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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"    

A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter#

June 2011"

Page 2: ReviewPro's Guide to Twitter for Hotels

A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Twitter started as a way to answer the question, “What am I doing right now?” Since then, the network has evolved beyond the banal to change the way we view real-time communications. In just a few years, we have witnessed Twitter play an influential role in everything from emergency communications to political revolutions." "Twitterʼs short-form messaging gives us extraordinary powers - the ability to observe conversations happening all over the web and build important relationships. When used correctly, businesses find Twitter to be a tool to gather feedback, build loyalty, and encourage viral messaging. " "This guide will not focus on how to setup a profile, but rather on how hotels can use Twitter to communicate more effectively. " "- Josiah Mackenzie @ReviewPro"June 2011"


A Hotel’s Guide to Twitter

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

•  Introduction"•  Top benefits of Twitter"•  How to optimize your profile"•  How to be a great conversationalist "•  10 types of tweets that work best for hotels"•  Components of an effective tweet"•  How to get more followers"•  How to get retweeted"•  Common Twitter mistakes to avoid"•  Reputation management on Twitter"•  Twitter for service "•  Twitter for sales"•  Twitter for media relations"•  Hashtags"•  Influence scoring"•  Local tweeting"•  Advertising opportunities"•  10 things you can do this week to increase profits"•  Appendix: Recommended tools"•  Appendix: Recommended reading"" 2"

Table of contents

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

• Track conversations about your city, region or niche market"

• Provide regular news and updates to your online community"

• Increase brand awareness with targeted content distribution opportunities"

• Amplify your communications with the opportunity for viral messaging"

• Expand your network by meeting new people and building relationships"

• Conduct market research in a virtual 24/7 focus group "

• Increase media exposure by working with journalists and reporters"

• Intervene quickly to catch crises before they turn into full scale problems"

• Increase search engine visibility on Google and Bing "

• Drive website traffic by promoting important content"


Top 10 benefits of Twitter

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

This guide will not cover the Twitter account registration process, since you probably already have an account set up. Instead, letʼs focus on how to optimize your presence. Making a few changes to your profile can increase your visibility and sales." "################

Bio description #" "The way you write your bio section is very important. The keywords you use here will affect how many people find your account through Twitter and search engines. Search visibility plays a critical role in how popular your account can become. But instead of stuffing this section with keywords, use it to also communicate a clear sales message with your unique selling points." "###########

Website link" "You might experiment with sending traffic from your Twitter profile to a dedicated landing page on your website for a seamless experience. This is one of the few places on Twitter you can use a full URL, so use your brand website as the host for this page to avoid any confusion." "Background image" "With the introduction of Twitterʼs new interface, the background image your account uses is not as important as it used to be, but itʼs still seen by many. Experiment with including contact information or a special offer in the background to drive more sales. ""


How to optimize your Twitter profile

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Great conversationalists are interesting. Tamara Erickson explained how this applies to Twitter in her February 2010 Harvard Business Review article:" "“Individuals who are most skilled at using this peculiar 140-character medium are those who notice the small details of life, who capture the moments that others of us miss, who slow down to watch and listen while most race on, and who personalize the events they see.” ! "Finding topics that interest your followers can be done through tools like TwitterSheep.com, which allow you to analyze the bio sections of your followersʼ profiles. Knowing their interests makes it easier to provide more relevant content. " "Beyond being interesting, conducting good conversations requires you to be tuned into the little details that assist in building relationships. Tweets can be made a lot more personal with a little background research. Before replying to a

message, look through that personʼs bio and tweet history to identify items that could build connections." "For example, if you notice someone is a cook or a fan of gourmet cheese, you could point out how your hotel property offers something that would interest them. Or you could link to a blog post your team has written on the topic. Or you could introduce them to other people in your Twitter network that they would enjoy following." "The goal here is to provide relevant information that is uniquely personalized to them: things they will find interesting and useful. Do this through leveraging all the social data you can find on that person. "


How to be a great conversationalist

Individuals who are most skilled at using this peculiar 140-character medium are those who notice the small details of life, and who personalize the events they see.#


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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

A look at some of the most popular Twitter accounts in the hospitality industry reveals a few common themes about the types of content that generate the best results.1) Responding to questions, comments and mentions. For hotels, Twitter remains primarily a service and conversational medium. The majority of content should be @replies to people talking about your hotels, your brand, your niche, or your area. Responses build relationships and show your Twitter involvement is not exclusively to push commercial messages.

