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  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    Human beings

    1. Calligrapher : a person with good handwriting2. Egoist : a selfish person3. Egotist : a conceited person4. Deserter : a person who runs away from army5. graphologist : a person who studies peoples behavior by their handwriting6. Altruist : an unselfish person7. Quack : a person who deceives others by false appearance8. Renegade : a person who runs away from a group9. Jingoist : a person with a negative- patriotism10.Iconoclast : a person who breaks dogma11.Maverick : a person who breaks conventions12.Polyglot : an expert in many languages13.Spitfire : a lady who gets irritated easily14.Philanthropist : a lover of mankind15.Misanthrope : a hater of mankind16.Demagogue : A person who hurts the sentiments of masses17.Pedagogue : a teacher18.Cynic: a person who is unhappy with human nature19.Stoic : a person not moved by pleasure and pain20.Optimist : a person with positive attitude towards life21.Pessimist : a person with gloomy attitude towards life22.Connoisseur : an expert of food, drinks and art23.Puritan : a person who is strict in religious matters24.Flippant : a sportive person25.Truant : a student who is habitually absent from school26.Valedictorian : a bright student with a very high grade27.Bellicose : a person who loves aggression28.Apostate : a person who breaks religious principles29.Anarchist : a law breaker30.Quixotic: an impractical person31.Parsimonious : a stingy person32.Benevolent : a kind hearted person33.Defector: a person who turns traitor to a cause34.Skeptic : a person who doubts35.Agnostic : a person who doubts the ultimate knowledge of GodAnthropology

    It is the study of physical and socio cultural aspects of human kind

    1. Epigraphy : study of ancient inscriptions2. Ethnography : systematic descriptions of individual culture3. Paleontology : study of fossils4. Praxeology : a science that deals with human conduct

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    5. Bipedalism : locomotion on two feet6. Animism : a belief that natural objects possess souls7. Anthropophagy : cannibalism8. Endogamy : marrying within a community9. Exogamy : marrying outside a community10.Polygamy : institution of marriage which permits more than one marriage11.Polygyny : having more than one wife at a time12.Taboo : culture specific prohibition13.Polyandry : having more than one husband at a timeSociology

    Sociology is the study of society

    1. Agnosticism : belief that human beings cant know whether there is God2. Anthropomorphism : attribution of human shape and character to animals3. Apartheid : racial segregation4. Apolitical : having no political interest5. Chauvinism : unreasonable devotion to ones race, sex and country6. Decorum: propriety, polite behavior7. Doxy : accepted religious beliefs8. Ethos: characteristic/distinguishing attitudes and habits of a group9. Etiquette: established conventions10.Iconoclasm : opposition to accepted ideas/beliefs11.Indoctrination : training others in ones belief12.Jingoism : excessive love towards one nation13.Nihilism : a belief that there is no purpose to existence

    Words related to education

    1. Almamater : a college were one studied2. Autodidact : a self-taught person3. Docent : a tourist guide in a museum, a University teacher4. Mentor : a teacher, a guide5. Pedagogue : a teacher6. Pedagogy : the science of art of teaching7. Philomath : a lover of learning8. Anglophile : a lover of English language9. Francophile : a lover of French Language10.Bibliophile : a lover of books11.Truant : an irregular student12.Valedictorian : a high ranking student13. Sophomore : a second year student of a School/college

    Mythology, Heaven, Hell, Fate

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    1. Apocalypse : prophetic revelation of cataclysm that reveals in good defeating the evilforces

    2. Armageddon : final battle between forces of good and evil3. Bane : source of ruin/destruction4. Cataclysm : violent upheaval at the end of the world5. Damnation : condemnation to hell or ill fate6. Doom : unhappy destiny, death, ruin7. Doomsday : day of last judgment8. Eschatology : study of death, doomsday and immortality9. Kismet : fate10.Omen : an indication of fortune11.Oubliette: finality, oblivion or death12.Retribution : reward or punishment13.Abrahams bosom : heaven14.Afterworld : place after life after death15.Empyrean : highest paradise16.Salvation : redemption from sin17.Vahalla : heavenly hell18.Welkin : vault of heaven19.Abyss: bottomless areas of hell20.Avernus : hell21.Brimstone : fire and sulfur of hell22.Damnation : eternity in hell23.Inferno : hell in the form of fiery region of torture24.Pandemonium : hell, demonic region25.Styx: principal river of the hell26.Tophet : hellish place of punishment27.Void : dark unknown regions beyond life


    1. Aeolus : God of wish2. Amphitrite : Goddess of sea3. Aphrodite : Goddess of love and beauty4. Apollo : God of love, intellect and property5. Ares : God of war6.

