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  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    Solution Overview

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    Version: [#.#]



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    'olution O"ner:

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    'olution O"ner)ppro*al:


    OR: )ppro*ed *ia email +ensure t,at email is retained "it, t,e 'olution O*er*ie"-

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    Company Con0idential

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Document History

    Version Date )ut,or odi0ications made

    1. Initial dra0t

    Document Reviewers

    Version C3D e*ie"er 3I e*ie"er O e*ie"er CD e*ie"er CD e*ie"er

    Document Approvals

    Version C3D )ppro*er 3I )ppro*er O )ppro*er CD )ppro*er CD )ppro*er


    )ll content pro*ided "it,in t,is document (y t,e 'olution O"ner must (e copied across into t,e roposaldocument. T,e %D must not delete or only partially represent any in0ormation t,at is contained in t,isdocument.

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 2 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]


    Document 8istory..........................................................................................................2Document e*ie"ers..........................................................................................2Document )ppro*als...........................................................................................2

    Introduction....................................................................................................................4Customer euirements................................................................................................4

    ey %usiness euirements...............................................................................4ey Tec,nolo&y euirements............................................................................5

    roposed 'olution )rc,itecture.....................................................................................;ey 'olution Components...................................................................................;uipment$'o0t"are aintenance.......................................................................ect ana&ement.........................................................................................7Trainin&.......................................................................................................................4%usiness Continuity$Disaster eco*ery euirements...............................................5ana&ed 'er*ices.......................................................................................................;

    ana&ement 6in?..............................................................................................;'er*ice Deli*ery................................................................................................or o00ices etc-G

    F emote site deploymentG

    F Communication lin?s B is t,e H)@$Internet carria&e pro*ided (y Optus$eComm or ot,ersJ

    F Identi0ication o0 main in0rastructure components 0or ?ey applications $ solution components e&:application ser*er arc,itectureG

    F ey inte&ration pointsG

    ro*ide appropriate supportin& dia&rams as reuired to support t,is description

    "ey Solution Components

    In t,is section de0ine t,e ?ey components o0 t,e solution and t,eir 0unction. Do not include K(roc,ure"areL,ere t,at tal?s a(out all o0 t,e many 0eatures t,at t,e product is capa(le o0 supportin& (ut instead 0ocuson t,e speci0ic 0eatures t,e product+s- ,as t,at are reuired to meet t,e customerEs (usinessreuirements.

    T,is section de0ines t,e ?ey components o0 t,e o*erall solution and ,o" t,ey interoperate to pro*ide t,e0unctional (usiness solution. T,is section does not pro*ide a detailed %ill o0 aterials +%o- B please re0erto )ppendi! 0or t,e 0ull %o.

    T,e ?ey components o0 t,is solution areMM

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e ; o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    E!uipment&So'tware Maintenance

    T,e ta(le (elo" s,o"s t,e maintenance co*er to (e pro*ided 0or t,e listed euipment.


    Vendordirect maintenance is a maintenance contract 0or t,e de0ined euipment ",ere t,e endcustomer contacts t,e *endor 0or all maintenance and related support issues.

    )lp,a"est Colla(orati*e maintenance is a maintenance ser*ice ",ere t,e customer contacts t,e)lp,a"est nterprise ana&ement Centre +C- 0or initial incident lo&&in& tria&e and analysis. I0a0ter tec,nical analysis )lp,a"est determines euipment or component 0ailure is t,e cause o0 t,epro(lem )lp,a"est "ill liaise directly "it, t,e *endor to or&anise replacement o0 t,e 0aultyeuipment. Hit, )lp,a"est Colla(orati*e aintenance )lp,a"est o"ns endtoend incidentresolution at all times.

    De*ice @ame De*ice model$type ,ysical 6ocation Type o0 aintenance

    +Vendor direct orColla(orati*e-

    aintenance Co*erpro*ided



    Cisco 292 I' outer 274 'ome 'treet

    'ydney @'H 2111

    Vendor Cisco 'mart@et 24!

    M add more ro"s asappropriate

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e < o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Pro'essional Services

    'uccess0ul deli*ery o0 any ne" solution "it,in a (usiness en*ironment is dependant upon t,e appropriatecom(ination o0 tec,nical en&ineerin& resources and pro0essional pro>ect mana&ement and coordination.T,is section details ",at ,as (een included "it,in t,is proposal 0or eac, o0 t,ese aspects.

