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Page 1: Richmond enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1815). 1830-05-21 [p ]. · 2019-11-20 · and twelve good and true mrn had lirrn lis- tening iiiimi faithfully,

and twelve good and true mrn had lirrn lis- tening iiiimi faithfully, <1 ly alter day : yet, afier nil this, without the consent of the defendant, for hr I* not con-

sulted, a difference ol opinion on ihe lirncli, takes the c.:uie from the acknowledged judges of hotli law and fart, anil th« accused must Inrtir the troithle ami ex-

p«n<» of defending lii nt 11 at Washington. Ami thin, too, against a prosecution of which, wo think, it may br nalil, without fear of contradiction, that the law ot- firart of the government, should ei<her have pressed it zealously. or refused to p-rin t it : yet, pending whicti, the District At orn-y ami the Attorney <2. n-r.il ol the United State*, have been preaent a* iineonrerneil spec- tators, transferring tlieir duties. not to omiikcI employ- e<l hy the complainant, Mr. Itsrrozi, Imt to gentlemen who have ne'ed. directly and solely, a« tlio represent* tivea of the U. Stale*.

It in, it seem- t > u«, for the governmen' an I i‘« ofTi- cial adviser*, to deride who are, and who are no., the diplomatic agents ol foreign power*; tiot lor mere prac- titioner* in our thousand courts—and still l-ar fora she- riff*# officer, who, by refusing to execute a wrl*. may Incur a penalty ten 'imes heavy enough to min him.

That the Court, in wi hdrawing this c.i«e from the Jury, have acted according to the law a* established by precedent, we do no: presume to doubt; hut we may observe that, in the country from which our systsni ol laws i derived, decisions lea* dan ye ron s to the ri elite of the ri iz-ns, have been immediately corrected by actsol flic L-gia'atiire

On behalf of IIe>ton; a Sh-rff's officer, indicted for executing the writ iauied bv Mr. ’hillips, an applica- tion was made to the Court, ior an immediate trial : but this was refused.

In the case which was all hut tried, it is probable, that IhoJury, generally, had ina-'.e up their minds. Ii those w ho had format! a deliberate o.union on the ques- tion, which they expre'ed hi decide, should tr ite in cer-

tifying lha* opinion to the public, thi*, we think, would b» no more than an act of justice to themselves and the dvfcnlint. ,and could not ho construed into a want ol respect lor the Court that discharged thorn.

[Phil. C/non.

To the. Editor of the U. S Tt Icgmph. Sir:—I regret (lie nere*siiy which imp I* me to s lirit a place in your column'', lor the purpose ofdenying certain misrepresentation*, lubricated by miiid wanton •cribhier, ami put forth with great circumstance through the N. Y. Commercial Advcr j or ol Monday la«t. lu the course of a paragraph some twenty line*, ih« inge- uiou* editor of that print hat contrived to promulgate a aerie* of gratuitous statement.*, a* prrfcctly destitute of truth, a* they are incapable of p dilation It i* everreil that the tinder-igned -‘loll Nan'uckct. and estibliahed a

journal at Ho*tnn, to support the claim* of the present e*«eutive.”—I never "established a journal at B.v*. lou” of any dscrip'ioo; nor was tile Bulletin (the '•journal *

intended) established to support the Claims" of any candidate tor the Picsidenry. The publication of the liulletiu commenced in Novem- ber, 1S27—and did nit as-itme a political character until January, 182.9, at which li ne it was uni'ed with the Jack-ou Republican."—The writer proceeds to remark that Mr. J»nks ha* been rewarded, it is said, by receiving from Mr. Van Buret an anpoiutiuent to a

clerkdiip in the Department ot Sate.” This being totally untrue, requires no particular comment. There • re sundry other assertion*, equally gross ami unfound- ed, and »lik- de !crving no no'ice lieyond a simple contra- tradiction. Some sage rell-clion* about paying edi'ors, and partisan writ“is, making contracts, bargains, ■ re appended by the sagacious editor. With iliese it is hoped he may console himself, when he shall detect the motive which p o noted his charitable (Tort* in the premises : —and, if there should chance to lemaili with him a particle of legaid to- Justice, I may reasonably expect reparation, through the same vehicl which has been so officiously employed in Mteinpts to injure one who is now inerely a p icate citizen

S. II Ji:\lvS. ltra*hington. -May 12 1920. I lie Itsrsi over the Norfolk t’ourso ouminoncod on Tuesday last.

U lie first Hays race, n sweepstake for colts uti.l titties, mile heals, was wini l>y Mr. J. S. Uarrisnn’a Mnrgiana, by Sir Archie, heating slr.Win.lt J it Ini <<-'■*, Virginia Taylor, liy 'dir Arcliiu. Tima— lit hfltt, lui. 60<.—9<1 lieiit, I in. 59«. Stvonn Dir.

