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Retreats That Sell


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...that retreats enable you to get paid to travel around the world and make a huge difference in your clients’ lives!

And when you have a heart-based business that’s fine-tuned, running well, and making good money with all your systems in place – you have the freedom to travel, you can give back in a bigger way to your community, to the non-profits you love, and to your family.

So then how do you create a retreat that’s simply fabulous, that your tribe will be talking about for years, and fills almost as soon as you post it?

And how do you become a retreat expert who’s known for creating experiences that are not to be missed that are run professionally and thoughtfully?

First, you’ll need a retreat blueprint system that contains the 6 main components for creating a sold-out retreat that is both life-changing and profitable.

Sheri Rosenthal

The BEST part of adding transformational destination retreats to your business is...

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Copyright © 2017 Sheri A Rosenthal DPM Inc. wanderlustentrepreneur.com

Uncover your match-made-in heaven audience

Brainstorm your retreat theme, promise andteachings/content

Select your dream destination

Craft the perfect activities and outings

Layout the ideal length of time and group size

Pick a titillating title that sells

Design a visually beautiful retreat sales page

Create scintillating copywriting

Lay-out your retreatpromotional schedule

Have a system for proper pricing

Value yourself with a proper net income

Negotiate your retreat center or hotel contracts

Implement a rock-solid cancellation policy

Track your income and expenses

Develop your group facilitator skills

Foster your inner confidence

Find an assistant or volunteer to help you

Coordinate your client’s travel

Employ a detailed retreat checklist

Create multiple client-tracking forms for all the info you need

Utilize the proper legal forms for travel

Insure yourself and your retreat properly

Understand the Seller of Travel Laws

Adopt an emergency and evacuation plan

Strategize your audience and list-building systems

Systemize year-round marketing

Monetize your retreats

Differentiate & brand yourself in your niche







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There are obviously a lot of components to our system and we go into each and every one of them in depth in our Retreat Blueprint Program. For now, let’s focus on the first component, DESIGNING YOUR RETREAT, which is the foundation for ALL the other components in this system.

In order to have a retreat that fills, you must first create a retreat that’s going to sell!

5 Steps to a Retreat That


1. Plan a wildly compellingretreat that appeals to yourmatch-made-in heaven audience

To be able to design the very best possible retreat, you first have to be crystal clear about WHO you work with, WHAT problems you solve and HOW your clients will benefit by coming on your trip. Planning a retreat that is simply an outing to a pretty location with no ultimate purpose or even one that has a general, vague “come away with me and you’ll gain a lot over 5 nights and 6 days” is not going to cut it!

The reason is that you can’t make your trip stand out from others IF you’re not clear on what problem you solve for your clients and how your clients’ lives are going to change as a result. In other words what’s your retreat about? What are you teaching and by the end of your retreat what are your trip members going to walk away with? You have to be able to articulate the tangible benefits of traveling with you. People will pay a lot more for travel WITH transformation once they understand WHY it’s going to be life changing.

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2. Select yourdream destination

The location of the retreat is critical and it’s rarely about where YOU want to go – but more importantly it’s where the material you are sharing needs you to go (you want to align your location and activities with the material you are teaching).

They can be located anywhere in the world and normally the location is convenient to an airport and easy to fly to (but remote can work too) – or they might be offered within driving distance of the presenter’s home base.

Next, don’t forget to pick the perfect venue – a retreat center or hotel that matches your vibe, brand and what you are teaching. For example, you might love that chic hotel in the Caribbean Islands but if you are running a raw or organic food and detox retreat – you might be much better off having your retreat in Italy at an Agriturismo (a farmhouse that hosts guests) that is totally organic!

3. Craft the perfectactivities & outings

Once you have the perfect stunning destination, then you will want to pick well-thought-out activities that support your teachings. Also, make sure that your outings are tied into solving your clients’ problems. The icing on the cake is that beautiful balance of time between relaxing and rejuvenation – and fun activities and learning.

Using our Agriturismo example, your group could go out on the land farming, picking and cold pressing olives, shopping at the local organic community market and preparing meals or doing any number of activities relating to the theme of your retreat (along with some delicious spa time).

The key point here is to make sure that the activities help teach your material and your attendees learn experientially rather than just intellectually. Remember – your retreat is not JUST a vacation!

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4. Layout the ideal lengthof time and group size

Make sure you plan enough days so that folks can relax and you don’t have to squeeze everything you’re teaching into 2 or 3 full days. Otherwise your retreat will end up being a workshop in a pretty place, rather than a transformational retreat and it will not be compelling or relaxing. In general retreats are a minimum of 5 days and often extend to 10 days – although we have seen many that are even 30 days long.

Next consider your ideal group size. Do you want a more intimate feel? Plan for 12 people or less. Interested in a bigger buzz? Then you might want to bring an assistant for a group of 20-30 folks. We’ve even run retreats with up to 80 participants – and we had assistant teachers each taking a smaller group of folks. There is no right or wrong number - it all depends on what you want to accomplish.

5. Pick a titillating title that sells

When you design your retreat to have a definitive purpose, it takes the teeth-gnashing out of coming up with a titillating and tantalizing title - especially if you use the overriding promise of your retreat to name your retreat. Your promise (the main problem you are solving) has to be clear in the title. You want your ideal clients to instantly know what the main take-away is going to be from your retreat.

Let’s look at an example from one of our Retreat Blueprint Program participants, George Davis, who’s also a licensed massage therapist and Developer of the Integrated Modalities Technique. George offers retreats for massage therapists and body workers in Hawai’i where he lives and his retreat promise is: “You can have the practice you’ve always dreamed of, you can make the income you want and have a long career.” So it wasn’t hard to come up

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with the perfect title: Blending the Business of Bodywork with Fun in the Sun. Can you see how those few words succinctly tells you who this retreat is for and what you are going to learn?

Alright, after you design a retreat that sells, then you’re going to need to put all this information on a breath-taking and informative trip page and start marketing this puppy so that it fills!

And yes, I know what you’re thinking right about now – there are a whole lot of pieces to have in place to design and run an amazing retreat, let alone covering all 6 components of the retreat blueprint system. But don’t fret.

We already have the systems in place in our Retreat Blueprint Program and have been using this system for years and so have the hundreds of other retreat leaders we’ve been assisting since 2003.

That’s why I want you to make sure that you’ve signed up for our live webinar training: The 5 Keys to Creating and Filling Your Destination Retreat! We’re going to be sharing additional valuable information that you don’t want to miss. So if you haven’t signed up yet, simply register at: http://bit.ly/retreat-webinar

And please! Remember what’s most important…

Retreats are a truly transformational way to impact your client’s lives and add more money into your business. And when you have a system in place that makes them easy to replicate over and over again – that makes easy for you to create the travel experiences of your dreams.

Happy travels!

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About SheriSheri Rosenthal is the founder of Wanderlust Entrepreneur, The Retreat Blueprint Program and the owner of Journeys of the Spirit – a boutique travel agency that’s been assisting facilitators in designing, managing and marketing their destination retreats since 2003.

She’s spent those years helping heart-centered entrepreneurs, coaches and healers run successful transformational destination retreats while creating her own 7- figure business and having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, not to mention lead some pretty incredible retreats all over the globe!

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