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Longroyde Junior School

Friday 13th February 2015Headteacher


No 422

Contact us atLongroyde Junior SchoolLongroyde RoadRastrickBrighouseWest Yorkshire HD6 3ASTel (01484) 715300Fax (01484) 401810Email admin@Longroyde. calderdale.sch.ukweb sitewww.longroyde.weebly.comTwitter @Longroyde

Working Together, reaching for Individual


Hooters out of school club

Pictured above are the Disco team from this week’s Valentine’s Disco; a mixture of current staff, students and ex-students. The time given by all our staff after work to enable these sort of events to take place is much appreciated and we thank them for it. There are more pictures from the disco overleaf. If you would like to help at the next disco which will be in April, please speak to Mrs Goodall in the school office who will be happy to take your name and number.

Coming up Sunday 1st March 3pm at St John’s Church, Rastrick, Activities on Family Carer’s Theme for all the family at Messy Church. Refreshments provided.

Also, on Saturday February 28th between 9-12.30pm there will be a Table Top Sale at St John’s Community Hall. Entry is free, come along and find a bargain. Enjoy home-made cakes, bacon butties, tea and coffee. If you have items to sell call 01484 714765

A Reminder We return to school on Monday 23rd February at 8.50am. Everyone at Longroyde hope you ave a relaxing break and come back ready for the challenges of the new term.

Free Family Learning-Crazy Collage…is the latest activity to be organised by Mrs Clarke and her team of funsters! This will take place on Tuesday 24th Feb and Tuesday 3rd March from 3.20-5.15pm. All are welcome and it is completely free! See Mrs Clarke for further details if you would like to join us.

Valentine’s Disco raised £641 Thank you to everyone who supported us.

Well done to Maymunah for this lovely piece of needlework she has started in school and completed at home. You have worked really hard!

Page 2: llongroyde.weebly.com/uploads/6/3/6/9/6369839/...newsletter_in_word_13th_febru…REWARDSBest Attendance this week J6 (99.6%) Whole School Attendance this week 96.5% Whole School Attendance

This Week 9 th -13 th February 2015 Monday Lunchtime (all year groups) Library 12.40-1.15pm. School Choir 3.20-4.20pm. Tuesday Lunchtime (all year groups) Library 12.40-1.15pm.Guitar lessons pm. Wednesday Lunchtime (all year groups) Library 12.40-1.15pm.P Bones 12.20-1.20pm. Library 12.30-1.15pm. Brass Group 3.20pm-4.00pm. PFA Valentine’s Disco 6-8pm. Thursday Woodwind and Guitar lessons pm. School Band 12.45-1.15pm. P-Clarinet and Flute lessons pm. Friday Lunchtime (all year groups) Library 12.40-1.15pm. Rewards Assembly 9.05 am (All Welcome, refreshments served afterwards). School closes for half term 3.20pm.


Tidiest Class of the Week Not awarded this week Pupil’s Choice Joshua Dines, Libby Bush, Brooke Wood, Ella Williamson, Isabel Collins, Elana Kendall, Eloise Denney Housepoint Winners 1st Earth 9,630, 2nd Fire 9,115, 3rd Air 8,520, 4th Water 5,750 Star of the Month Awarded at the end of the month

A BIG thank you to all our very supportive parents. We would welcome your thoughts on our school through ParentView. The results will help show OFSTED how engaged you are with your child’s school.


Best Attendance this week J6 (99.6%) Whole School Attendance this week 96.5% Whole School Attendance this year so far 95.9% Rising Star Saud Afzal, Reuban Wood, Jessica Simpson, Dominic Gledhill, Jonathon Storry, Isabel Collins, Balwinder Sahota, Delany StuartThank you to all who supported the recent collection for Bobble Hat Day, over £40 has been sent to AGE Concern this week.

PFA Valentine’s Disco

It wasn’t just the teddies enjoying themselves this week at the PFA Valentine’s Disco as you can see from the photograph above.

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