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©Revised: 2019 Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts

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The Dual Psychic-Clairvoyance Certification Training Program

Doing Psychic Readings Has

Significantly Changed in the Last 100 Years

Welcome to the New Millennium

of Psychic Development

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Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

About Carol Nicholson, PhD., Psychic Medium……. ........................................................................... 1

Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................. 2

How to Take this Course .......................................................................................................................... 3

Illuminati Papers ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Beginning Level 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Lesson 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

What Clairvoyance Is The Benefits of Developing Clairvoyance The Ancients Knew the Hidden Powers of the Pineal Gland Demystifying Clairvoyance How We Psychically “See” and About Rods and Cones of the Eyes Clairvoyance Development Begins with the Basic Essentials A Foundation for Clairvoyance Development Definition of Clairvoyance What You May Have Already Experienced in Your Life as a Clairvoyant Background History on Clairvoyance Clairvoyance and Its Skeptics Everyone Has Clairvoyant Abilities to Some Degree Understanding the Roles of the Pituitary and Pineal Glands in Clairvoyance How the Pineal Gland Becomes Calcified Locating and Beginning to Open the Third Eye Psychic Center

Lesson 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 38

When Do We Become Clairvoyant? The 6th Chakra Enables Clairvoyance Viewing More Information on the Importance of the Pineal Gland How the Pineal and Pituitary Glands Work as a Team Steps to Decalcify “Brain Sand” in the Pineal Gland More about The Third Eye – aka Sixth Chakra “Balancing the Brain” Exercise Begin the Third Eye “Light Activation” Process About Building a “Viewing Screen” About the Viewing Screen Receptacle Start Imaging Pictures

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Lesson 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 59 Imagination vs. True Clairvoyant Viewing Discovering the Different Kinds of Clairvoyant Visions Learning More about the Benefits of Deep Breathing Setting Your Intention to Do the Work Trust Yourself and the Images and Impressions You Receive Beginnings of Interpreting What is Psychically Perceived Realizing How Thought Forms Can Affect You and Others Working More with Your Viewing Screen How to Create and Manifest Your Goals and Wishes

Lesson 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 82 Different Ways We Can See Clairvoyantly Where Does Our Psychic Information Come From? The Importance of Meditation and How to Easily make it a Part of Your Routine Expanding the Third Eye How to “Center” with the Pineal Gland Working More with Your Viewing Screen and Reading Others The Chakra System Defining the Higher Self Connecting with Your Higher Self About the Eighth Chakra Connecting with Others’ Higher Selves The Etheric and Other Subtle Bodies Getting Familiar with the Other Planes of Existence Seeing Energy Viewing the Energy Around Yourself and Others A Peek into the Human Aura

Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 113 The Preparations for the Building Blocks of Your Success Start Seeing the Energy around You Our Main Chakra System Meanings of the Chakras Shielding Your Chakras Safely Opening and Closing the Chakras Beginning Healing Techniques Using Your Clairvoyance “Getting into The Zone” – Going into Alpha Meet All Your Brain Waves — Introducing the Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, and Gamma How to Achieve a Deep Psychic Level – Going into Theta Chakra Check Meditation Healing Relationships Using Clairvoyance Exercise Seeing Aura Colors

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Lesson 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 133 Learn a General Prayer for Making a Divine Connection Reviewing What You Have Learned in Level 1 – Beginning Clairvoyance Learn How to Identify Blocked or Damaged Chakras Chakra Meanings for Both the Front and Back Chakras Viewing Your Energy Field Seeing Your Own Aura

Intermediate Level 2 ............................................................................................................................. 146

Lesson 7 .................................................................................................................................................. 147

Making Your Sacred Room About The Silver Cord Introductions to Astral Body, the Astral Plane, and Astral Travel About Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) and Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) Characteristics of a Primary Clairsentient or Clair-Empath Downsides of Being Empathic or a Clair-Empath Ways to Shield and Manage Overactive Chakras What Happens When We Die Using the Psychic Faculty of Clairsentience Exercise for Building Awareness with Your Clairsentience Faculty

Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 169 The Screen Door Exercise More about the Third Eye and Further Practice Opening and Closing Practice Looking at Your Aura Using Your Looking Mirror Psychic Definitions Crystals that Enhance Psychic Development and Other Tools What Intuition Is Versus Your Other Psychic Centers Intuition Self-Test Quizzes A Quick Review for Using the Viewing Screen Expansion of Awareness for Greater Psychic Insight Seeing a Remote Place - Walking Down the Road

Lesson 9 ................................................................................................................................................... 193

It’s Time to Do a Clairvoyance Baseline Check The Vibrational Sound for Opening the Third Eye – Review A Baseline Check on Your Progress More about Crystals and How to Use Them for Psychic Work How to Use a Crystal When Doing a Reading Tips and Reminders for Viewing the Aura Base Aura Colors and Their Meanings How to Determine Your Base Aura Color(s) Using Dowsing Rods to Determine Your Base Aura Color Tips and Reminders for Viewing the Aura

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Lesson 10 .......................................................................................................................................... 213 The Importance of Consciously Raising Your Vibration More Benefits of Raising Your Vibration Common Vibrational Signals You May Experience Looking at Your Aura and Charting Colors Using your Looking Mirror Meanings of Colors Seen in the Outer Band of the Aura General Meanings for Colors Detected Sample Aura Readings by a Great Psychic and Spiritual Pioneer, Edgar Cayce Determining Your Present State of Being Interpreting Your Color Meanings Combined with Your Clairsentience Seeing Auras is a Great Way to Begin a Professional Psychic Reading

Lesson 11 ................................................................................................................................................. 238 Our Master Teacher Spirit Guide Guide Creating a Spirit Box to See Your Master Teacher Guide About Psychic Attacks, Psychic Vampirism, and How to Psychically Shield Yourself Symptoms of a Psychic Attack About Energy Vampirism Eidetic Visualization and Meditation An Introduction to the Higher Spiritual Chakra System Aura Colors and More on Interpreting Them Your Inner Band of Spirit Guides The Higher Spiritual Chakras

Lesson 12 ................................................................................................................................................. 255 Still Unsure about the Real Existence of Your Spirit Guides? Boosting Clairaudience Who or What Are Angels? Angels as Guardians and Messengers Really Connecting with Angels An Overview of the Akashic Records The Amazing Ability of Remote Viewing There Are Two Kinds of Remote Viewing The Similarities between Astral Traveling and Remote Viewing

Advanced Level − 3 ................................................................................................................................ 282 Lesson 13 ................................................................................................................................................. 283

Self-Quiz for Charting Your Intuitive Progress Beginning Essential Exercises for Psychic Preparation Religion and Recognizing Your Own Spiritual Truth The Amazing World of Symbols Introduction to Building Your Personal Library of Symbols

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New Terms − Mind Tools Doing Readings with Oracle Cards Preparations for Doing a Reading Letting Go of Any Fear or Nervousness before Doing a Reading Carol Shows You How She Does a Reading

Lesson 14 ................................................................................................................................................. 313 Ancient to Modern Divination Systems Under the Heading of Mediumship or Spiritualist What Scrying is and How to Do It Revisiting Intuition and Other Previous Topics Premonition Visions aka Clairvoyance Precognition Review Reviewing Our Energy Life Force Where Does Our Psychic Information Come From? Trouble Developing Clairvoyance and Trusting Psychic Impressions More on Psychic Defense More Practice with Building Your Library of Symbols Have Your “Symbols” Handout Ready General Information about Giving Readings Additional Tips for Future Professional Psychic Clairvoyants Make a Black Mirror

Lesson 15 ................................................................................................................................................. 338 Your Life’s Blueprint Viewing the Aura – A Short Review Try Some Psychometry

New Terms − Mind Tools Learning to Use a Pendulum as a Divining Tool Getting Started with Using a Pendulum Sometimes Our Guides and Angels Step in and Manipulate the Pendulum Using a Pendulum to Find out What is Good for Us Using an Imaginary Psychic Truth-0-Meter A New Spread Called the Celtic Cross Reincarnation and Past Lives

Lesson 16 ................................................................................................................................................. 361