    Chloris : Goddess of flowers7. Cupid :God of love

    8. Daikoku : God of wwealth9. Eros : God of love10.Helios : Sun God11.Hermes : Messenger of Gods12.Hypnus : God of sleep13.Hymen : God of marriage

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    14.Mars : God of war15.Mercury : God of communication16.Minerva : God of wisdom and arts17.Mnemosyne : God of memory18.Morpheus : God of dreams19.Mors : God of death20.Nemesis : Goddess of punishment/reward21.Neptune : Sea God22.Nike : Goddess of Victory23.Nox : Goddess of night24.Plutus : Goddess of wealth25.Selene : Moon Goddess26.Somnus : God of sleep27.Thantos : God of death28.Vulcan : God of forge/fireTerms related to fables/legends/mythology

    1. Ambrosia : food of the gods conferring the immortality2. Anthropomorphism : practice of endowing natural world with human attributes3. Bifrost : rainbow bride between heaven and earth4. Deluge : the great flood of various legends5. Motif : recurrent theme in myth or legend6. Nectar : wind conferring immortality7. Hera : mountain home of the Gods8. Parable : short allegorical story with a moral9. Fable : story with fantastic events and creatures10.Saga : legendary narrative about heroic adventures

    Religious practices, theories and doctrines

    1. Ablution: ritual bathing of body or washing of an object2. Absolution : forgiveness for sins3. Agnosticism : belief that Gods existence is unknowable4. Amen : solemn ramification of faith at the end of prayers5. Anathema: curse6. Animism : belief that natural objects and phenomena have souls7. Apotheosis : deification8.

    Benediction: blessing9. Benison : blessing

    10. Blasphemy : intentional offence to God, sacrilege11. Canon : religious code/doctrine12. Celibacy : abstention from marriage13. Consecration : dedication of person or object to sacred use14. Ecclesiastical : relating to church as formal and established institution15. Exegesis : analysis and interpretation of scriptures

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    16. Expiation : atonement of ones sins17. Hagiography : literature or biography dealing with the lives of saints18. Henotheism : allegiance to one God while allowing worship of several other Gods19. Heresy : unorthodox or dissenting religious beliefs20. Hermeneutics : science of theological interpretation21. Hosanna : cry of love for God22. Hymn : sacred song in praise of God23. Invocation: act of calling upon deity usually in prayer24. Liturgy : rites of religious worship25. Nescience : agnosticism26. Oblation : offering to God ( bread and wine)27. Orthopraxy : correct religious behavior and rituals28. Pantheism : belief that God is manifested by and through the Universe29. Proselytize : attempt to convert others to ones belief or religion30. Redemption : salvation and deliverance from evil31. Retreat : period of seclusion for religious exercises and meditation32. Sacrilege : act or statement that degrades the sacred33. Supplication : earnest prayer of petition34. Syncretism : attempted reconciliation of elements from two or more religions to create a

    new religion

    35. Unction : Anointing with oil as consecration36. Unfrock : Deprive priest of right to exercise officeIndividuals of religion1. Abbot : superior of monastery2. Acolyte : altar server3. Anchorite : religious hermit4. Apostate : deserter of religious faith5. Apostle : messenger/preacher of religious principles6. Archangel : chief angel7. Cantor: singer/leader of choir8. Cenobite : member of religious order living in convent/monastery9. Chaplain :person conducting religious meeting other than church10. Cherub : one of second order of angels11. Colporteur : person who travels about to sell bibles12. Curate : clergy man13. Mendicant : member of religious order living by alms or charityIndividuals of religion1. Neophyte: recent convert to a faith2. Nullifidian: person without religious faith: skeptic3. Penitent: person who confesses sin and seeks repentance4. Pontiff: pope5. Predicant :preacher6. Proselyte: new convert to religion7. Recreant : one who renounces faith

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    8. Reprobate : one who is damned9. Seminarian : person studying to become member of the clergy10. Seraph : one of the highest order of the angels11. Sexton : person who watches over church property and usually rings bells for service12. Televangelist : Evangelist who preaches over television13. Theologian : person who has studied religious faith and practices14. Votary: person bound by religious vowsBuildings of Religion Institutions1. Abbey : monastery2. Altar : raised platform3. Bethel : church for seamen4. Chapel : small house of worship associated with large church5. Curia : the papal court6. Naos: ancient temple. Shrine7. Nave : main axis of church or cathedral8. Pantheon: temple dedicated to all Gods9. Papacy : institution and office of the pope10. Parish : local church11. Pew : bench or seat on which several people sit in a church12. Pulpit : lectern from which preacher conducts religious service13. Sanctuary : sacred portion of church surrounding altar14. Seminary : institution providing training for priesthood15. Synagogue : Jewish place of worship16. Synod : church council17. Vestry : room in church for storage of vestmentsDeath and its aftermathIdioms expressing death1. At peace : dead2. By the farm: die or be killed3. cash in ones slips: die4. Have ones foot in the grave : be dying5. Kick the bucket : die6. Meet ones maker : die7. Six feet under: dead and buried8. Bite the dust : diePhrases expressing death1. Done for (infml) : close to death2. Done in : dead3. Drop dead : die suddenlyAdjectives suggesting death1. Asleep : dead2. At peace : dead

