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  1. 1. Shelley Shott Intel Corporation ICT in the Classroom Conference Durban July 2015 Rethinking the Way We Teach
  2. 2. 2 The Methods & Practices of Teaching Learn by doing -John Dewey Instructional Theory into Practice -Madeline Hunter Understanding by Design -Wiggins & McTighe Trivium & Quadrivium -The 7 Liberal Arts TPACK model -Matthew J. Koehler
  3. 3. Does this look familiar?
  4. 4. We need to rethink the way we teach ..
  5. 5. And we need to be using technology
  6. 6. Meet Matt
  7. 7. Evolving Learning Environment 8 Students Shift from information consumers to creative problem solvers Read complex texts and write extensively Collaborate and present their work Become self-directed, lifelong learners Teachers Use technology to personalize learning Shift from sage on stage to teacher as learning facilitator Meet higher expectations for student outcomes Increase focus on professional learning & growth Intel Confidential
  8. 8. 5 Take-aways on rethinking the way we teach.. and how technology can enhance our teaching 1. Educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning 2. Flipped Classroom 3. Guide on the side technology provides many different sources of expertise 4. Creativity in the classroom 5. Active Learning spaces
  9. 9. 10 TPACK http://tpack.org
  10. 10. The SAMR Model as Explained by Students
  11. 11. 5 Take-aways on rethinking the way we teach.. and how technology can enhance our teaching 1. Educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning 2. Flipped Classroom 3. Guide on the side technology provides many different sources of expertise 4. Creativity in the classroom 5. Active Learning spaces
  12. 12. Benefits of a Flipped Classroom Students Teachers Students learn at various speeds Teachers become guide on the side Students are provided opportunity for review Teacher spend more time supporting students Students do not struggle with how to do their homework because they forgot Teachers are not spending hours tutoring or re-explaining concepts to those that didnt understand Students take ownership of their learning Teachers collaborate with peers to create the materials Students are actively working with their peers Teachers connect with all students
  13. 13. Pros Cons Students no longer struggle with challenging concepts alone outside of school Making sure every student has access to a computer and internet access Students can skip parts of the lesson they already understand and re-watch new or challenging ideas Students cannot ask clarifying questions as they are watching Applying the learning in the classroom Technology issues Students come to class prepped and ready to learn no down time Determining how to handle students who do not complete the videos Encourages higher student engagement Makes learning central, rather than teaching
  14. 14. 5 Take-aways on rethinking the way we teach.. and how technology can enhance our teaching 1. Educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning 2. Flipped Classroom 3. Technology provides many different sources of expertise 4. Creativity in the classroom 5. Active Learning spaces
  15. 15. Teachers Are No Longer the Keeper of All Information.there are many different sources of expertise
  16. 16. Making the World Smaller . To connect to many different sources of expertise
  17. 17. Mobile DevicesAllow access to many different sources of expertise anytime/anywhere
  18. 18. Video, Simulations, Models are one of the many different sources of expertise
  19. 19. Online Conversation Outside the Classroom allow us to connect to many different sources of expertise
  20. 20. 5 Take-aways on rethinking the way we teach.. and how technology can enhance our teaching 1. Educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning 2. Flipped Classroom 3. Guide on the side technology provides many different sources of expertise 4. Creativity in the classroom 5. Active Learning spaces
  21. 21. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is essential for creativity. In order to be creative, students must be able to ask questions, evaluate and use information, think open-mindedly, and communicate effectively. Imagination: The ability to imagine is a necessary component of creativity. Imagination allows students to think of unique and unusual ideas. Idea Generation: To begin a creative process, people must be fluent at generating ideas. Most ideas come from other ideas, some that are not worth much on their own but that generate further thinking. Reflective Judgment: Students who produce original, creative products have a refined sense of self-reflection and judgment. They have the skills to determine if an idea is worth pursuing, and if it has merit, they can organize and plan ways to make their ideas come to life. Creativity Skills
  22. 22. Conceptualizing a topic Bringing stories to life
  23. 23. Representing Data
  24. 24. Create Interactive Maps
  25. 25. Use Pinterest
  26. 26. Use the Camera Fractions. Acrostic Poems
  27. 27. 5 Take-aways on rethinking the way we teach.. and how technology can enhance our teaching 1. Educational technologies can improve student achievement, so long as such tools are integrated thoughtfully into teaching and learning 2. Flipped Classroom 3. Technology provides many different sources of expertise 4. Creativity in the classroom 5. Active Learning spaces
  28. 28. Instructional Approach Lesson: Probability Learning Space Passive Learning 1. The teacher introduces the topic of probability in a whole class demonstration/ppt presentation and lecture 2. Students individually complete a few problems and the rest as homework 3. Next day in class they switch papers and grade 4. Teacher presents next topic in sequence and assigns practice exercises A classroom with individual desks and all have a view of the teachers presentation Individual spaces for students to work on assignments by themselves
  29. 29. Instructional Approach Lesson: Probability Learning Space Active Learning 1. Teacher puts students in pairs to play a probability game 2. Students record results in an online document 3. Student pairs join into small groups to discuss results and answer open-ended questions 4. Each group shares their conclusions with the class 5. Teacher conducts discussion based on their conclusions 6. Students write in their journals about what they thought about probability before and after the experiment 7. Teacher engages students in whole class discussion where they formalize their learning from the experiment Places for students to meet as pairs while being observed by the teacher Small group spaces under teacher supervision with access to technology Large group area with view of screens for presentations Large group area with view of each other for discussions Individual spaces where students can complete individual work quietly
  30. 30. Different Spaces that Support Digital Learning Small group, large group, independent places. Activity What works? What doesnt work? Small group collaboration Large group discussion and instruction and presentation Use of technology to gather, process, synthesize learning Independent study Experimentation and hands-on learning
  31. 31. Spatial Implications of Technology-Rich Learning Integrating technology into classrooms mandates flexibility and activity-based space planning Spatial boundaries are loosening High tech and low tech will exist Patty
  32. 32. Nobody knows what the future will bring.. Thirty years ago, who would have believed we would be carrying powerful computers in our pockets? And not riding around in flying cars (The Jetsons) Even if we cannot predict the successful technologies of the future We can be certain teachers will be greatly challenged when preparing students in our constantly changing cultural, social, and technological environment
  33. 33. We are not going to be able to predict the skills that people will need in 20 years We need to Rethink the Way we Teach To make sure our students will be successful

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