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RF Survey


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

GSM Planning Steps Various steps are listed below CW survey Model Tuning Nominal Planning RF site Surveys Realized Planning Frequency Planning Implementation Optimization Drive Testing Performance Analysis


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Nominal Planning It consists of planning a set of sites on planning tool so as to predict the coverage of the target Area. Tool needs to be made intelligent so as to predict the coverage as close as possible to actual Coverage. Coverage plots are based on customer intension of providing indoor and outdoor coverage.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Mumbai Coverage Expectation Boundary


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Coverage Maps Reverse Link.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Composite Coverage Plot Propagation models are used to predict coverage from a particular site A composite coverage plot shows the overall coverage produced by each sector in the field of view The color of each pixel corresponds to the signal level of the strongest server at that point Such plots are useful for identifying coverage holes and overall coverage extent


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Clutter Types Dense Urban Urban Sub Urban Rural Water Vegetation Industrial Forest


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

What is a good site for radio planners? A place that does not have high obstacles around it and has a clear view for the main beam can be considered a good radio site.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Site Survey and Site Selection When the pre-planning phase is nearing completion, the site search process starts. Base on Coverage plans, the coverage plans, the radio planner starts identifying specific areas for prospective sites.

The survey stage does not allow for mistakes. Mistakes will incur delays, thus, making the project more costly.2/5/10 Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

RF surveys Each nominal has a search ring defined by the RF Planner Candidates needs to be identified as close as possible to the nominal within the search ring Height, orientations & antenna placement at site are the key RF parameter which are based upon the coverage requirement in the area Major obstructions and clutter type inPankaj Malik 2/5/10 various directions to be observed on(MobileComm Tech.) RF


Prepare Initial Search Ring Note the latitude and longitude from planning tool. Get the address of the area from mapping software. Release the search ring with details like radius of search ring, height of antenna etc.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Sharing site locations If there are friendly sites available that can be used (infrastructure sharing), then these sites are to be given preference. If these sites suite the design requirements, then visit these sites first. Select Initial Anchor Sites Anchor Site selection if Sharing option is not available. (Initial anchor sites are the sites which are very important for the network buildup, Eg - Sites that will also work as a BSC.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Enter Data In Propagation Tool Enter the sites exact location in the planning tool. Perform Propagation Analysis Now since the site has been selected and the lat/lon of the actual site ( which will be different from the designed site) is known, put this site in the planning tool and predict coverage. Check to see that the coverage objectives are met as per prediction.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

SELECTION OF SITES Reset / Review Search Rings If the prediction shows a coverage hole ( as the actual site may be shifted from the designed site), the surrounding search rings can be resetted and reviewed. Candidate site Visit( Average 3 per ring) For each proposed location, surveys should carried out and at least 3 suitable site candidates identified. Details of each candidate should be recorded on a copy of the Site Proposal Form for that site. Details must include: Site name and option letter Site location (Lat./Long) Building Height Site address and contact number Height of surrounding clutter Details of potential coverage effecting obstructions or other comments(A, B, C,...)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Visit Site With All Disciplines( SA, Power, Civil etc ) A meeting at the selected site takes place in which all concerned departments like RF Engineering, Site acquisition, Power, Civil Engineer, Civil contractor and the site owner is present. Any objections are taken care off at this point itself.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Locate Equipment On Site For Construction Drawing Plan of the building ( if site located on the building) to be made showing equipment placement, cable runs, battery backup placement and antenna mounting positions. Antenna mounting positions to be shown separately and clearly.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Some more points

Also check the power supply & tower earthing for sharing sites. Proper access to site sould be available for material moments. Check whether indoor/outdoor or both options availbale for BTS installation. If proper height is not available, then check for dual mount option for antenna considering the planned azimuth. You may provide suggestion to planner regarding height & Azimuth as per the feild conditions. Note down the Landmarks near the sites. (One of the most accurate methods to determine antenna directions 2/5/10 Pankaj Malik is to use an appropriate location map that showsTech.) roads (MobileComm and buildings)

Equipment required for RF Survey

GPS Digital Camera Measuring Tape Binoculars Magnetic Compass


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

GPSThe Global Positioning System(GPS) is a satellitebased navigation System that sends & Receive radio signals. A GPS receiver acquires these signals & provide the information. Using GPS we can determine Location Velocity Time

In order to get accurate coordinates for a location the GPS must be placed in an unobstructedMalik 2/5/10 Pankaj (MobileComm Tech.) location to sight as many satellites as possible.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Digital CameraThe camera is used to take photos of the sites to be surveyed. The photos will present Building and building entrance (from the street) 360-degree panoramic view BTS location Antenna locations Antenna directions (usually included in the panoramic view) Tower (if existing)2/5/10 Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Site Location


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Tower Photos(For Sharing Site)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Clutter Photos (Existing Tower)


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Panaromic Photos


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Panaromic Photos


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)



Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Measuring TapeThis tool is used to measure distances or heights. Height measurements can be performed by stretching out the tape from the top of the building down to the ground.

The length of the tape must exceed the building height


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

BinocularsBinocular is used basically during Tx Survey to check the microwave link clearance.


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Magnetic Compass

se to check the Azimuth/Direction/Orientation of the GSM An n of planning or survey data.

indicates the bearing of a certain direction in relation to a pa

away from magnetic object as it will cause the compass to r 2/5/10 Pankaj Malik(MobileComm Tech.)

SURVEY REPORTS The site Survey request report contain : Primary candidate for search and Secondary site candidates . Addresses & Contact Details. Height of the building/green-field, Coordinates, Antenna Configuration (location, tilt, azimuth, etc.) Maps, and a top view of the site with exact location of the base station and the antennas (both radio and transmission).


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

Thank You


Pankaj Malik (MobileComm Tech.)

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