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    3. Deceased: dead4. Departed: dead5. Eclipsed : having died6. Eighty sixed : died, especially killed7. Elapsed: having died8. In extremis : at the point of death9. Moribund : about to die10. Terminal : dying especially from a fatal diseaseTypes of crimes/criminal activities1. Abduction: carrying of a person by force2. Arson : intentionally setting fire to property3. Assassination : murder of a public personality4. Battery: physical violence upon another person5. Bootlegging: illegal production, distribution or sale of something already owned or


    6. Break-in : illegal entry of anothers property7. Bunko: swindle by taking advantage of a persons ignorance8. Counterfeiting : manufacturing of fake money9. Defalcation : failure to meet promise10. Embezzlement : theft of money or appropriation of property11. Extortion : demand for payment by force or threatening12. Felony: serious crime13. Frame : falsely accuse an innocent party14. Graft : bribery especially of public figures15. Gunrunning : smuggling of fire arms16. Hold up : armed robbery17. Infraction : violation of law18. Larceny : theft of personal property19. Libel : publication of statement damaging to anothers reputation20. Malfeasance: a wrong doing committed by a public official21. Manslaughter : taking of human life by accident or negligence22. Mayhem : willful infliction of bodily injury on another person23. Mugging : robbery especially in public place24. Mutiny : a military rebellion against the authority25. Peculation : embezzlement of public funds26. Perjury : lying under oath/giving false testimony n court27. Pilferage : theft of small amounts done over a time to avoid detection28.

    Piracy : bootlegging29. Plunder: robbery by force especially during war time

    30. Poaching: taking of fish or game from private property or protected reserve31. Racketeering : operation of a business characterized by systematically dishonest practices32. Rustling: stealing usually cantle or horses33. Safecracking: forcible entry into locked safe to steal its contents34. Sedition: incitement into rebellion against government35. Shoplifting : theft from store by person posing as customer

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    36. Slander : making of false or malicious verbal statements37. Subornation :inducing another to commit an illegal act especially forgery38. Swindling: performing fraudulent business transactions39. Treason: betrayal of ones country or government40. Vandalism: defacing or damaging of anothers property purposelesslyCriminals1. Accessory : person who though absent assists another to commit a crime or evade capture2. Accomplice : criminals active partner in crime3. Arsonist: person who intentionally sets fire4. Bluebeard: any man who allegedly kills the women he married5. Bookie: person accepting illegal bets6. Bootlegger : seller of illegal items7. Brigand : bandit, member of gang operating in forest or mountain8. Burglar : thief9. Cat burglar : one killed at breaking into buildings even those secured against thefts by

    climbing through windows10. Crook: criminal11. Delinquent : person who violates the laws12. felon : person guilty of felony13. fence : receiver of stolen property14. Fugitive : person fleeing arrest or imprisonment15. Gunmoll: gangsters girlfriend16. Highway man : person who stops travelers to rob them17. Hoodlum: violent young ruffian18. Hooligan: street gang member19. Juvenile delinquent : criminal under the age of illegal majority20. Kleptomaniac: person who has an urge to steal21. Mugger : person attacking others on streets22. Pickpocket : cannon, hook23. Prowler : person entering anothers home for stealing24. Squatter : person occupying others property illegally25. Thug: brutal petty criminal26. Vandal : person engaged in wanton violence to property usually not motivated by theftLegal Procedures1. Clemency : mercy shown to prisoners by authorities2. Commute : reduce sentence3.

    Ex-con : former convict4. Flogging : whipping as punishment

    5. Incarceration : imprisonment6. Parole : release from prison before full sentence has been served7. Penitentiary : maximum security prison in the US8. Reprieve : delay in execution of sentence9. stockade : military prison10. Turnkey : jailer

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    11. Warden : prison administrator12. Warder: jailerFights

    1. Altercation : dispute, contest2. Brawl : noisy fight or quarrel3. Broil : noisy argument or fight4. Dogfight : rough physical fight5. Duel : fight between 2 persons especially witnesses and rules of conduct6. Feud : protracted hostilities between two parties7. Flap : noisy argument8. Fracas: noisy fight, brawl9. Horseplay: playful fighting10. Joust : contest between knights mounted on horseback11. Melee : confusing crush of battling opponents12. Ruckus : noisy commotion, rumpus13. scrape : fight/battle14. Scuffle : confused disordered fight15. Skirmish : light, brief conflict16. Spat : petty quarrel17. Squabble : noisy dispute or brawl18. Strife: contest/fight19. Tiff: petty quarrel20. Vendetta: prolonged feud involving killing for revengeAttacks1. Ambush : surprise attack by concealed force2. Battery : physical beating of a person3. Blitz : lightening quick attack4. Foray : raid especially for booty in war5. Onslaught : vigorous powerful attack6. pillage : robbery or plunder7. Rapine : pillage8. Afflict : inflict injury or distress9. Blight : ruin, cause to wither, decay10. Brandish : wave a weapon menacingly11. Browbeat : intimidate12. Butt : strike with head13.

