should be no more than 3 minutes in length.

Captains will be acknowledged at the Whole School Assembly in Week 5 and will be

formally presented with their badges at the Presenta on Night.

Mrs Tidd 


Page 5: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News

Night of the Arts 

This year’s Night of  the Arts will be held on  the night of 

Wednesday  25th  September.    Students  are  to  arrive  at 

6.30pm  for  a  7pm  start.    If  you  are  planning  on  being 

away at this  me, please no fy your child’s class teacher 

or the Front Office. 


VALID Tes ng for Years 6, 8 and Year 10 Science 

Last week, Year 6 and Year 10 students underwent VALID Tes ng. The Year 8 VALID Test

will take place between Monday 28th October and Friday 8th November. It will take 70

minutes to complete. All Year 8 students are encouraged to bring their laptops to school

every day during this test period to complete the test. If you have any ques ons, concerns

or would not like your child to par cipate, please let me know.

Mrs Tidd 


Please be advised the P&C Mee ng scheduled for tomorrow night, Tuesday 10th

September, has been cancelled.

Ellen Edis—Secretary 

Page 6: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Well done to these students who have each received 20 PBL tokens!

Name: Jimmy O’Hare 

Favourite sport: Football/AFL 

Favourite saying: “Good enough” 

Favourite colour: Red

Favourite food: Chicken Snitzel

Name: Chloe Eccles  

Favourite sport: Capture the Flag 

Favourite colour Turquoise  

Favourite food: Pasta 

Someone I look up to: Steph & Mum

Name: Riley Foster

Favourite sport: Capture the Flag

Favourite colour: Red  

Favourite food: Special fried rice

Someone I look up to: Mum & Dad

Page 7: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Ariah Park Show Display 

The school show display looked amazing with lots of mixed media artworks from the

primary and secondary classes.

Quite a few students entered the school and open sec ons and won prizes and ribbons.

This was excellent recogni on for their crea ve and skilful talent.

Ms Gash 

Page 8: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News

Page 9: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Primary News

Primary Excursion 

Following is the payment plan for the excursion. Please contact the school as soon as

possible if you require assistance mee ng this payment schedule. All monies need to be

paid by Friday 18th October. A lump sum payment can be made at any me before 18th

October if you would prefer this. Payments can be le at the Front Office or made via

“Parent Online Payment” by visi ng our school website,

h ps://ariahpark-c.schools.nsw.gov.au and selec ng the “Make a Payment” tab. Credit

cards can be used to make POP payments.

Mrs Jenkins 

Due By  Details  Amount 

Past Due Deposit $20

Past Due Instalment 1 $50

Friday 13th


Instalment 2 $50

Friday 27th


Instalment 3 $50

Friday 18th


Instalment 4



  Total:  $250 

Page 10: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Night of the Arts—Year 2 

Year 2 will be performing a dance dressed as teachers for Night of the Arts. The students

will be wearing a mask each and need to wear some 'teacher style' clothing. A note will be

sent home to each child sta ng whether they are a male or female teacher this week with


Mrs Cox 


Night of the Arts—Year 3/4 

For Night of the Arts Year 3/4 are a er sunglasses. If anyone has any of the sunglasses

from the Colour Run last year that the 3/4 students could borrow, could you please bring

them into school? We need approx 25 pairs.

Also if anyone has any part of the ‘Footloose’ costume used in KROP a few years ago and

you are happy to lend your costume out, this would be greatly appreciated.

Mrs Anderson  


Night of the Arts—Year 5/6 

All students will need to have jeans, boots, cap or cowboy hat and a country style shirt for

the NOTA performance. We will also need about 8 long coats (trench style) if any parents

have one that we could use on the night.

Mrs Jenkins 


Stage 3 Science 

Last week, students in Stage 3 inves gated the conduc vity of metals. Students med how

long it took for wax to melt on the different types of metal. From the results collected,

students had to create a fry pan design and jus fy which materials they would use

providing pros and cons of each (see collage).

Mrs Tidd 

Page 11: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


Kindergarten visit Preschool

Page 12: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


Stage 3 Science

Page 13: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Secondary News

RAP Study Day Change of Date 

The RAP Study Day will now be taking place on Monday of Week 9 (16/09/19) at Barellan

Central School. Thank you to those students who have already returned their permission

notes. Please update your diary with the new date.

Mrs Tidd 


Year 8 students going into Year 9 Parent Informa on Night 

Tomorrow evening at 5:30pm Year 8 students and their parents/carers are invited to a end

the 2020 Subject Selec on Informa on Session. This session will go through the

mandatory and elec ve subjects on offer for study in 2020. Today, Year 8 have been issued

with a subject informa on booklet that they are encouraged to read over with their

parents/carers this evening. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

If you have any ques ons or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at the school. 

Mrs Tidd 

Preliminary Examina ons 

The Preliminary Examina ons are fast approaching. Year 11 students will commence their

exams on Wednesday 18th September (Week 9). They will run every day un l Tuesday

24th September (Week 10). Students will be issued with an examina on metable in the

coming weeks.