" "2) Retweeting positive feedback. Retweeting positive messages helps others act as salespeople for your brand. This can be done too often, but sharing the occasional recommendation as a retweet will show you acknowledge advocates and appreciate their comments."

3) Retweeting other resources. This helps you curate what is cool while giving credit to the source. You could always tweet links directly, but retweeting other content producers helps build important relationships by raising their own Twitter profile. Plus, retweets introduce your followers to new sources of information."4) Sharing recommendations. The Opus Hotel in Vancouver shares style tips via Twitter @OpusHotels. This strategy helps build a brand personality, which is something that should be outlined in a social media style guide for your staff. Lifestyle information can be very popular on Twitter, so define the image you are building and then share information and recommendations around this.5) Spotlighting media mentions. If your hotels get mentioned in the media, pass that information along to your Twitter followers. Highlighting stories on Twitter can amplify the coverage by providing an opportunity for additional exposure through retweets and viral word of mouth.

6) Asking questions. Twitter can act as a 24/7 virtual focus group, and can be a powerful way to do market research. Next time your have a question - or want to get a second opinion - crowdsource the answer by posting to Twitter.7) Running contests. Some of the best contests leverage the power of questions to increase participation. A recent promotion from Apex Hotels asked followers to submit their favorite things about Edinburgh. In this single contest, more than 460 people participated - providing valuable market research, ideas for future blog posts, and perhaps tips for a city guide in the future.[continued…]"


10 types of tweets that work best for hotels

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

8) Offering real-time information. Twitter is by design a real-time media format, and this can be very helpful when up-to-the-minute information is required. We see this often in breaking news situations: Twitter becomes the best source for knowing what is happening right now.In the context of hotels and hospitality, it is possible to use this real-time medium if there is a storm or bad weather, for example. By following and acting quickly on a news event, you can help stranded travelers - which weʼve seen a few airlines and hotels do successfully recently. This real-time format also works well for events, sharing timely tips for attendees."""


9) Sharing personal thoughts. Depending on the voice and style you want to communicate in your Twitter account, it may be appropriate to include personal thoughts in your hotelsʼ Twitter stream. Typically this approach works best for small hotels where the owner also acts as the public spokesperson. A good example of this is Guido vanden Elshout, owner of the Haagsche Suites, but better known on Twitter as @HappyHotelier. Instead of just promoting his hotel, Guido publishes links and resources on topics he is fascinated by: design, food and travel. This approach can also work for larger brands. Charles Yap, Global Brand Communications Director at IHG, provides personality for this large organization by sharing his personal thoughts @HotelPRGuy. In a recent conversation we had, Charles mentioned the importance of sharing personal interests to communicate your personality in a way that encourages people to connect with you.

10) Recruiting staff. Twitter can be a valuable way to recruit talented team members. Apex Hotels built a separate Twitter account for human resources: @apexcareers. Danielle, the Recruitment Officer at Apex, uses the account to offer career advice, CV tips, and guidance to potential applicants. “Engaging with the wider recruiting world ensures that Apex maintains an excellent standard of service by employing the right people at the very top of their game,” Apex Hotels ecommerce manager Sam Weston said."


10 types of tweets that work best for hotels (continued)

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1.  Short, catchy text"2.  A [branded] URL shortner "3.  References others to build relationships"4.  Use hashtags & keywords for additional visibility""


Components of an effective tweet

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

To receive the full benefits of Twitter, you need to have an audience. What can you do to raise this number if you have very few followers right now? Here are some proven tactics:" "Leverage your reputation. Many of the top Twitter personalities are celebrities elsewhere. Bringing their brand to Twitter helped them quickly grow a fanbase in the network. If you have strong market recognition outside of Twitter, take advantage of that. " "Leverage your existing web presence. If you have a presence elsewhere on the social web - whether itʼs on Facebook, your blog, or elsewhere - use it to promote your Twitter account. Link to your Twitter page and actively encourage people to connect with you there." """"

