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estoiLibrary of the Marine Corps





In Somalia with the

Unified Task Force

1992-1993 £


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COVER: Civilian relief workers unload

food supplies at a village near Baidoa as

a Marine escort stands by.

DVIC DN-ST-93-01389

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Restoring Hope:

In Somalia with the

Unified Task Force, 1992 - 1993

U.S. Marines in Humanitarian Operations


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Colonel Dennis P. Mroczkowski

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)

History Division

United States Marine Corps

Washington, D.C.


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Other Publications in the Series

U.S. Marines in Humanitarian Operations

Humanitarian Operations in Northern Iraq, 1991: With Marines in Operation Provide

Comfort. (1995)

Angels From the Sea: Relief Operations in Bangladesh, 1991. (1995)

A Skillful Show of Strength: U.S. Marines in the Caribbean, 1991 - 1996. (2003)

On Mamba Station: U.S. Marines in West Africa, 1990 - 2003. (2004)

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This story of Operation Restore Hope relates how many issues unique

to operations other than war were addressed and resolved by the com-

manding general of the Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF) and his

staff. Because it is written specifically from the perspective of the com-

mand element and drawn from interviews, notes, and after action reports

made at the time or shortly thereafter, this is a study of command, limit-

ed to that discrete portion of American involvement in Somalia that was

the United States-led coalition under the command of Marine Lieutenant

General Robert B. Johnston. It does not follow the actions of the indi-

vidual components or members of the units that made up the coalition

force beyond how they may have affected the work and mission of

UNITAF.Modern military operations other than war are, in many ways, similar

to pacification operations conducted in Latin America and the Far East a

century ago. In fact, the lessons learned sections of many modern after

action reports are familiar to anyone who has read the Marine Corps'

1940 Small Wars Manual, a treatise of the Corps' experience in the

Banana Wars, which was written before World War II. Sections of that

manual emphasized that civic actions often affected mission accomplish-

ment more than military actions, and stressed that Marines must both

become attuned to local culture and remain aloof from domestic political

squabbles to be successful.

The last decade of the 20th century brought great changes to theworld, many of which affected the United States military. If the years

1980 to 1989 were a time of reformulating military doctrine and inte-

grating new technologies, the years from 1990 to 1999 were a time for

testing those thoughts and instruments.

The final defeat of communism in Europe, the fall of the Warsaw Pact,

and the dissolution of the Soviet Union were great ends in themselves.

But they were the heralds of the new world order proclaimed shortly

after by President George H. W. Bush. On the one hand, these occur-

rences allowed the United States and its allies to act decisively in the

Persian Gulf against Iraq in 1990 and 1991; but the loss of the Cold War

counterbalance of the Soviet Union and its strategic aims meant the

United States would find it easier to become involved in regional con-

flicts and localized civil strife. For the remainder of the decade. United

States military personnel bore a burden of increasing operational tempo

rarely known in eras of peace.

Following the Persian Gulf War and its related Kurdish relief opera-

tion, the next major military commitment was to Somalia. The crisis in

that country was such that the humanitarian mission of the United States

and its coalition allies could only be met by military means. The

response to the crisis was named Operation Restore Hope and was sig-

nificant for its size and international support. It also provided useful les-

sons for succeeding humanitarian operations. Brigadier General Anthony

C. Zinni, one of America's foremost experts on operations other than


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war, saw the need for the Marine Corps to train a new generation of

Marines able to think in new directions to solve the problems of human-

itarian operations conducted in support of sometimes obscure and limit-

ed national goals. Many of the issues faced in Somalia by planners and

executors (the Marines and soldiers on the ground) have resurfaced in

Haiti, Bosnia, Rwanda, and other hotspots.

The author. Colonel Dennis P. Mroczkowski, retired from the United

States Marine Corps Reserve on 1 March 1999, with nearly 31 years of

service. During that time, he served in Vietnam as an artillery forward

observer with two rifle companies, as an observer and advisor with the

37th Vietnamese Ranger Battalion, and the officer in charge of an inte-

grated observation device (laser range finder) team on an outpost in the

Que Son mountains. As a reservist, he later served in a variety of posi-

tions at the battery level with Battery H, 3d Battalion, 14th Marines.

While on the staff of the Fleet Marine Force Atlantic Reserve

Augmentation Unit, he served as a liaison officer with the British Army

on six NATO exercises. He was the G-3 plans officer with the 2d Marine

Expeditionary Brigade from 1988 to 1990. During the early days of thePersian Gulf War, he was recalled to active duty as a senior watch team

commander in the crisis action center of the H Marine Expeditionary

Force. He later received orders to proceed to Saudi Arabia as a field his-

torian with the 2d Marine Division. He served with that unit throughout

Operation Desert Storm. He was again recalled to active duty in

December 1992 to serve as a field historian with the headquarters of the

UNITAF in Somalia. In October 1994, he was recalled to active duty to

serve in Haiti as the joint task force historian with the multinational

force during Operation Restore Democracy. On 1 January 1996, he

returned to active duty as the historian assigned to United States

European Command to document Operation Joint Endeavor, during

which he served in Germany, Italy, Hungary, Bosnia, and Croatia. For the

last years of his military career he was the officer in charge of the Field

Operations Branch of the Marine Corps History and Museums Division.

During this time, he served with members of the general staff of the

Polish Armed Forces on three occasions in Poland and the United States

in the Partners For Peace program. He was recalled from retirement dur-

ing the Global War on Terror in March 2003 and served as a historian for

the Special Operations Command. He served overseas with a special

operations air detachment and two battalions of U.S. Army Special

Forces in Kuwait and Iraq.

Colonel Mroczkowski is the author of U. S. Marines in the Persian

Gulf, 1990-1991 : With the 2d Marine Division in Operations DesertShield and Desert Storm, and co-author of Fort Monroe: The Key To The

South. He also has written several articles on military subjects. In civil

life, he is the director of the U. S. Army's museum at Fort Monroe,

Virginia, a position he has held since January 1986.

CD. Melson

Acting Director of Marine Corps History


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operation Restore Hope was a complicated and unusual operation. From the

initial commitment of United States Armed Forces on 9 December 1992 until the

turnover to the United Nations in May 1993, there was little need for direct mili-

tary action by large units, although the Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF)

command was not loath to use force when necessary. Rather, the need to keep a

neutral and balanced approach to the situation in Somalia was more important to

the success of the mission. Small unit actions, patrolling, manning key points,

convoy security, and crowd control were the order of the day. For a military his-

torian, it has been an important task to identify the critical issues, often political

in nature, which were of importance to the command and its conduct of the oper-

ation, and to follow these issues as events unfolded. This is far easier in a classic

military operation with well-defined missions and objectives, and in which theeffects of enemy actions or capabilities are readily discernible. The history of this

operation is more about the evolution of ideas and command structures than it is

about the engagement of enemy forces.

I have no reservations in claiming that the operation was successful; Lieutenant

General Robert B. Johnston and his coalition staff skillfully accomplished the

mission of the Unified Task Force, which was to create a secure environment for

the shipment of relief supplies and the establishment of the second United Nations

force in Somalia, UNOSOM II. The Unified Task Force was able to turn over to

the United Nations a country that, though still beset by problems, was beginning

to recover and in which the famine had been broken. What occurred after 4 May

1993 is another story, of which Operation Restore Hope was the prologue.

The narrative is drawn from interviews, notes, and after action reports created

at the time or shortly thereafter. As the historian assigned to UNITAF headquar-

ters, I was in a notable position to have access to what was discussed and planned,

but was also able to directly observe the resulting operations. I attended meetings

and daily briefings and was able to travel throughout the theater, eventually reach-

ing each of the humanitarian relief sectors. This gave me the opportunity to con-

duct interviews in the field with commanders, staff officers, and individual sol-

diers, Marines, airmen, and sailors. It also gave me the opportunity to see the

diversity of action in each sector and to appreciate the complex nature and vast

scope of operations: Somalia was not just Mogadishu, and Operation Restore

Hope was more than the daily round of patrols and spot reports. The greatest dif-

ficulty I faced was in the very size of the area of responsibility (which was itself

but a small part of the entire country of Somalia.) Travel was both time consum-

ing and physically demanding; it could easily take at least three days to reach

some of the farther cities, conduct a few interviews, and then return. Whether

going by motorized convoy or aircraft, a day would be spent in travel each way,

and a full day or two would be spent on the ground. All had to be timed to trans-

portation schedules that could change with little or no advance notice. Failure to

connect left one stranded until the next convoy or aircraft departed. Also, since I

could not presume to impose on the hospitality of others, I had to be prepared to

bring everything that I might require for food, water, or accommodation.

 Humping through the dust from a dirt airfield along a desert track with a full

combat load, several liters of bottled water, a full Alice pack and a cot was not

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something to look forward to. But the camaraderie shown in each sector certain-

ly was, and the information gathered was worth the effort.

I also was fortunate to have met several persons with whom I got to work close-

ly, or who helped me accomplish my mission. The first of these was Colonel Billy

C. Steed, the UNITAF chief of staff, who gave me the latitude to go where I need-

ed, provided me with access to meetings, and ensured that I reviewed important

documents. Next was Captain David A.  Scotty Dawson, who was the historian

for the Marine Forces, and who had been overseeing the UNITAF headquarters

portion as well until I arrived. He very quickly showed me around, and he was

indefatigable and always full of enthusiasm. Much of my working time was spent

in the operations center under the watchful eye of Colonel James B.  Irish Egan,

whose colorful manner made more bearable a daily grind in uncomfortable cir-

cumstances. He also demonstrated that the more important, but less noted, part of

military professionalism often lies in the attention to routine duty and detail. I was

fortunate to share a cramped, hot and airless working space in UNITAF head-

quarters with a distinguished civilian. Dr. Katherine A. W. McGrady, an employ-

ee of the Center for Naval Analyses. She provided insight in what was going on

and kept me apprised on what happened while I was out traveling. More impor-tantly, we shared the documents and information we collected, making the effort

more complete than it would otherwise have been. I had the opportunity to visit

on a few occasions with the 10th Mountain Division's historian. Captain Drew R.

Meyerowich, USA. In addition to discussing the collection of documents and

information, he spoke of his desire to get away from his desk and be more active-

ly involved in the operation. He got his wish a few months later as the com-

manding officer of Company A, 2d Battalion, 14th Infantry, which, as part of the

quick reaction force for the raid on General Mohamed Farah Hassan Aideed's

headquarters on 3 October, fought its way through the streets of Mogadishu.

Captain Meyerowich was awarded the Silver Star for his valor and leadership.

Several outstanding Marine Corps combat artists also documented Operation

Restore Hope. The first of these was Colonel Peter  Mike Gish, who had an abil-

ity to see the essence of a scene and capture it in his sketchpad in just a few

strokes. His good humor and endurance belied the age of a man whose service

extended back to his time as an aviation cadet in the latter days of World War II,

and who had seen active service during the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf,

and in the Kurdish relief operation. He and I shared many travels and many a din-

ner of meals, ready to eat, atop the chancery building in Mogadishu. He was an

excellent mentor who taught me how to properly use the authority of a full colonel

to accomplish one's mission. The lessons came in handy in later years in Haiti,

Europe, and eventually back in Iraq. Lieutenant Colonel Donna J. Neary also

deployed to Somalia, and I had the opportunity to watch her talent in the field. Agifted artist, she also had a knack for photography that was used to create a port-

folio of coalition uniforms and arms. Captain Burton Moore brought his experi-

ence as an infantry officer during Vietnam, and worked as an artist with the

Marine Forces. He created some remarkable works of Marines in action. Two of

these artists are represented in this volume. I was very fortunate in meeting Major

Daniel M. Lizzul, who was working as a liaison officer with the Italian forces. He

not only assisted in interpreting interviews, but also ensured I got to accompany

the Italians on some of their operations. I count him as a good friend and a high-

ly professional officer. Warrant Officer Charles G. Grow, who I had known dur-

ing Desert Storm, continued his excellent performance as both a combat photog-

rapher and artist. He was an invaluable liaison with the Joint Combat Camera

Team. Sergeant B. W. Beard, a writer with the Joint Information Bureau, accom-

panied me on a memorable journey to Gialalassi in late December. His articles.


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written for the local coalition forces' newspaper and service magazines, captured

the spirit of what was happening for the Marines and soldiers who were out on the

streets. Finally, there were all of the officers and soldiers of the various services

of the coalition forces who responded to my requests for interviews and informa-

tion. These men and women were often busy with their own duties, but they man-

aged to find time to speak with me and help me to gather a full impression of their


Of course, not everyone who contributed to my work in the field or to this his-

tory was with me in Somalia. As I left Somalia, my good friend and comrade.

Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Cureton, took my place. He was leading the first

Joint History Team to deploy in support of an active operation, composed of five

men besides himself: Commander Roger T. Zeimet, USNR; Major Robert K.

Wright, Jr., USAR; Major Robert L. Furu, USAR; Major Jimmy Miller, USAFR;

and Sergeant Michael Eberle, USA. Lieutenant Colonel Cureton led a highly

organized and thorough field history program. These officers were able to conduct

scores of interviews and collect thousands of documents. Their prodigious col-

lection effort has been compiled into a volume entitled Resource Guide: Unified

Task Force Somalia December 1992-May 1993 Operation Restore Hope, pub-lished by the U.S Army Center of Military History. This book has been of tremen-

dous value in researching and writing this monograph.

Back in the United States, I owed my position to Brigadier General Edwin H.

Simmons, Director of Marine Corps History and Museums. When the call came

for a historian to go to Somalia with UNITAF, he selected me from a field of very

qualified candidates. His deputy. Colonel Marshall B. Darling, kept me informed

of what was happening back home and forwarded anything that I requested. The

director of the Joint History Office, Brigadier General David A. Armstrong, USA(Retired), also provided me with briefings, information, and encouragement, and

helped me to secure the opportunity to deploy to Somalia as a historian. I certainly

wish to thank those who reviewed the draft of this history, most especially

Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Cureton, and Lieutenant Colonel Ronald J. Brown.

Both of these officers have been friends and comrades in the service of the histo-

ry of our Corps. Lieutenant Colonel Brown, a Basic School classmate, made sev-

eral recommendations that helped with the clarity of some of the more technical

aspects of this history. Brigadier General Gregory Gile, USA (Retired), also

reviewed the chapter that details the work of the coalition forces in the relief sec-

tors. Brigadier William J. A. Mellor DSC, AM, Royal Australian Army, did the

same for those portions that involved Australia's participation.

I also wish to thank Mr. Charles D. Melson, chief historian, Mr. Charles R.

Smith, senior historian, and Mr. Scott N. Summerill, senior editor, for their thor-

ough review of the final draft. My gratitude also goes to Mr. W. Stephen Hill,

who designed the maps, and to Mrs. Catherine A. Kerns, who prepared the man-

uscript for publication, and again to Mr. Charles R. Smith for illustrating the his-

tory and preparing the index.

Not everything in the field worked as planned. A rare, sudden thunderstorm

caught me in an open vehicle shortly after I arrived. The water caused havoc with

my tape recorder. Thereafter, I was forced to use a notebook to record conversa-

tions with members of UNITAF while in the field. This is referred to as my field

notebook in the pages that follow to distinguish it from my journal. In that latter

volume, I recorded the information from briefings and meetings, as well as per-

sonal observations about the operation. Whenever I was working in the UNITAF

headquarters compound, I could use the services of the Joint Combat Camera

Team to record my interviews with commanders and staff officers. Unfortunately,


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most of these were unavailable to me while I was writing this history. Fortunately,

I kept notes of these interviews and have used these.

I chose to allow the materials used to guide the writing of the history and to fol-

low the development of issues. I have endeavored to use sources collected by

myself or by others at the time of the operation, or shortly thereafter. The views

and comments presented most nearly coincide with those perceptions held by the

participants at the time. Where I have used secondary sources, I have tried to use

ones that gave insight into the more non-military aspects of the operation, such as

Somali culture, politics, United Nations participation, etc. Here again, I have used

studies that were prepared just a few years after the operation.

There are now several excellent studies of the operations in Somalia, but which

were not used for the preparation of this work. Many of these deal with the more

dramatic events of October 1993, which is outside the scope of this monograph.

Interested scholars are directed to Somalia and Operation Restore Hope by John

L. Hirsch and Robert B. Oakley, and Policing The New World Disorder: Peace

Operations and Public Security, edited by Robert B. Oakley, Michael J. Dziedzic,

and Eliot M. Goldberg. Of importance for an understanding of the United

Nations' perspective and the relationships of UNITAF with UNOSOM I and II is

volume VIII of the United Nations blue book series. The United Nations and

Somalia, 1992-1996. Mark Bowden's Black Hawk Down: A Story ofModern War

is a moving account based on interviews with participants of the raid of 3 October

1993. It is by far the best of several that have been published in recent years. In

addition, there have been many excellent articles in military journals and the mil-

itary forces of several of the coalition nations have written after-action reports or

official histories of their contributions to the operation.

In the middle of January 1993, shortly after the death in action of Private First

Class Domingo Arroyo, I was traveling by helicopter to an interview with Captain

John W. Peterson, USN. While waiting at the helipad near the airport, a small

group of Marines joined the party. They were members of Task Force Mogadishu.As we waited, a first lieutenant and I struck up a conversation, as Marines often

will when thrown together for a short time. After explaining what we each did, he

asked me, referring to Private First Class Arroyo's death,  Sir, was it worth it? I

could not answer his question then, knowing how keenly this loss had been felt.

Most certainly to Arroyo's family, friends, and comrades, the price was too great.

But there were also the scores of thousands of Somalis, many of them innocent

children, who had been saved by the efforts of Marines, soldiers, and sailors like

Private First Class Arroyo. For these and their families there could be no greater

gift. If, in the end, America and her coalition partners were repaid with callous

evil by some men, that does not mean the attempt ought not to have been made.

Someday, perhaps, one of those children, grown-up and grateful for what had

been done, will lead his country out of the fear, evil, and despair that have

engulfed it.

^ *

D. P. Mroczkowski

Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)


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Table of Contents

Foreword iii

Preface v

Table of Contents ix

Part I - A Crisis in the Making

Chapter 1 Descent Into Despair 1

The Beginning 1

Clans and Colonization 2

A Trust Territory 4

Unification and Independence 4

A Failed State 5Operation Eastern Exit 6

Civil War and Anarchy 7

Part II - Operation Restore Hope

Chapter 2 The Widening Mission 11

Historic Decision to Intervene 11

Initial Planning 12

First Steps 13

Organizing Tasks 15

Support Command 18

Coalition Partners 19

Chapter 3 Plans and Preparations 21

Working with Central Command 21

Somali Opposition 22

Somali Terrain 24

Specified Tasks 25

Psychological Operations 27

Phases of the Operation 27

The Flow of the Force 29

Chapter 4 Coming Ashore 31

Initial Landings 31Logistical Buildup 35

Force Buildup 36

Into the Interior 42

Securing the Relief Sectors 43

Chapter 5 Politics, Peace Talks, and Police 51

Military-Political Cooperation 51

Weapons Control and the use of Force 52

Reconciliation Conferences 55

Somali Police Forces 58

Chapter 6 Moving to the Third Phase 63

Settling In and Daily Work 63


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Mogadishu 66

BaleDogle 76

Baidoa 77

Bardera 82

Oddur 83

Gialalassi 85

Merka 90

BeletWeyne 91

Kismayo 94

Morale and Restraint 98

Chapter 7 Drawing Down the Forces 103

Naval Operations 103

Air Operations 104

End Game 110

Restructuring and Redeployment 112

UNITAF Redeployment 113

Coalition Shifts 117

Chapter 8 Normality Begins to Return 119

Logistics 119

Medical Care and Health Issues 124

Engineering 130

Communications 134

Psychological Operations 137

Civil-Military Operations 140

Part III - Getting Out

Chapter 9 Transition and Return 147

United Nations Relationship 147

Slow Transition to U.N. Control 150

Epilogue 155

Notes 159


Appendix A: Unified Task Force Somalia Organization 169

Appendix B: Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Somali Spelling 179

Appendix C: Chronology of Events and Operations 183

Appendix D: Citation 187

Index 189

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A Crisis in the Makin


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chapter 1

Descent Into Despair

The Beginning

By the summer of 1992, almost every

American was familiar with the problems of

Somalia. Images of sick, weak, and starving peo-

ple had been forced into the consciousness of

even the most casual observer of the news of the

day. Television specials, photographs in maga-

zines, newspaper articles, and even radio pro-

grams all served to focus the attention of our

nation to this devastated land on the Horn of

Africa. That people were suffering and dying in

the thousands was obvious; that something need-

ed to be done was unquestionable. But even the

best intentions are of no consequence without

identifiable goals and the means to implement a

relevant plan. In August 1992, the United States,

responding to a great human tragedy, was ready to

act. The plan, originally quite simple, was the start

of what would develop into one of the largest

humanitarian relief efforts in the history of the

world, Operation Restore Hope.

On 18 August 1992, President George H. W.

Bush ordered the airlift of 145,000 tons of emer-

gency food supplies to Somalia. This initial effort,

named Operation Provide Relief, was based in

Mombasa, Kenya, and was commanded by

Marine Brigadier General Frank Libutti. Military

and civilian aircraft were used to fly shipments of

food to towns inside Somalia.' From there, the

food was to be distributed to needy refugees by

humanitarian relief organizations and nongovern-

mental organizations such as the International

Red Cross and the World Food Program.

Unfortunately, the accomplishment of this

humane task was often frustrated by the condi-

tions on the ground in Somalia.

As is so often the case with crises that seem-

ingly flash across the nation's television screens

and magazine covers, the situation that led to a

united intervention in Somalia had a long and

complex history that was not immediately appar-

ent. Of all of the world's areas, the Horn of Africa

always has been one of the most overlooked and

least understood. Yet, an appreciation of the histo-

ry and culture of this region is necessary to under-

stand what the United States-led coalition did, and

what its accomplishments were.

DVIC DF-ST-98-04803

A Somali herds his flock of goats near the village of Belet Weyne. Unlike much of postcolonialAfrica, Somalia's bor-

ders enclosed a single ethnic group, the Samaal, which has occupied the region since biblical times.

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Restoring Hope in Somalia

Clans and Colonization

One of the most important aspects of Somali

society, and perhaps the most difficuh for Western

observers to understand or appreciate, are the con-

cepts of Uneage and clan affiliation. For many

Americans, the word  clan conjures up images of

Scottish or Irish ancestry. To a Somali, however,

clan relationships define individual identity and

relationships to every person that he comes into

contact with. It is no exaggeration that Somali

children are taught their lineages for several gen-

erations back so that on meeting another person,

each can recite his ancestry and thus understand

his obligations and responsibilities to the other.

Traditionally, all Somalis trace their ancestry

back to one man, Abu Taalib, an uncle of the

Prophet Mohamed. His son, Aqiil, in turn had twosons, Sab and Samaal. It is from these two the six

clan-families descend and

through which all ethnic

Somalis trace their ancestry.

On the Sab branch, these

clan-families are the Digil

and Rahanweyne; from

Samaal are descended the

Darod, Dir, Issaq and

Hawiye. Over generations,

each of these clan-families

was further subdivided into

clans, subclans and fami-

lies.^ This fracturing of the

people by lines of descent

produced a dichotomy not

unusual in clan societies in

which there is strength

against an external foe, butinternal national weakness.

For example, while a threat

to the overall structure

could bring about a unified

effort to combat it, the vari-

ous entities could still be

fiercely antagonistic to one

another. In an area in which

resources are scarce and

competition for those

resources is very great, such

hereditary divisiveness can

assume tremendous impor-

tance. In Somalia, the

scarcity of water and arable

land for both nomadic

herdsmen and for farmers has led to a tradition of

competition among the various families and


A unified Somali nation did not exist until the

20th century. In earlier times, the country was

under the control of various emirates, generally

centered along the coast. Cities carried on a trade

between the peoples of the hinterland and the

Arabian Peninsula. By the late 19th century, how-

ever, several other countries were colonizing or

occupying parts of the Horn of Africa that would

become Somalia. The French occupied the north-

ernmost sector, French Somaliland, today known

as Djibouti. The Italians, seeking an empire in

Africa, colonized the southern portion and called

Italian Somaliland. The British, with an eye to the

protection of the Suez Canal and their trade

through the Red Sea, occupied an area on the Gulfof Aden known as British Somaliland. Even the

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Descent Into Despair

Egyptians and Ethiopians claimed portions of the

territory inhabited by the Somalis. ^ A legacy of

bitterness, particularly against the Egyptians, the

Coptic Christian Ethiopians, and the Italians, was

formed at this time and was still apparent during

Operation Restore Hope.

Life was not always tranquil for the occupying

powers, and they often fought among themselves.

In 1896, the Italians invaded Ethiopia from

Eritria, their colony on the Red Sea. The army of

the Ethiopian emperor, Menelik II, stunningly

defeated them at the Battle of Adowa. Imam

Mohamed Ibn Abdullah Hassan raised an insur-

rection in British Somaliland in 1 899 in response

to perceived threats to the Islamic religion from

foreign influences. Known to history as the  Mad

Mullah, Mohamed Abdullah waged an intermit-

tent 22-year jihad against both the British and the

Ethiopians. This was a period in Somalia's histo-

ry marked by chaos, destruction, and famine and

during which it is estimated that one-third of all

males in British Somaliland died, often at the

hands of the Mullah and his followers. It is diffi-

cult not to see a reflection of these earlier events

in those that would occur 80 years later.^

While Great Britain, Italy, and France were

allies during World War I, the rise of the Fascist

dictator Benito Mussolini was to cause a division

among the colonial powers. The Italian invasion

and conquest of Ethiopia in 1935 placed Italy

squarely in confrontation with Great Britain.

British opposition to this aggression moved

Mussolini to join Adolf Hitler, whose policies of

expansion in Europe Mussolini had formerly

opposed.^ Thus, when World War II began, the

Horn of Africa was occupied by belligerents and

was soon to become a battleground.

The Italian Fascist government recognized it

had the  chance of five thousand years to

increase its African colonial holdings at the

expense of Great Britain.^ But Italy did notdeclare war on the British Empire until the fall of

France was imminent, in June 1940. Before the

year ended, however, the British were already

planning to attack the Italian forces in Somalia, as

part of an overall strategy to clear the African con-

Somalia Clan Affiliations

The influence of clans and sub-clans was seen in the numerous factions and political organizations, which had been strug-

gling for power since the overthrow of Muhammad Siad Barre. Virtually all derived their influence from their affiliation

with one of the clans or clan-families. The important clans to the work of Operation Restore Hope were:

The United Somali Congress (USC). This was the largest of

the factions operating in southern Somalia, and it was one of

the first to fight against the Barre regime. Composed princi-

pally of the Hawiye clan-family, it was further subdivided

into two factions, which were in violent competition with

each other. The first of these was the faction led by General

Mohamed Farah Hassan Aideed. Usually referred to as USCAideed, it was drawn from the Habr Gedr clan. The force

under Ali Mahdi Mohamed, the USC Ali Mahdi, drew its

support from the Abgal clan and opposed the USC Aideed

faction. Both were strong in the Mogadishu area, and each

had supporters in other factions in the port city of Kismayo.

The Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM). Active mainlv in

the south around Kismayo, this faction was drawn from the

Ogadeni clan of the Darod clan-family. It also was divided

into two rival groups. One, led by Colonel Ahmed Omar

Jess, was allied with General Aideed. The other was led by

Colonel Aden Gabiyu and was allied with the forces of

Mohamed Said Hirsi, known as  General Morgan.

Morgan's forces were an independent faction of the Ogadeni

sub-clan and were active in the Kismayo area, extending to

the towns of Bardera and Baidoa. Morgan was allied with

Ali Mahdi and therefore was opposed to Colonel Jess.

Several other factions were operating in Somalia at this

time. Each had an armed militia. While these had less

impact on the coalition's work, they had to be considered.

In the north was the Somali National Movement (SNM),

dominated by the Issaq clan-family. Under the leadership of

Abdulrahman Ali Tur, this faction declared the independ-

ence of the northwestern portion of the country as the

 Somaliland Republic.

Also in the north was the Somali Salvation Democratic

Front rSSDF), composed of members of the Majertain clan

of the Darod clan-family. The SSDF opposed the USC.

The Somali Democratic Movement (SDM) was affiliated

with the Rahanweyne clan-family and operated to the west

of Mogadishu, centered on the town of Bardera and also

strong in Baidoa.

The Somali National Front (SNF) was drawn from the

Marehan clan of the Darod clan-family and was active along

the border of Ethiopia near the town of Luuq.

The Southern Somali National Movement (SSNM) had its

center in the town of Kismayo, and was representative of the

Biyemal clan of the Dir clan-family.

There also were several religious-based organizations, par-

ticularlv in the north. These groups included al-Itihaad al-

Islamiva (Islamic Unitv), which had fought against the

SSDF in the north, and Akhwaan al-Muslimiin (Muslim

Brotherhood), which had adherents throughout the country.

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tinent of the enemy. Accordingly, in February

1941, British Empire forces were on the offensive

to places that would become familiar to American

servicemen 52 years later. On 14 February, the

port city of Kismayo was captured, followed by

the town of Jilib on the Jubba River on 22

February. The city of Mogadishu was attacked

next. Although it is more than 200 miles from

Kismayo and Jilib, British Empire troops entered

Mogadishu only three days later, on 25 February.

With the Italian forces retreating into the interior,

British forces advanced quickly beyond the bor-

ders of Italian Somaliland and into Ethiopia.^

As the war moved away from Somalia, the

British assumed responsibility for the administra-

tion of the entire area. During this period, the

Somali people began to develop their first modem

political organizations. The Somalia Youth Clubwas formed in 1943, including in its membership

native civil servants and police officers. In 1947,

the organization changed its name to the Somali

Youth League (SYL), with the announced aims of

the unification of all Somali territory, a standard-

ized written form of the language, and protection

of Somali interests. With branches in all Somali-

occupied territories, including areas of Ethiopia

and Kenya, and with a membership from nearly

all clan-families, this party represented a true

national political organization. Other parties also

came into being at this time, but these were invari-

ably representative individual clan-families.^

A Trust Territory

British administration continued until the end

of the war, when the Allies decided the Italian

colonies seized during the war would not be

returned. A commission composed of representa-

tives of Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the

United States was formed to study the disposition

of these former colonies, including Somalia. TheSYL proposed that all Somali territories be uni-

fied and requested a trusteeship by an internation-

al commission for 10 years to be followed by

complete independence. While such a proposal

was agreeable to the commission, the Allied

Council of Foreign Ministers could not decide on

the proper method for preparing the country for

independence. Finally, in 1949, the General

Assembly of the United Nations assigned Italy the

trusteeship with the stipulation that Somalia must

be entirely independent before the end of 1960.

Although there were many Somalis, particularly

in the SYL, who did not want Italy to control any

of the country, they did acquiesce to the proposal.

For the next 11 years, the country was prepared

for independence as a Trust Territory. Although

there was some antagonism toward the Italians in

the early years of this period, it began to wane as

the country's economy and political structures

developed. The time was one of optimism as

enthusiasm for the new democracy raised a

national spirit without the traditional connections

to the clan-families. ^

During the 1950s, the SYL continued to be the

most important and strongest of the political par-

ties. By 1956, the SYL had received the majority

of the seats in the national assembly. It followed a

program that was nationalist in outlook and

sought to weaken the influence of the clans. When

drafting the constitution for the new nation asit

approached independence, the SYL sought a uni-

tary form of government. A federal form was

believed to be too susceptible to the divisiveness

of clan interests, and even in the SYL itself there

were individuals who were more interested in the

furtherance of their particular clan than in a pure-

ly national program.

Unification and Independence

In 1956, Britain agreed to the eventual inde-

pendence of British Somaliland and its incorpora-

tion in the new nation. Accordingly, British

Somaliland was granted independence on 26 June

1960, and on 1 July it joined with the Trust

Territory to form the Somali Republic. During this

early period of independence, the new national

government had to address the differences

between the two sections' political, economic, and

social development. While clan allegiances

remained important, the development of a posi-

tion with an appeal to the interests of both the

northern and southern sections helped to bring the

nation closer together.'^

The major issues facing the new country during

the 1960s were the improvement of social condi-

tions and the nation's physical infrastructure. At

the same time, many of the nation's political lead-

ers espoused the idea of  Pan-Somalism, a con-

cept that called for the unification of all the

Somali peoples into one nation. Whether this

unity was to be achieved by peaceful or aggres-

sive means was an issue of some debate among

the leaders, but the idea had a great appeal with

the people. Since many Somalis lived in the bor-

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der areas of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, this

goal placed Somalia in confrontation with those

nations. There were several border clashes with

Ethiopia during this period, as well as guerilla

raids into Kenya. While this expansionist program

may have alienated Somalia at times from its

neighbors, the general policy did provide a broadbasis for agreement among nearly all of the polit-

ical leaders.'^

The 1960s also saw the increasing dominance

of the SYL in the government. Curiously, the

party's great success was becoming a weakness.

As candidates in national elections began to rec-

ognize the SYL was the winning ticket, the party

drew persons of all political views and beliefs into

its ranks. More importantly, the party became the

means through which nepotism and clan alle-

giances were once again served. Ironically, theSYL thus came to represent the very factionalism

it had originally opposed. In addition, the party

and government became corrupt as favors and

personal gain took the place of public service. By

the end of the decade, the nation was ripe for a

coup d'etat.^'^

A Failed State

An assassin, apparently motivated by a clan

grievance, killed President Abdirashid Ali

Shermarke on 15 October 1969. Although the act

was an isolated incident of violence, it served as

the catalyst for events that quickly followed. The

assassination was used as an excuse for the over-

throw of the democratic government. On 21

October, when Prime Minister Ibrahim Egal tried

to arrange the selection of a new president, the

military moved to take over the country. Major

General Mohammed Siad Barre quickly assumed

leadership of the new Supreme Revolutionary

Council. Members of the old government were

arrested, political parties were outlawed, the

National Assembly was abolished, and the consti-

tution was suspended. Under the new name of the

Somali Democratic Republic, the country

embarked upon its own social experiment of sci-

entific socialism. Specifically, the new regime

wanted to end the influence of allegiance to clans

and the corruption that had become endemic in

the government. Society was to be transformed in

accordance with a political philosophy based on

both the Quran and Marxism.'^

Among other projects begun bythe

new gov-ernment was an attempt to raise the literacy rate of

the nation. In this they were fairly successful,

employing a program of sending those who were

already educated throughout the country to teach

others. Not as successful was the attempt of the

government to improve the economy of the coun-

try. One of the poorest of all nations, Somalia's

economy was defined by the pastoral nomadiclifestyle of the majority of its people. Foreign

exports were limited mainly to cattle or other

foodstuffs produced in the fertile river valleys.

Most farming, however, was of a subsistence

level. Such a fragile economy was susceptible to

the droughts that would regularly strike the

region, which left the country very dependent

upon foreign assistance, particularly from the

Soviet Union. '^

In this period of the Cold War, there was some

strategic significance to the position of Somalia

based upon the approaches to the Red Sea and the

Suez Canal. With many of its Army officers edu-

cated in the Soviet Union, and with its commit-

ment to a socialist form of government, Somalia

Photo courtesy of the author

MajGen Mohammed Siad Barre took power in iate

1969 in a bloodless coup following the assassination of

country's prime minister, Dr Abdirashid Ali Shermarke.

Barre's goal of removing the clan as the primary Somali

allegiance ultimately would lead to the destruction of

the Somali state.

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eagerly accepted Soviet military and economic

aid. In return, the Soviets were allowed to build

airfield and port facilities at Berbera, on the north

coast. While the ties to the Soviet Union were

never truly strong, they were to be severed per-

manently by the pursuit of Somali foreign poli-


The concept of Pan-Somalism had continued

into the Barre regime. In the early years of his

rule, this policy was pursued through peaceful

negotiations with neighboring countries.

Especially in regard to the Ogaden region, con-

trolled by Ethiopia, the Somali government dis-

tanced itself from the insurgent movements that

had previously been supported there. This

changed after the 1974 overthrow of Emperor

Haile Selassie and the establishment of a Marxist

government in Addis Ababa. When attemptsfailed at negotiating a settlement of the Ogaden

question, the Somali government recognized the

Western Somali Liberation Front, which was

fighting to break the Ogaden from Ethiopia. Aid

was given to the Ethiopian People's Revolu-

tionary Army, which was fighting a guerilla war

against the new Ethiopian government. Finally, in

July 1977, the Somali Army invaded Ethiopian

territory in an attempt to gain the Ogaden. In this

contest between two of its client states, the Soviet

Union came to the aid of Ethiopia. With large

amounts of modem Soviet equipment and a rein-

forcement of Cuban troops, the Ethiopians turned

the tide of battle and drove the Somalis from their

territory. In retaliation, Siad Barre ejected Soviet

personnel from Somalia and turned to the West for

support. In 1980, an agreement was reached with

the United States whereby use was given of the

port and airfield facilities at Berbera in exchange

for military and economic aid.'^ Somalia stayed

close to the United States throughout the remain-

der of the 1980s.

This decade was not to be an easy one for the

Barre regime, however. In spite of its attempts to

rid the country of the influence of  tribalism, the

government was increasingly identified with the

Marehan, Barre 's own clan.'^ In addition, corrup-

tion in the government created even more dissat-

isfaction. By 1988, armed opposition to the Barre

regime had begun with a rebellion in the north of

the country.^'^ There were three main opposition

groups forming in late 1990 around geographical

and clan affiliations: the Somali National

Movement (SNM), which had begun in Northern

Somalia; the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM),

which was mainly recruited from the Ogaden and

was active in the southern region; and the United

Somali Congress (USC), composed mainly from

the Hawiye clan and active in the central part of

the country. By December these forces had

pushed the Somali Army back the outskirts of the

capital, Mogadishu. Violence and unrest began to

grow within the city itself, creating a dangerous

atmosphere for the foreign personnel and diplo-

mats living there. Open fighting had begun in the

city by late in the month as the predominantly

Marehan-based army attempted to destroy USCelements in the Hawiye enclaves. The resulting

breakdown of all order unleashed even greater


Operation Eastern Exit

On 5 December 1990, due to escalating vio-

lence and chaos, American Ambassador James K.

Bishop ordered the departure of non-essential

embassy personnel and dependents. By mid-

month, several foreign countries had joined the

United States in advising their citizens to leave.

On 30 December, Ambassador Bishop brought all

remaining official Americans into the embassy

compound, where he initially thought they could

wait out the fighting in safety. By 1 January 1991,

attacks on foreigners, including Americans, had

increased and the embassy itself had been hit by

small arms fire. Ambassador Bishop decided the

situation was too dangerous to permit embassy

personnel to remain any longer, and on New

Year's Day he requested permission from the U.S.

State Department to evacuate the embassy.

Permission was granted on 2 January.^^

In a fine example of forward thinking, on 31

December 1990, Vice Admiral Stanley R. Arthur,

USN, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central

Command, had already alerted his staff to be pre-

pared to conduct a non-combatant evacuationoperation (NEO) in Mogadishu. Even though

heavily involved in Operation Desert Shield and

the final preparations for Operation Desert Storm,

Central Command in Saudi Arabia began plan-

ning rapidly for the evacuation. After reviewing

the Central Command plan, the Joint Chiefs of

Staff issued an execute order for the evacuation

operation late on 2 January. By that time, forces

for the operation were already being assembled

from those available in the Persian Gulf.^^

The operation was named Eastern Exit.

Planners had created a variety of potential scenar-

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Descent Into Despair

ios, each tailored for a specific situation. In a

preparatory move, U.S. Air Force AC- 1 30 Specter

gunships and ground security elements deployed

to Nairobi, Kenya, in case the preferred option, a

peaceful evacuation through the Mogadishu air-

port, could be accomplished. This plan was not

pursued once Ambassador Bishop decided it wastoo dangerous for embassy personnel to make the

nearly two-mile journey to the airport. Conditions

at the airport also had deteriorated to such an

extent that an air operation would be too risky.

These circumstances left an amphibious option.^ *

Admiral Arthur chose to create an amphibious

force composed of only two ships, the amphibious

transport dock USS Trenton (APD 14) and the hel-

icopter assault ship USS Guam (LPD 9).* The

commanding general of 4th Marine Expeditionary

Brigade (4th MEB), Major General Harry W.Jenkins, Jr., designated Colonel James J. Doyle,

Jr., as the commander of the landing force. His

counterpart, the commander of the amphibious

task force, was Captain Alan B. Moser, USN.

These two officers embarked their staffs and the

task force got under way from Masirah Island, off

the tip of Oman, by 2330 on 2 January. Colonel

Doyle and Captain Moser had been informed the

use of the airport was not an option, nor was an

across-the-beach landing because of the distance

inland of the embassy from any potential landing

sites. The plan with the greatest chance of success

was, therefore, to use shipbome Marine helicop-

ters that could land directly in the embassy com-


By 3 and 4 January, the threat to the embassy

and its personnel increased. The embassy guards

engaged in a firefight with looters, and small arms

fire and even a rocket propelled grenade impacted

inside the embassy grounds. At that point it was

decided that a pair of Sikorsky CH-53 Super

Stallion assault helicopters could be launched

when within 500 miles of Mogadishu. The time of

departure would be calculated to provide an early

morning arrival at the Somali coast. This long-dis-

tance journey would require at least one aerial

refueling and cause crew fatigue, but it would get

the aircraft and security forces to the embassy

much sooner.^^

*Planning for the imminent start of Operation Desert Storm

was paramount in the minds of planners at this time, and the

choice was to have as many ships available as possible in the

Persian Gulf area. It was not possible to forecast either how

long Eastern Exit would take, or when ships committed to it

would be able to return.

The 60-man evacuation force was composed

51 Marines and corpsmen from the 4th MEB, and

nine U.S. Navy special warfare personnel from

Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) Team 8F. The security ele-

ments boarded the helicopters at 0330 on 5

January. At 0345 they lifted off, with an expected

arrival time of 0620. With the in-flight refueling

successfully completed, the helicopters crossed

the coast just at dawn. There was some initial dif-

ficulty in identifying the embassy, but it was

clearly distinguished on the second attempt. As

the helicopters came in for their landings, numer-

ous armed looters were seen positioning ladders

against one side of the compound wall. Upon

landing, the SEALs immediately established the

security of the chancery building while the

Marines provided a perimeter defense for the

compound. Both helicopters were quickly filled

with evacuees and they returned to the Guam by


Back at Mogadishu, the evacuation force and

the embassy security force assisted in bringing in

several citizens from other foreign countries. By

evening, the first of four waves of Boeing-Vertol

CH-46E Sea Knight helicopters from the Guam

arrived at the embassy landing zone. These five

helicopters remained on the ground only 20 min-

utes, departing with an additional 75 evacuees. As

the first wave of helicopters returned to the Guam,

the second wave set down at the embassy. This

wave, also of five helicopters, departed after just

18 minutes on the ground, leaving only the

ambassador, his staff, and the Marine Security

Guard to be evacuated. The third wave departed at

2210, and the fourth wave carried the ambassador

and the perimeter defense force. This final wave

took off even as looters clambered over the walls

and entered the compound. The last helicopter

landed back on the Guam at 2323, and 20 minutes

later the ambassador declared the operation com-


Civil War and Anarchy

With the completion of this highly successful

operation, the American presence in Somalia

ended for nearly two years. Few in the United

States noticed what was happening there because

the attention of Americans and most of the world

was focused on the events in Southwest Asia. By

the end of January 1991, Siad Barre was forced to

flee Mogadishu, and the countryfell


anarchy and chaos as the various armed factions

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continued to battle the forces of the old national

government. Finally, by May 1992, Barre's forces

were defeated and he was forced to flee the coun-

try altogether. This did not mean the end of fight-

ing, however. Instead, the various factions and

clans that had formerly opposed Barre now sought

to achieve dominance in the new government.When Barre was driven from Mogadishu, Ali

Mahdi Mohamed of the USC was selected as the

new president. The USC was an instrument of the

Hawiye clan, however, and Ali Mahdi never

received enough support to coalesce the rest of the

country behind him. The fighting, which now pit-

ted the clans against one another, also led to the

creation of new alliances and divisions. For

instance, the USC itself split into two factions,

one led by Ali Mahdi and the other by General

Mohammed Farah Hassan Aideed.^^ No single

group was strong enough to overcome the others

in this unending fight for power. Without a central

government, anarchy, violence, and lawlessness


To add to the suffering of the Somali people, a

severe drought had devastated the region for

about three years. As farmers were unable to raise

crops, food itself became a weapon. To have it

made one's own group strong; to deprive one's

rivals of it weakened them as it strengthened one-

self. The threat of losing subsistence to armed

bands of factional militias was now added to the

threat of being robbed by the increasing gangs of

bandits. With violence a reality of everyday life,

everyone had to protect himself. Individuals

armed themselves, formed local militias, or hired

others for protection. Even private relief organiza-tions became the targets of threats and extortion

and had to resort to the hiring of armed body-

guards. It truly became a case of  every man

against every man.

By the early 1990s, the history of Somalia dis-

closed certain disturbing patterns. First, it showed

that tribalism or clan loyalty was still a dominant

factor in society, despite earlier efforts to remove

it. It was a force to be understood and reckoned

with. The passage of time made no change in this

central fact of life. What had changed was the

general lifestyle of the people. The reforms of the

Barre regime had removed many of the old struc-

tures by which Somali society had been able to

keep clan rivalries and violence in check, or at

least within acceptable limits. In fact, it could be

argued that the Barre years actually made each

clan more jealous of the others and desirous of

achieving dominance, destroying the balance that

had existed before. ^'^ In addition, the years during

which Somalia was a client state of the Soviet

DVIC DN-ST-93-03436

Village women gather near refugee huts outside Baldoa. The descending spiral of rape, murder, destruction of crops

and water supplies, and wholesale slaughter had led to mass starvation and forced thousands of Somalis to flee

their former homes.

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Descent Into Despair


Members of the Aerial Port Squadron from Dyess Air Force Base, Abilene, Texas, and DoverAir Force Base, Dover,

Delaware, unload medical supplies from the left side of a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker's cargo bay. Off loaded at

Moi International Airport, Mombasa, Kenya, the supplies were transferred to U.S. Air Force C-130s for delivery to

Somalia as part of Operation Provide Relief.

Union and the United States saw the accumulation

of a large amount of weapons, ranging from rifles

to tanks and artillery. Somalia thus had an abun-

dant supply of weapons for its factional armies

and bandits.

Operation Provide Relief, begun so hopefully

in August 1992, soon was confronted with the

reality of the chaos and strife into which Somalia

had descended. The breaking of the famine could

only be achieved by the safe delivery and distri-

bution of the food.

In November, with deaths by starvation and

related diseases numbering 350,000 and expected

to increase rapidly, the United States decided to

take action. Acting on a United Nations mandate.

President Bush announced the United States

would ensure the secure environment needed for

the safe and effective delivery of relief supplies.

However, there was no assurance the food would

ultimately be given to those for whom it was

intended, the thousands of refugees who were

driven from their homes by the drought and fight-

ing and who now faced death by starvation.

Aircraft deliveries of relief supplies could be sent

into the country, but there was no guarantee the

aircraft would be allowed to land safely, or that

their cargoes would not be subject to extortionate

payments.* In the autumn of 1992, it had become

obvious that merely providing the necessities of

life to these victims of anarchy would not suffice.

Operation Restore Hope was about to begin.

* An example of the amounts which the relief organizations

had to pay simply to accomplish their humanitarian goals

was told to the author by Lieutenant Colonel Carol J.

Mathieu, commanding officer of the Canadian Airborne

Regiment forces in Belet Weyne. The relief committee of the

International Commission of the Red Cross was required to

provide each security guard at the airport with 85 kilograms

(187 pounds) of food per month. The cost for each airplane

landing at the airport was 50,000 Somali shillings. Also, they

were forced to rent cars and trucksat

the rate of $1,600per


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Chapter 2

The Widening Mission

Historic Decision to Intervene

The 1992 Thanksgiving holiday brought the

usual round of family visiting and celebration to

the American people. Yet, perhaps especially at

this time, many in the United States reflected

upon the poignant differences between their for-

tune and the plight of the Somali people. In

Washington, D.C., the holidays were not to be a

time of relaxation or conviviality for many in the

government. President George H. W. Bush was

conferring with advisers in the State Department

and the Department of Defense about what could

be done to alleviate the suffering in Somalia. As

one official put it,  the number of deaths was

going up, and the number of people we were

reaching was going down. ^'

The day before Thanksgiving, the President's

advisers provided him with three military options.

The first was a simple reinforcement of 3,500

troops to the 500 Pakistanis already in Mogadishu

as United Nations peacekeepers. The second was

to provide both air and naval support to a United

Nations force that would intervene in Somalia.

The third option, and the one the President quick-

ly chose, was for the United States to send in a

division-sized unit under United Nations aus-


On 25 November, President Bush announced to

the United Nations that the United States was pre-

pared to provide military forces to assist with the

delivery of food and other supplies. The offer of

military assistance at this point was of a  general

nature, one that required a specific request fromthe U.N. Security Council.^^ Without waiting for

the Security Council to act, the Joint Chiefs of

Staff sent an alert order to the commander in chief

of U.S. Central Command, Marine General

Joseph P. Hoar. Within a week, the Joint Chiefs

provided a formal planning order to Central

Command, directing General Hoar to prepare a

detailed operations plan.^ *

The United Nations was not long in responding

to the American offer. On 29 November, the

United Nations Secretary General, BoutrosBoutros-Ghali, stated:  any forceful action should

preferably be under U.N. command, but if that

was not feasible, a Council-authorized operation

undertaken by Member States was to be consid-

ered. ^^ On 3 December, the U.N. Security

Council unanimously passed Resolution 794,

authorizing military intervention in Somalia. Amultinational force led by the United States was

allowed to use all necessary force to accomplish

its humanitarian mission.^'' It was the first time in

history the United Nations had elected to inter-

vene in the internal affairs of a country without

having received a request to do so from the coun-try's government. Of course, Somalia was unique

DoD Photo

Gen Joseph P. Hoar, the Marine Corps' deputy for

operations during the Gulf War, and before that, Gen

Norman Schwartzkopf's chief of staff at Central

Command, in August 1991 assumed the post of

Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command, the uni-

fied command that has planning and operational

responsibilities for 19 countries of the Middle East,

South Asia, and the Horn of Africa.

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12 Restoring Hope in Somalia

in that there was no legitimate government and

the situation demanded swift action.

The agreement allowing the United States to

lead the force satisfied one of the few demands

placed by President Bush upon the offer of troops.

The American government did concede the

United Nations should have a supervisory role.

However, it was anticipated the United Nations

would send in a peacekeeping force to replace the

U.S.-led force as soon as practical.^'' In these early

days, there was even some discussion the turnover

could take place as early as 20 January 1993,

Liauguration Day.^^

Initial Planning

While political issues were being discussed, the

military planning was already in progress. As

early as 22 November 1992, Lieutenant General

Robert B. Johnston, commanding general of I

Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) at Camp

Pendleton, California, had received indications

from Central Command he might have to form a

joint task force.^^ On 27 November, by an oral

order. General Hoar designated I MEF as the

headquarters of Joint Task Force Somalia. ^

DoD Photo

LtGen Robert B. Johnston, a veteran of Vietnam, Lebanon, and the Gulf War during which he served as chief of

staff of Central Command, commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force, the unit designated as the headquarters for

the joint task force as it had trained for this type of operation.

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The Widening Mission 13

Fortunately, I MEF did not have to start entire-

ly from scratch in developing such a headquarters.

During a recent exercise, CatEx 92-3, the expedi-

tionary force had already organized and run the

headquarters for a joint task force. In the exercise,

the expeditionary force was tasked with acting as

a  Humanitarian/Peacekeeping Joint Task Force

... simulating bare base conditions in a nonper-

missive environment.' While it was admittedly

difficult to describe all the requirements of such

an organization during an exercise, the work

helped validate the concept and defined some of

the needs of such a force.'^^

The task force had an exceptionally capable

and qualified commanding general in Lieutenant

General Johnston. Distinguished and inspiring in

appearance, he was also characterized by clarity

of perception and speech rarely found in otherindividuals, regardless of rank. Trim and in excel-

lent physical condition, he was able to meet the

harsh demands of the equatorial desert and set a

high standard for his command. These character-

istics would serve both him and the joint task

force well in the months ahead as he threaded his

way through numerous political, humanitarian,

and operational considerations. But for the initial

planning stages, the general's greatest strength

may have been his own experience as a Marine

officer. He had led a battalion to Lebanon 10 years

earlier and knew what it meant to be a peacekeep-

er in a land in the midst of civil war. More recent-

ly, he was on the staff of Central Command dur-

ing the war in the Persian Gulf. He had served in

Saudi Arabia as the Central Command Chief of

Staff. Many of the principles for organizing a joint

and combined staff, which he had seen used so

successfully in the Persian Gulf conflict, would

help him in creating his own joint task force.

First Steps

General Johnston had to first decide on the

manner of organizing his new force. Since this

was to be a joint task force, he would need to

effectively integrate personnel and units from the

other Armed Services. He had two choices by

which he could accomplish this: organize along

functional lines, as with a Marine air-ground task

force, a concept familiar to all Marines; or organ-

ize the force as components, as had been done

with the American forces during Desert Storm.

General Johnston recognized the functionalorganization would require an integration of

forces at levels other than the task force head-

quarters. For instance, the ground forces of the

Marine Corps and Army would have to be placed

into a single ground combat element; the air assets

of the Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force into a

single air combat element, and so on. But he saw

no need for a single commander for such ele-

ments, and he knew each service component

could be tasked to perform discrete missions.

Besides, the experience of Desert Storm had

proven it was reasonable to operate with such

components, so this was the manner in which

Joint Task Force Somalia would be organized. *^

In building the headquarters staff. General

Johnston already had the I MEF staff to serve as a

nucleus. Of course, these Marines had already

served and worked together, and this familiarity

would be an added strength for the newly formingstaff. As General Hoar later wrote:  designating a

component or element headquarters as the foun-

dation of the mission ... allowed an established

service staff to transition quickly to a [joint task

force] with little need for start-up time.' ^

However, the I MEF staff itself was not large

enough for the greater responsibilities that acting

as a joint task force would entail. It would require

augmentation by other Marines and personnel

from the other Services. For example, the need to

expand the intelligence and operations sections

was immediately recognized; although the mis-

sion would be essentially humanitarian, the task

force would have to be prepared for an armed


The Service components at Central Command,

which would be providing the military units for

the force, also selected individuals who would

join the joint task force headquarters. General

Johnston later said:  They sent their best play-

ers. ... I got key people. *^

By late November, military personnel across

the nation were receiving orders to join the joint

task force, or were preparing themselves for the

possibility. At Fort Hood, Texas, Colonel Sam E.

Hatton, USA, was serving as the deputy com-

mander of the 13th Corps Support Command. On

1 December 1992, he received orders to proceed

as quickly as possible to Camp Pendleton,

California, for assignment as the task force logis-

tics officer. He immediately handed over his

responsibilities and closed out remaining tasks.

He also placed some fast telephone calls to asso-

ciates and acquaintances, many of which werenow general officers and key personnel at the

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14 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DVIC DA-SD-98-00361

BGen Anthony C. Zinni, a veteran of Vietnam and sev-

eral humanitarian operations, provided assistance and

was selected to serve as chief of operations for the joint

task force.

Department of the Army, to gauge the situation in

SomaHa. Proceeding to Camp Pendleton, Colonel

Hatton's first task was to organize his own sec-

tion. Building on I MEF's logistics section, he

checked the existing table of organization and the

talent available to ensure  the right people were in

the right jobs.' *^

Similarly, Colonel William M. Handley, Jr.,

USA, was serving at Headquarters, United States

Army Forces Command, at Fort Stewart, Georgia,

when he received a call notifying him that he had

been selected to head the joint task force intelli-

gence section. He quickly discussed the situation

with the intelligence staff and received a briefing

from the Third Army. After arriving at Camp

Pendleton, he met with Colonel Michael V. Brock,

the I MEF intelligence officer. Checking the

organization of the section, he saw little to

change. After being apprised of the task force's

mission, he realized one of his first requirements

would be the production of area studies, which he

had but a short time to prepare. In the meantime,

I MEF intelligence section's organization was

expanded with members from the other Services

and augmented with personnel from national

intelligence assets. *^

One other important member of the growing

staff was Marine Brigadier General Anthony C.

Zinni. His background and experience suited him

for a responsible position within the joint task

force staff; in recent years. General Zinni had

served as operations officer for the United States

European Command. In 1991, he was the Chief of

Staff and Deputy Commander for Operation

Provide Comfort, the Kurdish relief operation at

the end of the Persian Gulf War. Shortly after-

ward, he served as the military coordinator for

Operation Provide Hope in the Soviet Union.

Now, in late 1992, he was the deputy command-

ing general of the Marine Corps Combat

Development Command at Quantico, Virginia. He

quickly volunteered to provide assistance to the

joint task force. After reporting to both the

Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Carl

E. Mundy, Jr., and Lieutenant General Johnston,

he was selected to head the operations section.

General Zinni joined the I MEF staff at Central

Command headquarters in Tampa, Florida, where

he received briefs on the situation in Somalia.

From there he left for Camp Pendleton.'*^

The Surgeon General of the Navy personally

chose the force surgeon. Captain Michael L.

Cowan, USN. Captain Cowan was the surgeon

with Naval Surface Forces, Pacific, when he was

told of his selection on 6 December. By the 9th, he

reached Camp Pendleton, where he began to work

on planning with a staff that  had just met. His

first priority was setting the medical evacuation

plan, which included establishing alternate routes

to move the wounded out of the country. ^

The process continued until the entire staff of

the MEF headquarters was transformed into the

headquarters of a joint task force. Individuals of

all ranks, be they officer or enlisted, who had any

of the required knowledge or expertise, were

selected from the various Services by the compo-

nent commanders at Central Command. They

were quickly integrated into the appropriate staff

sections. Within a short time the task force head-

quarters staff had developed a decidedly purple

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The Widening Mission 15

DVIC DN-SC-93-04559

A port bow view of the amphibious assault ship Tripoli (LPH 10) underway. The second ship to be named after the

battle of Tripoli in 1804, she was a veteran of the Gulf War during which she was damaged by an Iraqi contact mine.

complexion.* Marines accounted only for 57 per-

cent of the total.

Organizing Tasks

Even as the staff was coming together, the task

organization of the force itself had to be config-

ured. Since I MEF was providing the cornerstone

of the task force headquarters, it would only be

natural that the MEF subordinate elements (1st

Marine Division; 3d Marine Aircraft Wing; 1st

Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence

Group; and 1st Force Service Support Group)

should be heavily involved in the operation.

However, there also were sound operational rea-

sons for selecting the Marines for a large role in

the mission. The Marine Corps provided its own

special capabilities, not the least of which was its

amphibious expertise. As in Operations Desert

Shield and Desert Storm, initial supplies and

heavy equipment for Restore Hope would have to

* After the passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Department of

Defense Reorganization Act of 1986, with its requirements

for the Services to work more closely together and its

emphasis on joint operations, the term  purple was unoffi-

cially adopted to signify the increasing cooperation of the

Service components. The color denoted a separation from the

roles of the individual Services by implying a blending of

their traditional colors.

arrive by ship. The joint task force could take

advantage of the support provided by one of the

Maritime Prepositioning Force squadrons. Also,

one of the MEF's organic units, the 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit (MEU), already was

embarked and in the Western Pacific and could

quickly arrive in the area of operations.^°

Commanded by Colonel Gregory S. Newbold,

the 15th MEU had completed its special opera-

tions training, and was therefore officially a

Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations

Capable), or MEU (SOC). An expeditionary unit

is one of the smallest of the Marine air-ground

task forces. Nonetheless, the 15th MEU carried

enough personnel and equipment to make it a for-

midable force in most situations. The ground

combat element was formed around 2d Battalion,

9th Marines, reinforced by a light armored

infantry platoon, a combat engineer platoon, a

platoon of amphibious assault vehicles, and a bat-

tery of artillery in direct support. The air combat

element was Marine Medium Helicopter

Squadron (Composite) 164, nicknamed the

 Knightriders. The squadron contained a formi-

dable array of helicopters: Boeing CH-46E Sea

Knights, Sikorsky CH-53E Sea StaUions, Bell

AH-IW Super Cobras, and Bell UH-IN Iroquois

 Hueys. The combat service support elementwas MEU Service Support Group 15.^'

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16 Restoring Hope in Somalia

USS Tripo// WestPac Cruise, 1993-1994

Capt John W. Peterson, USN, commander of

Amphibious Squadron 3, was a graduate of Dartmouth

College and a naval aviator who had accumulated

more than 4,000 hours in three generations of carrier-

based attack aircraft.

The MEU was embarked on the three ships that

comprised Amphibious Squadron 3, commanded

by Captain John W. Peterson, USN. These ships

were the USS Tripoli (LPH 10), USS Juneau

(LPD 10), and the USS Rushmore (LSD 47). To

provide more equipment and sustainability to the

MEU, one of the ships of Maritime Prepositioning

Squadron 3, the MV 1st Lt Jack Lummus (T-AK

3011), was assigned to the amphibious squadron.

The MEU and the amphibious squadron made up

the Tripoli Amphibious Task Unit, which already

was anticipating service in Somalia. In

September, the Marines of the 11th MEU (SOC)

had assisted the United Nations by providing

security to the 500 soldiers of the Pakistani

Army's 7th Battalion, Frontier Service Regiment.

This regiment established the United Nations

Organization Somalia (UNOSOM) in Mogadishu.

The 11th MEU also provided security for United

States Air Force personnel who flew the

Pakistanis into Mogadishu International Airport.

In November, it had appeared 11th MEU's suc-

cessor, 15th MEU, might have to providesecurity

for the arrival of UNOSOM reinforcements.^^

With the decision for a United States-led force, it

made sense the Tripoli Amphibious Task Unit

with the 15th MEU (SOC), already in the Pacific,

would be a part of the plan. They would also be

the first of the joint task force's components in


The structure of the Marine forces assigned to

the operation had to be clearly defined. With

Lieutenant General Johnston, the commanding

general of I MEF, now designated as the com-

manding general of the joint task force, similar

command changes would occur in I MEF's subor-

dinate units. At first, it appeared General Johnston

would act as both the commanding general of the

joint task force and the commanding general of

the Marine component. Marine Forces Somalia.

But it was soon decided this component should be

formed around the 1st Marine Division, com-

manded by Major General Charles E. Wilhelm.

This in turn redefined General Wilhelm 's relation-

ships to the other subordinate units. The elements

of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing and the 1st Force

Service Support Group assigned to Marine Forces

Somalia would now be subordinate to General

Wilhelm in his role as the component command-

er. In effect. Marine Forces Somalia would work

on the higher operational level of a Marine air-

ground task force, with its own ground, air, and

combat service support elements. ^^ * This arrange-

ment was unusual for a Marine division staff, but

it did have the advantage of placing Marine

Forces Somalia on a similar basis with Army

Forces Somalia.

The unit chosen by Third Army's XVIII

Airborne Corps to be the Army's component was

* At its height, Marine Forces Somalia consisted of 7th

Marines (-) Reinforced, composed of 1st Battalion, 7th

Marines, and the 3d Battalion, 9th Marines, 3d Battalion Uth

Marines, 1st Light Armored Infantry Battalion, and 3dAmphibious Assault Battalion; Marine Aircraft Group 16,

composed of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369

(HMLA-369), Marine Aerial Refueling Squadron 352

(VMGR-352), Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 363

(HMH-363), a detachment from HMH-466, Marine Wing

Support Squadron 372 (MWSS-372), and a detachment from

Marine Aircraft Group 38 (MAG-38); the 1st Force Service

Support Group (Forward), composed of Combat Service

Support Group 1 and Brigade Service Support Group 7; the

30th Naval Construction Regiment, composed of Naval

Mobile Construction Battalion 1 and Naval Mobile

Construction Battalion 40; and the 1st Combat Engineer

Battalion (-). At times, Marine Forces Somalia also had oper-

ational control of 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit and someof the coaUtion forces.