Proprietor's Purse $3 >1mil* heat*. Mr. I liiinni \\ aUtm'st h. |i. Ctftwuli, .r» ycurtf old, by Sir William,

• nl of a IlciUortl tnnrii, 3 11 .Mr, I liomni l>. \Vat«on*« It. m. Knto Kournoy, 3 roar* old, Id

Bir Archi**, dam l.udy Talman, | 2 o Mr Win. It. Joluumi'i i. Ii. Havoc, 4 jrrars oi l, by Sir Chariot, dam by tfir Alfred, g t|r# Tima — lat hunt dm. lf»i~*.l do. 3m. 4li.—3«l do. 3m. 45i.

Third Hat. A Match Itaco for a Purnv of between two roll* which

wer« entorod for tin? Swo<?|»«tuk«» on tho lir*t flay. Mr, Tlionia* Watson'* hr. f. *iy Arab, Q I I Meter*. \\ ray ami Sonijdo'f h. c. Stnndurd, by SJir ArcSiio, out of

an Archie inarn, 1 J 4 Time—l«l heat, 1 49; 01, I 33 ; 3d, 1 .V» 13.

% .turkey Club !*urtr% $MK)—4 mile henle. 1 lioina* I). \\ fitxnn'tf t». m. Polly Ilojikm*, 6 year* old, hr V’lrri

man, dam by Andtdnko, 107 Ih*. j | Jam** a. f«arriaon*i cli. in. Uabriella, 4 years oM, hr Arcliio. dam Bolin Air, 9s IS*. -J II. Ihvii’i b- in. Snlly Hornet, 1 years old. hr .Sir Chariot. dam !»r Hornet, 0711m. balled. Timo—1st heat, 7 M; 94,8 90.

,lr,! **"**.v Hopkiaa anil Sally Hornet con- tnadod cluaoly until running tin* fourth milo, whan the latter * !>fUs1,,<l kooPi,lS hack for tho noxt limit, and hfiug nhout 100

7*rda behind, had to |>u*li her now only competitor, Polly, for tho heat, and came out noao and tail with her.

Fourth Hat. n.o Poat Stake Purse, 3 mile hoau, a 100. Tho following Iiomos

star(«•«), and the ru^nll wan ns below Mr. Win. It. Johnson’* *. in. Sully Trent, } \ Mr. I hoc. Wutaon a. Ii. h. Waxey, 5 ^ •Mr. iti. S, (,a risnn’s s. in. Holley llarvey, J Timo—lit heat, i 17 ; J.l do. :. Ad.

SKCO.Mt RACK. Mile heats fur a purse of $710, Mr. Potor Hopkins’«. h. Wonder, liy liiin.r>t 1 I

Mr. Win. While’. «.h. Shannon, l»y (.ulhilln, -J 1 Tim.—]*l lira!, I Ad; 3.1 dn. I A5. \.Yorfotk Herald, .Viy M. union course r \oks.

^ °n* "*V lh—The gre.it «wrep,takes, four mile* not, S.O lO each, was won yesterday hy Mr. Wiltinrn It. Johnson’s !>..»

rnero ,-S|nnilor, hy Sir Charts ,oul nf Itenliiy, heating .Mr. John (.'. Htevnns’ hlnek mere Maria,and Mr. I,ivin;«tnn’< grey mare lt.-t-.ev llanimn—the letter broke down on the third mile, and was led oil" the (Muir... Timo 7 nun. ivr.