    Chafe: rub against so as to wear away14. Clobber: strike a hard blow

    15. Club: hot with heavy weapon16. Collar: seize by neck17. Consume : destroy completely especially by fire18. Crunch : grind19. Defile :pollute20. Dent: make a depression or hollow in something

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    21. Deracinate : uproot from home or native culture22. Desecrate : treat without respect23. Despoil :plunder or ravage24. Devour : destroy by consuming25. Drum : hit repeatedly26. Expunge : bliterate27. Extirpate :root out/eradicate28. Flay: whip29. Flog : whip30. Gash : cut deeply31. Gnash : grind32. Gouge : force or scoop out33. Grapple : fight closely34. Hack : chop up35. Hew : strike with an axe36. Impale : pierce with sharp stick or rod37. Implode: burst inward38. Impinge : collide with39. Incinerate : burn40. Intimidate: bully41. Irrupt: burst or break in violently42. Jab: poke/punch43. Lacerate : fear or cut44. Lash : strike with a whip45. Maim : disfigure/mutilate46. Nettle : irritate/ provoke47. Paw: handle roughly48. Pestle : grind or pulverize49. Plague : torment, infest50. Prod : poke with pointed stick51. Sear: burn or char the surface of52. Vanquish : conquer or defeat in a battle53. Throttle: choke/strangle54. Snipe : shoot at from a distance55. Slug : hit hard with a fistMedical Terminology

    Important diseases and Afflictions


    Ague : malaria2. Ailment : physical disorder or chronic disease3. Apoplexy: plague4. Botulism : food poisoning5. Epilepsy : brain disorders that causes sudden attacks6. Rheumatism: any disorder that causes pain in muscles and joints7. Alopecia : progressive hair loss in men, baldness8. Amnesia : total or partial memory loss

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    9. Anemia: reduced hemoglobin in blood10. Anorexia : pathological fear of obesity during adolescence11. Delirium: acute mental disorder12. Gangrene: decay and death of body tissue13. Narcolepsy: extreme tendency to fall asleep in the daytime or during monotonous

    activities14. Toxemia: blood poisoning caused due to toxins15. Vertigo : dizzinessDefects and disabilities1. Albinism: inherited deficiency of pigment in skin, hair and eyes2. Amputation : loss or removal of a limb3. Aphasia : speech and language comprehension disorder4. Clubfoot : birth defect in which foot is twisted5. Debility : physical weakness or feebleness6. Dementia : chronic mental disorder7. Dyslexia : developmental disorder that hinders the ability to learn to read an writeInjuries and accidents1. Abrasion : wearing away of surface of skin2. Bruise: skin discoloration caused due to escape of bloodDiagnostic terms1. Ambulatory : designating patient who is able to leave bed and walk2. Autologous derived from same individual or organism3. Carcinogen: substance that might produce cancer in living tissue4. Congenital : condition present at birth, often inherited5. Dystrophy: faulty nutrition6. Endemic : disease that is constantly present in particular region but generally under

    control7. Epidemic: contagious disease that spreads rapidly through population of a specific region8. Hypochondria : Obsession with real and imagined physical ailments9. Etiology: cause of specific disease10. Iatrogenic: resulting from treatment11. Incubation period: time between entry of disease organisms into body and onset of

    disease symptoms12. Morbidity : state of being diseased13. Moribund: dying14.

    Mortify : cause body tissue to decay15. Pandemic: epidemic disease that spreads to different countries over large region

    16. Pathogenic: disease causing17. Pathology: study of disease processes and course of disease18. Prognosis : assessment of future course and outcome of patients disease19. Virulent: disease producing20. Zoonosis: any infectious disease of animals such as rabies that can be transmitted to


  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    Fitness1. Aerobics: vigorous exercise2. Calisthenics: individual gymnastics3. Dancercise : system of vigorous dance movements done to music for fitness4. Ergonomics: study or practice of adapting working environment to needs of the body5. Herbalism : use of herbs for healing6. Kinesiology: : principle of anatomy and mechanics in human movements7. Work out: strenuous exercise especially aerobicLanguage and phonetics-11. Holophrase : single word functioning as a phrase or a sentence2. Homograph : word with same spelling or different meaning from another word3. Homonym: word with same pronunciation, spelling but different meaning4. Ideogram : written symbol5. Idiolect : a persons distinguished speaking style6. Jargon: technical or specialized terminology of a group of profession7. Lexical : pertaining to the words or the vocabulary of the language8. Lexicography : study of formation of words9. Lexicon: vocabulary listings of words in a language10. Lingo: language especially slang or jargon11. Lingua franca: common language for communicating12. Linguist : specialist in language13. Loanword: word borrowed from another language14. Metalanguage: language used to describe or analyze language15. Neologism: recently coined word16. Onomastics : Study of origin and use of proper nouns17. Orthography : science of standard spelling18. Parlance: specific style of speaking especially involving specific words19. Philology : study of written texts to determine meaning and authenticity20. Phonogram : symbol representing word sound or syllable21. Polyglot : multilingual person who knows several languages22. Polysemous : a word having many meanings23. Semantics: branch dealing with nature, structure and development of meaning of