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The Widening Mission 17

the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry),

based at Fort Drum, New York. The division's

commanding general, Major General Steven L.

Arnold, USA, knew Lieutenant General Johnston

from when he had served as the United States

Army Central Command's operations officer dur-

ing Desert Storm. On the operational side, the

division had recent experience in humanitarian

relief undertakings. Just a few months prior, in

August 1992, the division had been sent to Florida

to assist with the disaster caused by Hurricane

Andrew. Also, the division was light infantry, and

therefore more strategically deployable than heav-

ier, armored units in the Army. This meant the

division was able to rapidly  go from deployment

to employment. ^'* Their light equipment also

made this division a good match to the Marine

forces. As Brigadier General Zinni later said, theywould complement the Marines, forming  an

agile, flexible force. ^^ Although designated light,

such a division carries considerable firepower and

capability. The division's normal table of distribu-

tion and allowances included attack and transport

helicopters, artillery, and hardened high mobility

multipurpose wheeled vehicles (humvees) mount-

ing antitank missiles, machine guns, or automatic

grenade launchers.

Naval Forces Somalia was quickly mustered

from task forces in the Central Command area of

operations, or which could be ordered to the area.

The Ranger carrier battle group consisted of the

aircraft carrier USS Ranger (CV 61), the aircraft

carrier USS Valley Forge (CG 50), and the

destroyer USS Kincaid (DD 965). There also was

the Tripoli Amphibious Task Unit, which carried

the 15th MEU (SOC). The ships of Maritime

Prepositioning Squadron 2, consisting of the MV1st Lt Alex Bonnyman (T-AK 3003), the MV Pvt

Franklin J. Phillips (T-AK 3004), and the MVPFC James Anderson Jr. (T-AK 3002) would join

these forces. Throughout the operation, other

squadrons, groups and ships of the navies of the

United States and coalition partners would move

into the area of operations and become a part of

Naval Forces Somalia. The position of

Commander, Naval Forces Somalia was initially

held by Rear Admiral William J. Hancock, USN,

but would change hands five times during the


The Air Force's contribution to the joint task

force was highly important, but required fewer

personnel than the other Services. Air transport

would be of tremendous significance to the oper-

ation. While ships would carry the greatest por-

DVIC DA-SC-93-00306

MajGen Steven L Arnold, USA, right, commander of the 10th Mountain Division, discusses the Somalia deployment

of the division with U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Gen Gordon R. Sullivan, at Fort Drum, New York.

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18 Restoring Hope in Somalia


BGen Thomas R. Mikolajcik, USAF, a squadron and

wing commander with more than 4,000 flying hours,

was chosen to command the Air Force component of

the joint tasl< force.

tion of the heavy equipment, most of the person-

nel and much of the hghter cargo would be flown

directly into the theater. Control of all these

movements was critical, and so Brigadier General

Thomas R. Mikolajcik, USAF, was chosen as the

commanding general of Air Force Forces

Somalia. General Mikolajcik's background and

experience suited him for the mission. His

assignment at the time was as the commanding

general of the 437th Airlift Wing, based at

Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina. This

unit's mission was the loading and airdrop deliv-

ery of supplies, equipment, and troops. It was

tasked to support special and humanitarian relief

operations worldwide. Receiving a call on 26

November to prepare for deployment. General

Mikolajcik quickly put together an initial team of

70 airmen to cover inter- and intra-theater air

movements. On the 29th he was told to proceed to

Camp Pendleton, to which he traveled after a

quick stop at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois forbriefings. After discussing mobility operations

with the operations and logistics sections of the

U.S. Transportation Command, he arrived at the

joint task force headquarters on 1 December and

was designated as the commander of Air Force

Forces Somalia and the mobility commander.

Although there would be only 500 Air Force per-

sonnel eventually working within the theater

itself, there would be literally thousands aiding

the operation at numerous stations along the air


The smallest of all the components would be

the Special Operations Forces. This component

was initially under the command of Colonel

Thomas D. Smith, USA. In late November, he

was the director of operations for Central

Command's Special Operations Command, where

he had already received briefings on Somalia. He

joined the joint task force by 4 December, whenGeneral Johnston briefed his concept of opera-

tions to all component commanders. As planning

progressed, coalition warfare teams were formed

to resolve any operational problems between the

various Services and coalition countries. Teams of

six men were established to coordinate close air

support and medical evacuations, coordinate

operational boundaries, and to train some of the

allies in American operational techniques. Such

teams were requested by the joint task force for

various coalition forces, and eventually General

Johnston approved eight teams; one each for the

forces from Pakistan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia,

Belgium, France, Botswana, Canada, and Italy.

The teams were sent to link up with these allied

forces as they deployed.^''

Support Command

There was only one exception to the compo-

nent structure of the joint task force, but it was a

very important exception. This special organiza-

tion was Support Command for the joint task

force, which was formed as a functional element

rather than as a separate Service organization.

General Johnston recognized that logistics for this

operation would pose a critical challenge. Since

literally everything would come in from outside

the theater, the general had to create a robust

logistics element to provide for this important

function. In the initial planning, it was recognized

that Marine Forces Somalia, which would arrive

before the Army Forces Somalia, would have to

sustain the force with the assets of 1st ForceService Support Group and the supplies and

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The Widening Mission 19

equipment from the maritime prepositioning force

ships.* The Army Forces Somaha, as they arrived,

would carry their own logistics and support ele-

ments with them, and originally it was expected

that Army Forces Somalia would assume the the-

ater logistics role, with a specially task-organized

unit. However, Central Command also was work-

ing on the logistics issue, and their planners had

begun to build what would become Support

Command of the task force. ^^ At Fort Hood,

Texas, the 13th Corps Support Command(CosCom) had already seen its deputy command-

er selected to head up the logistics section for the

joint task force. When the 10th Mountain Division

was selected as Army Forces Somalia shortly

afterward, the 13th CosCom was notified that it,

too, would have a role to play in the operation. It

would provide command and control for logisticssupport in the theater. With the army planners at

Central Command identifying requirements and

resources available, the structure of Support

Command was built around the 13th CosCom

staff, commanded by Brigadier General Billy K.

Solomon, USA. Appropriate units were selected

from the continental United States and Europe.

The major subordinate commands were the 593d

Area Support Group, the 62d Medical Group, and

the 7th Transportation Group.** These were aug-

mented in a building block concept in which

smaller units with specialties were selected and

assigned to Support Command. As the groups pre-

pared to deploy. General Solomon recognized that

his presence on the ground in theater would be

necessary early on, even before the majority of his

command would be prepared to arrive. On 14

hours notice, he prepared to leave with a small

advance party. ^^ Support Command would pro-

vide tremendous capabilities to the force.

* It also was recognized this would greatly strain the capa-

bilities of Marine Forces Somalia and the MaritimePrepositioning Force. A maritime prepositioning force

squadron carries enough rations, supplies, and equipment to

sustain a force of approximately 16,000 men for 30 days.

However, these assets had to stretch to cover a force that

would reach more than 23,000 by late December. For a

detailed discussion of the logistical structures for the opera-

tion, see Katherine McGrady's The Joint Task Force In

Operation Restore Hope, published by the Center For Naval


** Although composed entirely of United States Army units,

Support Command was not a part of Army Forces Somalia.

It was a separate

commandon an equal basis with the Service


However, it was not expected to be capable of

assuming the theater role until 50 days into the

operation. Until then. Marine Forces Somalia

would continue to carry the burden for this sup-

port, especially in the coordination of items com-

mon to all users. The commanding general of the

Army Forces Somalia, Major General Arnold,

recognized his force also needed to deploy some

of its own logistics assets quickly into the the-


Coalition Partners

The American elements of the force were com-

ing together rapidly. But there remained one

major portion that still had to be assembled. The

United Nations had sanctioned a multinational

force for Somalia, and so the countries that choseto be coalition partners with the United States

now had to come forward and make their contri-

butions. Central Command was the first line in

determining which countries would be accepted

into this coalition, relieving the commander of

this administrative burden. Offers were screened

DVIC DA-SC-00-00063

BGen Billy K. Solomon, USA, comrmissioned in

Quartermaster Corps in 1966, served in battalion and

division support command positions before being

assigned to lead III U.S. Army Corps' 13th Corps

Support Command at Fort Hood, Texas.

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20 Restoring Hope in Somalia

to ensure potential partners had self-sufficiency,

mobility, and a  willingness to adhere to

American operational control and rules of engage-

ment. 6'

The creation of a cohesive coalition was to

present General Johnston with what he called  areal challenge. But he was aided in this task by

the large contingents eventually sent by some of

the United States' traditional allies; countries such

as France, Italy, Belgium, Canada, Australia, and

Turkey were all to be key contributors around

which the coalition could be built. These larger

forces could also be counted on to be operational-

ly capable and to bring some of their own support.

Many other countries would soon join in, eventu-

ally raising the total number of nations in the

coalition to 23. While the general did not have

much latitude in the acceptance of any nation's

offer, he did recognize that even the smallest con-

tingent could be put to effective use. In these early

stages, it was thought that General Johnston

would be the commander of the United Nations

forces in Somalia, but the U.N. decided that its

own UNOSOM commander would retain opera-

tional control over all U.N. forces. General

Johnston would have operational control over all

coalition forces assigned to him, and he had coor-

dinating authority with the UNOSOM command-

er, Brigadier General Imtiaz Shaheen of the

Pakistani Army.^^

As units across the United States were prepar-

ing for their share in Operation Restore Hope, the

ministries of defense of many nations prepared to

give support to the United States-led effort. Some

nations, such as Canada, Australia, Belgium,

Egypt, Nigeria, and Norway, already had made a

commitment to join UNOSOM and were prepar-

ing to deploy forces as reinforcements.^^ Those

who would be joining with the United States

began to assemble forces and formulate plans,

often with their own names. Eventually, there

would be French Operation Oryx, Italian

Operation Ibis, Australian Operation Solace, and

Canadian Operation Deliverance.

How all of these allied forces could be worked

effectively into the operation; how much logistic

support they would need; their operational effec-

tiveness; and when they would actually arrive

were all questions on which General Johnston and

his staff would have to give very serious consid-

eration in the few days remaining before the start

of Operation Restore Hope; and in that short time

there was much other work to be done.

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Chapter 3

Plans and Preparations

Working with Central Command

Training in amphibious warfare has taught

Marines that planning for an operation is continu-

ous and concurrent. In late November 1992, as the

nascent joint task force staff met with the U.S.

Central Command staff at MacDill Air Force

Base, Florida, there was a great amount of work to

be done in a short period of time to prepare the

plans that would guide the operation. Throughout

the next several days, the two staffs would work

in close cooperation to ensure the joint task force

plan would complement the one issued by Central

Command. Long hours and plenty of coffee were

the order of the day.

Central Command issued its order on 5

December. While the two staffs had worked close-

ly together in the development of the order, the

Central Command document gave Lieutenant

General Robert B. Johnston formal authority to

complete and issue the final joint task force order.

One of the most important points to be taken from

the Central Command order was the mission, to

 conduct joint/combined military operations in

Somalia to secure the major air and sea ports, key

installations and food distribution points, to pro-

vide open and free passage of relief supplies, pro-

vide security for convoys and relief organization

operations and to assist in providing humanitarian

rehef under U.N. auspices. The  anticipated D-

Day was set for 9 December, just four days


General Johnston described the Central

Command order as  very broad, and he was quite

comfortable with it.^ * Even as it was being writ-

ten, his staff had begged the United Nations to

identify implied tasks that would assist in accom-

plishing the mission. The most obvious of these

tasks was to establish some precise way to meas-

ure success. In other words, just how was the joint

* The time for preparation was even shorter when the time

zone differences are taken into account. There are eight

hours difference between Somalia and the east coast of the

United States. Thus, 0500 9 December in Mogadishu is 2100

8 December in Washington, D.C., or MacDill Air Force

Base, Florida.

task force to know when it had established a

secure environment and accomplished its mis-

sion? During these early planning stages, the end

state was defined as  creation of an environment

where U.N. and relief organizations can assume

responsibility for security and relief operations. ^^

Unfortunately, this was rather vague. The need to

more precisely define the operation's end state

was to be an important but difficult question for

much of the joint task force's existence.

The Central Command order described four

phases of the operation and set rules of engage-

ment. It also formally ordered General Johnston,

as commanding general of I Marine

Expeditionary Force (I MEF), to assume duties as

Photo courtesy of the author

Gen Mohamed Farah Aideed rose to become the

leader of the formerly political, but now militant, United

Somali Congress. He favored a military solution to the

problems the Barre government had brought about.

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22 Restoring Hope in Somalia

commander of Joint Task Force Somalia (JTF

Somalia) and to establish the joint task force.

Johnston already had been doing precisely that for

some days.

But that was not all General Johnston had been

concerned with during this time of intense activi-

ty. His newly assembled headquarters and staff

sections were busy identifying needed informa-

tion, solving problems, and coordinating the

preparation of the joint task force order. The final

order was to contain myriad small, but important

details, and there were some concerns that were of

greater consequence than others that demanded a

rapid understanding and resolution.

Somali Opposition

Sound military planning begins with a consid-

eration of mission, enemy, terrain, troops, and

time available. With the mission specified in the

Central Command order, General Johnston and

his staff could now concentrate on the other ele-

ments. The question of the enemy was a challeng-

ing one, filled with political and diplomatic impli-

cations. The various armed Somali factions were

regarded as a great threat to the task force and its

mission, but their reactions could not be gauged in

advance since internal Somali politics would

undoubtedly be involved. It was possible that onefaction could welcome the joint task force, while

its rival would oppose the coalition. There was a

possibility that the force might have to fight its

way ashore.^^

The size of these factional, clan-based forces,

in addition to the types, numbers, and condition of

their weaponry were critical elements of informa-

tion that had to be gathered. In a related matter,

there was the existence of simple, but widespread,

lawlessness. How was the joint task force to deal

with that? In a commander's estimate of the situ-

ation dated 22 November 1992, General Joseph

Hoar saw the threat as follows:

Over all, the security environment through-

out Somalia is volatile. The situation may

deteriorate further because there is no cen-

tralized governmental control of Somali fac-


Mogadishu. The security situation in

Mogadishu remains uncertain. Large num-

bers of armed forces, (estimated 5,000-

10,000 aligned under General [Mohamed

Farah Hassan] Aideed and estimated 5,000-

6,000 aligned under interim President [Ali

Mahdi Mohamed]) roam the city with the

two opposing leaders ... exercising little con-

trol over their activities. While Ali Mahdi

appears to welcome U.N. presence and

assistance in Somalia, General Aideed

opposes such presence and has threatened

the 500-man Pakistani force and impededthat unit from securing the port and airfield

in Mogadishu. Further, General Aideed has

publicly stated that he will oppose any fur-

ther introduction of U.N. forces into


Kismayo. The security situation in Kismayo

is uncertain but less volatile than

Mogadishu. Factional fighting occurs fre-

quently and the general population is known

to be armed. Random shootings and violent

incidents are frequent. The two factions

claiming this area have formed a loose

alliance with about 3,000 troops, many of

whom were former Somali National Army

soldiers, reasonably well-trained and experi-

enced with weapons. The apparent leader,

Col [Ahmed Omar] Jess, appears to be min-

imizing his ties with General Aideed and has

indicated a willingness to have a U.N. con-

tingent deploy to Kismayo.

Key Assumptions. The primary threat to

security will be armed lawlessness and

armed looters.


Some of these difficulties were further

expressed in a message regarding operations in

Somalia sent from Central Command in early


There does not appear to be any particular

center of gravity, no single leader or faction

or army whose defeat will bring stability.

Nor is there any geographical center of grav-

ity, contrary to the politicians' views about

Mogadishu. ... The most assailable center of

gravity appears to be the warlords' control

over the food distribution, both in terms of

amount and location. Therefore, any effort

on our part has to defeat their control over

food distribution, and force the warlords,

should they choose to fight, to fight us on

our terms.^^

Both of these issues would be addressed in the

final joint task force order.

The intelligence annex of the task force order

further described the factions and their possible

capabilities. The United Somali Congress (USC)

Aideed faction was estimated to have approxi-

mately 20,000 fighters, and USC Ali Mahdi to

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Plans and Preparations 23

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

Somali factional militiamen gather around a  tectinical,   a pick-up truck with a modified antiaircraft artillery or heavy

machine gun mounted in the bed. Businesses, local officials, and foreign residents were forced to hire them for pro-

tection against extortion and kidnappings by freelance gunmen.

have between 15,000 and 30,000.* Both factions

were known to possess artillery, tanks, and

armored personnel carriers. Mohamed Said Hirsi,

known as General Morgan, headed the Somali

National Front (SNF) and was thought to have a

large number of the soldiers from the old national

army of the Muhammad Siad Barre regime, total-

ing about 9,000 troops. It was also known to have

seven T-54/55 tanks and eighteen 122mm artillery

pieces. The rival Somali Patriotic Movement

(SPM) faction under Colonel Jess was estimated

to possess 15,000 fighters, of whom 2,000 were

trained. While well armed, they were thought to

be poorly disciplined.

There were strengths these factions were

assessed to have. The first among these was their

extreme unpredictability and their ability to

* The estimates of faction strength used in this history vary

greatly over time and place. This probably reflects both the

difficulty of acquiring timely and accurate information and

theactual changes that undoubtedly occurred within these

loose organizations.

choose the time and place of any confrontation.

Also of importance was the knowledge these

fighters had of the terrain in their areas, and the

fact that any aggressive militias or clans would be

indistinguishable from the local inhabitants. Apsychological factor that could provide another

strength to the factions would lie in their ability to

misrepresent the joint task force's mission and

actions as an invasion, thereby increasing the

aggressiveness and tenacity of their followers.

Such strengths, however, were countered by

several weaknesses. The average Somali fighter

was very young, often still in his teens, and

described as  undisciplined, illiterate, and often

under the influence of the narcotic, khat. In spite

of the seemingly large array of small arms and

heavy weapons and vehicles, there were indica-

tions of shortages of ammunition and spare parts.

Their ability to operate and maintain sophisticated

weaponry also was questionably, and the weapons

systems of the Somalis were considered antiquat-

ed and outclassed by those of the joint task force.

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24 Restoring Hope in Somalia

The factional leadership was known to be weak in

many areas, especially in command and control.^^

Somali Terrain

The issue of terrain was equally important to

define. Some pieces of information were readily

available, but others were, as yet, unknown. The

land features and climate were known quantities.

The land was described as  undulating plains that

are interrupted occasionally by areas of dissected

terrain and isolated hills. The Webi Jubba and

Webi Shebelle are the only streams that flow year-

round along most of their lengths. The climate

can be characterized as tropical, semiarid to arid,

with two short monsoon seasons. The southern

plains are hot all year, with average temperatures

ranging from 72 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Therainy season varies by region and by year with

frequent droughts. The annual mean precipitation

is almost 1 ,000 millimeters in Mogadishu, while it

is much drier further inland. All of which is a way

of stating that Somalia would present a hot, dry,

bleak desert environment that would test the

strength and endurance of both men and equip-


But for a military planner, terrain encompasses

far more than just the ground. Of equal impor-

tance are the man-made features that help to sup-port a force in a hostile and unfamiliar environ-

ment. The term  infrastructure is frequently used

to refer to all of those buildings, structures, and

systems that can be put to use. It was in this area

especially that knowledge of terrain was critical.

The joint task force would be very dependent

upon a transportation network that would have to

bring all persormel, equipment, food, water, and

consumable supplies into the theater, and then be

able to move them rapidly and effectively to

where they were needed.

Intelligence gathering on this subject already

had begun, but it did not present an optimistic pic-

ture of what the task force would face. An early

study performed by the Defense Intelligence

Agency described Somalia's transportation infra-

structure in the following terms:

Highways. Somalia's road system, which

has only a few high-capacity modem routes,

has lapsed into disrepair. Of Somalia's

roughly 18,000 kilometers of roadway,

about 3,000 are bituminous and another

3,000 crushed rock. The remaining 12,000

kilometers are dirt roads or tracks. ... Surface

quality has deteriorated because of the lack

of maintenance during two years of unrest.

Conditions ... are so poor that parallel trails

available along some stretches are frequent-

ly used instead of the road itself. ...

Air transportation. Somalia has 40 air-

fields with usable runways of more than

Photo courtesy of the author

The flat, featureless desert terrain to tfie west of Oddur, filled with scrub brush and thorn trees, is typical of the coun-

try's interior.

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Plans and Preparations 25

1,969 feet. C-130s can land at only 10 of

them. Three other airfields have been

opened to C-130s but with restrictions. Six

of the 10 C-130-capable airfields can also

accommodate C-141s. C-5 aircraft can land

only at Berbera and Mogadishu. ... Airport

infrastructure at Somali airfields is rudimen-tary at best. Few airfields have material-han-

dling equipment or covered storage. Air traf-

fic control is close to nonexistent. Although

Mogadishu, [Bale Dogle], Hargeisa, and

Kismayo have maintenance and service

facilities, no airfields have the maintenance

capability to fully support modem aircraft.

Seaports. The major ports of Mogadishu,

Berbera, and Kismayo ... can handle general

bulk and small container vessels. The opera-

tional status of petroleum offloading and

storage equipment, mobile cranes, roll-

on/roll-off facilities, and transit sheds at

each is uncertain. Relief ship crews must be

ready to use their ship's gear to unload sup-

plies. ...

Railroads. Somalia has no railroads.'°

A final, but very important, effect the environ-

ment might have on the operation was in the area

of health. The Horn of Africa presented medical

planners with a wide variety of potential problems

for which they would need to prepare the person-

nel of the joint task force. These included a high

potential for infectious disease, heat-related

injuries, and bites from several types of venomous

snakes and insects. Diseases were vector-borne,

such as malaria, or could be contracted from the

unsanitary conditions prevalent in the country. As

was noted in the Soldier Handbook:  the major

infectious disease risks are from food and water-

borne diseases ... related to ... poor sanitation,

indiscriminate disposal of waste and decomposing

corpses.  '' The Central Command order was even

more explicit:

Many of the deaths and much of the human

suffering in Somalia is directly attributable

to endemic disease, which is merely magni-

fied and made more virulent by famine.

Numerous diseases, some of which are car-

ried by parasites (such as malaria), are pres-

ent in Somalia. Among them are AIDS

[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome],

tuberculosis, hepatitis, pneumonia, and

measles. Dysentery and gangrene are com-

mon and frequently lethal complications.

Virtually all water is unsafe for drinking

even when boiled due to the possible pres-

ence of spores, which the boiling may not

kill. The potential for cholera and related

problems from decaying cadavers is also


An effective preventive medicine program

would be necessary to safeguard the health of the


Specified Tasks

Disarmament was another important issue

relating to the mission of providing a secure envi-

ronment.* This topic was addressed in great detail

in the Marine Corps' old Small Wars Manual.

Many members of the joint task force staff were

familiar with this interesting volume. It conveys

much of the extensive experience of the  Old

Corps in  operations undertaken under executiveauthority, wherein military force is combined with

diplomatic pressure in the internal or external

affairs of another state whose government is

unstable, inadequate, or unsatisfactory for the

preservation of life and such interests as are

determined by the foreign policy of our Nation. ''^

This experience had been gained in such places as

Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.

But, because the world had changed radically

since the book was written, and much of it was no

longer valid, except as a general guide. Also,

Somalia was a unique situation, and nothing could

be accepted as a matter of form. It was determined

by General Johnston and his staff that there could

be no attempt to disarm Somalia. '''* Virtually every

Somali male, to include teenagers, carried a

weapon. The personnel working for the humani-

tarian relief organizations hired Somalis as

guards, and many people kept arms for their own

protection. Weapons would have to be controlled

in some manner, but this was not the same as dis-

* Disarmament was initially assigned in general terms in the

original 5 December Joint Chiefs of Staff execute order to

Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command as:  provide a

secure environment: disarm, as necessary, forces which

interfere with humanitarian relief operations. This was

deleted in a modification to the order, sent by a message from

the Joint Staff to Commander in Chief, U.S. Central

Command on 6 December 1992.

** The Small Wars Manual, the last edition of which was

published in 1940, addressed such matters as civil-military

relations, the role of the State Department, creation of native

police forces, disarmament of civilian populations, tactics,

and logistics.

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26 Restoring Hope in Somalia


The flood of military assistance during the Barre years

meant an abundance of military hardware, weapons,

and ammunition for the warring clans to use. Weapons

ranged from World War II era .30-caliber machine guns

and rocket launchers to Soviet-made AK-47 rifles and

U.S. -made M16s.

armament. The task forces' operation order would

have to address the problem clearly and effective-


The joint task force's office of the Staff Judge

Advocate was deeply involved in a related issue.

In this operation, international law and opera-

tional law would feature prominently in how theforce accomplished its mission:

As each I MEF section developed implied

taskings in preparation for the development

of the operation plan, it became clear that

U.S. forces would be operating in an austere

environment where the rule of law had been

replaced by the law of the gun. Advice and

innovative planning in a variety of nontradi-

tional functions and activities would be

needed as the ... commander entered

uncharted waters. Clearly, specialized rules

of engagement would have to be drafted to

cover the abundance of small arms in the

hands of unstable persons and proliferation

of technical vehicles. The ability to deal suc-

cessfully with these and similar challenges

would require a solid foundation under inter-

national law. '^

General Johnston and his Staff Judge

Advocate, Marine Colonel Frederick M. Lorenz,

worked with Central Command in developing

rules of engagement so those promulgated in the

Central Command order were ones that could be

easily incorporated in the task force order.'^

The rules of engagement, as published, were

broad and focused on the protection of the force

and its mission. General Johnston later said these

rules were ones that  every commander would

want to have on such a mission. '^ Essentially,

every member of the force had the right to protecthimself not only against a hostile act, but also

against the threat of such an act. Under such rules

it was not necessary for task force personnel to be

fired upon before taking action. A weapon aimed

in a threatening manner was sufficient cause to

fire on the individual holding it. Also, of particu-

lar interest in this operation,  technicals and

crew-served weapons were considered to be

threats at any time, regardless of the actual intent

of their crews at the time encountered.'^ * To

ensure that everyone understood his rights and

responsibilities, cards were printed with the rules

and distributed, and classes were held in which

they were explained. The cards carried the

reminder that the United States was not at war,

that all persons were to be treated with dignity,

and that minimum force was to be used to carry

out the mission.

Another important implied task for this opera-

tion came from Brigadier General Anthony C.

Zirmi's recent experience. He knew that an opera-

tion of this sort would require the military to work

closely with numerous humanitarian relief organ-

* Technical vehicles, or  technicals, as they were more

commonly known, were a bizarre form of homemade

weapons platform unique to Somalia. They were generally

formed from the body of a pick-up truck or similar vehicle,

with the addition of a heavy machine gun, antiaircraft

weapon, or some other crew-served weapon mounted in the

bed. They were often encountered at roadblocks and were

employed by all factions and many gangs. The term itself

apparently derived from the euphemism used for hiring

armed guards for protection, or technical assistance.

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Plans and Preparations 27

izations.* The relief organizations were a signifi-

cant part of the overall humanitarian effort. Such

organizations were already working in Somalia,

providing food, medical assistance, and relief

services to the civilian population. But they would

have requirements of their own which would have

to be provided by the military. In addition, the

work of both the military and these organizations

required close coordination to ensure a unity of

effort. In Operation Provide Comfort in Iraq,

General Zinni had achieved this coordination

through a civil-military operations center. A cen-

ter definitely would be needed for Operation

Restore Hope.-'^

The Central Command order set a specific mis-

sion for the joint task force to conduct joint mili-

tary operations in Somalia to secure the major air

and sea ports, key installations, and food distribu-tion points, and to assist in providing humanitari-

an operations and relief under U.N. auspices. The

order described the conduct of the operation in

four phases. It also formally ordered the com-

manding general of I MEF to assume the duties as

commander of JTF Somalia and to establish the

joint task force.^°

General Johnston had already begun this work.

In addition, his staff was working on completing

the task force's own order, which was issued the

day after the Central Command order, 6

December. The mission of the joint task force

remained basically the same as in the Central

Command order, with some minor changes in the

wording. The commander's intent made an impor-

tant distinction:  JTF Somalia will focus on secur-

ing the lines of communication used for the

ground movement of relief supplies by U.N. and

[non-governmental organization] agencies to dis-

tribution sites. JTF Somalia will not be primarily

involved in transporting supplies, but will assist

relief organizations by securing their operating

bases as well as the ground transportation routes

to relief distribution sites. This statement clearly

kept the task force out of the business of actually

feeding the hungry and concentrated on the more

appropriate military mission of providing the nec-

* Humanitarian relief organizations is a comprehensive term

that includes non-governmental organizations, private volun-

tary organizations, and agencies of the United Nations and

the International Commission of the Red Cross. During the

operation the term non-governmental organization usually

was used when referring to any relief organization, but the

more appropriate organization will be used when discussing

the work of the Civil-Military Operations Center.

essary secure environment for the relief opera-


Psychological Operations

Johnston was clear on the importance of psy-

chological operations and civil affairs to the suc-

cess of the operation. He intended to use them to

assist in disarming technicals and bandits, and to

create a  benevolent image of coalition forces as

they were engaged in their humanitarian, peace-

making mission. ^^ In the task force order, psycho-

logical operations were intended to focus upon

presenting the image of a  strong U.S./U.N./

Coalition presence, capable and willing to use

force to protect the international relief effort and

to allay fears about U.S./U.N./Coalition inten-

tions. The psychological operation's themes and

objectives were to assure all factions and groups

of the impartiality of the conduct of the relief

operations, and to dissuade any groups or individ-

uals from interfering with the relief. Major themes

were credibility of the joint task force in its abili-

ty to carry out its goals and to meet force with

force if necessary, and neutrality in its dealings

with all groups in its humanitarian mission. The

methods to be used to get the word out to the local

populace were to be  face-to-face communica-

tions, radio and loudspeaker broadcasts, leaflets,

posters, coloring books, and other printed prod-

ucts. ^^ To perform this valuable work, a separate

Joint Psychological Operations Task Force was

formed within the joint task force.

Phases of the Operation

As in the Central Command order, the task

force's concept of operations was set in four phas-

es. As in any properly prepared campaign, each of

these phases would lead to and set the conditions

for the next. In Phase I, the forces were to  estab-

lish a base of operations and logistics in

Mogadishu, to  gain control over the flow of

humanitarian relief supplies through the city, and

to introduce other U.N. forces throughout the

country. Amphibious forces would secure the port

and airfield at Mogadishu and establish a lodg-

ment for follow-on troops. A maritime preposi-

tioning force operation would follow. Once ade-

quate security was established, additional forces

would deploy into Mogadishu. A second airheadwould be secured as soon as possible for the

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28 Restoring Hope in Somalia

deployment of additional forces, and the town of

Baidoa would also be secured. Phase II provided

for the expansion of operations at the major inte-

rior relief distribution sites to include Gialalassi,

Bardera, Relet Weyne, Oddur, and others as

required. Additional forces would expand opera-

tions to these interior sites and establish sufficient

security to allow unimpeded relief operations. In

Phase III, operations would expand through the

conduct of relief convoy security operations and

to additional ports and airfields, to include the

port of Kismayo. The crucial Phase IV would be a

 transition from a U.S.-led to a U.N.-controlled

effort, with a  gradual relief in place of JTF

forces. ^ ^

The area of operations was divided into eight

humanitarian relief sectors, so named in keeping

with the nature of the mission.^^ Each sector was

centered on a major city that could serve as a dis-

tribution center; in fact, many of them had been

such centers during Operation Provide Relief. The

other qualification for choosing these cities was

that each was located on a main road and had an

airfield capable of handling military cargo air-

craft. The original humanitarian relief sectors

were Mogadishu, Bale Dogle, Baidoa, Bardera,


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Plans and Preparations 29

Kismayo, Oddur, Gialalassi, and Belet Weyne.^^

The boundaries for the sectors were not set with

regard to clan or tribal affiliation, but by simple

grid coordinates.

Because of the close cooperation of Central

Command and joint task force staffs during plan-

ning. General Johnston was able to sign and issue

the task force's order on 6 December 1992; only

one day after Central Command issued its order to

the joint task force. The completed document was

thorough and detailed and recognized that some

key elements, such as the forces to be offered by

the coalition partners, still had to be identified.*

D-Day was now only three days away.

Another critical aspect, which joint task force

planners had been hurriedly working on, was the

development of the deployment timeline. With a

known date for D-Day, planners were able to

work backward in time to determine when other

critical events would have to occur for the opera-

tion to begin as plarmed and continue in an order-

ly fashion. A timeline published on 1 December

set the initial actions for 4 December, with the

establishment of the joint task force headquarters,

and worked forward 30 days, when the maritime

prepositioning force offload was to be completed.

The timeline called for the quick activation and

deployment of many units and detachments that

would have to be in place to support the impend-

ing operation. These included the naval support

element and the offload preparation party of

Maritime Prepositioning Squadron 2, which had

to link up with those ships at Diego Garcia. The

Marine air-ground task force had to take its posi-

tion in the area of operations, and many other

Marine Corps, Army, and Navy elements, and

advance parties had to be alerted for movement

within a few days.^^

The Flow of the Force

This work called for close cooperation with

one of the specified commands, U.S. Transpor-

* Some countries had already offered forces as part of the

reinforcements to the U.N. Organization SomaHa. Early

planning had prepared to use these units, but with the change

to a United States-led force, some of these offers were with-

drawn, while other countries came forward to assist. When

the order came for the joint task force, it had not yet been

determined when the various coalition forces would actually

join the force. Some arrived concurrent with U.S. Forces,some within a few days, and some took several weeks.

tation Command (TransCom), headquartered at

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. A separate plan

would have to be worked out to ensure the initial

landings could be made on time, that the follow-

on forces could be brought into theater as

required, and that enough logistical support for

the force would be started on its way from the

United States to reach Somalia in an orderly

sequence. The detailed planning for this deploy-

ment called for the movement of thousands of

troops from their home bases to ports of embarka-

tion for further transport halfway around the

world. There would have to be a sequenced

timetable, employing all the assets available for

the movement by ship and airplane, of the cargo

needed by the force. As a supporting command,

TransCom had to tailor its plans to the require-

ments the joint task force providedthrough

Central Command. These were made known in a

formal document called a time-phased force

deployment and development plan. Such a system

works best when there is an ample amount of

planning time available, so force structures and

logistical requirements can be estimated in

advance and contingency plans created. There

was no such luxury with the preparations for this

operation; TransCom would have to react quickly

as the needs of the joint task force were deter-

mined and made known.**

Since the majority of logistical support would

be coming by ship, a subordinate organization of

TransCom, the Military Sealift Command, would

have the greatest capability to support the opera-

tion. Military Sealift Command divided its

responsibilities into three phases, which it called a

 Trident of Sea Power. First, it would employ the

maritime prepositioning force ships that support-

ed the Marine Corps and Army to bring in the unit

equipment and supplies that would be immediate-

ly needed by the first troops coming ashore. Next,

it would employ fast sealift ships and charteredvessels to fill the surge in shipping that would

bring in the heavy equipment and critical supplies.

Finally, a sustainment phase would provide a

steady flow of logistical support. Because of the

long transit times (even the fast sealift ships

would take 14 days to reach Mogadishu from the

east coast of the United States), these assets had to

be identified and prepared as soon as possible.*^

Another TransCom subordinate was equally

busy with its preparations to support the opera-

tion. The Air Mobility Command had to establish

the air bridge by which it would fly in most of the

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30 Restoring Hope in Somalia

U.S. forces, as well as those of many of the coali-

tion countries. The command already had some

experience in this area, having established the

plan under which the aircraft carrying the relief

supplies were being brought into Kenya for

Operation Provide Relief. Now, however, it faced

a larger and more time-critical task. With the long

sailing times for the shipping, air transport would

have to carry the considerable initial burden of the

earliest portions of the deployment. The com-

mand's staff quickly provided for basing rights in

nearby countries, notably Egypt and Saudi Arabia,

and created a plan for aerial refueling. These fac-

tors would decrease the flying time for individual

flights and minimize the wear on aircraft.^

By 6 December, the forces were ready; the plan

was prepared and issued; the physical require-

ments and equipment needed had been deter-

mined and identified. With a few days left before

D-Day, it was time to set the operation in motion.

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chapter 4

Coming Ashore

Initial Landings

All of the pieces of the operation came togeth-

er in Somalia in the early days of December 1992.

Actually, some forces were already in place.

Teams from Special Operations Forces, as part of

Operation Provide Relief, were providing security

at airfields, as well as protecting the Air Force

combat control teams that were operating at them.

These specially trained teams also were a compo-

nent of Provide Relief and were sent into the air-

fields to prepare the fields for subsequent air oper-

ations and to control the aircraft. Also, on 7

December, members of Company C, 2d Battalion,

5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) provided

security and sniper support for America's special

envoy when he arrived in Mogadishu.

The U.S. Navy and Marines were the first

underway. The Tripoli Amphibious Ready Group

(ARG), composed of the USS Tripoli (LPH 10),

USS Juneau (LPD 10), and USS Rushmore (LSD

47), left Singapore on 23 November and headed

toward the Persian Gulf. Commanded by Captain

John W. Peterson, USN, the ready group moved

into the waters off the southern Somali coast on 3

December. Planning for the operation by the

group began in earnest the week before, when a

warning order was received. At about the same

DVIC DD-SD-00-00656

Marines and sailors stand at the edge of tlie deck of tfie Tripoli (LPH 10). In tfie background are four l\/larine CH-46

Sea Knight helicopters scouting the area before the landings at Mogadishu.

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32 Restoring Hope in Somalia

i^, «

KEWBiJi Mine


15th MEU, Westpac '92-93

A Colorado native and the son of a career U.S. Air

Force officer, Col Gregory S. Newbold commanded the

15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, a force in the vanguard

of the American commitment.

time, Amphibious Squadron 5, commanded by

Captain Brian Boyce, USN, based on the West

Coast of the United States, received a warning

order that it also would support the operation. In

addition, Captain Boyce would be the chief of

staff for Rear Admiral James B. Perkins III, USN,

who would command the maritime prepositioning

force. Amphibious Squadron 5 would have the

responsibility for maritime prepositioning ship

operations and the offload.^' The condition of the

port was still a question for these officers, as was

the infrastructure available. The ability to quickly

offload, stage, and move equipment and supplies

would be critical to the operation, but the capabil-

ities of the port could not be determined until

coalition forces were on the ground. In the inter-

im, U.S. Navy Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) teams from

the Tripoli ready group conducted beach and port

hydrographic and reconnaissance surveys of

potential landing sites.

The amphibious group carried the 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)

(15th MEU (SOC)), commanded by Colonel

Gregory S. Newbold, which would make the ini-

tial landings scheduled for the early morning of

the 9th. The MEU had come under the operational

control of Central Command on 30 November. In

accord with the joint task force order, the MEU splashed tracks from the Juneau at 0330 to meet

an H-Hour of 0500.^^ Every available means of

landing was used. The SEALs swam in from off-

shore and 170 Marines assaulted in 18  Zodiac

boats to secure the port facility. Amphibious

DVIC DN-ST-93-02668

A Marine 5-ton truck towing a 155mm M198 howitzer disembarks from an Assault Craft Unit 5 air-cushion landing

craft at Mogadishu.

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Coming Ashore 33

assault vehicles carried the majority of the landing

force, followed by helicopters and air-cushioned

landing craft.^^

The initial landings were made at 0540. The

Marines and SEALs landed across the beaches of

Mogadishu and came out of the dark surf where

they were greeted by the bright lights of television

cameras. Ignoring the disturbing presence of the

media as best they could, the reconnaissance par-

ties pushed inland to their objectives, located at

the port and the airfield. According to plan, the

prepositioning ship MV IstLt Jack Lummus (T-

AK 3011), which had arrived from Diego Garcia

the previous day, was brought directly to the pier

to offload, expediting the movement of equip-


Other than the illuminated landing, the initial

portions of the operation went quickly andsmoothly. Colonel Newbold had stated he wanted

to  accomplish our mission by overwhelming any

opportunity for forces to oppose us. ... This is a

low intensity conflict environment requiring [a]

dramatic show of force (to create the respect that

will minimize opposition), mind-numbing speed

(so that we maintain the initiative), and a willing-

ness to neutralize those who attack us (to deter

further violence). ^^ The strength and speed he

desired were in evidence as the forces movedbeyond their initial objectives and into the city. He

was able to declare the airport open at 1145 and

the first C-130 aircraft landed soon thereafter.^^

The Air Force Lockheed C-141 carrying members

of the task force headquarters touched down just a

few minutes later.

The Marines quickly passed through the city to

the United States Embassy compound, where they

secured the chancery. By the end of the day, they

had established their forward operations com-

mand post at the airport.^'

In addition, the first of the coalition partners

arrived and were incorporated into the defensive

perimeter. This was a company of the 2d French

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34 Restoring Hope in Somalia


At Mogadishu airport, Marines stand guard in a light armored vehicle while cargo is unloaded from a U.S. Air Force

C-141B Starlifter aircraft.

Foreign Legion Parachute Regiment, which

arrived by airplane from their base in Djibouti.^^

The company came under American operational

control. The Legionnaires would soon be fol-

lowed by thousands of soldiers, sailors, airmen,

and Marines from 22 other countries.

As the coalition forces moved into Mogadishu

they encountered a city that had felt the ravages of

two years of civil war and anarchy. There was no

electricity, no running water, and no functioning

sanitation system. Law enforcement was nonex-

istent because there were no police or judicial sys-

tem. Public buildings had been looted anddestroyed and most private homes were severely

damaged; virtually every structure was missing its

roof and had broken walls, doors, and windows.

The commerce of the city was at a standstill.

Schools were closed and gangs of youths roamed

the streets. Crowded refugee camps seemingly

filled every parcel of open land, and new graves

were encountered everywhere. The sound of gun-

fire could be heard throughout the city.

There had been no opposition to the landings or

the subsequent movement of forces into the

American Embassy compound. However, on this

first day, the operation's first shooting incident

took place. A vehicle containing nine Somalis ran

a checkpoint manned by French Legionnaires,

who opened fire at the fleeing automobile, killing

two and wounding seven.^^ This incident was

unfortunate but within the rules of engagement.

By running the roadblock, the Somalis had posed

a threat to members of the coalition, and the

Legionnaires had to react. Soon, sniper fire was

added to the troops' list of concerns, especially

around the port area. While not causing casualties,

the desultory fire was an annoyance and an indi-

cation of what was to come.General Johnston flew into Mogadishu on 10

December. The combined joint task force estab-

lished itself inside the American Embassy com-

pound, with the main headquarters in the chancery

building. With the arrival of coalition forces, the

joint task force became a combined joint task

force. Later, the title would change officially to

Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF). In a sym-

bolic and emotional gesture for the Marines, the

flag raised over the compound was one that had

once flown over the Marine barracks in Beirut.

The embassy compound itself was a shambles.

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Coming Ashore 35

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

A typical street in the Italian sector of Mogadishu crowded with pedestrians,

vehicles, and market stalls.

The buildings had Uterally been stripped to the

bare walls; even the paving tiles had been pried up

and carried away. The floors of the chancery were

buried in trash and debris a foot deep. Bodies

were found in some areas of the grounds. The staff

quickly went to work cleaning out work areas and

living spaces to establish a camp.

Logistical Buildup

In the critical early days,

all logistical support for the

growing coalition forces

came from what the 15th

MEU was able to provide

through its service support

group, what the allies could

bring themselves, and from

the maritime prepositioningforce shipping. The offload

of these important vessels

was critical. The Lummus had

arrived the previous day and

was ready to begin its

offload, which was scheduled

to last for four days. But first,

the port area itself needed

considerable attention. There

was no infrastructure, not

even wires left on the light

poles. Everything had to be

recreated while mountains of

filth and trash needed to be

cleaned out. To make room for

the arrival and assembly area

needed for the prepositioning

force shipping to offload its

equipment, old warehouseshad to be bulldozed.

Eventually, 54 acres were

cleared for this purpose. The

U.S. Navy support element

brought in extra materials

when it arrived, and new bar-

racks, galleys, and heads were

built over time. While the

offload of the Lummus contin-

ued, on a selective basis, the

first priority was for engineer

equipment and materials.

Combat support vehicles and

weapons like tanks and

artillery were left on board.^°°

It was long and frustrating work. A maritime

prepositioning force squadron contains enough

equipment and supplies for a Marine brigade of

16,000 men. To accomplish the job smoothly and

efficiently there are several distinct units that

must participate. The first of these is the offload

preparation party; a small group of Marines who

come on board the ship while it is underway to

prepare the equipment for its eventual offload and

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

The ravages of the civil war were evident in this neighborhood in the Italian sec-

tor of Mogadishu. Many of the buildings had no roofs and all were severely dam-


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36 Restoring Hope in Somalia

use. The next is the survey, liaison and reconnais-

sance party, which flies into the designated port to

prepare it for the imminent operation. The next is

a U.S. Navy unit, the Navy support element that

undertakes the operation of the offload of equip-

ment and its movement through the arrival and

assembly area. Finally, the unit that will use the

gear must arrive on time to move offloaded equip-

ment and supplies out of the port to make room

for what is coming off next. A miss in the

sequence can mean congestion and delays. Also,

during normal operations, the entire ship will be

offloaded, but Restore Hope was not an ordinary


Every commander must balance many require-

ments, making the best use of limited resources.

In this case, the conflict faced by the commander

was tostrike

the proper balance between combatforces and logisticians, which had to compete for

limited space on aircraft. So, in placing the prior-

ity for building up the force of fighters quickly,

the support troops had to wait. This in turn caused

additional delays at the already burdened port.

The offloading of ships took longer than project-

ed because unneeded equipment had to be moved

repeatedly or back-loaded onto the ships.

Force Buildup

Concurrent with the logistical buildup was the

arrival of the forces. The airport quickly became a

scene of considerable activity as more aircraft

arrived, bringing in more of the UNITAF head-

quarters and elements of Marine Forces Somalia

(MarFor). Once again, the conditions in Somalia

caused problems for planners and operators. The

limited capacity of the Mogadishu airport meant a

strict schedule had to be maintained for arriving

and departing aircraft. This in turn affected the

scheduling of aerial refueling and the use of theintermediate staging bases the Air Mobility Com-

mand had set up in Egypt and Yemen. Aircraft

could only be called from the staging bases once

there was a clear time slot at Mogadishu. Those

DVIC DD-SD-00-00804

This view of ttie U.S. Embassy compound in Mogadisliu stiows tlie ctiancery building in the center surrounded by

its own wali. Another wall, in the bacl<ground, enclosed the rest of the compound. By late December 1992, the area

to the top of the picture was filled with tents, mess halls, and other facilities for the UNITAF staff.

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Coming Ashore 37

DVIC DD-ST-00-00801

This aerial view of ttie port of Mogadisfiu sfiows ttiree cargo stiips and a number of large, medium, and small ves-

sels moored to the docks. The port played an important role during the relief effort.

aircraft then had to hurriedly unload passengers

and cargo and depart quickly.' ' In spite of com-

plicated and hectic scheduling, the buildup of

coalition personnel continued at a rapid pace.

On 7 December, Major General Charles E.

Wilhelm, commanding general of the 1 st Marine

Division, assumed MarFor commander duties. On

10 December, he flew out of Camp Pendleton

with a small battle staff and arrived at Mogadishu

the next day.''^^ MarFor would provide the basic

structure around which the task force would be

built. As other forces, American or coalition,

arrived in the theater, they would initially be

placed under the operational control of MarFor.

The largest American force after the Marines

was the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division

(Light Infantry), which would form Army Forces

Somalia. Because of the manner in which such an

Army division deploys, its movement actually

had begun on 7 December, when the first of seven

trainloads of equipment departed Fort Drum, New

York, for the port of Bayonne, New Jersey. Overthe next 10 days, 450 railcars were used to move

more than 1,500 pieces of the division's equip-

ment to the military ocean terminal at Bayonne. '°^

There they were loaded on board ships for the

long journey to the Horn of Africa. The soldiers

were preparing for their deployment at the same

time. Classes were held on the country's history,

culture, terrain, and problems soldiers could

expect. Needed equipment was brought in to fill

recognized shortages, some of it from the divi-

sion's  round-out brigade, the 27th Brigade,

New York Army National Guard. The division

helicopters were readied for use in the deserts of

Somalia with the addition of particle separators

and global positioning system equipment. Desert

camouflage utilities (known as battle dress uni-

forms or  BDUs to the Army) were procured and

issued. ''* Troops were sent to the ranges to fire

and battle-sight their weapons, ironically often

firing in the snows of a New York winter as they

prepared for movement to equatorial Africa.

The division was originally expected to start its

deployment on 19 December. However, on 10December, a decision was made by UNITAF that

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38 Restoring Hope in Somalia


Among the maritime prepositioning ships to docl< at Mogadishu was the Algol class vehicle cargo ship, USNS Man.

Onboard cranes unload the ship's cargo of military supplies and vehicles.

Army Forces Somalia should begin its deploy-

ment much sooner. When General Wilhelm

arrived in the theater, he immediately assumed

operational control of the 15th MEU (SOC) and

the French forces and focused efforts on securing

the port, the airfield, and the embassy compound.

With the arrival of 1st Marine Division's 1st

Battalion, 7th Marines, MarFor was able to

broaden the coalition's control to areas outside

Mogadishu. This began at Bale Dogle, which

UNITAF had recognized early in its planning as

an important location from which to extend theforce into the interior of the country. The 15th

MEU (SOC)'s Battalion Landing Team, 2d

Battalion, 9th Marines, supported by elements of

Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 164, was

given the mission, which it planned and accom-

plished within 48 hours. The Marines seized the

airfield in a helibome assault prior to the arrival of

Army forces. ^^

The first U.S. Army unit to deploy was

Company A, 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry. The sol-

diers and the battalion's tactical command post

loaded on board three Lockheed C-141 Starlifter

troop transport aircraft on 11 December for a

direct flight into the airfield at Bale Dogle, now

held by the newly arrived Marines. The soldiers

arrived within 24 hours and went immediately

from deployment to employment as they relieved

the Marines who had secured the airfield. '°^ * The

Army assumed full control for Bale Dogle airfield

on 15 December.

These early successes led to criticism of

UNITAF by several members of the media.

Journalists openly questioned why UNITAF was

not pushing more quickly and aggressively into

the interior, especially to the town of Baidoa,

described as  The City of Death, where the

impact of famine and suffering were at their

worst. General Johnston, however, would not be

pressured into hasty action. The responsibility for

the accomplishment of the mission and the safety

of the members of the coalition force was his


Dueto time zone differences, the soldiers actually arrived

on 13 December.

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Coming Ashore 39

alone, and he knew UNITAF was quickly building

in strength and would soon expand into the other

planned relief sectors. He wanted this to be done

in an orderly manner, without spreading the avail-

able forces too thinly over the ground. He

addressed the issue in a television interview,

explaining his reasons and laying the matter to


Meanwhile, the country began to show the

coalition soldiers all the facets of its character.

Marines, sailors, and soldiers were generally

greeted with smiles and waves from the Somalis

they encountered on the streets, but there were

some who seemed determined to test the resolve

of UNITAF. Sniping became a routine part of

daily existence; seldom more than simple harass-

ment, it still provided an edge to the life and work

of the task force. Sniping was especially a prob-

lem at the port, which was overlooked by an old

prison the gunmen used to cover their activities.

Marines quickly secured the prison area and

ended the problem in the immediate location. But

throughout UNITAF's time in Somalia, sniping at

convoys or into the various compounds would

remain a daily occurrence.

The first direct attacks on UNITAF members

also took place during these early days. In two

separate incidents on 12 December three aircraft

of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 164, one

Bell UH-IN Huey and two Bell AH-IW Super

Cobras, were fired upon. The UH-IN Huey

received damage to its rotors. In the second inci-

dent, the attack helicopters returned fire with

20mm guns and missiles (the attack helicopters

carried tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-

guided, or TOW, missiles), destroying two  tech-

nicals and damaging one American-made Ml 13

armored personnel carrier. '°** Such immediate,

overwhelming, and deadly response was precisely

what General Johnston set in his commander's

guidance as the best antidote for aggression by the

factions or bandits.

Just as American forces were proceeding to

Somalia, so were the military contingents of sev-

eral coalition partners. One of the first of these

forces to begin moving were the Canadians, who

had received their own warning order to partici-

pate in the U.S.-led operation on 4 December.

Originally, they had prepared to deploy their force

as a part of United Nations Operation Somalia and

DVIC DD-SD-00-00805

The cargo from a U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy aircraft is unloaded on the flight line at [Mogadishu airport while a Marine

UH-1N Huey helicopter flies overhead. Beyond the main runway is the Indian Ocean shoreline.

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40 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DViC DA-SC-94-00321

An M998 high-mobility multipurpose, wheeled vehicle (humvee) is loaded onto an Air Mobility Command C-141B

Starlifter at Griffis Air Force Base, New York, as equipment of the 10th Mountain Division is readied for shipment to


had sent the auxihary oil replenishment ship

HMCS Preserver (510) to Somalia. Under the

Canadian forces' Operation Deliverance, the ship

arrived at Mogadishu on 12 December. The

advance headquarters of the Canadian Joint

Forces Somalia landed at Mogadishu on 13

December and embarked on board the ship. Their

contribution to the forces on the ground was to be

a Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group, the

advance party of which arrived by U.S. Air Force

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy aircraft at Bale Dogle on 14

December. ^°^

The Italian contingent also began to arrive at

about this time. Their force was initially com-

posed of two elements: two battalions of the

Folgore Airborne Brigade, a famed parachute

unit; and the San Marco Battalion, a naval

infantry unit. The Italian forces were also sup-

ported from the sea by the Italian Navy's 24th

Naval Group, which carried heavy equipment and

supplies. The first elements of the brigade, a small

special forces reconnaissance element of 23 men

led by Major Gennaro Fusco, left Italy on 11

December. They arrived in Mogadishu on 13

December and reoccupied the Italian Embassy on

16 December.  ° The brigade would arrive in full

force by 24 December. On the 23d, the San Marco

Battalion arrived in Somali waters with the naval

group. Brigadier General Bruno Loi arrived on 20

December and took command of the Folgore

Brigade in what the Italian forces called

Operation Ibis.

Thousands of miles to the south, on 15

December, the Prime Minister of Australia, The

Right Honorable Paul John Keating, announced

that his nation would contribute forces as well.

The Australian participation would be called

Operation Solace and their force would be formed

around a battalion group. The battalion selected

was 1st Battalion, 1st Royal Australian Regiment,

stationed in Townsville. This unit was the alert

battalion of the Australian Ready Deployment

Force. The contingent of 930 soldiers included

engineer and administrative support elements, as

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Coming Ashore 41

well as armored personnel carriers. The battal-

ion's artillery battery commander and forward

observers would act as liaison and provide civil

affairs capabilities. The Australian reconnaissance

party departed on 21 December and arrived in

Mogadishu the next day.' '


Another of the United States' traditional allies

was preparing to send an important contribution

to the coalition. The Turkish army created a spe-

cial task force built around an existing mecha-

nized infantry company, 1st Company, 1st

Battalion, 28th Mechanized Brigade, stationed in

Ankara. The company was strengthened with a

quartermaster platoon, a transportation platoon, a

signal section, a medical section, and an engineer

section. In all, the reinforced company numbered

300 soldiers. The advance party left Ankara and

arrived in Mogadishu on 19 December. Theremainder of the Turkish force proceeded by rail

to the port of Mersin beginning on 17 December.

There, they boarded three Turkish Navy ships that

sailed on the 17th and brought them directly to

Mogadishu on 2 January 1993.  ^

By mid-December many other forces, large and

small, were also proceeding to join UNITAF.

Several of these came from the Middle East and

Africa. They included a reinforced motorized rifle

company from Kuwait, an all-volunteer unit that

began arriving on 14 December. ^ The Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia sent elements of its 5th Royal

Saudi Land Forces Airborne Battalion, reinforced

with medical, engineer, and maintenance pla-

toons. Numbering up to 669 soldiers, the first

Saudis entered Mogadishu on 19 December, with

their forces fully in Somalia by the end of the

month.   ^ For the first time in its history,

Botswana sent soldiers to serve outside its bor-

ders. Out of an army totaling only 5,500,

Botswana sent 300 soldiers in a composite com-

pany. ^ Several other countries, such as Pakistan,

the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Nigeria,

Tunisia, Morocco, and Zimbabwe, all sent liaison

officers and small advance contingents in prepa-

ration for larger contributions to be made late in

December or in January. To add to the strength of

the air forces, the German Air Force continued to

DVIC DF-SD-97-02528

Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New Yorl<, unload theirpacks after boarding aC-141B cargo air-

craft, which will take them to Bale Dogle, Somalia.

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42 Restorevig Hope in Somalia

provide three C-160 Transall cargo aircraft that

had been flying relief supplies out of Mombasa,

Kenya, as part of Operation Provide Relief. The

British Royal Air Force did the same with two C-

130 Hercules transport aircraft, which it also had

been using in Provide Relief. The Royal New

Zealand Air Force sent three Andover transport

aircraft from its Number 42 Squadron to fly trans-

port within the theater.

Into the Interior

The arrival of all these forces, and the promise

of others to come shortly, gave General Johnston

the strength and flexibility to push into the interi-

or. Bale Dogle, strongly occupied by coalition

troops, would be the springboard for the next step

into Baidoa.

With the French forces already under the oper-

ational control of MarFor, UNITAF and MarFor

planners decided to prepare a combined operation

to secure the city. Task Force Hope was formed

from the French 2d Foreign Legion Parachute

Regiment, and elements of the French Special

Operations Command and the 13th Foreign

Legion Demi-Brigade, and 15th MEU.^^^ The task

force left Mogadishu on 15 December and

secured the airfield the next day through a com-





in Somalia

10 20 30 40


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Coming Ashore 43

DVIC DN-ST-93-01388

The day after American Marines and French soldiers

secured Baidoa, Marines of the 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit provide security for a convoy bring-

ing food to the  City of Death.

bined ground and helibome movement. There was

no opposition. Relief convoys, escorted by coali-

tion forces, began bringing supplies to Baidoa that

afternoon. ^

The Marines and French soldiers immediately

established security posts and started patrols of

the city. The presence of a large number of armed

men was quickly noted and was a source of someconcern. On 18 December, Somalis fired from

inside one of their compounds upon members of

Task Force Hope. The area was quickly surround-

ed and entered and all arms were confiscated.''^

The incident highlighted a need, both inside the

relief sectors and throughout the area of opera-

tions, for a policy concerning weapons control.

The rapid success of the Baidoa operation

brought the first phase of Operation Restore Hope

to a close. It also provided the basic framework by

which all other operations to secure objectiveswould be organized and executed. The push to the

remaining humanitarian relief sectors would

involve the U.S. Marines or Army in a series of

joint and combined operations with coalition part-

ners. Wherever possible, these operations would

use the forces of the coalition nations that had vol-

unteered to assume responsibility for the particu-

lar sectors.

The system by which these operations were

ordered and controlled became fairly standard and

reflected how UNITAF functioned. A series of

daily fragmentary orders were issued, or more fre-

quently if necessary. The orders listed objectives

to be taken, forces to be employed, and dates for

accomplishment of the missions. Coordinating

instructions were provided as necessary and noted

any support that was required along with specific

force assignments. Each day, the next fragmentary

orders would contain more information, adjust

dates if necessary, and note the commanding gen-

eral's additional orders or guidance. UNITAF

headquarters operations section thus became a

scene of continuous work as liaison officers from

various U.S. units and coalition forces attended

planning meetings within the future operations

cell, run by Colonel Peter A. Dotto. All the while,

ongoing operations were monitored in the current

operations cell under Colonel James B. Egan.

Another critical part of each operation was to

prepare the local population for the arrival of

UNITAF forces. This task fell to Ambassador

Robert B. Oakley, who had been appointed by

President George H. W. Bush because of his expe-

rience in Africa as Special Envoy to Somalia.

Ambassador Oakley assisted the military in

understanding the Somali people and cultural

nuances. He also provided insight into the tangle

that was Somali politics. ^ For each operation,

Oakley would travel to the particular city in

advance of military forces to meet with the local

elders and leaders. He would explain in detail

what was about to happen to reduce the risk of

confrontation. The following day, aircraft would

drop leaflets over the city that repeated the peace-

ful intentions of the coalition members and its

humanitarian purpose. They also would warn the

people not to interfere with UNITAF forces or

operations. In this manner, the coalition forces

would find a soft landing at each objective.'^'^

Securing the Relief Sectors

With FragmentaryOrder 7,


planning to take the next objective: Kismayo. The

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44 Restoring Hope in Somalia

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DVIC DD-SD-00-01031

American Special Envoy to Somaiia, Ambassador Robert B. Oal<iey, speal<s to a group of Somaiis. Beliind iiim is

U.S. Army BGen Lawson W. Magruder III, commander of Task Force Kismayo.

Belgian forces' 1st Parachute Battalion had

arrived in Mogadishu on 13 December. Led by

Lieutenant Colonel Marc Jacqmin, the paratroop-

ers would have responsibility for securing the

Kismayo relief sector, then controlling it along

with elements of the Army's 10th Mountain

Division. Kismayo lies approximately 200 miles

south of Mogadishu, on the coast just below the

equator. It is the site of Somalia's second largest

port, after Mogadishu, and it had been an impor-

tant base for the Somali Navy. An airfield of

appropriate size for military cargo aircraft was

only a few miles outside the city. Holding this

area would provide another port for the receipt

and onward transport of relief supplies. The

Belgian forces were placed under the operational

control of MarFor for this operation. Because of

its location on the coast, an amphibious operation

was chosen to secure the city and its facilities.

Captain John Peterson, commander of the Tripoli

amphibious group, was designated as the com-

mander of the amphibious task force and

Lieutenant Colonel Jacqmin as the commander of

the landing force. The landing force was com-

posed of Company G, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines,

from the 15th MEU (SOC), and two platoons of

Belgian paratroopers. The amphibious task force

itself consisted of the Juneau and the Rushmore

from the United States Navy, and the French ship

FS Dupleix, an antisubmarine warfare guided

missile destroyer. Captain Peterson transferred his

flag to the Juneau, U.S. Navy SEALs embarked

on the Dupleix to perform pre-landing reconnais-

sance and surveillance of the beach and the

Marines and Belgian paratroopers embarked on

board the American ships.'2'

Because of the presence of two warring fac-

tions in the city, a preparatory political and diplo-

matic maneuver was very important. On 17

December, contact was made with Colonel

Ahmed Omar Jess, leader of the Kismayo region's

Somali Patriotic Front faction, and Mohamed

Said Hirsi, who was know as General Morgan and

led an independent faction in the area, setting up

an agreement whereby Kismayo would be an

open city. Jess and his troops would remain in the

city, and Morgan and his followers would move

20 kilometers to the north.^^^

The Belgians already had sound experience in

amphibious doctrine and the operation went

smoothly. On the morning of 20 December, the

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Coming Ashore 45

Marines landed in amphibious assault vehicles

while the Belgians came ashore in air-cushioned

landing craft and helicopters. There was no oppo-

sition to the landing and control was passed

ashore within a few hours. Captain Peterson and

Lieutenant Colonel Jacqmin went immediately to

the center of the city, where they met with Colonel

Jess, who protested the presence of the colonial

Belgians. Lieutenant Colonel Jacqmin quickly

quieted Jess's anger and made it clear the coali-

tion forces would not be intimidated.'^^*

By the end of that first day the overall strength

of the Belgian forces in Kismayo consisted of the

11th Company and the Close Reconnaissance

Squadron, equipped with Scimitar tracked recon-

naissance vehicles. With the arrival of additional

Belgian reinforcements, the U.S. Marine compa-

ny was released from tactical control and with-drew from Kismayo the next day. By 30

December, the Belgians had 550 men in the


The successful completion of the Baidoa oper-

ation made it possible for UNITAF to quickly plan

to secure another city notorious as a scene of suf-

fering and death; Bardera, located about 217 kilo-

meters southwest of Baidoa, at the end of a dry

and dusty track. With the arrival of more combat

units from the 1st Marine Division (notably the

remainder of the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, fol-

lowed shortly thereafter by the lead elements of

3d Battalion, 9th Marines, and the headquarters of

the 7th Marines) there was enough power on the

ground to push on to this important inland city.