Tweet regularly. Predictable, regular updates will increase the chances of people finding you. Frequent updates makes your profile appear more often in the public timeline and in Twitter searches - increasing the likelihood of people retweeting your messages." "Look at the big picture. Talk about more than just you and your hotel. Depending on your target audience, this could range from business travel tips to art shows in your city." "Provide value. Why should people follow you? Create a compelling reason." "Tweet during peak times. For my @HmarketingHelp professional account based in San Francisco, the most activity happens during US business hours. Your location in the world will likely make this different for you. Trying to reach a leisure audience is a different scenario as well. Test to discover what works for you." "

Give away free stuff. Giveaways do not have to be limited to room nights or other high-cost items. What else could you give away that has a high value for your audience, but costs you little? Free gets attention if the offer is good enough." "Learn from the pros. It can be very useful to follow the top hotels and experts in your niche to see how they use Twitter and how they build their followers. A diverse range of high-quality inputs will help you share compelling content and ultimately grow your number of followers. ""For a list of hotels to observe and learn from, go to:" http://reviewp.ro/HotelsOnwitter "


How to get more followers

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Retweets are the holy grail of Twitter communication in many respects. It shows the material you are publishing is valued by your followers so much that they want to pass it along. How can you get the maximum number of retweets possible? " "1) Tweet at the right time of day. Share your messages at a time when people are online and can view them. A tool like TweetWhen.com can help to identify peak times for your audience." "2) Leave space in your message. This best practice was established when the old Twitter format required users to include “RT @username.” But today, with invisible retweets, itʼs just as important. The person retweeting your message may want to add their thoughts or comments." """"

3) Ask for the retweet. New research from Dan Zarella and HubSpot shows that asking “Please retweet” increases the likelihood of a retweet by more than 400%. The effectiveness of asking followers to retweet your messages may go down over time, but this technique can work well when used sparingly. "


How to get retweeted

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Hotels that begin using Twitter sometimes make one of the following mistakes."  " " ""Registering, but not responding ## "If you create a Twitter account, people that find this profile will have the expectation that you are there to reply and interact with them. Be careful about setting up a profile and then forgetting about it or only checking the account infrequently. " "No consistency#"For any hospitality company it is very important to define both policies for social media publishing and also the tone in which this information is published. This becomes especially important for large brands where multiple people may be involved in the publishing process.""""

No identity behind the account ## # ##

The hospitality business is personal and many hotel groups find it beneficial to identify the personalities behind the accounts. Here is how Apex Hotels does this:"""""""""

"""" "Other large hotel brands putting a “face” behind their brands include Charles Yap of IHG @HotelPRGuy and the PR team @RitzCarlton. " "

Unintentionally incentivizing complaints# "Unintentionally, hotels can encourage and even incentive people complaining on Twitter. Consumer-focused travel publications such as the New York Times and Conde Nast have encouraged travelers to voice complaints they have on Twitter for prompt service. Encouraging Twitter use may be fine, but automatically upgrading a guest just because they post online could incentivize complaints." "Losing efficiency# "Without constraints, Twitter can take up a lot of time. The real-time flow of information can be mesmerizing. Avoid wasting time by putting systems and time limits in place. If you establish a strong listening system with targeted search queries, you can check in a few times a day without worrying that you missed content or information. "


Common Twitter mistakes to avoid

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

The real-time nature of Twitter makes it a prime channel for reputation management. People can share thoughts and opinions anywhere, anytime - often on the go via a mobile device. Twitter reputation management is slightly different from traditional online reputation management for hotels, but is no less important. Even a quick tweet can have an impact on your online reputation, so it is important to have listening mechanisms in place to capture this." "It is a good practice to respond to every mention of your hotel on Twitter. Anytime someone says something about your brand - good or bad - send a reply to the author. For negative mentions, you might connect them with someone who can resolve the situation. As we have mentioned earlier in the guide, try retweeting positive mentions so the rest of your followers can see the positive feedback." ""

To provide the best service on Twitter, many hotels use tools to auto-follow every person that follows their Twitter account. This way, it is possible to communicate through direct messages if the guest prefers not to have the discussion take place in public." "Catching opportunities is easier if you use ReviewProʼs saved searches feature. This allows the Twitter account manager to quickly identify when someone is talking about a topic of interest to you. Consider saving searches for:"  """