    En%ineerin% Services

    )lp,a"est "ill pro*ide suita(ly s?illed $isco/-uniper/%etApp/Avaya/Otheren&ineerin& resources to carryout t,e acti*ities as de0ined (elo". )ny item not speci0ically included "it,in t,e scope inclusions ise!cluded (y de0ault. 'ome additional items are de0ined speci0ically "it,in scope e!clusions 0or clarity.

    n&ineerin& ,ases

    T,e )lp,a"est scope o0 n&ineerin& "or?s "ill (e (ro?en do"n into t,e 0ollo"in& ?ey p,ases. T,eestimated time to complete t,ese pro>ect p,ases is s,o"n (elo" to&et,er "it, t,e ?ey deli*era(les o0 eac,p,ase. @ote all timescales are indicati*e only and are dependant upon t,e customer completin& all o0 t,eirdependant deli*era(les in a timely manner.

    ,ase stimated duration stimatedcommencement date

    stimated completiondate


    ro>ect ?ic?o00 @$a ro>ect commencementdate +CD-

    @$) @$)

    Disco*ery 3 lannin& CD F A days$"ee?s

    Detailed Desi&n CD F N days$"ee?s /ormal detailed desi&ndocument +DDD- ",ic,reuires customer si&no00 (e0ore ne!t sta&ecommences. DDDincludes a solution testplan.

    'ta&in& and$or o00site(uild

    CD F days$"ee?s

    Installation CD F ) days$"ee?s

    Cuto*er CD F % days$"ee?s

    Testin& CD F C days$"ee?s Completion o0 all systemtestin& in accordance"it, a&reeddocumented solutiontest plan.

    8ando*er to customer+or )H C-

    CD F D days$"ee?s )s(uilt documentationto&et,er "it, associatedmaintenance ormana&ed ser*icecontract in0ormation asappropriate.

    ro>ect Close CD F "ee?s

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e = o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    n&ineerin& 'cope Inclusions

    Disco*ery 3 lannin& ,ase

    T,e 0ollo"in& speci0ic acti*ities ,a*e (een scoped 0or inclusion "it,in t,is p,ase o0 t,e pro>ect: One





    Detailed Desi&n ,ase

    T,e detailed desi&n p,ase includes a si&ni0icant piece o0 "or? durin& ",ic, time t,e assi&ned en&ineers"ill de*elop a lo" le*el detailed desi&n document +DDD-. In t,e conte!t o0 t,is speci0ic pro>ect t,is DDDdocument "ill include t,e 0ollo"in& in0ormation:

    )dd (ullet points ,ere to de0ine t,e speci0ic content o0 t,e DDD. T,is "ill *ary pro>ect (y pro>ect (ut in&eneral one Cisco ITel solution "ill contain similar ?ey sections to anot,er etc.

    'ta&in& ,ase

    Descri(e i0$,o" euipment "ill (e sta&ed eit,er on$o00site. %e sure to include commentary ",ic, de0ines",at is deemed to s,o" t,at sta&in& ,as (een completed success0ully.

    Installation ,aseIn t,is section de0ine ,o" t,e installation "ill (e carried out. H,at "or? "ill (e per0ormed durin& standard(usiness ,ours ",at "or? "ill (e per0ormed e*enin&s$"ee?ends. I0 t,e installation is to occur in multiplep,ases articulate t,at ,ere.

    Cuto*er ,ase

    H,en "ill cuto*er (e per0ormed. H,at is t,e proposed ,i&, le*el approac, 0or cuto*erJ Ie is a (i&(an&sin&le sta&e cuto*er or is cuto*er planned to occur in smaller sta&es eac, "it, t,eir o"n testin& o*erse*eral e*enin&s$"ee?ends etcJ


    H,at testin& "ill (e per0ormed (y )H$Optus ",at testin& "ill (e per0ormed (y t,e customerJ H,at aret,e a&reed test criteria and ",at are t,e e!pected results ",ic, constitute a success0ul cuto*er and ,encepermit closure o0 t,e pro>ectJ


    )t t,e success0ul completion o0 t,e testin& p,ase t,e DDD documentation "ill (e updated to re0lect t,e0inal as(uilt en*ironment. ) copy o0 t,is as(uilt documentation to&et,er "it, any supportin& maintenanceor mana&ed ser*ices contract in0ormation "ill (e pro*ided to t,e customer.

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 9 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    n&ineerin& 'cope !clusions

    )ny items not speci0ically included "it,in t,e 'cope Inclusions are e!cluded (y de0ault. 'ome additionalitems may (e speci0ically listed (elo" in 'cope !clusions 0or clarity.





