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  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak






    The City of Royal Oak is requesting architectural proposals to provide contract plans,

    specifications, and cost estimates for renovating and improving the Royal Oak City Hall,211 Williams Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067. In addition, the Architect will prepare

    a Phasing Plan and the request for proposals (R.F.P.) for Construction ManagementServices for the work.

    Scope of Work

    The City of Royal Oak is interested in renovating and improving the:



    ROYAL OAK, MI 48067

    The City Hall renovation/improvement project is an effort to make the building more

    user-friendly to the public as well as more functional for the various city departments and

    employees housed within the building.

    General floor plans do exist for the facility; however the Architect will be required toverify dimensions and floor space as part of the work.

    It is the intent that the proposed renovations/improvements will use as much of the

    existing walls, mechanical, electrical and plumbing as possible. It is not anticipated thatthis project will require any exterior work on the building faade. The proposed

    renovations will need to be done in stages in order for normal services and work to


    The Architect will need to work closely with the Citys Information Systems Department.

    Office furniture and/or equipment planning/layout is not part of this project.

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    First Floor:



    City Clerk

    Second Floor:


    CDBG/Housing RehabilitationBuilding InspectionCode Enforcement


    Third Floor:

    City Manager

    City AttorneyHuman Resources

    Attached as Exhibit A are floor plans (provided by CDPA Architects from their 2008Space Needs Study) depicting the current location and floor space for each department

    within City Hall. The total space is approximately 29,300 sq. ft. No additional square

    footage is being added to the existing building as part of this project.

    Attached as Exhibit B are these same floor plans depicting the proposed future locationand space allocations for each department/function as indicated above.

    The proposed scope of the renovations/improvements includes; but is not limited to the

    following items (also see Exhibit B).

    Basement Floor No revisions planned

    First Floor The Human Resources Department will be moved to the Third

    Floor and Finance Department will be moved to the First Floor. The Clerks

    Office will remain intact while the Assessors Office and Treasurers Departmentwill remain on the First Floor portions of their space could be impacted by the


  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    Again, the intent is to maintain as much of the existing facility as possible. New

    walls to define work areas, offices, and counters will be necessary and interior

    finishes will need to be addressed. Low maintenance materials and designs aredesired. Portions of the mechanical and electrical systems as well as

    ingress/egress points may need to be relocated

    The plan must be detailed to allow construction to proceed while normal work

    activities are maintained.

    Additionally, the front entrance to City Hall is in disrepair and needs to be


    Second Floor The City Managers and City Attorneys Offices are being

    relocated to the Third Floor. The Planning/Housing Departments are moving to

    the Second Floor. Both the Engineering and Building Departments will remain on

    the Second Floor; see Exhibit B.

    The Engineering Department will be moved to the north end of Second Floor

    (former City Manager/City Attorney offices), see Exhibit B. It is anticipated thatthe majority of the City Attorneys space can be maintained while the City

    Managers area will have all of the existing interior walls and carpeting removed.

    A new wall/counter is anticipated and new interior finishes will need to beaddressed in this area. Low maintenance materials and designs are desired.

    Portions of the mechanical and electrical systems as well as ingress/egress points

    may need to be relocated

    A portion of the Engineering Departments current space is being planned for aConference/Meeting Room, see Exhibit B. It is anticipated that this space will

    only need new interior finishes (paint & carpet).

    Planning/Housing/Building Inspection and Code Enforcement will occupy thesouth & west portions of the Second Floor, see Exhibit B. It is anticipated that all

    of the interior walls within this area will be removed. The existing counter(s) will

    also need to be reconfigured.

    New walls to define work areas, offices, and counters will be necessary and

    interior finishes will need to be addressed. Low maintenance materials anddesigns are desired. Portions of the mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems

    as well as ingress/egress points may need to be relocated/addressed.

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    improvements are anticipated in this area. It is desirable to create an opening in

    the wall to connect the spaces currently labeled (Finance & Housing). Some roof

    repair related to existing water leaks into the Finance and Housing office spacemay be necessary along with interior finishes (plaster, paint, carpet).

    Work Phasing

    The City wants to move this project along as fast as possible, however in order to

    continue to provide services and depending upon the total cost it will be necessary tospread construction over a period of time. The plans will identify the planned phasing.

    The anticipated architectural contract award date is September 16, 2013.

    Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting

    All bidders are required to meet at the Royal Oak City Hall, 211 William Street,

    Michigan 48067 on Friday, August 16th

    at 9:00 a.m. in Room 309. City staff shall

    perform a walk through with all bidders at the same time and answer general questions

    about the (R.F.P.)