    24. Semiotics: study of signs, theory and symbols of language25. Slang : informal often non-standard language consisting of newly coined words and

    extended meanings


    Sociolect : dialect used by a particular social group27. Suffix: affix added after base word28. Syntax: study of rules for arranging words and their synonyms and antonyms29. Thesaurus : book listing words and their synonyms and antonyms30. Vernacular : Language or dialect indigenous to a place31. Adage : proverb32. Allegory : extended metaphor33. Adage: proverb

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    34. Allegory : extended metaphor35. Alliteration : succession of words or stressed syllables of word groups beginning with

    same consonant sound or same letter

    36. Allocution: address, formal speech37. Allusion : reference to famous historical or literary person38. Anacolution : deliberate failure to complete a sentence39. Anagram : rearrangement of letters in a word to form another word40. Conundrum : riddle/questions involving (answer) a punLanguage and phonetics- 21. Declamation: recitation as exercise in oratory or elocution2. Denotation : specific literal meaning3. Diatribe: abusive, bitter style of speech4. Dysphemism : harsh or unpleasant language5. Ellipsis : omission of words6. Endearment : affectionate form of address7. Epigram : concise, vivid saying8. Epilogue: concluding statement9. Epithet : descriptive often disparaging phrase10. Equivocation : use of ambiguity in order to11. Eulogy: formal extended phrase of praise12. Euphemism: indirect mild language often used as a substitute13. Exordium: introduction to oration14. Forensics: study of argumentation and debate15. Harangue : bombastic ranting16. Homily : morally instructive speech17. Hypocorism : pet name18. Imprecation: curse19. Innuendo : insinuation of words with unpleasant connotation20. Invective : abusive language21. Invocation : address to God or higher power22. Lingo : strange obscure language or jargon23. Litany : prayer or supplication24. Locution : style of expression25. Malapropism : incorrect use of word26. Malediction : curse27. Maxim: aphorism, proverb28. Nutshell: brief statement reducing something to its essence29.

    Onomatomania : obsession with words, meanings and their sounds30. Oxymoron: combination of two contradictory terms

    31. Palindrome: word, phrase or sentence reading same both forward and backward32. Panegyric : eulogy33. Pangram: sentence, word containing all the letters of the alphabet34. Parable : short story that has a moral attitude or principle35. Paradox: apparently contradictory statement that is actually true36. Periphrasis: indirect word style of expression

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    37. Peroration : concluding remarks at the end of a speech38. Persiflage: banter, light chatter39. Platitude: common place remark, clich40. Pleonasm : redundancy41. Polemic: argument set forth esp on a controversial subject42. Chestnut : odd or unfamiliar anecdote or jokeLanguage1. Profanity : common or vulgar language characterized by irreverence towards God or

    sacred things

    2. Prologue: introductory remark or statement3. Pun: word play based on similarity of sound4. Rebuttal : reply to an argument5. Repartee: conversation characterized by wit6. Retort : sharp, retaliatory replies7. Rhetoric : principles of oratory8. Riposte : quick sharp reply9. Sarcasm : caustic ironical language intended to wound or belittle another10. Saw: maxim11. Sequipedalianism : use of very long words12. Shibboleth : phrase characteristic of particular group, password13. Slur : disparaging remark14. Solecism : error in diction15. Threnody: dirge or lamentation16. Truism : common place statement of truth, clich17. Verbigeration: continuous repetition of words and statements18. Vitriol: extremely caustic speech or writingSounds and Noises1. Acoustics: branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves2. Audiology: study of hearing disorders3. Aural : pertaining to the ear or sense of hearing4. Babel : confused mixture of sounds and noises5. Cacophony: harsh, discordance of sounds6. Clamor: loud and continuous sounds7. Consonance : harmony of sounds8. Din: loud, confused, continuous sound9. Earshot : distance within which sound or noise can be heard10.

    Eavesdrop: listen secretly to a conversation11. Euphony: pleasant combination of words

    12. Fain t: lacking loudness13. Hush : silence after noise14. Listen in : over hear, eavesdrop15. Lull: temporary stillness16. Muffle : deaden sound17. Mute : silent

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    18. Otology : study or treatment of diseases of the ear19. Racket : loud, disturbing noise20. Ring: give forth a clear resonant sound21. Sibilation: hissing sound22. Sonant : having sound23. Sonorous : loud and deep toned24. Stone deaf: totally deaf25. Strident : harsh or creaking soundSmells

    1. Ambrosia : food of the gods2. Anosmic: having complete or partial loss of smell3. Aroma : agreeable odor4. Aromatic : having a pleasant scent and odor5. Bouquet : distinctive aroma of wines and liquor6. Cologne : mildly perfumed toilet water7. Deodorant : any agent used to eliminating odors8. Fetid: having a strong, unpleasant smell, olid9. Foul: unpleasant smelling10.Fulsome : disgusting to the senses11.Fumigation: exposure to smoke12.Funk: strong, offensive smell13.Fust: strong smell14.Halitosis: having foul smelling breath15.Malodorous : foul smelling16.Miasma : noxious exhalation from decomposing organic matter17.Nidor : strong smell of burning meat18.Pomander: ball shaped mixture of aromatic substance19.Putrefy : cause to rot or decay with an offensive odor20.Rancid : having an unpleasant stale smell21.Redolent : fragrant22.Reek : unpleasant smell23.Savory : fragrant24.Snuffle: draw air into nose so as to smell something25.Stink : emit a strong unpleasant smell


