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Page 1: Retargetting Motion to New Characters Michael Gleicher.

Retargetting Motion to New Characters

Michael Gleicher

Page 2: Retargetting Motion to New Characters Michael Gleicher.


Keep working on next homework Due on Tuesday Build a mocap data previewer

mocap.cs.cmu.edu (see Tools and Resources) Load data file Create favorite data structures Use DOFs to animate a simple character

Page 3: Retargetting Motion to New Characters Michael Gleicher.


Grading Demo your IK solution Sunday or Monday Room 002a this time! Sign up sheet up front

Page 4: Retargetting Motion to New Characters Michael Gleicher.


Interactive Control of Avatars Animted with Human Motion Data (Lee et al.)

Motion Graphs (Kovar et al.)

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Spacetime Constraints

Homeworks look good Let’s discuss for a moment

Sequential Quadratic Programming aka Newton’s method and Newton-Lagrange Wilson (1963) and Beale’s SOLVER (1967)

A member of the descent family of constrained optimization techniques

Makes critical assumption that approximating constraints with linear functions is meaningful

Cost function must be quadratic

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Spacetime Constraints

This is just a search method Penalty Methods permit constraints to be

violated when searching for optimality Non-linear Least Squares used by Gleicher

Conjugate gradient Simulated annealing loses benefit of

derivatives What about GA?

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Spacetime Constraints

The building blocks define SQP The implementation of SQP can vary

Matrix inversion Special routines for handling sparse or

positive definite matrices

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Motivation: Why Do We Care?

Have one animated motion, want another For characters with identical structure, but

different proportions Manual tweaking is slow and difficult Want to preserve high-level properties that

are hard to define

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Simple Try 1

Just reuse parameters of original motion in new motion with different character

hmm … something’s not quite right …

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Simple Try 2

Need to meet constraints, for instance foot touches floor

No problem, just use inverse kinematics to establish constraints each frame

… better, but not very smooth …

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What’s the problem?

No temoporal notion of constraints Solving locally for each frame

generates unwanted artifacts, can’t plan ahead

Problem: introduces high frequency motions

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Try again with Filtering

Apply a low-pass filter to remove unwanted high frequencies

But, may violate constraints Want to preserve high frequencies in original

motion, without introducing new ones

Original Smoothed IKIK Retargetted

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Enough Failed Attempts

Need a way to solve the constrained optimization problem that takes the whole motion into account

Where have we seen this before? Spacetime constraints Through-the-lens camera control Neuroanimator Virutal Creatures

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Spacetime Constraints

Mathematically encode all constraints and objectives

Not so easy to capture desirable aspects of original motion mathematically

More constraints and more complicated objective functions take longer to solve Don’t use physics constraints on every


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Tools for Traveling through Space and Time

Constraints Identify features that must be present

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qti = parameters of motion (joint angles and root position) at time ti

Define constraint as: f(qti) = c c is a constant

Constraint examples Parameter’s value is in a certain range (joint limits) Point on character is in specific location or within a range Two points are a certain distance apart Vector between points has a certain orientation

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Tools for Traveling through Space and Time

Objective Functions Stay close to the original (especially high

frequency motion) Use constraints to keep objective function

from being too simple

minimize g(x) subject to f(x) = c

Page 18: Retargetting Motion to New Characters Michael Gleicher.

Objective Functions

Goal: Minimize noticeable change Hard to define, choose something simple

instead Minimize differences between new motion

and original motions Define functions of motion parameters

Original motion: New (retargeted) Motion: Difference between the two:

Objective Function:22

0 )())()(()( tttdtmtmmg

)()()( 0 tdtmtm )(tm)(0 tm


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Tools for Traveling through Space and Time

Initial Solution for Solver Some basic scaling of original data to get

a good guess

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Starting Point

Good initial motion can speed numerical solver

Start just by scaling motion to match scaled character

If needed, translate motion to get as close as possible to satisfying constraints

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Want to minimize introduction of high frequencies

Choose representation of to achieve this

Cubic B-splines Control point spacing determines frequency

limit Try having control points every 2, 4 or 8

frames (uniform spacing)


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Retargeting Procedure

1. Take original motion and identify constraints2. Scale and translate to find initial estimate for

solution, m1(t)3. Choose representation for d(t) – what is the

control point spacing4. Solve non-linear constraint problem: find d(t)

that will satisfy constraints when added to motion estimate from step 2 (use spacetime)

5. If constraints are not well satisfied, solve again using m1(t) + d(t) as initial motion in step 2 and choose a denser spacing in step 3

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Solving the Constrained Optimization Problem

Want to solve for control point values (call the vector of these x)

Define constraints and objective functions in terms of these control points minimize g(x) subject to f(x) = c g(x) = ½ xMx (a weighted sum of squares,

diagonal matrix M gives weights) In addition to SQP could use a non-linear

least squares solver to minimize constraint residuals (distance from meeting constraints)

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The examples

120 Hz mocap data downsampled to 30 Hz (one example from text was rotoscoped)

Maker positions converted to articulated character parameters

Euler angles for joints (3 DOF) Except elbow, knee, ankles

Frequently, data for hand and feet is unavailable

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Getting 60% shorter

Gray character results in foot skate Left shows strides getting longer (black) Right shows adjusting foot plants (black)

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2-D Walking

82 frames / 15 fps 14 DOFs (2 pos + 12 ang) 146 constraints on heel/toe 328 inequality constraints

to keep feet above ground 1968 joint limit constraints

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3-D Walking

34 DOF, 112 Frames 4193 scalar constraints (~354 active at

any one time… computation in seconds

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Their custom SQP, LMULT permits some constraints to be violated by ½ in.

Least squares optimization results in errors less than ¼ in.

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Woman mightlift off ground

Male permittedto move upperbody

1200 constraints 14 seconds to

solve w/ 1/8 in.errors

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Characters with different structure First use standard retargeting to a

character whose dimensions roughly match those of the new character

Find correspondences (manually) between features of original and new character, make these constraints

Use retargeting with spacetime constraints again, to find a new motion that satisfies these constraints

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Basic retargeting works for characters with same structure, different limb lengths

Control point spacing is important for preserving desired frequencies Enforcing uniformity across time is a limitation

Enforcing certain features of original motion may not produce natural retargeted motion

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Morphing simulated characters

Hodgins and Pollard Adapting Simulated Behaviors For New

Characters Siggraph 97

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Morphing simulated characters

We know how character has changed in size and mass

We have no control of joint positions explicitly

We adapt character through control algorithms Timing parameters Muscle stiffnesses and damping

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Morphing simulated characters

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We know a lot about scaling

Animation of Dynamic Legged Locomotion – SIGGRAPH 91, Raibert and Hodgins Scale kangaroo by L

It will have to jump L times as high Because gravity is unchanged

more time will pass before landing (for L >1) Have cadence 1/sqrt(L) of original But because limbs are longer (L>1)

travel sqrt (L) as fast

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We know a lot about scaling

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Motion Graphs

Introduction to the paper by Kovar, Gleicher, and Pighin

Motion can be “sampled” just as videoclips were inVideoTextures

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Sampling mocap

Transitioningfrom frame i toframe j

White are goodtransitions

Green arelocal min

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One change vis. Video Textures

Multiple timesteps are grouped into a clip

The clips are connected to one another in a graph

Transitioning from one clip to another is not as easy as cross-fade or morph from image domain

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General outline

Build motion graph Remove dead ends (find strongly

connected components) Search for paths that produce desired

motion (branch and bound search) Blend clips to form a smooth motion

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