    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 1 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Desi&n )ssumptions 3 Ca*eats

    T,is solution proposal as presented ,as (een prepared in &ood 0ait, (ased on in0ormation o(tainedt,rou&, customer meetin&s telep,one calls and su(seuent email communications. T,e 0ollo"in& desi&nassumptions 3 ca*eats ,a*e (een used ",en preparin& t,is proposal. I0 any o0 t,ese are incorrect*ariation or c,an&es to t,ese may result in a c,an&e to t,e o*erall cost tec,nical desi&n and$or timelineassociated "it, t,is proposal.

    eneral )ssumptions @o costs ,a*e (een included "it,in t,is proposal 0or any reuired 'ite Induction acti*ities.

    ',ould t,ese (e reuired all time and costs associated "it, suc, "ill (e c,ar&ed to t,e customer*ia a 0ormal pro>ect c,an&e reuest.

    [C'TO] "ill pro*ide an appropriate location onsite 0or secure stora&e o0 all )lp,a"estpro*ided euipment.

    Once onsite [C'TO] is responsi(le 0or p,ysical security o0 all pro*ided euipment

    [C'TO] is responsi(le 0or disposal o0 all euipment pac?a&in&. )0ter installation )lp,a"est

    "ill 0latten all euipment pac?a&in& in a sin&le common area.


    )lp,a"est "ill liaise "it, a sin&le [C'TO] entity 0or all aspects o0 desi&n implementation andinte&ration "or?s. H,ere multiple departments need to (e in*ol*ed in tec,nical desi&n reuirements"or?s,ops [C'TO IT D)T@T] "ill act as t,e sin&le point o0 liaison and contact.

    )t pro>ect ?ic?o00 )lp,a"est "ill or&anise an initial "or?s,op to re*ie" deli*era(les o0 t,e proposedsolution to ensure t,ey are still in accordance "it, [C'TO]Es reuirements. ',ould c,an&es ormodi0ications (e reuired )lp,a"est reser*es t,e ri&,t to re*ie" t,is proposal and pro*ide anupdated uotation to meet t,ese ne" reuirements.

    Implementation 3 Cuto*er T,is proposal is pro*ided on t,e (asis o0 all non (usiness impactin& implementation acti*ities

    (ein& per0ormed durin& standard )lp,a"est (usiness ,ours +on/ri =.71am to 5.11pm-. T,e only acti*ities ",ic, are to (e per0ormed outside o0 standard )lp,a"est (usiness ,ours are

    as de0ined (elo":o )cti*ity

    o )cti*ity 2o )cti*ity 7o etc

    Tec,nical Desi&n

    Initial detailed desi&n "or?s,ops "ill occur (et"een )lp,a"est and [C'TO] to determinet,e detailed con0i&uration parameters to (e used 0or t,is installation. )lp,a"est "ill pro*ide adocumented proposed detailed desi&n to [C'TO] 0or 0ormal re*ie" and appro*al0ollo"in& t,ese "or?s,ops. Once t,is document ,as (een 0ormally appro*ed (y [C'TO]any c,an&es to t,e proposed desi&n "ill (e ,andled *ia 0ormal pro>ect c,an&e reuests. T,epro>ect "ill not mo*e (eyond t,e Detailed Desi&n p,ase until t,e customer ,as 0ormally si&nedo00 on t,e Detailed Desi&n Document.

    )ccess to In0ormation

    [C'TO] "ill pro*ide timely access to all reuired con0i&urations net"or? dia&ramspass"ords and associated systems to ena(le all pro>ect acti*ities to (e per0ormed "it,in t,ea&reed pro>ect timeline.

    lant 3 n*ironmentals

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    @o allo"ances ,a*e (een made 0or any ,oriPontal or *ertical copper or 0i(re optic ca(lin& "it,int,is proposal. It is assumed t,at [C'TO]Es e!istin& ca(lin& plant is o0 su00icient speci0icationto support t,e reuired ser*ices.

    ) nominal allo"ance o0 Q!!!! ,as (een included "it,in t,is proposal to pro*ide t,e reuiredCat5$;$/i(re patc, ca(lin&. I0 it (ecomes e*ident durin& t,e detailed desi&n p,ase t,at additionalpatc, ca(lin& is reuired )lp,a"est "ill pro*ide [C'TO] "it, an additional uotation 0orsuc, and t,is "ill (e treated as a 0ormal pro>ect *ariation.