    1. Acerbic: sour/astringent in taste2. Acidic : sharp, biting in flavor3. Acrid : sharp/biting/pungent4. Aftertaste: sensation of taste that remains after something is eaten5. Astringent : harshly biting to the taste buds6. Brackish : having a slightly salty taste7. Briny : salty in flavor

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    8. Caustic: sharp, acidic9. Delectable : delicious, appetizing10.Dulcify: sweeten11.Gustatory: pertaining to taste or tasting12.Palatable : tasty13.Nip: biting taste14.Pique: pleasingly sharp or biting in taste15.Rancid : having foul taste16.Rank : having foul taste17.Sumptuous : delicious18.Smack: taste, flavor19.Syrupy : very sweet20.Tang: distinctive taste21.Toothsome: palatable22.Gastronomy: the art of food preparation23.Connoisseur : a person with a discriminating taste in food

    Time1. Biannual: occurring twice a year2. Bicentennial : occurring once in 200 years3. Biennial : occurring once in two years4. Bimonthly : occurring once in two months5. Diurnal : daily6. Duo decennial : occurring every twelve months7. Hebdomadal : weekly8. Perennial : occurring year after year9. Quinquennial : occurring every five years10. Quotidian : daily, everyday11. Septennial : occurring every 7 years12. Vespers : prayers said at evenings13. Vicennial : a twentieth anniversaryPeriods of time1. Eon : extremely long period of time2. Blue moon : long periods of time3. Circadian : occurring in 24 hrs cycle4. Epoch : significant time period marked by historical events5. Eternity : forever6.

    Hiatus: gap in continuity7. Immemorial: extending beyond memory

    8. Interim: interval of time9. Longevity : length of life span10. Stint: limited period of timePlace1. Acme : highest point

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    2. Aloft : high in air3. Apex: highest point4. Apogee: highest or most distant point5. Benchmark : reference for making measurements6. Cup sheaf : highest point7. Crown : highest point8. Dorsal : near or on the back9. Dorsolateral: on both the back and sides10. Epicenter : exact center11. Fork : point of branching12. Hindmost : nearest to the rear position13. Hub : focus14. Nadir : lowest point15. Navel: central point16. Omphalos : navel17. Prostrate : lying face down on the ground18. Reclining : leaving backward from the vertical position19. Recumbent : recliningDimensions and Directions1. Askew : twisted to one side2. Aslant : obliquely at a slant3. Azimuth: of horizon measured clockwise from fixed point at North or South4. Beeline : direct course5. Circuitous : following an indirect path6. Linear : moving in a straight line7. Oblique : slanting or sloping8. Obtuse : an angle greater than 90 degreesShapes1. Acicular : needle shaped2. Acute : of an angle less than 903. Anchor : object that has broad hook like arm4. Annular : ring shaped5. Apical : narrowing toward a pointing tip6. Arcuate : curved like a bow7. Bolus : lumpy rounded mass8. Botryoidal formed like a bunch of grapes9.

    Campanulate : bell shaped10. Catenate : chain like in shape

    11. Circinate : ring shaped12. Convoluted: twisted or coiled13. Cordate : heart shaped14. Crook : bent or hooked formColors

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    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    Words related to specific color and shade

    ColorI WHITE

    1. Putty2. Oyster3. Nacre4. Dove5. Blond6. Alabaster7. Argent8. Gauze9. Columbine

    ColorII BLACK

    1. Soot2. Pitch3. Raven4. Sable5. Ebony6. Jet

    ColorIII RED

    1. Jockey2. Garnet3. Alizarin4. Crimson5. Alpenglow6. Annatto7. Carioca8. Carmine9. Carnelian10.Cerise11.Cinnabar12.Claret13.Cochineal14.Cranberry15.Damask16.Lobster17.Ponceau18.Poppy19.Ruby20.Rust21.Scarlet

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    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    ColorIV ORANGE

    1. Terracotta2. Tangerine3. Ocher4. Apricot5. Aurora6. Carotene7. Carrot8. Helianthin9. Hyacinth10.Mandarin11.Marigold12.Mikado13.Pumpkin

    ColorV PINK

    1. Blush2. Begonia3. Salmon4. Ombre5. Nymph6. Cameo7. Carnation8. Fiesta9. Flamingo10.Incarnadine11.Melon

    ColorVI GREY

    1. Ash2. Cinder3. Cinereous4. Dove5. Flint6. Griege7. Obsidian8. Pelican

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    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    9. Plumbago10.Slate11.Taupe


    1. Amber2. Auramine3. Aureolin4. Blond5. Brass6. Brazen7. Bluff8. Butter9. Calendula10.Canary11.Chalcedony12.Chamois13.Citron14.Crocus15.Dandelion16.Flax17.Gamboges18.Honey19.Jonquil20.Linen21.Maize22.Mustard23.Orpiment24.Palomino25.Pear26.Primrose27.Puree28.Quince29.Reed30.Saffron31.Sallow32.Straw33.