Removing Constraints and Breaking Destructive Patterns from Past Life Sacred Vows Just Where Are These Vows Located? What Are Grace Points? Using Grace Points for Releasing What Claircognizance is and How to Use it More Insights for Becoming a Professional Psychic Clairvoyant The Role and Responsibilities of a Psychic or Medium

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Table of Contents

The Learning Plateau Cycle Everyone Goes Through Doing a Reading for Yourself Requires Objectivity What to Tell the Client before Giving a Professional Reading What to Do When Getting Stuck While Doing a Reading Stand by your Readings You’re Not a Doctor or a Licensed Therapist About “Psychic Junkies” Psychic Clairvoyant Code of Ethics The “Mechanics” of Doing a Professional Reading Inspirational Writing How to Do Inspirational Writing More Delving into the Akashic Records Love and Karmic Relationships in the Akashic Records

Lesson 17 ................................................................................................................................................. 403 Using the MerKaBa for Connecting with Higher Worlds Inspirational Channeling with Higher Beings Introduction to Communicating with the Dead - Mediumship The Primary Purpose of a Medium The Different Kinds of Mediums The “Clairs” Used in Mental Mediumship Specialty Mediumship Guides The 3 Main Spirits Involved in Communication Your Gatekeeper and/or Spirit Helper Guide Sample Session Demonstrating Spirit Communication How to Recognize the Presence of a Spirit Automatic Writing Carol’s First Attempts with Automatic Writing How You Can Do Automatic Writing Reading a Spirit Photograph About Earthbound Spirits and Spirit Rescue Types of Earthbound Spirits Conscious Awareness of Earthbound Spirits Introduction to Spirit Rescue or Crossing Over a Spirit A Medium Is Usually Not a Demonologist When to Gracefully Walk Away from an Investigation - (Walk, Don’t Run)

Lesson 18 ................................................................................................................................................. 433 Trāṭaka Candle Meditation How Would You Like to Visit a Future Life? The Space-Time Continuum The Amazing World of Our Dreams Symbolism We See in Our Dreams

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Table of Contents

Dreams Concerning your Spirituality Some Spirit Guides Can Indicate Your Spiritual Vocation How to Interpret Your Dreams Astral Travel and Out of Body Experiences Review Astral Body and Near-Death Experiences Practice Astral Travel for Yourself (Optional) A Serious Astral Travel Exercise Star Relationship Insight Spread

Putting It All Together ........................................................................................................................... 463 Suggested Book Resource ...................................................................................................................... 463 Getting Certified ..................................................................................................................................... 468 Starting Your Business and Marketing Guide .................................................... In Your General folder Your Quiz Answers ................................................................................................ In Your General folder

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About Carol Nicholson

About Carol Nicholson, PhD, Certified Psychic Medium

Greetings student! My name is Carol Nicholson, and I’ll be your guide throughout this clairvoyance training program. I have been a professional psychic, clairvoyant, and medium for over 30 years. During that time, I’ve done readings for countless individuals and have taught many diverse classes and programs. Some of my students have become professional psychics and mediums in their own right and are doing readings for the public successfully.

A Little Background History

As a young child, I saw spirits in my room at night, had vivid dreams and nightmares of events that seemed from previous time periods, and saw visions of events that actually came to pass.

With the memories of the supernatural events of in childhood still fresh in my mind, I started focused training for psychic development in my early 20s. By then, there was enough information out there to help me understand what was going on with me and how to start developing my abilities. Eventually, I started utilizing my psychic gifts in a professional way. Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts Institute was started in 2001. Although I’d been teaching many diverse intuitive classes for several years, Imagine Spirit online came about because of all the people who came to me with similar abilities as mine and wanted to know how to manage and use their abilities in a positive way. With help from my angels and guides, I launched Imagine Spirit and have been successfully teaching individuals how to become psychics and mediums in their own right. If you’re taking the home study for certification, please read the lessons thoroughly, faithfully do the exercises presented, and finish the quiz at the end of each lesson. The quizzes are highly useful for your certification process. And the good news is, you don’t have to submit them. They’re for your own retention of materials presented. I hope you enjoy this course as much as I have enjoyed putting it together! Warmest regards,



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Disclaimer A very important point I wish to make up front about this course is that it’s not religiously oriented. It is, however, meant to be a spiritual journey that incorporates many ideas and practices from different cultures and sources, past and present. This course assumes there is a Divine deity that loves, caring, and available to all no matter what race, religion, or creed. The information in this course comes from years of research, my own experiences with the faculty of clairvoyance, working with thousands of clients and students, and innumerable studies I have undertaken. Students will progress at their own rate. Success resulting from the techniques offered in this course will depend on the student’s dedication and practice of the exercises set forth. While every attempt has been made to verify and provide the most accurate information, the author assumes no responsibility for interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication has made every attempt to provide all information that is currently available on the subject; however, the serious reader may find certain areas of information not covered. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable city, state, federal laws, and regulations are the sole responsibility or liability entirely of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Any training or coaching of others from the materials in this publication is the sole responsibility or liability entirely on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slights of people or organizations are unintentional. For any suggested change in diet or lifestyle, always research for yourself what I have presented and check with your physician in case it conflicts with a current or possible future medical condition. Carol Nicholson and Imagine Spirit make no assurances of success any kind regarding spiritual connection and clairvoyant progress made as a direct result of studying this course and the with anything the student might decide to do with this information. With practice, students should see significant successful results. Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts and Carol Nicholson makes every attempt to ensure that their products and services are accurately represented. The use of the information provided and supplemental audio files purchased or classes taken should be based on diligence, and the student agrees that Imagine Spirit and Carol Nicholson are not liable for any success or failure of Spirit explorations, be it business or personal uses that are directly or indirectly related to purchase and use of this information, products, and/or services.


Additionally, I’ve made every attempt to find and correct typos. Forgive me if I missed a few.



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How to Take this Course

How to Take this Course

Print this and keep it handy in case you run into media questions while taking the course.


File Download Options: We’ve split the lessons into lesson parts for easier download to either a cell phone, tablet, or computer. Or you can download the entire PDF handbook file at once. The exercises and live class recordings can be downloaded as needed. we’ll provide these on the google drive as well when you receive your confirmation email. We suggest that you either have a cloud for your cell phone or tablet, but also your computer to store files. Reason. There are a lot of them and, some MP3 audio files are quite large.







You’ll be able to apply for certification as a psychic-clairvoyant after completing the course. (Click here to find out more about the Psychic Clairvoyance certification process.) THE LIVE CLASS RECORDINGS: When listening to the live class recordings, you may find that some of the topics in the written course are not covered in-depth in the class recordings. This is due to the fact there is only so much information that can be covered in the two hours allotted for each class. Therefore, some of the exercises will be done by the student on their own, as designated in the written material for each separate lesson. This does not mean you’ll not have the opportunity to learn as much as the live class did. In fact, you will have an opportunity to learn even more if you faithfully practice the exercises that have been recorded for you. Pa


If you want a printed color copy of this course, we use: BestValueCopy.com. You get a super discount for printing a large document in color. Just make sure you have it printed double‐sided! https://www.bestvaluecopy.com/ 

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COURSE EXERCISES: Only some of the exercises presented are written out in various lessons. I have chosen the ones which I believe will be a good reference for you. However, most of the exercises are not written out in the lessons and you will be directed to the corresponding exercise recording or movie for practice. reflect on this part of your development is at the end of each lesson. Work with the exercises presented for the best results. Work on just a few exercises at a time for about a week or two. It’s important for you to read through the page on our website that has to do with the meanings of the chakras, subtle bodies. Please visit and read this page in our blog: The Seven Main Chakras. There’s a lot of material you’ll be learning while taking the homes study course. At the end of the course, we provide suggestions for using what you have learned in a practical way, either in your daily life or for professional purposes. Your task, while working through the course, is to think about how you will be utilizing the principles and techniques presented in each lesson. Here's a reminder to reflect on your development progress at the end of each lesson. Work with the exercises presented for the best results. Work on just a few exercises at a time for about a week or two.