Nts-tont. May I".’.— I'lia l.tllowing hor.ns were enlorot ros- tor.lay r..r the purm of 8>V), two nflle lie,n., viz Maryland K.:lipar, Sir Ie.vell, l.vly Jeeksnn, Arietta, nnd \riol. Owing la sainM iiii.inanagemenl at Itic cn innence uent, after starling,* all worn held up nxc.pt Ariolta and bidy Jackson—tho form la's in >

tha purse with great easn. (fin. *

'/'he Rare*—firs! ./ay,—Tim southern in ire. Arietta, tn .k the purse yesterday, with oaso. Sever it cninp.tilnrs pitnrul the field, but nothing could stand against “Old Virginia.” (l?.uir New Vork, May Id.— /',, /<„»r, — Hfr lay.—Mr. Purdy’s noran fair l^.vel^ was snren..fiil in two heats, winning with cimii- par.tive ease. Tha knowing ones were gro <tIV disappointed ns Mr. Harrison’s mare Yankee Mai l.mid Mr. I’..udr’s In.rse ||„tehn- ler, thu rivals of .-Sir hovel, were each Imcked against the field It IS Stipposod that Hir l. ivel would Imvo won .... Tuesday it l"> had run; ho was entered, hot owing to some mistake his rider did not hear llm tap of the drum used at the signal for starting. I'he time of tho first heat yesterday was 5.n. -Us., of tha so toml fsns. ids.

THE BANK UK THE UNITED STATES Wft woirt.l vr **-,1 (he unsuspecting nml inexperitnr r'l entering into speculation* in (h** slock of (In* B.mk The fact Mi.it ii f,-i| ho n litf »„ HO .n a few weeks after Mi publication of the President’* Manaf«, ■ini that it afterward* ro*e from lift to 127, upon t„e P'llilicati mi of Hie report* of Hie two Committee* of Congre**, *o P.r from being an argument in favor of renewing ilie present Huik, '» me of the *tronge*t ar- gument* against it. The sale* at .hr advanced ,,rjr.. are staleJ lo have been fillt/ *hare* only; an I no one know* lint the vender anil the vendee ar« the Mint per eon, employe,| bv the Brokers of the Mink to increa«e tha price of stork for the purpos* of en*' line the large hol.ler* to *e11 out to advantage. The stork is now nn <ler h co i'rol of a few large holder*. It it j< wmtb $12(1 per •bate, t»,(. renew tl of the charter will put 20 dollar* per shar >, or ft. 10:1,00(1 dollar* into the pork-’* of the pr-sent shareholder* I ! If t'ie char er o' tbi* hank i» worth *o milch, w« ol j*ct lo the monopoly. We «!>j-ct to making the rirh richer etlll. If the hank must he r^ne vv“d, h- obi republican maxim of rota'ion, would oprn the doir for n'her* be*i It *, (he fav i.-e l in n ,po- li*t» who may de.*ire to come in (nr snarl,■*

,f Baltimore Chronicle Ore at pra|*e i* gir-n, ant ju«tly, no doubt, to Mr.

Llvlng.ton * reply in the Sum)- Mr. Erelinghny- e-M * spe.-rh again*! Sun lay M ail*. The resolution proposed by 'he I itt r gapll-man wa« laid on the table by a cru li ng nnijoritv We prreoive that at the re- c-nt meeting at New Vork of the Society f„r the nb- serv .nce of the Sibl.itli, fbe F{ v Mr. Ihre of V'.rgi- idt, moved the following resolution : —

H'‘*'de d, That we earne«f|y recommend the fflm ition «.f auxiliaries throughout the United State*: the <lifTi*ion of appeal* in behalf of the Sabbath; th* collection of fund* for the employment of *- gents, the union ol rlirPMane ol every denomination in Ihi* r» union cause; 'It-active ami per*'vering labors of Ibe frii ml* ol th" Sabba'll, in promoting its observance in every part o‘ (lie country. ‘' The Collection of funds for the employment of a- K'nls." Here i< the true expedient. When loud* are collected, age it* enough wilt bo lortheom.ng. Dry- den thu* d»«<-rib-« cn* of ilia «itcee**)ul saint* of hi* 'lay. “II" ha* (lie lorn of an eye,—a demure smile, *n I * godly caul, which aie worth million* to him

__ [AWi (laz. Duringfhel.it- rrttiz* of ihe Peacock, ||) the fJulf !

of Me*mo, a sailor wa* Mown f orn ih* Inp-gaUsnt* ma*l-royal yard In'o th« «ea, 150 ferf. He wa* pick- ed up with .till* ulty, hut ha I sustained no serious in- jury.