    1. Absinthe2. Aqua3. Avocado

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    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    4. Beryl5. Bice6. Brewster7. Celadon8. Corbeau9. Drake10.Emerald11.Flagstone12.Holly13.Jade14.Lizard15.Loden16.Malachite17.Mint18.Moss19.Myrtle20.Olive21.Patina22.Reseda23.Serpentine24.Shamrock25.Spruce26.Teal27.Tourmaline28.Turquoise29.Verdigris30.Viridian31.Yew32.Verdant

    ColorIX BLUE

    1. Aquamarine2. Azure3. Cerulean4. Cyan5. Gentian6. Huckleberry7.

    Hydrangea8. Jouvence

    9. Lucerne10.Lupine11.Milori12.Smalt13.Ultramarine14.Wisteria

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037


    ColorX Purple

    1. Amethyst2. Aubergine3. Bokhara4. Campanula5. Clematis6. Dahlia7. Damson8. Fuchsia9. Gridelin10.Heliotrope11.Hyacinth12.Lavender13.Lilac14.Magenta15.Mauve16.Monsignor17.Orchid18.Pansy19.Raisin20.Raspberry21.Rubine22.Solferino23.Tulip24.Violet/violetta


    Tools and Techniques Used in Painting1. Atelier : artists studio2. Batik : painting on wax treated cloth3. Cartoon : full size, preliminary painting or sketch for complete work4. Collage : pasting together bits of found objects5. Cool-colorsblue green colors of the spectrum6. Crayon: small stick or chalk, colored wax or charcoal used for painting7.

    Easel: vertical framework for supporting painting in progress8. Finger paint: water soluble, non-toxic paint applied with fingers

    9. Fresco : technique of painting directly on a wet plaster surface10. Gilding : application of gold leaf for picture surface11. Glaze: thin translucent layer of cover12. Hue : distinct quality of a color a spectrum13. Iconography : represent in painting or drawing14. Limn: represent in painting or drawing

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    15. Mandorla : halo of light on holy figures16. Monochromatic : having a single color scheme17. Oeuvre: entire body of an artists work18. Palette: handled board for mixing colors19. Polychromatic : painted in many colors20. Restoration : repair of damaged or worn out painting21. Secco: painting or dry plaster on wall or ceiling22. Vignette : small decorative painting used at intervals in books23. Grotesque : work involving animal, human and plant forms24. Genre: realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life25. Altarpiece: devotional image in place of worship26. Curator: person in charge of museum and objects in itWords related to sculpture1. Vent: passages in mold through which gases escape during casting2. Spall: chip or splinter broken from stone during carving3. Grounding : finely polishing marble4. Gradine : toothed chisel5. Gouge : curved chisel6. Foundry: process of melting, casting or molding metals7. File: abrasive metal tool for smoothing and shaping8. Emboss: decorate with low relief design9. Alabaster : transparent marble like stone for carving10. Annealing: softening of hammer hardened metal by heating and gradual cooling11. Armature: framework used to support sculpture in modeling process12. Banker: sculptors workbench for dressing stones13. Carving: cutting away stones or wood to three dimensional forms14. Casting: reproduction technique using a mold15. Chase : finish metal surface16. Chisel : sharp metal carving tool17. Drill: tool for boring holes in wood18. Electrum: alloy of gold and silver for fine sculptural details19. Totem : carved emblem especially of animal and plant form20. Statuary: groups of statues21. Discobolus : statue of athlete about to toss22. Colossus: extremely large scale sculpture23. Bust : sculpture of upper part of the body24. Akrolith: statue made of two materials25.

    Colossus : extremely large scale sculpture

    Words related to literature1. Apologue : fable containing a moral2. Memoirs: autobiography3. Ballad: poem that tells a story4. Chanson: song to be sung5. Chronicle : historical writing

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    6. Confession: autobiography addressing very private topics7. Eclogue : pastoral poem8. Elegy: poem lamenting one who is dead9. Epic: Literary work recounting a heroic story10. Epigram : terse witty saying11. Epistle : letter12. Exemplum: short story with a moral point13. Fable : supernatural tale14. Farce: drama with an improbable plot15. Fiction: invented, imagined story16. Gothic: fiction based on horror17. Idyll: short lyrical poem18. Lampoon: harsh satire19. Limerick: a humorous poem20. Melodrama : work of extravagant theatricality21. Novelette : brief novel22. Novella : brief poem with a compact plot23. Ode: lyric poem24. Pasquinade : publicly posted lampoon or satire25. Polemic : art of argumentation26. Prosody: study of meter in poetryLiterature

    1. Rondel : short poem2. Saga : lengthy legend3. Satire : work holding up human vices4. Sirvente : medieval poem5. Sonnet : poem of fourteen lines6. Verse : poetry7. Whodunit: mystery story8. Agon : dispute between chorus and characters in a Greek tragedy9. Allegory : metaphor used to explain larger meanings10. Alliteration: repetition of sounds in initial words11. Allusion: reference to famous persons or events12. Amphigory : nonsensical poetry13. Analects : literary passages14. Analogy : comparison between objects15.