" """""""

" " """"


• Your Hotel Name (broad match)"• “Your Hotel Name” (phrase match)"• Your Hotel Name + City (include location if your name is generic)"• Previous names of your property"• Names of your restaurants and bars"• Your owners or management company"• Your General Managerʼs name"• Your concierge"• Your competitors"• Names of journalists or bloggers relevant to your niche or location"• Content generated within your geographic location itself (Twitter location searches makes this easy)"• Searches with location-specific intent (eg, Yourcity + hotel; Yourcity + event)""The list of phrases you monitor is ultimately something you need to test. No one group of keywords is right for every situation. "


Reputation management and Twitter

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The same keyword search queries you setup to monitor and manage online reputation can also be used to identify opportunities to help people and provide real-time support. "" "Service and reputation are often closely linked, and Twitter is an especially good tool in this regard. In an article for the MIT Sloan Management Review titled “When Unhappy Customers Strike Back on the Internet,” researchers Thomas Tripp and Yany Gregoire demonstrated how consumers posting negative online reviews typically seek resolution first. With the right listening mechanisms in place on Twitter, it is possible to hear and respond to issues before the guest even leaves the hotel - and thereby preventing a negative review from being posted. "" """""

Service through public messages#"Service and marketing are also closely linked on Twitter. Since mostconversations are public and can be seen by anyone, this presents a marketing opportunity for hotels. Every interaction your staff has with a customer provides an opportunity to build loyalty with that customer, and also generate goodwill with everyone who visits your Twitter page and sees how your organization puts a priority on service. " """""""""""

Service through private (direct) messages#"While most messages on Twitter are public, some are best sent privately. Twitterʼs direct message feature acts like a private email, and should be used anytime sensitive customer service information needs to be communicated. (Note that sending a direct message requires both Twitter profiles to be following – connected – to each other.)"


Twitter for service

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Again, the keywords you setup for reputation management can be used to win sales through service. For instance, you can find people looking for a hotel if you track the keywords mycityname + “hotel.” " "By using hashtags (explained later in this guide), you can also introduce offers to special events and communities. Just remember to do this tactfully, as your Twitter followers may be turned off by continuously commercial messages. " "Finally, some hotel sales teams are setting up dedicated Twitter accounts so they can send messages that may not appeal to their consumer audience. For example, Apex Hotels is experimenting with a profile – @apexsales - to provide their sales team with an opportunity to engage directly with corporate clients and key industry members within the sales and marketing world. """

This account enables them to tweet slightly more corporate messages, since the target audience is familiar with hospitality terminology, meetings and events promotions, and so on. “We chose not to tweet this to our main profile too much as we didnʼt want to have an overly corporate-sounding profile, and prefer a more informal, friendly approach,” said Sam Weston, ecommerce manager at Apex."


Twitter for sales

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The Wall Street Journal recently published a story about how “A Tweet in Time can Avert a PR Mess” - talking about how the real-time nature of Twitter can prevent a potentially disastrous situation from getting out of hand. A swift, decisive response is important in this era where negative word of mouth can spread like wildfire. " """""""""""""""

On the positive side, this real-time format provides a great opportunity gain media coverage by reaching reporters that are working on tight deadlines and need sources. Sites like MuckRack.com, JournalistTweets.com, and WeFollow.com are helpful sources to identify journalists in your niche. " """"""""""""""""

A key point to remember about media relations is to build the relationships before you need them. Find the journalists that cover your topics of interest, and become a source of information and assistance before making any requests. "


Twitter for media relations

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

#Hashtags are a powerful way for brands to more intelligently participate in conversations. While basic keyword searches are a way to begin identifying opportunities, hashtags centralize conversations."  ""The Next Web posted a good article with "some examples – which can be found in the appendix of this guide." "Crowdsourcing#- Late Night With Jimmy Fallon show has a special section named #latenight hashtags where Jimmy Fallon reads his favorite tweets for a different hashtag he tweets out every week.!- Huffington Post used the #headlinehelp hastag to crowdsource headlines. In 2009 Arianna Huffington blogged about HuffPostʼs the new experiment in order to involve readers in the editorial process.!