Colonel Emil R. Bedard, commanding officer of

the 7th Marines, departed Mogadishu for Baidoa

with his Marines on 22 December; only three and

a half days after these units began arriving in the-


Prior to leaving Mogadishu, the unit meshed

with the attachment of amphibious assault and

* The issue of colonial troops was one that caused consider-

able anxiety and sensitivity in the UNITAF staff. Several of

the coalition allies once had colonies in Africa. France and

Italy once had colonies in Somalia itself. Where possible, use

of troops from these nations had to be done with considera-

tion of the feelings of the local populace. For instance, in late

December, plans to secure the city of Merka originally called

for the use of Italian troops. When the local population

protested strongly about the return of the Italians, this opera-

tion was given to Army Forces Somalia as well as the

Italians. The issue of colonialism also was a handy rallying

call for the various factions when they organized protests

against the presence or actions of UNITAF.

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DVIC DN-ST-93-01396

Members of Company G, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, of

the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, exit from a P-7A1

amphibious assault vehicle after arriving to set up a

checl<point in Kismayo.

light armored vehicles. (The advance elements of

both the 3d Amphibious Assault Battalion and the

3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion had arrived

in Mogadishu on 19 December.) On Christmas

Eve, after a long road march choked with dust, the

Marines secured the airfield at Bardera. The next

day they controlled all access to the city by hold-ing a key bridge and the river crossings over the

Jubba, as well as the principal road junctions.

Patrols were quickly sent out to provide security

for the task force as well as for the people of the

city. Coordination was made with the local non-

governmental agency to get the relief food ship-

ments moving in. Another early concern was to

secure the market area in the center of town so it

could again open for business.'^^

The next two operations were originally

planned to occur nearly simultaneously using

French and Italian forces to take control of the

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46 Restoring Hope in Somalia


An estimated 30,000 Somalis inhabited the town of Bardera. It is one of the most populated towns in the othenfl/ise

sparsely populated region of southwest Somalia.

humanitarian relief sectors that would becometheir responsibilities. Planning for the operations

to Oddur and Gialalassi was ongoing at UNITAF

headquarters by 16 December, concurrent with

the planning for the Bardera operation.

Oddur lies 260 kilometers northwest of

Mogadishu, 110 kilometers north of Baidoa, and

close to the Ethiopian border. Its airport contains

a 4,000-foot runway capable of handling C-130

aircraft. It was noted in briefings there was a well-

organized militia in the area, as well as some old

Soviet military equipment.'^' The task force forthe operation would consist of elements of the

French 5th Combined Arms Overseas Regiment

and the 1 3th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion,

with logistic support, and Company C, 1st

Battalion, 7th Marines, which was placed under

the tactical control of the commander of the

French forces.'^^

UNITAF Fragmentary Order 8, issued on 18

December, called for the French forces to secure

Oddur  on or about 24 December. Many of the

units to be involved, however, were still arriving.

Fragmentary Order 12, issued on the 21st,

rescheduled the date of the operation for

Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, the same day

the Marines were moving to Bardera, French

forces began their road march to Oddur. They

passed that day on the road and arrived in Oddur

on 25 December.* Over the next few days, the

remaining French forces in Somalia were brought

from Mogadishu to Oddur. From there, they were

quickly reassigned to outlying towns: the 13th

Demi-Brigade had responsibility for Wajid; the

5th Combined Arms Overseas Regiment for

Ceelgasass; and the Legion for El Berde, while

the headquarters, cavalry detachment (an aviation

unit), and support battalion, were at Oddur. On the

29th, Major General Rene de I'Home, the com-

mander of French forces in Somalia, requested the

boundary of the relief sector be moved east to

include the town of Tiyegloo. Administratively,

* If the road to Bardera was dusty, the road to Oddur was

even worse. The fine dust was like red talc in places, explod-

ing underfoot with each step or billowing in clouds behind

vehicles. It covered men and machines in a natural camou-


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Coming Ashore 47

the town had always been a part of the Oddur dis-

trict, and it was therefore proper to include it in

that sector. The request was approved at UNITAF.

The French forces soon dispersed themselves

throughout the relief sector, eventually occupying

21 platoon-sized advance posts from which

patrols could be made.'^^

As early as 16 December, Fragmentary Order 7

had tasked the Italian forces to secure Gialalassi.

Subsequent orders refined and amplified this ini-

tial order. Gialalassi is about 115 kilometers north

of Mogadishu, and is situated on the Webi

Shebelle. In intelligence briefings, this city was

described as being on dry, flat ground, with a

small forest to the north. There were two airfields,

one of which was C-130 capable. Traveling on the

roads was expected to be slow. A United Somali

Congress faction under Ali Mahdi Mohamed held

the area and had a security force at the airfields

with some recoilless rifles. Bandits were reported

to be operating along the road.'^° Fragmentary

Orders 9 through 14, issued between 19 and 24

December, assigned considerable force to the

operation. U.S. Air Force engineers were ordered

to provide support in inspecting and repairing the

runway if necessary. Army forces would provide

convoy security and establish a forward arming

and refueling point at the airfield. MarFor would

give helicopter, engineer, and medical evacuation

support as necessary. Navy Forces Somalia would

provide fixed-wing close air support. With the

Italian forces still arriving, the date for the opera-

tion was changed from 26 to 27 December.

By the 26th, the Italian forces were assembling

at the port. Two companies of the Folgore

Brigade, with headquarters, reconnaissance

group, and mortar and antiarmor gun sections

bivouacked in a warehouse, while motor transport

and armored personnel carriers were assembled.

A convoy of relief trucks also staged at the port,

loading grain that had just arrived on a cargo ship.

That same day, a section of U.S. Army vehicles

and a platoon of U.S. Army military police

mounted in hardened humvees armed with auto-

matic grenade launchers also entered the port and

joined up with the Italian forces.

The operation began in the early morning of 27

December. The convoy left the port area and

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

Italian forces enter the town of Gialalassi on ttieir way to secure the nearby airfield. One of the more flexible units

of the Italian military, the Folgore Brigade could operate by means of airdrops or as a light infantry brigade.

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48 Restoring Hope in Somalia


PvtAndrew Schnaubelt, USA, of the 2d Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, takes a covering position on the airfield at

Belet Weyne, as a Canadian C-130 Hercules cargo plane from Canadian Forces Base, Petawawa, Ontario, lands.

headed north on one of the few hard-surfaced

roads. This was the old ''Strada Imperiale or

Imperial Way, built by the Italians during the

1930s. As the task force left the city, the light of

dawn revealed a verdant countryside where the

road paralleled the Shebelle. Armed sentries

guarded large tracts of sorghum and other crops.

Helicopter gunships would occasionally fly low

over the length of the convoy. Interesting histori-

cal monuments were located every 10 kilometers

along the roadside; these were markers of stone,

bearing the Fascist insignia and noting the dis-

tance from the city. The condition of the road was

as bad as had been reported. Years of neglect and

battle damage from the civil war had taken their

toll. The road was frequently cratered from

artillery rounds, and in some places the paved sur-

face was entirely gone for long stretches. The

convoy, already slowed by the presence of the

relief trucks, frequently had to drive through rut-

ted tracks on the side of the road. Speeds averaged

only about 10 kilometers per hour. By 1800, the

assault forces in armored personnel carriers and

trucks entered the town. Crowds of waving,

singing and smiling people greeted the remainder

of the convoy. The Italian forces proceeded on to

the airfield, setting security around it for the night

with the convoy in the center, close to the landing

strip. The next day, they set up platoon-sized

defensive positions around the town and oversaw

the unloading of the grain supplies at the distribu-

tion center.'^'

The last of the originally planned relief sectors

to be secured was Belet Weyne. Planning for this

operation had initially called for Army Forces

Somalia to have the responsibility for the mis-

sion.'^2 During this time, the Army troop build-up

was continuing. Major General Steven L. Arnold,

commanding general of Army Forces Somalia,

arrived on 22 December. At the same time, the

Canadian forces were also preparing to enter the

theater in large numbers. Fragmentary Order 14,

issued on 23 December, placed the Canadian

forces under the tactical control of Army Forces

Somalia for the operation. Upon release from tac-

tical control, the Canadians would assume respon-

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Coming Ashore 49

sibility for the entire sector. The date for the oper-

ation was set for 28 December.

The city of Belet Weyne is 320 kilometers

north of Mogadishu, and only 32 kilometers from

the Ethiopian border. It also is situated closest of

all the relief sectors in the northern portion of

Somalia, which were outside UNITAF's area of

operations. For these reasons, a U.S. Special

Operations Forces team would also be a part of

the operation. They would patrol along the bound-

ary to keep the competing factions apart. '^^ In

staff meetings, the city was described as flat and

situated on the Shebelle River, which was the only

obstacle in the area. There were two bridges in

town and one C-130 capable airfield. There was

only one road into the city, but it was assessed as

good for handling traffic. The Hawadle clan con-

trolled the city with a small security forcearmed

with some crew-served weapons and antiaircraft


General Arnold gave command of the opera-

tion to the 2d Brigade (Commando Brigade) of

the 10th Mountain Division. The task force would

be composed of the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry,

and a battalion of the Canadian Airborne

Regiment Battle Group. The plan was to seize the

airfield with an air assault. On the 28th, the Army

flew the assault units on board Sikorsky UH 60A

 Blackhawk helicopters, while MarFor provided

additional support with four helicopters. Almost

immediately following the securing of the air-

field, Canadian C-130 aircraft began to land,

bringing additional troops and vehicles. In less

than two days, about 1,000 soldiers had been

brought to Belet Weyne. On 30 December, the

Canadians assumed sole responsibility for the

relief sector. The contingent from Army Forces

Somalia departed for Bale Dogle, to prepare for

another mission. '^^

The successful completion of the Belet Weyne

operation on 28 December marked the end of the

second phase of Operation Restore Hope.'^^ The

purpose of this phase had been to secure the

remaining five objectives as points from which to

provide security throughout the area of operations

to allow the unimpeded distribution of relief sup-

plies. This was four to six weeks ahead of sched-

ule, reflective of the amount of fast paced work

accomplishedby UNITAF and component


planners, and in execution by the multinational

forces involved. It also was indicative of the flex-

ibility of the command in the ability to prepare

each operation even as forces were arriving in the-

ater. Logistics challenges were daunting and

required close monitoring of the time-phased

force deployment data, but it worked.

There was to be no letup in tempo and no time

for self-congratulation. As soon as the 2d

Battalion, 87th Infantry, arrived back in Bale

Dogle, they were tasked with an additional mis-

sion: to secure the port of Merka, located about 70

kilometers southwest of Mogadishu. It was a

DVIC DD-SD-00-00793

On 31 December 1992, soldiers of the 2d Brigade, Wtli Mountain Division, jump from a UH-60 Blacl<liawl< fielicop-

ter in an air assault to take control of the airfield at l\Aerka.

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50 Restoring Hope in Somalia

place where a corrupt mayor was acting in concert

with local bandits to prevent relief supplies from

getting to the humanitarian relief organizations

for distribution to outlying towns. The relief

organizations in the city had not received any sup-

plies for six months. For these reasons, and also to

secure another port, Merka was added to

UNITAF's objectives and an operation to secure it

was planned.'^'

The original plan called for an amphibious

operation, using the San Marco Battalion of the

Italian forces. The date was set for 27 December.

Unfortunately, the only good landing beaches

were 22 kilometers south of the city. Those near

the city were unsuitable, with a berm at the high-

tide mark and rocky ledges on both flanks.'^^ The

lack of adequate landing beaches close to the

objective caused a change in the initial concept ofoperations. By 28 December, Fragmentary Order

19 directed the Italian forces to place the San

Marco Battalion under the tactical control of

Army Forces Somalia for the operation, which

was scheduled for the 31st. The operation would

be a combined ground and air assault with the

Italian forces proceeding in trucks while U.S.

Army forces seized the airfield. The road leading

to the city was described as poor and very dusty

with a possible travel time of four to six hours. In

addition, there were at least five bandit-run check-

points on the road, each generally watched by one

man armed with an AK-47 rifle; machine gun

positions were also reported on the town mosque

and along the road.'^^

Control of the operation was again given to the

10th Mountain Division's 2d Brigade. The multi-

national task force was composed of one compa-

ny of the San Marco Battalion attached to the 2d

Battalion, 87th Infantry. Supported by the 10th

Mountain Division's organic 10th Aviation

Brigade, the American soldiers conducted an air

assault to secure the airfield, and then immediate-ly secured the port. They then linked up with the

Italian forces that were proceeding overland

escorting a convoy of relief supplies. The

American soldiers and the Italians escorted the

convoy to the outlying town of Qoryooley, the site

of a refugee camp where the food was needed.' ^^

Thus, by the end of the year, and barely within

three weeks of the initial landings, all the human-

itarian relief sectors had been secured by the

coalition forces. Convoys were running smoothly,

but there was already a need to improve commu-

nications between all the major cities. One answer

to this was the establishment of an intra-theater

flight schedule. Another was to establish a road

network throughout the theater that could provide

for quicker movement of convoys bearing sup-

plies and troops. UNITAF Fragmentary Order 9,

issued on 19 December, set up a network of nine

main supply routes connecting the sectors. Each

was named for a different color. Subsequent

orders tasked particular forces with the inspec-

tion, clearance and repair of the roads. Of special

concern were landmines that were so often

encountered, thousands had been laid throughout

the country, and now they had to be found and

removed from the roads.

The UNITAF structure was largely in place at

the end of the second phase. Its rapid success was

undoubtedly assisted by two factors. The first was

the heavy reliance on psychological operations

that General Johnston had emphasized in his ini-

tial orders. The visits by Ambassador Oakley, the

use of radio broadcasts, leaflet drops, and the pub-

lication of a Somali-language newspaper all kept

the populace informed of what was happening and

why. The second factor was the quiet reaction of

Somali clan-based factions. While all claimed to

welcome the arrival of UNITAF, the coalition

forces' presence inserted an unknown quantity

into their political and military calculations. There

was some testing of UNITAF resolve in the early

days, but those incidents were quickly and deci-

sively resolved. The rules of engagement allowed

for protection of the coalition forces, and Somali

faction leaders would be presented with an unac-

ceptable loss of men, arms, and prestige if they

provoked UNITAF security elements. Such les-

sons kept the Somali leadership relatively quiet

and receptive to the requests of UNITAF.

As the third phase of the operation began, it

was recognized there was still

muchwork to be

done, and many more important decisions had to

be made. In this phase, the operations were to

expand the security of the interior of the country

through the use of convoy security and the cre-

ation of additional distribution sites. This phase

would set the stage for the delicate hand-off to the

United Nations force, generally Icnow as UNO-

SOM. As with a relay race, the smooth passing of

the baton is critical to success, and this is no less

true in military operations other than war. The

UNITAF staff wanted to ensure the baton was

passed without difficulty.

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chapter 5

Politics, Peace Talks, and Police

Military-Political Cooperation

The military aspects of the operation were pro-

ceeding smoothly by the end of December 1992.

The long hours of planning, bringing together a

staff, and forming the coalition were producing

rapid success. But there were considerations that

went beyond occupying and controlling territory.

There were times when military commanders, as

well as the Marines and soldiers in the field, had

to act as diplomatists, negotiators, and statesmen.

 I suppose if there is a blueprint for how the diplo-

matic and political side should work with the mil-

itary on an operation like this, it was perfect,

noted Lieutenant General Robert B. Johnston.

 We recognized very early that this was a very,

very complex environment.

Carl von Clausewitz, a 17th century Prussian

soldier and philosopher, defined war as  merely a

continuation of policy by other means. While

Operation Restore Hope was not truly a war, as

Clausewitz understood it, his maxim was

nonetheless true. Even in this operation other thanwar, the commanding general and his staff offi-

cers had to keep in mind that  the political object

is the goal ... and means can never be considered

in isolation from their purpose. ''*^ Matching mil-

itary means to political objectives drove much of

what the coalition did and how it continued to

structure itself. Brigadier General Anthony C.

Zinni, the operations officer, summed this up in an

interview:  Operations such as this become less

clear as far as military objectives. They become

more politically driven. The humanitarian needs

force the military to work differently. Terms must

change to suit the mission; military terms will not

work. Marines quickly and clearly moved to the

humanitarian side. The key to the operation is the

people; we must respond to their hope. ' *^

American Ambassador Robert B. Oakley rec-

ognized at the start that one of his greatest respon-

sibilities would be to assist the military com-

manders with the myriad political issues this oper-

ation brought. Accordingly, he and General

Johnston established a coordinating committee in

which they met daily or more frequently as neces-

sary. General Johnston saw the committee's role

was  to tie the diplomatic-political considerations

with our military power, which allows us to pres-

sure the factions to ... decrease violence. '''^ The

two sides of the committee got along very well,

with their mutual work seeming to progress from

a quick understanding of each other's needs.  We

simply ... didn't sit down and say 'here is our joint

strategy.' It just seemed like I knew when I was

going to do something militarily that I needed

diplomatic support. He [Ambassador Oakley]

seemed to have the instincts of knowing whatneeded to be done up front. We talked a lot and

that was the important thing. It was a very coop-

erative effort, helped a great deal by Mr. John

Hirsch, who was my political advisor, and de

DVIC DD-SD-00-00755

LtGen Robert B. Johnston, commander of the joint task

force, stands on the tarmac of Mogadishu airport with

Ambassador Robert B. Oakley.

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52 Restoring Hope in Somalia

facto he became Ambassador Oakley's DCM[deputy chief of mission]. ''*^ Another important

task for the committee was to present a clear mes-

sage to the factions by ensuring the coalition

spoke with one voice. ''*^ The faction leaders

would take advantage of any confusion in aims or


The two sides of the committee brought dual

pressures against the factions. Diplomatic initia-

tives were begun to get the sides talking to resolve

their differences, while the military might of the

Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF) made the

Somali factions take these steps seriously. To

reduce the violence and bring the nation together,

a series of reconciliation talks were scheduled in

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was hoped these talks,

held on neutral ground, would instill the faction

leaders with a senseof

responsibility forthe

future of their country. Only those who were will-

ing to put down their arms and control their fol-

lowers would take part in these talks; those who

did not would have neither voice in the talks nor a

place in the Somalia to come. As Ambassador

Oakley later said about General Morgan:  My

officers and UNITAF officers have met with him

on several occasions and told him that the way

Somalia is going today, the way to get into the ...

future is not by using the gun. As a matter of fact,

those who persist in taking the political power [by

force] are losing out in the political future of

Somalia. Nothing bars him from participating in

the peace process except his own behavior. ''*^

Getting the faction leaders to accept their respon-

sibilities and to give up their weapons would take

a deliberate plan and a lot of coercion. Ultimately,

there was a long and logical process of thought

and action by which all of these ends were to be

accomplished. It involved the issue of disarma-

ment; defining the secure environment required

by the mission; the use of overwhelming force

when necessary; the assistance to the humanitari-

an organizations; the furtherance of the peace

process among the faction leaders; and the

rebuilding of Somali civil institutions. Each of

these was a thread in a tapestry of peacemaking.

Weapons Control and the use ofForce

One of the first points that had to be settled was

the issue of disarmament. As explained earlier,

disarmament of Somalia was neither a specified

part of the mission nor an implied task. However,

something had to be done to reduce the number of

arms. The program decided on was one of

weapons collection or weapons control rather than

total disarmament.* Of course, from the point of

security, there were so many weapons in

Mogadishu and elsewhere that their very presence

posed a threat. General Johnston turned his atten-

tion to this matter immediately on his arrival.  Atthat point [11 December] we were trying to reduce

any threat to the U.S. forces. My primary mission

was security of the force ... and clearly, it was

required to disarm those elements that would

directly threaten our forces; i.e., the 'technicals'

that were in Mogadishu or Baidoa or Bardera or

anywhere on the road map. ^' In a meeting with

Ambassador Oakley, the start of the weapons con-

trol program was laid out.  There were so-called

technicals in almost every block and this was

obviously a serious threat to the Somali people. It

is a significant threat to our forces and it symbol-

izes the power of the warlords, both military and

political, in the eyes of the Somali people. Wedecided the number one objective was to get these

dangerous things out of town and at the first meet-

ing between [General Mohamed Farah Hassan]

Aideed and Ali Mahdi [Mohamed] that took place

here with General Johnston and myself present we

got them to agree and to issue a public statement

that they would remove their heavy weapons from

Mogadishu. ' *^ By 22 December, reports at staff

meetings noted the turn-in of technicals and heavyweapons was proceeding well; Aideed had

already moved his, and Ali Mahdi was in the

process of moving his to a site east of the city. The

actual cantonment of all these weapons took many

days to complete, but was undoubtedly hurried by

the knowledge that coalition forces would consid-

er the weapons fair game.' ^^

This initial agreement by the two major faction

leaders was used by UNITAF as the lever to get

all heavy weapons and technicals in the country

out of circulation. The initial ceasefire agreement,

* The correctness and efficacy of this decision for control as

opposed to disarmament is made in Somalia Operations:

Lessons Learned by Colonel Kenneth Allard, published by

the National Defense University Press in January 1995. In

discussing UNITAF and its successor, UNOSOM II, Colonel

Allard states:  There is a basic conceptual difference

between arms control and disarmament. Removing or limit-

ing the major weapons of an inferior or defeated military

force can be thought of as a form of arms control, but to com-

mit military forces to the mission of forcibly disarming a

populace is to commit those forces to a combat situation that

may thereafter involve them as an active belligerent.

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signed by all faction leaders in early January,

specified these weapons would be voluntarily

impounded in cantonments.'^ The owning faction

would identify these cantonments for UNITAF so

movement of weapons into or out of them could

be monitored. These were known as authorized

weapons storage sites. There was a noticeable ini-

tial reluctance by some elements, especially

Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess and Mohamed Said

Hirsi, known as General Morgan, in Kismayo, to

participate. Eventually, even they complied,

spurred on by pressure applied by Belgian para-

troopers and American soldiers in the city. These

coalition forces in Task Force Kismayo confiscat-

ed several technicals, demonstrating the serious

intent and strong resolve of UNITAF.'^'

The actions against the heavy weapons and

technicals soon noticeably decreased their num-bers.* There was still, however, a large number of

small arms available in the country that had to be

controlled. Again, there were no simple solutions

to the issue. The sheer volume of weapons made

total disarmament impossible. There also were

some legitimate organizations that needed to be

able to protect themselves. In many towns and vil-

lages, local militias were formed for the protec-

tion of the populace from bandits. To disarm these

groups would leave them prey to the lawless ele-

ments or rival factions. Also, as General Johnston

recognized, disarming them would convey the

erroneous assumption that UNITAF would pick

up the burden of their security.'^^ He emphasized

this point to his commanders in a meeting on 5

January, when Canadian forces in Belet Weyne

voiced concern about taking weapons from a valid

militia brigade. General Johnston responded there

was no intent to disarm legitimate militias. The

weapons should be inventoried and local com-

manders should work with the militias, but

UNITAF could not undertake the full security

responsibility for the relief sectors.


Similarly, the various relief organizations had

armed guards for the protection of their personnel

or work sites. These were often moonlighting sol-

diers of one of the factions, which presented a

source of extra income for the faction leaders.

Simply disarming these guards posed several

problems. First of all, to take away their rifles and

machine guns and dismiss them would cause

relief personnel to be uneasy, as they could

become targets of their former guards.* Second,

the relief organizations did have legitimate securi-

ty requirements in their work places and while

traveling. Finally, as with the local militias,

UNITAF did not have the resources to take up this

large security mission, not withstanding the polit-

ical pressure to protect these organizations.'^'***

The question of small arms thus came down to

authorized versus unauthorized weapons. General

Johnston recognized that with the elimination of

the technicals and other heavy weapons, relief

organizations' security personnel did not have to

possess heavy machine guns or similar armament.

Rifles, such as the ubiquitous AK-47s, would now

be adequate protection against the bandits, but

would not give the guards so much firepower theywould become a threat to others.

A system of identity cards was developed. '^^

These were permits to carry firearms. Their pur-

pose was to ensure that only those who were

employed as guards could openly carry such

weapons. The cards would be issued to the relief

organizations, not to the Somalis who were in

their employ. The card system went into effect on

8 January 1993.

The first cards were colored pink, with no pro-

vision for photographs. This led to attempts to cir-

cumvent the system by some Somalis. A second

set of blue cards, with photographs, was put into

place by late February. These cards provided

greater access for the Somalis for whom they

were issued, but there were still some problems.

Soldiers or Marines who interpreted the rules too

stringently sometimes still confiscated weapons

from legitimate guards, much to the discomfort of

the relief staff and their guards. In April, UNITAF

addressed this problem by issuing a card to all

coalition troops that explained the weapons con-

fiscation policy and the identification card sys-


The most effective instrument to get the faction

leaders to cooperate with UNITAF 's demands was

* This was especially true in Mogadishu. There continued to

be reports, however, that technicals had been sent to outlying

districts, where they were out of sight but ready for use as


* During the course of the operation there were instances of

members of humanitarian relief organizations being wound-

ed or killed by guards over disagreements about employment

or pay.

** UNITAF provided security to food convoys, coordinating

such work with relief organizations. These actionswere

within UNITAF's explicit mission.

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54 Restoring Hope in Somalia

the willingness to use force when necessary. From

the earliest days of the operation, the coalition

partners demonstrated they would meet any

aggression or threat with an overwhelming

response. UNITAF controlled the skies and the

seas along the coast, and the patrols and convoys

of its Marines and soldiers demonstrated a strong

and professional presence. Coalition leaders were

therefore taken seriously, and if a local coalition

commander said he would take a certain action, he

was believed. This credibility allowed General

Johnston to implement the policy of arms control

in a more gradual way than might have been oth-

erwise possible; as he later stated:  We have

incrementally ratcheted up what we've been

removing to get every weapon off the streets. To

try to take them all right away was unrealistic. We

could have imposed this militarily, but it wouldhave impaired the important role of getting the

Somali people to take charge of their own sys-

tem. ' Ambassador Oakley also saw the advan-

tages of this system of credibility through

strength:  We've been remarkably successful

because we come from a position of force. It's an

area [in] which you have to figure what, in our

judgment is fair, and then tell them ... what they

should do. If you negotiate, you quite frequently

find yourself ending up at a disadvantage because

they're very good at negotiations, twisting it

around different ways. '^^

The diplomatic negotiations and the reduction

of weapons on the streets began to make Somalia

relatively safer, but there was a need to be able to

say just how much more secure the country actu-

ally was. Nearly every Marine serving with

UNITAF had also served in Operation Desert

Storm: the same was true for many of the

American soldiers, sailors, and airmen, and some

of the other coalition troops. A concept that had

become familiar during that earlier conflict was

the definition of the end state. The internal exam-

ination that had occurred in the American armed

forces during the 1980s reinforced the idea that

commanders had to know how an operation

should come to its conclusion and what the result-

ing dynamic between the opponents should be

like. The Marine Corps' FMFM 1-1,

Campaigning, published in 1989, defined the end

state as  the military conditions we must realize in

order to reach that destination, those necessary

conditions which we expect by their existence

will provide us our established aim. It also stat-

ed:  in the main, the more general the conflict, the

more predominant are the military factors, and the

easier it is to translate aims into military terms.

But the more limited the aims of conflict, the less

predominantly military is the conduct of the war,

and the more difficult it is to translate those aims

into military conditions. UNITAF was engaged

in one of these limited operations, with all of the

uncertainty that could entail.

The need to define this end state was recog-

nized from the earliest days. If the mission was to

produce a secure environment, how could that be

measured? In the original Joint Task Force

Somalia operation order, issued 6 December, the

commander's intent stated:  The end state desired

is to create an environment in which the U.N. and

[nongovernmental organizations] can assume full

responsibility for the security and operation of the

Somali humanitarian relief efforts. As military

forces spread throughout the area of operations,

UNITAF planners sought a quantifiable definition

of security. General Johnston saw the definition

and refinement of the end state as an implied task,

although a difficult one. As he said:  [We] now

need a precise measure for success; how do you

know when a secure environment is established?

[We] need an objective measure.  '^^ By Christmas

Day, the UNITAF staff was still searching for this

precise measurement of security, recognizing that

reducing the number of technicals and other arms

was certainly a contributing factor.'^°

Discussion of the secure environment turned to

an appreciation of the relativity of the term. Some

members of the staff noted there were cities in the

United States that had problems with violent

crime. Did that mean they were not secure? At

what point was violence at an acceptable level?

When was any place secure for its citizens?

Taking that line of thought, could Mogadishu be

considered secure if its level of violent crime met

that of a major American city, such as Detroit?

Interesting as these discussions were, they led to

the recognition that the problem in Mogadishu

and throughout Somalia was unique in being

twofold. Here, violence was brought to the people

by both the warring factions and by renegade

criminal elements. The first could be controlled,

because it was organized and its leaders had their

own political goals that could be addressed. The

other was a problem of the greater society, and

while that problem might be reduced, it would

always exist. Ultimately, then, the end state ofestablishing the secure environment would be

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Representatives of the Magadishu clan leaders dismantle a roadblock along the  Green Line,   the border that sep-

arated both the city's north and south sections and members of opposing clans.

reached with the end of organized, as opposed to

criminal, violence.'^'

By 7 January 1993, UNITAF planners, led by

Colonel Peter A. Dotto, had developed a transition

matrix, which included indicators of the stability

of relief sectors. This matrix was presented to the

commanders and published in a letter of instruc-

tion on the 15th. The indicators included quantifi-

able criteria in five categories. These were resist-

ance, humanitarian relief, infrastructure, popu-

lace, and transition actions. The objective criteria

included such concepts as the numbers of techni-

cals and crew-served weapons in the sector; the

numbers of roadblocks encountered and the visi-

bility of weapons; breaches of agreements and

actions against UNITAF; conditions of airfields,

ports, and main supply routes; the establishment

of local councils and civil-military coordination

teams; food shortages and numbers of unescorted

convoys; and the state of security for relief ware-

houses. With each sector commander reporting on

these indicators each week, UNITAF could take

an objective view of how its actions were aiding

the accomplishment of the mission.'^^

Reconciliation Conferences

The weapons control policies and the actions of

the commanders in the relief sectors were some of

the building blocks to secure the environment.

The series of peace conferences was another. The

United Nations sponsored these with the support

of UNITAF leaders. If the faction leaders could be

kept talking to each other, with a purpose of

reconstructing their nation, they would be less

inclined to fight each other. Of course, such a plan

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56 Restoring Hope in Somalia

presupposed the willingness of these leaders to

accept the diminution of their power to secure the

common good. Such a proposition was tenuous at

best, as events eventually showed. Nevertheless,

the talks were necessary and proper if peaceful

progress was to be made.

Only two days after the arrival of UNITAFheadquarters. General Johnston and Ambassador

Oakley had already begun a first round of talks

and achieved some agreements among the faction

leaders. At that time, General Aideed and Ali

Mahdi  met face to face for the first time, and

reached an agreement to respect the ceasefire to

which they had agreed earlier in the year, and to

remove their heavy weapons from the streets of

Mogadishu. '^^ Two weeks later, in a dramatic

and well-publicized event, these two leaders met

along the  Green Line that divided the city intofactional areas, pledging,  on this occasion the

abolition of the artificial demarcation lines in the

city that resulted from the civil war will be

declared. '^'*

To help with these kinds of issues, and to pre-

pare for the more formal talks that would come

later at Addis Ababa, Ambassador Oakley and the

UNITAF staff formed two committees. The first

was strictly political. It was headed by Ambas-

sador Oakley himself, and was intended to bring

the faction leaders together so they could go over

their differences point by point. In this manner,

they moved incrementally along toward a peace-

ful political resolution. The second committee

was for security. It was essentially a military-to-

military organization headed by General Zinni,

the UNITAF operations officer. Its members

included the leaders of the factional militias.

General Zinni described the committee's work:

 We worked security issues and concerns. ... Wetried to prevent problems and confrontations. It

was our way of issuing ultimatums and that sort of

thing. It was a good forum for military-to-military

kinds of issues. We were working toward a cease

fire, disarmament, cantonment of weapons, all

that kind of thing ... and laying the ground work

for a bigger discussion. '^^

The bigger discussion was a series of national

reconciliation talks. On 11 December 1992, the

Secretary General of the United Nations, Boutros

Boutros-Ghali, formally invited 11 political fac-

tion leaders to  participate in an informal prepara-

tory meeting for a conference of national recon-

ciliation and unity in Somalia. This preparatory

meeting, which I will personally chair, will be

held at the headquarters of the United Nations

Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa

on 4 January 1993. '^^ * Also invited were repre-

sentatives of the Organization of African Unity,

the League ofArab States, the Organization of the

Islamic Conference, and the Standing Committee

of the Countries of the Horn of Africa. Membersof UNITAF and United Nations Organization

Somalia (UNOSOM I) also attended. The setting

in the capitol of Ethiopia was a good choice for

two reasons. First, it was close enough that partic-

ipants could travel there quickly with UNITAF

and UNOSOM support. Also, Ethiopia had just

come out of its own civil war, and its president,

Meles Zenawi, was an advocate of the peace

process. The talks would receive his strong sup-


Three additional factions eventually joinedthese first rounds of talks.** Although intelligence

assessments indicated not all faction leaders were

enthusiastic about the talks, none wanted to be left

out. This was especially true of Aideed, who was

at first reluctant to attend because of a mistrust of

the United Nations and Boutros-Ghali, but he

eventually realized the only way to further his

own aims and protect his political agenda was by

taking part in the discussions.*** Perhaps because

of mutual jealousy and mistrust, and perhaps part-

ly from a desire by each faction to not be seen as

the spoiler of national unity, surprising progress

was made at these initial talks. Another factor was

* The original invitees were Mohamed Farah Abdullahi of

the Somali Democratic Alliance; Mohamed Qanyare Afrah

of the United Somali Congress; Abdurahman Dualeh Ali of

the United Somali Front; General Mohamed Farah Aideed of

the Somali National Alliance; Haji Mahmoud Barbar of the

Somali Democratic Movement; Mahmud Khalif-Shire of the

Somali National Front; Haji Aden Hussein Mohamed of the

Somali Africans Muki Organization; General Mohamed

Abshir Musse of the Somali Salvation Democratic Front;General Aden Abdillahi Noor of the Somali Patriotic

Movement; Ibrahim Meigag Samatar of the Somali National

Movement; and Abdi Dahir Warsame of the United Somali


** These were Ali Ismael Abdi of the Somali National

Democratic Union; Mohamed Ragis Mohamed of the Somali

National Union; and Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess of the

Somali Patriotic Movement.

*** Boutros-Ghali worked under a triple suspicion in the

eyes of General Aideed; he was not only the Secretary

General of the United Nations, he also was Egyptian and aCoptic Christian.

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Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

Col Peter Dotto, UNITAF operations future plans officer, along the Green Line in Mongadishu during a route recon-

naissance for a food convoy.

American determination.  Most Somali factions

appeared ready to take the disarmament process

seriously, in large part because they understood

the U.S. expectation that the process would move

forward. At General Johnston's insistence, the

U.N. organized and convened early February fol-

low-up meetings in Mogadishu with representa-tives of all the factions, who were asked to identi-

fy specific cantonment and transition sites and to

establish a time table for implementation. '^''

Between 8 and 15 January 1993 all participants

signed three sets of agreements. These were

broad, far-reaching, and significant. The first set

called for  an immediate and binding ceasefire in

all parts of the country under the control of the

concerned warring factions; for  the immediate

cessation of all hostile propaganda against each

other; for  cooperation with all international

organizations working inside and outside Somalia

to distribute humanitarian relief; and for  the

free movement of Somali people throughout the

entire country as a measure of confidence-build-

ing. Of equal importance was the call for a

national reconciliation conference to be held in

Addis Ababa on 15 March. The second set, signed

on 15 January, provided specific agreements ondisarmament. First, all heavy weapons under the

control of the political factions were to be handed

over to a ceasefire-monitoring group. The militias

of the factions were themselves to be encamped in

areas outside the cities and towns where they

would not threaten the peace. There they would be

disarmed, and with the help of the international

community they would be retrained in civilian

skills in preparation for demobilization. The

ceasefire-monitoring group would be comprised

of troops from UNITAF and UNOSOM and

would have a committee made up of representa-

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58 Restoring Hope in Somalia

tives of all the warring factions. Finally, in a sep-

arate agreement, the factions agreed to establish

an ad hoc committee to prepare for the conference

in March. '^^

There were some issues in these agreements

that would have a tremendous impact on

UNITAF. The ceasefire was not the first one the

factions had agreed to; but it was the first in which

they had voluntarily agreed to disarm and demo-

bilize.'^^ This was a large task to which UNITAF

and the United Nations were now committed as

members of the ceasefire-monitoring group. The

only United Nations presence in Somalia was the

500-man Pakistani brigade, so the work of prepar-

ing the plans for cantonment and encampment and

monitoring the factions' activities fell primarily to

the UNITAF staff. Colonel Dotto explained

UNITAF's participation in the planning:  General

Johnston told Brigadier General Imtiaz Shaheen

[the commander of the UNOSOM I force, the

Pakistani brigade] that he would provide his plan-

ning cell, [that is] us, future plans, and we'd help

him in any way to come up at least with a plan to

go back to the U.N. with. ''''' As General Zinni

said:  Probably the vast majority of the work in

this area is done by our staff since it was much

more robust. ' The future plans section of

Colonel Dotto 's operations unit formed a cell

composed of four UNITAF planners, plus five or

six liaison officers from coalition countries and

two planners from UNOSOM. The cell was aug-

mented by the arrival of Colonel Mark Hamilton,

USA, and Ms. Katie Sullivan, a political officer,

both of whom had just come from El Salvador,

where a similar peace process had occurred.' ''^ In

an effort to further the progress of the talks.

General Johnston and General Shaheen issued a

joint letter to all of the signees of the accords of 8

January. The letter called upon them to  begin the

disarmament process. ... [W]e request that you

provide the commanders ofUNOSOM/UNITAF a

detailed list of all weapons heavy and light, under

the control of your political movements. ...

Additionally, to begin the plarming for transition

of armed combatants to Somalian society, we

request the general geographic locations and num-

bers of all forces under your control. This letter

was issued on 8 February, and the information

was requested by the 15th.'''^

The problem now faced by UNITAF was to

determine how much of this work was within its

proper sphere.  We were asked if we could partic-

ipate in the disarmament process and we felt that

our participation could only be limited to conduct

of tasks that were within our mission statement

and our mission constraints or parameters, and

also within our area of operations. If cantoning

weapons, if supporting transition sites, if picking

up weapons, if all these sorts of things happened

in our area and happened so that they coincided

with our current mission we would be glad to

accommodate within the system in doing

them. '^'' UNITAF would not be monitoring the

ceasefire. That task would remain a mission of the

United Nations, for which it would have to come

in quickly to take advantage of the cooperative

attitude evident at that time.'^^ As General Zinni

said in March, there was a window of opportunity

for the United Nations that they could not afford

to lose, but getting the U.N. to act with resolution


was anissue that

wouldconfront the

UNITAF staff until May.'^^

The Addis Ababa talks needed more than a

good sense of timing if they were to succeed.

National reconciliation, like a fragile flower,

required the careful nurturing of trust if it was to

bloom. The United Nations would have to ensure

that trust among all players and be an impartial

moderator itself. In the end, this was a major

stumbling block.

Somali Police Forces

While national reconciliation among the

numerous factions received great attention, the

rebuilding of national structures was also impor-

tant. Within a month of the initial landings,

UNITAF encouraged the rebuilding of the Somali

police force. Before the civil war, the Somali

police were a respected national force of 40,000

men and women. '^' Since they were not aligned

with any clan, they also were trusted to be impar-

tial. But the police had left their posts with the

anarchy that came with the civil war and the rise

of bandits who were often better armed than the

police. A few did stay on at their precinct houses,

usually to try to protect the property itself, but

they performed no real police duties except in the

immediate area. Faction comrades usually liberat-

ed apprehended criminals from the Mogadishu


The arrival of UNITAF provided these officers

a chance to regain their positions and once again

to serve a meaningful purpose. There was as yet

no government to back them, or even to pay them,but the interest and desire to serve were still evi-

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Photo courtesy of the author

Two Somali policemen, wearing their old uniforms, vol-

untarily returned to their posts to provide security at the

airport in Kismayo.

dent. General Johnston used one telling example

to illustrate this point.  Early in the game, this old,

gray-haired policeman showed up. ... He was

asked, 'Who do you work for?' because we knew

there was no government, no police force, nothing

in uniform. 'I'm working for the government.'

'There is no government.' 'Well, then I must be

working for the people.' So you could see some

spontaneous interest on the part of the Somalis, oftrying to get hold of their own city again.


* In travels throughout the area of operations, the author also

noticed the emergence of the police. The first time was on a

trip to Kismayo in early January where two Somali police-

men were on duty at the airport. The men were working

without official sanction but were highly visible in their

khaki uniforms with blue berets and silver badges. When

Army officers at Kismayo were asked about them, no one

could say much. They had simply shown up and kept away

the crowds of curious and especially kept an eye on the ado-lescent boys to ensure they did not cause trouble.

But it was more than just individual policemen

who wanted to resurrect the police force. The

security committee that worked closely with

General Johnston and Ambassador Oakley also

saw an opportunity to establish a police force with

its former reputation as an impartial agency.  The

defined Security Committee ... came to see meand said the day after the first Marine had been

killed [13 January 1993], 'We want to assume

responsibilities for our own security. You are all

doing things in the city that we should be doing

and we'd like to help.' I said 'What kind?'  He

said 'We want some material assistance, but we

want assistance in fending off the political and

clan influences that would try to turn such a force

into their [instrument] rather than something that

is relatively independent and national.' '^

This particular interest of some Somalis coin-

cided with the interest of the leaders of UNITAF

in the creation of a structure by which the Somalis

could start to reclaim responsibility for their own

security. The recreation of a police force would

make it easier for UNITAF to accomplish its over-

all security mission and prepare for the hand-off

to the United Nations. Also, it would weaken the

faction leaders. As General Johnston said:  We

felt that [the recreation of a police force] was

healthy to the extent that you can get somebody

other than the warlords providing security, then

you enfeeble the warlords. ... It is as effective as

taking away their weapons, if there's another

authoritarian figure that the Somalis recog-

nize. '^' Of course, this effect would also assist

UNITAF by relieving the members of the coali-

tion forces of some duties.  We'd been around

long enough to know that if you have a Somali

who is a figure of authority, then he'll take care of

the rock-throwing kids better than a Marine with

a machinegun. '^^

There were, of course, problems in the recre-

ation of the Somali police that had to be addressed

and resolved before any work on the project could

begin. First, such an action was far beyond

UNITAF's mission. It clearly fell into the catego-

ry of nation building. This broad and vague term

covered several kinds of projects that could easily

become long-term and expensive measures more

properly performed by the United Nations.

However, it was recognized this project, so useful

to all parties involved with Operation Restore

Hope (UNITAF, United Nations, humanitarian

relief organizations, and Somali people) should be

actively supported and encouraged. In a staff

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60 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

An Italian soldier provides weapons training to a member of the Somali auxiliary security force in the Italian camp

at Balad.

meeting held on 1 February, General Johnston

described this as the  most important thing right

now, even more important than the reconstitution

of the government.  '^^

But how far could that support go? United

States law was very explicit about assistance to

foreign nations for the training and establishment

of police forces. Section 2420, Chapter 32 of the

United States Code,  Foreign Assistance;

Miscellaneous Provisions, states:  On and after

July 1, 1975, none of the funds made available to

carry out this chapter, and none of the local cur-

rencies generated under this chapter, shall be used

to provide training or advice, or provide anyfinancial support, for police, prisons, or other law

enforcement forces for any foreign government or

any program of national intelligence or surveil-

lance on behalf of any foreign government within

the United States or abroad. Even more specifi-

cally, the 1991 Appropriations Act prohibited a

foreign military financing program or internation-

al military education and training programs for

Somalia, among other countries.'^ ^

Even as the UNITAF staff and Ambassador

Oakley worked to define the basic structure of

support that could be provided under U.S. law.

contact was made with senior officers of the old

national police. The coalition's representative was

Lieutenant Colonel Stephen M. Spataro, USA,UNITAF's provost marshal. By 27 January 1993,

he had met six times with the subcommittee of 10,

an informal group of senior police officials, crim-

inal investigation division officers, and lawyers.*

At these meetings, the subcommittee presented

their views on the rebuilding of the police force;

its size, transportation and communications needs,

logistics requirements, and pay and food allot-

ments for the officers and their families. They also

took Lieutenant Colonel Spataro on a tour of all

Mogadishu police stations and the prison. From

them he learned about Somali police operating

procedures and the rules for the use of force.

Initially, the Somalis sought a national force of

6,000 to 7,000 men. Lieutenant Colonel Spataro

determined the national force was too difficult at

that time, but that a 3,000-man auxiliary security

force for Mogadishu was an appropriate and

workable start. He also noted their logistical

* A subcommittee of the Security Committee discussed ear-


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Politics, Peace Talks, and Police 61

request was bare bones, listing only 15 trucks, 42

hand-held radios, two uniforms per man (two pair

of trousers, two shirts, one pair of boots, one pair

of low-quarter shoes, two pair of socks, one pistol

belt, canteen, handcuffs, beret with rank insignia,

and nightstick) and small arms. Lieutenant

Colonel Spataro noted the old Somali police were

 armed more like soldiers with rifles and in fact

called their personnel soldiers, NCOs [noncom-

missioned officers] and officers. He determined

that  we need to change that. Rifle carrying per-

sonnel connote soldiers not police officers or aux-

iliary forces. Probably need to look at giving rifles

to selected and trained personnel for very specific

missions. ^^^

These meetings also provided information

about the judicial and prison systems. Two judges

were still working in Mogadishu, along with twoprosecutors. This rudimentary judicial system

took care of criminals unlucky enough to be

apprehended and actually brought to justice. They

were sent for incarceration in the prison by the

port, a facility described as  built around 1905-

1910, and is really in need of repair, however, it

was really kept well ... [and] operated very pro-

fessionally. ^^^

With needs and basic structures recognized,

UNITAF could now get down to practical assis-

tance. The new force would be called an auxiliarysecurity force, and senior Somalis would vet the

officers applying for positions. There were sever-

al criteria for appointment. Candidates must have

been a member of the old force for two years prior

to 26 January 1991, and would be reinstated at

their old rank. They had to be Somali nationals

and could not have been involved in any  tangible

offenses against ... Somali society. They also had

to be in good physical condition. Pay was a mat-

ter of some concern, and originally the new auxil-

iary force would be paid with food. This was more

practical than it might at first seem; in a land of

famine, it not only provided sustenance for the

police and their families, but they could sell or

barter any surplus to fill other needs.

There was an advantage to working with an

international coalition with respect to establishing

this auxiliary force. Foreign nations or organiza-

tions that did not have the same proscriptions as

the U.S. forces could provide what the Americans

could not. Thus, the United Nations provided

most of the funds for the program; the World Food

Program gave the food that was the initial pay; theItalians were among the most generous of the

DVIC DA-ST-96-01221

Two Somali military policemen man a roadside check-

point near Buurhakaba. The men are armed with a vari-

ation of the AK-47 and FAMAS rifles.

allies, providing uniforms, money, and training in

police duties. The Australians in Baidoa also

helped with training and created an excellent pro-

gram with support from their lawyers. In Oddur,

the French also participated by providing training.

The Americans provided advice to the auxiliary

security force through liaison officers. Very

specifically, there was no doubt about the limits of

American involvement with the force.  We're not

commanding the police. We have neither the

responsibility nor the authority to command and

control. '^''*

The work of Lieutenant Colonel Spataro and

UNITAF proceeded quickly. By 30 January 1993,

3,000 officers were ready to work at 14 stations

around the city. Pending the final decision to start

* General Johnston emphasized this in a staff meeting held

on 1 February 1993.  We are facilitating, assisting and advis-

ing. We cannot, by law, train a national police force; there-

fore, we have oversight, not control. We are fulfilling this

role in UNITAF because there is no one else to take it up.

(Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd lFeb93.)

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62 Restoring Hope in Somalia

the program, coalition engineers worked on

repairs to the stations and the auxiliary security

forces were uniformed, equipped, and trained. It

was initially expected they would begin their

duties by 14 February. These would be standard

police duties, such as would be found anywhere

else in the world. Their mission was to protect

lives and property and maintain public order. This

would be accomplished through basic law

enforcement, traffic and crowd control, neighbor-

hood patrols, and security at food distribution


By the first week in February, the new officers

were receiving refresher training in the use of

force and how to handle their batons. Their first

real test came when UNITAF and the humanitari-

an relief organizations implemented a mass-

feeding program, whereby food would be dis-

tributed at several sites throughout the city. The

auxiliary security force was needed to provide

crowd control and these officers performed well.

The program was successful and was soon feed-

ing up to a million people a week, a number that

could not have been reached without the police

presence. Neighborhood patrols started soon after

and were not without their own dangers; two

police officers were killed in the line of duty with-

in two weeks. '^^

By the end of February, UNITAF was making

great progress on several lines. The reconciliation

talks were taking place, the auxiliary security

force was coming back into existence in

Mogadishu, and weapons were being removed

from the streets. In the relief sectors, local

UNITAF commanders were also successfully pur-

suing their own missions.

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Chapter 6

Moving to the Third Phase

Settling In and Daily Work

As the members of Unified Task Force Somalia

(UNITAF) moved throughout the area of opera-

tions, they found themselves in a part of the world

that was at once foreign and exciting, forbidding

and enticing. Except for some of the French sol-

diers stationed in Djibouti or the members of the

contingents from the African countries, nearly

every one of the coalition's Marines, sailors, air-

men, and soldiers was a stranger tothis

part of theworld.* In spite of the harshness of the country,

many were attracted by this unfamiliar landscape.

When they traveled outside of Mogadishu,

what they saw in equatorial Africa seemed to

match the picture that existed in everyone's imag-

ination. Roads were often no more than tracks

across flat, barren terrain of dust and broken

stone. The beige colors of the land contrasted with

the deep blue of the sky, across which a few small,

stark, white clouds might wander.

The monotony of the landscape was broken byan occasional grove of scrub bushes, thorn trees,

and acacias. Some of these trees grew to a height

of about 25 feet and spread their branches wide,

providing shade for the passing herders or people

walking along the roads. Convoys frequently

passed herds of camels, cattle, or goats moving to

grazing lands or to market in some remote village.

Donkeys pulled two-wheeled carts laden with

firewood or drums of water. In the early morning

hours, women would be interspersed with the

pedestrian traffic, walking in small groups or bythemselves and carrying large jugs of water or

bundles of wood on their backs. Frequently they

would be encountered miles from the nearest vil-

lage, leaving one to wonder about where they

were coming from or going to.

* There were a few Marines who had been to Somalia before.

In the days of the Muhammad Siad Bane regime's ties to the

West, the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit participated in

Exercise Eastern Wind in August 1987 in the area of

Geesalay. Other Marines who served in Somalia included

those attached to the embassy or who performed security


The villages themselves were often small col-

lections of huts fashioned of upright poles stuck in

the ground and covered with daub. The roofs were

thatched, held in place with poles forming a sim-

ple dome. The huts might be round or square,

depending on the traditions of the resident clan. In

larger settlements, houses were bigger and more

elaborate, often constructed of stone and plastered

and painted in soft colors.

Where the roads drew close to one of the rivers,

farmlands were encountered, and the resultantgreen of growing crops was a relief to the eyes.

Large trees such as sycamores grew in these loca-

tions and gave welcome shade to the local inhab-


These areas were also the locations for larger

towns and cities. Here the buildings were of stone

or mud brick, plastered and whitewashed or paint-

ed in pastel colors. As in Mogadishu, two years of

civil war had relieved many of these structures of

their roofs and windows. The main streets of these

cities were usually tree-lined and shady and

crowded with people. In the center of town, the

markets were coming back into life, with vendors

offering such wares as were available. Often these

were limited to locally produced cigarettes, bits

and pieces of unrelated merchandise, fixtures sal-

vaged from vehicles or buildings, small amounts

of local farm produce, surprisingly large quanti-

ties of laundry detergent, parts of rations from all

of the coalition allies (the small bottles of Tabasco

sauce from the meal ready-to-eat packet were

especially popular), and numerous bolts of bril-

liantly colored cloth. The women used these last

items to make their colorful dresses. Vivid reds,

blues, greens, yellows, and other bright hues

splashing against the dull brown background

made them look, as one Marine put it,  like exot-

ic birds. The women usually did not wear a veil.

But occasionally some women were seen who

kept their faces covered, leaving only their eyes

visible, which only increased the attraction. The

men dressed much more plainly, with simple but-

toned shirts or tee shirts over trousers (often of

military camouflage) or the traditional sarong-like

skirt, called  ma-aww, extending from waist to

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64 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of Italian Armed Forces

Somali women, in typical brillantly colored dresses, carry firewood on a donkey cart. Traditionally, they play a pas-

sive role in both family and political spheres.

ankles. Leather shoes were sometimes seen, but

footwear was usually leather sandals or rubber

shower shoes. Local elders generally dressed tra-

ditionally, in the ma-awis with colorful shirts and

headdress. They also wore beards, which the older

men dyed with henna.

Inland, as water grew scarce, communities

might center on ancient wells. There, women and

herdsmen would gather to draw up buckets of the

life-giving liquid for their families or thirsty ani-

mals. Even farther afield, solitary houses might be

encountered. Zaribas enclosures made of inter-

woven branches of thorn trees and bushes protect-

ed the houses and also were used as corrals for the

herds. In these isolated places, deep pits wereoften dug to hold the precious rainwater from the

wet seasons. After many dry weeks, these pits

were muddy enclosures containing pools of

green-topped liquid. Unappetizing as it appeared,

these bits of water were necessary for survival.

Nomad camps were very simple. Zaribas were

quickly set up for the protection of herds and peo-

ple. The huts of these herdsmen and their families

consisted of structures about five feet in height,

made of bent poles covered with hides or sheets of


Similar huts wereseen in every

refugee camp.

The climate was particularly harsh, and the

native people had to be equally hard to survive in

it. For the coalition's troops, the heat posed a real

challenge, especially before they became accli-

mated. During the hot, dry months, the tempera-

tures climbed and the arid air sucked the moisture

right out of the coalition soldiers. The sun at mid-

day felt, as one Marine later said,  like it was 10

feet over your head. For safety reasons, soldiers

on patrol or other duty outside the compounds

wore their full utility uniforms with protective

vests, helmets and other gear. This increased the

dehydrating effects of the climate. Everyone was

supposed to drink at least five liters of water a

day. When out on patrol, or doing heavy work,this might have to be increased. Providing this

much bottled water to the thousands of Marines

and soldiers and allies scattered throughout the

area of operations was one of the most important

logistics functions of UNITAF.

In contrast to the brilliance and heat of the days

were the dark and cool of the nights. On a moon-

less night the desert sky assumed a deep black that

was set off by the lustrous stars, giving them a

brilliance rarely seen except at sea. Marines or


whohad sweated while on patrol or while

standing guard at some sun-beaten post would

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Moving to the Third Phase 65

shiver when the desert sand gave up its heat after

sundown. This was especially noticeable at those

sites near the coast, where there was a continuous

sea breeze, which added to the cooling effect. In

the various tent areas, the constant blowing of the

wind also produced a steady flapping of canvas.

This rhythmic accompaniment to daily life

became so much a part of existence that its

absence was noticeable and a cause for comment.

The strong breezes kept tugging at the lines of the

tents, requiring the residents to pull them taut

every day, lest a sudden gust lift their canvas

homes off their poles. The same wind also

brought an unending drift of sand, which infiltrat-

ed every nook and cranny of tents, bedding, and

equipment. Weapons had to be cleaned two or

three times a day to keep them in proper order.

Native animals were sometimes encounteredalong the tracks or in the compounds. Dik-dik, a

tiny antelope, would occasionally be seen running

through the brush. More rarely, gazelles or boars

might be spotted from convoys heading to the out-

lying relief sectors. Large storks would alight in

the villages near the rivers, standing with equa-

nimity close to the people passing by. In the pre-

dawn hours, flights of silver-colored ibis would be

seen noiselessly flying just a few feet overhead.

There were rare encounters with poisonous

snakes, such as the spitting cobra and the puff

adder. At night, a flashlight might freeze a tiny

jerboa, a small rodent, in its beam, or a scorpion

might be seen scuttling across the sand.

This was the world in which UNITAF conduct-

ed its daily work. For all its exotic attraction, it

was still a dangerous place, as events would soon

prove. Sniping and harassing fire continued, with

compounds and convoys being the usual targets.

The large cities of Mogadishu and Kismayo, in

particular, were especially troublesome, since

these were the scenes of frequent factional fight-

ing and general banditry. The 1st Marine

Expeditionary Force (I MEF) command chronolo-

gy for this period notes:  Mogadishu remained

volatile. The [Marine Forces Somalia] elements ...

Photo courtesy of the author

The village chief of El Berde, Abdil Ugas Husen, poses with elders after meeting with French officers. Husen's inter-

preter, Abdil Kader Abdilahi All, is in the center

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66 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of the author

Hastily constructed for the protection of tierdsmen and their herds of cattle, camels, or goats, zaribas were often

encountered far from any village.

which moved into northern Mogadishu found

themselves constantly harassed by minor inci-

dents of deliberate but inaccurate sniping and

spillover fire from factional fighting. These

attacks were particularly frequent at the newly

occupied soccer stadium and along the 21 October

Road. '«9

However, while these incidents were annoying,

they were not the most serious threats.

Occasionally, a grenade would be rolled into the

path of a vehicle, causing casualties and damage

and increasing the need for being always on the

alert. As dangerous as these incidents were, in the

early days of the operation the greatest threat was

more passive. During the civil war and resultant

factional fighting, land mines had been sown in

scores of thousands all across the splintered coun-

try. These silent killers were placed on roads and

tracks or in areas the unwary might stumble into.

Efforts to report and clear these weapons began

immediately. But they soon had their deadly


The first two weeks of the operation had passed

with no fatalities, a happy circumstance for all.

But this good fortune was offset by an unspoken

question; how long would it last? It ran out on 23

December. On that day, a UNITAF vehicle struck

an old Soviet land mine near Bardera. Three peo-

ple were injured and one was killed. Lawrence N.

Freedman, a United States government civilian

employee and retired U.S. Army sergeant major,

was the first member of UNITAF to be killed in

the performance of duty.'^°


A more serious and direct threat to UNITAF

personnel and mission accomplishment came two

weeks later. On 6 January 1993, a convoy moving

through Mogadishu was fired on from two of the

authorized weapons storage sites belonging to

General Mohamed Farah Hassan Aideed's fac-

tion. Lieutenant General Robert B. Johnston knew

he had to take strong and immediate action

against such an egregious and violent threat.

Throughout the remainder of that day, a plan

was developed by Marine Forces Somalia

(MarFor) and coordinated with the UNITAF staff.

The plan was simple but effective, and by using

all the types of firepower available, it was also a

dramatic demonstration of UNITAF power.

Company K, 3d Battalion, 9th Marines, and

Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, would

surround the two weapons storage sites. Light

armored vehicles from the 3d Light Armored

Infantry Battalion were to screen the area, and

snipers would be positioned to overlook the target

areas. A reserve force was formed from a compa-

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Moving to the Third Phase 67

ny of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable) (MEU (SOC)) and posi-

tioned at the embassy compound. The two rifle

companies (Team Alpha and Team Bravo) were

strengthened by the attachment of MlAl Abrams

tanks and amphibious assault vehicles, as well as

high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles

(humvees) mounting tube-launched, optically

tracked, wire-guided (TOW) missiles and heavy

machine guns. Team Alpha, Company K, also had

four light armored vehicles. Seven helicopters

were assigned to the operation, three AH-lWs

with Hell Fire missiles and four UH-lNs with

20mm guns.'^^

At 2200, Colonel Michael W. Hagee of the

UNITAF staff met with Brigadier General Ali

Mohamed Kedeye Elmi, one of Aideed's chief

subordinates.* Colonel Hagee informed General

Elmi that because of the recent violations, the

authorized weapons storage sites were invalidated

and were surrounded by UNITAF troops. The

Marines would enter the compounds at dawn of

the next day, 7 January, and confiscate all the

equipment and weapons located there.'^^

* At the time. General Aideed was in Addis Ababa for the

preliminary reconciliation talks.

By 2300, the two storage sites were surrounded

and kept under surveillance throughout the night.

Psychological operations teams from the U.S.

Army's Company B, 9th Psychological

Operations Battalion, were attached to each of the

rifle companies. At 0553, they began to broadcast

warnings to the Somali fighters that they were

surrounded, and that if they came out with their

hands up, they would not be hurt. At about the

same time, the helicopters appeared in the sky.'^^

The Somalis in weapons storage site Number 8

surrendered. But those in the other site. Number 2,

chose to resist. The helicopter crews and snipers

reported that one of the tanks in the compound

was maimed and two Somalis were also preparing

to fire a heavy antiaircraft machine gun. The com-

manding officer of the task force. Colonel Jack W.

Klimp ordered a sniper to shoot the crew of the

machine gun. The sniper did so, and also fired a

round against the barrel of the weapon, rendering

it unserviceable. This opened the engagement,

which was short, sharp, and one-sided. Initially,

the Marines came under a heavy volume of fire

from recoilless rifles, machine guns, and small

arms, but this was quickly suppressed. At 0615,

the helicopters were cleared to fire their rockets

against targets in the compound. They continued

to fire for about 30 minutes, interrupting theirfire

only once for another psychological operations

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68 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DVIC DN-ST-93-02880

Early in the multinational relief effort, Operation Restore Hope, Marines in a humvee patrol the streets of Mogadishu.

broadcast. At 0647, the tanks entered the com-

pound, followed 14 minutes later by the Marines

of Company K.*

Resistance ended except some sporadic sniping

at the aircraft. The riflemen cleared the buildings

that had not been destroyed by the helicopters.

Major General Charles E. Wilhelm declared the

area secured at 0926, by which time additional

trucks were enroute to help carry off the confis-

cated weapons. In addition to numerous small

arms and ammunition, there were 4 M47 tanks, 9

howitzers of various calibers, 13 armored person-

nel carriers, 3 antiaircraft guns, 11 mortars, and 1

recoilless rifle.^^ ^ All was accomplished at the

cost of only one casualty, a corporal wounded by

an accidental discharge.

* Colonel Klimp referred to this part of the action as a

 bluff. The tanks had no ammunition for their main guns,

although they did have rounds for their machine guns. It was

believed the armor of the MlAl Abrams tanks would be

proof against anything the Somalis had, and the machine

guns would be firepower enough.

The action was a blow to General Aideed's

prestige and pride. At a staff meeting later that

day. General Johnston mentioned that Aideed

 was embarrassed by his lack of control [over his

soldiers] and regrets what happened.

The commanding general also told his staff that

 [we] told Aideed we view his initiating clan

fighting to be destabilizing. ... [We] want all to

know how we regard what they do. ... We com-

municated with the faction involved. They accept

responsibility and we don't expect to see it again.

More importantly, UNITAF had demonstrated to

all factions that  our reach is long. ^^^

This strong action did reduce the more blatant

attacks against UNITAF forces by factional

forces, although the sniping continued at about the

same levels. The spot reports received every day

at the headquarters contained the tally of such

incidents. Generally, these were just random shots

into compounds, most likely fired by individuals

who were seeking to prove something. As

Brigadier General Anthony C. Zinni said:  I think

it's in the Somali nature to test you. I think it's

part of the warrior ethic; maybe it's part of the

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Moving to the Third Phase 69

DVIC DD-SD-00-00737

As Marines take cover behind a wall, a UH-1N Huey helicopter supports the assault on one of Gen Aideed's

weapons storage sites.

proof of manhood and bravery, and of course for

two years around here the rule of the gun had gone

about unchallenged. I thmk that the [reduction of

the cantonment] sent a strong message and

showed them that we weren't to be messed with

and I think that test worked well in our favor. '^^

The streets remained dangerous, however, pre-

cisely because the threat was random. Marines or

soldiers on patrol or at checkpoints could never be

certain when they would walk into a factional

firefight, come upon a violent criminal act, or just

be a ready target for someone's need to assert his

authority or manhood. Such an incident occurred

on 12 January and resulted in the death of

UNITAF's first serviceman. That night, a security

patrol was making a routine sweep along the

southwest border of the airport. At about 2147, the

patrol was ambushed and engaged in a firefight

with several Somalis. In the course of the fight

Private First Class Domingo Arroyo was hit by

small arms fire. He died of his wounds about twohours later.


