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Mind-Body Psychology

Body Dysmorphic Disorder exists?

Editorial Lamus Y.month July 2013

Price: 18$

In whom the disorder is manifested?

Factors influencing its development

Treatments and Solutions

Spot the difference

Editorial: Lamus publishing Y. Is an editorial that supports the creation of the magazine was created in order to give to know through the printed medium different issues

affecting the individual psychological level so not only mentally but also physically. Like any other

magazine is monthly published an edition in which each of your items are precisely


It was originally described as Dysmorphophobia by Dr. Enrico Morselli in 1886.

       And refers to the distorted image of himself or exaggerated concern for real or imagined physical defect that causes significant distress that may impair work areas, academic, social and individual partner.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder exists?

The disorder usually manifests from adolescence and according to the actions taken by the parents for teaching limits

and values, can develop as a real disease or not. Similarly, it is possible to see it in adults with fragile personality and widely

manipulated. It affects both men and women and people seem to be

predominantly in high social class.

In whom the disorder is manifested?

Canons of beauty promoted by advertising: beauty stereotypes

that show the media and advertising in order to sell

products widely distant from reality and the concept of

health and wellness. creating figures impossible to anyone trying to copy them risking their physical and mental


Factors influencing its development

Treatment includes psychological treatments, drugs or both, depending on the severity of the


  Speech therapy: This therapy exposes you to what the individual becomes anxious.

The therapist will teach you other ways to control negative feelings. This is repeated until

you no longer have negative feelings.It will provide cognitive behavioral therapy

with exposure therapy and response prevention. 

Treatments and Solutions

Medications: If symptoms greatly affect daily lavida could recetársele


  There are numerous types of antidepressants, but selective inhibitors

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work best in people with body dysmorphic


  People with body dysmorphic disorder are usually not hospitalized, unless they

have another mental health problem, such as an eating disorder, major depression or


Spot the difference







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