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  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    ,hat rhetoric had in ancient Greece and on unique ways in which the Sophists per

    : , ,Sophists Their Burial a Tainted Perspective an

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    :Thomas Cole

    Richard Enos

    :John Ackerman

    :Susan Jarrat

    Everett Lee Hunt

    -John Scenters Zapico Debra Hawhee

    Researcher aiming to Rewrite Sophist Inclinations

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    of their , ,rivals mainly Plato and Aristotle that have been sort of immortalize

    ,s cultural , .success ect have been prescribed by much of the same circulating

    he figures that suppressed sophistic relevance and the unavailability of i

    : &Neglect Discovering the Uncovered Detracting from Exti

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    ulated by the judgments set by Plato and Aristotle in their dialogues and wo

    d image of the sophists and thus their use of rhetoric for means other than

    to be productive arguers of the counsel and state has been attacked numerou

    : &Neglect Discovering the Uncovered Detracting from Extin

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    " ( ),toric 1354al3 who according to Aristotle are concerned only with manipulatin

    : &Neglect Discovering the Uncovered Detracting from Extin


    - . .Susan Jarret The First Sophists and the Uses of History Rhetoric Re

    - , ,philoso phy the doctrine of truth by a truthful rendition of the sophists' us

    - - . .John Scenters Zapico The Case for the Sophists

    Rhetoric Revie

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    ,terranean Islands yet converged at Athens where the state of democracy and poli

    :Famous Sophists Origins and Convergence

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    aps of AncientGreece

    , ,ions of ancient Greece and the relationship of the islands Asia Minor and city

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    aised to take part in Greek civic duty ready to learn the tools to be active in

    .ation of schooling with Greek cultural athletic training While many Sophists r

    aneously taught philosophy and rhetoric.

    .received athletic training This combination of training created a sort of hybr

    How Sophists Pervaded Greece and the Polis

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    .transition from an oral to a written and literate culture was a long one

    , (ate the Greeks were very skeptical of the written word much the opposite of ou

    .f it The Sophists knew and held firm to the needs and concerns of the people wh

    ,oration they not only were able to continue to effectively connect with people

    How Sophists Pervaded Greece and the Polis

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    . " ," , "at was valid in Athens Oral culture Saussure tells us is dependent upon conv

    How Sophists Pervaded Greece and the Polis

    . ,in turn was based on an unfamiliarity with it As such it was much more than an

    - - . .John Scenters Zapico The Case for the Sophists Rhetoric Revie

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    : .Their Rhetorical Stance of Value Setting Themselves Apart

    , ,culminating in one and the sophists' relativistic democratic philosophy of th

    . , -mine and reexamine arguments It is not dependent upon the antiquated and often

    - - . .John Scenters Zapico The Case for the Sophists Rhetoric Review

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    )onger or prosperous than we still know because they were figures that both fed

    .oth entertaining and marketable for the polis s citizens

    both by contrast in their views from their opponents but also in their separat

    Concluding Thoughts on the Continuation of Sophist Relevan

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    n important sense in which all significant public discourse of the fifth centur

    How Sophists Pervaded Greece and the Polis

    - - . .John Scenters Zapico The Case for the Sophists Rhetoric Revi

    , ,stered the spread of literacy and of a standard written form or grapholect of

    - & .Patricia Bizzel Bruce Herzberg The Rhetorical Traditio

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


    ; " ( ).and that fierce play of ideas and emotions of which words were media 156 Th

    Implications of How the Sophists Worked

    - - . .John Scenters Zapico The Case for the Sophists

    Rhetoric Revie

    ,espite the very fragmentary nature of their surviving work they have come to be

    - . .Susan Jarret The First Sophists and the Uses of History Rhetoric Re

  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


  • 8/14/2019 Rhetoric p Wpt Final


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