Private First Class Arroyo was a veteran of the

Persian Gulf War and was a field wireman with

Headquarters Battery, 3d Battalion, 11th Marines,

at the time of his death. His service on a security

patrol was in the Marine Corps' tradition of

 every Marine a rifleman. Although a communi-

cator by military occupational specialty, he was

serving as a rifleman with Task Force Mogadishu,

which had been formed specifically to provide

security within the city.*

By the end of December, the MarFor com-

mander. Major General Wilhelm, recognized the

city needed to be stabilized to carry out the over-

all security mission. He instructed Colonel Klimp

to devise an aggressive plan that would put

MarFor ahead of the factions in terms of knowing

what was happening in the city and in prepared

* The units participating in the seizure of the weapons stor-

age sites on 7 January were also part of Task ForceMogadishu.

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70 Restoring Hope in Somalia

actions that may be necessary. Colonel Klimp

came up with a four-phased plan in which each

phase would  turn at the same time as the others,

like the gears in a clock, as opposed to being

sequential. The first phase was for the collection

of information;  information on the city; where

are the different clans located, where are the

gangs headquartered. The next phase established

MarFor presence by conducting foot patrols, man-

ning checkpoints, and basically getting into the

city and being seen by the people. The third phase

was for direct action when necessary, such as

when an important target like a weapons cache

was identified. The fourth phase was for the eval-

uation of actions taken, assessment of new infor-

mation, and formulating new tactics. '^^ Task

Force Mogadishu was the instrument created to

undertake this stabilization mission. It wasformed at the beginning of January from the 3d

Battalion, 11th Marines; 3d Amphibious Assault

Battalion; 3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion;

Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines; and

Company K, 3d Battalion, 9th Marines. Colonel

Klimp was assigned as the commanding officer of

the task force.'^^

Task Force Mogadishu numbered about 2,000

Marines. It moved to the sports stadium in the

northern part of the city, where criminal activity

and fighting among factions were common, and

soon began its operations. The main activity was

patrolling, which helped Marines gather informa-

tion from the local populace and provided the

presence envisioned in Colonel Klimp 's original

plan. Like a cop on a beat in the United States, this

very presence helped reduce violence and reas-

sured the majority of citizens of UNITAF's

benign intent.2°° Another important task was

reducing the number of weapons on the streets by

raiding the infamous arms markets operating in

the city.

The word market cannot convey a true image

of what these bazaars were like. Set into crowded

sections of the city, the shops werelittle

more thanhuts of wood and corrugated metal inside a maze

of twisting, unpaved streets and alleys.

The ramshackle appearance of the business

locations belied the richness of types and amounts

of arms available. Rocket propelled grenades and

launchers and AK-47 assault rifles were the most

frequently encountered weapons. Machine guns,

DVIC DD-SD-00-00731

Two Marines run for cover while being fired on by clansmen snipers protecting the weapons storage site. The Marine

in the foreground is carrying an M16A2 rifle with a M203 grenade launcher attached.

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DVIC DD-SD-00-00736

Supporting the Marine assault, an M1A1 Abrams tank approacties the weapons storage site. Its main gun was

empty, but there was ammunition for the machine guns.

mortars, missiles, and even rounds for a tank's

main gun were available. Arms of every major

weapons-producing nation could be found there;

American, Soviet, Czechoslovakian, British,

French, and Chinese weaponry were available.

The two large markets in the city, the Argentine


Barkera, were soon targeted by TaskForce Mogadishu.* The truckloads of weapons

confiscated in these sweeps were hauled away for


The first of these raids was against the

Argentine Market on 8 January, followed by a raid

on the Barkera Market on the 11th. Although

* Fortunately, these two markets were on opposite sides of

the green line, which divided Mogadishu into sections loyal

to Aideed or AH Mahdi. A raid against one could be balanced

with a raid against the other, thus showing UNITAF's impar-tiality.

more than 1 ,500 weapons were confiscated, it was

no secret that many others had been removed

from the markets before the arrival of the

Marines.^''' Both markets, and other identified

arms caches, were the targets of subsequent raids.

The patrols, raids, and checkpoints did have an

effect. As the I MEF command chronology for

this period noted, MarFor's increased presence

drove weapons off the streets, transforming

Mogadishu into a much safer city.^^^ However,

there was still cause for concern and coalition sol-

diers could not afford to drop their guard. In late

February, violent events in the Kismayo relief sec-

tor were reflected in Mogadishu.

When the Somali Patriotic Movement forces of

Mohamed Said Hirsi, known as General Morgan

and allied to Ali Mahdi Mohamed, attacked the

followers of Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in a fierce

fight for the control of Kismayo, General Aideed

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72 Restoring Hope in Somalia


Patrolling the mean streets of Mogadishu near a possible weapons storage area, well-armed Marines keep a sharp

watch from the bed of a 5-ton cargo truck.

was quick to respond in Mogadishu. On 23

February, the day after the attacks in Kismayo,

Aideed used his own propaganda services, such as

his radio station, leaflets, and loudspeaker broad-

casts to spread the story that Morgan had only

been able to succeed because of the complicity of

UNITAF. He also called upon his followers to

attack UNITAF forces in the city.

That evening, thousands of people took to the

streets, erecting barricades, starting fires, pelting

convoys with stones, impeding the progress of

UNITAF vehicles, and noisily demonstrating. Asannoying as these activities were, the crowds were

made up mostly of women and children and rep-

resented no real threat to the coalition forces.

Nonetheless, as MarFor units attempted to clear

the roadblocks and keep traffic lanes open, they

were subjected to rock throwing that seriously

injured several Marines, sailors, and coalition sol-

diers. But the main roads were reopened and the

city quieted down by about 2300.^°^

The crowds were back the next morning.

Again, roadblocks were put up and fires started.

Again, Major General Wilhelm ordered MarFor to

keep the main roads open. On this day, the main

disturbances were centered near the United States

Embassy compound and the important traffic cir-

cle known as K-4. This circle, at the intersection

of two major roads, controlled traffic leading to

UNITAF headquarters, the airport, and the port. It

was considered a key point and was the site of a

heavily manned checkpoint. Rocks and Molotov

cocktails were thrown at Marines in these areas.*

Two Somali auxiliary security policemen were

killed during the disturbances and three Marines

and one Somali policeman were wounded. To pro-

vide his men all possible support. Major General

Wilhelm ordered every available MarFor attack

helicopter to provide reconnaissance and support

to the forces on the ground. He also requested,

and received from Lieutenant General Johnston,

* These are gasoline-filled glass bottles, stopped with a

soaked rag as a wick. When thrown against a vehicle or in the

area of troops, the bottles break, spreading flames. They are

an inexpensive and easy to make incendiary device, named

for Vyacheslav M. Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Commissarduring World War II.

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Moving to the Third Phase 73

DVIC DN-ST-93-02402

Marines man a checkpoint in Mogadishu on New Year's Day 1993. The presence of coalition troops often drew

crowds of curious Somalis, usually composed of young men and boys.

permission to distribute CS riot control agents, a

non-lethal tear gas. As an additional measure, he

called out a P-19 aviation crash fire truck from the

air base at Bale Dogle. The truck's high-pressure

hose would be useful in dispersing rioting crowds,

if necessary. In the end, these extraordinary meas-

ures were not needed. The crowds dispersed by

about noon.^'''* But more trouble was brewing.

On 25 February, the K-4 traffic circle was again

the center of tension. There, at about 0900, some

Somalis began to fire at the most available

UNITAF targets: Marines and Nigerian soldiers of

the 245th Reconnaissance Battalion who were

responsible for the security of the traffic circle and

surrounding area.* The Marines returned fire, and

the Nigerians also began to fire rocket propelled

grenades at the buildings where the Somali gun-

men were hiding. The heavy firing continued

throughout the day. Major General Wilhelm

* At the time, and later, Aideed claimed these gunmen were

bandits attempting to use the unrest of the past two days for

their own purposes, and that he had no control over them.

ordered the area sealed off and swept within two

hours. A strong force of Marines and coalition

soldiers was called out for the mission. With the

Marines of the 3d Battalion, 11th Marines, and the

Nigerians as a blocking force, two companies of

the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, and soldiers of the

Botswana Defense Force Contingent acted as the

maneuver element. Shortly after 1400, the

Marines and Botswana soldiers began their sweep

down three main approaches toward their com-

rades at the traffic circle, converging with them

shortly before sunset. The action had a salutary

effect: the firing ceased and quiet returned to the

area. Three Marines and two Nigerian soldiers

were wounded during the action.^^^

Valuable lessons were learned from these

events, and changes were made to better protect

coalition forces should anything similar occur

again. Some active measures, short of the use of

deadly force, were put into place. While MarFor

had received permission to distribute tear gas to

its units, this riot control agent is non-specific,

blanketing an area and affecting the innocent aswell as those engaged in hostile acts. It can also

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74 Restoring Hope in Somalia

linger. Cayenne pepper spray was determined to

be a better agent because it comes in an aerosol

can and can be directed against a specific target.

Beginning on 1 March, pepper spray was issued to

MarFor units, although control of its use remained

with Lieutenant General Johnston and only per-

sons trained in its use were to employ it. At about

the same time, two P-19 crash fire trucks were

moved to Mogadishu to support MarFor. One of

these was placed at the port and the other at the

stadium. A third truck was ordered for use in

Mogadishu and was available by 10 March.

More passive measures also were taken to pro-

tect troops from rocks and other thrown items.

Protective visors that attached to the Kevlar hel-

mets were issued and combat service support per-

sonnel created wire mesh shields to be attached to

humvees to protect the windows and occupants.

These resourceful Marines also created another

special piece of gear to attach to amphibious

assault vehicles. During the February distur-

bances, crowds of Somalis had effectively

stopped these vehicles by simply lying down in

front of them. The drivers were naturally loath to

run over these people and risk injuring or killing

them. Service support Marines made cowcatchers

that attached to the front of the amphibious assault

vehicles and allowed them to move through

crowds or barricades with minimal harm to

demonstrators.^ ^

With these measures in place, MarFor

increased its activities in the city and the number

of patrols was boosted to create a greater pres-

ence. MarFor officers continued to meet regularly

with neighborhood representatives and a greater

degree of order and safety was achieved in the

city. Operations to clear the streets of traffic

obstructions and debris and distribute food were

restarted as soon as possible after the February

riots. When the forces of General Morgan and

Colonel Jess again clashed in Kismayo in the

middle of March, coalition units braced for trou-

ble, but nothing of significance occurred.

Throughout the remainder of March and April, the

efforts of MarFor and coalition allies continued to

stabilize the city. The demonstrations that took

place during this time were described as peaceful

and some were even held in support of UNITAF.

DVIC DD-SD-00-00770

As Somali civilians watch, U.S. Marines walk single file down a small alley in the capital's Bekara Market. The

Marines swept the market looking for arms and munitions as part of Operation Nutcracker.

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DVIC DN-ST-93-03819

A Marine prepares to load a box of weapons parts onto a truck filled with munitions confiscated during a patrol.

A good indication of progress occurred on 24March, the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

For the first time since the civil war the city was

able to spend two days in celebration of this spe-

cial holiday. Five days later, Somalis in the city

peacefully held a rally in support of the recent

Addis Ababa meetings.^ '^

MarFor performed other important work in

Mogadishu, not all of it related to patrolling or

manning checkpoints. When UNITAF forces first

arrived in the city the roads were choked with all

types of rubbishand

the debris of war. Often only

a single narrow lane existed for the passage of

traffic, and that would be thronged with pedestri-

ans. This was unacceptable to the military forces,

which needed to be able to move quickly through-

out the city and between the important facilities at

the port, airport, embassy, and elsewhere.

Operation Clean Street started on 28 December

with the aim of clearing the main roads and open-

ing them for the fast-moving traffic of the coali-

tion. Marine combat engineers and members of

the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion, the

Seabees, performed the work. The operation con-

tinued until 6 January 1993 and was the first of

several Clean Street operations that benefited

UNITAF as well as the citizens of the city. As

soon as the roadways were opened to traffic, the

roadside markets began to come back to life, and

soon merchants, barbers, and tailors were operat-

ing from small stalls.^'^^

Another innovation used in Mogadishu was the

idea of mass distribution sites. The large numbers

of refugees, often scattered in settlements

throughout the city, made it difficult for humani-

tarian relief organizations to effectively distribute

food to those in need.

Byconsolidating the distri-

bution specified areas throughout the city, more

people could be reached more efficiently. Also, by

flooding the city with grain, the price of food

would be lowered and the black market for stolen

food would be undermined. MarFor had the

responsibility of establishing the program with the

relief organizations.^''^ The program was launched

in February in conjunction with the establishment

of the Somali auxiliary security force. On 6

February, the first mass food distribution was

held. Eventually, there were 25 distribution sites

located throughout the city with Somali auxiliary

security forces providing control. Security for

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76 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Marine Corps Combat Art Collection 306-4-21

Combat artist Maj Burton E. Moore, a former member

of a Marine Corps scout/sniperteam, joined Jump Team

1, Recon Company, Stti Marines, atop ttie old U.S.

Embassy in Mogadistiu as the team returned tiostle fire

in 1993. Portrayed in liis painting of tlie experience is

(left) Sgt Charles A. Johnson, LtCol Edward J.

Lesnowicz, Cpl Patrick B. Ward and Cpl Tim Richards.

each site was the responsibihty of MarFor units

and coaUtion forces guarded 18 of the 25 sites.^'*^

The work of the coahtion in Mogadishu was

reflected, on a lesser scale, in most of the other

relief sectors. But each sector was unique, and

people traveling outside Mogadishu saw a far dif-

ferent side of Somalia than was apparent in the

capital city. This was largely because eachhumanitarian sector generally had one dominant

clan, which meant factional rivalry and fighting

were not as prevalent as it was in the capital. Also,

the cities and towns were not nearly so large or

crowded as Mogadishu. Still, each sector had its

own challenges. Some quickly became very qui-

escent, and others continued to have troubles with

factional fighting and bandits. The establishment

of the first three humanitarian relief sectors out-

side Mogadishu provided experiences and lessons

that were used elsewhere. Bale Dogle, the impor-

tant airbase; Baidoa, the  City of Death; and

Bardera all benefited from the early attention they

received as centers of UNITAF activities.

Bale Dogle

The control of the first sector, Bale Dogle,

passed quickly from the Marines to the soldiers of

the 10th Mountain Division. As these soldiers

flew directly into the airbase, they soon had

responsibility for its security and the Marines

were able to move on to other cities. The respon-

sibility for this sector did not remain long with the

American soldiers, however. By early January

1993, the soldiers of the Royal Moroccan Army

began to arrive, and by the 12th of that month they

were placed under the operational control of

Army Forces Somalia.^' • The Moroccan forces

were composed of two infantry companies, a cav-

alry company, a medical section, and other sup-

port detachments of the 3d Motorized Infantry

Regiment, under the overall command of Colonel

Major Omar Ess-Akalli.* This force formed a

mobile intervention group of more than 1,000

men with 200 light vehicles equipped with crew-

served weapons, as well as light tanks, artillery,

and antitank missiles.^'^

Their initial task was to ensure the security of

the airbase. Then, as more troops arrived through-

out Mogadishu, control was extended. By 28January, the Moroccans were responsible for most

of the sector. On 1 March, they were placed

directly under UNITAF control and given respon-

sibility for the security of all of sector Bale


Their light vehicles provided the Moroccans

with flexibility and tactical mobility, which they

used to patrol the sector and escort convoys. The

heart of their tactical mission, however, remained

the security of the important airbase.^ * In addi-

tion to being a major aerial port for the operation.

Army Forces Somalia established a firing range

for its AH-1 helicopters within the sector. The

range was a key factor in maintaining the accura-

cy of the weapons systems of the aircraft.^'^

The Moroccans had yet another mission, one

given to them by the King of Morocco himself.

The king wished to help the sick and distressed

people of Somalia, and he extended the Moroccan

* This was a highly experienced regiment, which at that time

had just come from spending several years fighting insur-

gents in the Western Sahara.

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Moving to the Third Phase 77

humanitarian mission to include a large hospital

operating in support of the Somali people. The

hospital staff had many specialties, to include

nutritionists, obstetricians-gynecologists, podia-

trists, ophthalmologists, oral surgeons, and spe-

cialists in digestive disorders and bone diseases.

There was also an engineering specialist for water

purification. Somali medical specialists and social

workers were hired to assist the Moroccan staff.

The hospital quickly gained an excellent reputa-

tion among the Somali people and was seeing 400

to 500 people of all ages and tribes every day.

There were five to six major surgical procedures

performed daily.^'^

The Moroccan contingent was intended to be

self-sufficient, which they were with food, water,

and fuel. In fact, the king ensured his men in

Somalia received fresh food every day; they car-

ried no prepackaged rations and cooked their

meals daily. But the light vehicles, which provid-

ed the force with its flexibility, also caused its

largest logistics problem. All maintenance and

repair on these vehicles had to be performed in


The Moroccan unit was one of the largest non-

U.S. contingents in the coalition. With this strong

and mobile force patrolling the sector, Bale Dogle

soon became one of the quietest in the area of

operations, with few incidents reported.


The next sector occupied, Baidoa, presented a

very different aspect to the soldiers of the coali-

tion, and elicited different responses. There were

more lawless elements present in this sector and,

accordingly, more violent incidents. Also, the

political situation was more complicated. The

Marines who first occupied the sector were very

aggressive patrolling, conducting raids, and mak-

ing searches where threats were assessed. At

night, helicopters were used to extend the pres-

ence of the coalition forces into outlying areas and

to frighten off bandits.-'^

Even at this early period. Colonel Gregory S.

Newbold, as the commander of the 15th MEU, the

Marines who initially occupied the town, recog-

nized the difficulty, if not impossibility, of creat-

DVIC DA-ST-96-01283

The centrally located K-4 traffic circle in Mogadishu was the site of several confrontations between local Somali fac-

tions and coalition forces.

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78 Restorenjg Hope in Somalia

ing a secure environment in the relief sector if the

bandits were allowed to carry their arms openly.

He, therefore, told the local leaders his forces

would seize any weapons seen on the streets of

Baidoa. While the aggressive actions of the

Marines quickly decreased hostile acts against the

coalition, the policy of no weapons openly carried

had equally good results. As the power of the ban-

dits declined, the local elders could reassert their

authority. They did so within the first few days of

the Marines' arrival. Several Somalis approached

the Marines and requested assistance in establish-

ing a security council.^'^

Under the direction of Colonel Werner

Hellmer, the local civil-military operations team

provided the secure and neutral venue needed to

establish such a council. Relying heavily on

humanitarian relief organizations, the team sought

out the legitimate local leaders and elders. At the

same time. Colonel Hellmer and his small staff

recognized the importance of including represen-

tatives of all major groups and clans. It was vital

to the Marine mission and its image of neutrality

that no one who should be a member would inad-

vertently be left out. Representatives from the

State Department and United Nations Operation

SomaUa (UNOSOM) were also in attendance at

the beginning of this new security council. As

throughout the area of operations, the ideawas

that the Somalis would take care of their own

internal governance. Under the protection of the

Marine policies of  no openly carried weapons,

no crew-served weapons, and no technicals with

gun mounts, the weakening of the bandits, and

the strengthening of the elders, conditions in

Baidoa soon began to improve. ^^^^

On 27 December, 3d Battalion, 9th Marines,

relieved the 15th MEU of responsibility for

Baidoa. They continued their predecessors' rou-

tine activities; protection of food convoys,

patrolling in the sector, and mine clearing. The

civil-military operations team remained in place

working with the relief organizations and the local

security council. By early January, Colonel

Hellmer believed they had made good progress.

People were out on the streets again, the markets

in town were open, and the local buses were run-

ning. Fear no longer existed and people could

sleep safely, some getting a full night's rest for the

first time in years. The lingering problem that

Colonel Hellmer saw was what to do with those

who previously had made their living by banditry

and stealing relief supplies.^^'

Another organization making life better in

Baidoa was Action Internationale Contre de Faim

(International Action Against Hunger). This relief

agency set up two camps, one for the most critical

refugee cases and the other for those who were

less serious. In the first, there were four servings

per day of what was described as a very rich mix-

ture of food. This was intended to get these peo-

ple back up to strength and out of danger. Those

who were in better health were placed in the other

camp, where they were fed one meal of a regular

mixture per day. In addition, there was a hospital

ward treating various illnesses, such as malaria,

cholera, tuberculosis, and other respiratory dis-

eases.^^^ * Such work was typical of what the

relief organizations were doing in all the sectors.

The civil-military teams provided coorduiation

with the military to ensure they received theirrelief supplies safely and answered other legiti-

mate needs.

By the middle of January 1993, the Marines

were ready to hand over responsibility for the sec-

tor. At 2359 on the 16th, Baidoa was transferred to

Army Forces Somalia, with the remaining

Marines placed under its control. ^^^ However, this

situation was only intended to be temporary.

During this same period, the Australian contin-

gent arrived by ship and airplane. By 8 January, a

portion of the advance party had already come toBaidoa to assess the quality of the water and

determine if it could be purified. Company A,

which had left on the Royal Australian Navy's

HMAS Jervis Bay (GT 203) on 24 December,

made port at Mogadishu on 12 January. By the

17th, the main body, composed of Company B,

half of Company C, and most of the battalion

headquarters, flew straight to Baidoa on board a

Quantas Airlines 747 passenger aircraft. The

remainder of the Australian forces arrived the next

day. Company A, mounted in trucks off the ship,

motor marched to the town.^^ *

The Australian force would soon be one of the

largest national contingents. It included

Companies A, B, C, and D of the 1st Battalion, 1st

Royal Australian Regiment, with their normal bat-

talion headquarters, plus support and administra-

tion companies. Attached to this battalion group

were Squadron B, 3d Battalion, 4th Cavalry

* Such diseases were rampant in the refugee camps through-

out the area of operations and were the resuh of poor sanita-

tion, crowded conditions, and unclean water.

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Moving to the Third Phase 79

Photo courtesy of the Australian Department of Defense

Australian soldiers move by convoy from the port of Mogadishu to Baidoa where they would relieve elements of the

15th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

Regiment, mounted in armored personnel carri-

ers; the battery commander's party, Headquarters,

6th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment; and 17th

Troop, 18th Field Squadron, 3d Combat Engineer

Regiment. All were supported by a detachment of

the 103d Signals Squadron and the 1st Battalion

Support Group. ^^^

The Australian force was intended to be as self-

sufficient as possible. Therefore, when they

deployed, they tasked their support group for 30

days of supply and ammunition. The greatest con-

cern was for water. The advance party found that

the local water could be purified. Also, HMASTobruk, which was also supporting the operation,

could pump water into tankers that could then

make the overland journey to the relief sector. The

support group was a very capable organization,

which contained fuel tankers and 8-ton cargo

trucks. It also had a medical section capable of

forming a regimental aid post. The maintenance

detachment included a field workshop for electri-

cal and general engineering maintenance, as well

as for vehicle and communications repair.^^^

For requirements above the capabilities of the

support group, the Australian forces could useUNITAF's logistics assets for water, fuel, rations.

and other common consumables. These arrange-

ments were set under cross servicing agreements

signed between the United States and Australian

governments. Anything required that was not

available from UNITAF was either purchased in

Kenya, or flown in from Australia by the Royal

Australian Air Force on regularly scheduled C-

130 Hercules flights.227

The handoff of responsibility for the sector was

completed on 19 January. At a simple ceremony,

the flags of both nations were lowered and raised

in reversed positions on the flagpole. At the same

time, appropriate music was played on a harmon-

ica.  Waltzing Matilda, the Australian battalion's

quick march and the national song, is also the

division march of the 1st Marine Division, so it

was chosen and matched with  The Star Spangled

Banner. * For the previous two days. Company Aof the Royal Australian Regiment had been under

* In the author's interview with Major John Caligari, Royal

Australian Army,  Waltzing Matilda was identified as the

regimental march of the 9th Marines, and it is so identified in

the notes of the interview. Calls to the division actually iden-

tified it as the division's own march, adopted during WorldWar II.

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80 Restoring Hope in Somalia

the tactical control of 3d Battalion, 9th Marines.

Now the situation reversed itself as Company L,

3d Battalion, 9th Marines, was placed under the

tactical control of the Australian forces. The

Marines would retain this command relationship

until they departed Baidoa.^^^

By 23 January, all of the Australian force was

present in Baidoa; 888 soldiers armed with 36

Ml 13 armored persormel carriers and eight 81mm

mortars. The Australians quickly settled into their

mission, which, as elsewhere in the area of opera-

tions, was to control the sector and provide secu-

rity for the relief operations and the supply con-

voys. The work was divided into three parts and

rotated among the companies. One company

guarded the airfield, while another patrolled in

town. The third company patrolled in depth,

throughout the sector, to establish presence, col-

lect intelligence, and respond to any incidents.^^^

About 80 kilometers from Baidoa on the main

road to Mogadishu was the town of Buurhakaba,

the second largest in the sector. A huge rock mas-

sif that rose from the plain to a height of a few

hundred feet dominated the town. This area had

been the site of much bandit activity and was

noted for the presence of several technicals. To

end these depredations, the Australians estab-

lished a permanent outpost at the town. This was

occupied in company strength, with patrols

extending out to other towns in the sector. The

other companies could be called for support if

there were a need.^^°

There were two intelligence gathering organi-

zations operating in the Baidoa sector. One was a

three-man combat intelligence detachment of the

Australian force. These soldiers were responsible

for collecting human intelligence, checking the

populace, finding out who was in the area, and the

identification of the local clans and subgroups.^^'

There also was a team ofAmerican Special Forces

in the sector. This team was  used to conduct area

assessments throughout the [humanitarian relief

sector], especially in those areas where conven-

tional forces or relief agencies had not yet

aaYI '

Photo courtesy of the Australian Department of Defense

LtGen Robert B. Johnston talks with an Australian soldier while visiting the Australian headquarters in Baidoa.

Behind LtGen Johnston is Col William J. Mellor, commander of the Australian army contingent.

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Marine Corps Combat Art Collection 119-9-51

During a 1993 deployment to Somalia, combat artist Col Donna J. Neary depicted this familiar scene of the inter-

national relief effort. In this piece, an Australian soldier is shown escorting a refugee convoy. After relieving the 3d

Battalion, 9th Marines, in Baidoa,  Diggers,   the nickname adopted by Australian soldiers, took over relief escort

duties in that area.

arrived. The local commander used these assess-

ments to plan operations in support of the human-

itarian relief organizations that were providing

relief to these outlying areas. In addition, the

Special Forces team also provided intelligence

about criminal activities and sources of bandit-

jy232 \Yijh one of the companies always operating

in the sector in a random pattern of patrolling, the

Australians were able to respond whenever and

wherever intelligence indicated that something

was afoot. The company could quickly move into

the target area and remain for a few days.^^^

Baidoa was not terribly plagued by the pres-

ence of warring factions during this period.* There

* There was some factional activity in the sector, but it was

relatively minor. For instance, during the visit of the author

to the Baidoa humanitarian relief sector in late January, a

representative of the Somali Liberation Army had just

appeared in town to recruit. The Australian's quick reaction

force planned to  pay him a visit at his quarters to search for

arms and explain the weapons policy. He was not very suc-

cessful in his recruiting efforts.

were some instances of armed troops passing

through the sector, but these were generally small

groups that were monitored closely as they moved

along. Lawlessness was another matter. By the

end of January, the Australians had established the

pattern by which they would operate for the next

few months. Finding the towns that were the cen-

ters of criminal activity, they used a series of cor-

don and search or airmobile operations to find and

confiscate weapons and make their presence felt.

The Australian forces soon were stamping out the

banditry that had been so rife in the sector. When

they discovered that the bandits had adopted the

tactic of attacking civilian traffic along the roads

at night, the Australians became equally resource-

ful. After dark, Australian vehicles with their

lights off would follow the civilian trucks and

buses. The drivers would use night vision goggles

to operate, and the troops would also use night

vision devices to scan the roadsides ahead to spot

any ambushes. These ambush-busting operations

were a verysuccessful deterrent to the bandit


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82 Restoring Hope in Somalia

The Australians were constantly busy during

their four months as a part of UNITAF. The pace

of operations was described as grueling. While the

work was hard, harsh, and unrelenting, it did help

to keep the sector more quiet and secure than

some others. The success of the Australians' oper-

ations can be measured by the fact that bandits

only engaged them on four occasions. They sus-

tained no casualties while confiscating and

destroying almost 1 ,000 weapons and a vast quan-

tity of ammunition and explosives.^^^


The Bardera relief sector differed from Baidoa

in several critical ways. First, it was a smaller sec-

tor. While the town of Bardera had been ravaged

during the civil war, one clan, whose faction, the

United Somali Party, was led by General Abdi

Dahir Warsame, inhabited it. Therefore, there was

little of the factional fighting that had been so

troublesome elsewhere, and it was far simpler to

stabilize the sector once UNITAF troops arrived.

Ironically, the presence of a single faction in the

town actually increased the effects of the famine.

Most of the starving people in the sector had come

from its outlying areas, and the inhabitants of the

town felt no obligation to assist those to whomthey were not related. Those living in the town

were relatively well-off in comparison to the

refugees, who were crowded into an area called

the  Italian Village to the south of the town. Here

they were subject to starvation from the lack of

relief supplies, from disease due to crowded and

unsanitary conditions, and from the depredations

of armed bandits. When the Marines arrived, as

many as 300 refugees were dying each day. With

the safe delivery of food and medicines to the

relief organizations and the presence of the

Marines, the death toll soon dropped to less than

10 percent of what it had been.^^^

After the success in Baidoa, Colonel Hellmer

moved quickly to Bardera, arriving in late

December. With Colonel Emil R. Bedard, the

commanding officer of the 7th Marines, he set up

another civil-military operations center. Colonel

Hellmer's team soon was assisting the legitimate

elders of Bardera to establish a security council

and reassert their own authority. Again, the

Marines were there to provide security, not to

govern. The elders took advantage of the opportu-

nity to reestablish an effective local government,

enforcing laws, trying criminals, and meting out

justice to those convicted of crimes. By 7

February, an auxiliary police force was brought

back into existence, and the police were soon join-

ing the Marines at checkpoints. As a result of

these efforts, the influence of local bandits waned.

Bardera was noted for being a quiet sector for the

next four months.^^'


Photo courtesy of the Australian Department of Defense

An Australian soldier uses a mine detector to search for hidden arms in the effort to

stampout banditry in the Baidoa

humanitarian relief sector

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Moving to the Third Phase 83

Still, there were some problems that beset the

relief efforts. The most notable of these was the

presence of mines along the main roads. Nearly

every road in the sector was mined, making it dif-

ficult to open the main supply routes into the inte-

rior.* Even though few mines were encountered,

the clearance operations had to progress slowly

and thoroughly along every mile before they were

safe for the passage of convoys. Even then, the

roads needed repair. As engineers worked on the

roads, the helicopters of Marine Aircraft Group 16

lifted food and relief supplies to the humanitarian

relief organizations in outlying villages that other-

wise could not have been reached.^^^

Toward the end of January, the restructuring of

forces in the theater allowed Major General

Wilhelm to rearrange the Marine forces in a man-

ner he considered more in keeping with local con-ditions. The 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, which had

originally occupied the Bardera sector, was

recalled to Mogadishu, where its riflemen were

advantageously used in the urban environment. Its

place was taken by a new organization. Task

Force Bardera, formed around the 3d Amphibious

Assault Battalion. This unit, with its greater

mobility, was better suited to the open terrain in

the sector. On 24 January, the task force officially

began its duties in Bardera.^^^

While the sector was fairly quiet, there was still

the need for vigilance. This was especially true in

late February when serious fighting erupted

among the factions in Kismayo, the humanitarian

sector bordering Bardera to the south. To ensure

that Bardera was not affected by the fighting, and

especially to ensure that Colonel Jess' Somali

Patriotic Movement forces did not enter the

Bardera sector. Task Force Bardera maintained

reconnaissance elements north and south of the

town. At the beginning of March, squad-sized

patrols were sent along the Jubba River valley as

far south as the town of Saacow. These patrols andscreens had the desired effect, and no disturbances

or significant presence of Jess' forces were noted

in the sector.^'^*'

By the end of April, the Marines were able to

turn over responsibility for a sector that was

returning to peace and normalcy. As UNITAF

prepared to hand off operations to the United

Nations, Task Force Bardera was brought back to

* Lawrence N. Freedman was killed when his vehicle struck

a mine in this sector.

Mogadishu to prepare for redeployment. On 18

April, the Botswana Defense Force contingent

relieved the Marines of responsibility for



As the French soldiers moved into the towns

from which they would operate in Oddur, they

brought with them great experience in operating

in this part of the world. Many of these French

soldiers and Marines had served in the neighbor-

ing state of Djibouti, formerly known as French

Somaliland. They came, therefore, with knowl-

edge of the importance of clan and tribal alle-

giance in Somalia, and they tried to work within

that context in this sector.^ *^ In addition, the

French forces in Djibouti had witnessed the civil

war that began there in 1991 between the Somali

Issas and the Ethiopian Afars.

By 28 December, the last elements of the

French forces arrived from France and Djibouti,

and moved to Oddur through Mogadishu. By this

time, the French forces consisted of a command

element, which included a special operations

company, a logistics support battalion, a military

intelligence detachment, and detachments of

security forces, military police, and communica-

tions. The ground forces were composed of one

battaUon from the 5th Combined Arms Overseas

Regiment, one battalion from the 13th Foreign

Legion Demi-Brigade, and the 3d Company of the

2d Foreign Legion Parachute Regiment. The 3d

and 4th companies of the 2d Marine Infantry

Regiment strengthened the other battalions with

organic armored personnel carriers. These forces

were supported by an aviation detachment from

the 5th Attack Helicopter Regiment, and the 3d

Company of the 6th Foreign Legion Engineer

Regiment. All told, there were about 2,200 French

soldiers. Marines, and Legionnaires in the Oddursector.

2 *^

As in Bardera, the natives of Oddur were main-

ly from one dominant clan, the Rahanweyne.

However, that does not mean there was unity

throughout the sector. The Rahanweyne clan was

described as  divided into a multitude of sub-

clans opposed to each other and characterized by

opportunism and fragile alliances. Also, the peo-

ple living in the north and near the critical

Ethiopian border were members of the rival

Ogaden clan. As in Bardera, the townspeople felt

little sympathy toward the refugees from the out-

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84 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of the author

French Foreign Legionnaires made their headquarters in an old Italian fort at El Berde, from which platoons and

squads were sent to villages and hamlets throughout the Oddur sector

lying districts who were not related to them. The

local leaders looked out for their own clan, but not

the others. The French would thus have to draw

on all their experience and skills in dealing with

the native Somalis throughout this sector.^'*''

The French forces were deployed in their tradi-

tional  oil spot manner. The sector was first bro-

ken down into three sub-sectors centered on major

cities or towns, which in this case were Oddur and

the Ethiopian border, Wajid, and Tiyegloo. One

battalion occupied each of these sub-sectors.From these, 10 towns or hamlets were occupied

by company-sized forces, which then sent pla-

toons to other locations, for a total of 20 occupied

sites. The French then were able to operate from

these strongpoints, spread throughout the sector,

show their presence, maintain a strong posture,

and conduct reconnaissance. In Oddur itself, a

mobile reaction force supported by helicopters

was kept ready to intervene in any situation.'^'*^

In the city of Oddur, the work of these coalition

forces was very similar to

whatwas going


the other sectors. The Somalis soon established

local committees for security, food distribution,

school operations, and so forth. As was the case

elsewhere, the French recognized they had to get

the Somalis to take responsibility for their own

welfare and governance. The French also estab-

lished their own team to work with the relief

organizations in town, notably Medecines Sans

Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) and

Concern. These organizations ran a hospital and

feeding stations. The effectiveness of the organi-


work wassignificantly increased by the

arrival of the French Army, which controlled the

safe shipment and distribution of food and sup-

plies while leaving the humanitarian agencies to

carry on with their own duties.^''^

By 30 December, just days after their arrival in

the sector, the French special operations forces

pushed out along the axis Oddur-Ted-El Berde.

The purpose of this initial operation was three

fold: first, it provided a surveillance line toward

the Ethiopian border; next, it opened the sector to

these areas for the local humanitarian organiza-

tions; and finally, the French presence there would

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Moving to the Third Phase 85

help to stop the heavy flow of refugees coming

into Oddur and other cities from the northern

towns which were hit hard by war and drought.^ ''

This area was very important to the entire oper-

ation because its northern limit stretched along the

Somali-Ethiopian border. The flow of refugees

across the ill-defined frontier brought with it the

possibility of armed forces from either nation

crossing into the other's territory. This, in turn,

might cause an incident that could be difficult to

contain. As early as 31 December, during a heli-

copter reconnaissance in the vicinity of the town

of Yet, French troops came across four armed men

in civilian clothing who were acting suspiciously.

The men were picked up, interrogated, and found

to be members of the Ethiopian Army. They were

quickly turned over to their own authorities.^ ^^

The presence of the Ogaden clan also served to

increase the volatility of this section of the border.

The town of El Berde, located just a few kilome-

ters south of the border, was a case in point. Prior

to the civil war, a modus vivendi was in place

here, as elsewhere in Somalia where a smaller

clan or sub-clan had to coexist in an area domi-

nated by a larger, stronger one. An effective police

force was active in the area and there were region-

al and district committees, on which the local

chiefs served. In this way, good relations were

maintained with the various national ministriesand the governor at Oddur. With the coming of the

war, however, clan was pitted against clan. The

populace of the region around El Berde, about

8,000 people, crossed into Ethiopia.* By early

1993, they were returning to find their homes and

villages destroyed or damaged. They needed food,

medicine, and humanitarian assistance. To com-

pound the situation here, the returning chief of El

Berde did not recognize the legitimacy of the new

governor of Oddur. Despite the internal strife, the

French were respected and were working with

both sides to effect reconciliation and an agree-

ment to bring back normal relations.^''^

The French tactic of spreading across the sector

into hamlets and villages in platoon and squad

formations allowed them to cover maximum terri-

tory. With so many soldiers in the sector, they also

relied upon the mobility of their armored person-

nel carriers and helicopters to move rapidly and

* The French estimated about 113 villages and hamlets in the

sector had been abandoned and roughly 40 percent of the

local population (118,000 people) had become refugees.

establish control of the zone. By late January,

their presence had created a reassuring effect on

the relief organizations, which were able to move

about with greater security. The people also began

to respond by gaining confidence, providing intel-

ligence, and returning to their villages.^^ ^

The first contacts between the French and the

native Somalis were described as excellent, and

the local elders and chiefs were satisfied with the

French presence. By the beginning of February,

mine clearing operations had effectively been

completed throughout the sector. A police force,

armed only with batons, was established, and a

weapons registration program was in place. This

program allowed the French to confiscate unreg-

istered firearms and to arrest any armed individu-

als.^^' The French soldiers. Marines, and

Legionnaires settled into a daily routine of patrols,

reconnaissance, ambushes, checkpoints, search-

ing for arms caches, and seizing unauthorized


During February, the French already realized

they could decrease and realign their forces with-

out losing control of the sector, and the first

French units began to rotate out of theater. The

battalion of the 5th Combined Arms Overseas

Regiment left, along with the engineers and one

company of Marine armored personnel carriers.

Helicopter support also was decreased. To accom-modate fewer troops, the number of towns and

hamlets occupied was reduced to 12, but the

amount of patrols was increased. By March, the

French government decided that 1,100 men would

take part in UNOSOM II. During the remainder of

March and April, the French forces continued to

realign themselves, rotating out some of the orig-

inal units while bringing in new ones to support

the United Nations mission.^^^


As the Italian forces settled in around

Gialalassi, their responsibilities were soon

extended beyond that sector. Having reclaimed

their embassy in Mogadishu early in the opera-

tion, the Italians kept a strong force in the neigh-

borhood for its protection. It also made sense to

the Italian commanders that they should be given

responsibility for some part of the city that includ-

ed the area where they were located. Of course,

political and practical considerations were

involved in determining how the Italian forceswould be employed in the city.

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86 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

Italian soldiers on patrol in the Gialalassi humanitarian relief sector, which as later expanded to include the north-

ern half of Mogadishu.

First, there was the question of how the

Somahs would accept the Itahans, with their his-

tory as a colonial power. The issue was a delicate

one, for the Italians were a strong presence whobrought distinct benefits to the coalition. Yet,

General Johnston did not want them to be placed

in a situation or position in which they would be

counterproductive if Somali anti-Italian reaction

was strong. He saw the older Somalis, who had

lived in the period of Italian presence, would be

amenable to their return as a part of UNITAF. He

was more worried about the younger Somalis,

who might make an issue of colonialism. General

Johnston therefore followed a policy of gradual-

ism by which the Italian forces were slowly

placed in the city and countryside and the reac-

tions of the Somalis were assessed. After the suc-

cesses of the Merka and Gialalassi operations, he

decided the problem might have been overstated.

Johnston soon decided to give the Italians respon-sibility for a portion of the city.^

Other political considerations had to be taken

into account. MarFor and other coalition forces

had occupied areas that were mostly in the south-

western portion of the city, which was territory of

General Aideed. The Italian Embassy was in the

northeast part of the city, in an area claimed by the

forces of Ali Mahdi. While this could be a coun-

terbalance, it was recognized that it was impera-

tive no favoritism be shown to either faction

leader by the coalition forces in the area. Since the

Italian Embassy was nearly adjacent to the head-

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Moving to the Third Phase 87

quarters of Ali Mahdi, General Johnston deter-

mined the ItaHan forces headquarters should not

be established in that area. Instead, the Italians

were given responsibility for the northeast portion

of Mogadishu, with their sector extending into

Gialalassi. Their headquarters was then estab-

lished in the town of Balcad, several kilometers

out of Mogadishu along the main route heading

north. The gradual manner in which this was

accomplished, along with the professionalism of

the Italian soldiers, allayed any suspicions by the

Somalis of either neocolonialism or favoritism.^'' ^

The Italian soldiers were soon conducting

patrols, arms sweeps, and other civil actions with-

in the city of Mogadishu. The situation there

required close cooperation between all parties.

 As activity in Mogadishu picked up, MarFor and

Italian units began running into each other on

patrols and during operations, creating confusion

and potentially dangerous situations. -^'' Although

the creation of distinct areas of responsibility was

a major step toward solving the problem, direct

liaison between the coalition members was a

necessity. For example, early in January, Italian

soldiers had been fired at by a sniper along a route

in a section of the city called the Villagio Scibis.

To show their resolve, the Italian command

planned a major sweep through this area using

about 540 men. The operation was to start at 0430on 12 January. But when the liaison officer

brought this to the attention of the UNITAF staff,

it was noted the MarFor also was planning to con-

duct an operation in a neighboring area at the

same time. UNITAF postponed the Italian opera-

tion for 24 hours, when it was successfully com-

pleted without incident. -^^ Major General

Wilhelm, the commanding general of MarFor, and

Major General Gianpietro Rossi, the Italian com-

mander, also agreed on the conduct of joint oper-

ations in the city, beginning on 19 January. The

cooperation between the two coalition partners

resulted in the creation of Task Force Columbus,

composed of forces from the San Marco

Battalion, and the 571st Military Police Company,

a United States Army unit under the operational

control of MarFor. The task force conducted

patrols and provided security for humanitarian

relief warehouses in the area of the Karaan


With such a wide and diffuse area of responsi-

bility, the Italians had to align their units some-

what differently than those in other sectors. Theymaintained a large force in their sector of

Mogadishu, around the Italian Embassy. They

also placed garrisons in the towns of Balcad,

Jawhar, and Gialalassi. These four strongpoints

controlled the main population centers in the sec-

tor and provided security along the main supply

route that ran from Mogadishu to Bulo Burti.

Three task forces (Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie)

were assigned to cover these bases. Alpha, the

smallest force with 413 soldiers, was responsible

for Mogadishu. Charlie, the next largest task

force, split its deployment between Jawhar, with

180 soldiers, and Gialalassi, with 550 soldiers.

Task Force Bravo, the largest with 1,116 soldiers,

was at the so-called transitory base in Balcad,

from which it could deploy north or south as the

situation required.

The threat to coalition forces differed in each of

these places. As might be expected, Mogadishu,

with the presence of armed members of the two

main Somali factions, had the highest number of

incidents. Members of Ali Mahdi's Abgal clan fre-

quently clashed with those of the rival Habr Gedr

clan of General Aideed on the streets of the capi-

tal. These fighters also fired occasionally at the

Italian soldiers, or boldly threatened the local pop-

ulace, just as they did with American servicemen

and Somali civilians elsewhere in the city. Bandits

presented the main problem in outlying towns.

The Italians quickly demonstrated their pres-

ence and strength throughout the sector with rou-

tine patrolling and checkpoints. From their

strongpoints, reconnaissance patrols protected the

main supply route, weapons caches and markets

were raided, arms were confiscated, and mines

were cleared. More importantly, the Italians

devised a series of operations that would take

place throughout the sector. The size of the force

used for each of these operations depended on the

objective. Those at the highest levels were named

 canguro (kangaroo). They were planned anddirected by the Folgore Brigade headquarters and

executed by its subordinate units. The next level,

named  mangusto (mongoose) comprised opera-

tions undertaken by the 186th and 187th

Parachute Regiments of the brigade.* The lowest

* As with regiments in many other modem armies, these

units were not formed in the manner famihar to Americans.

Each was composed basically of one battalion, with a sepa-

rate company-sized headquarters element through which the

regimental commander provided command and control,

administration, and logistics support.

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Restoring Hope in Somalia


U.S. Marines in a ligtit armored vetiicle from ttie 3d Ligint Armored Infantry Battalion join Italian soldiers in a Fiat

OTO Melara 6614 armored vehicle at an intersection along the Green Line in Mogadishu.

level operations, meant for rapid reaction to

events or intelligence, were named  hilaac

(Somali for lightning). These were executed by

the brigade's special forces and were generally

conducted in Mogadishu.^^^

A fourth type of operation was named  tam-

buro (drum) and took advantage of the Italian

force's large component of armored personnel

carriers and helicopters. The mobility and rapid

movement provided by these vehicles made them

especially valuable in emergency situations, the

primary goal of tamburo operations. These opera-

tions also enabled the Italians to react to situations

far from the city strongpoints, effectively control-

ling the entire relief sector.^^^

The Italian soldiers were busy with civil activ-

ities as well. In the Gialalassi sector, as elsewhere

in the coalition's area of operations, the overall

success of the mission depended on the perception

by the population that the coalition was there to

assist the Somali recovery and to provide general

security. The brigade engineer company cleared

mines from roads and villages, and detachments

of soldiers provided security for relief convoys

moving throughout the sector. Relief organization

warehouses and distribution points were keptunder surveillance to prevent attack or theft. The

Italians also provided direct medical aid to the

Somali people. An ambulance service carried

wounded or seriously ill civilians to the Italian

medical facilities.* There they were treated in

cooperation with Somali health and medical per-

sonnel. By the end of January alone, these med-

ical visits numbered more than 4,000.^^°

The Italian command worked with Somali eld-

ers and leaders to establish local committees so

order could be maintained and local governance

begun. They also were very actively involved in

the establishment of the auxiliary security force in

Mogadishu and throughout the Gialalassi sector.

These forces worked in the main population cen-

ters of Mogadishu, Gialalassi, Balcad, and

Jawhar. The auxiliaries were soon accompanying

the Italian soldiers on patrols and at checkpoints.

Weapons control within the sector was accom-

plished through a series of actions. First, the car-

rying of arms in the sector was prohibited; citi-

zens were requested to voluntarily turn in

weapons. Next, arms were confiscated during

* The Italian forces established one military hospital and one

surgical ward. Six infirmaries in the four strongpoint cities

backed these up. They were staffed by 39 medical officers,

12 hospital corpsmen, and 170 troops.

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Moving to the Third Phase 89

DVIC DD-SD-00-00864

An Italian soldier holding a 9mm Beretta 12S sub-machine gun patrols a heavily pockmarked section of the Green

Line, which separated the warring factions in Mogadishu.

sweep operations in areas known or suspected to

contain weapons caches or havens for armed per-

sons. These actions had results similar to those

taken throughout UNITAF's area of operations.

Thousands of weapons and several tons of ammu-

nition were confiscated and destroyed.^^'

In addition to the work of the medical staff, the

Italians assisted the local population in several

direct ways. Wells damaged during the civil war

were cleared and repaired. Main roads were put

back into good order. Schools were reopened, and

local businesses were encouraged and given sup-

port to help restart the local economy. A postal

service between Somalia and Italy was estab-


The supply of this large force (about 3,200 sol-

diers) was an important issue for the Italian com-

mand. This was the Italian armed forces' first

major deployment since World War II. The

Folgore Brigade had a related unit, the 46th

Aviation Brigade, which supported the operation

with three Aeritalia G222 utility transport air-

craft.-^^ These airplanes, along with 12 helicopters

assigned to a composite helicopter regiment, pro-

vided ample intra-theater transportation for per-

sonnel and supplies. The Italian forces were also

fortunate in Somalia's location within easy air

resupply distance of Italy itself. The Italian offi-

cers' mess at Balcad was soon renowned for the

quality of its fare; fresh pastas, meats and fish,

fruits and vegetables, and wine were all prepared

and served daily.* Potable water for drinking and

washing was a problem, as it was everywhere

else. This burden was relieved in large part by dig-

ging two wells, one in Mogadishu and the other in

Gialalassi. The combined capacity of the wells

* Genera Order Number 1 prohibited the consumption of

alcohol. However, this applied only to American forces.

Americans traveling in the theater were offered wine in

Oddur and Gialalassi and beer in Belet Weyne, which they

had to respectfully, and usually reluctantly, decline.

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A sampling of the small arms and crew-served weapons confiscated by the 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry, at checkpoint

Condor south of Merka.

was 14,000 liters of water per day, which could beused for washing. ^^^^ This represented a tremen-

dous boon because more of the water that was

hauled into the relief sector every day could be

used just for drinking and cooking.

Through March and April, the Italians contin-

ued to suppress bandits and assist the local popu-

lace. By the end of the latter month, as some of the

UNITAF coalition partners prepared to depart, the

Italians were tasked to remain as a part of UNO-SOM II. Their new area of responsibility would

continue to include Gialalassi, with an expansion

to the north to incorporate the neighboring relief

sector of Belet Weyne.


The Italian forces also had been instrumental in

establishing the Merka relief sector, but once the

port and airfield had been secured and roads

opened into the interior. Army Forces Somalia

was given responsibility for that sector. The unit

that was left for this mission, 2d Battalion, 87th

Infantry, was a part of the 2d (Commando)

Brigade, 10th Mountain Division.^^^ Although asmaller sector than most of the others, Merka had

its share of challenges for the American soldiers.

Patrols uncovered some large arms caches dur-

ing January. The first of these discoveries came on

14 January when elements of Task Force 2-87

seized 500,000 rounds of small arms ammunition

hidden at an airfield near the town of Afgooye.

Ten days later. Task Force 3-17, the 10th

Mountain Division cavalry squadron, uncovered a

large arms cache kept in eight half-buried conex

boxes. In both instances, the arms and ammuni-

tion were quickly destroyed. Task Force 2-87 con-

tinued cordon and search operations throughout

the sector, especially near large towns such as

Kurtunwaarey, Baraawe, and Qoryooley.^^^ On 29

January, these operations uncovered two more


Although it was originally outside the Merka

relief sector, the town of Afgooye was a concern

for the soldiers in this sector. Afgooye was locat-

ed within the Bale Dogle sector, which also was

under the control of the Army Forces Somalia

during January and February, and American sol-

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Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

Italian soldiers exhibit some of the arms confiscated

during sweep operations in areas l<nown to harbor

armed insurgents and contain weapons caches.

diers could therefore be transferred between sec-

tors as needed. The problems in Afgooye centered

on banditry. The town was at a key location on a

main road to Mogadishu, and was therefore a

magnet for bandits and lawless elements wanting

to extort payments from travelers going to or from

the capital city.

On 31 January, Commando Brigade conducted

a large cordon and search operation at Afgooye.

Task Force 2-87 conducted an air assault, while

Task Force 3-17 and the 984th Military Police

Company held sectors in and around the town.

The operation continued for several days. At its

conclusion, the 984th Military Police Company

was left in the town to provide a presence and

conduct stabilization operations. The operation

successfully curtailed violence and banditry in

this area, which allowed the people to reclaim

their town.^^^These operations continued in the

Merka sector, which had become relatively quiet

through February. A 60-man police force was

reestablished in the town and worked closely with

Army Forces Somalia by the end of January.^^^ On

1 March, as the Moroccans assumed control of the

Bale Dogle relief sector, Afgooye was removed

from that sector and incorporated into the Merka

sector. The 984th Military Police Company

remained in place. On 9 April, the 1st (Warrior)

Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, relieved the 2d

Brigade at Merka. On 28 April, the Merka relief

sector was turned over to the Pakistani 6th Punjab

Regiment, which had arrived as part ofUNOSOMII forces.270

Belet Weyne

The Canadian presence grew quickly in the

Belet Weyne sector after it was secured on 28

December. The entire Canadian Airborne

Regiment Battle Group had flown in by the first

days of January 1993. Commanded by Colonel

Serge Labbe, the battle group strength was 1,359

soldiers at its height. The group was composed of

three commandos, with a service commando and

a reconnaissance platoon in support. The Royal

Canadian Dragoons' A Squadron also was

assigned for the mission, as were an engineer

troop and a signal troop.-'*

The Canadian forces were supported by

Grizzly, Cougar, and Bison armored vehicles,

which arrived by ship and were then driven over-

land.** Such vehicles were not normally part of

the regimental equipment. Due to the long dis-

tances and the need for convoy protection, how-

ever, they were borrowed from other units specif-

ically for this operation. -^^ The Canadians con-

ducted dismounted patrols until these vehicles

began arriving in the sector on 15 January. By

early March, the Canadian 93 Rotary Wing

Aircraft Flight had provided six CH-135 helicop-

ters, which increased the force's mobility and

operational reach.^^'^***

* In the Canadian forces, the term battle group is analogous

to task force. In this instance, it represents the formation of a

battalion-sized unit specifically reinforced and formed for

this particular mission. The commandos that make up the

battle group are company-sized airborne infantry formations.

The term does not imply special operations capabilities.

** These are Canadian-made all-wheeled armored personnel

carriers. The Grizzly has eight wheels and mounted a

12.7mm machine gun and a 7.62mm machine gun. The

Cougar is a six-wheeled fire support vehicle armed with a

76mm gun and a 7.62mm machine gun mounted coaxially

with the main gun. The Bison is an eight-wheeled armored

persoimel carrier mounting a 7.62mm machine gun.

*** Until this time, traffic moving between Belet Weyne and

the port of Mogadishu took five days for a round trip; two

days each way and one day with overnight at the port.

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The Canadians divided their sector into four

security zones, each of which was assigned to a

sub-unit of the battle group. They quickly began

aggressive patrolling throughout the sector, both

dismounted and in the armored vehicles. Toward

the end of January, the Canadian command had

already assessed most of the humanitarian sectors

as generally quiet, making the patrolling of the

large security zones safer for the soldiers. It was

only to the north and east that friction was causing


There, close to the Ethiopian border and the

town of Matabaan, the political situation was

complicated. Most of the population within the

sector was of the Hawadle clan, and the United

Somali Congress faction had a strong presence

there. Some of these faction members were sup-

porters of General Aideed. Colonel  JohnHussein was one of Aideed's division command-

ers. Aideed 's first cousin. Colonel Omar Jaua, was

the chief of staff of Aideed's 1st Division, which

operated in the vicinity of Galcaio (outside of

UNITAF's area of operations). A local governor

named Harlane, in the town of Dharsamenbo,

reported directly to General Aideed. However,

there also was a United Somali Congress faction

that declared itself independent of both Aideed

and Ali Mahdi. The Somali National Front and the

Somali Salvation Democratic Front also had

strong factions in the area, and a faction of the

Somali National Movement was situated along

the Ethiopian border.^^^

From the start Canadian forces and U.S.

Special Operations Forces in the area began to

make contact with these groups. From these initial

talks, the coalition soldiers received information

about camps and the locations of cantonment

areas, of which there were a large number in the

sector, each guarded by 60 to 70 men. The coali-

tion troops inspected and inventoried these camps

and cantonments. Just as important, this aggres-

sive activity showed a strong coalition presence

throughout the sector and acted as a buffer

between the factions.

Of equal importance was the need to keep the

factions from causing trouble across the interna-

tional boundary with Ethiopia or beyond the lim-

its of UNITAF's area of operations in Somalia.

The Belet Weyne sector adjoined both of these

critical areas. Coalition patrols along these areas

was enhanced by the personal contacts of

Canadian and American soldiers with Ethiopianand Somali leaders. In late December and early

January, the most volatile area was at the town of

Fer Fer, which lay directly astride the Ethiopian-

Somali border. The Somali National Movement

had a strong presence there, and the Ethiopian

Army had moved more than 500 men to the area.

The Ethiopians disarmed any Somali who crossed

the border, but were refraining from attacking the

Somalis.^^^ UNITAF Special Operations Forces

had made contact with the Ethiopian commander

at Fer Fer by 5 January, and kept regular contact

with him.

The Special Operations Forces performed other

important functions in the sector as well. They

traveled to all the major villages to assess the atti-

tudes of the local populations. They also noted

which clans people belonged to, the extent of ban-

dit activities, sources of water, main crops grown,

and other information about daily life and politics.

This information was passed to the coalition com-

mander in Belet Weyne, Colonel Labbe. It was

then passed to UNITAF, where, combined with

similar information from the other sectors, it was

processed as intelligence about the entire area of


The Canadian forces soon established good

relations with the local populace and conducted

aggressive patrolling throughout the sector. They

also provided security for the convoys of relief


into the sector, notably those of

the Red Cross and Save the Children. These rehef

organizations took care of up to 45,000 people a

day just in the main city of Belet Weyne. From

that center, additional supplies were distributed to

outlying areas. Dependable stocks of food and

regular feeding at the refugee centers brought the

famine under control. Toward the end of January,

starving refugees were so far removed from dan-

ger they only required one feeding per day. Yet,

even with food stocks available elsewhere, large

numbers of refugees stayed in the city because of

the lack of water. Many wells had been destroyed

or contaminated during the civil war. With the

security provided by the Canadian soldiers, two

humanitarian relief organizations. Save the

Children and Oxfam Quebec, worked on restoring

wells and provided veterinary assistance.^'^ Such

measures allowed the people to return to their vil-


The Canadian command encouraged Somali

self-reliance through a series of councils. There

were separate ones established for local security,

relief, reconstruction, and political concerns.Colonel Labbe, as the commander, met only with

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A soldier from the 10th Mountain Division points an M16 rifle into an enclosure while checking for weapons during

a sweep of the small village of Afgooye. The village was a haven for weapons and bandits.

the councils, not with individuals. This discour-

aged any charges of Canadian favoritism. All fac-

tions and clans needed representation on these

councils and at major meetings to ensure their

respective interests were heard and protected.-^^

The Canadians also reached out to the Somali

people in more direct ways. As was happening in

other sectors, they helped reestablish a police

force. These local policemen did not carry

weapons, but they were soon accompanying the

Canadian soldiers on patrols. The Canadians

trained these officers in first aid and riot control

procedures and even procured uniforms for them.

The education of Somali children also received

attention. In the population centers of Belet

Weyne and Matabaan, several schools were

repaired and reopened with the help of the

Canadian soldiers. School supplies were procured

through the United Nations Children's Fund and

distributed to these institutions. Teachers were

recruited, tested, and given vocational training

and returned to their duties. The Canadians also

established a fund totaling $75,000 to pay for

local laborersworking

on repair projects, such as

roads. These workers were employed and man-

aged through the local rehabilitation committee,

but the funds were controlled and disbursed by the

Canadians. •^^*' As elsewhere in Somalia, military

engineers undertook the hazardous duty of clear-

ing mines from roads and other areas.

Aside from the threat posed by potentially

volatile confrontations of the numerous armed

factions, the major problem in the sector was sim-

ple banditry. This usually took the forms of loot-

ing, sniping, and setting up roadblocks for the

purpose of robbery and extortion. The Canadians

sought to control these activities through the pres-

ence of their patrols. They also issued a strict

weapons control policy. All weapons in the sector

had to be registered, and none could be carried

openly.* Non-registered weapons were seized. In

this manner, small arms in the sector became less

of a problem. Then, by working closely with the

various factions, the Canadians got the Somalis to

agree to place their heavy weapons in canton-

ments. By 27 March 1993, the entire sector was

rated secure.^*'


This allowedhumanitarian relief organizations that had

legitimate security needs to maintain their protection.

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94 Restoring Hope in Somalia

In April, the Canadians prepared for the arrival

of UNOSOM II forces. Under the transition plan,

the Belet Weyne sector was to be handed over to

the control of soldiers from India. But the Indians

would not arrive on time, and the Italians had to

temporarily extend their control into this sector.

Lieutenant Colonel Carol J. Mathieu, com-

manding officer of the battle group, recognized

the sensitive position of his sector, which bor-

dered on both Ethiopia and the portion of Somalia

that was not within the UNITAF area of responsi-

bility. He foresaw that difficulties could arise

from the presence of factional forces around

Galcaio and he recommended the extension of his

sector, something that was eventually done under

UNOSOM 11.282 Fortunately, the Canadians

brought Belet Weyne quickly and skillfully under

control, and the possibility for violence never

became reality. The humanitarian sector on the

other flank of the coalition's area of operations,

however, would pose serious problems for



After Mogadishu, Kismayo was the relief sec-

tor that had the greatest number of incidents. That

city also caused the greatest concern because of

the potential for inter-faction fighting. As in the

capital, these armed factions were ultimately tied

by alliance to either Aideed or Ali Mahdi. Both

groups wanted to control this important city,

which had been the scene of heavy fighting until

the arrival of UNITAF. To further exacerbate the

problem, the leader of the group loyal to Aideed,

Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess, was suspected of hav-

ing perpetrated a massacre among the followers of

General Said Hirsi  Morgan just before coalition

forces landed. Tensions were high in the city and

its environs,and





apart was critical. Morgan's Somali National

Alliance faction of the Somali Patriotic

Movement numbered only about 1,000 men, but

many of them were well-disciplined veterans of

the old national army.* Jess' Somali Patriotic

Movement faction was about four or five times

larger, but was not nearly as well organized. Prior

to the arrival of UNITAF troops, Morgan had

moved his followers far up the Jubba River valley.

*This is a conservative estimate of Morgan's strength.

Various sources put his numbers at two or three times this.

near the Kenyan border. He began to move south

again in January.

Just as MarFor had responsibility for stabiliz-

ing the capital, so Kismayo was the responsibility

of the Army Forces Somalia. Major General

Steven L. Arnold decided on 17 December to

deploy his lO^*^ Mountain Division artillery tacti-

cal operations center staff to the city, under the

command of Colonel Evan R. Gaddis, USA. The

advance party of six officers and enlisted soldiers

arrived at Mogadishu on 12 December and were

quickly informed about the situation, given their

mission, and told what was expected of them.

They traveled to Kismayo by humvee and linked

up with the Belgian and U.S. Marine units that

had just secured the port and airfield.^^^ Task

Force Kismayo was created from the U.S. Army's

3d Battalion, 14th Infantry, and the Belgian 1st

Parachute Battalion. The task force headquarters

was formed from the 10th Mountain Division

artillery staff, reinforced by other division assets

including an aviation detachment, a boat compa-

ny, a communications platoon, a psychological

operations team, a civil affairs team, and a support

element.^^ ^ Brigadier General W. Lawson

Magruder III, USA, the assistant division com-

mander for operations, was selected to be the task

force commanding general.