    Antithesis : use of contrasting images or words16. Bowdlerize: censor by cutting offensive sections

    17. Blank verse: unrhymed poetry18. Cacophony: discordant sounds19. Caesurae: break in poetic rhythm20. Canto: one of the main divisions of a long poem21. Clich : time worn commonplace expression22. Cognomen: distinguishing name

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

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    23. Diatribe : bitter accusation24. Dithyramb: short poem25. Ditty: short simple lyricLiterature

    1. Doggerel: silly or bad poetry2. Epilogue: concluding segment after the main body3. Euphony: pleasantness of sounds in poetry4. Exegesis : critical interpretation of text5. Genre: category of composition with a specific style6. Gloss: continuous commentary appearing in a text7. Imagery : language used to evoke mental picture8. Irony: words expressing other than literal meanings9. Leitmotif : dominant theme10. Mimesis: imitation of persons style/grammar11. Motif: recurring theme12. Passus: division of story13. Plagiarism: literary theft14. Sarcasm : ironic/caustic language against an individual15. Simile: speech comparing two similar things16. Almanac: book with information on various fields17. Compendium: concise but comprehensive work18. Canon: work ascribed to author and accepted as genuine19. Concordance : alphabetical index of topics20. Hornbook : childs primer21. Magnum opus : one authors classical masterpiece22. Omnibus: book containing the works of a single author23. Tome : very large or scholarly workPeople of literature

    1. Antagonist: rival2. Bard: composer/singer of epic poetry3. Belletrist: composer of many amusing works4. Bibliognot : people with comprehensive knowledge of books5. Playwright : dramatist6. Fabulist : person who writes fables7.

    Farceur: writer of broad comedy8. Pseudonym: pen name

    9. Scribe: copier of manuscripts before invention of printing10.Scrivener: professional or public copyist writer11.Wordsmith: a skilled writer12.Persona: character in play13.Poetaster : inferior poet14.Protagonist : main character in a narrative

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037


    1. Air: simple tune melody or song2. Arabesque: short composition for piano3. Aubade: sunrise music4. Ballade: piano composition in romantic mood5. Ballet: music written to accompany balletic dance6. Concertino: short concert7. Dirge : slow mournful piece of music8. Etude: a musical piece intended to aid student in learning an instrument9. Minuet : early French dance10. Nocturne : dreamy romantic piece of music11. Overture: musical introduction to Ballet12. Pastoral: music of simple rural life13. Prelude: a musical introduction14. Symphony : composition for orchestra15. Canto: melody in choral or instrumental music16. Coda: passage added to final section or piece17. Crescendo: gradual steady increase in volume18. Decrescendo: gradual decrease in volume19. Dissonance : interval that is restless and discordant20. Fanfare: trumpet flourish21. Finale: closing part of music22. Homophony: music in which one melody dominates23. Intonation: production of tone with a voice or instrument24. Modulation: change from one key to another25. Pedal prolonged tone26. Staccato : with abrupt breaks within notes27. Alto : female voice sung at a lower pitch than soprano28. Bass: lowest normal make voice29. Canticle: liturgical song based on bible text30. Chant : sacred song31. Choir : group of singersMusic

    1. Chorister: member of choir especially its leader2. Contralto: lowest female voice3.

    Glee club: choral group usually large4. Hymn: religious or sacred song

    5. Libretto: words and texts of opera6. Leider: stylized German song7. Opera: drama in which text is entirely sung8. Baton: conductors light rd usually to keep time9. Conductor: leader of orchestra10. Consort : ensemble of singers and instrumentalists

  • 7/31/2019 Revised GRE Wordlist


    This Revised GRE wordlist compilation is done by Binod Pandey ([email protected]);

    Website: www.binodpandey.wordpress.com ; Contact No: 9841868037

    11. Improvisation : composition of music while performing it12. Recital : concert given by individual performer13. Ballad : slow sentimental romantic song14. Symphony: full orchestra15. Chantey : sailors work song16. Gospel : popular Christian church music17. Ditty : brief, humorous and simple song18. Riff : short melodic passage played on an instrument19. Unplugged : performed without electronic amplification or effects20. Virtuoso : performer with great skill or artistryDance

    1. Allemande : court dance2. Ballet : classical dance form3. Barn dance: rural American social dance4. Bolero a lively dance5. Cancan : high kicking stage dance6. Charleston : vigorous ballroom dance7. Clog: dance in which performer beats rhythm on the floor with heavy wooden shoes8. Conga : a ballroom dance9. Lambada : a competitive acrobatic dance10.Mambo: ballroom dance11.Waltz: classical ballroom dance12.Mazurka: lively folk dance13.Coda: final section of classical grand dance14.Arabesque : a dancing posture15.Danceur: a male ballet dancer

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