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Page 1: Response from Rough Cut
Page 2: Response from Rough Cut

Courtney Few


18 Years Old

I really like the plot of the story that you’ve shown me in this trailer. It looks like it is conventional to the

horror genre and the scream at the end worked well as it scared me. I like the character used as she looks

innocent. I would change the voicemail voice as it doesn’t sound overly realistic. Also I would suggest

making the shots a bit shorted with a variety of different shot types. The editing is good though and it

flows well giving a rough idea of the storyline intended in the actual film.

We gave participants two minutes on the clock and asked them to tell us what they liked, disliked and would improve about our rough cut.

Page 3: Response from Rough Cut

Thomas Evans


18 Years Old

I really like the idea you’ve put in your trailer it looks like it would be appealing to watch by a audience of

my age. I like the use how it flows and has a clear narrative that would unfold as the story develops. I'm not too keen on the music used at the beginning and don’t feel it fits with the genre therefor this would my

area to improve on by picking more appropriate backing track to reflect the theme of the film.

We gave participants two minutes on the clock and asked them to tell us what they liked, disliked and would improve about our rough cut.

Page 4: Response from Rough Cut

Francesca Wenn


18 Years Old

I was the actor in the trailer and I really like the idea you have. The idea of the stalker links with the horror genre as it provokes fear and makes you feel like your

being watched. This is a relatable situation which adds to the scare factor. It seems very conventional to

me as the character stupidly walks around alone at night. I would change the backing track at the

beginning as I think its to upbeat and jolly to change to the darker tension building track when the

disequilibrium occurs. This is what I would suggest to improve on.

We gave participants two minutes on the clock and asked them to tell us what they liked, disliked and would improve about our rough cut.

Page 5: Response from Rough Cut

Ashley Riley


17 Years Old

The idea of the film works well and I think would be really good to go and see in the cinema. The

conventions used make it good as immediately you can distinguish what the genre through the use of the shots and editing which makes it more jumpy. I don’t like the music. I think its to much and needs toning

down. Also the voicemail is a bit creepy but not realistic and takes away from the professional finish of the product. To further improve I would suggest

cutting down the scene length.

We gave participants two minutes on the clock and asked them to tell us what they liked, disliked and would improve about our rough cut.

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