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Assignment 17: Revised Pitch

Page 2: Revised pitch

Plot Pt.1

• Black screen, company credits. Alarm goes off, wakes up and does daily morning routine. Variety of shots (Close ups, low angle shot reverse shot) Starts to hallucinate - reality disintegrates.

• Checks phone - Background on phone changes to something sinister and changes back suddenly after line of sight breaks. (POV shot) Gets dressed and hallucinates blood on his shirt - gets scared.

• Goes to shave and cuts himself. Hallucinates litres of blood pouring out. (waist level shot) Blood and cut from razor disappears. Starts to worry - goes downstairs to cook breakfast - shaken up from events.

• Takes bacon, sausages from fridge. Grabs oil from top shelf and narrowly misses an ear hidden away. Puts food in pan, puts food in fridge and doesn't notice the body parts(something else maybe?) in the fridge. Pours a glass of orange juice and goes back to the pan.

Page 3: Revised pitch

Plot Pt.2

• Goes to pan and the contents have changed to:Sausages - FingersBacon - FleshOil - Blood

• Freaks out. Looks at glass of juice and realise it's turned to blood. Throws both away in sink only to realise they've changed back to normal food and drink. POV shot + match on action.

• Pictures around him turn twisted and dark from his POV. It overwhelms him and he runs outside thinking it would help.

• Runs to centre of garden, grabs head in pain due to loud high pitch noise. 360 degree shot + fast cuts to add affect. Shouts 'Go away!' or 'Leave me alone'! 

• Total silence for a moment, reassuring the person. Calms down a bit. Blood drips above him. Slowly turns to face the whereabouts of the blood. Close-up on shock.


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