In his book The Illuminati Papers (1997), regarding

ESP, Precognition, Prophecy, Clairvoyance, Distance Viewing,

Psychic Abilities, Psychokinesis, Out-of-Body Experience, Cosmic Consciousness, and the like,

author Robert Anton Wilson states he has found a single scientific explanation for all the weird

events that Parapsychologists have classified under all these conflicting labels.

He writes,

“All mystical brain functions are aspects of one phenomenon: a subatomic but universal

intelligence system that receives, integrates, and transmits information at a level much deeper than

the sensory appearances of what we call space, time, and separateness.”



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The purpose of this extensive program for psychic-clairvoyance training is 5-fold.

1. To learning most facets of the psychic arts with primary focus on clairvoyance development

2. To provide a spiritual foundation of self-discovery, healing, and growth.

3. To learn to work with higher entities using safe and time-honored methods.

4. To learn to psychically see energy fields, the chakra, and the aura to perform healing

5. To have the ability and confidence to perform psychic readings with Oracle cards for either

personal or professional reasons.

What You Put into It

Developing clairvoyance takes time. Even though we all have this natural ability, in order to use it on demand and trust what you receive in terms of images and impressions experienced, it takes time. We all have busy lives, and I understand it can be difficult finding the time to practice the exercises and listen to class recordings. Just know that WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT IS WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF IT. In other words, taking the time to study your lessons and doing some practice each lesson is paramount. Please don’t hurry through the program. Work through the lessons slowly and absorb all you can with each lesson presented. The consistency of practice will ensure the successful results you wish to achieve for acquiring confidence in using your skills and mastery of your craft.

Start a Journal to Record Your Experiences and Progress

One of the first things I ask students to do is to start a journal to document their experiences that seem above and beyond the norm. In the beginning of development and first opening up the psychic centers, it’s quite common for unusual psychic events and vivid dreams to begin to occur. When something does occur that you know is outside of your everyday happenings, try to remember everything about it in great detail. What were you thinking before the event occurred? Were you in a neutral thinking state and not really focusing on anything in particular? Was it something that you don’t normally experience? Then write down the date, everything that happened, and check the phase of the moon perhaps on a calendar. You don’t have to write volumes of words; just write the facts and any feelings that accompanied the event. Then forget about it.

In addition, any time you work on a practice session or listen to an exercise, keeping a journal is an essential tool for development. You will find that, over time, you will begin to see a pattern emerge. This pattern should reveal to you how you perceive clairvoyantly and psychically! You will also be able to go back and read about past experiences if something similar happens later.



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Pathways to Clairvoyance Beginning Level 1

Begin Your Journey into the Psychic Realms



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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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Faith is daring the soul to go

beyond what the eyes can see.

~2: Corinthians 5:7

Professional Psychic Program Level Beginning Level – Lesson 1

What You Will Learn in Lesson 1:

A Foundation for Clairvoyance Development

Definition of Clairvoyance

What You May Have Already Experienced in Your Life as a Clairvoyant

Demystifying Clairvoyance

Background History on Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance and the Skeptics

Everyone Has Clairvoyant Abilities to Some Degree

How We “Psychically See”

Clairvoyance Development Begins with the Basic Essentials

Understanding the Roles of the Pituitary and Pineal Glands in Clairvoyance

How the Pineal Gland Becomes Calcified

Locating and Beginning to Open the Third Eye Psychic Center

Developmental Exercises

Additional learning aids included in this lesson:

View Video on “Building a Bubble of Protection”

Audio MP3 Recording of the Actual Class

Most of the audio exercises in this course are recorded as MP3s.




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What Clairvoyance Is

Clairvoyance, as a term, has its origins from the French word claire, which translates to “clear”, and

voyance, which translates to “seeing”. The entire meaning is “clear seeing”.

Here is what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says:

1: the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses

2: ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive visual information through extrasensory means. What this

means is that extrasensory information does not come through the normal channels of our senses. In a

nutshell, clairvoyance is the mechanism for seeing—both psychically and intuitively—people, places,

objects, and events not usually experienced with our physical senses of sight, seeing, hearing, or

smell. For most people, clairvoyance is usually the most prominent of the psychic senses of

clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairempathy, and intuition—with clairsentience

coming in at a close second.

Just What Is Clairvoyance?

Let’s start by clarifying some commonly held beliefs.


Visions are literal and clear

Most well-known of all the intuitive abilities

Visions are always about predicting the future

Clairvoyant and psychic mean the same thing


Visions are often symbolic Least understood of all the intuitive

abilities Visions could be of the past, present, or

future Someone who is psychic may or may not

be clairvoyant




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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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If You’re a Primary Clairvoyant…

You’re someone who receives and processes intuitive information visually.

Clairvoyance can be very subtle or you may get a full-

blown premonition of something that actually came

about in the Third Eye area. Things that come into your

mind might be a vivid color, a number, or even a symbol.

It is important to know that the images are not always

literal - they are often symbolic. For example, you might

see the image of the Easter Bunny when thinking of a

friend and it might signify someone close to you is pregnant but hasn’t told you yet. Up to now, you

may or may not understand what these images initially mean. We’ll be covering interpreting symbols

later in the course.

What Is the Third Eye?

The Third Eye is a chakra center that is located on your forehead, between your eyebrows. When

people have Third Eye visions, they see them in this area, which is known as the mind's eye. It's

called this because you’re seeing these visions within your mind where you see pictures when you’re

using your imagination.

Getting a Feel for Where Your Third Eye is Located

Just place one of your fingers gently on an area I just mentioned. Hold it there for a few moments.

Apply a slight pressure. Feel an immediate relaxation take place. Your Third Eye is now activating.



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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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Can I Open My Third Eye More?

Absolutely! The best way to increase your Third Eye second sight, or clairvoyant abilities, is by

practicing visualization and meditation.

A Simple Demonstration for Directed Clairvoyance:

Close your eyes and mentally ask for a color to appear which relates to something going on in your

life. Don’t force it to happen, just notice any color that pops in. There is no need to interpret the

color’s meaning right now. Got one? Voilà! You’re using directed clairvoyance!

If you’re primarily a clairvoyant, you most likely have experienced certain things in your life such as realistic

dreams, premonitions, seeing situations remotely, colors around people, and vivid snapshots of a scene or

pictures that play like a movie.

Tendencies of a Primary Clairvoyant and the Downside:

- they tend to say “I see” ...

- see energy fields without being conscious of it

- are aware and have ability to see auric fields

- have ability to project a situation onto a Third Eye scene

- problem-solve by picturing

- like a lot of space and high windows

- are constantly looking around to assess situations

Primary clairvoyants need to work on:

Their initial resistance to change.

Demystifying Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is a faculty we are all born with. Some people are aware of this fact and actively use

their clairvoyance faculties in various ways. Others either may not be aware of this fact or are simply

not interested in using it. All of us have some sort of vision or premonition experience at some point in

our lives.



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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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Cases of pronounced and amazing feats of clairvoyance have often been demonstrated by children.

Since we are all born with this faculty, it’s not surprising that children, who haven’t yet been

programmed to disregard such things, demonstrate abilities for seeing things that adults don’t. On a

practical level, we unconsciously use our clairvoyance every day to problem solve, to envision what

a friend is doing, to see ourselves going to the store, imagining winning the lottery, seeing ourselves

get that wonderful job, and the possibilities go on ad infinitum. Clairvoyance is something we

humans have been making use of for thousands of years, and science is just catching up to the fact

that this faculty really does exist and, more than that, that it’s a natural part of who we are.

What's it like to have a vision?

Experiencing a vision can be a very subtle and you have to really take notice of it while other times the

vision is so startling, it can rock your world. Some people describe it as watching moving pictures inside

of their head in their minds eye. Other people may just see a still image. For me, I see things both ways

depending on what I'm doing, or what type of reading I'm conducting.

Sometimes I see pictures in motion. Other times, I may just see images like a snapshot or a series of

snapshot slides.

Do Third Eye Visions Always Foretell the Future?