Mrs Tidd 

Year 12 Farewell 

Parents of our Year 12 students are invited to a end a luncheon a er the Friday Week 10

Whole School Assembly to farewell Year 12. Miss Saffy and her Hospitality students will be

catering for the event. Invita ons will be issued to parents in the coming weeks.

Mrs Tidd  

Page 14: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Stage 4 Night of the Arts Performance 

Stage 4 will be performing a musical and dance rou ne this year. The line dancing students

are required to dress in country type clothing e.g. boots, jeans, flannel/work shirts and a

country type hat if possible. The hip hop dancers will need to dress in tracksuit pants, a

t shirt/singlet and a bandana. All the kids will also need a pair of sunglasses (any type will


Mrs Fairman 


Stage 4 Science 

Last week, students in Stage 4 revised elements and their symbols using a match up

ac vity. Students also learnt the difference between metals, non metals and metalloids

(see collage).

Mrs Tidd 


Year 12 Major Works 

Well done to Tejai Threadgate and Mitch Doyle who’s Industrial Technology Year 12 Major

Works were marked by the HSC markers last week.

Mr Denham 

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Stage 4 Science

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School News Permission notes for Henty Machinery Field Days and Farm Management Course 

Primary Industries students received two permission notes last week, one permission note

was for a ending Henty Machinery Field Days on Tuesday of Week 9, and one was for

a ending a Farm Management Course on Thursday and Friday of Week 9. Could all

students please return their permission notes ASAP so Mr Bray has an indica on of


Mrs Tidd 

Ariah Park Show results 

Well done to all of the students in Stage 4 and Stage 5 Agriculture whose entries received

first prize in the Ariah Park Show on the weekend. Students won first prize for their

le uce, silver beet, 3x onions, collec on of herbs and collec on of vegetables. Ariah Park

Central School also received the Most Outstanding Exhibit. I am very proud of our

students' commitments to their Ag plots. Keep up the great work.

Mrs Tidd 

Page 17: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


School News Riverina Primary Athle cs Carnival 

S ll awai ng official results from the PSSA website.

Mrs Tidd  


NSW CHS Athle cs Championships 

Last Thursday, Charlie competed in

Sydney at the NSW CHS State Athle cs

Championships in the 14 Year Old Boys

High Jump. Charlie placed 6th overall.

Well done Charlie on this excellent


Mrs Tidd 









School Tennis Compe on 

If your child is interested in par cipa ng in the primary or secondary tennis compe on

we will begin Week 9. All students interested in compe ng must be able to serve and have

had some previous tennis experience.

Mrs Tidd 

Page 18: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents

Community News


The Ariah Park Skate Park Commi ee would appreciate your vo ng support for the Upgrade of the Skate Park at the Ariah Park Recrea on Ground. Survey closes today— Monday, 9th September

Page 19: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents

Community News


Page 20: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents

Community News


Buskers Wanted 20th October at Ariah Park “Mary Gilmore Fes val”

2 venues in the main street

If you would like to show your talent please give me a ring

Janet Popple 0427782550

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Community News


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Community News


Page 23: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents

Community News


Ariah Park War Memorial Swimming Pool AGM

will be held Wednesday 18th Sept 2019 6pm @ Ariah Park Bowling Club.

Come along & show your support for this valuable community asset...our summer hub.

All welcome & bring a friend.

Page 24: Respect, Honesty and Resilience · Survey closes Tuesday 10th September at 3pm. ... Students will be asked to do a speech in front of staff, students ... Year 12 Farewell Parents


1 Harrison Street Ariah Park NSW 2665

PO Box 56 Ariah Park NSW 2665

Principal’s Email: [email protected]

Website: www.ariahpark-c.schools.nsw.gov.au


Principal: Justin Dunn

Mobile: 0428 771 105 (Justin)

Phone: 02 6974 1105

Mobile: 0488 741 329 (School)

Fax: 02 6974 1017



Sep 9  Sep 10  Sep 11  Sep 12  Sep 13 

School Counsellor SRC Mee ng TAFE Primary Excursion

Instalment 2 Due

Year 8 into Year 9

Informa on Evening

@ 5.30pm

Barking Dogs


Barking Dogs

“Big Dogs”

Book Club orders due

Barking Dogs

“Paw Patrol”



Sep 16  Sep 17  Sep 18  Sep 19  Sep 20 

RAP Study Day


Henty Machinery

Field Days Excursion

(Primary Industries)

Henty Machinery

Field Days

Henty Machinery

Field Days

Food Technology


Elec ves Day Preliminary Yearly


Preliminary Yearly


Preliminary Yearly


Secondary SRE TAFE Farm Management


(Primary Industries)

HMFD Excursion

(Primary Industries)

Farm Management


(Primary Industries)

P&C Mee ng


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