General Magruder moved quickly to impressupon the faction leaders in the sector the power

and determination of UNITAF. He also wanted to

ensure they understood the coalition was neutral

and was there only to assist the Somali people.

The task force began its security operations on 28

December. The very next day. General Magruder

hosted a meeting with Colonel Jess, local elders,

clan members, and former police officers to form

an interim security council for the sector. Shortly

after this first meeting took place, two other

important steps were taken. First, the local Somali

police began to form as an auxiliary security

force. Soon they manned roadblocks with coali-

tion forces. The second step was to issue a  no

weapons policy on 1 January.^^^ This was a com-

prehensive policy that stated:  no one may carry a

pistol, rifle, automatic weapon or transport a

crew-served weapon within the city limits of

Kismayo. It also banned pedestal mounts for

weapons on vehicles. The only exceptions were

for legitimate bodyguards, and even they had to

be in possession of an authorized permit, and in

the presence of their employer. Their weapons hadto be carried openly (in a holster or slung over the

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Photo courtesy of the author

Canadian soldiers mounted in a Bison light armored vehicle patrol the Belet Weyne sector to create and maintain a

secure environment in which to carry out their humanitarian work.

shoulder with the muzzle pointed down.) This

policy took effect on 9 January, and was enforced

through a system of routine patrols, searches of

vehicles and individuals, roadblocks, and mobile

checkpoints. Coalition forces and auxiliary secu-

rity forces worked together to enforce the ban.^^^

The coalition forces in Kismayo would soon be

at the forefront of one of UNITAF's major chal-

lenges. The ceasefire agreement on 15 January

required all factional forces to remain where they

were on that date. Barely a

weekafter the signing

of the initial Addis Ababa accords, General

Morgan began moving his forces south from the

Kenyan border toward Kismayo. There was no

doubt that General Morgan wanted a confronta-

tion with his rival Colonel Jess for control of the

city. General Magruder moved quickly and direct-

ly to end the possibility of fighting between the

factions and to warn General Morgan of the con-

sequences of his actions. On 23 January, General

Magruder met personally with General Morgan at

the town of QoQaani. General Magruder

explained UNITAF's position on the cantonment

of large weapons and technicals and told Morgan

that any such weapons found outside the canton-

ment areas could be destroyed. General Morgan

disclosed the locations of his forces at four towns

in the sector. General Magruder replied that four

sites were too many. Morgan stated he had already

told his forces not to engage coalition forces, and

that he would avoid having his men on roads used

for relief convoys if he was forewarned about

them. He also agreed,  not to initiate attacks

against other factions. Finally, he stated he could

be contacted on 26 January to arrange another

meeting.^^^ In the end, however, this proposed

meeting was overtaken by other events.

General Morgan was one of the more interest-

ing characters in the Somali political landscape. Aformer Minister of Defense, he was a son-in-law

of Siad Barre. He also had attended the United

States Army Command and Staff College at Fort

Leavenworth, Kansas. As U.S. Ambassador

Robert B. Oakley said, this meant Morgan under-

stood how we think,  but we don't have the fog-

giest idea of how he thinks. Ambassador Oakley

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96 Restoring Hope in Somalia

did describe him as  very cunning and totally

untrustworthy. ^^^ As if to prove the ambassador's

assessment. General Morgan's agreement not to

attack his rivals did not last 24 hours.

Some of Colonel Jess' soldiers were in a can-

tonment at the town of Bir Xaani, located about

35 kilometers from Kismayo. Security was lax,

perhaps in part because these men thought

UNITAF would protect them from attack.^^^ On

24 January, General Morgan's fighters attacked

the outpost as part of an attempt to move against

the port city. In response. Colonel Maulin, one of

Jess' subordinates, made an unauthorized move

against Morgan's forces.* UNITAF responded

quickly with two radioed warnings to General

Morgan to desist in his aggression and to pull

back. When he paid no attention and continued

with his intentions of reducing the Jess canton-

ment, Task Force Kismayo was ordered to stop

him by force.

The task force planned a combined operation,

with the 3d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, providing air

assault elements and attack helicopters and the

Belgian 1st Parachute Battalion forming the

ground assault element. An aerial reconnaissance

of Bir Xaani located General Morgan's forces and

warning shots were fired. After these were

ignored. Cobra attack helicopters fired cannons

andantitank rockets at the


andmilitary equipment. The fire was described as

 accurate and deadly. Belgian soldiers, soon on

the scene, captured several technicals, artillery,

and armored vehicles.^^° This preventive opera-

tion was successful; although Morgan's soldiers

did return fire, they also pulled back quickly. The

small, sharp engagement was important for two

reasons. It was the first time preemptive force had

been used against one of the Somali factions to

enforce the Addis Ababa accords, signed only 10

days before. Second, as Ambassador Oakley said

in an interview, the attack was necessary to  teach

Morgan a lesson. ... Cobra gunships went in and

took care of Morgan for not respecting the cease-

fire, continuing to move south after we told him to

stop, and for general misbehavior. ^^' General

Morgan had to withdraw his remaining vehicles

35 kilometers from Bir Xaani, and his troops

seven kilometers from the town.

* Colonel Jess had gone to attend the talks in Addis Ababa

and had not returned. In fact, with the notoriety of the

December massacre in Kismayo, there was speculation hemight never return.

The forceful reaction of UNITAF forces pro-

duced an immediate effect. Fighting ceased, and

the opposing factions pulled away from each

other. The Kismayo relief sector entered a period

of uneasy peace. Over the next few days, the

Belgian paratroopers aggressively sought out and

confiscated weapons, and American attack heli-

copters destroyed technicals found outside the

compounds.^^^ General Morgan and his men,

some of whom claimed a right to return to homes

in Kismayo, remained a threat in the area. Colonel

Jess' followers also caused troubles in the town

and lower Jubba valley. There were several inci-

dents of sniping and of grenade attacks against

coalition soldiers, particularly the Belgians. These

increased in intensity through the middle of

February. By that time. General Morgan and

Colonel Maulin were probing each other. In the

midst of this turmoil. Colonel Jess returned to

Kismayo. UNITAF had placed a lid on the situa-

tion on the southern flank, but it continued to


In late February, General Morgan was prepared

to move against Colonel Jess' forces in Kismayo

once again. Taking advantage of the better disci-

pline of his men, he infiltrated small groups into

the city on 22 February. Again, Jess' men were

caught napping. In a short but intense action, sev-

eral of Jess' fighters, as well as some civilians,

were killed and Jess and his followers fled the

city. This clash was to have serious consequences


Such a daring challenge could not go unan-

swered. Both General Johnston and Ambassador

Oakley immediately issued a strongly worded

ultimatum to General Morgan.  There can be no

excuse or pardon for the deliberate, well-planned

actions of your forces and senior commanders in

attacking Kismayo on 22 February 1993.

UNITAF condemns and holds you responsible for

killing innocent civilians and terrorizing the entire

population, threatening to destroy all the progress

toward [prosperity] and peace which has been

made in the region. UNITAF commanders then

told General Morgan,  as a result of these inex-

cusable, criminal actions and the breaking of the

ceasefire, all your forces and weapons must be

moved out [of] the lower Jubba valley to locations

north of [Dhoble] no later than midnight 25

February. You must designate these locations to

UNITAF by 25 February. If any of your forces arefound outside of these locations on 26 February or

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thereafter, they will be engaged. Any weapons

located will be destroyed. ^^^

To give teeth to the ultimatum, Army Forces

Somalia's quick reaction force was ordered to

Kismayo. Other Army units were shuffled in the

theater tokeep


humanitarian sectors secured.Even as Morgan withdrew to the Dhoble area.

Colonel Jess' forces were ordered to move out of

the city, to the area of Jilib. These measures were

timely, effective, and balanced, but the damage

had been done.

In Mogadishu, General Aideed claimed that

Morgan could not have succeeded at entering

Kismayo unless he had the cooperation of

UNITAF. He also told his followers that all of

UNITAF's actions were directed against his ally.

Colonel Jess, conveniently ignoring what the

coalition was doing to chastise General

Morgan.^^'* Aideed 's efforts at disseminating prop-

aganda succeeded in bringing his followers out

onto the streets of Mogadishu for three days of


In Kismayo, as the situation quieted down

again, the Army handed over responsibility for the

sector to the Belgians on 5 March. About 150

Americans remained out of the original 1,000-

man contingent. Their main mission was to work

with the humanitarian agencies.

But General Morgan was not done making

trouble. With the start of the next round of peace

talks scheduled to begin shortly in Addis Ababa,

there was concern violence might again erupt. On9 March, Colonel Frederick C. Peck, the public

affairs officer, expressed UNITAF's views in a

press statement:  We're going on intuition and

track record. We are concerned that someone

might try to derail things or make a point or get a

little bit better situation.  ^^^ After only two weeks

of relative quiet, Morgan's forces again attacked

Jess' followers on 16 March and tried to take over

the city. Jess' supporters fled to the north, and

UNITAF recalled its quick reaction force to the

city. This 500-man unit, under Brigadier General

Greg L. Gile, USA, was backed with 13 attack

helicopters. The belligerents were quickly pushed

out of the city. To further emphasize UNITAF

resolve to keep the factions from confronting each

other, the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp

(LHD 1) and three other ships carrying the 24th

Marine Expeditionary Unit were stationed off the

city's coast on 25 March. The MEU landed the

next day and conducted patrols to the west of the

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A Canadian soldier manning a machine gun in a bunl<er guards the entrance of Belet Weyne airfield as a U.S.

Marine KC-130 lands on the dirt airstrip.

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port city. At the same time, 200 American soldiers

and the Belgians pushed to the north, placing a

strong cordon between the forces of Morgan and


The Addis Ababa talks, which had begun on 15

March, continued through this period. With news

of General Morgan's latest actions, Aideed threat-

ened to leave the talks, again charging UNITAF

with complicity. Colonel Peter A. Dotto,

UNITAF's future plans officer, was also the coali-

tion representative to the conference. He warned

Aideed that leaving the conference would only

 play into the hands of his enemies. ^^^ Aideed

refused to listen and left. But this time he had

overextended himself. His people in Mogadishu

did not come into the streets as they had before.

Also, several of his lieutenants disagreed with his

stubbornness and formed their own contingent tocontinue representation at the conference. Faced

with this unacceptable loss of support and prestige

from his own faction, Aideed decided his interests

were best served by returning to the negotiating

table. While Aideed's resentment undoubtedly

continued, Kismayo settled into a period of quiet

for the remainder of UNITAF's time in Somalia.*

Even as the city and the area of operations

began to calm down near the end of March the

events in Kismayo and their spillover in

Mogadishu had two serious consequences. For

General Aideed, loss of credibility would cause

him to seek some method to regain his stature

with his followers. For UNITAF, the Kismayo

troubles caused a reevaluation of the transition to

UNOSOM II and a rearrangement of the rede-

ployment schedule.^^''

Morale and Restraint

During the third phase of the operation, the

work in Somalia could be rewarding for the sol-

diers and Marines of the coalition. They could see

the results of their efforts, whether they were

engineers building a bridge, infantrymen on

patrol, officers assigned to the civil-military oper-

ations teams, or air traffic controllers bringing in

aircraft filled with supplies or troops. Each person

* Kismayo continued to be a source of tension and conflict.

On 6 and 7 May 1993, just two days after the departure of

UNITAF and the turn over of the operation to the United

Nations, Colonel Jess attacked General Morgan's forces in a

bid to retake the city. Belgian forces, then under the com-mand of UNOSOM II, repelled the attack.

contributed to a situation that was noticeably

improving for the vast majority of Somali s. There

was a tedious sameness to the daily round of

work, however, and shifts were long and often

monotonous with no days off. There also was an

edge to life in the area of operations from the

occasional attacks or sniping incidents. Within a

month of the start of the operation, tension was

mounting for those who patrolled the streets of the

cities or the roads of the countryside, or who were

riding in convoys. An official document stated the

case clearly:  the strain of operating in an envi-

ronment where a Marine on patrol might be met

by a waving, smiling crowd on one comer and

gunfire on the next began to tell on the individu-

als in MarFor. Many Marines began to grow

increasingly impatient with the naturally curious

Somalis, particularly when Somalis crowded

them. 298

This attitude was not peculiar to Americans or

Marines. In Baidoa, the Australians also noted:

The soldiers observed acts of corruption and

exploitation among Somalis and Somali

Non-Government Organization staff. They

became disillusioned. In many cases their

morale plummeted as they asked themselves

why they were risking their lives in a

remote, hot and dangerous country, hell bent

on its own destruction. It was an immense

challenge for the commanders within the 1

RAR Group to maintain morale, and prevent

soldiers from allowing their disillusionment

and anger to lead to overly-aggressive prac-

tices. All of those who served in Baidoa had

to dig deep to remain in touch with values

and attitudes developed at home in

Australia, while working under pressure in a

brutalized society, stricken with corruption

and violence.2^^

Such frustration was familiar to those senior

commanders and noncommissioned officers whohad served in Vietnam. There the enemy often hid

within, and was supported by, the civilian popula-

tion. In Somalia, there was no enemy in the tradi-

tional sense, but it was just as difficult to discern

the intentions of a mob of people, or to spot with-

in a crowd the person who might pose a real

threat. Strong leadership at all levels was required

to keep soldiers and Marines focused on their mis-


Major General Wilhelm recognized the creep-

ing tiredness and frustration of his Marines by

mid-January, and he issued MarFor a  Thirty-Day

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Photo courtesy of the author

Belgian paratroopers stand guard at the port of


Attitude Adjustment Message. In addition to

calling for a brief stand down of operations to

allow his Marines to gain some respite, he

reminded them that they needed to maintain good

relations  with the 90 [percent] of the population

who welcomed the American presence. As he

noted, no matter how frustrating the situation

might become, the Marines had to avoid alienat-

ing the citizens of Mogadishu.  ^ In Baidoa,

Lieutenant Colonel David W. Hurley adopted the

motto of  firm, fair,

andfriendly as the guide for

the Australian soldiers. He also made it clear that

unnecessary violence would not be tolerated, and

that all actions must be within the rules of engage-


The professionalism and discipline of coalition

soldiers were essential in keeping down the num-

ber of unfortunate incidents. Occasionally, some

soldier or Marine would be confronted with a sit-

uation that called for a quick decision to use dead-

ly force, although these were rare. At such times,

the rules of engagement provided both a basis for

action and protection for the soldiers involved if

there was an obvious threat. An investigation was

held for any incident in which a member of the

coalition shot a Somali. The individuals involved

would either be upheld in their decision or recom-

mended for a court-martial. On 4 February, a

young Somali was shot and killed by a Marine

sergeant as he rushed toward the back of an open

vehicle while carrying a closed box. The box

turned out to hold nothing dangerous. This was a

very sorrowful event, causing grief to the boy's

family and deep remorse to the Marine involved.

But since the contents of the box were not known,

and since the boy's actions were deemed to pose a

possible threat, the sergeant was determined to

have acted in accordance with the rules of

engagement and did not face a court-martial.

But there were also some who did let their frus-

tration and anger get out of hand, with drastic

results. On 2 February, Gunnery Sergeant Harry

Conde, shot and wounded a Somali youth who

had approached his vehicle and stolen his sun-

glasses.* Gunnery Sergeant Conde shot the boy as

he was fleeing from the vehicle. The gunfire also

wounded another Somali. Since the boy did not

present any threat to the gunnery sergeant, he was

deemed to have used excessive force and was

tried by court-martial. He was found guilty of two

counts of assault with a firearm with intent to

inflict grievous bodily harm, was fined, and was

reduced in grade to staff sergeant.

* Riding in a convoy in the city of Mogadishu or in Kismayo

was always a tense time. Roads between major points were

kept clear by the Clean Street operations to allow for fast

movement, and routes were occasionally varied, but there

was always the chance of random sniping or a grenade

attack. Also, Somali pedestrians frequently stepped in front

of vehicles to purposely separate them from their convoy and

slow them down or stop them. Then the vehicle could be

mobbed as crowds of young men and boys rushed in to grabwhatever they could get. Passengers in the vehicles were lit-

erally sitting targets if anyone wished to take advantage of

the situation. There was a need for constant vigilance in such

situations, and coalition soldiers had to be able to protect

themselves and their property. On leaving a compound, a

magazine was inserted into one's personal weapon and a

round chambered with the safety on. Many also carried sticks

or the end poles from cots to rap the knuckles of those who

might attempt to steal. At one point it was noted that some

soldiers, such as the Tunisians, were traveling with bayonets

fixed to deter thieves, but this practice was stopped. It was

determined the very act of fixing bayonets provided a clear

message of the intent of the soldiers involved and could act

as a deterrent that would not be possible if the bayonets were

already on the rifles.

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BGen Lawson W. Magruder III, USA, the 10th Mountain Division's assistance division commander and Task Force

Kismayo's commander, meets with Col Ahmed Omar Jess, the Somali faction leader in Kismayo.

The most serious set of incidents occurred in

Belet Weyne. The Canadians had problems with

SomaH men and youths sneaking into their lines at

night and steaHng whatever they could. The thefts

were bad enough, but no one could determine the

intentions of these intruders, and for that reason

they posed a threat to the soldiers and a danger to

themselves. Frustration and resentment mounted

against these thieves. Unfortunately, some junior

leaders took matters into their own hands in a

manner that was unjustifiable and deadly. On 4

March, soldiers of the Reconnaissance Platoonwere ordered to augment security at the engi-

neers' camp at Belet Weyne. That evening the pla-

toon's commander. Captain Michael Rainville, set

in motion a plan to capture infiltrators by placing

rations and equipment in a position that could be

seen by Somalis coming close to the compound.

Eventually, two unarmed Somali men were

observed entering the compound. They were chal-

lenged by members of the platoon and attempted

to flee. Warning shots were fired, but they contin-

ued to run. One of the Somalis was shot and cap-

tured. The other continued to run inside the com-

pound until he, too, was struck by rifle fire,

knocking him to the ground. As he tried to get up,

he was shot twice again at close range and killed.

Just a few days later. Major Anthony Seward,

the commanding officer of 2 Commando, passed

on to his platoon commanders that any intruders

captured in Canadian lines were to be abused. The

intention of this poorly worded direction was that

any Somali thieves should be taught a lesson that

would deter them, or others who might be con-

templating such actions, from stealing from the

Canadians. Some officers passed this word on to

their men. Unfortunately, some soldiers took it as

a license to do what they could to anyone unfor-

tunate enough to fall into their hands. On the night

of 16 March, a Somali teenager, Shidane Arone,

was caught in the Canadian base at Belet Weyne.

He was bound and taken to a bunker that had been

used to hold such prisoners until they could be

turned over to proper authorities. There he was

tortured and beaten to death by at least two sol-

diers, Master Corporal Clayton Matchee and

Private Kyle Brown. Several noncommissioned

officers had knowledge of the beating, although

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Moving to the Third Phase 101


Two Belgian military police officers go through the possessions of a Somali taxi driver at a checkpoint at the

entrance into the compound at the port of Kismayo.

they may not have known of its severity until too


Canadian authorities investigated both inci-

dents. The result tarnished the reputation of a fine

military establishment, which had received praise

from General Johnston for  the humanitarian

focus of the Canadian troops. It has earned them

enormous good will and they have properly por-

trayed themselves as having come to Somalia for

[a] noble purpose. ^*'^ The careers of many sol-

diers in the Airborne Regiment and in the

Canadian Ministry of National Defense were


The initial investigations began with a com-

manding officer's investigation immediately after

the 4 March shooting, but this was not received at

National Defense headquarters until 23 March.

However, an investigation by Canadian military

police began in late April, just days before the

redeployment of the UNITAF headquarters. The

Canadian forces began redeploying in May andcontinued to arrive back in Canada through June.

As word of the incidents began to emerge, along

with allegations of withheld or altered informa-

tion, they developed into a national scandal,

reaching into the highest levels of the Canadian

Ministry of National Defense. A special

Commission of Inquiry was established in

Canada, which worked on questioning all officers

and soldiers connected in any way with either

incident. As a result of the investigation and the

scandal, the Canadian Airborne Regiment was

disbanded. Lieutenant Colonel Mathieu was court

martialed; although acquitted he retired from the

service. Several other officers and noncommis-

sioned officers were also court martialed. Among

the most significant was Major Seward, who was

found guilty of negligent performance of duty and

received a severe reprimand, three months in

prison, and dismissal. Captain Rainville was court

martialed and found not guilty. Master Corporal

Matchee attempted to commit suicide while in

custody in Somalia, resulting in permanent brain

damage that rendered him incompetent to stand

trial. Private Brown was court martialed, found

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102 Restoring Hope in Somalia

guilty of manslaughter and torture, and sentenced

to five years imprisonment and dismissal with dis-


Among the 30,000 members of UNITAF, such

incidents of unwarranted violence and abuse were

rare. Generally, the soldiers and Marines of all the

coalition partners were concerned with maintain-

ing their personal honor in a difficult situation,

and with assisting the great majority of Somalis

who needed and welcomed their efforts. The work

was not always easy, and it often required

patience and forbearance. But as MarFor's com-

mand chronology for this period stated:  The dis-

cipline of the Marines ensured that potentially

explosive situations, instead of deteriorating, were

defused. Many a young Somali who could have

been legitimately shot under the rules of engage-

ment owes his life to the restraint of MarFor per-

sonnel. ^'''^ The great majority of the coalition's

soldiers displayed the same discipline.

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104 Restoring Hope in Somalia

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DVIC DN-SD-00-00795

A U.S. Marine KC-130 Refueler aircraft on the ground at Belet Weyne airfield, as a Marine AI-l-1  Cobra attacl< fiel-

icopter flies overhead. The mission of the KC-130s was to refuel the Cobras, keeping them in the air to escort food


Canadian replenishment oiler Preserver (AOR



work ofall the vessels in

the coali-tion was varied. There were the normal training

and drills, and underway replenishments were

common, but the more important tasks were in

direct support of the operation. Naval air was a

key factor, and Navy Forces Somalia assumed the

air traffic control mission for the operation during

its early days. Aircraft performed road reconnais-

sance for convoys and stood ready for close air

support if needed. Logistics and tanker flights

helped troops on the ground stay supplied, while

forward infrared radar surveillance flights kept

the commanders informed of movements within

the theater. The ships also conducted coastal sur-

veillance and intercepted and searched merchant

vessels entering the waters of the area of opera-


This latter mission was very important in

ensuring more weapons were not smuggled into

the theater. In one notable example, an intelli-

gence report indicated a cargo vessel named the

Maria, a ship of Greek origin laden with arms and

ammunition, was sailing from Serbia and suppos-

edly heading forSomaUa. The coalition naval

forces kept a tight watch for this ship, which was

nondescript and bore a name common to mer-

chant vessels in the Mediterranean. The Maria

was eventually reported as seized by the

Seychelles Coast Guard in their national waters

on 5 March. The ship was carrying 90 tons of

munitions and falsified registry papers at the


Air Operations

Air support was vital to every aspect of the

operation. It provided a capability that offset the

tremendous distances of the area of operations

and served as an important and flexible support-

ing arm to troops on the ground.

Although a service component, the U.S. Air

Force was in some aspects similar to a functional

organization. Its primary duty as the overseer of

Air Force Forces Somalia was to provide mobili-

ty, both into the area of operations and within the

theater. It was one of the smallest components of

the Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF), but

there was no shortage of airframes in the country.

Most of these came from the American forces, and

all four Services (Army, Air Force, Navy, and

Marine Corps) contributed to the air armada thatwas sent to Somalia. Some of the coalition part-

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Drawing Down the Forces 105

ners also used their own aircraft for resupply or as

a contribution to the overall operation.

The aircraft were used for almost every tradi-

tional mission of air power.* In the initial phases

of the operation, fixed-wing attack aircraft from

the carriers flew air patrols for detachments work-ing at distant sites and were prepared for close air

support if necessary. Medical evacuation flights

and search and rescue flights were also significant

parts of the planning.** Later, Army and Marine

Corps attack helicopters provided close-in fire

support to operations against factions in

Mogadishu and Kismayo. Transport aircraft fly-

ing on the air bridge brought personnel and sup-

plies into the country, and C-130 and C-141 intra-

theater flights carried fuel and supplies to the sec-


The absence of traditional ground supporting

arms (e.g., tanks and heavy artillery) during

Operation Restore Hope was offset by the use of

attack helicopters. These aircraft filled an impor-

tant void in the organizational structure. With the

decision to leave howitzers on board the maritime

prepositioning force shipping, gunships assumed

a vital supporting arms role. Marine Forces

Somalia (MarFor) used them successfully in the

attack on weapons storage sites in Mogadishu,

and the Army employed them frequently duringtroubles in Kismayo in February and March. The

Army's after action report claimed:  Attack avia-

tion provided the discriminatory firepower

required for this type of environment.  ^^^ Also,

the Somalis displayed an evident respect for the

capabilities of these weapons.  [Their] presence

also provided a psychological effect that helped in

intimidating potential threats. ... On several occa-

sions, the mere presence of the attack helicopters

served as a deterrent and caused crowds and vehi-

cles to disperse.  ^°^ These versatile aircraft pro-

tected convoys throughout the theater, performed

day and night reconnaissance missions, and

accompanied coalition forces on the ground. They

added appreciably to the coalition mission to cre-

ate a secure environment.

* The Marine Corps lists six functions of support provided

by its air arm. These are offensive air support, antiair war-

fare, assault support, aerial reconnaissance, electronic war-

fare, and control of aircraft and missiles.

** See Chapter 8 for a more detailed description of medical


The calibration of weapons was important to

the effectiveness of the aircraft. Marine Aircraft

Group 16 (MAG- 16) built a firing range five

miles northwest of Bale Dogle airfield where all

aviation weapons could be properly checked.

From 6 January to 1 2 January, the group conduct-

ed a battle-sight zero range to sight all of its

M16A2 rifles.308

Aircraft were also critical to the supply of

forces in the field, especially in the operation's

early days. Working with the Air Force or air

mobility element, MAG- 16 set up  spoke chan-

nel flights to the sectors of Bardera, Bale Dogle,

and Baidoa. Service began a few days before

Christmas. An average of four transport flights a

day soon delivered vital cargo of rations, miscel-

laneous supplies, and engineering equipment to

these areas. Lockheed KC-130 Hercules trans-

ports from Marine Aerial Refueler Transport

Squadron 352 delivered fuel, as did CH-53D/E

heavy lift helicopters from MAG- 16. These heli-

copters also transported personnel and carried

oversize cargo by external lift. The spoke channel

flights served Kismayo and other sectors with fuel

deliveries. Even the French forces at Oddur bene-

fited from these flights by driving the shorter dis-

tance to Baidoa to pick up fuel and water deliv-

ered by air.^°^ As the New Zealand forces came

into theater they set up scheduled  Kiwi flightsinto the various relief sectors. Their light fixed-

wing Andover aircraft were used to deliver pas-

sengers and light cargo on a regular basis.

The peculiarities of the desert environment

affected aircraft as well as soldiers. The

omnipresent dust was extremely damaging to

equipment, especially to the machines' sensitive

air intakes. Even the finest filters could not keep

out all the powder-like dust. The aircraft at dirt

airfields in the interior were particularly vulnera-

ble to this problem, since every time an airplane

or helicopter took off or landed at one of these

fields it raised a storm of red or ochre dust, the

color depending on the location. One solution was

to use dust palliatives that could be put down on

the runways and adjacent surfaces to hold the par-

ticles in place. Another solution was to placeAM2interconnecting panels, a medium-duty, alu-

minum, landing mat capable of supporting both

fighter and cargo aircraft operations, on ramps

and taxiways.

Despite all the work to repair the runways and

keep them serviceable, problems developed rapid-

ly. The traffic of the heavy Lockheed C-141 air-

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106 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DVIC DD-SD-00-00923

Using a John Deere road grader, U.S. Air Force SSgt Robert Chandler, along with other members of the Air Force's

Red Horse civil engineering team, smoothes out the ground at Oddur airstrip.

craft rutted or broke up the surfaces. In some

cases, such as at Bale Dogle, a main air base for

the operation, this meant the suspension of C-141

flights or the transfer of cargo to the smaller C-

1 30 aircraft for delivery.

The need for continuous maintenance of the

runways was distressing. So was another common

problem, foreign object damage. This was caused

by small items, such as pebbles, screws, or trash

that could get onto an aircraft operating area and

cause damage to airframes or engines when blown

around or kicked up. Damage from foreign

objects was plentiful at Somali airfields. It oftencame in the form of stones or small rocks that

were blown onto runways by propeller aircraft.

Airmen, soldiers, or locally hired Somalis

engaged in a never-ending struggle to keep the

operating areas clear and safe.

Rocks, dust and debris weren't the only prob-

lems at the airfields. Within a short time, the air-

port at Mogadishu became the busiest on the Horn

of Africa, resulting in serious overcrowding.

Colonel Dayre C. Lias, USAF, Air Force Forces

Somalia deputy director of mobility forces, noted

on 18 December that there were a  World Airways

DC- 10, Kuwait DC-8 and C-5 on civilian ramp.

Military ramp saturated with civil and other

nations military aircraft. The next day, he noted

that  [Mogadishu Airport] operating close to the

limit. By early January, the north ramp (old mil-

itary ramp where several non-flyable MiGs are

located) was saturated with a variety of traffic. ...

Civilian, relief agency, coalition force and Marine

KC-130s are all using the ramp on a free flow

basis. We even saw two African Airlines 707s.

Colonel Lias was also very specific about the

cause of the crowding: a lack of what he called

visibility. By this he meant the air mobility ele-

ment had no knowledge of, or control over, the

arrival of many of these aircraft.^ ^

Control and management of aircraft were long-

running problems during the operation. There

were several causes. First, there were actually two

operations (and thus two headquarters) responsi-

ble for sending aircraft into Somalia. One of these

was UNITAF. The other was the joint task force

for Operation Provide Relief, which was still

based at Mombasa. Establishing a chain-of-com-

mand and tracking authority between these two

entities were some of the first priorities Air Force

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Drawing Down the Forces 107

Forces Somalia had to establish. Provide Relief

headquarters was willing to work with UNITAF

man-to-man between the respective operations

sections (through U.S. Central Command, their

common superior) using information passed in

situation reports. This was a solution, but one that

was still fraught with difficulties.^

Other internal problems existed. The operation

took place early in the joint era, when common

command and communications systems were still

being formed. As the components came into the

area of operations, each brought their own sys-

tems with them, and these were not always com-

patible. There were  lots of software problems,

Colonel Lias noted. The Navy used the contin-

gency theater automated planning system, while

the Marines relied on fragmentary orders, and the

Air Force employed the theater air mobility sys-

tem, all of which sought to manage complex air-

ground operations.^'^

The UNITAF method to manage and control

the airspace was through an airspace control

authority, established within the Air Forces direc-

torate of mobility forces.* Under normal circum-

stances, a control authority is the responsibility of

a sovereign nation, which, working with the

International Civil Aviation Organization, can

publish and distribute Notices to Airmen to help

control the air traffic within its airspace. But, as

with so much in Somalia, there were no normal

circumstances. No sovereign goverrmient existed

to work with the international aviation organiza-

tion. Thus, the job fell by default to UNITAF.

Coalition commander Lieutenant General

Robert B. Johnston, working through his airspace

* In most joint operations, a joint force air component com-

mander (JFACC) would be established. The commander is

normally charged with developing the air campaign plan for

the theater, basing it upon the assets available to him. In a

war or combat situation, this plan would address four impor-

tant air functions: airspace management, airspace control, air

defense, and targeting. It was soon obvious the last two func-

tions were not of significance to Operation Restore Hope.

UNITAF did require the first two, however, and so the air-

space control authority was established. In the first few

weeks to the operation. Major General Harold W. Blot, com-

manding general of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, held this

position. In her study of UNITAF, Dr. Katherine A. W.

McGrady of the Center For Naval Analyses explained the

development of the authority and its functions. She also

notes the term  JFACC was sometimes erroneously used.

Part of this confusion may have unintentionally come from

UNITAF itself, which listed Major General Blot as joint air

component commander on its early personnel rosters.

control authority staff, published a memorandum

to all  potential users of Somali airspace. It cited

a United Nations Resolution 794 provision to

 take all necessary means to establish the secure

environment for relief operations. This was the

basis to assume the airspace control authority for

Somalia by UNITAF,  effective the 9th day of

December 1992, and continuing until further

notice. Having assumed this authority. General

Johnston enjoined  all countries ... to direct their

registered aircraft to strictly comply with all air-

space control orders and applicable regulations

and conventions in place in Somalia. All aircraft

must strictly comply with established airspace

control procedures to ensure effective procedural

control. Violations of air traffic control directions

will be reported to the International Civil Aviation

Organization, the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency,and other appropriate national agencies.


Unfortunately, problems of airspace manage-

ment and control continued. Not everyone saw the

clear logic in the commanding general's memo-

randum. At a meeting held in Nairobi on 7

January 1993 between representatives of UNITAFand civilian agencies, the timely dissemination of

Notices to Airman was identified as the main

problem. But there were greater, related issues

brought up at the meeting. The International Civil

Aviation Organization did not accept the joint task

force's authority to issue Notices to Airman, nor

did it acknowledge the task force's interpretation

of U.N. Resolution 794 that it controls Somali air-

space except for military traffic, nor did it recog-

nize task force air control orders where they con-

flicted with existing Notices. The civil aviation

organization and other participants at the meeting

further asked to discuss precise technical issues

such as air traffic control procedures over

Somalia, communications frequencies, changes in

Notices to Airman language, and the status of nav-

igational aids.^' *


* Other participants included the International Air Transport

Association, a trade organization that serves the commercial

airline industry, and the National Geodetic Survey, a part of

the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Among other missions, the National Geodetic Survey con-

ducts aerial photographic surveys of airports in the United

States to locate the positions of obstructions and aids to air

travel. Since the survey agency does not function outside the

United States, it is likely that some of its personnel may have

attended this meeting to provide information and expertise in

these matters.

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108 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DVIC DD-SD-00-00917

A variable omni-range, meteorological navigational aids system using an AN/FRN-44 site survey van with an omni-

range radio was set up at Mogadishu airport by the 485th Engineering Installation Group to assist civilian aircraft

into what became the busiest airport in the Horn of Africa.

The tension created by the inflexibihty of the

civihan authorities was made clear by the joint

task force's airspace control authority when it

threatened to impound civilian aircraft if they did

not start complying with the air control orders.

On the other side, international organizations

claimed they could not issue Notices to Airman

based on the air control order language because

civilian operators could not understand them.^'^

In spite of the seeming impasse, both sides

agreed  that safety is now the paramount issue in

the critically congested airspace over Somalia. ^^^

This one point of agreement and the willingness

of people to work to a common end were the

beginning of the solution.

Just one week later, on 14 January, representa-

tives of UNITAF, the International Civil Aviation

Organization, and other agencies met in

Mogadishu for a technical meeting. The com-

manding general of UNITAF was again designat-

ed as the airspace control authority for all of the

territorial airspace of Somalia. Colonel Frederick

M. Lorenz, UNITAF's staff judge advocate,

explained the legal basis for this position under

United Nations Resolution 794 and passed out

copies of the memorandum by which General

Johnston assumed this authority. Difficulties with

the dissemination and publication of Notices to

Airman were identified, and the air control order

process was explained. The meeting reconvened

the next day and again on the 16th.^'^

One of the most important agreements reachedon the 15th was that the International Civil

Aviation Organization recognized that the

UNITAF commanding general served as the air-

space control authority  'on behalf of the sover-

eign state of Somalia. The distinction was noted

as being academic, but it was sufficient to verify

the UNITAF commanding general as the sole

authority for airspace procedures in the

Mogadishu [flight instruction region]. Progress

that day and the next created a single airspace

control plan. UNITAF air control orders were

reviewed, along with existing Notices and the

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Drawing Down the Forces 109

international organization's plans. From this

work, two Notices, controlling upper and lower

airspace, were circulated through the Kenyan

Civil Aviation Authority. All future Notices to

Airman would be distributed  on behalf of

Somalia at the request of the Commander, Unified

Task Force. A meeting was set between

UNITAF's airspace control authority representa-

tive, Major John D. Reardon, and those of com-

mercial carriers flying out of Nairobi. The

International Civil Aviation Organization prom-

ised to provide plans for reconstructing airspace

control within the Mogadishu region and to hire a

permanent organizational representative in

Mogadishu. Finally, requirements for the transi-

tion of airspace control authority to the com-

manding general of United Nations Operation

Somalia H (UNOSOM II) would be forwarded bythe international aviation organization to


These matters essentially cleared up the ques-

tion of control of the civil aircraft coming into

Somali airspace. The UNITAF staff continued to

work out other coordination problems. The most

significant of these were addressed by a series of

agreements made at the beginning of March with

the adjacent flight instruction regions (Nairobi,

Addis Ababa, Aden, the Seychelles, and

Bombay.) The agreements covered such coordina-

tion issues as radio frequencies, transfer of

responsibility from one region to another, and

established routes, flight levels and separation

between aircraft, and the acceptance of messages

and revisions. These agreements went into effect

on 31 March.319

Management of military aircraft coming into

the area of operations did not pose such drawn-out

problems, but it still had to be addressed. General

Johnston established his airspace control authori-

ty through the air mobility element's director of

mobility forces. Colonel Walter S. Evans, USAF.

By the end of December, as the tempo of air oper-

ations reached the maximum capacity for

Mogadishu airport. Colonel Evans worked

through the United States Transportation

Command and Central Command to establish

time slot allocations for all aircraft coming into

Mogadishu, including those of coalition partners.

At the same time, he worked with the various

ground forces quartered in or near the airfield to

DVIC DD-SD-00-00889

A group of Maleel townspeople gather to await the deliver of wheat donated by Australia. The wheat was flown in

slung underneath a Marine CH-53 helicopter

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110 Restoring Hope in Somalia


MajGen Steven L. Arnold, USA, commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division, meets with town elders. Red

Cross representatives, and other humanitarian relief works in Merka.

stop the growing number of near accidents caused

by unauthorized personnel and equipment on the

runways and taxiways.^^

With the establishment of these procedures and

organizational structures, UNTTAF was able to

look forward and plan for the ultimate transfer of

air traffic services back to civil authorities. As

early as 18 January, an initial plan for the transi-

tion of airspace control authority functions was

published. Under it, the authority could stand

down on 22 January except for airspace manage-ment functions and  aviation services ... still

required by JTF Somalia Components. On that

date. Air Force Forces Somalia would be respon-

sible for publication of a  combined flight sched-

ule for U.S. and coalition forces and the air

mobility element was to incorporate into it all

fixed-wing airlift schedules of the components

and coalition partners. Provision also was made

for UNITAF's operations air section to eventually

coordinate all air issues within the area of opera-

tions.^^' Brigadier General Anthony C. Ziimi, in

his position as the director of operations, assumed

the remaining airspace control authority for

Somali airspace on 1 February, delegating it to

Lieutenant Colonel William J. O'Meara, USAF.^^i

EstabUshing air control and airspace manage-

ment had been long, and at times it was very com-

plex work within a thicket of military and interna-

tional organizations and operational procedures.

But, as with many issues confronted by UNITAF,

the problems were eventually resolved in a spirit

of cooperation and mutual interest in the safety of

all aircrews and the success of the overall mission.

The best indicator of the success of these efforts

was that, in spite of the small and poorly equipped

state of the Mogadishu airport, it was accident-

free even while operating as the busiest airport on

the Horn of Africa.

End Game

The work performed during the third phase,

from the beginning of January to the end of

March, provided the basis for the transition that

would occur in early May. Throughout this phase.

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Drawing Down the Forces 111

Lieutenant General Johnston allowed his subordi-

nate commanders great discretion. As he said in a

component commanders' meeting on 6 January:

 Every HRS [humanitarian relief sector] is differ-

ent; commanders must be given broad missions.

[They] w^ill have to weave [their] way through a

broad fabric of village elders and others. I'm

pleased with what I see; commanders on the

ground taking initiative and doing a splendid

job. 323

All the coalition partners set up similar struc-

tures in the humanitarian relief sectors, ensuring a

standard method of working throughout the area

of operations: weapons control policies were in

place in every sector; civil-military operations

teams coordinated the needs of each sector's relief

organizations and reported through the main civil-

military operations center in Mogadishu; former

police were vetted into auxiliary security forces;

councils of local elders and clan leaders were

established to place responsibility for Somali gov-

ernance and security back into their own hands;

and patrols established the reach of UNITAF far

into the countryside. Where possible, coalition

soldiers provided medical care and worked with

the local populace to improve their lives by such

projects as digging wells or improving roads.

More importantly, a secure environment, which

was UNITAF's primary mission, was in place.

This security allowed the delivery of food, medi-

cines, and other relief supplies. The United

Nations acknowledged the important effects of

UNITAF's work during this period in its report on


The improved security conditions made it

possible for United Nations agencies and

NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] to

strengthen their staff in Somalia, and numer-

ous new [nongovernmental organizations]

arrived. In addition to the WFPs [World

Food Program's] stepped-up food deliveries,

UNICEF expanded its operations, providingmedicines and staff to 16 hospitals, 62 moth-

er-and-child health [centers] and 156 health

posts throughout Somalia by January 1993,

and together with its [nongovernmental

organization] partners, helped feed over

200,000 children a day. The World Health

Organization opened a central pharmacy in

DVIC DD-SD-00-00785

Marines of 2d Platoon, Company C, 3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion provide security for a convoy of United

Nations trucks carrying food from Mogadisfiu to Baidoa.

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112 Restoring Hope in Somalia


Marines of3d Battalion, 9th Marines, 15tli Expeditionary Unit, board an American Trans Air L-1011 forthe flightback

to the United States.

Mogadishu. Indeed, by January 1993, food

and medical supplies were getting through to

almost all the towns of southern and central

Somalia, with immediate and dramatic

results. Although many hungry, weak people

were still staggering into feeding [centers],

most could now be saved. Deaths from star-

vation and disease fell sharply and, reflect-

ing the greatly increased food supply, by

March 1993, cereal prices had fallen to a

third of their September 1992 level.^24

While coalition forces were acting so success-

fully in the field, UNITAF command in

Mogadishu was heavily engaged in two important

activities: shaping the force to meet the changing

realities of the mission and preparing for the tran-

sition to United Nations control. By the end of

December, with the end of Phases I and 11 and the

start of Phase III, there was an opportunity to

oversee the development of the theater. The forces

spreading out through the area of operations need-

ed attentionand

logistics support. There were

many things, small and great, which could be

done to make the deployment run more smoothly

or alleviate the harshness of daily life for the sol-

diers in the field.

Restructuring and Redeployment

Before the end of December, General Johnston

was ready to take an objective look at the force to

see how well it matched the mission in light of the

progress of the past few weeks. General Johnston

faced an interesting dilemma. With the success of

the first two phases, the continuing arrival of

capable coalition partners, and a less intense

threat than had been originally anticipated.

General Johnston had to decide if it still made

sense to bring in the major portions of two

American divisions. If not, he had to determine

what sort of force structure there should be in the

theater to ensure the accomplishment of the mis-

sion. As General Johnston later stated, it was a

good thing to have  the ability to refine your deci-

sions that were made ... before you started; you've

got to have the flexibility of not feeling like you

can't change.  ^^^

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Drawing Down THE Forces 113

Even before the end of 1992, the composition

of the American forces within the coalition

changed greatly from what had originally been

anticipated. It was already clear there was no need

for a force incorporating armor and artillery. Also,

it was clear a smaller force could perform the mis-

sion. Accordingly, MarFor cancelled its scheduled

deployment of two of its subordinates; the 1st

Battalion, 1st Marines, and the 1st Tank Battalion.

Thus, the last Marine unit to arrive was the 3d

Battalion, 11th Marines, on 31 December 1992.

But this artillery battalion did not even draw its

howitzers from the maritime prepositioning force

ships. It operated instead as a provisional rifle bat-

talion with assigned security duties in


On 6 January 1993, General Johnston held a

meeting with his commanders and staff to discuss

restructuring and redeployment of forces. He stat-

ed the intent had always been to build up quickly

to provide overwhelming force, and then to draw

back. The question of how forces could be

reduced while maintaining a balanced structure

was freely discussed among the officers present.

General Zinni, the operations officer, remarked

that the force did not need any more combat units.

In the ensuing discussion, it was recognized that

with the scheduled redeployment of the 3d

Battalion, 9th Marines, in about two weeks,

MarFor would be at about brigade size. Looking

at the Army Forces Somalia units that were com-

ing in behind the Marines at that time, it was also

recognized there could be a force composed of

one Army brigade and one brigade of Marines.

From an initial heavy brigade structure, MarFor

could reduce its size to a light brigade, which was

about the size of the present Army Forces

Somalia. Major General Steven L. Arnold, USA,

commanding general of Army Forces Somalia,

voiced his concern that UNITAF should remain

joint, both within its headquarters and in its organ-

ization. He saw the mix of a Marine Corps

brigade-sized force with light armored vehicles

would work well with an Army brigade contain-

ing aviation assets. General Johnston foresaw that

UNITAF headquarters would have to be drawn

back as well, but would have to remain fairly

robust to take advantage of national intelligence

* This was not unprecedented. In October 1983, during the

invasion of Grenada, H Battery, 10th Marines, as part of the

22d Marine Amphibious Unit, did not land their howitzers

and served as an infantry company.

assets. His guidance was that the force would

draw back to the Army and Marine brigades,

which would mean reducing the current size of

MarFor and the UNITAF headquarters as well. He

also directed that MarFor should plan to attain its

light brigade size by 30 March.^^^

There were immediate changes at UNITAF

headquarters. General Johnston later said he knew

the headquarters was heavy to start, but that was

needed during in the early phases when planning

was critical.  But very quickly you don't need [a

large headquarters staff.] Once you get into the

HRS [humanitarian relief sectors], I don't need all

that command and control. ... The guys on the

ground doing the sweeps, the convoys, didn't

need the headquarters anymore to plan all of these

operations, so I was anxious to download head-

quarters. ^^^ A joint personnel processing center

had already been established within the operations

section by the end of December to take care of

non-unit line number movements out of theater.^^^

By the end of the year, personnel who could be

spared from the headquarters staff sections were

returning home or to their former units. Out of an

initial headquarters of 1,008 personnel, 225 were

identified by the staff sections as excess and were


General Johnston had to convince some offi-

cers in his chain-of-command that it was appro-priate to scale back the size of UNITAF at this

time. As he said:  there has been some uneasiness

on the part of Joint Chiefs of Staff and even

CentCom [Central Command] with this drawing

down. But, as he also made clear:  It obviously

takes more forces to impose the security environ-

ment that we have created than it does to maintain

it. He saw the improving intelligence situation,

and the ability to maintain mobility and firepower

in the reconfigured force, allowed him to contin-

ue the security mission and prepare for the even-

tual turnover to the United Nations. He also knew,

however, that  I had to keep selling and convinc-

ing people [to] trust me. I'm the guy on the

ground and I know, talking to my commanders,

what we can draw down to and still be able to han-

dle any kind of eventuality. '

UNITAF Redeployment

By 8 January, the UNITAF staff had developed

a three-phase plan for the reduction of the

American forces. The first phase was to go from15 January to 5 February 1993, with MarFor and

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114 Restoring Hope in Somalia


A Marine 5-ton cargo truck is driven up the stern ramp of the MV Pvt Franklin J. Phillips (T-AK 3004) at the port of

l\/logadishu. By late January 1993, the operation had accomplished its mission well enough to allow the command

to reduce the size of UNITAF.

Army Forces Somalia each drawing back to their

heavy brigade configurations. This would leave

the Marine brigade with the 7th Marines, Marine

Aircraft Group 16, and a force service support

group. The Army brigade would be composed of

the 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry, Task Force

Kismayo, an aviation battalion, a military police

battalion, and a forward support battalion. Forces

from the Navy and Air Force would be reduced as

appropriate. Personnel from Operation Provide

Relief, in Mombasa, would also begin to redeployat this time. Special Operations Forces would

remain at current strength. Also during this peri-

od, the Joint Task Force Support Command would

assume responsibility for the support of residual

forces. The second phase was to begin on 6

February and last two weeks, until 20 February. In

this phase, the UNITAF headquarters. Air Force,

and Navy Forces would continue reductions.

Special Operations Forces would begin reductions

as appropriate. The Support Command would also

begin to

draw backits strength, except for engi-

neer units since there was still a recognized need

for their continuing services. These important

assets would be consolidated in an engineer group

or the naval construction regiment, both reporting

directly to UNITAF headquarters. In the final

phase, lasting from 21 February to 5 March, the

ground forces would be reduced to MarFor or

Army Forces Somalia light brigades. The pro-

posed Marine brigade would consist of the 1st

Battalion, 7th Marines (three rifle companies, a

weapons company, a tank platoon, a light armored

vehicle platoon, an armored assault vehicle pla-

toon, an engineer platoon, and a truck detach-

ment). Marine Aircraft Group 16 (consisting of

eight CH-53D helicopters, four UH-lNs, and four

AH-lWs) and a combat service support group.

The Army brigade would comprise an infantry

battalion, an aviation battalion (consisting of 15

UH-60S, 6 OH-58S, and 4 AH- Is), a military

police battalion of two companies, and the for-

ward support battalion. UNITAF headquarters.

Air Force Forces Somalia, Navy Forces Somalia,

SupportCommand, and

the remaining personnel

of Operation Provide Relief would continue to

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Drawing Down THE Forces 115

reduce where possible. Some engineer units

would redeploy, but others would remain to con-

tinue necessary support.^^^

This plan was forwarded to Central Command

for approval on 11 January. Five days later,

General Joseph P. Hoar gave his approval to theconcept, but denied approval for the timeline.

General Hoar stipulated that units would redeploy

only at his direction and that redeployment would

be driven by events, not a time schedule.

Specifically, such events would be in one of two

categories; an American unit would be replaced

by an arriving member of the coalition, or the unit

would be no longer necessary to the operation, as

decided by the commanding general of


The MarForstaff

immediately began work onthe redeployment plan. The concerns were two-

fold. They had to reduce the size of the force

while continuing to conduct operations, and they

had to maintain a balanced force throughout each

stage of the reduction. Major General Charles E.

Wilhelm had told General Johnston he could con-

tinue to conduct his mission with about a third of

the current number of troops.^^ ^ The MarFor plan

called for a reduction to a heavy brigade of about

4,000 Marines and sailors by 3 1 January and to a

light brigade of 2,000 troops by 1 March. In actu-

ality, the dates were slipped in accord with cir-

cumstances, but the plan provided the basis for the

reductions as they occurred throughout the next

three months. ^

The first unit to depart from Somalia was the

3d Battalion, 9th Marines, which began boarding

flights from Mogadishu airport on 19 January.

MarFor then had to reconfigure its forces, partic-

ularly the 7th Marines, to take the place of their

departing comrades. ^

An important part of the retrograde was the

return of equipment to the maritime preposition-

ing force shipping. Two of the ships, the PFCJames Anderson, Jr. (T-AK 3002) and the Pvt

Franklin J. Phillips (T-AK 3004), were scheduled

to return to the Blount Island rework facility.

Since these ships were to depart soon, equipment

that needed repair was loaded onto them. (Work

progressed so quickly that the reloaded Anderson

was able to sail on 7 February, easily making its

scheduled arrival date.) Also complicating the

operation was the possibility the maritime prepo-

sitioning force ships might be needed to support

another contingency. Equipment in good shape

was, therefore, loaded onto the IstLt Jack

Lummus (T-AK 3011) and the IstU Alex

Bonnyman (T-AK 3003). Throughout these evolu-

tions, any mission essential equipment was kept

ashore in support of the Marines still in the area of

operations. ^^^

By the end of January, 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit also was putting its equipment

through a rigorous maintenance effort, preparing

to embark on board the amphibious shipping. This

unit had earned well-deserved laurels in its work

throughout the area of operations. At the begin-

ning of February, these Marines, with pristine

equipment, back loaded onto their ships. They

departed the Somali coast on 3 February to con-

tinue their deployment in the Persian Gulf. ^

On 19 February, UNITAF ordered MarFor tocommence a reduction to the heavy brigade level.

With the planning the Marines had already done,

and with the redeployments that had already

occurred, this was easily accomplished. With

most nonessential personnel already gone from

the theater, MarFor needed only to redeploy a

detachment of CH-53 helicopters from Marine

Heavy Helicopter Squadron 466 to reach the goal

by the beginning of March.^^^

The first days of that month saw a continuation

of departures as residual detachments and person-

nel not part of the heavy brigade left Somalia. At

the same time, preparations went forward for

reduction to light brigade strength. On 9 March,

MarFor began validating these movements, and

on the 13th the realignment of its forces between

Bardera and Mogadishu began. By 17 March, the

7th Marines, with its attached coalition forces,

had returned to the capital city while Task Force

Bardera remained in the city for which it was

named. The same day, Colonel John P. Kline, Jr.,

and his staff from Marine Aircraft Group 16,

departed the theater, making Marine Light Attack

Helicopter Squadron 369 the MarFor aviation

combat element.^ *

On 2 1 March, the staff of the light brigade took

over the watch schedules at the MarFor command

post. From that point on, in addition to their rou-

tine of normal duties within Mogadishu and

Bardera, the Marines began to plan for the gradual

assumption of their security mission by coalition

forces and for the transition of the operation to the

United Nations. The remaining staff of 7th

Marines performed operational planning, while

the residual MarFor staff worked on transition

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116 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of the Turkish Armed Forces

Turkish soldiers witii an armored infantry figiiting vehicle, outfitted with a 25mm gun and machine gun, patrol their

sector of Mogadishu.

planning.^ *' Major General Wilhelm departed

from Somalia on the 23d and Colonel Jack W.

Klimp assumed command of Marine Forces


 The size and structure of Army Forces Somalia

were also changed. A field artillery battalion, an

aviation company of CH-47 helicopters, and some

subunits of the 710th Main Support Battalion left

their major equipment on board ship, or had it

back loaded.^'^^ Not all of these decisions went

unquestioned. The return of the CH-47s was a

source of complaint by the United States Army

Europe, which had sent them. As General

Johnston explained:  it seemed like a require-

ment, initially. But very quickly after we got here,

we began to say 'Do we need 47s?' Because ...

we've got C-130 capable airstrips where we need

them to be, why do we need CH-47s? We're not

going to go and make massive vertical

assaults. ^ ^^

The Army Forces Somalia staff also had to plan

for the redeployment of their units, but their work

was complicated because some Army units would

remain in Somalia to support UNOSOM II. Army

plans therefore had to account for residual organ-

izations and establish a rotation schedule to allow

Army units to return home after four months in

theater.* Army planners were thus responsible for

both the arrival and departure of units during this

phase. Reducing numbers while keeping up capa-

bilities was accomplished through  constant mis-

sion analysis to  continuously reassess each unit

and piece of equipment deployed. ^ ^ ^

The first Army units to rotate home were a mix

of organizations from both Army Forces Somalia

and the Support Command, units that had either

completed their assigned missions or had been

replaced by coalition forces. These included two

* The Anny's four-month rotation was a self-imposed

requirement to facilitate transition planning and to provide

an orderly flow of units in and out of theater. Under UNO-

SOM II, Army units and personnel served tours of six

months to one year.

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Drawing Down THE Forces 117

Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

Three armed Moroccan soldiers prepare to set up a defensive position on the grounds of the abandoned Somali

National University in Mogadishu.

signal battalion mobile subscriber equipment

companies; the 5th Battalion, 158th Aviation; the

710th Main Support Battalion; and selected Army

Forces Somalia staff. Later redeployments includ-

ed Task Force Kismayo; the 3d Battalion, 14th

Infantry; the 41st Engineer Battalion; and the

511th Military Police Company.

Under the four-month time limit in theater, thefirst rotation of units would begin in April. On 20

February, Army Forces Somalia requested that

U.S. Army Central Command identify the organi-

zation that would pick up responsibility for the

Army's mission in Somalia. On 28 February, a

reconnaissance party for the 1st (Warrior)

Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, arrived in

Mogadishu. The brigade advance party arrived on

30 March.^ *^ Major General Arnold, the com-

manding general of Army Forces Somalia, had

returned to the United States on 13 March. A tran-

sition cell, under the assistant division command-

er for support, Brigadier General Greg L. Gile,

USA, was formed to ease the rotation. This cell

continued to work in Somalia until the middle of

April. During that time several other Army units

arrived, including the 1st Battalion, 22d Infantry;

the 3d Assault Helicopter Battalion; the 10th

Forward Support Battalion; and the 4th Platoon,

300th Military Police Company. As these units

came into the area of operations, they transferred

property from their departing counterparts. On 9

April, the  Warrior Brigade took full responsibil-

ity for all Army Forces operations in Somalia, for

the theater's quick reaction force, and for the

Merka relief sector.^ ^^

Coalition Shifts

The largest coalition forces assumed responsi-

bility for all humanitarian relief sectors, but small-

er forces sent by many nations also were put to

effective use. These units were often only compa-

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118 Restoring Hope in Somalia

ny sized, but in the aggregate they formed a con-

siderable addition to UNITAF capabiHties.

Many of these coalition units were placed

under the operational control of MarFor. These

units were from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,

Botswana, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan,

and the United Arab Emirates.^ ''' After working

with their Marine counterparts at first, they were

later given their own areas of responsibility. These

areas were generally within the city of

Mogadishu, and often were at some key point or

in the vicinity of the airport, which was where

most of them had their bivouacs. The Tunisian

forces worked directly with the Support

Command at the university compound that

adjoined the grounds of the American Embassy.

Toward the end of the operation, with the

departure of MarFor and portions of Army Forces

Somalia, these small units were given greater

security duties. Situation reports for the last weeks

ofApril and the first days ofMay show these units

at work throughout the city. To illustrate the scope

of their activities, the report for 1 May notes that

Turkish forces, which had previously been con-

ducting security patrols in the vicinity of the par-

liament building and presidential palace, were

then providing security for the embassy com-

pound. Tunisian forces were providing security at

the American University complex. Saudi forces

conducted night patrols and manned security posi-

tions at the airfield. Zimbabwe forces manned two

strongpoints, conducted patrols in the northwest

part of the city, and established ran- dom check-

points. Pakistani forces (by that time composed of

four battalions) conducted motorized security

patrols in the northwest part of the city and

manned numerous checkpoints. They were

responsible for security at the pump site located

nine kilometers north of Mogadishu, and also con-

ducted patrols in Afgooye and Merka. Egyptian

forces conducted patrols and provided security at

the airport. Kuwaiti forces conducted mounted

and dismounted patrols and provided security for

the ammunition supply point. The Botswana

forces conducted security operations in the

Bardera relief sector. Nigerian forces manned the

strongpoint at the K-4 traffic circle in central

Mogadishu and conducted patrols. They also

manned strongpoints in the northern part of the

city and worked with the Somali auxiliary securi-

ty force in the vicinity of the presidential palace.

By this time. United Arab Emirate forces were

under the operational control of the Italian forces

and conducted security patrols at the New Port

and in the Villagio Bur Carole and Hamar Jab Jab

areas of the city. The Greek force, a company of110 soldiers, arrived in early March and were

placed under the operational control of the French

forces at the Oddur relief sector to provide med-

ical support from their base in Wajid.^ *^

In this manner, all of the elements of the coali-

tion helped maintain the secure environment,

which was the mission of UNITAF. Those mem-

bers of the coalition who were staying in Somalia

also were aligned within the humanitarian relief

sectors for their roles in UNOSOM II.*

* It should be noted that many of these coahtion members

were from African or Muslim countries. Many of these con-

tributions were made from a feeling of support for their reli-

gious or ethnic brethren in Somalia. For some it was viewed

as a distinct obligation and the United Arab Emirates contin-

gent used that very name for their unit. As Colonel Major

Omar Ess-Akalli, the commander of the Royal Moroccan

forces told the author, Somalia was an African problem and

it was only right that Africans should be taking part in assist-

ing in the solution.

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Chapter 8

Normality Begins to Return


For the first few weeks of the operation, the 1st

Force Service Support Group from I Marine

Expeditionary Force (I MEF) provided outstand-

ing support to the Unified Task Force Somalia

(UNITAF) as a part of Marine Forces Somalia

(MarFor).^ ^^ However, by early January, the

group's ability to continue its prodigious effort

was under a severe strain due to two develop-


The first was the growing size of UNITAF

itself. By the middle of January, American forces

and coalition partners were approaching a total of

30,000 soldiers. Since most of the supplies they

needed were coming from maritime preposition-

ing force ships, of which four had been unloaded,

that figure was about 10,000 men more than what

would normally be supported from these

sources.^^° A related complicating factor was the

distance that separated some parts of the coalition.

Transportation assets, such as trucks, fuel tankers,

and water trailers (commonly referred to as

 water buffaloes ) were critical for the continued

success of the operation. Those available were

being run hard on lengthy and rugged roundtrips

to outlying sectors.

The other factor in the group's ability to con-

tinue to support UNITAF was inherent in its very

nature as an integral component of a Marine expe-

ditionary force. When MarFor returned to the

United States, the support group would have to go

back as well. As Lieutenant General Robert B.Johnston explained:  When you retrograde the

[Marine Expeditionary] Force, you retrograde the

FSSG [Force Service Support Group], because we

were part of I MEF, a package. ^^'

These difficulties had been foreseen. The

planned answer was in the creation of UNITAF's

one functional subordinate command, the Support

Command.* Relying on the significant combat

service support assets available to the Army, this

command was organized around four specialized

groups: the 36th Engineer Group; the 62d Medical

Group; the 593d Support Group (Area); and the

7th Transportation Group.* In addition to the

organic units belonging to these groups, the

Support Command also had the 2d Chemical

Battalion, the 720th Military Police Battalion, the

240th Quartermaster Battalion, and a special sig-

nal task force. This command also included per-

sonnel and postal companies, ordnance detach-ments, public affairs teams, and an air traffic con-

trol team.

When fully assembled in the theater, the

Support Command could provide exceptional

support and strength to UNITAF. The difficulty

was in the amount of time it would take to bring

all of these soldiers and their equipment to

Somalia; plans called for the Support Command

to become fully operational on 28 January 1993.

Until that time, UNITAF was dependent on the

capabilities of MarFor 's service support groupand the maritime prepositioning force. Although

stretched by great demands, these units were  per-

forming their support well and exceeding expec-

tations. ^^^ However, before the command was

fully operational, it was necessary to task some

service support assets from Army Forces Somalia

to assist UNITAF. Selected 10th Mountain

Division units were consolidated to perform such

critical logistics functions as water production and

petroleum distribution.^^^ This support lasted

* The full name of this organization was the Joint Task Force

Support Command, but it was sometimes referred to as the

Joint Logistics Command.

* These units and the support systems they used were reflec-

tive of the Army's structure and its need to provide support

to corps and army levels ( echelons above division ).

Normally, a deploying Army division would be provided

with a slice of the corps' support elements and the division

would have its own structures to coordinate and work with

these higher levels. In Operation Restore Hope, however, the

entire 10th Mountain Division did not deploy, and the 1st

Marine Division did not have the same structures in place to

work with the Support Command, as did their Army com-

rades. The Support Command also was responsible for pro-

viding some support to the coalition partners. The command

had to adjust their traditional methods of doing business to

meet the demands of the theater and of the UNITAF struc-


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A Russian Antonov AN-124 Condor long-range heavy transport from the Aviation Industrial Complex, Ulyanovsk,

waits to unload at Mogadishu airport. The aircraft was chartered to carry a load of supplies for Brown and Root

Services Corporation, a U.S. Government contractor

from about the middle of January until the end of

the month.

The Support Command's units began to arrive

in theater in late December, along with the com-

manding general, Brigadier General Billy K.