    [C'TO] is responsi(le 0or t,e pro*ision o0 all rac? space po"er and associateden*ironmental conditionin&

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 2 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Pro(ect Mana%ement

    ro0essional pro>ect mana&ement is a critical 0actor in ensurin& t,e success0ul deli*ery o0 any pro>ect andac,ie*in& customer satis0action. ro>ect mana&ement pro*ides an orderly controlled and in0ormedapproac, to producin& a&reed outcomes. )lp,a"est ,as its o"n ro>ect 'er*ices di*ision t,at ad,eres toa reco&nised and pro*en ro>ect ana&ement et,odolo&y +-. T,e met,odolo&y ,as (eende*eloped implemented and maintained (y )lp,a"est ro>ect 'er*ices to inte&rate seamlessly "it, ourin0rastructure and systems de*elopment en*ironments. T,e underlyin& principles are desi&ned to (eadapta(le and scala(le to ensure consistent uality and ris? miti&ated deli*ery on a "ide ran&e o0 pro>ects.

    T,e )lp,a"est is (uilt on "ell understood principles and standards. )lp,a"est as a ualityendorsed company ,as c,osen to 0ollo" t,e initiati*e (y 'tandards )ustralia and its association "it, t,ero>ect ana&ement Institute +I-.

    T,e )lp,a"est ro>ect ana&ement /rame"or? +)/- is a (usiness 0ocussed top do"n compre,ensi*epro>ect mana&ement met,odolo&y t,at ,as (een de*eloped 0or all pro>ects. It com(ines normal pro>ect

    met,odolo&y 0unctionality "it, speci0ic systems orientated outcomes.

    lease update$modi0y$delete te!t 0rom t,e 0ollo"in& sections as appropriate to t,e solution (ein& proposed.e0er to t,e siPin& tool detail output to determine ",at t,e a&reed deli*era(les are 0or t,is solution.I0 t,is is a comple! pro>ect ",ic, includes many Optus deli*era(les ",o "ill t,e o*erall solution and(e t,e inte&rator o0 t,e endtoend solutionJ

    In t,e conte!t o0 t,is solution proposal )lp,a"est "ill allocate an e!perienced ro>ect Coordinator$ro>ectana&er$'enior ro>ect ana&er to run t,is pro>ect. T,is person "ill act as t,e sin&le common point o0contact and coordination o0 all )lp,a"est pro>ect acti*ities and "or? "it, [C'TO] to ensurecommitted deli*era(les are ac,ie*ed ontime to t,e reuired speci0ications.

    ro>ect ana&ement inclusions are (ased on t,e 0ollo"in& assumptions:

    T,e complete pro>ect "ill run o*er a period o0 not more t,an AA "ee?s$mont,s

    )ll pro>ect acti*ities "ill occur o*er a conti&uous (loc? o0 time

    T,e )lp,a"est ro>ect Coordinator$ro>ect ana&er$'enior ro>ect ana&er "ill de*elop a 0ormalro>ect ana&ement lan and associated ro>ect 'c,edule a0ter completion o0 t,e pro>ect ?ic?o00"or?s,op+s- "it, t,e customer.

    T,e )lp,a"est ro>ect Coordinator$ro>ect ana&er$'enior ro>ect ana&er "ill attend"ee?ly$0ortni&,tly$mont,ly meetin&s "it, [C'TO] to trac? pro&ress a&ainst ?ey pro>ectmilestones and mana&e t,e issues re&ister.

    o It is assumed t,at t,ese re&ular pro>ect mana&ement meetin&s "ill occur onsite$(y


    )ny c,an&es reuired to t,e scope o0 t,is pro>ect "ill (e ,andled (y t,e )lp,a"est ro>ectCoordinator$ro>ect ana&er$'enior ro>ect ana&er t,rou&, t,e 0ormal ro>ect C,an&e euest+C- process.

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 7 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]


    In t,is section please detail ",at trainin& "ill (e pro*ided to t,e customer as part o0 t,e solution.

    Ie )re )lp,a"est 3I en&ineers pro*idin& Ront,e>o(E style trainin& to t,e customer or ,a*e "e en&a&ed aspecialist trainin& pro*ider to pro*ide a speci0ic set o0 trainin& e*ents.

    8o" many people "ill (e trainedJ

    H,at is t,e e!pectation o0 t,e (ase le*el o0 ?no"led&e o0 t,ose (ein& trainedJ

    8o" many uniue trainin& e*ents "ill (e runJ

    Hill trainin& include any 0ormal trainin& documentation pac?sJ

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 4 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    #usiness Continuity&Disaster Recovery Re!uirements

    )dd (usiness continuity$disaster reco*ery reuirements ,ere [(ody te!t style]M.