Not necessarily. Many times, especially during readings, psychics will get pictures of events that are

going on right now, in the present. They may even see things from the past that are affecting the

present. Future visions are not totally out of the question though. One man I know reported getting

psychic flash moments before seeing a traffic accident and felt he had been forewarned to slow down

just prior to it happening.

Question: “Are clairvoyant visions just like what I see in the movies or on TV?”

Carol’s answer: Have you ever seen a movie where a psychic:

is seeing intense and clear images of a future event?

locates a missing person easily and instantaneously by following a vision?

is talking to a spirit face to face as if it were a real person standing there?



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I’ve seen these programs too. This is Hollywood in action and events like the ones mentioned above usually don’t occur that vividly. Often, an event is subtler than that, however, there are exceptions to this.

Here is a starter clairvoyance meditation to start opening the Third Eye:

Meditating with your Third Eye is an important key to success if you want to open the Third Eye. Try it right now...all you need is 5 - 10 minutes. The main factor in this exercise is visualization. We’ll be covering meditation more in depth in later lessons as well as many more exercises.

If you’re a visual person (meaning when I say picture a tree, you can see a tree in your mind), this psychic development exercise will help strengthen that ability.

If you struggle with seeing things in your mind’s eye, following these steps will help. It just takes a little practice and patience.

1. Get comfortable and start by choosing a quiet place to sit and relax for a few minutes. Some

people say that clairvoyance meditation should be done sitting in an upright position, but this is really not necessary. Just sit or lay however you’re the most comfortable.

2. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Breathe deeply in a slow rhythmic fashion.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Many people make the mistake of breathing too shallow from the chest when they begin. If you’re new to meditating, I suggest that you place your hand on your stomach. When you breathe in, feel your stomach expand. This will ensure nice, deep breaths. (You will be learning more on how to breathe correctly later in this course.)

3. Begin the visualization by seeing a symbol. I’m including an image of the famous Zener Cards

(pictured above). Choose one of the symbols you like. You can make it any color or size.

4. Now, the fun begins! In your mind, with your eyes closed, visualize the symbol you have

chosen. It doesn't matter the size or color of the symbol, just focus on seeing it in your mind. You might start to feel a tingling sensation on your forehead, in between your eyebrows. This is where your Third Eye chakra is located and this sensation is totally normal. If you don’t feel anything, that’s okay too. You may once you have practiced a bit.



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Having trouble? Try this...

Some people struggle when they first begin clairvoyance imaging. Relax, this is common. When I first started, my mind kept wandering to my pile of laundry! I promise you it gets easier with practice. If you’re having a tough time holding the image, just take another deep breath and redirect yourself back to what you were doing.

Write down the symbol on a piece of paper and stare at it for a few seconds. Then, start the exercise again. Can you see the symbol in your mind? Great! Now try to hold the image in your mind for a few seconds. When you get bored with this type of symbol imaging, move onto colors, flowers, or anything else you would enjoy. Remember, it only takes a few minutes every day to do this clairvoyance meditation and it really does begin to open the Third Eye. I have one student who does it during his break at work.

Advanced Technique: Try the previous starter exercise with your eyes open. It’s amazing how we can see clairvoyantly with our eyes actually open.

We Use Our Clairvoyance Every Day

As mentioned, when we close our eyes, we often notice pictures in our mind’s eye, which is called

our imagination. We continually imagine pictures all the time while daydreaming, and we see them in

our dreams at night. The pictures we see can often tell us a lot about anything happening in our lives

or relate to something we wish to do. They can even manifest into reality as a result of something we

are planning, and we can actually go about creating it. Often a picture is triggered by something

noticed; for example, something noticed on the highway or because of something someone said. This

type of imaging happens to all of us. We are not always consciously aware of these pictures as they

flit through our minds. In this course, you will learn to be more aware of your imaging process and

what these pictures mean to you. You will be learning how to develop and use your clairvoyance

ability in a masterful and optimum level. You will be developing your other psychic centers as well.

What Are the Other Psychic Centers?

We have many psychic senses, which are often referred to as our sixth sense. The standard sixth sense,

or psychic abilities, is listed below along with a brief explanation:

Intuition: A gut feeling about something, which reveals itself as being true

Clairaudience: The art of “clear hearing” either in a physical sense or with our mind's inner hearing

Clairsentience: The art of “clear feeling” with our physical body



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Clairempathy: The art of “clear feeling” of others' emotions

Claircognizance: The art of “clear knowing” is when we have an awareness or thought previously unknown to

us that presents itself as being truth

Clairvoyance: The art of “clear seeing” what is not present to the senses

Until recently, anyone who was psychic was generally labeled a “Clairvoyant”. This title was not an

accurate statement. Although the meanings are similar, there is a difference between the two.

Clairvoyance is the experiencing of visions through the psychic Third Eye, also known as the “sixth

chakra center”. When people are considered to be psychic, they can certainly be clairvoyant, but they are

most likely utilizing all of their psychic centers for interpreting psychic data.

Everyone has Third Eye abilities. The existence of a Third Eye within the human body has been

proclaimed and documented since the earliest civilizations—from caveman to Socrates to Carl Jung and,

believe it or not, the U.S. Government.

The Benefits of Developing Clairvoyance

You will begin to get an inkling of how beneficial developing this ability to its optimum level can be to

your life. Below are some of the many benefits of using clairvoyance:

Receiving visions and previews of future events

Remote viewing of people and places at a distance

Viewing the Akashic Records (your soul records) and seeing your own past lives

Seeing your own blueprint of life and understanding what your life purpose is

Seeing along a timeline both towards the future and back in time

Seeing and learning to interpret symbols you receive that have meaning in your life

Viewing the chakras and aura for purposes of unblocking, healing, and keeping them dynamic

Imaging solutions to problems

Uncovering hidden thoughts and patterns that may have caused problems in this life

Seeing into other dimensions – including the astral plane

Increasing your creativity or learning a new skill by envisioning



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Using your inner vision to begin the day and hopefully sidestep any unpleasantness Seeing higher beings such as angels, guides, ascended masters, and extra-terrestrials

Seeing deceased loved ones and other spirits

Visualizing for the manifestation of abundance, health, and joy in your life

Exploring relationship dynamics

Finding out why certain relationships did not work out or the karma attached

Healing relationships through imaging and energy

Imaging your soul’s purpose and the list goes on…

People Sometimes Have Concerns about

Developing Clairvoyance

Does the thought of using clairvoyance frighten you a

little bit? Are you concerned with what you might actually

“see”? Are you doubtful you can develop this faculty

more fully? Fear not. The fact is, if you’re willing to work

at it enough, you will naturally develop and boost your

unique skill of clairvoyance in a way that is best for

you. Knowing that you CAN develop clairvoyance skills to a higher degree of mastery is important to

realize. One way to safely develop any kind of psychic skill is by following a plan, such as taking this


Occasionally, students have mentioned their concerns to me about developing their clairvoyance or

Mediumship faculty. They shared with me their anxiety of what they might actually “see”. Please

understand that sometimes we DO get unsolicited visions, and these visions are not always pleasant.

The fact is, troubling visions and accompanying feelings of discomfort are possible and go with the

territory. Just know these occurrences can’t hurt you. People who are not developing clairvoyance get

unpleasant visions from time to time. It’s built into us and there is usually a reason you’re receiving

the vision. Again, just document any vision or picture and let it go unless you feel a strong compulsion

to act on it.

Here’s an example: You might have unintentionally received a picture or had a realistic dream that

you think might be a future event and the vision was frightening. Please realize these occurrences are

not always about precognition (envisioning a future event), but they could represent some sort of fear

Any time we close our eyes

to do meditation,

relaxation, thinking things

through, or even doing

psychic readings, we start

activating the light within.



