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Page 1: Retrofitting the hybris Accelerator with Responsive Web Design

a digital commerce consultancy

san francisco ~ new york ~ london ~ chişinău ~ guadalajara

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Who Am I?

Tom MotleyDirector of EngineeringTacit Knowledge, Inc.

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Tacit Knowledge – The 411

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1. The ‘Why’ ~15 Minutes

2. The ‘How’ ~15 Minutes

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1. Mobile Commerce will represent ¼ of all online shopping by 2017.

2. You have options in tackling this challenge, but RWD is the write once & deploy anywhere paradigm.

3. Hybris is not currently RWD-enabled out of the box, but can be modified to be so using Open Source tooling (Foundation & Compass)

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State of Play – Q1, 2014

"Last holiday season alone, Amazon customers purchased more than one toy per second via a

mobile device” - Techcrunch.com

"eBay is seeing the consumer transition between screens (computer, iPad, mobile)

depending on the time of day” - Steve Yankovich, VP of Innovation, eBay

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Recent Trends in Mobile Shopping

2012 20130%









“Cyber Monday” - 2012 vs 2013

* http://www-01.ibm.com/software/marketing-solutions/benchmark-hub/alert.html

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Smartphones Browse, Tablets Buy








Share of Online Sales & Transactions

* http://www-01.ibm.com/software/marketing-solutions/benchmark-


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iOS vs Android





* http://www-01.ibm.com/software/marketing-solutions/benchmark-hub/alert.html

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Android-ians Have Tighter Wallets..

Android iOS$100








* http://www-01.ibm.com/software/marketing-solutions/benchmark-hub/alert.html

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Are We Tailoring eCommerce Almost Exclusively To iOS Platforms?

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Future Directions

Where is Mobile Commerce Headed?

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Projected Future Growth

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017






$39 $53 $71

$92 $109

Annual Online US Sales (in Billions)

Total Sales Mobile Device Sales




21%24% 25%

* http://www-01.ibm.com/software/marketing-solutions/benchmark-hub/alert.html

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Future Directions

What’s holding Mobile Commerce back?

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Two Major Problems

1. Cart Abandonment

2. Security Fears

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Cart Abandonment

• 41% : Checkout too difficult

• 23% : Checkout failed (technical issues)

Failed Purchases on Smartphone or Tablet…

* http://www.jumio.com/2013/05/retailers-listen-up-high-rates-of-mobile-shopping-cart-abandonment-tied-to-poor-user-experience-pr/

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Security Fears

51% : Didn’t feel comfortable using their Credit Card on a Mobile Device

Why shoppers prefer to browse only online…:

* http://www.jumio.com/2013/05/retailers-listen-up-high-rates-of-mobile-shopping-cart-abandonment-tied-to-poor-user-experience-pr/

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How to Enable M-Commerce

4. How to Enable Mobile Commerce?

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Plan For Mobile First


1. One Site Fits All Zero extra effort

- Your site will suck on some devices

2. One Site Per Device Can be outsourced

- Longer Dev cycles- Duplicated code/logic

3. Mobile Apps Can tailor the end user experience exactly

- Overkill : consumers have enough apps already

- Expensive; requires an app dev team

4. Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Best scalability - Is hard to do properly- Longer Dev cycles.

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What Is Responsive Web Design?

One Site That Renders Differently According To Device Viewport


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“Responsive design is not just about fitting on a mobile screen, it's also about making sure that functionality works in contexts and scenarios ideal for mobile.

That means that if you are a restaurant, your responsive site can hook into geolocation APIs to offer easy access to directions.

It means that phone numbers are dial-able.

It means that buttons and text entry fields are touch-friendly.”

- * http://mashable.com/2013/08/06/responsive-vs-native-app/ 

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Why RWD Scales Best…

We are dealing with 3 or 4 device types right now :

- TV- Desktop- Tablet- Smartphone

BUT others are coming : - Google Glass- In-Car Devices- Etc…

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What Are Some Examples of Good RWD?

• Capital One (capitalone.com)• Mulberry (mulberry.com)• Mashable (mashable.com)• Wired (wired.com)

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Mulberry.com – RWD Done Right

• Extensive Use of White Space

• Swipe-able Product Images on Mobile Devices

• Checkout Hosted on a Single Screen

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Let’s Look At Some Sites

What Does Your Site Look Like On Each Device Type?

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Getting More Technical..

Web Development Principles Of Responsive Design

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Three Main Techniques

1. Fluid/Liquid Page Layouts (vs Fixed)2. CSS(3) Media Queries3. Load JS/CSS Inline & “Be Selective”

“Content is atomic, but presentation is dynamic. Responsive Web Design renders the page differently depending on the viewport information provided by the user’s browser. “

- me.

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CSS Media Queries – The Basic Idea Dynamically Adjust Media Size Based on Viewport Information

Sometimes horizontal layout is optimal, such as product discovery on a widescreen device:

Sometimes height orientation is handy, such as Stacking items at checkout:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 4

Image 3

Image 1

Image 2


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Implementing a Media Query – 2 Examples

@media screen and (orientation: landscape) { .f-dropdown { max-width:100%;left:0 }}

@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { .checkout-header-wrapper { min-height: 90px; }}

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CSS Media Queries – More Details

media_type : all | aural | braille | handheld | print | projection | screen media_feature : width | min-width | max-width | height | min height | max-height

A Selection of the Specification…

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Advanced CSS Media Queries Far beyond my CSS


1. Control how your CSS & JS assets are loaded for different viewports (modernizer lib)

2. Shrink or adapt images to be optimized for different viewports (picturefill lib)

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All Is Not Lost…

OSS frameworks for RWD

• Foundation http://foundation3.zurb.com/

• Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/

• Breakpoint http://breakpoint-sass.com/

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hybris RWD

How to do RWD on the hybris platform…

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A hybris CMS Page – End User View

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A hybris CMS Page – Author View

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hybris Storefront Directory Layout

Dual assets per device type

Tom Motley
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Accelerator is not RWD, but Multi-Site.

The Accelerator Site is currently not responsive out of the box….Let’s make

it so

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Introduce Compass & Foundation1. Add Compass & Foundation to the _UI dir in

the Accelerator Storefront extension

2. Override OOTB Foundation styling where desired

3. Compile Foundation SASS files to CSS

4. Deploy the compiled CSS to the WEB-INF/tags/template/comressables/css.tag in the same Storefront directory

5. Retrofit all desired RWD Views with Foundation CSS classes (and JS if required).

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Hybris Storefront With RWD Retrofit

Lose the Mobile Directory Entirely

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Foundation Directory Detail

Override OOTB Foundation Styles

Tell Foundation Where to Deploy to in Hybris

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Building Foundation In hybrisCustom Ant Task

Configure the Build via Ruby Script

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Altering JSPs To Use Foundation StylingBefore


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Proof Is In The Pudding

Let’s Examine The Results…

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Bonus Points..

Give content Authors responsive options using custom CMS Components that allow the Author to choose what and how page elements are displayed on different viewports

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Wrap Up

1. Mobile Commerce will represent ¼ of all online shopping by 2017.

2. You have options in tackling this challenge, but RWD is the write once & deploy anywhere paradigm.

3. Hybris is not currently RWD-enabled out of the box, but can be modified to be so using Open Source tooling (Foundation & Compass)

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Thank You!

What would you like to see discussed at the next Meet-Up?

1. B2B Accelerator?

2. Global Product Catalog Design?

3. Customizing the Cockpits?

4. New Features in 5x?

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