    H,at are t,e reuirements 0or %usiness Continuity and Disaster eco*eryJ


    F Disaster eco*ery 0acilities

    F H,ere are t,ey ",o "ill mana&e t,emJ

    F H,at "ill our in*ol*ement (eJ

    F Disaster eco*ery lan

    F Does one e!ist B can "e o00er to de*elop one at additional costJ

    F 8o" is t,e lan tested ,o" o0ten (y ",oJ

    F %usiness impact

    F Can t,e customer su00er any data lossJ

    F H,at a(out systems a*aila(ility B is t,is reuired 24!

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Mana%e Services

    T,e solution as proposed "ill (e ,anded o*er to [C'TO] to mana&e$transitioned into )lp,a"estana&ement upon success0ul completion o0 t,e a&reed test sc,edule.

    T,e ta(le (elo" pro*ides a ,i&,le*el o*er*ie" o0 t,e de*ices included in t,is proposal 0or mana&ementto&et,er "it, t,e associated 'er*ice 6e*el tar&et 0or eac, cate&ory o0 de*ice. T,e 0ull ser*ice description0or eac, cate&ory o0 ana&ed 'er*ice can (e 0ound in )ppendi! 2.

    Site&)ocation Device Type Moel *uantity Service )evel Tar%et


    'er*er$')@$/a(ric '"itc,

    Mana%ement )in+

    lease edit t,e 0ollo"in& para&rap,s as appropriate to e!plain ,o" mana&ement o0 t,e solution "ill (e.ac,ie*ed B i.e. in(and across Optus *ol*e or outo0(and *ia a dedicated mana&ement lin?.

    In order to mana&e t,e de*ices listed a(o*e I le*el access is reuired 0rom net"or? mana&ementsystems "it,in t,e )lp,a"est nterprise ana&ement Centre.

    )s [C'TO]Es net"or? resides "it,in t,e Optus *ol*e net"or? mana&ement "ill (e per0ormed in(and across t,is en*ironment. Ie a dedicated outo0(and mana&ement lin? is @OT reuired.


    [C'TO] is not currently connected to t,e Optus *ol*e net"or? and as a conseuence a dedicatedouto0(and mana&ement lin? "ill (e reuired. %ased on t,e type and total num(er o0 de*ices to (emana&ed a lin? o0 capacity !!!?(ps$sec "ill (e reuired. T,is lin? "ill (e pro*isioned 0rom t,e )lp,a"estC mana&ement net"or? +) end- to [C'TO 'IT @)] +% end-.

    @OT: )s mana&ement must (e per0ormed outo0(and )lp,a"est ,as included costs 0or t,e pro*ision o0a dedicated mana&ement lin? and associated router. T,is lin? "ill connect into )lp,a"estEs mana&ementV@ to pro*ide I le*el access to$0rom )lp,a"estEs net"or? mana&ement plat0orms and toolsets.

    @o costs ,a*e (een included to pro*ide 0ire"all se&re&ation o0 t,is mana&ement lin? "it,in t,e customernet"or?. I0 t,e customer ,as any speci0ic security reuirements ",ic, are not met (y t,is approac, t,esemust (e raised "it, )lp,a"est (e0ore contract si&nin&.

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e ; o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Service Delivery

    F I0 t,e solution is (ased on a standard nity cost model t,en unless you ,a*e selected somet,in&

    additional in K'er*ice ana&ementL t,e nity model "ill typically only allo" 0or

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e < o0 27

    Version [#.#]

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    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e = o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    APPENDI, - . #ill o' Materials

    )dd details ,ere M[(ody te!t style]

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 9 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    APPENDI, / . Mana%e Service De'initions

    )dd details ,ere M[(ody te!t style]

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    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    APPENDI, 0 . E!uipment Data S$eets

    )dd details ,ere M[(ody te!t style]

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 2 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    APPENDI, 1 2a title o' appeni34

    )dd detail ,ereM[(ody te!t]

    )lp,a"est 'er*ices ty 6td Company Con0idential a&e 22 o0 27

    Version [#.#]

  • 8/11/2019 REVISED FNa1213 Solution Overview - MD Ver 0.5


    'olution O*er*ie" 0or [opportunity name]

    Template Revision History

    Do @OT cut and paste t,is into t,e )lp,a"est roposal.

    Version Date )ut,or odi0ications made

    1. 9$15$21 alcolm Do"n Initial dra0t

    1.2 21$15$21 alcolm Do"n Included additional te!t re&ardin& 'D

    1.7 22$15$21 alcolm Do"n pdated "it, 0eed(ac? 0rom 'an>ay ai

    1.4 27$15$21 alcolm Do"n pdated "it, 0eed(ac? 0rom @icolette oore

    1.5 71$1;$21 alcolm Do"n pdated "it, 0eed(ac? 0rom Da*id eredit,

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