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embedded deep in the subconscious mind. It’s often difficult to know if the event is actually

precognitive or representative of some deep fear. It takes practice and an understanding of how your

clairvoyance works to discern the difference; only time, study, and patience can do this. This is one

important reason why I have students start a journal of their visions and dreams. Here is one instance

that happened to me:

One day I was watching a movie and I got to the part where someone was launching a scaled

down of a ship onto an ocean. Suddenly, I had a spontaneous waking vision and I saw,

superimposed onto the movie I was watching, a tent-like structure floating on the water. I

smelled the stench of decomposition and death. Simultaneously, I felt the most dreadful

feelings of depression and gloom. I had no idea of what this meant at the time. I annotated the

experience in my journal and forgot about it. However, I need to mention that a very nasty and

depressing feeling stayed with me the rest of the day. Although it sounds like an insignificant

vision, this was the day before Hurricane Katrina hit. Unfortunately, I had nothing to tie the

vision to and tried my best to forget about it. When Katrina hit and littered New Orleans with

horrible death and destruction with bodies floating everywhere, I immediately knew what the

vision was about. I understood why the vision was so horrific and why it affected me so deeply

when it happened.

Another concern students’ share with me is that they are afraid they won’t see anything at all while

doing this class. This is a common concern. There is a tendency for many people to freeze up when

confronted with having to “perform”. Just know that the more one relaxes into the process, the easier

it becomes to achieve results. I can only assure students that if they slowly and steadily allow the

developmental process to unfold, visions, symbols, and impressions will begin to flow naturally. As

mentioned, clairvoyance is activated in the area between the eyes and slightly above the eyebrow.

There is an energy center there called a chakra, also known as the brow chakra called the Anja1, and,

most commonly, the Third Eye. When we close our eyes, this chakra automatically activates the

clairvoyance mechanism thus creating electrical impulses sometimes seen as an inner light. (More

about this will be covered in later lessons.)

1 Anja - According to Hindu tradition, it’s the sixth primary chakra also known as the "Third Eye.” Page


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Clairvoyance Happens with an Activation of Light in the Brain

Basically, clairvoyant events happen when there is a light activation in the brain. When stimulated,

certain psychic centers open up (primarily the Third Eye area) to receive images, visions, feeling

sensations, and data. These visions might be invoked on demand by anyone wanting to use their

ability, or they could spontaneously happen – anywhere and anytime. Let’s take a more in-depth look

at how the process works.

We have an area on our forehead, in between and just above the eyebrows, which is called the Third

Eye. Actually, this Third Eye is the sixth chakra (which you will be learning about in a subsequent

lesson). It is through the stimulation and development of this primary psychic center that causes

visions and pictures to appear in our inner mind.

In our physical body, the eyes view objects upside down. The eyes then send the image of what they

observe to the brain, which makes the image appear right side up to us. Of course, this happens with

lightning speed so we are not aware of the process. In fact, when I first read about this process, I was

totally blown away.

Question: “So, if the physical eyes see one way, how does clairvoyance work?”

Carol’s answer: When we experience a vision, of course the image is not upside down. There is a mechanism which, just like the physical eyes, makes the image appear to us right side up. Of course, the content of the vision is usually of a psychic nature.

What Are These Visions You’re Talking About?

Visions can be a flash of a picture coming in to your mind, like a “movie” clip, a slideshow of several pictures

appearing in a sequence, a fuzzy impression of a picture, or just colors and patterns. Everyone views

differently. One way of viewing is not greater than another. A person could experience visions with all the

examples mentioned above or by only one of the examples. If one sees just an image flashing by, this sense

could be far stronger than a person who sees many different ways. In addition, along with images or

movies, one could experience feelings, smells, hear voices, or experience a feeling of being touched.

For me, I see all types of pictures and symbols.



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Glands That Enable Clairvoyance

In the brain are two small glands which are part of our endocrine2 system

called the pituitary and the Pineal Gland in the brain are two small glands

which are part of our endocrine3 system called the Pineal and Pituitary

Glands. These two glands physically govern much of our bodily

functions and growth. Medical science has long been baffled by the

function of the Pineal Gland and has labeled it “the atrophied Third Eye”.

Yet, this gland is

not actually atrophying. This condition is more accurately termed calcification. In past millennia, the

Pineal and Pituitary Glands were neither evolving nor degenerating but dormant. There are many of us

who believe there is currently an evolutionary shift going on with mankind and believe the Pineal

Gland is starting to activate once again, which is what the date of December 21, 2012 was really

about. It wasn’t about destruction and the “end of the world”. It signaled the beginning of a New Age

for mankind.

2 Endocrine system - The endocrine system is the system of glands which secretes different types of hormones into the bloodstream. It influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies and is instrumental in regulating mood, growing, and metabolism. 3 Endocrine system - The endocrine system is the system of glands which secretes different types of hormones into the bloodstream. It influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies and is instrumental in regulating mood, growing, and metabolism.



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The pituitary and Pineal Glands work

together to activate clairvoyance viewing.

Where the Pineal and Pituitary Glands Are Located

Both of these glands are located in our head. The pituitary gland is located just in back of the physical

eyes and the Pineal Gland is located in the geometric center of the brain. (See where they are located

in the image next page.)

When people set their intention to receive pictures with their sixth sense of clairvoyance, Pineal and

Pituitary Glands vibrate together, causing the Third Eye center to open. The amazing result is the act

of clairvoyant “seeing”. You will be learning more about this process in lessons to come.

The pituitary gland is situated a little behind the root of the nose directly behind the eyes. It is about

the size of a pea but has a rounded pinecone shape. Science knows that the pituitary glands function is

to secrete hormones. Hormones are chemicals that move through our blood stream. The pituitary

gland is often referred to as the “master gland” since it controls many hormonal functions such as our

temperature, thyroid activity, growth during childhood, urine production, testosterone production in

males, and estrogen production in females.

As mentioned, modern science has had a hard time

trying to figure out the physiological function of the

Pineal Gland. One thing known is that it controls the

biorhythms of the body. However, mystical traditions

and esoteric schools have long known this area in the

middle of the brain to be the connecting link between

the physical and spiritual worlds.

The Pineal Gland is also about the size of a pea but is shaped more like a tiny smoothed out pinecone.

It lies in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland. The Pineal Gland is like a tiny sack that

holds a small amount of water. The two arteries connected to the Pineal Gland (pictured right) bring

in a vast amount of a blood flow. Because this amazing gland was utilized so much in man’s early



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development, it was more viable and pliant. Over time it has acquired bits of calcification (sometimes

called brain sand). Part of this is due to the fact that we no longer use our 6th sense as much as in

earlier times. Other reasons for most humans to have a calcified Pineal Gland today are due to our

modern diets and the fact we tend to ingest many processed foods. These damaging foods include

processed flour and sugar, processed fats, and fluoride

contained in toothpaste. The main reason this is a problem for

developing and practicing psychics is that this calcification

impedes the process of viewing with our Third Eye.

The Ancients Knew the Hidden Powers

of the Pineal Gland There have been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and claims of clairvoyant abilities on the part of

some throughout history and in most cultures. Often these reports have been associated with religious

figures. Individuals with high clairvoyant abilities were often accorded very high standing and

reverent respect in various cultures.

The Christian Bible makes references to the Third Eye. Jesus of Nazareth (see above left) made

reference to light activation of the Third Eye. You will

learn more about light activation in the Third Eye and its

significance in Lesson 2.

Philosophers and spiritual adepts have long called the

Pineal Gland the “Seat of the Soul” or Christ

Consciousness, as mentioned above. They believed the

Pineal Gland held great mystical powers; and they were

right, except we

have come to know that the knowledge was not so mystical at all. Jesus made references to the Third

Eye and the light within in the bible.

[Matthew 6:22] Jesus:

“The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of


The Egyptian Symbol Eye of Horus



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The Pineal Gland is the “Spiritual Eye” and works through the use of inner vision. Ancient Hindu

religious texts list clairvoyant powers for divination. They had a great understanding of the Third Eye

functions, as did the Greeks and Romans. Many priests in ancient societies used this ability to help

their rulers and to head-off any possible danger to the kingdom. Or to “commune” with higher beings

from other dimensions and to receive secret knowledge and wisdoms for their ruler’s benefit.

A famous Egyptian symbol commonly seen today as was in ancient times is “The Eye of Horus”

(pictured above). Although some scholarly meanings attributed to this famous image explain it as a

symbol for protection, royal power, and good health, it also refers to the Third Eye and clairvoyance.