Solomon, USA. Although his command was not

expected to assume the entire theater logistics

support mission until late that month, individual

units assumed responsibility for their portion prior

to that date. For instance, on 15 January, the 7th

Transportation Group took responsibility for port

operations from Navy Forces Somalia and

MarFor.^^ ^ By 28 January, when the Support

Command assumed its total support mission,

responsibility for medical support, some food

supply (class I), water, and petroleum, oil, and

lubricant (class III) supply operations were

already performed by command units. Support

Command and MarFor ran in-theater movement

control jointly.^^^

Even as the elements of the Support Command

were deploying into theater and just starting to

take up their duties, its staff looked to the future.

The command was to have another, longer lasting

mission than its support of UNITAF. It would

become the main United States contribution for

United Nations Organization Somalia II (UNO-

SOM II). As General Johnston explained in

March:  When you talk about the Joint Logistics

Command, we always saw ... our U.S. role in this

thing as long term. Yes, we had a mission, but I

don't think anybody ever believed that we would

draw every American out of here: that we wouldhave something for UNOSOM II and really

thought it would be in the form of logistics, strate-

gic lift, which is why we formed the Joint

Logistics Command that would come in to replace

the [Force Service Support Group].  ^^^

On 28 January, the Support Command com-

pleted its transition of responsibilities and fully

assumed the burden of combat service support in

the entire area of operations.^ By that time, the

command had established its headquarters in the

American University compound, which adjoined

the American Embassy grounds. Tunisian soldiers

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Normality Begins to Return 121

provided the security for the compound and the

command's headquarters.*

The most important function the command

would provide was transportation, the nerve cen-

ter for which was in Mogadishu.  Because most

of the force equipment and nearly all of the sup-

plies had to flow through the Port of Mogadishu,

the port operations became the logistics center of

gravity. The design of the [echelons above divi-

sion] port support structure was critical to sustain-

ment operations. ^^^ Although the port's size and

limited berthing space caused competition

between arriving humanitarian cargo ships and

military prepositioned afloat stocks, the 7th

Transportation Group was able to establish an

effective command and control system for the ter-

minal operations. The group not only operated the

port, it also controlled the inland distribution of

the supplies.^^^

The 593d Area Support Group was prominent

in establishing the logistics distribution structure.

Once again, the long distances covered by

UNITAF were a determining factor. The area sup-

port group was specifically strengthened with

additional trucks, and those of the 7th

Transportation Group were also available for mis-

sions. To ensure supplies reached their intended

users quickly and efficiently, the support group

established a series of intermediate theater sup-

port bases. These bases complemented each of the

American Army and Marine divisions' own sup-

port facilities. This made the distribution of sup-

plies easier since security operations in the sectors

were also conducted out of these fixed locations.

In addition, the system kept down the requirement

for additional combat troops because the logisti-

cians could rely upon security from the combat

units in these outlying sectors. In this manner, the

Support Command was able to provide direct

supply maintenance support to the Army's non-divisional units and backup support to both the

Army and Marine divisional units, as well as pro-

vide common item supply support and services to

the units of the coalition partners.^'^''

In the austere Somali environment, the ability

to contract for goods and services was important

for provisioning complete logistics support. The

* The Support Command Site Security Force was originally

a Moroccan company (-), assigned to this duty on 4 January

1993. The Tunisians assumed the mission a few days later.

center of such activity for UNITAF was the task

force director of acquisitions. Under the original

joint task force plan, MarFor contracting elements

were located in Kenya, from where they provided

goods services to their brethren in Somalia. Army

Forces Somalia contractors were established in

Somalia itself. As necessary, requirements could

also be forwarded to contracting elements in the

Middle East or in Europe.^^'

Army contracting officers operated under a

double handicap. The Somali economy could only

be described as sparse since there was little to be

gotten from local sources. There were also struc-

tural difficulties for them to work around. Army

Forces Somalia had deployed its own field-order-

ing officers early in the operation, and these sol-

diers were able to make small purchases of serv-

ices and supplies for their units. The U.S. Armycomponent of Central Command imposed strin-

gent restrictions on its subordinates in Somalia,

most notably for the contract of labor services. Awaiver to these restrictions had been requested,

but was denied until the Army Central Command

contracting officer could confirm the needs.

Unfortunately, this officer had not yet arrived in

the theater. Army Forces Somalia's judge advo-

cate reviewed the situation and determined the

ordering officers could make the necessary pro-

curements.Eventually, in

coordination with ArmyCentral Command, an acquisition officer was

warranted as a contracting officer and deployed to

the theater. This officer had the authority to make

purchases up to $100,000.^^2

Another contracting system, tried for the first

time during an active campaign in Somalia, was

the logistics civil augmentation program. The pro-

gram contract with the civilian firm of Brown and

Root was started in 1992 through the U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers. These civilians, working

under contract, arrived in Somalia to perform

logistics tasks that otherwise would have fallen to

the soldiers and Marines themselves. For instance,

they provided laundry services by hiring local

Somali women to do the job. They dug wells and

operated cranes and worked at the port. They gen-

erated power for the camps and they provided and

cleaned portable toilets. Overall, the program was

regarded as a major help to the operation,

although that help was expensive. ^^^ Of a total of

$33 million originally appropriated for the con-

tract, $7.5 million remained by 5 March, with $5

million of that fenced against the contractor's

demobilization and draw down costs. More

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122 Restoring Hope in Somalia


A tank truck is filled with fresh water from a desalinization plant for distribution inland. The U.S. Air Force's 823d

Civil Engineering Squadron, also known as Red Horse, set up the plant at Mogadishu airport.

money had to be requisitioned to keep these

important services functioning.^^ **

If transportation was a key logistics function,

the most critical commodity supplied to the troops

was water. Drinking water alone was rated at four

to five liters per man per day. Water also was nec-

essary for basic hygiene and cleaning clothing.

There were no sources of safe, potable water in

Somalia when UNITAF arrived, so the coalition

had to take extraordinary measures to provide the

precious liquid.

At first, ships in the port manufactured potablewater. This was pumped ashore for transportation

to the soldiers and Marines in the field. The

importance of this source can be gauged from the

statistics in the situation reports of the maritime

prepositioning force. On 15 January, for instance,

the prepositioning ship MV IstLt Jack Lummus

(T-AK 3011) pumped 13.5 thousand gallons of

water ashore. By that date, the prepositioning

* Brown and Root operated these logistics civil augmenta-

tion support programs successfully in Haiti,

Rwanda, andBosnia.

force had delivered a total of 845.5 thousand gal-

lons of water to the collection points.^^^

In those early days, when 1st Force Service

Support Group was providing the logistics sup-

port, every means available was used to carry the

water. For the 7th Marines' movement to Baidoa,

water trailers were used and supplemented by

five-gallon  jerry cans filled with water and

placed  in every nook and cranny of every vehi-

cle. This allowed the Marines to carry 8,100 gal-

lons on that initial trip. By the end of December,

regular convoys were set for every other day,

bringing 14,000 gallons of water to Baidoa and

Bardera on each run.^^^ But this effort, coupled

with the need to resupply Bale Dogle,  stretched

to the limit MarFor's ability to make and distrib-

ute water. Fortunately, Army Forces Somalia

was arriving with its bulk liquid assets by that

time. As these units became operational, they pro-

vided relief to the burdens of the Marines.^^''

Another important source of water was in the

ground of Somalia. The native population had

long centered some of their towns on deepwells.

Army engineers and Navy construction battalions

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Normality Begins to Return 123


A water truck fills a large bladder, part of a tactical water distribution system. The 823d Red Horse Squadron set up

the system and accompanying shower facility at Mogadishu airport.

had the equipment to dig new wells or improve

those that already existed. The well water still had

to be treated before it was deemed potable, or

even usable for washing. To achieve this, reverse

osmosis water purification units were put into

operation. These specialized units used a series of

membranes, filters, and chemicals to purify the

water. They could produce potable water from

fresh sources, brackish groundwater, or seawater.

The purified water was then stored in large inflat-

able bladders from which it could be pumped as

needed. By setting these units up in outlying areas

with wells, additional water was provided to thelocal troops.*

* There was similar work to improve the lot of the Somali

people as well. For instance, members of the 593d Area Sup-

port Group repaired 18 of 20 wells serving Afgooye, and

then improved the reservoir system of the city of Mogadishu.

The level of the reservoir was raised from eight inches to

more than two meters, increasing the total volume of avail-

able water from 100,000 gallons to more than 3 million gal-

lons. For the first time in two years, the people of Mogadishu

had running water. (593d Area Support Group, FY 93 Annual

Historical Review, Fort Lewis: Washington, Dec93, p. 2.)

Commercial bottled water provided another

source of drinking water. Veterans of Desert

Storm were familiar with the clear plastic liter

bottles containing pure water that could be easily

distributed to the troops with their rations.

Palletized loads were unloaded from ships direct-

ly onto trucks for transport throughout the the-

ater.* Troops still carried canteens, but they were

commonly seen with bottles of water sticking out

of cargo pockets or next to them in vehicles.

The increase in water production and distribu-

tion had one other benefit for the soldiers and

Marines on the ground. By early January 1993,

bath units arrived in the theater and set up mobile

shower units. Even in the midst of the hottest day

coalition troops could look forward to a few min-

utes of refreshing cool showering in the evening.

To match the clean bodies, the contracts for laun-

dry services provided clean clothing and saved the

* There was one notable incident in which a cargo ship could

not be unloaded properly and a human chain of Marines was

used to pass bottles of water one at a time.

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124 Restoring Hope in Somalia

DVIC DD-SD-00-00779

A KC-130 Hercules aircraft from Marine Aerial Transport Refueler Squadron 352 homebased at El Toro, California,

delivers needed fuel thirough expeditionary distribution system at Kismayo airfield.

troops the burden of washing their uniforms by


As water was necessary to the heahh of the

coahtion soldiers, so fuel was necessary to run

their machines and vehicles. Like water, petrole-

um had been identified very early in the planning

process as a critical class of supply. An offshore

petroleum distribution system allowed this com-

modity to be brought to the theater by ships,

which did not have to use precious berthing space

at the port. The ships could stand offshore and

pump the fuel to a storage and distribution

point. ^^^ By the middle of January, maritime

prepositioning force ships had pumped ashore a

total of 470,300 gallons of JP-5 (jet fuel) and

517,000 gallons of MoGas (a motor gasoline fuel

that can be used in some aircraft).^^^

* This chore, when performed by the troops, was not only

drudgery, it was often futile. In the early days of the opera-

tion there was not enough water to get clothing really clean

or to rinse it out properly. Leaving the damp utilities hanging

from the lines of a tent or the branches of a tree then exposed

them to the fine blowing sand, which made them stiff, gritty,

and uncomfortable.

Fuel was often delivered to outlying sectors by

air. Early in the operation, Marine Corps and Air

Force C-130 aircraft were used to make daily

flights to deliver fuel and other cargo. But as the

Support Command became fully operational, the

need for air delivery declined dramatically.^^*'

The Support Command's 593d Area Support

Group brought ample fuel transport vehicles for

the task of bulk petroleum distribution. The real

problem encountered was a shortage of trained

drivers in some of the units. Army Forces Somalia

remedied this by providing assistant drivers for

these line-haul operations.^^^

Medical Care and Health Issues

Living in Somalia presented several serious

threats to the health of the coalition soldiers, and

UNITAF had to be prepared to deal with them all.

As with nearly every other logistics function,

there were two levels of support organizations at

work: the first provided the initial medical infra-

structure and the second, within the Support

Command, was meant to be the long-term solu-

tion. At first, each of the American components

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Normality Begins to Return 125

had its own medical units providing first-line sup-

port. These worked under the overall guidance of

the UNITAF surgeon. Captain Michael L. Cowan,

USN. In addition, many of the larger coalition

forces had their own internal medical organiza-


After the possibility of wounds, the greatest

threat to the well being of coalition soldiers came

from the very country itself. The hot and arid cli-

mate of Somalia posed a serious threat to

UNITAF personnel. The intensity of the sun dur-

ing the daytime and any physical exertion drained

troops of fluids and electrolytes. The greatest

safeguard against dehydration and heat casualties

was a program of awareness. Leadership at all

levels was necessary to ensure preventive meas-

ures were carried out. The first of these was the

replenishment of water. But having water avail-

able could do no good if it was not consumed in

the proper amounts. Leaders, especially on the

small unit level, had to be aware of the condition

of their troops, constantly watching for signs of

heat stress. An advisory issued to UNITAF sol-

diers stressed that they should work on the  weak

link principle; that when one soldier succumbed

to heat injuries or showed symptoms, the others

would not be far behind. Regulating work periods,

resting, staying in the shade when possible, and

forcing liquids were all recommended measures

to prevent heat casualties.

Another environmental threat came from the

creatures and organisms that lived there. Some of

these were obvious; venomous snakes, spiders,

and scorpions could inflict painful and dangerous

bites. Other threats were not so easily noticed.

Mosquitoes carried malaria, dengue fever, yellow

fever, and other diseases. The bites of sand fleas

could cause fevers and sores. Ticks carried hem-

orrhagic fever, typhus, and relapsing fever. Fleas

were vectors for typhus, plague, and relapsing

DVIC DD-SD-00-00821

Lt Patrick Cosmajkl of the U.S. Navy's Environmental and Preventative l\/ledicine Unit, Naples, Italy, examines a

slide under the microscope for confirmation of a suspected Malaria case in the 1st l\/ledical Battalion Field Hospital

in Mogadishu.

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126 Restoring Hope in Somalia


HM3 Anthony Pacino, USN, records a patient's vital signs in a ward of ttie 1st Medical Battalion Field Hospital. The

use of mosquito nets was required because of the prevalence of malaria.

fever. Mere contact with the ground or water

could make a soldier prey to parasites and dis-

eases. Hookworms lived in the soil, as did mud-

worms and whipworms that could be ingested if a

soldier did not wash his hands before eating.

Tetanus from puncture wounds was the real men-

ace. The worms carrying snail fever could enter a

body from exposure to the water of streams,

rivers, or ponds. Mud fever came from contact

with water or mud contaminated with infected

animal urine. Prevention for all of these included

such simple practices as avoiding areas where

snakes, spiders, or scorpions might be lying.

Clothing and boots were shaken out before put-

ting them on and all personnel were warned to

avoid sleeping on the ground (all American per-

sonnel were issued cots) or walking barefoot.

Keeping trousers bloused and sleeves rolled down

helped avoid contact with insects, and repellants

containing DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide)

were issued. All personnel had mosquito nets for

their cots. If soldiers or Marines had to enter bod-

ies of water, they were warned to keep their

trousers bloused and to cover as much of their

bodies as possible.^^^

Vaccines were available for the prevention ofmany diseases, and troops were inoculated before

deploying. Required immunizations were immune

serum globulin, tetanus-diphtheria, oral polio,


yellow fever, meningococcal,

and measles. For malaria, the prophylactic meflo-

quine was given to the troops on a weekly basis.^^^

Captain Cowan recognized the challenge he

faced in guarding the task force's health as its sen-

ior surgeon. The time-phased force deployment

caused shortages of mosquito nets and insect

spray, which had to be made up quickly. Apprising

General Johnston of the situation. Captain Cowan

received the support he needed to get these items

to the troops. ^''^ He also began a campaign to edu-

cate the soldiers and Marines about thebenefits

ofso simple an act as washing one's hands frequent-

ly. Lister bags and bars of soap were placed where

they were most needed, outside of latrines and

near the entrances to mess facilities.

To combat the spread of disease. Captain

Cowan had three epidemiological units assigned

to him. These units had a sophisticated serology,

parasitology, and bacteriology laboratory. They

were responsible for monitoring the health of the

personnel of units in the field and going out to any

battalion aid station on thefirst sign

of anepi-

demic to stop it before it could take hold. These

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Maj Eric Edwards, USA, head nurse of Intensive Care Unit 1, 86tii Combat Support IHospital, tends a wounded

Somali who had been caught in a crossfire during a gunfight on a Mogadishu street. His left leg was severely

wounded and eventually required amputation.

medical specialists identified areas from which

diseases were spreading, enlisted local command

emphasis for the preventive medicine programs,

and stopped the incidents. An outbreak of dysen-

tery was stopped in Mogadishu. In Bardera,

occurrences of malaria and dengue were swiftly

brought under control.* Infected soldiers were

brought from the outlying areas back to

Mogadishu for proper treatment, and in most

cases returned to duty in four days.^^^

Medical evacuation was another health con-

cern. Again, the distances in the theater were a

factor. Specific helicopters were assigned to aeri-

al medical evacuation and were required to be

* A Center for Disease Control study indicated the effective-

ness of the preventive medicine programs. Of the thousands

of American personnel in Somalia during the time of

UNITAF, there were only 131 incidents of malaria, of which

83 appeared after the troops had returned home. (Center for

Disease Control,  Malaria Among U.S. Military Personnel

Returning From Somalia, 1993, CDC MMWR Weekly,

16Jul93, pp. 524-526.)

able to transport any casualty to Mogadishu with-

in two hours. To answer this need, MarFor heli-

copters from the amphibious assault ship USS

Tripoli (LPH 10) were placed forward in such

areas as Bardera, and they never missed the time

limit for a critical medical evacuation. A casualty

clearing company in Mogadishu was ready to sta-

bilize patients and then forward them on. In the

early days of the operation, this meant going to

the Tripoli, which was the only medical backup

available in the theater. The combination of the

pervasive dust and the old style tents caused prob-

lems for the sterility of the clearing company's

modem and sophisticated equipment. As Captain

Cowan said:  This great new state-of-the-art

[equipment] is in 19th century tents, full of dust.

[The corpsmen] did a good job, but ... this [kind of

structure] is definitely wrong, not for this climate,

not for the desert. ^^^

The answer to many of the captain's concerns

was within the Support Command. The initial

planning for medical support was based on the

expectation of large numbers of casualties. This in

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128 Restoring Hope in Somalia

turn dictated the structure of the medical unit, the

62d Medical Group. In addition to an evacuation

hospital, there were the three medical companies

(one each for ambulance, air ambulance, and

clearing), two sanitation detachments, an epi-

demiology detachment, an entomology detach-

ment, two veterinary detachments, a dental

detachment, and one for combat stress control.

The group even contained its own medical logis-

tics battalion. The mission of this large unit was to

provide  comprehensive care to all U.S. forces

involved in the security and humanitarian mission

and to provide limited support to other coalition

forces in the theater (i.e., on an emergency-only

basis). 3

One of the 62d Group's first challenges was

receiving its planned hospital equipment. The

Armybarge-carrier vessel Green Valley

(TAK2049), which carried the 86th Evacuation

Hospital's gear, had too deep a draft for the port of

Mogadishu. Not could the ship offload at

Mombasa because its length was too great for

the docks there. So the 86th Hospital had to wait

for its equipment to be brought in by air. This

required adjustments to the time-phased deploy-

ment that interrupted the scheduled airflow, but

the operations section's movements unit worked

wonders in getting the equipment into the theater.

The hospital was up and running by 6 January

1993. The hospital consisted of four operating

rooms and more than 100 beds for patients, in-

cluding an intensive care unit with 12 beds. With

the establishment of the Army hospital, the Navy

casualty clearing company was able to depart. The

62d Medical Group picked up all UNITAF med-

ical responsibilities by 28 January.^'^

The number of American troops supported by

the 62d Medical Group reached a peak by mid-

January, then declined through the transition to

the United Nations at the beginning of May. The

number of combat casualties was not nearly as

great as initially planned for. So the group, like

DVIC DD-SD-00-00858

Hospital Corpsman James Brown, USN, applies topical ointment to the arms of a Somali infant as part of the med-

ical civic action program conducted in the streets of Mogadishu by medical personnel from MEU Service Support

Group 15.

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U. S. Air Force 1st Mobile Aeromedical Staging Flight personnel carry a patient from a Marine CH-46 Sea Knight hel-

icopter at Mogadishu airport.

other units, was able to scale back its personnel

and organization for the follow-on medical units

that arrived in early May. The surplus capability

meant the medical staff was able to provide some

services for Somalis, although this was not part of

their mission. It was always expected, however,

that the American medics would treat any Somalis

injured by American forces. Doing so had the

additional benefit of maintaining skills. There also

was a humanitarian aspect, the desire to treat an

injured fellow human being. But there was a two-

fold problem in providing treatment to these

Somali civilians. First, they were taking up beds,

facilities, and medical stocks that might be need-

ed should there be a sudden surge of American

casualties.^^^ Second, there was the ethical dilem-ma of how to provide care that exceeded that

which would normally be found within the coun-

try at large. As Captain Cowan noted,  we can't

be the medical facility of Somalia. An answer lay

in assisting local doctors and care providers, and

in the use of the facilities of the hospitals provid-

ed by some of the coalition partners, such as the

Swedes and the Moroccans.

Even with American casualties lighter than

expected, the 62d Medical Group had to maintain

certain capabilities as it reduced the size of its

force. An air ambulance was retained to continue

accommodating the long distances, and since ade-

quate fixed medical facilities would not be avail-

able in the country, the evacuation hospital also

remained. The continuing threat of disease dictat-

ed keeping a large preventive medicine capabili-

ty.38o gy early May, the 86th Evacuation Hospital

was replaced by the 42d Field Hospital, a smaller

facility with only 32 beds. In its time of support to

UNITAF, the 86th provided service to a large

number of the force's soldiers and Marines: there

were 4,914 outpatient cases with 971 Americans

admitted for treatment.^*^'

Air evacuation was one of the most important

parts of medical planning. Original estimates

were for 200 patients per week showing up at the

battalion aid stations per 1,000 soldiers. The vast

majority of this estimate was expected to be for

disease and non-battle injuries, with a smaller por-

tion for combat injuries; but preparations still had

to be made for the movement of these persons

within and out of the area of operations. The U.S.

Air Force's 1st Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

was tasked to develop the evacuation system for

patients to third and fourth echelon medical facil-

ities. Two aerial evacuation crews supplemented

the squadron, one each from the 183d and 156th

Aeromedical Evacuation Squadrons. The 1st

Aeromedical Squadron was located with the Air

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130 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Force's air mobility element and was composed of

an aeromedical evacuation coordination center, a

mobile aeromedical staging facility, and the

aeromedical evacuation liaison team. By 19

December, all aeromedical evacuation personnel

had arrived in Mogadishu. A separate aeromedical

evacuation operations team and six evacuation

crews deployed to Cairo West Airport, Egypt, to

support transiting evacuation missions.^^^

Since the battalion aid stations in the humani-

tarian relief sectors had only limited medical

capabilities, the evacuation plan was set for

patients to be moved to the larger and better-

equipped facilities in Mogadishu and Mombasa,

Kenya. At first casualties were taken to the

Tripoli. Later, as the Army's 86th Evacuation

Hospital became operational, patients stayed at

that facility in Mogadishu or the one in Mombasa.Evacuation aerial ports of embarkation were

established in the theater at Kismayo, Bardera,

Gialalassi, Oddur, Belet Weyne, and Baidoa. The

aerial ports of debarkation for these flights were

in Mogadishu and Mombasa. Serious cases need-

ing even higher levels of treatment were sent out

of theater. Embarkation ports for these evacuation

missions were established at Mogadishu,

Mombasa, Djibouti, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The debarkation ports for these movements were

at Cairo West, Egypt, and Ramstein and Rhine

Main air bases in Germany. In some rare

instances, casualties were flown directly from

Somalia to Germany on board strategic airlift

using aerial refueling support.^^^

For the first 90 days of the operation, the

squadron moved a total of 304 casualties. Of

these, 38 were sent out of theater. By 10 March,

the size of the aeromedical evacuation system was

reevaluated in consideration of the actual needs of

the operation. On 19 March, all remaining 1st

Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron personnel

redeployed and the evacuation mission was turned

over to U.S. Air Force Reserve component per-

sonnel. The reserve airmen were stationed in

Cairo West, and rotated into Somalia as

required.^^ *


UNITAF was provided numerous engineering

assets and capabilities. Some coalition members

brought their own engineer units, often specifical-

ly sent to clear mines and undertake local work

projects. In addition, each of the U.S. Armed

Services had internal engineer units.

Photo courtesy of the author

A merchant ship carrying vital relief cargo arrives at the port ofKismayo shortly after coalition forces reopened that


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ROAD NETWORK10 20 30 40


The task force's engineer staff consisted of 34

individuals from all Services. Under the leader-

ship of Colonel Robert B. Flowers, USA, the task

force engineer, they were divided into two sec-

tions. The facilities section was responsible for

real estate management and all related functions,

such as the location of the tent cities and bases,

hazardous waste storage, and coordination of

vehicle parks and wash down sites. This section

also managed critical engineer supplies such as

dust palliatives, plywood sheets, lumber, electri-

cal, and concertina wire. The operations section

oversaw the work of the various engineer units of

the components, ensuring it all fit within the task

force's requirements. The UNITAF engineers'

mission was to  protect U.S. and allied troops;

repair and maintain needed sea and air ports, other

logistics facilities, roads and bridges, and com-

mand and control facilities; and construct bases to

support coalition forces. ^^^

The first engineering task was to improve and

repair the theater infrastructure. Ports and air-

fields were given top priority. In Mogadishu, the

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132 Restoring Hope in Somalia

engineers cleared the port's docks and warehous-

es. They also acquired additional adjacent space

and more warehouses to increase the port's capac-

ity. In Kismayo, engineer divers removed sunken

hulks and prepared the port to receive shallow-

draft vessels. As the area of operations expanded,

repairs and maintenance were performed at eachof the airfields.

As soon as the initial objectives were secured.

Marine engineer assets were quickly put to work

at Mogadishu port and the airfield. As the opera-

tion moved inland, and as the coalition grew in

numbers, these Marines brought their skills to

new sectors. Soon they were helping build a bet-

ter quality of life for their comrades in the field.

They repaired roads and constructed base camps,

tent areas, heads, and mess facilities. Marine

Corps explosive ordnance disposal personnel also

destroyed confiscated ordnance and rounds and

mines discovered in the field.^^^

The Navy supplied two mobile construction

battalions to the engineer effort. These  Seabee

units were a part of the 30th Naval Construction

Regiment. The first of the Seabees, a nine-man

advance party, arrived in Mogadishu on 10 De-

cember and were immediately put to use repairing

the runway lights at the Mogadishu airfield.^^^

The construction battalions' main mission was

to provide  vertical construction support to the

United States forces and coalition partners. This

translated to working on base camps in the relief

sectors, to include building tent areas with wood-

en decks and siding, latrines, showers, and mess

facilities. Like the Marines, the Seabees worked

on the main supply routes, grading shoulders to

widen the roads and making repairs to bridges.

They also drilled wells and installed a new water

pump for a refugee camp on the banks of the

Jubba River near Bardera. They joined their

Marine counterparts in the Clean Street operations

in Mogadishu and prepared the site for the Armyevacuation hospital.


Both mobile construction battalions were heav-

ily involved in the repair and maintenance of the

airfields in the theater. Relief flights by C-130 air-

craft into Baidoa caused that airstrip to deteriorate

early in the operation. Repairs involved removing

300,000 square feet of the runway's asphalt sur-

face and pulverizing it. This material was then

mixed with Portland cement and poured, graded,

and compacted to make a new surface. The

Seabees then put down 600,000 square feet of

AM2 interconnecting aluminum landing mat pan-

els for aircraft turnarounds, parking aprons, and

helipads. Similar work, but on a lesser scale, was

done at the airfields at Bale Dogle and Bardera. At

the former site, the Seabees worked alongside

Marines of Marine Wing Support Squadron 372 to

build landing and staging areas for CH-53 heli-

copters and taxiways and turnaround areas for C-130aircraft.389

The Air Force also had specialized engineers

for airfield repair. These airmen belonged to an

organization called  Red Horse, an acronym for

rapid engineer deployable heavy operational

repair squadron engineer. Like the Navy Seabees,

these engineer specialists provided assistance in

base camp construction. But their larger, and more

important, mission was to  perform heavy dam-

age repair to facilities and utilities in an expedi-

tionary environment. The austere setting anddegraded infrastructure in Somalia made these

airmen key players in the operation.^^^*

They went to work early. On 10 December, a

team was testing the airfield at Bale Dogle for

serviceability for C-141 aircraft. With an Air

Force combat control team on hand and Special

Forces soldiers for protection at the remote loca-

tion, the Red Horse team used a specialized piece

of equipment to check the runway surface. This

was a large, weighted rod that could be dropped

from a set height. The weight was dropped on therunway surface and the depth of its penetration

was measured.^^' Of the 10,500-foot runway, the

first 4,500 feet were determined unserviceable

and repairs were quickly begun.

The Army's 36th Engineer Group was respon-

sible for one of the operation's most important

construction projects. This was the repair of the

main supply network and the construction of what

became known as the  Somali Road.

The task force staff recognized that improve-

ment of the road system would provide multiplebenefits for the entire operation. First, it would

enhance security by connecting all the humanitar-

ian relief sectors and reducing the travel time

* Red Horse teams moved into each of the relief sectors as

they were opened, often accompanying the troops. The

author watched one such team operating the morning after

the Italians secured Gialalassi airfield. When it was deter-

mined the dirt runway was not sturdy enough to take the

wear of heavy aircraft, the Red Horse engineers discovered

an abandoned roller on a part of the field. They soon had it

in repair and running across the field in an early attempt to

compact and upgrade it.

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Soldiers ofCompanyA, 41st Engineer Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, celebrate the completion of a Bailey Bridge

they erected between Kismayo and Mb. The bridge was named for Sean Devereaux, a UNICEF worker killed while

endeavoring to feed thousands of starving people in southern Somalia.

between them. This in turn would mean that fewer

forces would be required in theater to cover the

same amount of ground. Rapid-moving convoys

could more efficiently deliver relief supplies. Safe

and quick movement on the roads would also ben-

efit the people of the interior by providing them

with a means of getting their products from farms

and herds to markets in the cities. Contracted

labor would provide jobs for local Somalis and

boost the overall economy. Finally, the roads

would give the factions an easy means to move

their forces and heavy weapons to transition sites

and cantonment areas. The 36th Engineer Group

was given the mission of working on the main

supply routes and creating the Somali Road to

connect all the sectors.^^^ General Johnston,

through his engineering staff, specified standards

for the road system:  All supply and resupply

routes were made to carry two-way traffic at mil-

itary load class 30 and used soil stabilization

where possible. ̂ ^^

Work began on 20 January 1993 and proceed-

ed rapidly. Many difficulties were encountered

but overcome. Mine removal operations were

necessary on some stretches to open the way to

the interior. Mines were a persistent problem

throughout the entire area of operations and were

not limited to roadways, although they caused

considerable trouble there. Commander William

F. Boudra, USN, of the UNITAF staff described

what the engineers faced:

Massive quantities of land mines and unex-

ploded ordnance dotted roads and the

Somalian landscape. Our forces encountered

a variety of mines and other munitions man-

ufactured by many different countries.

Because operational procedures called for

marking and bypassing mines and unexplod-

ed ordnance, we used minesweeping teams

frequently. Marking, however, had to be aus-

tere because any valuable materials would

certainly be stolen. We settled on painting

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134 Restoring Hope in Somalia

mine warnings on rocks. Breaching mine

and [unexploded ordnance] areas to open

routes was required on numerous occasions.

Several methods were employed. Teams

equipped with metallic mine detectors were

used but their value was limited because

most mines and ordnance were non-metal-lic' Therefore, we used field expedient mine

rollers made from locally procured and mod-

ified construction compactors pushed by

armored combat vehicles. This method

proved very effective. Both explosive ord-

nance detachments and Sappers were put to

work on countermine and [unexploded ord-

nance] neutralization operations.^^ ^

Other difficulties came from the condition of

the road surface in various stretches, requiring

decisions about whether these areas should be

repaired or bypassed. Where available, locally

procured surface aggregate was used to fill holes.

In other cases, the roadways were patched with

mixtures of soil and cement, and dust palliatives

were put down throughout the routes. Bridges

were repaired or strengthened as necessary. In

some areas, the road had to be entirely rebuilt.^^^

The portion between Jilib and Bardera had to be

laid down on a different route through new ter-

rain. In the Kismayo sector, two Bailey bridges

were constructed and a third was set up in


Five weeks of heavy, hurried labor completed

the job. On 24 February, the Somali Road was fin-

ished. The engineer group had constructed or

repaired more than 1,100 kilometers of roadways,

connecting all of the humanitarian relief sectors.

The interior of the entire area of operations was

opened to the movement of relief supplies, the

transportation of local produce, and the resettle-

ment of refugees. More importantly, driving time

between sectors dropped dramatically. It had orig-

inally taken 26 hours to travel by vehicle from

Mogadishu to Kismayo; now it took only 12.

Travel time between other sectors dropped by 50

to 75 percent. This major engineering feat was a

* In Oddur, the author saw a stockpile of several hundred

cases of such antipersonnel mines. These were simply made

of wood with a hinged top for inserting the charge and a

small opening in one side for placing the detonator. These

devices could be placed in the ground with pressure-sensitive

detonators or rigged as booby traps with trip wires. With lit-

tlemetallic content, they would have been difficult to find

with traditional metal detectors.

great success, one that contributed to the security

of the force and the completion of its mission.^^^


Another important method to link the area of

operations was effective communications. For

UNITAF, this responsibility fell to the communi-

cations section, whose members had to work

closely with the components and with the forces

of the coalition partners.

Colonel Robert G. Hill faced a daunting task as

the UNITAF communications officer. In early

December, as he was building his joint team

through the Central Command administration

officer, he was planning his own concept of sup-

port for the overall mission and the courses of

action. The communications section would be

responsible for identifying and sourcing needed

equipment, and then installing and operating it.

The system had to link the commander to his staff,

the components, and the coalition partners, and

had to provide support for operations, intelli-

gence, and personnel and logistics functions.^^'

The communications network would have to work

over long distances in theater and be able to reach

literally around the world when needed, and be set

up within the bare infrastructure environment that

affected every other aspect of the operation.

Prior to deployment, the communications sec-

tion worked with MarFor to set the basic commu-

nications plan. Communications nodes would be

established at each of the relief sectors as they

were secured. These nodes would be  constructed

around an AN/TSC-93 spoke terminal and would

consist of a switching capability, communications

center, two high-frequency radios, two tactical

satellite terminals, and a local area network serv-

er. 398

Equipment came from a variety of sources.

Colonel Hill knew I MEF's normal equipment

load could not meet the dual requirements placed

on it, to support both the new task force head-

quarters and the 1st Marine Division acting as

MarFor. He therefore asked for augmentation of

satellite communications and single-channel radio

systems through the joint communications sup-

port element, an organization under the control of

the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The communications ele-

ment controlled a pool of equipment to support

two joint task force headquarters; some of this

was duly allotted for UNITAF's use. This equip-

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DVIC DD-SD-00-00707

On a rise overlooking Mogadishu airport, TSgt Jacl< Ricliards, Sgt Derrick Hawkins, and A 1C Charles Layne, of the

U.S. Air Force's 5th Combat Communications Squadron, conduct daily maintenance on the microwave dish of a

tropo satellite support radio system.

ment provided the connectivity from the task

force headquarters to the components, which then

supplied the necessary equipment on their end.

Internal support came from the 9th

Communications Battalion and the communica-

tions company of the 1st Marine Division.^^^

Communications with the outside world were

established early in the deployment. The task

force headquarters was connected to Central

Command in Tampa, Florida, by a single-channel

tactical communications satellite. Satellite com-

munications also were established between Fort

Meade, Maryland, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.'^ ''

A communications support element van arrived

with limited telephone connectivity. This helped

to expand internal communications, albeit on a

small scale. As the coalition's forces moved into

the relief sectors, connectivity was provided to

keep the soldiers and Marines on the ground

linked to the headquarters at Mogadishu. An early

problem was encountered when some component

forces arrived before their command and control

assets. This led to borrowing of equipment among

U.S. forces to ensure that all missions were prop-

erly covered. As more equipment arrived, so too

did the opportunity to normalize things along

Service lines. But, even by late January, there

were still anomalies. Because of the mix of units

and missions there, the American components at

the port and airfield at Mogadishu displayed a

corresponding mix of equipment. Marine units

were using Air Force transmission systems, and

Army units were using Marine gear. Overall,

however, the ability to use whatever equipment

was at hand was judged to have worked well.'**^'

The need to be prepared to operate in a bare

environment caused one noticeable problem. As

some units arrived they brought commercial satel-

lite equipment with them that would ensure reli-

able communications anywhere in the world. By

attaching a STU-III, secure communications

could also be achieved.* Ironically, the conven-

ience of this equipment was also its greatest

weakness. This was a commercial system, and

* TacSat, InMarSat, and STU-III (secure telephone unit,

third generation) are all communications systems and pieces

of equipment. TacSat is a military satellite system that uses

communication repeaters that work with the terminal equip-

ment of land, sea, and air forces. InMarSat is a commercial

satellite communications operator that provides telephone,

fax, and data transmission services to client ground, sea, and

air users. The STU-III is a voice encryption device that

allows speakers to discuss classified matters over a telephone

by scrambling the sound.

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136 Restoring Hope in Somalia

there was an expensive cost to its use. Some units

had borrowed the equipment from their non-

deployed comrades, creating an interesting dilem-

ma: who would pay the user fees, the owner or the

using unit? Colonel Hill soon recognized he had

to get control of the number and use of these sets

in theater/ ^

Communications with the coalition partners

presented some challenges. Where NATO mem-

bers were operating there was no great difficulty

because of the interoperability of equipment and

procedures. For the other nations, all manner of

communication issues had to be resolved.

Frequency assignment was a concern, but direct

contact with the UNITAF frequency manager kept

all partners on separate networks. Communica-

tions security was another matter that had to be

addressed, both among the United States compo-nents and the partners. It would be inappropriate

for every organization in theater to be receiving its

own secure communications deliveries. So a joint

communications security management office was

formed as a central point for the delivery and dis-

tribution of all such messages and materials. This

office also was responsible for working with the

Defense Courier System to ensure the proper

receipt of all such materials. But the non-NATO

coalition partners were not cleared to receive such

classified information. For them, liaison officers

were assigned. These officers accompanied the

partners in the field, and they carried the appro-

priate U.S. communications equipment.'^'^^ In this

manner, all units of the task force, no matter what

their size or mission, were linked through

UNITAF headquarters.

A greater difficulty was communicating with

UNOSOM headquarters, even though it was

located less than a half mile from the UNITAF

compound. Telephone landlines, which would

normally be an easy method of connecting with

U.N. forces, could not be used because the wire

would have been stolen as soon as it was strung.

In addition, both headquarters used different radio

communications equipment. A solution was to

issue hand-held radios, called bricks, for both

headquarters. Even then difficulties were encoun-

tered due to the different voltages of the battery

chargers each headquarters used. Such small mat-

DVIC DD-SD-00-00907

U.S. Air Force SSgt Rick Robinson of the 52d Combat Communications Squadron adjusts an SB3865 tactical tele-

phone switch at the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu. The squadron provided communications support for the Air

Force's Air Mobility element.

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A soldier from the 9th Psychological Operations Battalion (Airborne) hands leaflets to several Somalis on the streets

of Kismayo.

ters were difficult to foresee, but each was

resolved as it was encountered through the appli-

cation of a cooperative attitude and a desire to get

the job done.404

Psychological Operations

Lieutenant General Johnston knew the success-

ful completion of his mission would be greatly

helped by a well-run psychological operation

effort.  Having understood the potential impact of

PSYOP [psychological operations], I was

extremely interested in having PSYOP up front

for this operation because I knew ... that it would

prevent armed conflict. ... You come in with tanks

and people think you're there to hurt them.

PSYOP worked well to convince [Somalis] that

we were there with the military capability to take

care of the factions and their little armies—that

we were going to provide support and safety.' ^°^

To ensure this valuable support was planned

and integrated into the UNITAF operation, ajoint

psychological operation task force was organized

under the supervision of the director of opera-

tions. Brigadier General Anthony C. Zinni. This

specialized task force, under the command of

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Borchini, USA, was

formed from elements of the Army's 4th

Psychological Operations Group (Airborne). The

nucleus of the task force came from the 8th

Psychological Operations Battalion and the

Product Dissemination Battalion. The 9th

Psychological Operations Battalion (Tactical)

provided two brigade psychological operationssupport elements and eight loudspeaker teams.

These last units were attached to the 7th Marines,

and the Army's 10th Mountain Division.'^''^

The joint psychological operations task force

had the mission of providing information and

coordinating communications to two target audi-

ences. The first group included those persons and

organizations General Johnston had to work

closely with to accomplish the mission: the spe-

cial envoy, UNOSOM, United Nations agencies,

and the humanitarian relief sectors. The second

group was the Somalis, comprised of the general

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On the streets of Kismayo, a soldier from the 9th Psychological Operations Battalion distributes copies of Rajo, theSomali-language newspaper. The paperproved to be an effective toolin providing UNITAF information to the Somali


Somali population, the leaders of the factions, eld-

ers from the clans and villages, religious leaders,

and professionals and intellectuals. ^ ^

The task force accomplished its information

dissemination mission through a variety of prod-

ucts. Leaflets were easily produced and widely

distributed. These small sheets usually had a col-

orful picture on one side and a related message in

Somali on the other. Themes ranged from anexplanation of the purposes of the coalition forces

to information about the dangers of mines and

unexploded ordnance. These were distributed to

target areas by aircraft. Throughout the operation

several types of aircraft were used: Marine Corps

CH-53 helicopters; USAF and Canadian C-130

Hercules airplanes; Army UH-60 and UH-1 heli-

copters; Navy S-3 Viking airplanes; and NewZealand C-748 Andover airplanes. * ^

Another printed product was a Somali-lan-

guage newspaper named Rajo, the Somali word

for hope. The staff of the paper included soldiers

from the 4th Psychological Operations Group,

civilian area experts, and Somali linguists. They

produced articles about military operations in

Mogadishu and the other relief sectors, relief

operations, redevelopment, and analyses of the

peace and reconciliation talks. Other features

dealt with public health information, articles

about rebuilding the educational system and

police forces, and interviews with relief staff

members. One other popular feature was a cartoon

featuring a Somali named Celmi and his camel

Mandeeq. The conversations between these two

characters emphasized the themes of the coali-

tion's mission and what current operations were

accomplishing. The first copy of this paper was

published on 20 December 1992, and it soon had

a daily run of 15,000 to 28,000 copies, depending

on the availability of paper. It was distributed to

every town and village in which UNITAF soldiers

were deployed. The paper was apparently effec-

tive in getting out UNITAF information to the

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Somalis. As U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Robert

B. Oakley later told the Rajo staff:  We are using

Rajo to get the correct information into the hands

of the Somali population and to correct distor-

tions. ... It has made a big difference. The faction

leaders, I know, read it very, very carefully. Every

once in a while [General Mohamed Farah Hassan]Aideed or Ali Mahdi [Mohamed] or one of the

other faction leaders draws to my attention some-

thing that appeared in the newspaper. So they're

very, very sensitive to it and they know its

power. 409

In cooperation with the newspaper, UNITAF

established a Somali-language radio station, also

named Rajo. Radio Rajo offered the Somali peo-

ple a choice from the faction-controlled radio sta-

tions as a source of information. Twice a day, the

station broadcast a 45-minute program consistingof news stories from the Rajo newspaper, world

events, readings from the Quran, readings of

Somali stories and poetry, and Somali music. The

broadcasts were designed to encourage the Somali

factions to settle their differences and rebuild their

country. There were several specific themes the

station staff wove into the broadcasts. These were

to emphasize the neutrality of the coalition and

ensure listeners that the rules of engagement

would be applied fairly against all factions as nec-

essary; to highlight the capabilities of the coali-

tion and the work its members were doing, espe-

cially those from African or Islamic countries; to

encourage disarmament and highlight the agree-

ments made by the faction leaders; to reinforce

the idea that only the Somali people could resolve

their problems and encourage the rebuilding of

the country's social infrastructure; to encourage

displaced people to return home and harvest or

plant crops; and to emphasize that there would be

no change in the rules of engagement or capabili-

ties during the transition from UNITAF to UNO-


The radio station was located at UNITAF head-

quarters in the U.S. Embassy compound. It broad-

cast on a combination of midwave and shortwave

frequencies. With extensive adjustments to the

transmitting antenna, the Rajo shortwave pro-

grams could be received in every city and town in

each of the relief sectors. ^

One other method of getting out the UNITAF

message was through loudspeaker teams.

Accompanying troops during operations, these

teams broadcast surrender appeals and gaveinstructions to crowds or to Somalis in arms mar-

DVIC DD-SD-00-00812

A young Somali boy holds one of several leaflets pre-

pared and distributed as part of UNITAF's psyctiologi-

cal operations effort. The leaflet portrays a Somali man

shaking the hand of a U.S. soldier, thereby emphasiz-

ing that the United States was in Somali as a friend try-

ing to help end the suffering.

kets or at roadblocks. The team members helped

to distribute copies of the Rajo newspaper. They

also worked closely among the people, gathering

important information and assessing the security

environment. They gave an added, personal

emphasis to the coalition messages in the Rajo

paper and radio broadcasts by meeting with vil-

lage elders and local religious leaders.'* ^

Psychological operations teams supported

every UNITAF action from the very start of the

operation. On 9 December, loudspeaker teams

accompanied the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit

during the initial landings. A Marine CH-53 car-

ried a team for the first leaflet drop over the city

of Mogadishu. After that, loudspeakers and leaflet

drops were a part of each movement of coalition

forces into the relief sectors. Two to three days

before the arrival of UNITAF soldiers into a town,

the teams dropped special handshake leaflets that

depicted a Somali and a coalition soldier shaking

hands and explained the mission of the coalition

to assist the relief operations. While emphasizing

the peaceful intent of the coalition, these leaflets

also clearly stated that UNITAF was prepared to

take any necessary action:  We are prepared to

use force to protect the relief operation and our

soldiers. We will not allow interference with food

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140 Restoring Hope in Somalia

distribution or with our activities. After UNITAF

forces moved into a sector other leaflets were

dropped over the cities and villages and along the

routes leading to it. These showed Somali people

waving to a guarded convoy of relief trucks, and

explained:  We are here to protect relief con-

voys. They also warned:  Do not block road-

ways Force will be used to protect the con-

voys. 4i3

Loudspeaker teams were conspicuous during

the Marine assault against the weapons storage

sites in Mogadishu in early January and in the

Army's efforts against the forces of Mohamed

Said Hirsi (General Morgan) in Kismayo in

February. They accompanied coalition forces on

sweeps of arms markets and during Clean Street

operations. Special leaflets explained the intent of

these operations and in February a very specific

one was directed at the forces of General Morgan.

The leaflet explained the ultimatum issued by the

UNITAF commander and told Morgan's men they

must move by the deadline of 25 February,  or

risk destruction.' *' ^

These task force activities were of great value

to UNITAF, clearly demonstrating a benign and

neutral stance balanced with a will to use force if

necessary. Speaking of the loudspeaker teams,

Major General Charles E. Wilhelm, the MarFor

commander, summed up the value of the psycho-

logical operations efforts:  They reduced the

amount of unnecessary bloodshed by convincing

Somali gunmen to surrender rather than fight.' ^

Civil-Military Operations

While most of the structures created by

UNITAF were internal, that is, created to assist its

own forces in accomplishing the mission, there

was one that looked externally, to the humanitari-

an relief organizations. These organizations,

working directly with the people of Somalia, were

the link between the military security mission and

the end of famine. They worked in a wide variety

of areas, distributing food, providing medical care

and assistance, helping with agricultural and vet-

erinary problems, assisting refugees and displaced

persons, digging wells for clean water and work-

ing on other small civil projects. They occupied a

unique place in the mosaic of the operation;

manned by civilian staffs and controlled by indi-

vidual parent organizations, they were highly

independent. They also were an important part of

the solution to Somalia's woes. They truly were

partners in the operation, and their needs had to be

considered and met.

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^ 9 i



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DVIC DD-SD-00-00790

Soldiers from the 9th Psychological Operations Battalion ride in a humvee broadcasting messages to local Somalis

gathered on a street in Kismayo. Elements of the 10th Mountain Division walk alongside providing security.

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Normality Begins to Return 141

The relationships with the relief organizations

did not have to be created entirely from whole

cloth. During his time in Operation Provide

Comfort in Iraq, Brigadier General Zinni had seen

the value of establishing an entity to coordinate

civil and military efforts. He wanted to repeat the

process used in the Kurdish relief operation by

estabhshing a similar group in SomaUa.'* ' Also,

the United States Government, through the State

Department, had created a number of organiza-

tions whose primary mission was to provide dis-

aster assistance and economic aid, as well as fur-

nish the structures by which these could operate in

foreign countries.

As early as August 1992, the United States

Government had been supporting the relief organ-

izations in Somalia through these agencies. The

Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, a part of

the United States Agency for International

Development, had established a disaster assis-

tance response team for Somalia. Two disaster

response teams also operated in Nairobi and

Mombasa, as coordinating agencies for Operation

Provide Relief. *'' With the military intervention

in December the requirement grew for closer

cooperation among all parties.

During Operation Provide Relief, humanitarian

relief organizations had already begun to tax the

military command with requests for assistance. Toreduce these direct requests and to coordinate the

military response to them, a humanitarian opera-

tions center was established. This center was

staffed with military officers, workers from the

Agency for International Development and some

relief workers. This worked well for Provide

Relief, and so a center was established in

Mogadishu for Restore Hope. The operations cen-

ter had a simple mission: to plan, support, and

monitor the delivery of relief supplies; but it had

a complex organization, reflecting the mix of mil-

itary, governmental, international, and civilian

humanitarian aid members. The director was

Philip Johnston, a United Nations official and a

member of UNOSOM.* There were two deputy

directors; one, a civilian, was from the response

team, and the other was a military officer from

UNITAF. The center contained a standing liaison

* Philip Johnston was then the president of CARE USA, and

had been appointed by United Nations Secretary General

Boutros Boutros-Ghali to lead a 100-day action program for

accelerated humanitarian assistance in Somalia.

committee, composed of members from UNO-

SOM, UNITAF, the disaster assistance response

team. United Nations and Red Cross agencies,

and an executive committee to represent the non-

governmental organizations. A bloc called the

 Core Groups represented those relief organiza-

tions with specialty interests such as agriculture,

sanitation, health, and education. The loose con-

nections of all these groups into one organization

meant it had little real authority. The director

responded to the U.N., and the deputies to either

the Agency for International Development or

UNITAF. The relief agencies were responsible to

their parent organizations. The center was able to

do one thing well; it established the forum for all

these organizations to discuss and coordinate their

needs and efforts. The main center was estab-

lished with the U.N. headquartersin

Mogadishuon 11 December. Thereafter, a center was estab-

lished in each humanitarian relief sector. ^'^

Colonel Kevin M. Kennedy, a veteran of

cyclone relief operations in Bangladesh, had been

the chief of staff for Operation Provide Relief

since August. He was, therefore, familiar with

many of the key players in the humanitarian oper-

ations community, whether they were United

States Government workers or relief organization

personnel. He was selected to be the military

deputy director of the humanitarian operations

center and head the main civil-military operations

cell in Mogadishu.'*'''

As part of the operations center, the cell was

the clearinghouse for requests of the relief organ-

izations for military support such as convoy

escorts, security of facilities, space-availability on

military flights, and technical assistance.''^''

Colonel Kennedy saw his duties as working in

two directions. The cell was the link for the relief

organizations to the military of UNITAF and

UNOSOM. He also had to work closely with

Ambassador Oakley and the UNITAF staff to

coordinate their support. He assisted the humani-

tarian organizations to define their logistics

requests so they could get what they actually

needed, such as the berthing of relief ships, the

staging of containers, and setting convoy routes

and times. Colonel Kennedy saw the cell needed

to be an institution that continued beyond the life

of UNITAF. He therefore worked with the

Japanese, Germans, Canadians, and others in the

solicitation of funds. He also was involved in the

development andimplementation of relief policy,

working with the United Nation's 100-Day Plan,

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142 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

Representatives of ttie major tiumanitarian relief organizations gather for a daily meeting in tfie civil-military opera-

tions center in IVIogadishu. Based on a similar organization established during the Kurdish relief effort in Iraq, the

center endeavored to coordinate the civil and military efforts.

and creating a similar plan through 1993 for pres-

entation at the Addis Ababa conferences. *^'

The main cell in Mogadishu did not have a

large staff, but it was a busy organization. There

were daily meetings to which all relief organiza-

tions were invited, along with representatives of

the United Nations and the disaster response

teams. This was in keeping with Colonel Ken-

nedy's desire to be inclusive. These meetings

were used to discuss upcoming humanitarian

operations, exchange information, and pass on

intelligence. The main cell also had a variety of

relief-related responsibilities. It promulgated and

explained UNITAF policies to the relief organiza-

tions, and it worked closely with the UNITAF op-

erations section in conducting mission planning

for requests that needed complicated support,

required more than one military unit, or that in-

volved more than one organization. It chaired the

Mogadishu port shipping committee to coordinate

access to the port and pier space. It maintained a

24-hour watch to respond to emergency requests

from relief organizations and coordinate them

with the UNITAF staff. It also helped to create a

food logistics system for the organizations. This

system monitored food stocks, tracked delivery

dates, listed warehouse capacities, transport avail-

ability, and the repair and condition of the road

system. *^^

Just as each relief sector had a humanitarian

operations center, each also had its own civil-mil-

itary cell, which maintained contact with Colonel

Kennedy's central organization in Mogadishu.

These small teams of Marine or Army officers

worked closely with the sector commanders and

helped provided the same types of support to their

local relief organizations. They also were given

latitude to work with the local security commit-

tees and councils.

Convoy escorts were probably the most visible

support the military gave the relief organizations.

When an organization was expecting to move a

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Normality Begins to Return 143

convoy of trucks loaded with relief supplies, they

filled out a standard request and submitted it to

the operations cell at least 48 hours in advance.

The cell then tasked either a U.S. or coalition part-

ner with escort duty. The relief organization and

the military unit then had authorization for direct

liaison. The component or coalition partner con-

trolling the relief sector that a convoy was going

to was generally tasked with escort duty. Convoys

going to those sectors closest to Mogadishu

(Baidoa, Bardera, Merka, and Gialalassi) received

security escorts all the way to their destinations,

but farther districts would split the responsibility.

For instance, if a convoy was going to Relet

Weyne, the Italians would escort it beyond

Gialalassi, and the Canadians would meet them

and take it the rest of the way.'^^^

This was a rather simple process that workedwell. For the first 90 days of the operation,

UNITAF averaged 70 escorts a month, with

monthly averages of 700 trucks carry 9,000 met-

ric tons.* Convoy security gave the relief organi-

zations an additional benefit; they could use

trucks to move food to distant areas, so they could

provide more food at less cost than they had been

able to bring in by airplane. This security not only

allowed the World Food Program to bring in its

own fleet of trucks, but also increased competition

among the local transportation providers, further

lowering costs. ^^ ^

There were some difficulties. Coordination

between relief organizations and military units

was not always perfect. Occasionally an escort

unit was not informed of delays in the formation

and start times of convoys. Locally hired trucks

were subject to breakdowns, often the result of

deliberate sabotage by their drivers who sought to

obtain a portion of the shipment when the rest of

the convoy had to proceed without them. There

were some days when there were simply not

enough assets to provide security for all the

requested convoys. Some would have to wait, but

eventually all convoys received an escort.'*-^^

Convoys were not the only humanitarian relief

organization assets that required security. The

organization oversaw hundreds of offices, ware-

houses, distribution centers, clinics, and housing

for their staff personnel. These facilities, located

throughout the country, often fell prey to bandits

* These figures are only for convoys going out of

Mogadishu, and do not count the convoys travehng inside

the city.

since they contained food, medicines, and cash.

Many of the relief organizations hired armed

guards before the arrival of UNITAF. These mer-

cenaries were often unreliable and prone to resent

any attempt to fire them, in which case they

became a threat to their employers. While not

every place needed UNITAF protection every day,

there were times when threats, real or perceived,

made it appropriate to call for such assistance.

At such times, staffs of the relief organizations

could call a  9 11 -type emergency number in the

civil-military operations center. The request was

then passed on to the UNITAF joint operations

center, where it was assigned to a component or

coalition unit. Again, this was an easy process, but

it had its limitations. First, there were four levels

the request had to go through: the relief organiza-

tion; the civil-military operations center; the jointoperations center; and then on to the military unit.

Response time was increased, therefore, by the

request moving along this chain, no matter how

quickly each entity tried to pass it on. Also, there

were numerous sites that might have to be guard-

ed. Mogadishu alone had 585, and there were

more throughout the rest of the area of operations.

Consolidation of facilities and spaces could have

eased this problem, but the relief sites remained


In addition to simple security needs, the relief

organizations also required advice and, from time

to time, direct assistance. Brigadier General

Zinni, in an assessment of the operation made in

March, saw it proceeding on three tracks. There

were the obvious military and political portions.

Then there was the humanitarian aspect, which he

described as going beyond the  short-term sense

of getting food and emergency care to the people

that are in jeopardy, but it's also the long-term

reconstruction in terms of getting public services

started: hospitals, public works, that sort of

thing.' '2''

He had praise for Philip Johnston andhis work with the United Nations in the humani-

tarian operations center, and the establishment of

the plan for the development of the country. But

providing the kind of actions envisioned was dif-


The problems with giving this kind of assis-

tance were limitations under United States law of

what the military could provide and the obscure

boundary between legitimate civil affairs-type

activities and nation-building, which was to be

left to the United Nations. Within this gray area,

however, there was room for work to be done by

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144 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

UNITAF's chief engineer briefs humanitarian relief worl<ers on new and ongoing projects at the civil-military opera-

tions center in IVIogadishu.

the troops in the field. As Colonel Kennedy said:

 the [Civil Affairs] program has been laissez-

faire; do it if you want to, do it if you can.' *^^ The

money that could be legally spent on such projects

was limited (a small amount of operations and

maintenance funds), as was the ability to define it

as work that benefited UNITAF and thus assisted

the overall security mission.'*^^

Out in coalition units, soldiers and Marines had

the desire to help the Somalis in more positive

ways than simply providing security. They had

another necessary asset; time in their off-duty

hours to volunteer for such work if they so

wished. It was not long before commanders took

advantage of these attributes of their troops. On24 December, Colonel Gregory S. Newbold, com-

manding officer of the 15th MEU (SOC), initiat-

ed Project Hand Clasp, a program to assist

schools, orphanages, and other organizations in

the town of Baidoa. Through these actions.

Colonel Newbold sought to maintain a benevolent

image of his Marines in the minds of local

Somalis. The work had the added benefit of keep-

ing up the morale of the MarFor personnel

involved. In January, these Marines began

Operation Renaissance in Mogadishu. This civil

affairs operation combined medical and dental

assistance visits with security sweeps of the area

between the airfield and the port. These actions

helped to stabilize the neighborhood and make it

safer for UNITAF troops.^^o

Later, MarFor in Mogadishu worked closely

with local schools. The Marines saw two benefits

to these actions. Schools represented a piece of

normality for the population, and they would keep

children off the streets and away from trouble and

harm. The Marines wrote to relatives and friends

at Marine Corps Bases Camp Pendleton and

Twentynine Palms, California, soliciting school

supplies. The United Nations Children's Fund

provided special educational kits for teachers,

school staff, and students. These were given to

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Normality Begins to Return 145

schools close to the soccer stadium, a main

MarFor site, and one was sent on to Bardera. In a

particularly dangerous area of Mogadishu, which

warring factions claimed, the schools needed

more than just supplies. The presence and activi-

tiesof a MarFor

civil-militaryoperations team


these schools kept them from being attacked or

looted. The team also contacted the World Food

Program on behalf of the teachers and staff and

procured supplies of corn, cooking oil, and


In the farther relief sectors things were happen-

ing in much the same fashion. Colonel Werner

Hellmer, the MarFor officer-in-charge of the

civil-military operations center, had established

civil-military operations teams in Bardera and

Baidoa. Working on the adage that actions speak

louder than words, the Marines in these sectors,

noted Hellmer,  get actively involved with the

people ... one on one. ... We went out there and got

involved, saw what the people wanted, how we

could help them, and we did that.' ^^^ What they

got involved in was the provision of security to

wells, protection of schools by visible patrolling,

and assistance to schools and orphanages.

Repairing water mains, leveling of school

grounds, repairing classroom spaces, and other

small maintenance projects were coordinated with

Marine combat engineers and Seabees. Materials

were not specifically requisitioned for the proj-

ects; but in a land where any building materials

were scarce, scrap lumber was kept and used for

such purposes.'*^^

These experiences of the Marines were not

unique. They were repeated in all the other sec-

tors, whether run by Army Forces Somalia or a

coalition member. Within a short while, the secu-

rity operations, the work of the relief organiza-

tions, and that of the civil-military operations


hadtheir effect

on the daily lives of theSomali people. As Colonel Hellmer said of

Bardera and Baidoa:

You could see them blossom. ... The shops

were open, the kids were in the street, chil-

dren were now taking the donkeys and water

burros and getting [containers] filled with-

out the adults there with them. You saw

bicycles on the street, kids playing soccer,

children carrying bags of rice, which they

weren't able to do several weeks before

because they got robbed. The storefronts, the

signs were being painted. You saw electrici-

ty in Baidoa. ... They were rebuilding places.

The economy was starting to thrive. The

marketplace was open. There was music.

People in the streets sitting in front of their

houses now without barricading themselves

in the compound. Those are just the changes

we saw within thirty days.'*^'*

During the third phase of the operation, suc-

cesses were observed throughout the theater.

Coupled with the decrease of violence and the

improved security situation, many members of

UNITAF felt their part of the task of restoring

Somalia to the community of nations was close to

an end. They hoped they might soon return

home, but for that to happen the United Nations

ad to be prepared to accept the mantle of respon-


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:i TT^^^mm^

Getting Out



» * *

~~\^*^i #4^

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Chapter 9

Transition and Return

United Nations Relationship

From the very beginning, United States mili-

tary and civil leaders maintained close ties to their

counterparts in the United Nations. Senior U.S.

Government officials met with the U.N. staff  two

or three times each week about the Somalia oper-

ation. *^^ By January 1993, military planners from

U.S. Central Command were in New York  to

assist the undermanned U.N. Military Staff

Committee in developing its concept of opera-tions and list of logistics requirements. Those

planners remained available to the United Nations

while it stood up a functional staff in Mogadishu

in April. ^36

It was much the same in the field. Iraq's Ismat

T. Kittani, the special representative of the

Secretary General of the United Nations, met reg-

ularly with his U.S. counterpart. Ambassador

Robert B. Oakley. In particular, Kittani attended

the very first meeting between Ambassador

Oakley, Lieutenant General Robert B.Johnston,

and the faction leaders on 11 December.'*^'

Thereafter, the military and political sides of

Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF) worked

closely with the U.N. staff, most notably Lansana

Kouyate of Guinea, the deputy U.N. special rep-

resentative, in establishing and running the Addis

Ababa conferences. *^^ On the military side.

General Johnston's staff maintained close cooper-

ation and exchanged liaison officers with

Brigadier General Imtiaz Shaheen's United

Nations Organization Somalia (UNOSOM) staff.

The UNITAF operations staff was especially help-

ful to UNOSOM by drafting the plans for disar-

mament and ceasefire that came from the initial

Addis Ababa talks. Also, Marine Colonel Kevin

M. Kennedy, from the UNITAF civil-military

operations cell, was the military deputy director of

the humanitarian operations center, headed by

Philip Johnston, a United Nations appointee.

This close cooperation would be strained as

time went on. By early March, UNITAF had

accomplished much in terms of creating security,

ending famine, and helping to encourage reconcil-

iation and the reconstruction of social structures.

