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Yesterday, 2nd of May, after the activity of “The man who planted threes” we do an activity of Wangari Muta Maathai. Wangari received the Nobel Price of the Peace. His ONG” Green Belt Movement” planted 30 millions of threes . We do this activity in base groups. We read the biography and we did an activities of reading comprehension, subsequently corrected teachers.

Thursday, 5th June

This article is an example of a workday during the Project:

Yesterday, on Thursday the 5thduring the first hour, we got in core groups and we put together what we had done during the excursion to “Can Campanyà”.

During the second hour, we got in expert groups and each did its homework. For example, the reporters wrote articles about the excursion.

After the playground, we got in main groups (1st A, B, C). Each group had an activity. The first group worked on a book activity for the kids in primary, the second group practiced P.E and the third group worked on the benefits of the forest.

During the last session, we went to the library for a lecture by a sir named Miquel. He gave us a conference about a group of forest defence (ADF) and we took notes to answer a quiz.


Yesterday, after the presentation of the 3rd project of this year, we went to our classes in our main groups and then we watched a video related to the project. It was called "The man who planted trees", a short story by Jean Giono. It lasted half an hour.

The story is about a man who planted trees and in the end has a forest.

At the end of the video, we evaluated our comprehension through a questionnaire about it, this questionnaire was very important to do because it is one of the project marks.


We did a story about a short film we saw on the first day of the project. We divided leaves disorderly telling the story with pictures and then we had to order them and write a line or two behind that explain the picture (should be) and we finally did a cover, we paint some drawings and we stapled.

PROJECT PRESENTATION OF HERBARI VIRTUALYesterday Gloria presented the 3rd project called l’Herbari Virtual to the 1st ESO students.

We were to that we had to take notes of the most important things she said. Gloria taught us through PWP, what to do in this project and the different roles that the students do:

Photographer: takes pictures of plants. Naturalist: surfs the names of plants in Latin. Reporter: takes pictures of people doing activity and then writes a piece of news.

Cartographer: reads maps.

And at the end of the presentation, every student went to in their classes.

TRIP TO CAN CAMPANYÀ!Yesterday our core group went to Can Campanyà. We had to do an activity there.

First Gloria told us what we had to do and then we looked for plants and It was a good activity because apart from working with plants and knowing the different fillums of plants, we worked as a team, and each member took his or her role so that we better under stoon what we had to do depending on our role.

Al though we had a great time, we thought, we could have gone to a place that had more or vegetation which could have been more comfortable because the heat made it so hard to work. We would have liked to have a little bit more of shade.

We are happy with the results of our work in Can Campanyà because we proved there how we work together, we showed that we can go on a trip!

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