The Eye of Horus eerily corresponds to major brain functions and glands. Many believe this icon of

Egypt actually refers to the inner eye, or Pineal Gland. The ancients of the desert knew the mystical

meaning of this “invisible eye” and that it provided perception beyond ordinary sight. This divination

of long ago evidently understood that the Third Eye was the gateway to higher consciousness and

amazing psychic powers.

The ancient Egyptians believed greatly in the ability of clairvoyance. Along with the High Priests,

clairvoyant skills were taught to young men and women who served in healing temples. For example,

there were young women in the temples, called “looking girls,” whose job it was to clairvoyantly scan

someone’s body and tell them their ills. We call someone who does this today, a medical intuitive.

Seers in ancient Greece would often gaze at the innards of animals. The liver was a favorite organ

used for Divine answers to pressing questions. Mirrors with darkened opaque surfaces were often used

to predict future events. In fact, there are many divination tools used in conjunction with the Third

Eye viewing that have been used since primeval times.




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Here are some examples of those known to have used clairvoyance for divination


• Shamans and healers in pre-recorded history and even today • Shamans of the North American Indian tribes and similar cultures around the world

• The Greek Oracle at Delphi

• The “Witch of Endor” story in the bible

• Merlin, King Arthur’s Magician, and other wizards of myth

• Michele de Nostradamus

• Spiritualists and Mediums

Clairvoyance viewed as a special psychic gift, was beginning to be explored as early as the 1700s.

Documented as something people could do while mesmerized (today called; hypnotized)4, the

earliest recorded report of a feat of “sleeping” clairvoyance is credited to the Marquis de Puysegur5.

In 1784, de Puysegur was treating a local simple-minded peasant named Victor. During treatment,

Victor would go into trance, view inside the body of someone at a distance, and would diagnose in a

highly articulated explanation of the medical problem. The discovery of this ability came about when

under hypnosis; he was asked to envision his own illness. When Victor came out of his trance state,

he remembered nothing of what had transpired. Does this sound familiar? For those of you who are

familiar with Edgar Cayce6, the same kinds of supernormal traits were exhibited.

Before Cayce, there was man by the name of Andrew Jackson Davis who had the same abilities as

Cayce but his trance channeling7 abilities were documented years before Cayce. Davis was an

extraordinary hypnotic subject. He demonstrated a “rare clairvoyant ability”, according to observers of

the day. Davis prescribed medical diagnoses while hypnotized—very much like Edgar Cayce. Davis

would talk about using his “spirit eyes” to clairvoyantly see things. He reportedly could read

newspapers blindfolded and envisioned human bodies as transparent, thus revealing their internal

anatomy. In an interview about this claim Davis stated, “I see each organ clearly with its own special


4 Mesmerism – people who were hypnotized and placed into a deep trance state. 5 Armand Marquis de Puysegur, (1751—1825) – was a French aristocrat as one of the pre-scientific founders of mesmerism and clairvoyant practices through somnambulism (a sleep-like state of altered consciousness). 6 Edgar Cayce, (1889—1945) – best known for his work in accurate medical diagnosis while under trance, Cayce also exhibited strong traits of clairvoyance. In the awakened state, Cayce could see people’s auras and could tell them all about themselves just by interpreting the colors he was seeing. 7 Trance Channel – Someone who can provide profound information while in a deep and unconscious state of trance.



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Experiments on the Validity of Clairvoyance and the Skeptics

Experimental research into clairvoyance began with SPR8 (British Society of Psychical Research in

1884). Experimental studies became more systematic with the efforts of J. B. Rhine at Duke

University in 1935, and research efforts continue to present day. Perhaps the most infamous study of

clairvoyance in recent times was the “, Remote Viewing” project at Stanford Research Institute

during the early 1970s with psychic, Ingo Swan9, as the original remote viewer on the project. The

study was designed to explore the possibilities of someone seeing events, persons, and objects at a


In the 1970s, the U.S. Government initiated an unusual program called “The Stargate Project”. This

project was born out of the Stanford Research Institute’s findings because of the documented

successes in viewing people and places remotely. There were eventually over 20 active military and

civilian remote viewers trained to view remotely. Each viewer had the ability to psychically “see”

events or obtain information from great distances. All this came about as a counter measure to the

Soviet Union's alleged experiments with using psychics to spy on the U.S. This project went on for

some years but was eventually disbanded in 1995.

Skeptics and Non-Believers

Despite the many recorded instances of clairvoyance being a real and tested phenomenon, several

slanted para-psychological studies have inferred that clairvoyance does not actually exist—that it is a

non-reality. This tunnel vision view on the validity of true clairvoyant abilities remains controversial.

Some parapsychologists have proposed that different psychic functions such as clairvoyance,

telepathy, or precognition actually refer to only one basic underlying mechanism, although “there is

not yet any satisfactory theory for what that mechanism might be.” This tells me that they don’t really

know. And, if the United States government spent millions of dollars on a project incorporating the

use of clairvoyance, this tells me there had to have been some significant findings and successes which

caused them to do so even though the project was eventually dropped. So much for the skeptics…

8 The British Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in 1882. 9 Ingo Swan – See Lesson 12.



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How Does One Really Develop Clairvoyance?

Although most of us have clairvoyance built in inherently, there should be a structured program to

understand, strengthen, and maximize clairvoyant viewing undertaken. Developing clairvoyance

skills takes dedication and perseverance. It entails exercises that not only open the Third Eye area but

also open the sixth chakra center as well. Developing clairvoyance is about setting one’s intention to

see clairvoyantly and to be open to any pictures or symbols that are perceived. Developing

clairvoyance also entails lots of practice and eventually obtaining feedback from others about what

you’re seeing and if your visions have relevance for their situation. It is important to note that

focused development does takes time and can’t be hurried. Trying to crank open the Third Eye too

quickly could get uncomfortable by causing minor headaches or a little nausea in the beginning

stages of development. The good news is that nothing is ever terminal. If one approaches

development in a slow steady fashion, the clairvoyance muscle (as I sometimes refer to it) can be

strengthened and enhanced just like someone doing body building exercises.

Question: “I sometimes do get a headache when I’m practicing. Why is this?”

Carol’s answer: One possible reason for this is that you could be trying too hard to force open your Third Eye center. This is quite common in the beginning. A headache also might signal a minor spiritual imbalance in the Third Eye area. This can easily be remedied. It certainly does NOT imply one is not spiritually minded! It just indicates a slight imbalance or some blockage in that chakra. (You will learn about the chakras in later lessons.)

How the Pineal Gland Initiates Clairvoyance

When clairvoyance viewing is set in motion, these glands begin to vibrate as a team and start the

“light activation” process. This, in turn, opens up the Third Eye and upper psychic centers. At that

time the receiving and viewing of pictures in the mind’s eye, or Third Eye center, is set into motion.

The light activation process is when we can really start to have significant clairvoyant experiences on


We are then seeing with our physical eyes and register seeing light; the retinas of our eyes send an

automatic signal to the Pineal Gland to “quiet down”. When we close our eyes, or it becomes dark, the

light outside then becomes the light within. This is why we get sleepy. When the sun goes down and it

becomes dark, a natural chemical called melatonin gets released in the brain “telling us” it’s time for



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bed. In earlier times, before electricity, people went to bed a lot earlier. There was usually very little

light available for the masses, and they felt compelled to go to bed.

Any time we close our eyes to do meditation, relaxation, thinking things through, or even doing

psychic readings, we start activating the light within. This is when we start getting pictures and other

forms of visions.

Question: “Can’t I get visions with my eyes open?”

Carol’s answer: The answer to this is a resounding yes! Often people daydream or get what we call “waking visions” when the eyes are open. However, the norm is to envision pictures or some type of scenario when the eyes are closed.

Question: “When I start opening up my Third Eye, what will happen to me?”