The members of UNITAF also knew they were

never intended to be the long-term solution to

Somalia's problems; that work fell more appropri-

ately to the United Nations. Unfortunately, the

U.N. was slow in coming. Brigadier General

Anthony C. Zinni summed up the general feeling

at this time:  I think the process [of reconcilia-

tion] is well along the way. I think the faction

leaders and the Somalis are ready to begin the

process. Frankly, I don't feel the U.N. is prepared

at this point ... though I feel they've got to deal

relatively quickly because they cannot lose this

window of opportunity when everyone appears

very cooperative. ^^ General Zinni also was clear

about what was necessary for the U.N. to be suc-

cessful in taking over responsibilities in this tran-

sition period.  The key to the fourth phase is the

U.N. structures to provide security and basic

humanitarian needs. Nations of the world must

provide funding and forces. The presence of secu-

rity forces will be needed for a while. The factions

must reconcile their differences and agree on how

to restructure the government. The U.N. must help

with basic services and infrastructure to allow

them to be self-sustaining: [these are] growth and

exports, security forces, police and militia, politi-

cal development, humanitarian services. '* °

The difficulties facing the United Nations in

fielding its UNOSOM II force reflected its differ-

ences from UNITAF in operational capabilities

and goals. The operation in Somalia presented the

U.N. with many challenges, and, as an interna-

tional organization, it had to work its way through

them in accordance with its own structures anddiplomatic methods. As Secretary General

Boutros Boutros-Ghali stated, the operation in

Somalia was distinct from nearly every other

operation in which the United Nations had been


There was no precedent for the organization

[U.N.] to follow as it embarked on this

course, no example but the one it was about

to set, and there were many unanswered

questions about the undertaking to which the

international community had committed

itself. Would member Governments con-

tribute sufficient troops, including the neces-

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148 Restoring Hope in Somalia

sary logistics elements, and place them

under the command of the United Nations?

Would these forces be deployed in time for a

smooth transition from UNITAF? Would the

troop-contributing countries follow through

on an enforcement mission if hostile action

by one or more of the factions led to casual-

ties among their troops? And would member

states be willing to pay for what would

inevitably be an ex-pensive operation at a

time when the United Nations peace-keep-

ing budget was growing faster than at any

point in its history?'*'*'

The United Nations did not have a readily

available body of troops, nor did it have command

elements from which it could draw to construct its

new UNOSOM II force. These would all have to

be solicited from member states, and this would

take time.

Even more important to the United Nations

were the conditions it saw as necessary to be in

place for the transition. The question of building

organizations and military systems was the easier

of the U.N.'s two hurdles in taking over the oper-

ation. The second, and more difficult, concerned

specific aims for UNITAF. In a letter to President

George H. W. Bush on 8 December, the Secretary-

General emphasized two conditions, which he be-

lieved to be important for a successful transition:

The first was that UNITAF, before its with-

drawal, should ensure that the heavy

weapons of the organized factions were

brought under international control and that

the irregular gangs were disarmed. The sec-

ond essential condition for a successful tran-

sition, I believed, was for UNITAF to exer-

cise its mandate throughout Somalia. ...

Countrywide deployment was indispensable

as the militias could simply withdraw their

heavy weapons to parts of Somalia where

the task force had not been deployed andbide their time. The problems of reconcilia-

tion, disarmament, and demobilization were

national in character and thus required

UNITAF's presence throughout the coun-


Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

On 3 April 1993, representatives of ttie 16 Somali factions meet at the United Nations headquarters in Mogadishu

to discuss disarmament. At the head of the table is BGen Imtiaz Shaheen, PakistaniArmy, UNOSOM I military com-


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Transition and Return 149

This was very different from UNITAF's per-

ception of its mission. As General Johnston stated

in February 1993:  I had specific guidance ... that

our mission was focused on an area that required

humanitarian relief. Quite frankly, disarmament

was only required for us to conduct our humani-

tarian mission.' *''^ At the next level of the chain-

of-command, General Joseph P. Hoar, the com-

mander in chief of Central Command, agreed with

General Johnston's assessment:  Disarmament

was excluded from the mission because it was

neither realistically achievable nor a prerequisite

for the core mission of providing a secure envi-

ronment for relief operations.' *'*'*

Ambassador Oakley stated the United States

Government's position in even more detail a few

years later:

The United States was convinced that

despite its own military superiority, the

Somalis would fight rather than give up all

their weapons under external coercion.

Complete disarmament of all the factions

would have required at least a doubling of

the UNITAF personnel and, almost certain-

ly, would have resulted in substantial casual-

ties, as well as a disruption of humanitarian


The United States was prepared to support

and assist the United Nations on the broader,

long-term issue of beginning a systematic

program of voluntary demobilization and

disarmament under United Nations auspices,

but not willing to accept formal responsibil-

ity for this long-term, major program. Its

UNITAF partners agreed with this proposal

and were prepared to participate. The United

Nations, however, refused responsibility.

Consequently, the program was not under-


This wide gulf continued throughout February,

March, and April, and it would affect the eventu-

al transition. The result was a dilemma for both

sides. For the U.N., the difference between its ear-

lier peacekeeping missions and this one of peace

enforcement meant it had to have a military

organization of comparable size and strength to

UNITAF working under similar rules of engage-

ment. The time required to assemble a staff and

build a force was lengthened by U.N. reluctance

to assume responsibility before its conditions

were met by UNITAF. The coalition partners were

frustrated because they had fulfilled their ownmissions, and were providing the U.N. with exact-

ly the window of opportunity of which General

Zinni spoke.

UNITAF restructuring also caused concern.

While General Johnston had no doubts about the

ability of UNITAF to do its job as it drew back to

its two light brigades, not everyone shared his

optimism. In his mind, the two actions of reduc-

tion and transition were separate issues. He also

knew he had to keep his superiors comfortable

about what he was doing. As he put it, he wanted

to  de-link the two actions in the minds of those

at Joint Chiefs of Staff and Central Command.

That was difficult, because the lack of U.N. move-

ment delayed high-level approval for shipping

units out of Somalia. * *^

The draw down was also affected by events in

the area of operations. The confrontationsbetween factional groups under Mohamed Said

Hirsi (known as General Morgan) and Colonel

Ahmed Omar Jess in Kismayo in February and

March were handled quickly by UNITAF, but

they were indications the situation was still

volatile. To U.N. Secretary General Boutros-Ghali

 the events in Kismayo were a serious violation of

the ceasefire and a setback to hopes that the fac-

tions would hand over their heavy weapons.

Action by just one faction was enough to risk

unraveling the progress made in Addis Ababa and

jeopardize the delicate stability established by

UNITAF. 4^^ UNITAF did not see the situation as

being so delicate as did the U.N., but these actions

did delay the return of some U.S. Army units from

Kismayo and slowed the overall reduction of


With the slower pace of the reductions and the

wait for the arrival ofUNOSOM II, UNITAF con-

tinued its work from February to May. One addi-

tional aspect, on the political side, was to support

the next round of talks in Addis Ababa in March.

Lansana Kouyate led this important confer-

ence, sponsored by the United Nations. The talks

opened on schedule on the 15th and continued for

12 days. All factions were represented except the

Somali National Movement, which controlled the

northwest portion of the country it declared to be

the independent nation of Somaliland.* By 27

March, the representatives had adopted a unani-

mous  Addis Ababa Agreement of the First

* The Somali National Movement did send observers to the


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Session of the Conference on National

Reconciliation in Somalia. This agreement com-

mitted all factions to ending their armed conflict

and to a peaceful reconciliation of differences.

The agreement also set a two-year transition peri-

od for a new central government that would come

into being in March 1995. All parties recognized

the need for local governments, district and

regional councils, and a national police force. Of

concern for UNITAF was the provision by which

the factions agreed to a  complete and simultane-

ous disarmament throughout the country.

UNITAF and UNOSOM were asked to assist in

this process by accepting the weapons of the fac-

tions. The turn-in process was to be completed

within 90 days. These two organizations were also

asked to react strongly against those who might

violate the ceasefire.'*''^

Despite the impressive cooperation by the fac-

tions expressed in the wording of the agreements,

success depended on the willingness of all parties

to make the accords work. No one was fooled into

an unrealistic sense of optimism, yet the next sev-

eral weeks remained a quiet time throughout the

area of operations. It was during this period the

U.N. forces began to arrive.

Slow Transition to U.N. Control

UNITAF and Central Command had begun to

plan for the transition as early as 23 December

1992. On that date, a point paper was issued set-

ting very broad guidance for the transfer of

responsibilities, the establishment of a quick reac-

tion force, and the residual support the United

States would provide to UNOSOM II. It even

included a notional U.N. peacekeeping organiza-

tion. While some points of this paper eventually

changed, this was a start for planning. The pro-

posed plan required UNITAF to maintain control

over the entire area of operations until it was

secure; suggested that coalition partners remain-

ing under UNOSOM II be emplaced in the

humanitarian relief sectors they would eventually

control; and called for the UNITAF staff to grad-

ually work with and give responsibility to the

UNOSOM II staff.450 But such a broad plan left

many specifics to be worked out on the ground,

actions considered to be appropriate to the UNO-SOM II staff, and this planning would fall by

default to UNITAF. General Johnston expressedsome of the anxiety felt by UNITAF members

who had to do this work on their own in January,

February, and March:

I could see all of these frustrations that

affected our mission, of things that we knew

had to be done by UNOSOM II in the big

picture [reconstitution of the police force,

working with the humanitarian relief organ-

izations, civil-military operations, refugee

resettlement, disarmament, and canton-

ment], not just our limited mission. You

know, professionally, you take some pride in

looking ahead and saying what needs to be

done. ... But for the last month at least ... I

have been making decisions for him

[Turkish Lieutenant General Cevik Bir, the

incoming UNOSOM II commander]. ... I

don't want to make decisions on where the

cantonment areas are, where the resettle-

ment areas are, because I won't be here.

General Bir is going to have to execute, and

should have been here to do the planning. ...

We are only now, in the first few days of

March ... seeing the blue hats starting to

form in here. ... The U.N. still does not have

a staff.451

General Johnston also was busy pushing his

superiors, within the bounds allowed him as a mil-

itary officer, to bring pressure on the United

Nations to move more quickly.  Ambassador

Oakley was very useful in doing that. I mean, he

came on publicly. I came on in message traffic.

Some of them were [in the form of] daily tele-

phone calls to the [Commander in Chief of

Central Command] saying, 'We need some help.

Who is pushing the U.N.? '452

While the United Nations was not moving as

quickly as it might have, it had chosen the com-

mander of its new UNOSOM II force. Lieutenant

General Cevik Bir was a Turkish officer,

described by General Johnston as having  a good

operational background, good reputation.' *^^ Hewas chosen to be the commanding general of

UNOSOM II because of his military background

and his religion. Placing a Muslim in charge was

a bow to the sensibilities of the vast majority of

the Somali people. It was hoped this would estab-

lish a bond between the populace and the new

United Nations presence.

General Bir had been on one brief inspection to

Somalia in late February. Unfortunately, the tim-

ing of this visit was poor. He had arrived at the

time of the troubles in Kismayo and Mogadishu,and the UNITAF staff's attention was not focused

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on the general who would lead their replacements.

As noted in a Navy Forces Somalia situation

report:  The unfortunate timing of these clashes

near the American Embassy compound has

caused the curtailment of briefings for Gen Bir.

[General] Johnston has concluded it is difficult to

focus on briefings with this activity nearby.' '^''

General Bir returned on 15 March, but his

command was still in an embryonic stage.

Members of the UNOSOM staff came in individ-

ually or in small groups at this time. The UNITAF

staff did its best to accommodate and inform them

about the operation and the duties they would ful-

fill. On 11 March, for instance, UNITAF held a

meeting for the UNOSOM II chief of staff,

Brigadier General James S. Cox, Canadian Army,

who had arrived a few days before. He met with

the deputy commanders of the chiefs of staff of all

those forces that would participate in UNOSOMII. Three days prior. General Cox and UNOSOMII communications personnel had moved into the

embassy compound with their equipment. That

same day, the UNITAF operations staff officially

started their transition to UNOSOM II. Less than

a week later, on the 14th, General Johnston

approved UNITAF's final transition plan. The

next day, UNOSOM II staff members began to

integrate with the UNITAF operations watch cen-

ter in a process called  twinning. ' ^^^ General

Johnston described this twinning process as  sit-

ting counterparts next to our counterparts, and

we'll work with them ... until they're ready to take

the hand-off. 456

On 3 March, Secretary General Boutros-Ghali

reported to the U.N. Security Council,  the effort

undertaken by UNITAF to establish a secure envi-

ronment is far from complete and in any case has

not attempted to address the situation throughout

all of Somalia. * Following the advice given to

him by United States officials as early as 18

December, Boutros-Ghali sought a new mandate

for UNOSOM that would change it from peace-

keeping to peace enforcement. UNOSOM II

should, in his words,  cover all of SomaHa ... and

include disarmament. ** To ensure the success of

* This was written less than one week after the Kismayo-

Mogadishu disturbances of late February, which likely influ-

enced the Secretary General's perception.

** UNOSOM II's area of responsibility eventually extended

farther north than that of UNITAF, but only to the city of


this mission, he sought a mandate for the new

force that would achieve several goals: to monitor

all factions with respect to the ceasefire agree-

ments; to prevent resumption of violence, using

force if necessary; to maintain control of the fac-

tions' heavy weapons; to seize the small arms of

unauthorized armed groups; to maintain the secu-

rity of all ports, airfields, and lines of communi-

cations; to protect the lives of United Nations and

relief organization personnel; to clear mines; and

to assist refugees.''^''

With the exception of the extension of the mis-

sion to  all of Somalia and the emphasis on total

disarmament, none of this was different from

what UNITAF had been doing for months. The

document did, however, show that the U.N. rec-

ognized the new UNOSOM II organization need-

ed to be very strong to match this mandate.

Boutros-Ghali proposed to the Security Council

that UNOSOM II have 28,000 troops, including

8,000 in logistics roles. Logistical support was to

come primarily from UNITAF troops already in

Somalia. This meant the Support Command

would continue to be a major contributor. Also,

the United States was asked to provide a quick

reaction force. On 26 March, the Security Council

adopted Resolution 814, which provided a man-

date for UNOSOM II and included all the condi-

tions Boutros-Ghali had askedfor.'^^s

^ tentativetransition date was set for 1 May.

Following these actions, personnel began arriv-

ing in Somalia to prepare for the transition. Two

important additions to the United Nations staff

were both Americans. Retired U.S. Navy Admiral

Jonathan T. Howe was appointed as the new

Special Representative of the United Nations

Secretary General, and Major General Thomas

Montgomery, USA, was selected as the UNO-

SOM II deputy force commander.

General Montgomery's appointment revealed astrange dichotomy in the force structure. Not only

was he UNOSOM II deputy commander, he also

was the commanding general of the United States

Forces in Somalia for UNOSOM. These forces

were split along two chains-of-command. Most of

the U.S. troops were part of the logistics support

to the operation as well as part of the United

Nations force. There was also the 1,100-man

quick reaction force for UNOSOM II, the 10th

Mountain Division  Warrior Brigade, which had

been filling the same role for UNITAF. It also

reported to General Montgomery. But others

reported through their own chains-of-command.

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Photo courtesy of Col Frederick M. Lorenz

Leaders from U.S. Marine Forces Somalia, from left, Col Jack W. Klimp, Marine Forces deputy commander, Col Emil

R. Bedard, Task Force Mogadishu commander, and Col Werner Hellmer, staff judge advocate and head of the

Marine Forces civil-military operations team, wait to meet Somali elders.

These included a U.S. Marine expeditionary unit,

which would remain on call as the theater reserve.

In August, another United States unit independent

of U.N. control was sent to Somalia. This was

Task Force Ranger and was composed of Army

Rangers and Special Forces. Major General

William F. Garrison, USA, commanded the force,

which reported directly to Central Command's

commander, General Hoar.

Several of UNITAF's coalition partners would

remain to participate in UNOSOM II, which made

the United Nations' search for contributing

nations easier and enabled the transition to

progress more rapidly. Pakistan, already present

in UNOSOM I and UNITAF, sent two additional

battalions, creating an infantry brigade. Several

other nations made commitments. India, Ireland,

Norway, Bangladesh, Nepal, Romania, Republic

of Korea, and Malaysia eventually sent troops.

Many of these forces were slow to join UNOSOMII. At the time of the official transition, the force

was still 11,000 soldiers short of its goal.

UNITAF had been realigning forces to ensure

those remaining would be in place and operating

in their designated relief sectors by the time of the

transition. These included the French, Italians,

Belgians, Australians, Moroccans, Pakistanis,

Botswanans, and Turks. At the same time, United

States forces continued their redeployment sched-

ules. Army and Marine Corps units withdrew

from the field and moved back to Mogadishu

prior to embarkation. Both Army Forces Somaliaand Marine Forces Somalia (MarFor) were down

to light brigade strengths by late March and early


On 4 March, Army Forces Somalia directed

Task Force Kismayo to prepare to turn over full

responsibiUty for the relief sectors to the Belgians

the next day and then return to Mogadishu. On the

11th, the task force completed this movement and

redeployed from Somalia. The 10th Mountain

Division's main command post was on the same

flight, and its commander. Major General Steven

L. Arnold, departed two days later. '^^ On 9 April,

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the Warrior Brigade, which would stay as part of

UNOSOM II, assumed all responsibility for

Merka sector, the quick reaction force, and all

remaining Army operations in Somalia. This flex-

ible brigade was composed of the 1st Battalion,

22d Infantry; 3d Battalion, 25th Aviation; 10th

Forward Support Battalion; and other support

detachments. When the Merka sector was turned

over to the Pakistani forces on 28 April, the

Warrior Brigade moved into new quarters at the

university complex and airport in Mogadishu.''^^

The Marines continued their redeployments

leading to the light brigade level, and by the 13th

they had realigned their forces between Bardera

and Mogadishu. By 17 March, the 7th Marines

had consolidated in Mogadishu, and Task Force

Bardera remained in that city for the time being.

On 21 March, the light brigade staff  assumed all

watches in the MarFor CP [Command Post],

while the staff of the 7th Marines moved from the

soccer stadium to the embassy compound. Two

days later, Major General Charles E. Wilhelm left

for Camp Pendleton. Colonel Jack W. Klimp

replaced him as MarFor commander. Over the

next few weeks, the focus of the remaining

Marines was to work with coalition forces to turn

over responsibilities. In Mogadishu, these were

Pakistani soldiers and those of the United Arab

Emirates. In Bardera, the task force worked with

the Botswanans. On 9 April, Colonel Klimp

returned to the United States and Colonel Emil R.

Bedard, commanding officer of the 7th Marines,

assumed duties as commander of MarFor. On 1

April, the Botswanans assumed responsibility for

Bardera sector. In Mogadishu, the Marines passed

operational control of the United Arab Emirates

forces to the Italians on 15 April. On the 24th,

MarFor ceased patrolling in the city and turned

over their principle areas of interest to the

Pakistanis. On the 26th, the MarFor Marine

Aircraft Group 16 made its last flights and ceased

operations. That day, MarFor formally turned

over all its responsibilities to the Pakistani forces

of UNOSOM II during a ceremony attended by



and UNITAFstaffs,

members of the Somali auxiliary security force,

and representatives of all the remaining coalition

forces. Remaining MarFor elements began rede-

ploying the next day.'*'^'

By the beginning of May, the work of UNITAF

was done. In five months of unrelenting effort it

had formed itself from four branches of the

American Armed Forces and 22 coalition nations;

deployed rapidly to Somalia; worked through a

Photo courtesy of the Italian Armed Forces

LtGen Robert B. Johnston transfers responsibility for operations in Somalia to Turkish LtGen Cevik Bir at a formal

ceremony held in May 1993 at the U.S. Embassy compound in Mogadishu.

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Photo courtesy of the Clinton Presidential Library (P3276-04)

President William J. Clinton welcomes LtGen Robert B. Johnston to the White House, where he presented him with

the Defense Distinguished Service Medal.  I'm receiving the medal, LtGen Johnston said,  but a lot of 18 and 19-

year-old men and women in uniform demonstrated enormous discipline, good judgment, and a good deal of

patience in performing a rather unique mission.

number of complex issues while conducting

demanding military operations; succeeded in its

security mission; and prepared the way for its

replacement, UNOSOM n. On 4 May, in a cere-

mony held at the embassy compound. Lieutenant

General Johnston passed responsibility for opera-

tions in Somalia to Lieutenant General Bir.

Shortly after. General Johnston and the remaining

members of his staff boarded an airplane for the

long flight home.

They arrived in Washington the next day. There

the new U.S. president, William J. Clinton, met

them in a special ceremony on the south lawn of

the White House and thanked them for all they

had done and accomplished. In his remarks, the

President summed up what had been done in a

short time:

You represent the thousands who served in

this crucial operation—in the First Marine

Expeditionary Force, in the 10th Mountain

Division, aboard the Navy's Tripoli

Amphibious Ready Group, in the Air Force

and Air National Guard airlift squadrons,

and in other units in each of our services.

Over 30,000 American military personnel

served at sometime in these last five months

in Somalia. And serving alongside you were

thousands of others from 20 nations.

Although your mission was humanitarian

and not combat, you nonetheless faced diffi-

cult and dangerous conditions. You some-

times were subjected to abuse and forced to

dodge rocks and even bullets. You saw first-

hand the horror of hunger, disease, and

death. But you pressed on with what you set

out to do and were successful. You have

served in the best tradition of the Armed

Forces of the United States.

To understand the magnitude of what our

forces in Somalia accomplished, the world

need only look back at Somalia's condition

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just six months ago. Hundreds of thousands

of people were starving; armed anarchy

ruled the land and the streets of every city

and town. Today, food is flowing, crops are

growing, schools and hospitals are reopen-

ing. Although there is still much to be done

if enduring peace is to prevail, one can nowenvision a day when Somalia will be recon-

structed as a functioning civil society. ^^^

After the ceremony, the former members of

UNITAF continued their journey home to resume

their lives and various duties, and the Unified

Task Force dissolved back into its individual


hi Somalia, the forces of UNOSOM II did not

wait long to be tested. On 6 and 7 May, the forces

of factional leader General Mohamed Farah

Hassan Aideed's ally. Colonel Omar Jess, clashedwith the Belgians while trying to retake the city of

Kismayo. This was the precursor to bloody fights

in June, July, and October.


On 1 March 1995, Lieutenant General Anthony

C. Zinni returned to Mogadishu as the command-

ing general of a combined coalition task force.

Seven nations provided ships and amphibious

forces for Operation United Shield.* The mission

was to protect the last UNOSOM II forces,

Pakistani and Bangladeshi soldiers, as they with-

drew from Somalia. Earlier that day, 1,800 U.S.

Marines of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit

(Special Operations Capable) and 350 Italian

Marines landed and set up a defensive perimeter.

The operation was completed 73 hours later.

The intervening two years since the departure

of UNITAF had not been kind to either the United

Nations forces or to the Somalis. Shortly after the

departure of the Unified Task Force, a subtle but

important change in the mission came about that

had profound effects on UNOSOM II and the par-

ticipation of the United States in the operation.

General Aideed had not forgotten the incidents

of late February 1993 in Mogadishu and Kismayo.

On 5 June that year, in a bold and confrontational

move, his forces attacked a contingent of

Pakistani troops, killing 24 of the UNOSOM sol-

diers.* This challenge to the United Nations was

answered by trying to destroy Aideed's power

structure. He was declared a criminal and UNO-SOM II, with the support of the Clinton adminis-

tration and United States forces, began to actively

seek to capture him to bring him to justice. This

action may have appeared appropriate, but it over-

looked the fact that Aideed was still a respected

and influential figure to a large number of his

countrymen. This act also tore the fabric of neu-

trality by singling out Aideed as a specific target,

which fed his propaganda machine. Finally, it

placed UNOSOM troops in direct confrontation

with Aideed's strong political faction, and its mili-

tia forces in the city.

American forces, notably Task Force Ranger,

tracked down and captured several of Aideed's

high-ranking subordinates. In an unfortunate inci-

dent on 12 July, missiles fired from helicopter

gunships burst into a house at which leaders of

Aideed's United Somali Congress faction and eld-

ers of Aideed's Habr Gedr clan were holding a

meeting. Many Somalis were killed, some esti-

mates of the number dead reached as high as 70.

Many previously neutral Somalis believed they

had to defend their homes and their land against

the United Nations and joined Aideed's camp.

Although lightly armed, these soldiers were aware

of American tactics and conformed their own to

make the best use of what was available. On 25

September, a militiaman shot down a helicopter

with a rocket-propelled grenade, a highly unusual

feat. Having proven it could be done, Aideed's

forces awaited their next opportunity, which came

on 3 October.

That day, Aideed was to attend a meeting with

some of his chief lieutenants. The site for the

meeting was identified and a task force of U.S.

Rangers and Special Forces was sent to capture

him. The mission ran into trouble even as the hel-

icopters carrying the assault force approached the

* Nations participating in Operation United Shield were the

United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Malaysia,

Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

* The Pakistani soldiers were on an operation to inspect one

of General Aideed's compounds in Mogadishu. During

Operation Restore Hope, these inspections were announced

shortly before they would take place, but not with enough

lead time for the factions to move or hide anything. The

inspections were thus not a total surprise to the factions, and

they knew why they were taking place. Unlike such inspec-

tions under UNITAF, this one was unannounced. The com-

pound also adjoined the site of Aideed's Radio Mogadishu

transmitting station. Claiming the United Nations soldiers

were there to shut down the station, Aideed was able to rally

his followers in a deadly attack.

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Somali men carry bags of wheat delivered by a Marine CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter assigned to Marine Medium

Helicopter Squadron 363.

target building. A rocket-propelled grenade struck

one helicopter, forcing it to land close to the tar-

get. Another was shot down shortly thereafter,

also by a rocket, and crashed a few blocks away.The mission then turned from one of capturing

Somali leaders into one of also rescuing the sur-

vivors of the downed aircraft and bringing out the

force. The Rangers were soon surrounded by hun-

dreds of Somali militiamen firing on them with

small arms and rocket-propelled grenade. The

reaction force, composed of soldiers of the 10th

Mountain Division, had to fight its way through

the streets of the city, which were now filled with

thousands of militiamen and civilians trying to

kill as many UNOSOM troops as they could.

After 15 hours of fighting, the convoys returned to

the base at the airport, bringing the survivors and

most of the dead. The price was 18 Americans

killed and 78 wounded. The cost, along with the

pictures of dead U.S. soldiers being dragged

through the streets by gloating Somalis, was more

than the administration was willing to pay.

A decision to withdraw American forces from

Somalia was made shortly after. With the most

powerful member state of UNOSOM II leaving,

other nations followed suit. By the beginning of

1995, the United Nations announced that UNO-

SOM II was to end on 31 March. Operation

United Shield was actually conducted weeks

before that date. As the final U.N. troops were

ready for their withdrawal from Mogadishu,Marines were ordered to provide security for the

operation. The last U.N. and American forces left

the country on 4 March.

After the U.N. departure from Somalia, things

continued as they had before. Aideed and Ali

Mahdi Mohamed still vied for power and blood-

shed continued unabated, along with suffering of

innocent people. All this happened as if a curtain

had descended around the country's borders.

What occurred in Somalia received little attention

in the world press. Only unusual news came out.

For instance. General Mohamed Farah Aideed

was killed in a gun battle in Mogadishu on 1

August 1996. Shortly afterwards, his son,

Hussein, who had served with UNITAF as a

United States Marine Corps corporal and transla-

tor, returned to Somalia and took over his father's

position. Somalia is still divided. The northern

portion claims its independence as Somaliland,

although it is not, as yet, recognized. In the south,

the area of Operation Restore Hope, the fighting

and dying continues. Cities and towns change

hands, and a few humanitarian relief organiza-

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tions still try to bring some assistance. The talks

between the factions continue amid reshuffling

alliances. The State Department still issues

strongly worded warnings about travel in

Somalia, and the country is listed as one of the

world's most dangerous places.

But, in spite of such results, some good came

from Operation Restore Hope. UNITAF did suc-

ceed in ending the famine and holding down the

violence during its time in Somalia. Some

accounts claim more than 200,000 lives were

saved by the efforts of UNITAF in getting relief

supplies through. As the Joint Meritorious Unit

Award citation to UNITAF states:

Unified Task Force Somalia enabled the

delivery of over 42,000 metric tons of relief

supplies to the starving population, disarmed

warring factions, fostered a ceasefire, and

restored police and judiciary systems.

Through the intervention and leadership of

Unified Task Force Somalia, relief efforts of

over 60 different aid and relief organizations

and the support of 23 nations were coordi-

nated and focused to reverse a human

tragedy of famine and disease that was

claiming the lives of thousands each day.

Operation Restore Hope, along with its prede-

cessor Operation Provide Comfort, opened a

decade of humanitarian relief and peacemaking

operations. The experience of each has con-

tributed to the success of the next, and many of

the issues that were of importance during Restore

Hope have remained through subsequent opera-

tions. They are part of the current military world.

One of the operation's greatest strengths was

the close relationship that existed between the

military and the political sides. The cooperation

between the commanding general and the special

envoy was seamless and presented a united front

to the Somali factions. It also ensured the mem-

bers of the coalition were working toward goals

established for UNITAF. The support that

Lieutenant General Johnston and Ambassador

Oakley provided to each other set a standard for

future joint task forces assigned to such humani-

tarian missions.

The idea of force protection continues to per-

meate military planning at the beginning of the

new century. In a humanitarian or peacekeeping

role, how many casualties are Americans willing

to tolerate? This question was forcefully answered

for the specific instance of Somalia in October

1993. However, with each new operation com-

manders must consider how success depends on

keeping their soldiers safe and casualties within

acceptable limits. The measures taken to ensure

this safety can range from permissive rules of

engagement which allow individual soldiers to

take action against perceived threats to the wear-

ing of protective vests and helmets at all times.

These latter measures especially can impose a

burden on soldiers or Marines working in tropical

or desert climes. Equally important, they can

become a physical reminder to any opposing force

of the unacceptability of loss to Americans. This

can become a weakness in itself, if only in per-

ception. Finding the proper balance is a comman-

der's responsibility.

Nation building is another term that has been

heard referring to Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and

Kosovo. In any situation characterized by civil

war and the destruction of civil institutions and

structures, the successful completion of the mis-

sion will depend in some part on the reconstitu-

tion of those agencies. What is appropriate in one

case may not be in another. In Somalia, the intent

of UNITAF was to encourage the Somalis to take

responsibility for their own governance and inter-

DVIC DD-SD-00-01026

Two Somali men load large bags ofAustralian wheat on

the back of a truck for transport to the village of Maleel.

The distribution was a cooperative effort of U.S.

Marines, who provided the helicopter support, and the

Australian Army, which secured the delivery perimeter.

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Chapter 1

There have not been many books available on

Somali history and culture until recently. Even the

most current books deal mainly with the events of

October 1993, and give only a cursory view of how

Somalia came to its condition of 1992. However, there

are a few official sources that deal with these topics in

some detail. Headquarters, Department of the Army,

publishes a series of area studies for the nations of the

world. The one for Somalia was published in 1982

(third edition) and updated in a fourth edition in 1993.

These books provide information about Somali culture,

clan affiliation, political and military structures, terrain

and climate, and the important history of this nation.

These are important sources for anyone researching the

history of Somalia prior to the 1990s. At the start of

Operation Restore Hope, the United States Army

Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center published a

small volume entitled Restore Hope Socaliinta Rajada:

Soldier Handbook. This handy guide was intended for

troops deploying to Somalia, and provided basic infor-

mation about climate and terrain, diseases and preven-

tive medicine, weapons of the factions, and a lexicon

of basic Somali words and phrases. More importantly,

it described the Somali clans, identifying the armed

factions and their leaders. Adam B. Siegel wrote an

excellent monograph study of Operation Eastern Exit

for the Center for Naval Analyses. It was used exten-

sively for the portion of this chapter relating to the

evacuation of the American Embassy in Mogadishu in

January 1991.

1.  Marine Heads Somalia Relief Efforts, Marine

Corps Gazette, Oct92, p. 4.

2. Department of the Army, Somalia: A Country

Study, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing

Office, 1982), pp. 8-9, 81-92, hereafter DA,

Somalia: A Country Study.

3. Ibid., pp. 9, 82.

4. Ibid., pp. 12-17.

5. Ibid., pp. 14, 17-19.

6. Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm-The

Second World War, vol 1, (Boston: Houghton

Mifflin Co., 1948), pp. 133-134, 165-168.

7. Winston S. Churchill, The Grand Alliance-The

Second World War, vol 3, (Boston: Houghton

Mifflin Co., 1950), p. 80.

8. Ibid., pp. 80-86.

9. DA, Somalia: A Country Study, pp. 24-27.

10. Ibid., pp. 27-31.

11. Ibid., pp. 31-33.

12. Ibid., pp. 33-38.

13. Ibid., pp. 38-40.

14. Ibid., pp. 43-45.

15. Ibid., pp. 45-46.

16. Ibid., pp. 52-57.

17. Ibid., pp. 58-59.

18. Ibid., pp. 60-62, 225-227.

19. Ibid., p. 52.

20. United States Army Intelligence and Threat

Analysis Center, Restore Hope Socaliinta Rajada:

Soldier Handbook (Dec92), p. 6, hereafter Soldier




Adam B. Siegel, Eastern Exit: The Noncombatant

Evacuation Operation (NEO) From Mogadishu,

Somalia, January 1991, (Alexandria, Virginia:

Center for Naval Analyses, Apr92), p. 7.

22. Ibid., PP. 8-9.

23. Ibid., pp. 8,11.

24. Ibid., pp. 11-12.

25. Ibid., pp. 12-13, 16-18.

26. Ibid., pp. 17-19.

27. Ibid., pp. 18,22-25.

28. Ibid., pp. 28-34.

29. Soldier Handbook, pp. 6-7.

30. Jonathan Stevenson, Losing Mogadishu: Testing

U.S. Policy in Somalia (Naval Institute Press:

Annapolis, Maryland, 1995), pp. 4-7.

Chapter 2

Much of the material for this chapter was taken

from notes the author made during interviews with

officers of the joint task force, which also were record-

ed on videotape by members of the Joint Combat

Camera Team. The policy at that time was for the tapes

to be sent to the main combat camera office in

Washington, D.C. Many of these tapes are unaccount-

ed for. Therefore, the author's notes have been used

here. The information in this chapter is from interviews

with: LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter Johnston-

Mroczkowski intvw; Col Sam E. Hatton, hereafter

Hatton-Mroczkowski intvw; Col William M. Handley,

Jr., hereafter Handley-Mroczkowski intvw; BGen

Anthony C. Zinni, hereafter Zinni-Mroczkowski

intvw; Capt Michael L. Cowan, hereafter Cowan-

Mroczkowski intvw; MajGen Steven L. Arnold, here-

after Amold-Mroczkowski intvw; BGen Thomas R.

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160 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Mikolajcik, hereafter Mikolajcik-Mroczkowski intvw;

Col Thomas D. Smith, hereafter Smith-Mroczkowski

intvw; and Col Robert W. Tanner, hereafter Tanner-

Mroczkowski intvw.

31. Bruce W. Nelan,  Taking on the Thugs, Time,

14Dec92, p. 29, hereafter Nelan,  Taking onThugs.

32. Ibid.

33. David Binder,  Bush Ready to Send Troops to

Protect Somalia Food, The New York Times,

26Nov92, p.AI.

34. James Kitfield,  Restoring Hope, Government

Executive, Feb93, p. 20.

35.  UN-Mandated Force Seeks to Halt Tragedy:

Operation Restore Hope, UN Chronicle, Mar93,

Vol. XXX, No l,p. 1-13.

36. Ibid., p. 13.

37. Nelan,  Taking on Thugs, p. 29.38. Ibid., p. 13.

39. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

40. I MEF ComC, 27Nov92 to 28Feb93, Sec 3,

 Chronological Listing of Significant Events ;

U.S. Army Center of Military History, Resource

Guide: Unified Task Force Somalia December

1992-May 1993 Operation Restore Hope

(Washington, D.C., U.S. Army Center of Military

History, 1994), p. 105.

41. General Joseph R Hoar, USMC,  A CinC's

Perspective, Joint Forces Quarterly, Autumn

1993, p. 56, hereafter Hoar,  A CinC's


42. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

43. Ibid.

44. Hoar,  A CinC's Perspective, p. 58.

45. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

46. Hatton-Mroczkowski intvw.

47. Handley Mroczkowski intvw.

48. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

49. Cowan-Mroczkowski intvw.

50. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

51. Capt David A. Dawson, USMC, Restore Hope

manuscript, pp. 6-7.

52. ComUSNavCent msg 061908zNov92, subj:

Concept For Support Relief Operations In

Somalia, hereafter ComUSNavCent msg. Relief

Operations in Somalia.

53. Katherine McGrady, The Joint Task Force in

Operation Restore Hope, (Washington, D.C.:

Center for Naval Analyses, 1994), pp. 115-116,

hereafter McGrady, Restore Hope.

54. Amold-Mroczkowski intvw.

55. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

56. Mikolajcik-Mroczkowski intvw.

57. Smith-Mroczkowski intvw.

58. 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), U.S.

Army Forces Somalia, 10th Mountain Division

(LI): After Action Report Summary (Fort Drum,

New York: 10th Mountain Division (Light

Infantry) and Fort Drum, Jun93), p. 68, hereafter

10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia; McGrady, Restore Hope, p. 52.

59. Tanner-Mroczkowski intvw.

60. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 67.

61. Hoar,  A CinC's Perspective, p. 61.

62. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

63. ComUSNavCent msg, Relief Operations in


Chapter 3

The information for this chapter was taken from

official sources. Oral history interviewsused


between the author and LtGen Robert B. Johnston,

hereafter Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw; BGen

Anthony C. Zinni, hereafter Zinni-Mroczkowski

intvw; and BGen Anthony C. Zinni and LtCol Charles

H. Cureton, hereafter Zinni-Cureton intvw.

64. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

65. Briefing papers,  Joint Task Force Somalia

Relief, dtd 921203.

66. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

67. USCinCCent mss, dtd 22Nov92, subj.

Commander's Estimate of theSituation.

68. CentCom AC/S G-3 to CG I MEF msg,

19561 lNov92, subj, Somalia Ops.

69. JTF Operation Order, 6Dec92, Annex B.

70. DIA to DIACUPIntel msg, 262333ZNov 92, subj,

Somalia: The Logistic Setting.

7 1


Soldier Handbook, p. 113.

72. CinCent Operation Order for Operation Restore


73. United States Marine Corps, Small Wars Manual

(Washington, D.C.: USGPO, 1940), p. 1.

74. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

75. Col Frederick M. Lorenz, USMC,  Law AndAnarchy In Somalia, Parameters, Winter 93-94,

p. 28.

76. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

77. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

78. JTF Somalia Operation Order. 6Dec92.

79. Zinni-Cureton intvw.

80. CentCom Order, 5Dec92.

81. JTF Somalia Operation Order, 6Dec92.

82. Ibid.; Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

83. JTF Somalia Operation Order, 6Dec92, Annex C.

84. JTF Somalia Operation Order, 6Dec92.

85. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

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Notes 161

86. JTF Somalia Operation Order, 6Dec92.

87. Briefing papers,  JTF Deployment Timeline, dtd


88.  The Military Sealift Command in Operation

Restore Hope, pp. 11-16.

89. Ibid., pp. 6-6A.

90. Kent M. Beck and Robert deV. Brunkow, Global

Reach in Action: The Air Mobility Command and

the Deployment to Somalia (Office of History, Air

Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base,

Illinois: 15Feb94), pp. xi-xxiii.

Chapter 4

This chapter is based mainly on information taken

from interviews conducted by the author in the field.

These were with Capt John W. Peterson, USN, here-

after Peterson-Mroczkowski intvw; Capt J. W. Perkins,

USN, hereafter Perkins-Mroczkowski intvw; Capt

Brian Boyce, USN, hereafter Boyce-Mroczkowski

intvw; Col Les van den Bosch, Belgian Army, hereafter

van den Bosch-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol Thulagalyo

Masisi, Botswana Defense Force, hereafter Masisi-

Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol John M. Taylor, hereafter

Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol Ailen Pietrantoni,

French Army, hereafter Pietrantoni-Mroczkowski

intvw; LtCol Emanuel Spagnuolo, Italian Army, here-

after Spagnuolo-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol Carol J.

Mathieu, Canadian Army, hereafter Mathieu-

Mroczkowski intvw; and Maj Lelon W. Carroll, USA,

hereafter Carroll-Mroczkowski intvw. The author also

used his personal journal, referred to as Mroczkowski

journal with appropriate date citations.

91. Perkins-Mroczkowski intvw.

92. Peterson-Mroczkowski intvw.

93. Ibid.

94. Peterson-Mroczkowski intvw; Boyce-

Mroczkowski intvw.

95. 15th MEU (SOC), Command Chronology,

lDec92-3Feb93, sec 4, Supporting Documents,

hereafter 15th MEU (SOC), ComdC.

96. 15th MEU (SOC), ComdC, sec 2, NarrativeSummary, p. 2-2.

97. Ibid., p. 2-3.

98. Commandement Francais des Forces Francaises

en Somalie, Compte Rendu de L' Operation

'Oryx' (9 decembre 1992-12 avril 1993), sec II,

 Chronologie, hereafter Commandement

Francais des Forces Francaises en Somalie,

 Chronologic; Pietrantoni-Mroczkowski intvw.

99. Ibid.

100. Perkins-Mroczkowski intvw.

101. Kent M. Beck and Robert deV. Brunkow, Global

Reach in Action: The Air Mobility Command and

the Deployment to Somalia, vol. 1 (Office of

History, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force

Base, Illinois, 15Feb94), p. xix.

102.1 MEF, ComdC, 27Nov92 to 28Feb93, sec 2,

Narrative Summary: Command, Operations, and

Training, p. 2, hereafter I MEF, ComdC.

103. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, pp. 18, 66.

104. Ibid., p. 17.

105. 1 MEE ComdC, p. 2.

106. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 18.

107. Intvw with LtGen Robert B. Johnston on  Meet

The Press, 13Dec92.

108. 15th MEU (SOC), ComdC, sec 3, Sequential

Listing of Significant Events, p. 3-2; I MEF,

ComdC, sec 3, Chronological Listing of

Significant Events, pp. 2-3.

109. 1st Canadian Division, After Action Report

Operation Deliverance Somalia Dec 92-Jun 93,

dtd 4Nov93, Annex A, Part One, Background, p.


110. Claudio Graziano, Operazione Somalia: 1992-

1994,  Lineamenti E Consuntivo

Dell'Operazione; Conversation between LtCol

Daniel M. Lizzul, Liaison Officer to the Italian

Forces and LtCol Gennora Fusco, Italian Army, as

reported to the author.

111. Col William J. Mellor, Royal Australian Army,

 The Australian Experience in Somalia,

Peacekeeping: Challenges for the Future, Hugh

Smith,ed. (Australian Defense Studies Center,

Australian Defense Force Academy, Canberra:

1993), pp. 59-60.

112. U.S. Army Center of Military History, Resource

Guide: Unified Task Force Somalia December

1992-May 1993 Operation Restore Hope

(Washington, D.C: U.S. Army Center of Military

History, 1994), pp. 185-186.

113. Intvw with Capt Mosa al Anzi, Kuwaiti Army,

LtCol Charles H.Cureton, USMCR, and Maj

Robert K. Wright, Jr., USAR, 22Feb93.

114. Intvw with Col AU al Shehri, Royal Saudi Army

and Maj Robert K. Wright, Jr., USAR, 22Feb93.

115. Masisi-Mroczkowski intvw.

116. Commandement Francais de Forces Francaises en

Somalie,  Chronologie.

117. I MEE ComdC, p. 4.

118. Ibid.; Commandement Francais des Forces

Francaises en Somalie,  Chronologie.

119. Intvw of Ambassador Robert B. Oakley with

LtCol Charles H. Cureton and Maj Robert K.

Wright, Jr., USAR.

120. Intvw of LtGen Robert B. Johnston with LtCol

Charles H. Cureton and Maj Robert K. Wright, Jr.,


121. Mroczkowski-Peterson intvw.

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162 Restoring Hope in Somalia

122. van den Bosch-Mroczkowski intvw.

123. Peterson-Mroczkowski intvw.

124. van den Bosch-Mroczkowski intvw.

125. Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw; I MEF, ComdC.

126. Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw.

127. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 21Dec93.

128. Commandement Francais des Forces Francaises

en Somalie,  Chronologic;I MEF, ComdC, sec

3, Chronological Listings.

129. Pietrantoni-Mroczkowski intvw; Comman-

dement Francais des Forces Francaises en

Somalie,  Chronologic.

130. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 23Dec92.

131. Spagnuolo-Mroczkowski intvw, trans by Lt

Umberto Albarosa, Italian Army.

132. UNITAF FragO 7, dtd 16Dec92.

133. Carroll-Mroczkowski intvw.

134. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 23Dec92.

135. 10th Mountain Division, US Army Forces in

Somalia, p. 20; Mathieu-Mroczkowski intvw.

136. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 31Dec92.

137. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 30Dec92.

138. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 24Dec92;

UNITAF FragO 12, dtd 21Dec92.

139. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 30Dec92.

140. 10th Mountain Division, US Army Forces in

Somalia, p. 22.

Chapter 5

The information for this chapter was taken primari-

ly from interviews conducted in the field by the author

and other historians. Those by the author were with

LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter Johnston-

Mroczkowski intvw; BGen Anthony C. Zinni, here-

after Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw; Col Peter A. Dotto,

hereafter Dotto-Mroczkowski intvw; and LtCol

Donald C. Spiece, Jr., USA, hereafter Spiece-

Mroczkowski intvw. A second interview between the

author and LtGen Zinni was conducted on 14 May1994, hereafter Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw 2.

Interviews conducted by LtCol Charles H. Cureton,

USMCR, and Maj Robert K. Wright, Jr., USAR, werewith LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter Johnston-

Cureton-Wright intvw; Ambassador Robert B. Oakley,

hereafter Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw; BGenAnthony C. Zinni, hereafter Zinni-Cureton-Wright

intvw; and Col Peter A. Dotto, hereafter Dotto-

Cureton-Wright intvw. The author also used his per-

sonal journal, referred to as Mroczkowski journal with

appropriate date citations, and his field notebook,

referred to as Mroczkowski field notebook, which con-

tained copies of many of the interviews.

141. Carl von Clausewitz, On War, (Princeton

University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1984), p.


142. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

143. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw; Johnston-Cureton-

Wright intvw.

144. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw.

145. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

146. Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw.

147. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw.

148. Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw.

149. Mroczkowski journal, entries dtd 21-22Dec92.

150. Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw.

151. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 6Jan93;

Mroczkowski field notebook; Spiece-

Mroczkowski intvw.

152. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw.

153. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 5Jan93.

154. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw.

155. Ibid.

156. Johnathan T. Dworken, Military Relations with

Humanitarian Relief Organizations:

Observations from Restore Hope, (Alexandria,

Virginia: Center For Naval Analyses, Oct93), pp.


157. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

158. Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw.

159. Johnston-Mroczkowski intvw.

160. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 25Dec92.

161. Dotto-Mroczkowski intvw.

162. CJTF Somalia J-3 msg, 151701ZJan93, subj:

HRS Transition Matrix LOI; Dotto-Mroczkowski

intvw; Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw 2.

163. United Nations Department of Public

Information, The United Nations and Somalia,

1992-1996, United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII (United Nations, New York: 1996),

p. 38, hereafter U.N. Public Information, United

Nations and Somalia.

164. Msg to American Embassy, Mogadishu, dtd

27Dec92, subj: Security of the Peace Rally,

signed by Hussein Sheekh Ahmed, Chairman of

the Political Reconciliation Committee of the

North Side and Ali Mohamed Ali, Chairman of

the Political Reconciliation Committee of the

South Side.

165. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw 2.

166. U.N. Public Information, United Nations and

Somalia, p. 221.

167. John L. Hirsch and Robert B. Oakley, Somalia

and Operation Restore Hope: Reflections on

Peacemaking and Peacekeep-ing, (Washington,

D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press,

1995), pp. 94-95.

168. Ibid., pp. 2A\-1AA.

169. U.N. Public Information, United Nations and

Somalia, p. 39.

170. Dotto-Cureton-Wright intvw.

171. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw.

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Notes 163

172. Dotto-Cureton-Wright intvw.

173. Ltr from commanders of UNITAF/UNOSOM to

Chairman, United Somali Front, dtd 4Feb93, with

copies to the signees of the Addis Ababa

Agreement of 8Jan93.

174. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw.

175. Dotto-Mroczkowski intvw.

176. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw.

177. LtCol Stephen M. Spataro, USA, UNITAFProvost Marshal: memorandum from PM for J-3,

subj: Auxiliary Security Force, dtd 27Jan93, p.


178. Ibid., pp. 3, 5.

179. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

180. Oakley-Cureton- Wright intvw, 23Feb93.

181. Ibid.

182. Ibid.

183. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd lFeb93.

184. Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-50-227,

The Army Lawyer, Nov91, p. 14.

185. Spataro, op. cit., p. 3.

186. Ibid., pp. 4-5.

187. Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw, 23Feb93.

188. Ibid.

Chapter 6

This chapter was based mainly on interviews the

author and other historians conducted in the field.

Those by the author were with BGen Anthony C.

Zinni, hereafter Zirmi-Mroczkowski intvw 2; Colonel

Major Omar Ess-Akalli, Royal Moroccan Army, here-

after Ess-Akalli-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol John M.

Taylor, hereafter Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw; Col.

Werner Hellmer, hereafter Hellmer-Mroczkowski

intvw; Maj John Caligari, Royal Australian Army,

hereafter Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol Alien

Pietrantoni, French Army, hereafter Pietrantoni-

Mroczkowski intvw; Maj Daniel M. Lizzul, hereafter

Lizzul-Mroczkowski intvw; Maj Leland W. Carroll,

USA, hereafter Carroll-Mroczkowski intvw; SFC

Kenneth W. Barriger, USA, hereafter Barriger-

Mroczkowski intvw; Capt Geoff Kyle, CanadianArmy, hereafter Kyle-Mroczkowski intvw; LtCol

Carol J. Mathieu, Canadian Army, hereafter Mathieu-

Mroczkowski intvw; and LtCol Donald C. Spiece, Jr.,

USA, hereafter Spiece-Mroczkowski intvw. Many of

these interviews were copied in the author's field note-

book, cited as Mroczkowski field notebook. Interviews

made by other historians included in this chapter were

by LtCol Charles H. Cureton and Maj Robert K.

Wright, Jr., USAR, with Ambassador Robert B.

Oakley, hereafter Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw;

LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter Johnston-

Cureton-Wright intvw; and BGen Anthony C. Zinni,

hereafter Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw. Also used wasthe oral history inter-view between Capt David A.

Dawson and Col Jack W. Klimp, hereafter Klimp-

Dawson intvw. The author also used his personal jour-

nal, referred to as Mroczkowski journal with appropri-

ate date citations. He was also provided a copy of the

personal journal of Col Dayre C. Lias, USAF, hereafter

Lias journal, with appropriate date citations.

189.1 MEF, ComdC, 7Dec92-28Feb93, sec 2,

 Narrative Summary; Command Operations and

Training, p. 9, hereafter I MEF, ComdC.

190. UNIATF,  Memorandum For Correspondents,

dtd 24Dec92; transcript of NBC  Today intvw

with Col Fredrick C. Peck,  Spokesman in

Somalia, dtd Thursday, 24Dec92.

191. 1 MEF, ComdC; Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd

7Jan93; Memo from ComMarFor to CJTF

Somalia, subj: Operations Summary for the

Period 062300CJan 93 to 071750CJan 93, here-


ComMarFor Memo.192. 1 MEF, ComdC.

193. ComMarFor Memo; Klimp-Dawson intvw.

194. ComMarFor Memo.

195. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 7Jan93.

196. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw, llMar93.

197. CJTF Somalia to USCinCCent, msg,

130055ZJan93, subj: Death of USMC Member.

198. Klimp-Dawson intvw, llJan93.

199. Ibid.

200. Sgt B. W. Beard,  Marines Relieve Suffering In

Somalia, CMC News Release, 22200lZJan93.

201. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2:  Narrative Summary:Command, Operations, and Training, p. 10.

202. Ibid., p. 10.

203. Ibid., pp. 15-16.

204. Ibid., p. 16.

205. Ibid., pp. 16-17; Andrew Purvis,  In the

Crossfire, Time, 8Mar93, p. 47.

206. 1 MEE ComdC, lMar-30 Apr93, sec 2,  Narrative

Summary, p. 2-2.

207. Ibid., pp. 2-3 to 2-4.

208. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p. 6.

209. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 20Jan93.

210. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, pp.

14, 18.

211. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 23.

212. Ess-Akalli-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

213. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 23.

214. Ess-Akalli-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

215. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 62.

216. Ess-Akalli-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

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164 Restoring Hope in Somalia

217. Ibid.

218. Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook; Gary Ramage and

Bob Breen, Through Aussie Eyes: Photographs of

The Australian Defense Force in Somalia 1993

(Canberra: Department of Defense, 1994), p. 52,

hereafter Ramage and Breen.

219. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, pp.

4, 37-38.

220. Hellmer-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook; I MEF, ComdC, sec

2,  Narrative Summary, pp. 37-38.

221. Hellmer-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

222. Personal observations of refugee camp in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

223. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 16January93.

224. Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

225. Handwritten note provided to the author by Maj

John Caligari, Royal Australian Army.

226. Ibid.; Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

227. Ramage and Breen, p. 102.

228. Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

229. Ibid.

230. Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook; Ramage and Breen,

p. 78.

231. Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

232. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

SomaHa, p. 32.

233. Caligari-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

234. Ramage and Breen, pp. 78-79.

235. Ibid., p. 79.

236. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p.


237. Ibid., pp. 9, 12, 14, 38; I MEF, ComdC, IMar-

30Apr93, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p. 2-3;

Taylor-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski Field Note Book.

238. 1 MEF, ComdC, section 2,  Narrative Summary,

p. 9.

239. Ibid., p. 12; I MEF, ComdC, sec 3,

 Chronological Listing Of Significant Events, p.


240. 1 MEF, ComdC, lMar-30Apr93, sec 2,  Narrative

Summary, p. 2-3.

241.1bid., p. 2-10.

242. Pietrantoni-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

243. Commandement Francais des Forces Francaises

en Somalie,  Chronologic, pp. 1-3; U.S. Army

Center of Military History, Resource Guide:

Unified Task Force Somalia December 1992-May

1993 Operation Restore Hope (Washington D.C.:

U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1994), pp.


244. Commandement Francais de Forces Francaises en

Somalie, Chronologic, sec B, Domaine

Operationnal, p. 2.

245. Ibid.

246. Pietrantoni-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

247. Commandement Francais de Forces Francaises en

Somalie,  Chronologic, p. 4.

248. Ibid.

249. Mroczkowski Field Note Book: intvw with Chief

Abdi Ugas Husen of El Berde, interpreted by

Abdil Kader Abdilahi Ali. Also Pietrantoni-

Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in Mroczkowski

field notebook.

250. Commandement Francais des Force Francaises en

Somalie,  Chronologic, sec B Securisation:

Domaine Operationnel, p. 2.

251. Ibid., sec C, Consolidation: Domaine

Operationnel, p. 1; Mroczkowski journal, entry

dtd lFeb93.

252. Commandement Francais de Forces Francaises en

Somalie,  Chronologic, sec C, Consolidation:

Domain Operationnel, p. 1, and sect D, Passage AOryx 2, p. 1.

253. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 16Mar93.

254. Ibid.; Oakley-Cureton-Wright intvw, 23Feb93.

255. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p.


256. Lizzul-Mroczkowski intvw, recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

257. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p.


258.// Volo Dell'lbis, pp. 142-150; Briefing notes,

Commander Italian Forces to Commanding

General UNITAF, undated (about 29Jan93).

259. // Volo Dell'lbis, p. 148.

260. Briefing notes. Commander Italian Forces to

Commanding General UNITAF, undated (about


261. Ibid.

262. Ibid.; // Volo Dell'lbis, pp. 104-115.

263.// Volo Dell'lbis, pp. 135-136;U.S. Army Center

of Military History, Resource Guide: Unified Task

Force Somalia December 1992-May 1993

Operation Restore Hope (Washington D.C.: U.S.

Army Center of Military History, 1994), p. 174.

264. Briefing notes. Commander Italian Forces to

Commanding General UNITAF, undated (about


265. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 22.

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166 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Airspace; subj: Control of Somali Territorial

Airspace, undated.

314. American Embassy Nairobi to Secretary of State,

msg, 111337ZJan93, subj: JTF Liaison with


315. Ibid.

316. Ibid.

317. Memo for the record. Air Control Representative

to International Civil Aviation Organization, subj:

Results of ICAO/UNITAF Technical Meeting, dtd


318. Memo for the record. Air Control Authority

Representative to International Civil Aviation

Organization, subj: Results of ICAO/UNITAF

Working Group Sessions, dtd 18Jan93.

319. International Civil Aviation Organization, Eastern

and Southern African Office:  Informal ATS

Coordination Meeting for Air Operations in

Mogadishu FIR (Nairobi, 3-5Mar93).320. Memo, AME/DirMobFor to WOC Mombasa/For

all Aircrews, subj: Operations at Mogadishu

Airport, dtd 31Dec92; USTransCom/CAT to HQAMC TACC, msg, subj: Evaluation of Air Traffic

Flow into Mogadishu Airport, dtd 1 943/0 lJan93.

321.CJTF Somalia to USCinCCent, msg, subj:

Transition of Airspace Control Authority

Functions, dtd 181910ZJan93.

322. Memo of Introduction, dtd lFeb93.

323. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 6Jan93.

324. United Nations Department of Public

Information, The United Nations and Somalia,

1992-1996, The United Nations Blue Book

Series, Volume VIII. (New York: The United

Nations, 1996), p. 35.

325. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

326. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2  Narrative Summary, p. 7.

327. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 6Jan93.

328. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

329. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 30Dec92.

330. Katherine A. W. McGrady, The Joint Task Force

in Operation Restore Hope (Washington, D.C.:

Center for Naval Analyses, 1994), p. 110.

331. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

332. Katherine A. W. McGrady, The Joint Task Force

in Operation Restore Hope (Washington, D.C.:

Center for Naval Analyses, 1994), pp. 95-96;

 Drawdown Concept Paper prepared by the

UNITAF staff, dtd llJan93.

333. Katherine A. W. McGrady, The Joint Task Force

in Operation Restore Hope (Washington, D.C.:

Center for Naval Analyses, 1994), p. 96.

334. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

335. 1 MEF, ComdC, pp. 10-11.

336. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 16Jan93.

337. 1 MEF, ComdC, pp. 32-33.

338. Ibid., p. 14.

339. Ibid., p. 15; I MEF, ComdC, lMar-30Apr93, sec

2,  Narrative Summary, p. 2-3.

340. Ibid., pp. 2-3-2-4.

341.1bid., p. 2-4.

342. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 26.

343. Johnston-Cureton-Wright Intvw, 12March93.

344. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 26.

345. Ibid.

346. Ibid.

347.1 MEF, ComdC, lMar-30Apr93, sec 1,

 Organizational Data, pp. 1-1, 1-2.

348. CJTF Somalia SitRep 147, dtd 011455Zmay93.

Chapter 8

This chapter was based upon information obtained

through interviews conducted by the author and other

historians in the field. Those by the author were with

Capt Michael L. Cowan, USN, hereafter Cowan-

Mroczkowski intvw; Col Robert G. Hill, hereafter Hill-

Mroczkowski intvw; and Col Kevin M. Kennedy, here-

after Kennedy-Mroczkowski intvw. Interviews by

other historians were with LtCol Charles H. Cureton,

USMCR, and Maj Robert K. Wright, Jr., USAR, with

LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter Johnston-

Cureton-Wright intvw; BGen Anthony C. Zinni, here-

after Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw; and between Capt

David A. Dawson and Col Werner Hellmer, hereafter

Hellmer-Dawson intvw. The author also used his per-

sonal journal, hereafter Mroczkowski journal with

appropriate dates.

349. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 11.

350. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 6January93.

351. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

352. Mroczkowski journal, entry dtd 6Jan93.

353. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 11.

354. JTFSC SitRep, dtd 170600ZJan93.355. JTFSC SitRep, dtd 280600ZJan93.

356. Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw, 12Mar93.

357. JTFSC SitRep, dtd 290600ZJan93.

358. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somaha, p. 67.

359. Ibid., p. 69.

360. Ibid., pp. 68-69.

361. Ibid., p. 71.

362. Ibid.

363. Ibid.

364. JTFSC SitRep, dtd 050600ZMar93.

365. CMPF Somalia SitRep, dtd 151700ZJan93.

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Notes 167

366. 1 MEF, ComdC, sect 2,  Narrative Summary, p.


367. Ibid., p. 27.

368. Hoar,  A CinC's Perspective, p. 60.

369. CMPF Somalia SitRep, dtd 151700ZJan93.

370. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 67.

371.1bid., pp. 68-69.

372. ww.usariem.army.mil/somalia/disinsec.htm;


373. Ibid.

374. Cowan-Mroczkowski intvw, as recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

375. Ibid.

376. Ibid.

377. Lois M. Davis, et al., Army Medical Support for

Peace Operations and Humanitarian Assistance

(Santa Monica, California: The Rand

Corporation, 1996), p. 53.

378. Cowan-Mroczkowski intvw, as recorded in

Mroczkowski field notebook.

379. Lois M. Davis, et al.. Army Medical Support for

Peace Operations and Humanitarian Assistance

(Santa Monica, California: The Rand

Corporation, 1996), pp. 80-81.

380. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, pp. 68-69.

381. Lois M. Davis, et al.. Army Medical Support for

Peace Operations and Humanitarian Assistance

(Santa Monica, California: The Rand Corpora-

tion, 1996), pp. 58, 65.

382. 1st Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Operation

Restore Hope After Action Report, 15Jun93), pp.


383. Ibid., pp. 1-4.

384. Ibid., pp. 2,6.

385. Cdr William F. Boudra, USN,  Engineers Restore

Hope, The Military Engineer, Jul93, pp. 4-5.

386. 15th MEU (SOC), ComdC, lDec92-3Feb93, sec

2,  Narrative Summary, p. 2-5; I MEF, ComdC,

sect 2,  Narrative Summary, p. 29.

387. Keith B. Richburg,  U. S. Envoy Tells Somalia's

Warlords Not to Interfere, The Washington Post,

8Dec92, p. 2; Naval Mobile Construction

Battalion 40, NMCB Command History;


tm, p. 2.

388. Naval Historical Center, Seabee History:

Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, www.his-

tory.navy.mil/faqs/faq67-7/htm, p. 5

389. Ibid.

390. Capt Brenda Campbell, USAF,  Red Horse

Celebrates 35th Anniversary,


00152.shmtl, p. 1.

391. Lias journal, entry dtd 10Dec92.

392. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, pp. 64-65.

393. Cdr William F Boudra, USN,  Engineers Restore

Hope, The Military Engineer, Jul93, p. 7.

394. Ibid.

395. Ibid., pp. 7-8.

396. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 24.

397. Hill-Mroczkowski intvw.

398. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2,  Narrative Summary, p.


399. Hill-Mroczkowski intvw; I MEF, ComdC, sect 2,

 Narrative Summary, p. 34.

400. Hill-Mroczkowski intvw.

401. Ibid.

402. Ibid.; 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 38.

403. Hill-Mroczkowski intvw.

404. Ibid.

405. Unified Task Force Somalia, Psychological

Operations in Support of Operation Restore Hope,

9Dec92-4 May93, p. 3.

406. Ibid., pp. 1,2.

407. Ibid., p. 3.

408. Ibid., p. 4.

409. Ibid., pp. 8-9.

410. Ibid., pp. 10-11.

411. Ibid., p. 10.

412. Ibid., pp. 7-8.

413. Ibid., pp. 3,4,5.

414. Ibid., pp. 14-20.

415. Ibid., p. 6.

416. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw, llMar93.

417. Jonathan T. Dworken, Military Relations with

Humanitarian Relief Organizations:

Observations from Restore Hope (Washington,

D.C.: Center For Naval Analyses, 1993), pp. 14-


418. Ibid., pp. 17-20.

419. Kennedy-Mroczkowski intvw.

420. Jonathan T. Dworken, Military Relations with

Humanitarian Relief Organizations: Obser-vations from Restore Hope (Washington, D.C.:

Center For Naval Analyses, 1993), pp. 19-20.

42 i . Kennedy-Mroczkowski intvw.