Monitoring topics # # ##For hotels looking to use Twitter as a service or sales channel, hashtags for city names are invaluable. They can help cut through the noise of Twitter and identify events and other opportunities to participate in. "#Organizing events#In the travel sector, conference organizer EyeforTravel uses hashtags like #smtravel and #omtravel to organize communication and conversations before, during, and after their events. ""One thing to remember about hashtags for events is to make sure to establish a standardized hashtag early, and then constantly remind participants of the hashtag during the event. "!!!!!

Sponsored topics#The Washington Post sponsored the hashtag #Elections as trending topic during the latest US elections. This way the newspaperʼs tweets appeared first on election day when people clicked on the hashtag, driving traffic to The Washington Postʼs site. !A social media fiasco that should serve as a cautionary tale took place when fashion brand Kenneth Cole hijacked the #Cairo hashtag used for reports from Egyptʼs recent troubled events, trying to promote its new Spring collection."#Contests#Hashtags are also a strong way to organize contest entries. Having everyone submit their entry through a public tweet is a powerful way to build visibility, and increases the chance of the hashtag becoming a trending topic.!



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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Influence scoring is a quickly developing area of communications on the social web, and can play a key role in developing your Twitter campaign. Klout.com is the leading supplier of influence scoring metrics, and they provide metrics to measure a personʼs influence on the social web. According to their website, their scores start at 1 and go up to 100, depending on the breadth and strength of a personʼs sphere of influence. Over 35 variables on Facebook and Twitter are used to calculate True Reach, Amplification Probability, and Network Score." "“True Reach is the size of your engaged audience and is based on those of your followers and friends who actively listen and react to your messages. Amplification Score is the likelihood that your messages will generate actions and is on a scale of 1 to 100. Network score indicates how influential your engaged audience is. The Klout score is highly correlated to clicks, comments and retweets.”!

ReviewPro was the first solution to incorporate influence scoring for hotel reputation management, providing context to the relative influence of who is saying what online."Using this functionality allows hotel professionals to be more efficient at sifting through digital conversations, and spend their time using the feedback to improve operations and provide better service." "Social influence scoring also gives the opportunity to identify people that could become brand advocates. Who do you need to reach out to and connect with? For hotels with a large number of international guests, influence scoring can help staff identify possible brand advocates among people they may not be familiar with." """""

Influence scoring is providing hotels with more knowledge about their guests. You will have to decide how to use these metrics in your responses and online communication. Strive to deliver memorable service to everyone, and simply use social influence scoring as one way to provide this in an intelligent manner."


Influence scoring

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Twitter began offering users the option to add location data to tweets in June of 2010. Adding location information makes the messages more meaningful without taking up extra characters. The service is integrated with Foursquare and Gowalla so that users of those services can send location-specific tweets."  ""This new functionality is helping push location-based services into the mainstream. Twitter is still the leader in real-time news and information, and location provides context for these messages." """"""""""

For example, location information is very helpful for events, since you can display the venue name and address when discussing something. Additionally, using location search operators in Twitter advanced search can you to locate information relevant to your hotels." "(Links to detailed tutorials on this strategy are provided in the recommended reading section of the appendix to this guide.)""############

Internationalization #"Adding location information to your tweets can help with providing content in context – making it much more relevant. ""For for large hotel groups, content in context often requires publishing tweets in different languages. While many groups tweet in English, others like @RoomMateHotels use the primary language of their biggest markets. Some groups, such as Jumeirah Hotels, have experimented with creating separate accounts for separate languages – Japanese in their case. ""Your hotelsʼ approach to internationalizing content will depend on the demographics you are trying to reach and the resources you have available. Due to the real-time nature of Twitter, many hotels find having a native speaker in-house to manage each Twitter account is most effective. """" 18"

Local tweeting

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

Advertising on Twitter can take place in three formats:" "• Promoted Tweets"• Promoted Trends"• Promoted Accounts" "Promoted Tweets allow brands to buy ads for important keywords. The ads could become a good way to maintain visibility for important searches if the tweet stream is polluted with a lot of noise. Sponsoring a tweet that sits on top of this chatter could significantly raise your visibility and prevent it from being drowned in other tweets." "These ads are an interesting hybrid, combining traits found in both paid and earned media. You can buy a bunch of keywords on Twitter, but a promoted tweet will not have much impact unless it resonates with consumers and inspires them to pass it around. " "