Carol’s answer: The Pineal Gland is very much connected with a magnetic field of energy. When the Pineal Gland awakens then one can feel anyone of the following sensations: There might be a slight pressure felt at the base of the brain; a feeling of tightness around the forehead; or a tingling at the top or back of the head. Other than a slight headache in the beginning of serious development, these sensations are usually harmless. The headaches usually pass very quickly, and the other sensations can continue on but are not dangerous.

Question: “What if I don’t feel anything at all when I start to practice?”

Carol’s answer: Don’t worry about it. Eventually one of the above sensations will be experienced. At first, you may not be consciously aware anything is happening, so pay close attention to anything out of the norm as you work through the exercises in this course. Of course, always document EVERYTHING in your journal.

How We Psychically “See”

I ran across this in my notes from years ago and thought I would include this gold nugget of

information in the course. It is how many people are able to see psychically. It certainly explained a lot

to me when I first learned this information. Basically, it’s through the rod and cone processors in our

eyes that we can see with our physical eyes. However, a very psychic individual may have a special

“inner vision processor”, which recognizes some energy source which less psychically endowed

people don’t distinguish.



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The brain operates by two different energy sources and

employs both electrical and magnetic energy types,

separately. The eyes processes with an energy source called

photons10. A person can’t detect the existence of photons

except by the eyes. The organs of our eyes process an

energy source, called photons. Colors can’t be seen without

these processors. Fish, for example, don’t process photons.

In fact, most animals only process color in shades of black

and white.

Rods and Cones

It’s not necessary to memorize any of the following:

The sensory organs for vision - the eyes - are at the front of the head, but areas of the brain at the back

and sides provide the actual visual sense. Nerve impulses generated by “rods” and “cones” in the

retinas of the eyes travel along the optic nerves to the optic chiasma11, where they partially cross over.

Impulses from both eyes pass through the optic tracts to the cortex at the back of the brain and end in

the temporal lobe area so that right and left halves of the visual field merge. When light rays reach the

retina (the film of the eye's camera), light energy is converted into electrical nerve signals.

Crisscrossed with blood vessels, the retina has three layers of microscopically thin nerve cells. Nearest

to the lens are a layer of bipolar cells and finally the photoreceptors. Phew! That was a lot of medical

stuff. I hope you get the idea.

It is believed that a very psychic person naturally has enhanced vision capabilities. Because of this, the

processors in their eyes are able to, through either natural or developed abilities, see things differently,

for example auras colors, or have visions, e.g., or seeing future events, others don’t. Edgar Cayce

(read about Edgar Cayce in Lesson 2), was a prime example of someone who had enhanced viewing

10 Photons are force particles which carry electromagnetic interactions. They possess no mass or charge. They are made up of

“packets” that make up light waves or energy units of light.

11 The optic chiasm or “optic chiasma” is the part of the brain where the optic nerves partially cross. Page


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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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capabilities. Cayce could see auras12 his entire life. He could also detect personality traits, and in some

cases illness just by looking at someone’s aura. More about this will be covered in the lessons to


Clairvoyance Development Begins with the Basic Essentials

Note: We’ll be doing the following exercises in the live class recording. There are two additional exercises not included in written form. These exercises can be heard in the recording for Lesson 1’s class.

I always suggest the student do a short relaxing meditation before entering into practice sessions.

Please meditate a minimum of 10 minutes. (In Lesson 3, we will be going over the importance of

meditation and how to easily do it.) This will help you to get into an altered state of consciousness.

Set a soft timer in case you should fall sleep. In fact, when doing any kind of exercises, it’s advisable

to have a soft timer set.

Before we get started, I would like to explain some of the basic steps you will be doing so you will

have a greater understanding of the purpose. There are certain preparatory steps that are the

foundation for any type of psychic or Mediumship development. Some of the steps presented may be

unfamiliar to you right now. They will be explained more fully in lessons to come.

Here are the basic steps you will be learning:

Getting into a relaxed state by closing the eyes

Doing some very deep and unhurried breathing

Grounding and connecting with the Earth

Building a protective energy bubble

The Concept of “Dantian”

You will be working with the Dantian in the exercises below. A Dantian is loosely translated as an

“energy center” similar to the chakras. Dantians are important focal points for meditative exercises

12 The aura is the energy field around a person that contains moving and shifting colors which reflect their mood and disposition. This auric field can be seen by natural adepts or those trained to do so. Page


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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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and are considered to be an area that accumulates a large amount of “chi” or life force energy in our


Taoists and Buddhist teachers often instruct their students to center the mind in the navel region—the

lower Dantian. This is believed to aid in the control of our thoughts and emotions. Acting from the

dantian is considered to be related to higher states of awareness or samadhi13.



(Some of the folders contain a list different from this course as we have updated a few exercise

MP3 files. However, all MP3 files are present.

Refer to your file folder for Lesson 1 to listen to and practice the following exercise:

First Preparation Exercise for Lesson 1 - Grounding and Centering:

{First _Preparation_Exercise.mp3}

Quick Body Scan Exercise: Bring your thoughts from busy mental

chatter downward by focusing on your feet. Don't rush this process. Take

your time moving from each part of your body. Also, you don't need to

touch yourself, just allow your mind to switch focus from wherever it is.

Begin with your feet and move upwards.

Notice the soles of your feet, your toes, in between your

toes, the top of your feet, and the back of your ankle.

Do they feel hot or cold? Do they hurt? Are they numb? Do

you feel your blood circulating through them? Are they

feeling tired? Doing this exercise will stabilize you and it’s

how you can become more aware of what is going on in your own body.

We all have an energy field around us made up of electro-magnetic waves. This field is our protection,

reflective of our moods, signals illness coming in, or alerts us to danger. This field actually originates

13 Samadhi – Sanskrit word in Hinduism meaning a higher level of concentrated meditation. Page


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Lesson 1 – Level 1

©2013. Updated 2019 – Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts



from our chakras. In a depleted energy condition, energy is being drawn from you. It often moves

down and away from you -- much like how a toilet flushes water down. In order to maintain good

energetic health, you will want to bring more energy back up into the body.

We all get leaks in our energy fields from time to time. Many people are energy-depleted because

they’re not able to hold enough life force energy or “chi” due to large leaks in their field. The reasons

for these leaks are varied, so we will not go into it here. Any leaks should be patched like one would

fix a leak on a tire. You will learn more about energy leaks in future lessons. For now, just pretend

you have one or more leaks when doing the next exercise.

Here’s one easy way you can patch any energy leaks in 4 easy steps:

(Not recorded separately.)

1. Close your eyes and imagine you can see energy leaking out of your tailbone or anywhere in your body energy centers.

2. Imagine any kind of a patch large enough to cover the leak.

3. Imagine placing this patch over the leak. Make sure the edges of the patch are sealed tight.

4. Imagine you can now go beneath where the leak was (like a car mechanic under a car) and

reverse the flow to spiral it back up into your body through your tailbone. Send this energy to wherever in your body you feel the most depleted.

The Importance of Grounding

In the beginning, there is sometimes confusion with novice students concerning what grounding really

is about and the reasons for doing it. I’ll attempt to explain the concept of grounding and the reasons

for doing it as simply as I can.

Grounding is an activity that is essential for any intuitive work. Grounding is an essential technique

for creating an energy linkage with the physical Earth. Conversely, the unique and dynamic energies

of the Earth can be communicated back to the person desiring to be grounded. By grounding, one can

commune with the supportive and nurturing Earth energies and receive many side benefits, which are

mentioned below. Grounding provides a sense of connection and helps keep one’s thoughts and

physical body from feeling scattered and disjointed. Page


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Lesson 1 – Level 1

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Grounding fully brings you into your awareness. It brings your consciousness and your spirit self

fully into your body. It provides a feeling of support, much like standing on a cement foundation of a

house. Grounding brings you into full awareness of the present moment so you will feel safer and

more secure in your space. And, by following the exercises in the lesson, you can pull the vital and

revitalizing energies of the earth back into your body energy field for rejuvenation and cleaner

energy. Below are additional advantages for grounding:

It increases your focus, productivity, and efficiency

It helps you to communicate more clearly and concisely

It helps you to have fewer accidents

It helps you to feel more in control, less anxious, and more confident

There are many different methods one can use to ground. Choose one of the methods presented below

or in your exercise folder that best fits your lifestyle.

