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    How to create Correction Statement : - Types Of Correction Detail of corrections type:

    eTds Correction statement / Revised Return As per the direction of NSDL Correction statement is to rectify an error in the original e -

    TDS/ e-TCS statement already filed with a copy of form 27A. Accordingly the system provides you the facility of correction e-TDS return. In revised return, the complete data after rectifying the erroneous records were being filed Correction statement file would overwrite the earlier file. In correction only entries which are erroneous are to be either corrected /modified or updated and/or added and filed. For correction statement old e-return is required in your system.


    How to create Correction Statement : -

    To make Correction in E-Return filed First fill return Filing date by Return Filing Date Entry button through Office Assistance on Main Screen of CompuTDS.

    When you fill Return date all button will be disabled and a button will be display Correction in Return

  • To make correction click button Correction in Return It will ask you Correction type like C1,C2,C3,C5,C9,Y. If you have Original Return file( .FVU) enter path of your return file. (If .FVU file exist, path will be displayed automatically) and click OK button.

    Note : - If you have correction in Challan (not in related tax deduction entries) and any challan

    added select C2 correction type. If you have correction in Challan and Tax deduction entries also and any challan added

    select C3 correction type.

    Correction type C9 will be used only in case of Challan addition.(No updated challan will be added in this type.

    Only marked (Addition/Update/Delete) challan or Tax deduction entry will be treated as

    Correction entries.(included in E-return depending on Correction type)

    If you havent Last return file(.FVU file), when you update/delete any challan /tax deduction it will ask you last return filed information including last line no. (you can access old information by NSDL Website. If you have that file, all information will be taken automatically).Unless you give old data it will not be marked as correction entry.

    Procedure of correction is same for all forms (FORM 26,FORM 24, FORM 27, FORM


    It is strongly recommended to keep the soft copy of already filed FVU file with N S D L so the correction statement can be prepared.

  • It is also recommended to select correct type of correction for error free return for

    example if challan is to be modify and no other modification/correction is preferred selection of C-2 is right choice.

    Reset Old Data Button will be activated only in case of Correction in Return

    Correction in Return Button will be highlighted/Appear, when Return Filing Date Entry will be entered through Office Assistance Button.

    The two most common errors are non matching of challan details and incorrect PAN.

    Home Types Of Correction Various types of correction can be made in the statement. Changes allowed are Deductor details, challan details, deductee details The system has following types of correction C1- deductor details C2- deductor and/or challan details C3- deductor and/or challan details, and/or deductee details C5- deductee PAN update C9- Addition of challan Y- Cancellation of statement

    For correction open the Computds click on party if the system has return filing date , it

    will be shown on window as you click OK with a new button appearing Correction in Return.


    If the return filling date and file no. is not available in your system than it should be feed

    manually by Return Filing Date Entry button through Office Assistance

  • after returning on main menu you will find a massage in Red colour showing the date of filing of

    return. Please note Correction in Return will only appear if e- tds date is taken by the system.

    Please click on correction in return for entering to correction mode computds will again ask you

    about surety for correction click yes . The window will show the following.


    Detail of corrections type: C1 Correction in Deductor Details if you have correction in Deductor details click modify button and make the necessary addition/update (all fields except TAN can be rectified e.g. address, PAN etc.) C2-Correction in deductor and/or challan details If there is correction in deductor details as well as changes in challan go to this button. Please note challan can not be deleted it can be rectified (e.g.BSR code, amount of challan,its no. etc.) only. The challan which is to be updated should be mark checked and then click on button

    change in old details. This will show old values entered in previous return thereafter make

    necessary changes in that particular challan and come out by exit button. The updated challan be shown in violet colour by the system. If you want to add the challan click on add button enter the challan the added challan will be shown in yellow colour. The new added challan can be deleted. If you want to delete the challan of previous return as explained it can not be deleted but can be marked deleted which will be shown in Red colour by the system.

  • C3 - Dedutor and / Or Challan Details, and/Or Deductee Details If you have correction in deductor details, update challan/changes and update deductee details(delete/add/PANupdate) than click on C3 button and modify /update the details including PAN update. In deductee all details (e.g. Date of deduction, TDS Rate, TDS Amount etc.) can be rectified. C5- Deductee PAN update only If only deductee pan is to be updated select this button go to modify of deductee mode. In this mode only the deductee PAN field can be update/delete or add. Please not a valid PAN and invalid PAN cannot be updated with invalid PAN . If value in PAN filed is PANINVALID, PANNOTAVBL / OR PANAPPLIED it can be updated. C9- Add a new Challan New challan be added by going on add button as discussed in C2 above. If only challan is to be added select C9 button for correction. Y- Cancellation of statement If you want to prepare an altogether new corrected statement click on Y button the previous return will be cancelled the system will take the statement of cancellation and incorporate in correction statement.

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