From the start, Twitter has charged for promoted tweets on what it calls "engagement" or user action: a retweet, response, click on a link or when a user marks a post as a "favorite." Twitter also only charges for the first retweet of the original; subsequent retweets are "earned" and free." "As sales chief Adam Bain says, "Marketers are rewarded if they are good, not just if they're loud." While ad spending on Twitter is expected to grow to $150 million in 2011 from $45 million in 2010, according to eMarketer, brands are still working out how to use the platform effectively. " """"""""

Promoted Trends allow advertisers to show time-, context-, and event-sensitive trends to users. These appear on top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter, and are clearly marked as “Promoted.”" "Promoted Accounts give advertisers the ability to place a Twitter account in the “Suggestions for You” section that introduces Twitter users to others that may find them interesting. "


Advertising opportunities

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A Hotelʼs Guide to Twitter, June 2011"

1.  Optimize your Twitter profile to include a short,

compelling message that includes important


2.  Setup keyword searches to identify service and

sales opportunities"

3.  Make connections with three new people daily"

4.  Retweet someone else every day"

5.  Identify the best time for you to tweet, and build

your publishing schedule around this"

6.  Know why people follow or unfollow you with


7.  Experiment with #hashtags to participate in


8.  Add location information to your Tweets to

participate in local conversations"

9.  Begin using Klout influence scoring with

ReviewPro to cultivate brand advocates"

10. Setup link tracking in Google Analytics to

identify successful campaigns"


10 things you can do this week to increase profits

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1.  http://www.tweriod.com/ - know when your followers are online"

2.  http://tweetwhen.com/ - know when you get the most retweets"

3.  http://twittersheep.com/ - find what your followers actually care about"

4.  http://www.tweeteffect.com - find out why people followed or unfollowed your account"

5.  http://www.twitpic.com/ - share photos"

6.  http://www.socialoomph.com/ - schedule tweets for the future"

7.  http://paper.li/ - make a digital newspaper from tweets"


Appendix: Recommended tools

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1.  https://support.twitter.com/entries/166337-the-twitter-glossary"

2.  http://smallbiztrends.com/2010/01/how-to-write-better-tweets.html"

3.  http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/2009/03/25/mining-twitter-for-leads/"

4.  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704256304575320730977161348.html"

5.  http://adage.com/article/news/major-marketers-training-consumers-whine-web/144560/"

6.  http://thenextweb.com/socialmedia/2011/02/21/the-power-of-hashtag-5-use-cases/"

7.  https://support.twitter.com/entries/194473-twitter-places-and-how-to-use-them"

8.  http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/5-ways-to-use-twitter-to-connect-with-local-customers/"

9.  http://www.reviewpro.com/hotels-on-twitter-list-4082"

10. http://www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/steve-lambert-twitter-interview/"

11. http://www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/sofitel-twitter-case-study/"

12. http://www.hotelmarketingstrategies.com/fairmont-hotels-twitter/"


Appendix: Recommended reading

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Keep learning! ReviewPro monitors what is changing in the world of online reputation management and passes along practical ways to use that in hospitality." "Read the blog for more articles and reports like this: http://reviewpro.com/blog" "Follow us on Twitter for daily ideas and tips:"http://twitter.com/ReviewPro" " "######

# ###

About ReviewPro" "ReviewPro enables hoteliers to efficiently aggregate, organize and manage their online reputation and presence in leading social media sites. ReviewPro provides the analysis, customer intelligence, competitive benchmarking and reporting needed to help hotel professionals more effectively manage their organization." " " "#About The Author##Josiah Mackenzie is the publisher of HotelMarketingStrategies.com – a resource of guides and stories showing how to use technology to serve your guests and make more sales. "  "Email Josiah: [email protected]"

Would you do us a favor?# "We're committed to making these guides available to you at no cost. We only ask that if you've found it helpful, would you share it with your friends?""""""""""""""""Image credits: DanZarella.com and Chris Spooner at SpoonerGraphics.co.uk!


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