422. Ibid.; Col Kenneth Allard, USA, Somalia

Operations: Lessons Learned (Washington, D.C.:

National Defense University Press, Jan95), pp.


423. Jonathan T. Dworken, Military Relations with

Humanitarian Relief Organizations:

Observations from Restore Hope (Washington,

D.C.: Center For Naval Analyses, 1993), p. 22.

424. Ibid., pp. 21-22.

425. Ibid., pp. 22-24.

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168 Restoring Hope in Somalia

426. Ibid., pp. 24-25.

427. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw.

428. Kennedy-Mroczkowski intvw.

429. Jonathan T. Dworken, Military Relations with

Humanitarian Relief Organizations: Obser-

vations from Restore Hope (Washington, D.C.:

Center For Naval Analyses, 1993), pp. 26-27.

430. 1 MEF, ComdC, sec 2, DNarrative Summary,n pp.


431.1 MEF, ComdC, lMar93-30Apr93, sec 2,

DNarrative Summary, pp.2-6, 2-7.

432. Hellmer-Dawson intvw, 28Feb93.

433. Ibid.

434. Ibid.

Chapter 9

The information for this chapter was based on a

variety of sources written by participants. These

include the comments of United Nations Secretary

General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, in the United Nations

Blue Book Series, Volume VIII, The United Nations

And Somalia 1992-1996. Also used was the authors

interview with BGen Anthony C. Zinni, hereafter

Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw, and the interview between

LtCol Charles H. Cureton and Maj Robert K. Wright,

Jr., USA, with LtGen Robert B. Johnston, hereafter

Johnston-Cureton- Wright intvw.

435. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia

1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), p. 33.

436. Hoar, DA CinCDs Perspective, D p. 62.

437. Robert B. Oakley, D Somalia: A Case Study,D Two

Perspectives on Intervention and Humanitarian

Operations, Earl H. Tilford, Jr., editor

(Washington, D.C.: Strategic Studies Institute,

Jul97), p. 5.

438. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), p. 46.

439. Zinni-Cureton-Wright intvw, llMar93.

440. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

441.1bid., p. 44.

442. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia

1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), pp. 40-41.

443. Johnston-Cureton- Wright intvw.

444. Hoar, DA CinCDs Perspective, D p. 58.

445. Robert B. Oakley, D Somalia: A Case Study,D Two

Perspectives on Intervention and Humanitarian

Operations, Earl H. Tilford, Jr., editor

(Washington, D.C.: Strategic Studies Institute,

Jul97), p. 13.

446. Johnston-Cureton- Wright intvw.

447. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia

1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), p. 39.

448. Zinni-Mroczkowski intvw.

449. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia

1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), pp. 46-47.

450. CentCom Point Paper, subj: D Proposed Transition

from Unified Task Force (UNITAF) to United

Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II),D

dtd 23Dec92.

45 1


Johnston-Cureton-Wright intvw.

452. Ibid.

453. Ibid.

454. ComNavFor Somalia SitRep, dtd 252000ZFeb93.

455. U.S. Army Center of Military History, Resource

Guide: Unified Task Force Somalia December

1992-May 1993 Operation Restore Hope

(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Army Center of MilitaryHistory, 1994), pp. 155-157.

456. Johnston-Cureton- Wright intvw.

457. Department of Public Information United

Nations, The United Nations Blue Book Series,

Volume VIII, The United Nations and Somalia

1992-1996 (New York, New York: United

Nations, 1996), pp. 42-43.

458. Ibid., p. 43.

459. U.S. Army Center of Military History, Resource

Guide: Unified Task Force Somalia December

1992-May 1993 Operation Restore Hope

(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Army Center of Military

History, 1994), pp. 154-157.

460. 10th Mountain Division, U.S. Army Forces

Somalia, p. 26.

461.1 MEF, ComdC, lMar-30Apr93, sect 2,

DNarrative Summary, D pp. 2-3 to 2-5, 2-8, and sec

3, D Chronological Listing of Significant Events,D

p. 3-4.

462. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary,

DRemarks by the President to General Johnston

and Staff, D 5May93.

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Appendix A

Unified Task Force Somalia Organization

Command and Staff

Commanding General: Lieutenant General Robert

B. Johnston

Special Envoy: Ambassador Robert B. Oakley

Deputy Commanding General: Major General W.

D. Moore, USAJoint Force Air Component Commander: Major

General Harold W. Blot

Chief of Staff: Colonel Billy C. Steed

Political Advisor: Mr. John Hirsch

Administration (J-1): Colonel L. Rehberger III

Intelligence (J-2): Colonel W. M. Handley, USAOperations (J-3): Brigadier General Anthony C.


Logistics (J-4): Colonel Sam E. Hatton, USAPlans and Policy (J-5): Colonel John W. Moffett

Command, Control, Communications (J-6):

Colonel Robert G. Hill

Executive Assistant (J-8/EA): Colonel Michael

W. Hagee

Joint Information Bureau: Colonel Frederick C.

PeckJoint Visitor's Bureau: Colonel R. J. Agro

Civil-Military Operations Center: Colonel Kevin

M. Kennedy

Unified Task Force Surgeon: Captain Michael L.

Cowan, USNUnified Task Force Engineer: Colonel Robert B.

Flowers, USAHeadquarters Commandant: Major Eric C. Holt

Joint Combat Camera Detachment: Lieutenant

Commander James P. Kiser, USN

Coalition Forces


Commanding Officer

Colonel William J. Mellor, Australian Army

1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment

Battalion Group

1St Battalion, The Royal Australian


Battalion Headquarters

Alpha Company

Bravo Company

Charlie Company

Delta Company

Support Company

Administration Company

1st Battalion, Support Group

Battalion Headquarters

Transport Troop

Field Supply Platoon

Medical Platoon

Dental Section

Field Workshop

B Squadron, 3d/4th Cavalry Regiment

Battery Commander's Party, 107th Field


17th Troop, 18th Field Squadron, 3d Combat

Engineer Regiment

Detachment, 103d Signals Squadron

Naval Contingent

HMAS Jervis Bay

HMAS Tobruk


Commanding Officer

Colonel Marc Jacqmin, Belgian Army

1 St Parachute Battalion (Reinforced)

Headquarters Company

Support Company11th Company

13th Company

21st Company

Reconnaissance Company

Engineer Platoon

Supply Platoon (Reinforced)

Surgical Team

Signal Platoon

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team

Aviation Detachment

Judge Advocate General Team

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170 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Naval Contingent

HMS Zinnia


Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Thulanganyo Masisi,

Botswana Defense Force

Composite Reinforced Company

1st Platoon (Light Armored)

2d Platoon (Light Armored)

Logistics Platoon

Medical Section

Engineer Section

Maintenance Section

Logistics Section

Composite Reinforced Company

Command Section

1st Platoon (Mechanized)

2d Platoon (Light Infantry)

3d Platoon (Light Infantry)

4th Platoon (Light Infantry)

Special Forces Troop

Mortar PlatoonMedical Section

Transportation Section

Signals Section

Stores Section

Messing Section

Central Arms Depot

Engineer Section


Commanding Officer

Colonel Serge Labbe, Canadian Army

Canadian Joint Force Somalia

Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group

1 Commando

2 Commando

3 Commando

Service Commando

DFS Platoon

Reconnaissance Platoon

A Squadron, Royal Canadian DragoonsEngineer Troop

Signal Troop

Aviation Detachment

Naval Contingent

HMCS Preserver


Colonel Al-Fakhrani, Egyptian Army


Commanding General

Major General Rene Delhome, French Army

Command Element, 9th Marine Infantry Division

Battalion, 13th Foreign Legion Demi-BrigadeBattalion, 5th Combined Arms Overseas


3d Company, 3d Marine Infantry Regiment

4th Company, 3d Marine Infantry Regiment

3d Company, 6th Foreign Legion Engineer


Detachment, 5th Combat Helicopter Regiment

Detachment, Special Forces

Detachment, Logistics Support Battalion

Naval Contingent

Frigate Georges Leygues

Light Transport La Grandiere

Amphibious Ship Foudre

Tanker Var


Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Meitzner, German Air


The German contingent consisted of three

Luftwaffe C-160 Transall aircraft operating from

Mombasa, Kenya, as a part of Operation Provide



Commanding Officer

Colonel Spilitios, Greek Army

Infantry Battalion (-)

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Appendix A 171


Commanding Officer

Commodore Sam Pillai, Indian Navy

Naval Contingent

Tanker INS Deepak

Amphibious Landing Ship INS Cheetah

Frigate INS Kuthar


Commanding General

Major General Gianpietro Rossi, Italian


Headquarters Element

Folgore Parachute Brigade

Headquarters Regiment

186th Parachute Regiment

187th Parachute Regiment

9th Assault Parachute Battalion

Logistics Battalion

Armored Vehicle Company

Engineer Company

Tank Company

Field Hospital  Centauro

Surgical DetachmentSan Marco Battalion (Marine Infantry)

Composite Helicopter Regiment

Detachment, 46th Aviation Brigade

Naval Contingent

Frigate ITS Grecale

Logistical Landing Ship ITS Vesuvio

Landing Ship Tank ITS San Giorgio


Commanding Officers

Lieutenant Colonel Mohamad al-Obaid,

Kuwaiti Army

Major Al Muzien, Kuwaiti Army

Composite Reinforced Motorized Company

Company Headquarters

Armored Car Platoon

Scout Platoon

Scout Platoon

Medical Section

Engineer Section

Logistics Section

Communications Section

Military Pohce Section

Post Exchange Section

Public Affairs Section


Commanding Officer

Colonel Major (brigadier general equivalent)

Omar Ess-Akalli, Royal Moroccan Army

Base Section

3d Motorized Infantry Regiment

Infantry Company

Infantry Company

Cavalry CompanyAir Defense Artillery element

Medical Section

New Zealand

Commanding Officers

Colonel Dunne, Royal New Zealand Air

Force, 9 December 1992 to 18 March 1993

Wing Commander Duxfield, Royal New

Zealand Air Force, 18 March 1993

Detachment, 42 Squadron (Three Andover trans-

port aircraft)


Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Olagunsoye Oyinlola,

Nigerian Army

245 Reconnaissance Battalion

Battalion Headquarters

Administration Company

Company Headquarters

Quartermaster Platoon

Engineer Troop

Light Aid Detachment

Signals Section

Mobile Shop

Company A (Mechanized Infantry)

Company B (Mechanized Infantry)

Company C (Reconnaissance Company)Company D (Reconnaissance Company)

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172 Restoring Hope in Somalia


(Note: Does not include Pakistani forces in

Somalia as part of UNOSOM I)

Commanding Officers

Colonel Asif, Pakistani ArmyLieutenant Colonel Tariq S. Malik, Pakistani


6th Battalion, The Punjab Regiment

Battalion Headquarters

Company ACompany B

Company CCompany DSupport Company

Company HeadquartersSignals Platoon

Administrative Platoon

Transport Section

Administrative Section

Assault Engineer Platoon

81mm Mortar Platoon

7th Battalion, Frontier Forces

10th Battalion, Baluch Regiment

1st Battalion, Sind Regiment

Saudi Arabia

Commanding Officer

Colonel Ali al Shehri, Royal Saudi Land



Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Sharif, Tunisian Army

Infantry Battalion (-)


Commanding Officers

Colonel Huseyin Erim, Turkish Army, 9

December 1992 to 25 March 1993

Major Haldun Solmazturk, Turkish Army, 25

March 1993

1 Company, 1 Battalion Mechanized, 28 Brigade

Headquarters Section

1st Platoon (Mechanized Infantry)

2d Platoon (Mechanized Infantry

3d Platoon (Mechanized Infantry

Fire Support Platoon

Quartermaster Platoon

Transport and Maintenance Platoon

Signal Section

Medical Section

Engineer Section

Naval Contingent

Landing Ship Tank Ertugrul

Logistics Ship Derya

Destroyer Fatih

5th Royal Saudi Land forces Airborne Battalion


Headquarters Company

1 Company

2 Company

3 CompanyCombat Service Support Element

Medical Platoon

Engineer Platoon

Maintenance Platoon


Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Lars A. Hedman,

Swedish Army

1st Field Hospital

United Arab Emirates

Commanding Officers

Lieutenant Colonel Alkefbi, United Arab

Emirates Army, 9 February 1993

Lieutenant Colonel Abdullah Ketbi, United

Arab Emirates Army

Al Wajeb Battalion

Headquarters Company

Services Section

Combat Engineer Platoon

81Mm Mortar Platoon

Reconnaissance Company

2d Company (Mechanized Infantry)

3d Company (Mechanized Infantry

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Appendix A 173

United Kingdom

Commanding Officer

Wing Commander Humphrey, Royal Air


The United Kingdom contingent consisted of two

Royal Air Force C-130 aircraft flying out of

Mombasa, Kenya, as part of Operation Provide


United States

Air Force Contingent

Commanding Officers

Brigadier General Thomas R. Mikolajcik,

USAF, 9 December 1992 to 29 March 1993

Colonel Wirthe, USAF, 9 March 1993

Air Force Forces Somalia

Air Force Forces Somalia Staff, Mogadishu

437th Tactical Airlift Wing

5th Combat Communications Group

823d Civil Engineering Squadron

Mogadishu Airfield Tactical Airlift Control


Mogadishu Airfield Support

Deployed Tactical Airlift Control Element

Army Contingent

Commanding Generals

Brigadier General William Magruder III,

USAMajor General Steven L. Arnold, USA, 22

December 1992 to 13 March 1993

Brigadier Greg L. Gile, USA, 13 March to 4

May 1993

Army Forces Somalia

10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry)

2d Brigade (Commando Brigade)

3d Battalion, 14th Infantry

Headquarters Company

Company ACompany B

Company C

2d BattaHon, 87th Infantry

Headquarters Company

Company ACompany B

Company CA Company, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry

E Company, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry


Scout Platoon, Headquarters, 1st

Battalion, 87th Infantry

Aviation Brigade (Falcon Brigade)

3d Battalion (Assault), 25th Aviation

Headquarters Company

Company B

Company CCompany D

3d Squadron, 17th Cavalry

Headquarters Troop

A Troop

B Troop

C Troop

D Troop

10th Mountain Division Support Command

210th Support Battalion (Forward)Headquarters and Company ACompany B

Company C

710th Support Battalion (Main)

Headquarters and Company ACompany B

Company C

Company DCompany E, 25th Aviation

10th Signal Battalion

Headquarters Company

Company ACompany B

Company C

41st Engineer Battalion

Headquarters Company

Company ACompany B

11 0th Military Intelligence Battalion

Technical Control And Analysis


Military Intelligence Support Team

Counter Intelligence Team

Ground Surveillance Radar Team

Long Range Surveillance


10th Military Police Company

Battery B, 3d BattaHon, 62d Air Defense


Detachment, Battery A, 3d Battalion,

62d Air Defense Artillery

Joint Task Force Support Command

Commanding General

Brigadier General Billy K. Solomon, USA

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174 Restoring Hope in Somalia

36th Engineer Group

43d Engineer Battalion

Company ACompany B

Company C

Direct Support Maintenance Unit

63d Engineer Company (Combat SupportEquipment)

642d Engineer Company (Combat Support


74th Engineer Detachment (Diving)

95th Engineer Detachment (Fire Fighting)

520th Engineer Detachment (Fire Fighting)

597th Engineer Detachment (Fire Fighting)

33d Finance BattaUon (Provisional) (FSU)(-)

602d Maintenance Company

Detachment, 514th Maintenance Company

62d Medical Group

32d Medical Battalion (Logistics)

86th Evacuation Hospital

159th Medical Company (Air Ambulance)

423d Medical Company (Clearing)

514th Medical Company (Ambulance)

61st Medical Detachment (Preventive

Medicine Sanitation)

73d Medical Detachment (Veterinary)

224th Medical Detachment (Preventive

Medicine Sanitation)

227th Medical Detachment (Epidemiology)

248th Medical Detachment (Veterinary)

257th Medical Detachment (Dental)

485th Medical Detachment (Preventive

Medicine Entomology)

528th Medical Detachment (Combat Stress


555th Medical Detachment (Surgical)

Detachment 513th Military Intelligence


593d Support Group (Area)

4th Support Center Material Management)

548th Supply and Services Battalion

62d Supply Company

266th Supply Company (Direct Support)

364th Supply Company

7th Transportation Group

49th Transportation Center (Movement


6th Transportation Battalion

24th Transportation Battalion

24th Transportation Company

57th Transportation Company

100th Transportation Company

119th Transportation

Company155th Transportation Company

360th Transportation Company

710th Transportation Company (Provisional)


870th Transportation Company

22d Transportation Detachment

160th Transportation Detachment

169th Transportation Detachment329th Transportation Detachment

49 1 St Transportation Detachment

Military Traffic Management Command

 Tiger Team

2d Chemical Battalion

720th MiUtary Police Battalion

511th Military Police Company

571st Military Police Company

978th Military Police Company

984thMilitary Police Company

Military Police Criminal Investigation


240th Quartermaster Battalion

110th Quartermaster Company (POL)

267th Quartermaster Company

1 8th Quartermaster Platoon

26th Quartermaster Detachment (ROWPUBarge Team)

30th Quartermaster Detachment (ROWPUBarge Team)

82d Quartermaster Detachment

22d Quartermaster Laboratory

Detachment, 54th Quartermaster Company(Graves Registration)

Task Force Thunderbird (Signal)

209th Signal Company

516th Signal Company

Company C, 327th Signal Battalion

Detachment, Headquarters and Headquarters

Company, 11th Signal Brigade

Detachment, 63d Signal Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment,

86th Signal Battalion

Detachment, 19th Signal Company

Detachment, 69th Signal Company

Detachment, 385th Signal Company

Detachment, 505th Signal Company

Detachment, 521st Signal Company

Detachment, 526th Signal Company

Detachment, 593d Signal Company

10th Persormel Services Company

546th Personnel Services Company

129th Postal Company

711th Postal Company

Detachment, Company B (Air Traffic Control),

1stBattalion, 58th Aviation

Task Force 5-158 Aviation

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Appendix A 175

13th Ordnance Detachment (EOD)

60th Ordnance Detachment (EOD)

542d Ordnance Detachment (EOD) (Control


27th Public Affairs Team

28th Public Affairs Team

Joint Psychological Operations Task Force

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Borchini, USA

8th Psychological Operations Battalion

Product Dissemination Battalion

9th Psychological Operations Battalion (Tactical)

Marine Corps Contingent

Commanding Officers

Major General Charles E. Wilhelm, 9

December 1992 to 23 March 1993

Colonel Jack W. Klimp, 23 March 1993 to 9

April 1993

Colonel Emil R. Bedard, 9-28 April 1993

Colonel Kenneth W. Hillman, 28 April 1993

to 4 May 1993

Marine Forces Somalia

1st Marine Division (-) (Reinforced)

Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division

(-) (Reinforced)

7th Marines (-) (Reinforced)

Headquarters Company, 7th Marines

1st Battalion, 7th Marines

3d Battalion, 9th Marines

3d Battalion, 11th Marines (-)


3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion (-)


3d Amphibious Assault Battalion (-)

1st Combat Engineer Battalion (-)

Reconnaissance Company, 5th Marines

Company C, 1st Tank Battalion (-)


15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable)

Headquarters, 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations


Battalion Landing Team, 2d Battalion,

9th Marines

Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron

164 (Composite)

Marine Expeditionary Unit Service

Support Group 15

24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable)

Headquarters, 24th Marine

Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations


Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion,

2d Marines

Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron

263 (Composite)

Marine Expeditionary Unit Service

Support Group 24

1st Surveillance, Reconnaissance and

Intelligence Group

Headquarters Company, 1st Surveillance,

Reconnaissance and Intelligence

Group (-)

1st Intelligence Company (-)

1st Force Service Support Group

Headquarters, 1st Service Support Group


Headquarters and Service Battalion (-)

7th Engineer Battalion (-)

7th Motor Transport Battalion (-)

1st Landing Support Battalion (-)

1st Supply Battalion (-)

1st Maintenance Battalion (-)

1st Medical BattaUon (-)

1st Dental Battalion (-)

Marine Aircraft Group 1

Headquarters, Marine Aircraft Group 16

Marine Light Attack Helicopter

Squadron 369

Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 363

Marine Aerial Transport Refueler

Squadron 352

Detachment, Marine Heavy Hehcopter

Squadron 466

Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron


Detachment, Headquarters and

Headquarters Service Squadron

Detachment, Marine Wing

Communications Squadron 38

Detachment, Marine Air Traffic

Control Squadron 38

Detachment, Marine Air Support

Squadron 3

Detachment, Marine Air Control

Squadron 1

Detachment, Marine Wing Support

Squadron 1

Detachment, Marine Aviation

Logistics Squadron 1630th Naval Construction Regiment

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176 Restoring Hope in Somalia

Headquarters, 30th Naval Construction


Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 1

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40

9th Communications Battalion

1st Radio BattaUon

1st Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (-)

MAGTF Integration Instruction Team

National Intelligence Support Team

Naval Contingent

Commanding Officers

Rear Admiral William J. Hancock, USN, 19-

28 December 1992

Rear Admiral Philip J. Coady, USN, 19-28

December 1992

Rear Admiral (LH) James B. Perkins III,

USN, 28 December 1992 to 15 January 1993

Captain J. W. Peterson, USN, 15 January

1993 to 1 February 1993

Captain Terry R. Sheffield, USN, 1 February

1993 to 5 March 1993

Captain Nathan H. Beason, USN, 5-23

March 1993

Commodore Pyle, USN, 23 March

Naval Forces Somalia

Ranger Battle Group

Cruiser Destroyer Group 1

Destroyer Squadron 7USS Ranger

Carrier Air Wing 2

Fighter Squadron 1

Fighter Squadron 2

Attack Squadron 145

Attack Squadron 155

Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 38

Tactical Electronic Warfare

Squadron 31

Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron


VAW116HSL 47 Detachment 2

HC 11 Detachment 10

USS Wabash

USS Valley Forge

Kitty Hawk Battle Group

Cruiser Destroyer Group 5

Destroyer Squadron 17

USS Kitty Hawk

Carrier Air Wing 15

Fighter Squadron 111

Fighter Squadron 5

VAW 114

Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron


Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 37

Fighter/Attack Squadron 27

Fighter/Attack Squadron 97

Tactical Electronic Warfare

Squadron 134Attack Squadron 52

Marine Detachment

Detachment, Explosive Ordnance

Unit 3

USS Leahy

USS W. H. Standley

USS Sacramento

USS Tripoli

USS Juneau

USS Rushmore

CTF 156

USS Tripoli

USS Juneau

USS Rushmore

USS Niagara Falls

CTF 155

Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 2

Wasp Amphibious Ready Group

CTF 156

Amphibious Squadron 2


USS Wasp

USS El PasoUSS Louisville

USS Nashville

USS Barnstable County

Naval Beach Group 1

Assauh Craft Unit 1

Beachmaster Unit 1

Amphibious Construction Battalion 1

Cargo Handling Group 1

Military Sealift Command Office, Mogadishu

Patrol Squadron Special Project Unit

Special Operations Contingent

Commanding Officers

Colonel Thomas Smith, USALieutenant Colonel William L.

Faistenhammer, USA, after 20 January 1993

1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group

Company B

ODA 526

ODA 54

ODA 543

ODA 546

ODB 560

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Appendix A 177

ODA561ODA 562

ODA 563

ODA 564

ODA 565

2d Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group

Company A (Operation Provide Relief)

Company C


Commanding Officer

Major Vitalis Chigume, Zimbabwe Army

S Company, 42 Infantry Battalion (Reinforced)

Headquarters Section





Public Affairs

Electrical and Mechanical



1 St Platoon

2d Platoon

3d Platoon

81mm Mortar/Antitank Platoon

Medical Platoon

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Appendix B

Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Somali Spelling




























Amphibious Assault Vehicle

Airspace Control Authority

Air Combat Element

Air Control Order

Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

Air Force Forces Somalia

Air Mobility Command

Air Mobility Element

Aerial Port Of Debarkation

Aerial Port Of Embarkation

Army Forces Somalia

Amphibious Ready Group

Area Support Group

Amphibious Task Force

Authorized Weapons Storage Site

Civil Affair

U.S. Central Command

Commander in Chief. In the United States military, used as the title of a commander of a

specified or unified command, as in CinCCent, the commander in chief of the United

States Central Command.

Combined/Joint Task Force Somalia. One of the names given to the organization respon-

sible for Operation Restore Hope, when it included both United States Armed Forces and

coalition partners (thus making it a combined and joint force). Note that this acronym is

sometimes also used for Commander Joint Task Force Somalia, especially in message

traffic. See also JTF and UNITAR

Civil-Military Operations Center

Civil-Military Operations Team

Corps Support Command

Combat Service Support Element

Coalition Warfare Team

Flight Information Region

Fast Sealift Ship

Force Service Support Group

Ground Combat Element

High Mobility Multiwheeled Vehicle

Humanitarian Relief Organization

Humanitarian Relief Sector

International Civil Aviation Organization

I Marine Expeditionary Force

Joint Task Force Somalia. The original name given to the organization that would conduct

Operation Restore Hope. As a joint task force, it referred only to the organization when it

was composed of United States forces. It was changed over time to CJTF Somalia and to


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180 Restoring Hope in Somalia



























Joint Task Force Support Command. Sometimes referred to as the Joint Logistics

Command, or JLC

Landing Craft Amphibious Cargo

Marine Forces Somalia

Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time Available

Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)

Maritime Prepositioning Force

Maritime Prepositioning Squadron or Ships

MEU Service Support Group

Main Supply Route

Navy Forces Somalia

Nongovernmental Organization

Notice to Airmen

Operational Control. It is defined as a level of command authority used frequently in the

execution of joint operations. It is the command authority, which may be exercised by

commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command and can be del-

egated or transferred. It is the authority to perform those functions of command over sub-

ordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning

tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish

the mission.

Amphibious Squadron

Psychological Operations

Private Voluntary Organization

Rules of Engagement

Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit

Somali National Army

Somali National Front

Somali Patriotic FrontSomali Patriotic Movement

Special Operations Command, Central Command

Special Operations Forces

Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force

Somali Youth League

Tactical Control. It is the command authority over assigned or attached forces or com-

mands, or military capability or forces made available for tasking, that is limited to the

detailed and usually local direction and control of movements or m.aneuvers necessary to

accomplish assigned missions or tasks. TaCon may be delegated to and exercised by

commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command. TaCon is inher-

ent in OpCon.

The United States Transportation Command

Time phased force deployment data

Unit Line Number. A number assigned to a unit, with its personnel and equipment, which

is to be shipped as an entity. The ULN is used to tell units when to be prepared to load

onto transport. It also informs the receiving headquarters when they can expect the arrival

of a unit in theater. It can also be used to track the unit while it is enroute.

Unified Task Force Somalia. The name given to the organization responsible for

Operation Restore Hope, encompassing the headquarters, the United States Armed Forces

components, and the coalition partners.

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Appendix B 181

Notes on Somali Spelling

There was no standard written form of the Somali language until the 1960s. Fortunately for those in

the West, the government decided to adopt the Latin alphabet as the basis for the written form. However,

the exact spellings of place and personal names vary from one source to another, depending on the

understanding of the phonetics by the individual transliterating. To further complicate matters, the major

clans often speak different dialects. There are also differences between Italian and English forms of the

sounds and words.

For the sake of clarity, a standard of spelling for the most common names has been used in this vol-

ume. However, where a name or word is quoted, the spelling used in the quotation may have been kept.

The following is a list of these names, with alternate spellings as they may be found in other sources,

atlases, or histories.

Afgooye; Afgoi

Aideed; Aidid

Baidoa; Baydhabo

Balcad; Balad

Bale Dogle; Bali Dogle; Baali Doogle

Bardera; Baardheere

Beer Hanni; Bir Xanni; Bir Hane

Buulobarde; Bulo Burti; Buulo Berde

Buurhakaba; Buurhabaka (note transposition of the k and b); Bur Acaba; Buur Hakaba

Belet Weyne; Beled Weyne; Belet Uen; Belet Huen

Djibouti; Djibuti

Dhoble; Doble; Dhooble

Fer Fer; Ferfer; Feer Feer

Galcaio; Galkayo; Gaalkacyo

Gialalassi; Jialalaqsi; Xialalaksi

Habr Gedr; Habir Gedirh; Habr Gidr

Hargeisa; Hargeysa

Hawadle: Xawaadle

Hussein: Huseyn

Jawhar; Giohar; Johar

Jilib; Gelib

Jubba; Juba; Giuba

Kismayo; Kismayu; Cismayo; Chisimayu; Chisimaio; Kismaayo

Merka; Marka; Merca

Mogadishu; Mogadisho; Muqdishu

Mursade; Murasade; Mursida

Oddur; Huddur; Xuddur

Shabele; Shabeele; Shabeelle; Shebelle; Shebeli; Scebeli

Tiyegloo; Tayeeglow; Tigieglo; Tayeegle

Webi: Uebe

Wajid; Waajid; Wadjid

Yet; Yeet; Yeed

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Appendix C

Chronology of Events and Operations

26 June 1960

1 July 1960

15 October 1969

21 October 1969

July 1977

November 1977





December 1990

5 December 1990

30 December 1990

31 December 1990

1 January 1991

2 January 1991

2 January 1991

2 January 1991

5 January 1991

22 January 1991

May 1992

17 November 1991

18 August 1992

23 November 1992

British Somaliland receives independence.

British Somaliland joins with the Trust Territory to form the Somali Republic.

President Shermarke is assassinated.

Siad Barre takes over the government of Somalia in a military coup.

Somali Army invades Ethiopia.

Barre abrogates Somali treaties with the Soviet Union.

Somalia signs an agreement with the United States allowing U.S. military

access to Somali military facilities.

An agreement is signed between Somalia and the United States. In return for

military aid, the United States receives use of the port and airfield at Berbera.

Armed opposition to the Barre government begins with a rebellion in the north

of the country.

Three main opposition groups are fighting against the Barre regime. These are

the Somali National Movement, the Somali Patriotic Movement, and the United

Somali Congress.

Fighting nears Mogadishu. Civil order breaks down in the city.

U.S. Ambassador James K. Bishop orders the evacuation of all non-essential

United States Embassy personnel.

All remaining Americans are brought into the United States Embassy com-


The commander of U.S. Naval Central Command orders his staff to prepare for

an evacuation of the American Embassy in Mogadishu.

Ambassador Bishop requests permission from the State Department to evacuate

the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu.

The State Department grants permission for evacuation of the embassy.

Joint Chiefs of Staff issues an execute order for Operation Eastern Exit.

Four ships carrying Marine forces get underway from the Persian Gulf to con-

duct noncombatant evacuation of the embassy.

Ships arrive off the coast of Mogadishu. Operation Eastern Exit begins. First

helicopters leave the ships at 0345; the last helicopters return at 2323. The oper-

ation is declared complete at 2340.

Siad Barre flees Mogadishu

Barre 's forces are defeated and he flees Somalia. Fighting between the factions

for control of the country begins.

Fighting and civil disorder force United Nations staff to evacuate Somalia.

President George H. W. Bush orders the airlift of 145,000 tons of food to

Somalia in Operation Provide Relief.

Tripoli Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), carrying the 15th Marine

Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (15th MEU (SOC)), departs

Singapore enroute to the Persian Gulf.

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184 Restoring Hope in Somalia

25 November 1992

27 November 1992

29 November 1992

1 December 1992

2 December 1992

3 December 1992

4 December 1992

5 December 1992

6 December 1992

7 December 1992

9 December 1992

10 December 1992

11 December 1992

12 December 1992

13 December 1992

14 December 1992

15 December 1992

President Bush amiounces to the United Nations that the United States was pre-

pared to provide military forces to assist in the delivery of food and rehef sup-

plies to Somalia.

Commanding general of Central Command (CentCom) designates I Marine

Expeditionary Force (I MEF) as the headquarters of Joint Task Force (JTF)


United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali states that the U.N.

Security Council would consider authorizing an operation by member states.

Joint Chiefs of Staff issue a warning order to the commander in chief of Central

Command (CinCCent).

Joint Chiefs of Staff order the commander in chief, Pacific, to assign I MEF to


The United Nations Security Council unanimously passes Resolution 794,

authorizing military intervention in Somalia. CinCCent issues deployment to I

MEF. Tripoli ARG arrives off southern Somali coast.

JTF Somalia headquarters established. Lieutenant General Robert B. Johnston

briefs his concept of operations to component commanders.

CentCom issues its operation order for Restore Hope. CinCCent assigns com-

manding general I MEF as commanding general, JTF Somalia.

JTF Somalia issues its operation order for Restore Hope.

First trainload of Army equipment departs Fort Drum for the port of Bayonne,

New Jersey.

At 0330, landing vehicles carrying Marines and Navy Sea, Air, Land personnel

(SEALs) are launched from the ARG for initial landings and arrive at

Mogadishu at 0540. By 1145, the Mogadishu airport is declared secure and the

first military aircraft lands. One company of the 2d French Foreign Legion


joins theJTF


General Johnston arrives in Mogadishu. Headquarters for Combined JTF

Somalia is established in the United States Embassy compound. Unified Task

Force Somalia (UNITAF) decides to move up the deployment of Army forces,

originally scheduled to begin on 19 December, by eight days.

Major General Charles E. Wilhelm, commanding general of Marine Forces

Somalia (MarFor) arrives in Mogadishu. General Johnston and Ambassador

Robert B. Oakley begin talks with faction leaders. General Mohamed Farah

Hassan Aideed and Ali Mahdi Mohamed agree to respect the ceasefire and to

remove heavy weapons from the city. United Nations Secretary General

Boutros Boutros-Ghali invites 1 1 political faction leaders to a preparatory meet-

ing for a conference of national reconciliation.

Three helicopters of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 1 64 are fired on by

Somalis in two separate incidents. The helicopters destroy two  technicals and

damage one Ml 13 armored personnel carrier. HMCS Preserver arrives at

Mogadishu port, beginning the Canadian Operation Deliverance. First Army

unit. Company A, 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry, arrives at Bale Dogle.

Bale Dogle secured by Marines of the 15th MEU (SOC). First Army unit.

Company A, 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry arrives in Bale Dogle. The Belgian 1st

Parachute Battalion arrives in Mogadishu. First elements of the Italian Folgore

Brigade, a reconnaissance unit, arrive in Mogadishu.

Advance party of Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group arrives in

Mogadishu. First elements of Kuwaiti force arrive in Mogadishu.Army forces assume control of Bale Dogle sector from Marines.

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Appendix C 185

16 December 1992

19 December 1992

20 December 1992

22 December 1992

23 December 1992

24 December 1992

25 December 1992

27 December 1992

28 December 1992

31 December 1992

1 January 1993

2 January 1993

4 January 1993

6 January 1993

7 January 1993

8 January 1993

8-15 January 1993

11 January 1993

Turkish advance party arrives in Mogadishu. Task Force Hope, composed of

elements of the 15th MEU (SOC) and French forces, secures the airfield at

Baidoa. Italian reconnaissance unit reoccupies the Italian Embassy. Phase I of

Operation Restore Hope is completed.

Turkish reconnaissance party arrives in Mogadishu. First elements of Saudi

Arabian force arrive in Mogadishu.

Kismayo port and airfield are secured by elements of the 15th MEU (SOC) and

the Belgian 1st Parachute Battalion.

Australian forces reconnaissance party arrives in Mogadishu. Major General

Steven L. Arnold, commanding general of Army Forces Somalia, arrives in


A mine near Bardera kills Lawrence N. Freedman, a U.S. Government civilian

employee. Mr. Freedman is the first member of the Unified Task Force to die in

the performance of duty. The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Carl

E. Mundy, Jr., arrives at the embassy compound in Mogadishu for a formal visit.

The San Marco Battalion arrives with the Italian Naval Group.

Bardera is secured by elements of the 7th Marines. Task Force Kismayo is

formed from the Army forces under the command of Brigadier General Lawson

W. Magruder, III, USA. Main body of Italian Folgore Brigade arrives.

French forces secure Oddur.

Italian forces secure Gialalassi. General Aideed and Ali Mahdi meet on the

 green line dividing Mogadishu, declaring it abolished. 3d Battalion, 9th

Marines, relieves the 15th MEU (SOC) of responsibility for Baidoa sector.

Elements of Army Forces Somalia and the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle

Group secure Belet Weyne, last of the originally planned relief sector. Phase II

of Operation Restore Hope is completed. Operation Clean Street begins in

Mogadishu, continuing until 6 January 1993. General Aideed and Ali Mahdi

meet in Mogadishu and agree to dismantle the  green line separating the city.

Merka port and airfield are secured by elements of Army Forces Somalia and

the Italian San Marco Brigade. President Bush arrives in Mogadishu, visiting

units in the city and aboard ship.

President Bush visits units in Baidoa and Bale Dogle.

Main body of Turkish forces arrives in Mogadishu.

First reconciliation conference begins at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 14 factions are


Commanding general issues guidance for the draw down and restructuring of

the force. Members of General Aideed's faction fire on a UNITAF convoy trav-

eling through Mogadishu. A plan is developed for the seizure of the weaponsstorage areas involved.

In a dawn assault, the two weapons storage areas are seized by Marines of Task

Force Mogadishu.

Identification card system for weapons control goes into effect. Task Force

Mogadishu conducts its first raid against the Argentine arms market. Australian

forces advance party arrives in Baidoa.

All participants to the Addis Ababa conference sign a series of agreements, call-

ing for a ceasefire, the cessation of all hostile propaganda, cooperation with

international organizations, free movement of the Somali people, and specific

agreements on disarmament.

Task Force Mogadishu conducts its first raid against the Barkera arms market.

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186 Restoring Hope in Somalia

12 January 1993

13 January 1993

16 January 1993

17 January 1993

19 January 1993

30 January 1993

8 February 1993

23 February 1993

24 February 1993

25 February 1993

2 March 1993

4 March 1993

16 March 1993

24 March 1993

4 May 1993

5 May 1993

Private First Class Domingo Arroyo is killed by small arms fire while on patrol

in Mogadishu. Private Arroyo is the first uniformed member of UNITAF to be

killed in action. Royal Moroccan forces are placed under the operational con-

trol of Army Forces Somalia.

Somali Security Committee in Mogadishu approaches UNITAF about the

reestablishment of the Somali National Police Force.

Baidoa sector transferred to Army Forces Somalia.

Main body of Australian forces arrives in Baidoa.

Australian forces assume responsibility for Baidoa sector.

3,000 Somali auxiliary security force personnel are reported as prepared to start

police duties.

General Johnston and Brigadier General Imtiaz Shaheen send a joint letter to all

signatories of the 8 January Accords calling on them to begin the disarmament


Supporters of Aideed begin rioting in Mogadishu as a result of incidents in


Rioting continues in Mogadishu, especially in the vicinity of the K-4 traffic cir-


U.S. Marines and Botswana soldiers conduct clearing operations in the vicinity

of the K-4 traffic circle. Calm returns to Mogadishu by the evening.

Royal Moroccan forces are placed under the direct control of UNITAF and

given responsibility for Bale Dogle sector.

Members of the Reconnaissance Platoon, Canadian Airborne Regiment, shoot

two unarmed intruders in the engineer compound in Belet Weyne, killing one of


Two Canadian soldiers torture and beat to death a Somali teenager caught infil-

trating the Canadian compound in Belet Weyne.

The final day of Ramadan, and the start of two days of celebration. This is the

first time in two years the citizens of Mogadishu have been able to celebrate this

religious feast day in peace.

UNITAF turns over responsibility for operations in Somalia to the United

Nations forces, under the command of Lieutenant General Cevik Bir, Turkish

Army. The last of UNITAF headquarters staff depart Somalia.

President William J. Clinton welcomes General Johnston and his staff back to

the United States in a special ceremony on the White House lawn.

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Appendix D


Joint Meritorious Unit Award Unified Task Force Somalia


Unified Task Force Somalia, United States Central Command, distinguished itself by exceptionally

meritorious service in Operation RESTORE HOPE from 5 December 1992 to 4 May 1993. During this

period, the Unified Task Force organized and deployed the largest humanitarian assistance mission in

history, a joint and combined task force of over 38,000 personnel. Rapidly establishing security in eight

Humanitarian Relief Sectors in war-torn and famine-raged Somalia, they effectively neutralized warring

factions that had paralyzed and devastated the country. Unified Task Force Somalia enabled the deliv-

ery of over 42,000 metric tons of relief supplies to the starving population, disarmed warring factions,

fostered a cease fire, and restored police and judiciary systems. It accomplished a major infrastructure

rebuilding effort, restoring roads, airfields, seaports and public utilities that had been destroyed by two

years of civil war. Through the intervention and leadership of Unified Task Force Somalia, relief efforts

of over 60 different air and relief organizations and the support of 23 nations were coordinated and

focused to reverse a human tragedy of famine and disease that was claiming the lives of thousands each

day. Under the stability provided by Unified Task Force Somalia, the process of reconciliation and

rebuilding began. The successes of the members of Unified Task Force Somalia in the accomplishment

of national security objectives, and their exemplary performance of duty have brought great credit to

themselves, their Services, the United States Central Command, and to the Department of Defense.

Given under my hand this 29th day of June 1993

Colin L. Powell

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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Abdulrahman Ali Tur, 3

Abu Taalib, 2

Addis Ababa, 6, 52, 56-58, 75, 95-98, 109, 130,

142, 147, 149

Aden, 2-3, 56, 109

Afgooye, 90-91, 118, 181

Aideed, Gen Mohammed Farah Hassan, 3, 8, 21-

22, 52, 56, 66-69, 71-73, 86-87, 92, 94, 97-98,

139, 155-156

AIDS, 25, 107-108

Air Force Commands and Units

Air Force Forces Somalia, 18, 104, 106, 110,


156th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, 129

183d Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, 129

1st Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, 129-


437th Airlift Wing, 18

Air Force Forces Somalia, 18, 104, 106, 110, 114

Air Mobility Command, 29, 36, 40

American University, 118, 120

Aqiil, 2

Argentine Market, 71

Army Commands and Units

Army Forces Somalia, 16, 18-19, 37-38, 48-

50, 76-78, 90-91, 94, 97, 113-114, 116,-

119, 121-122, 124, 145, 152

10th Aviation Brigade, 5010th Forward

Support Battalion, 117, 153

10th Mountain Division, 17, 19, 37, 40-41,

44, 48-50, 76, 90-91, 93-94, 100, 110, 117,

119, 133, 137, 140, 151-152, 154, 156, 158

13th Corps Support Command, 13, 19

1st (Warrior) Brigade, 10th Mountain

Division, 91, 117

1st Battalion, 22d Infantry, 117, 153

240th Quartermaster Battalion, 119

245th Reconnaissance Battalion, 73

2d Battalion, 87th Infantry, 38, 49-50, 90, 114

2d Chemical Battalion, 1192d (Commando) Brigade, 10th Mountain

Division, 90

36th Engineer Group, 119, 132-133

3d Assault Helicopter Battalion, 117

3d Battalion, 14th Infantry, 94, 117

3d Battalion, 25th Aviation, 153

3d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, 96

41st Engineer Battalion, 117, 133, 173

42d Field Hospital, 129

4th Platoon, 300th Military Police Company,


4th Psychological Operations Group

(Airborne), 137-138

511th Military Police Company, 117

571st Military Police Company, 87

593d Area Support Group, 19, 121, 123-124

593d Support Group (Area), 119

5th Battalion, 158th Aviation, 117

62d Medical Group, 19, 119, 128-129

710th Main Support Battalion, 116-117

720th Mihtary Police BattaUon, 119

7th Battalion, Frontier Service Regiment, 16

7th Transportation Group, 19, 119-121

86th Evacuation Hospital, 128-130

8th Psychological Operations Battalion, 137

984th Mihtary Police Company, 91

9th Psychological Operations Battalion

(Tactical), 137

Company A, 2d Battalion, 87th Infantry, 38

Company B, 9th Psychological Operations

Battalion, 67

Product Dissemination Battalion, 137

Third Army, 14, 16

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 121

United States Army Forces Command, 14

XVIII Airborne Corps, 16

Arnold, MajGen Steven L., USA, 17, 19, 48-49,

94, 113, 117, 152

Arone, Shidane, 100

Arthur, VAdm Stanley R., USN, 6-7

Australia, 20, 40, 79, 98

Australian Commands and Units

103d Signals Squadron, 79

17th Troop, 18th Field Squadron, 3d Combat

Engineer Regiment, 791st Battalion Support Group, 79

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190 Restoring Hope in Somalia

1st Battalion, 1st Royal Australian Regiment,

40, 78-79

6th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment, 79

Australian Ready Deployment Force, 40

HMAS Jervis Bay (GT 203), 78

HMAS TobruK 79

Royal Australian Air Force, 79

Squadron B, 3d Battalion, 4th Cavalry

Regiment, 78

Baidoa, 3, 8, 28, 38, 42-43, 45-46, 52, 61, 76,

77-82, 98-99, 105, 111-122, 130, 132, 143-145

Balcad, 87-89

Bale Dogle, 25, 28, 38, 40, 42, 49, 73, 76-77, 90-

91, 105-106, 122, 132

Bangladesh, 141, 152, 155

Baraawe, 90

Bardera, 3, 28, 45-46, 52, 66, 76, 82-83, 105,

115, 118, 122, 127, 130, 132, 134, 143, 145, 153

Barkera Market, 71

Barre, Gen Mohammed Siad, 3, 5-8, 21, 23, 26,


Battle of Adowa, 3

Bedard, Col Emil R., 45, 82, 152-153

Belet Weyne, 1, 9, 28-29, 48-49, 53, 89-95, 97,100, 104, 130, 143

Belgian Commands and Units

Uth Company, 45

1st Parachute Battalion, 44, 94, 96

Close Recormaissance Squadron, 45

Belgium, 18, 20, 155

Berbera, 6, 25

Bir, LtGen Cevik (Turkish Forces), 96, 150-151,


Bishop, American Ambassador James K., 6-7

Bombay, 109

Borchini, LtCol Charles, USA, 137

Bosnia, 122, 157-158

Botswana, 18,41,73,83, 118

Boudra, Cdr William F, USN, 133

Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General Boutros, 11,

56, 141, 147, 149, 151

Boyce, Capt Brian, USN, 32

Britain, 3-4, 155

British Commands and Units, 42

British Royal Air Force, 42

British Somaliland, 2-4

Brock, Col Michael V., 14

Brown and Root, 120-122

Brown, Pvt Kyle (Canadian Forces), 100-101

Bulo Burti, 87

Bush, President George H. W., 1, 9, 11, 43, 148

Buurhakaba, 80

Cairo West Airport, Egypt, 130

Camp Pendleton, California, 12-14, 18, 37, 144,


Canada, 18, 20, 101

Canadian Commands and Units

93 Rotary Wing Aircraft Flight, 91

Airborne Regiment, 9, 40, 49, 91, 101

HMCS Preserver (AOR 510), 104

Ministry of National Defense, 101

Royal Canadian Dragoons, 91

Ceelgasass, 46

Central Command, 6, 11-14, 17-19, 21-22, 25-

27, 29, 32, 107, 109, 113, 115, 117, 121, 134-

135, 147, 149-150, 152

Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina, 18

Civil-Military Operations Center, 27, 82, HI,



Darod, 2-3

Digil, 2

Dir, 2-3

Habr Gedr, 3, 87, 155

Hawadle, 49, 92

Hawiye, 2-3, 6, 8

Issaq, 2-3

Majertain, 3

Ogadeni, 3

Rahanweyne, 2-3, 83

Clausewitz, Carl von, 51

Clinton, President William J., 154-155

Conde, GySgt Harry (Canadian Forces), 99

Conference on National Reconciliation, 150

Cowan, Capt Michael L., USN, 14, 125-126,

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Index 191

127, 129

Dacca {AOR A41), 103

Defense Courier System, 136

Defense Intelligence Agency, 24

Derya(ADA576), 103

Dharsamenbo, 92

Djibouti, 2, 5, 34, 63, 83, 130

Doctors Without Borders, 84

Dotto, Col Peter A., 43, 55, 57-58, 98

Doyle, Col James J., Jr., 7

Egal, Prime Minister Ibrahim, 5

Egan, Col James B., 43

Egypt, 20, 30, 36,41, 118, 130

El Berde, 46, 65, 84, 85

Elmi, BGen Ali Mohamed Kedeye, 67

Emperor Haile Selassie, 6

Eritria, 3

Ertugrul (LST L401), 103

Ess-Akalli, Col Omar (Moroccan Forces), 76,


Ethiopia, 3-6, 52, 56, 85, 92, 94, 130

Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Army, 6, 85,


European Command, 138

Evans, Col Walter S., USAF, 109

Fatih (PEG F242), 103

Per Fer, 92

Flowers, Col Robert B., USA, 131

Fort Drum, New York, 17, 37

Fort Hood, Texas, 13, 19

Fort Meade, Maryland, 135

Fort Stewart, Georgia, 14

France, 3-4, 18, 20, 83

Freedmann, Lawrence N., 66, 83

French Commands and Units

13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion, 42,


2d Foreign Legion Parachute Regiment, 33,


2d Marine Infantry Regiment, 83

5th Attack Helicopter Regiment, 83

5th Combined Arms Overseas Regiment, 46,


6th Foreign Legion Engineer Regiment, 83

French Special Operations Command, 42

French Somaliland, 2, 83

Fusco, Maj Gennaro (Italian Forces), 40

Gabiyu, Col Aden, 3

Gaddis, Col Evan R., USA, 94

Galcaio, 92, 94, 151

Garrison, MajGen William F, USA, 152

German Air Force, 41

Gialalassi, 28-29, 46-47, 85-90, 130, 132, 143

Gile, BGen Greg, L., USA, 97, 117

Grecale (FFG F571), 103

GreenLine, 55-57, 71,88-89

Green Valley (TAK 2049), 128

Guam (LPD 9), 7

Hagee, Col Michael W., 67

Haiti, 25, 122, 157-158

Hamar Jab Jab, 118

Hamilton, Col Mark, USA, 58

Hancock, RAdm William J., USN, 17

Handley, Col William M., Jr., USA, 14

Hargeisa, 25

Harlane, 92

Hatton, Col Sam E., USA, 13-14

Hellmer, Col Werner, 78, 82, 145, 152

Hill, Col Roberto., 134, 136

Hirsi, Mohamed Said (Gen Morgan), 3, 23, 44,

52-53,71,74,94-98, 140, 149

Hoar, MajGen Joseph P, 11-13, 22, 115, 149,


Horn of Africa, 1-3, 11, 25, 37, 56, 106, 108, 110

Howe, Adm Jonathan T., USN, 151

Hurley, LtCol David W. (Australian Forces), 99

Hussein, Col John, 56, 92, 156

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192 Restoring Hope in Somalia

I'Home, MajGen Rene (French Forces), 46

Imam Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, 3

India, 94, 152

International Action Against Hunger, 78

International Civil Aviation Organization, 107-


International Red Cross, 1, 9, 27, 92, 110, 141

Ireland, 152

Islamic Unity, 3

Italy, 3-4, 18, 20, 40, 45, 89, 125, 155

Italian Commands and Units

186th Parachute Regiment, 87

187th Parachute Regiment, 87

24th Naval Group, 4046th Aviation Brigade, 89

Folgore Brigade, 40, 47, 87, 89

San Marco Battalion, 40, 50, 87

Jacqmin, LtCol Marc (Belgian Forces), 44-45

Jaua, Col Omar, 92

Jawhar, 87-88

Jenkins, MajGen Harry W., Jr., 7

Jervis Bay (GT 203), 103

Jess, Col Ahmed Omar, 3, 22-23, 44-45, 53, 56,

71, 74, 83, 94-98, 100, 149, 155

Jilib,4, 97, 133, 134

Johnston, LtGen Robert B., 12-14, 16-18, 20-22,

25-27, 29, 34, 38-39, 42, 50-54, 56-61, 66, 68,

72, 74, 80, 86-87, 96, 101, 107-109, 111-113,

115-116, 119-120, 126, 133, 137, 141, 143, 147,

149-151, 153-154, 157

Johnston, Philip, 141, 143, 147

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 6, 11, 25, 113, 134, 149

Joint Task Force Somalia, 12-13, 22, 54

Jubba, 4, 24, 45, 83, 94, 96, 132

Jubba River, 4, 83, 94, 132

Juneau (LPH 10), 16, 31-32

K-4 traffic circle, 73, 118

Kennedy, Col Kevin M., 141-142, 144, 147

Kenya, 1, 4-5, 7, 30, 42, 79, 121, 130

Khukri (FSG P49), 103

Kincaid (DD 965), 17

Kismayo, 3-4, 22, 25, 28-29, 43-45, 53, 59, 65,

71-72, 74, 83, 94-101, 105, 114, 117, 124, 130,

132-134, 137-138, 140, 149-152, 155

Kittani, Ismat T., 147

Klimp, Col Jack W., 67-70, 116, 152-153

Kline, Col John R, Jr., 115

Kosovo, 157

Kouyate, Lansana, 147, 149

Kurtunwaarey, 90

Kuthar (FSG P46), 103

Kuwait, 41, 106, 118

Labbe, Col Serge, 91-92

League of Arab States, 56

Lias, Col Dayre C, USAF, 106-107

Libutti, BGen Frank, 1

Loi, BGen Bruno (Italian Forces), 40

Lorenz, Col Frederick M., 26, 108

Magruder, BGen W. Lawson, III, USA, 44, 94,

95, 100

Mahdi, AU (Mohamed), 3, 8, 22, 47, 52, 56, 71,

86-87, 92, 94, 139, 156

Malaysia, 152, 155

Marine Corps Commands and Units

I Marine Expeditionary Force, 12-16, 21, 26-

27,65,71, 119

Marine Forces Somalia, 16, 18-19, 36, 65-66,

105, 116, 119, 152

1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 113

1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 38, 45-46, 66, 70,

73,83, 114

1st Force Service Support Group, 15-16, 18,

119, 122

1st Marine Division, 15-16, 37-38, 45, 79,


1st Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and

Intelligence Group, 15

1st Tank Battalion, 113

2d Battalion, 9th Marines, 15, 38, 44-45

3d Amphibious Assault Battalion, 16, 45, 70,


3d Battalion, Uth Marines, 69-70, 73, 113

3d Battalion, 9th Marines, 16, 45, 66, 70, 78,

80-81, 112-113, 115

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Index 193

3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion, 45, 66,

70,88, 111

3d Marine Aircraft Wing, 15-16, 107

4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, 7

7th Marines, 38, 45-46, 66, 70, 73, 82-83,

114-115, 122, 137, 153

9th Communications Battalion, 135

Uth Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable), 16

13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable), 155

15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable), 15-17, 32, 35, 38,

42-45,67,77-79, 115, 139, 144

24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special

Operations Capable), 63, 97

Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 46,


Company G, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines, 44-45

Company K, 3d Battalion, 9th Marines, 66, 70

Headquarters Battery, 3d Battalion, 11th

Marines, 69

Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron

352, 105

Marine Aircraft Group 16, 83, 105, 114-115,


Marine Corps Combat Development

Command, 14

Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 466, 115

Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron369, 115

Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron

(Composite) 164, 15, 38-39

Marine Wing Support Squadron 372, 16, 132

MEU Service Support Group 15, 15, 128

Masirah Island, 7

Matabaan, 92-93

Matchee, Master Cpl Clayton (Canadian Forces),


Mathieu, LtCol Carol J., (Canadian Forces), 9,

94, 101

Maulin, Col, 96

Menelik II, 3

Merka, 49-50, 86, 90-91, 117-118, 143, 153

Mikolajcik, BGen Thomas R., USAF, 18

Mogadishu, 4, 6-8, 11, 16, 22, 24-25, 27-29, 31,

33-34, 36-38, 40-42, 44-47, 49, 52, 54, 56-58,

60-63, 65-66, 69-72, 74-76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87-

89, 91, 94, 97-99, 105-106, 108-113, 115, 117-

118, 121, 127-128, 130-132, 134-135, 138-145,

147, 150, 152-153, 155-156

Mombasa, Kenya, 1, 42, 106, 114, 128, 130, 141

Montgomery, MajGen Thomas, USA, 151

Morgan, Gen (See Hirsi, Mohamed Said)

Moroccan Commands and Units

3d Motorized Infantry Regiment, 76

Royal Moroccan Army, 76

Morocco, 18,41,76,77

Moser, Capt Alan B., USN, 7

Mowain (AOR A20), 103

Mundy, Gen Cari E., Jr., 14

Muslim Brotherhood, 3

MV IstUAlexBonnyman (T-AK 3003), 17, 115

MV IstUJackLummus (T-AK 3011), 16, 33, 35,

115, 122

MV PFC James Anderson, Jr. (T-AK 3002), 17,


MV Pvt Franklin J. Philips (T-AK 3004), 17,


Nairobi, Kenya, 7, 107, 109, 141

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 136

Navy Commands and Units

Navy Forces Somalia, 17, 47, 103-104, 114,

120, 151

30th Naval Construction Regiment., 75, 132,


Amphibious Squadron 3, 16

Amphibious Squadron 5, 32

Maritime Prepositioning Squadron 2, 17, 29

Maritime Prepositioning Squadron 3, 16

Military Sealift Command, 29

Naval Forces Central Command, 6

Naval Surface Forces, Pacific, 14

Sea, Air, Land (SEAL) Teams, 7, 32-33, 44

Surgeon General of the Navy, 14

rnpo// Amphibious Ready Group, 31, 154

Tripoli Amphibious Task Unit, 16-17

Nepal, 152

New Port, 118

New York Army National Guard, 27th Brigade,


New Zealand, 42, 105, 138

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194 Restoring Hope in Somalia

New Zealand Commands and Units

Number 42 Squadron, 42

Royal New Zealand Air Force, 42

Newbold, Col Gregory S., 15, 32-33, 77, 144

Nigeria, 20, 41, 118

Norway, 20, 152

O'Meara, LtCol William J., USAF, 110

Oakley, Ambassador Robert B., 43, 50-52, 54,

56, 59-60, 95-96, 139, 141, 147, 149-150, 157

Oddur, 28-29, 46-47, 61, 83-85, 105, 118, 130

Ogaden, 6, 83, 85


Clean Street, 75

Deliverance, 20, 40

Desert Storm, 6, 54

Eastern Exit, 6

Ibis, 20, 40

Oryx, 20

Provide Comfort, 14, 27, 141, 157-158

Provide Hope, 14

Provide Relief, 1, 9, 28, 30-31, 42, 106, 114,141

Renaissance, 144

Restore Hope, 1, 3, 9, 20, 27, 43, 49, 51, 59,

105, 156-157, 158

Solace, 20, 40

United Shield, 155, 156

Organization of African Unity, 56

Organization of the Islamic Conference, 56

Oxfam Quebec, 92

Pakistan, 18,41, 118, 152, 155

Pakistani 6th Punjab Regiment, 91

Peck, Col Frederick, C, 97

Perkins, RAdm James B., Ill, USN, 32

Peterson, Capt John W., USN, 16, 31, 44-45

Project Hand Clasp, 144

Prophet Mohamed, 2

QoQaani, 95

Qoryooley, 50, 90

Rainville, Capt Michael (Canadian Forces), 100-


Rajo, 138-139

Ranger (CV 61), 17

Reardon, Maj John D., 109

Republic of Korea, 152

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 135

Romania, 152

Rossi, MajGen GianPietro (Italian Forces), 87

Rushmore (LSD 47), 16, 31, 44

Sab, 2

Samaal, 1-2

San Giorgio (LPD L9892), 103

Saudi Arabia, 6, 13, 18, 30, 41, 118, 135

Saudi Arabia Commands and Units

5th Royal Saudi Land Forces Airborne

Battalion, 41

Save the Children, 92

Scott Air Force Base, 18, 29

Seward, Maj Anthony (Canadian Forces),100-


Seychelles, 104, 109

Seychelles Coast Guard, 104

Shaheen, BGen Imtiaz (Pakistani Forces), 20, 58,


Shebelle River, 49

Shermarke, President Abdirashid Ali, 5

Smith, Col Thomas D., USA, 18

Solomon, BGen Billy K., USA, 19, 120

Somali Democratic Movement, 3, 56

Somali National Alliance, 56, 94

Somali National Army, 22

Somali National Front, 23, 92

Somali National Movement, 3, 6, 56, 92, 149

Somali Navy, 44

Somali Patriotic Front, 44

SomaU Patriotic Movement, 3, 6, 23, 56, 71, 83,

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Index 195


Somali Road, 132-134

Somali Salvation Democratic Front, 3, 56, 92

Somali Youth League, 4

Somalia Youth Club, 4

Southern Somali National Movement, 3

Soviet Union, 4-6, 8, 14

Spataro, LtCol Stephen M., USA, 60-61

Special Operations Forces, 18, 31, 40, 49, 80-81,

84,88,92, 114, 132, 152, 155

Company C, 2d Battalion, 5th Special Forces

Group (Airborne), 31

Standing Committee of the Countries of the

Horn of Africa, 56

Strada Imperiale, 48

Sukanya (OPV P51), 103

Sullivan, Ms. Katie, 58

Support Command, 13, 18-19, 114, 116, 118-

121, 124, 127, 151

Task Forces

2-87, 90-91

3-17, 90-91

Bardera, 83, 115, 153

Bravo, 87

Columbus, 87

Hope, 42-43

Kismayo, 53, 94, 96, 114, 117, 152

Mogadishu, 69-71

Ranger, 152, 155

Tiyegloo, 46, 84

Tobruk (LSL L50), 103

Trenton (APD 14), 7

Tripoli (LFU 10), 16, 31, 127

Tughril (DD 167), 103

Tunisia, 41

Turkey, 20, 118

Turkish Commands and Units

Brigade, 41

21 October Road, 66

U.N. Security Council, 11, 151

U.S. Federal Aviation Agency, 107

U.S. Transportation

Command,18, 29

Unified Task Force Somalia (UNITAF), 34, 36-

39, 41-43, 45-47, 49-50, 52,-70, 72-76, 79, 82-

83, 86-90, 92, 94-98, 101-102, 104, 106-115,

118-122, 124-125, 128-131, 133-134, 136-147

United Arab Emirates, 41, 118, 153

United Nations, 4, 9, 11-12, 16, 19-21, 39, 50,

55-56, 58-59, 61, 78, 83, 85, 93, 107-109, 111-

113, 115, 120, 128, 137, 141-145, 147-152, 155-

156, 158

United Nation Organization Somalia (UNO-SOM), 16, 20, 50, 56-58, 78, 85, 90-91, 94, 98,

109, 116, 118, 120, 136-137, 139, 141, 147-156,


United Nations Children's Fund, 93, 144

United Nations Economic Commission, 56

United Somah Congress, 6, 22, 47, 92, 155

United Somali Party, 56, 82

United States Agency for International

Development, 141

United States Embassy, 33-34, 72, 118, 120, 139,


Valley Forge (CG 50), 17

Vesuvio (MCS A5384), 103

Vietnam, 98

Villagio Bur Carole, 118

Villagio Scibis, 87

Wajid,46, 84, 118

Warsame, Gen Abdi Dahir (Somali Forces), 82

Wasp (LHD 1), 97

Webi Jubba, 24

Webi Shebelle, 24, 47

Western Somali Liberation Front, 6

Wilhelm, MajGen Charles E., 16, 37-38, 68-69,

72-73, 83, 87, 98, 115-116, 140, 153

1st Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Mechanized World Airways, 106

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196 Restoring Hope in Somalia

World Food Program, 1, 61, 111, 143, 145

World Health Organization, 1 1

Yemen, 36

Zenawi, President Meles, 56

Zimbabwe, 41, 118

Zinni, BGen Anthony C, 14, 17, 26-27, 51, 56,

58, 68, 110, 113, 137, 141, 143, 147, 149, 155,


Zmma(AGFA961), 103

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UUl IBU) 1 1




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The device reproduced on the back cover

is the oldest military insignia in continu-

ous use in the United States. It first

appeared, as shown here, on Marine

Corps buttons adopted in 1804. With the

stars changed to five points, the device

has continued on Marine Corps buttons

to the present day.

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