Three fast and easy techniques for instant grounding:

1st Method:

Visualize yourself in a bubble of white or gold light. Now look down at your feet and be in the

moment of where you’re. You mentally say to yourself, “I am now grounded”.

2nd Method:

Press your thumb and second finger together on each hand. Now interlock the two. With a couple of

strong yanks, try pulling them apart without actually doing so. You’re instantly grounded. It’s as

simple as that!

3rd Method:

Reach out and place your hand on an object—any nearby object—and look at your hand for a moment.

(A wooden surface is the best to use for this.) The simple act of doing this brings your awareness back

into your body and helps you to ground. Done!

Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is a fundamental prerequisite for doing any kind of intuitive work. If you have

a favorite spot to do your exercises or readings, this space should be protected and held sacred by you.

This ensures you’re only working with the Divine energies of the light in that space. Every space has Page


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Lesson 1 – Level 1

©2013. Updated 2019 – Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts



a vibratory history and present moment vibration, so you will want to clear it even if you have used it

before to start afresh for this course. By setting your intention, you will be releasing any kind of

psychic energy previously in it. If there are Spirit entities hanging around, they will know through

your clarity of intent that it’s time for them to “step aside” as you delineate the physical parameters of

your space. I usually recommend the space be visualized as three feet in diameter, including above and

below you.

Realize that any visualization and setting of intention that you use to accomplish the creation of your sacred

space can be accomplished just by the force of your will.

Other things you can do to create and protect your sacred energy space:

Find a place in your home or office that someone else does not frequently use

Use *sage for “smudging”, incense, or aromatherapy to clear your space

Build an energy Bubble of Protection (a recorded exercise to do this is provided) to keep

your energy field strong and impervious to negativity

*Sage is commonly used for clearing a space. Sage is found in most metaphysical bookstores or can

be purchased from a reputable source online. Sage comes bundled and can be purchased in small or

large quantities. Smudging with sage creates a powerful smell that can’t be tolerated by some people.

Make sure those you share your home or office space with don’t mind that you’re using sage to do

so. Suggestions for types of sage that can be used for clearing are sweet grass, white sage, and any

type of cedar or juniper.

How to begin the clearing process: Light the sage stick over a ceramic or abalone shell container and

then blow it out. The smoke produces the clearing effect. People usually smudge their homes and

other locations by lighting the sage and walking through the rooms while at the same time sending

out a mental message that the space is now being cleared of anything negative whatsoever. Make sure

you open the windows in the room to allow the smoke to carry away the denser energies and to air it

out after using the sage.



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Lesson 1 – Level 1

©2013. Updated 2019 – Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts



Use Aromatherapy:

Aromatherapy is often used in place of sage and is just as effective. As mentioned above, sage can be

overpowering for some sensitive noses. Here are some suggestions for oils that can be used for

clearing and cleansing rather than using sage:

Any citrus oils

Rose, Lavender, or Jasmine oil

White Angelica essential oil (can be purchased through Young Living™)

How to use the essential oils: Fill a spray bottle with water and add 3–5 drops of the oil you have

chosen to use. You can also switch out and use different oils if you wish. Spritz the area liberally. Or,

for a really good house cleansing, feel free to spritz the entire home.

For incense lovers:

I personally don’t use incense as I have found that it’s too strong for me. However, there are some

who use incense all the time and for many reasons. Here are some suggested aromatherapy oils for

clearing your space if you wish to go that route:

Nag Chompa – Good for clearing when doing intuitive work and allergy sensitive people

Frankincense – Good for spirituality and meditation

Myrrh – Good for spirituality, meditation, and healing

Sandalwood – Good for spirituality, meditation, clearing

Eucalyptus – Good for health, healing, purification

“Building a Protective Bubble” Exercise

The practice of building your sacred space does not need to be lengthy or complicated. However, for

your physical body personal space, I strongly suggest building a “Bubble of Protection”.

In any exercise you practice for clairvoyance and psychic development in general, you should always

imagine erecting a protective bubble of light around yourself. This energy shield protects you from

any unwanted energies entering into your energy field while in the relaxed state. Although it’s rare

for this to happen, it’s always a good practice to do so. In the lessons to come, you will be reminded

to do this in many of the exercises.



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Lesson 1 – Level 1

©2013. Updated 2019 – Imagine Spirit Universal Psychic Arts



There is a YouTube movie you can watch and or just listen to the separate MP3 recording in your

lesson files for Lesson 1 for Building a Bubble of Protection around you. This video is mentioned

again later in the course. This movie is in our new YouTube Play List for Psychic, Clairvoyance &

Mediumship Training. This link is in your confirmation email.


The Importance of Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is an essential way to begin any meditation, psychic exercise, or preparation for doing

a reading. Breathing deeply helps us to instantly relax our mind and body. It oxygenates the body and

puts one in a beautiful place for doing any kind of relaxation, meditation, or psychic development

exercise. Deep breathing slows down the brain waves so one can focus more on what he or she is

doing and to let go of all the mind chatter. Deep breathing also helps to automatically open up the

Third Eye. (The below exercise is not recorded separately.)

Exercise 1: Simple Breathing Practice Using Correct Tummy Breathing

1. Take in a deep breath through your nose. Focus on taking the air as deep into your

tummy, or abdomen, as you can. Let your tummy expand outwards inhale.

2. Hold your breath for around 4 seconds.

3. Slowly exhale through the nose or mouth. Exhale completely by gently pushing the stomach in

to release all air from the lungs. Or you can allow the tummy to drop back in naturally.

4. Repeat three times. Stop doing this exercise if you get dizzy and practice again later. A possible

reason for slight dizziness is that your body is most likely not used to breathing deeply and


Try this clairvoyance development exercise called “Follow the Dot,” which is used for developing

and strengthening the Third Eye area. The “Following the Dot” exercise recording is in your Lesson 1


{ Following_The_Dot.mp3 }



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Quiz for Lesson 1 


Practical Application of Lesson Materials:

Think about what you have learned in this lesson and write about how you

will use clairvoyance in your own life and/or intuitive business.

Hint: Get in the habit of building your Bubble of Protection every day for

feeling stronger and better protected from outside or unwanted energies.

I have included a list of all the exercises MP3s in each lesson. If I have missed one, please email

me. Here is a complete list of audio exercises recorded and live class recording included in

Lesson Folder 1:


First _Preparation_Exercise.mp3

3rd_Eye_Opening_Closing_Exercise.mp3 Basic_Grounding.mp3

More_Basic_Grounding.mp3 (This is an extra exercise. Please excuse the clicking sound.)

Third_Eye_Activation_Binaural_Beat.mp3* Binaural Beat (extra exercises for practice)


Building_Bubble_of_Protection.mp3 only.

Movie: Building a Bubble of Protection:




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Quiz for Lesson 1 


Important note: In upcoming lessons, you’ll have many exercises to do. Of course, you can’t

practice all of them at the same time and every day. Do each exercise presented at least once and

learn the point of it. Then practice the exercises that really appeal to you and focus primarily on

them for a lesson or so.

This is the end of Lesson 1. Complete the quiz next for Lesson 1 and then proceed to Lesson 2.



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Quiz for Lesson 1 


Quiz Questions for Lesson 1 (Quiz answers are in Quiz Answers PDF file)

1. Define what the word “clairvoyance” means as explained in the lesson.

2. What are the other “clairs”? Hint: The term starts with “clair”.

, , ,

3. What roles do the Pituitary and Pineal Glands play in clairvoyance?

4. Did ancient civilizations know about the Pineal Gland? Yes/No.

5. The bible mentions the light within. Who said the phrase and what did he say? Two parts.


6. Name 5 historical figures that were famous for using some form of clairvoyance.

, , , ,

7. Who was a famous person known for prescribing medical cures for others even though those people

were not present at the time?

8. Why is the practice of grounding essential for any type of psychic work or meditation?



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Quiz for Lesson 1 


9. What protection technique should you always incorporate into any psychic development exercises?

10. Why is deep breathing important when beginning any type of practice session?



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