    Selection Timetable

    July 30th

    announce / advertise RFP

    August 16th

    @ 9:00 a.m. mandatory pre-proposal meeting

    August 28th

    @ 4:30 p.m. last date for questions

    August 30


    @ Noon proposal deadlineSeptember 16th

    selection of architectural firm / contract awardEarly spring 2014 commencement of construction

    Proposal Contents

    Each proposal should contain, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

    Name, address and brief history of firm. Proposer will identify business entity asindividual or, if doing business under assumed name, indicate assumed name;partnership (naming partners); corporation, foreign or domestic (naming principal

    officers); and indicated official capacity of person executing proposal.

    A cover letter with name of the firm its address telephone number and the name

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    Examples of other projects of similar scope.

    Related experiences during the last two (2) years

    Provide examples of project budgeting, cost estimating and results.

    Provide resume and background information on the personnel who will be

    directly involved with this project. The information should include educational

    background, licenses, years with your firm, and relevant work experience.

    List the rolls and responsibilities of the individuals who will be directly involved

    with the project, including subcontractors.

    Provide a list of references of officials from other cities who worked with

    you/firm on similar projects, including addresses and telephone numbers

    Inquiries may be made by the City of Royal Oak to verify accuracy of the informationprovided and to determine the firms performance on the related work.

    The successful bidder will be required to furnish liability insurance.

    The Architects bid shall address the following items as being in their bid (except if

    indicated that City shall perform).

    Preliminary architecture/engineering & outline specs Construction drawings/specs & bid proposal

    Tech evaluation of construction bids

    Approve materials, shop drawings & schedule

    Material testing (Royal Oak shall provide)

    Inspect construction periodically & attend meetings if necessary

    Initiate required changes & prepare field orders

    Review contractors invoices Prepare & reconcile punch list

    Provide full architectural and engineering services to carry out the project to completion.All work must conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes in the design and

    construction phase, including the latest ADA requirements and any environmental safety

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    Bidder shall include a copy of their proposed contract for inspection by the City

    The City of Royal Oak reserves the right to terminate the contract should thearchitect fail to provide the services to the satisfaction of the City of Royal Oak.

    The architect/bidder shall provide a thorough itemization of fees that cover all proposed

    services. Services not to be provided by the architect/bidder shall be specified in the


    Employee category; e.g. project manager, architect, draftsmen, etc.

    Estimated hours Rate per hour Total cost for each category and for all personnel needs

    Cost of supplies and materials (itemize)

    Other direct costs (itemize)

    General and administrative overhead (indicate percentage and total)

    Transportation costs

    Total not-to-exceed price proposal (This will change if the work expands andshall be addressed in the proposal).

    Evaluation Criteria

    The following criteria will be used to evaluate all proposals:

    Fee structure

    Relevant experience

    Project schedule

    Proposed methodology


    Qualifications of the firm and personnel assigned to the project

    Capacity of the firm to provide the full scope of services requested herein

    Each proposal will be reviewed by the City. The City may narrow the list of proposals tothree (3) finalists and may, at its discretion, request oral presentations from any of all thefinalists. A recommendation and contract will be forwarded to the City Commission for

    its review and approval.

    Submittal of Proposal

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    Proposals, and any questions related to the RFP, shall be directed to:

    Joseph M. Murphy, Planner E-mail: [email protected] of Royal Oak Phone: (248) 246-3285

    Planning Department Fax: (248) 246-3005

    211 WilliamsRoyal Oak, MI 48068

    The City of Royal Oak reserves the right to request any additional information whichmight be deemed necessary after the RFP information has been received.

    The City of Royal Oak does not intend to pay for any information solicited or obtained;further the City will not be liable for any costs incurred in the proposal preparation,

    presentation or contract negotiation.

    The City of Royal Oak reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received and theright to waive defects in proposals as a result of this RFP.

    The successful architect shall not provide services until a fully executed Contract hasbeen received by the City. The Architect must indemnify and hold the City harmless

    throughout the Contract. The Architect must also provide liability insurance during the

    term of the Contract.

    All questions or clarifications about the RFP should be submitted to the attention of

    Joseph Murphy, Planner (contact information above).

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    Exhibit A

    Existing Floor Plans

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  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    Exhibit B

    Proposed Floor Plans

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak



  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak



    May incorporate

    hallway space intooffice space.

    front entrance:renovations to

    appearance &accessibility

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak



    Planning/Housing/Building/CodeEnforcement - ALLinterior walls to beremoved.

    Engineering -dashed walls to beremoved - solid linenew wall/counter

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    City Manager, City

    Attorney & HumanResources.Dashed line newopening to connectspace.

  • 7/24/2019 RFP - Architectural Services - City of Royal Oak


    NO Work - Storage

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