O'.K'.aiioyr. C0LOM HI \

I.’ Ue'ac*or,of thi* City, ron'ain* an inter«*t|nr let* ter from V*lencia, (Venezuela.) da e I 26th M irch‘, to a gent'em n residing in St Th< ina*. Aceordteg to this document, w' i<-h i* declared to be worthy of all credit, the forces under Urn. Merino, amotirite ( lo 2,500 rn«n, who, though r-ent-f*, w.reevtry ilav hemming bell, r disctp’i,,, ,J. Carara* had sent fo Porlo Cgbr lo *MP^

citizen *oU1Ur«, from Petsr*, NatHIn, and BerMte, who ere about to proceed to Maracaybo, where the Boveca ttalion of -10(1 men, which deaertad the rank* ul Boli-

var, hail already arrived. Tlie reinforcement a from Cumana, (*ay« the writer)

do not arrive. B mimics Informs Baez. that he canno' ••ml men, for want of equipment* amt clothing—tha' the Commissioner li-» returned from Ciras a*. without the $?'.) 000, which the tiovernor of that City, on the 20lh January, offered to I irtd-h—'list he could scarce,

ly provide ration* for h*e tioo **, even of tr h :—hut tha' in a case of extreme necessity, they would inarch not- withstanding, an 1 Ret their living a* they could, from tli* p!a e* through which they p.xt.d. AM the ve*»- rini have marched from Porto C ihcllo. Caracas will furnt*h ar in'uv »• pos-ible; ami it will he optie-a'dc with the Bogota loreea, either to remain and abide the onset, or return to their coutttiy. O-tega has inarche I nl Ihnio to organize v dun'e-r corpt cf cavalry; Cat. Ii will proceed to (suanare ami Merida, with the recruits which are asicmhled here, and tho«e who are e >11- ct in- Irotn other places, atnoun'ing, notwithstanding 'be desertion*, »o 1000 mlJiilry, an.l 1200 cavalry. There I* no lack of men, but money there is none. Judging from the prepaiaiion* whl It are making, if Bolivar should enter our territory, there will be a w-rof ex er- min dion, and nothing will be found but deserted fi-Ids. 'Vo have greater fear of a collision of castes, than an

invasion; for never have the people of c dor n«ed s> au- dacious language; it become* us to be on thealett. To- day, a private letter from Bolivar to Paez, hr -light by aid-de-camp Austria, ha* been in circulation as fallows :

Wearied with the command, I have retired from it; and a* repose is essential u» the re-establishment of mv l-elde health, I have fixed my atten'ion upon you, as the only parson capable of guiding the helm of State, in III* present condition of affair*_Congre«* is disposed to give you the Presidency; it lias consulted me, and I have approved of the suggestion. But, ** | know your repugnance to a chinge of clime, I have thought pro- per, in the first placv, to consult your pleasure. Accept the proposal now made—if my friendship ha* any weight wI'll you, I hop* yon will grant me thi* request : tint* only can I rethe to private life.—The Ministry will he composed of faithful ami laborious men, *vho will light

Ien the burden of the administration; and you will have

the glory of contributing to consolidate this Republic, which cos!* us hi many mtxie'ie*.” Reply or (Jk.v Pakz.

I neither si ptre to, inr w*i*h, any other ih»*tiny, than that which the people of VeD’Z'iela may cire in** I have sworn to consecrate my life to the defence of liberty. Venezuela will maintain it, in spite of the means which are emphiyeil; and if, a* I hope, you love your country, you (.tight to encourage these noble ex ertions, in-tead of opposing them.”

fA» to tlie authenticity of these documents, time will decide ]

_ [Jour. Com

The Maya, huaetts Joirnal contain! acreral doru- in“tiU re'atiug to t’olo n‘»i.»** sirir*, one of whicti i« a p’nr'ama ion of Paez, dated Va'oncia, 21 March, deelar iuir It,>1 inn on outlaw, ami offering a reward oj $2000 for his head !!! The fallowing ure extracts from this document:

t or.s ilerini{ th >t Simon Rolivar It i« no* r 'c *ived from any legitimate government,authority to make war upon u»: —

(considering ’liit the defence of our lives and homes i* ol a nifttral right, that in no wise w» have provoked iliis war,hut (hat on the con'rary we li ive miintaincl oil's ‘lve« iii an attitude, just, moderate and ’decorous rev- p cling tli- righ s or our it ighboura —

And in fine, consulting th- sa'c y of the country, whirls is tlie supreme law, we have decreed and do <!e-

1 A'l the ci'izen< are authnris >d to kill Simon Rdi- var, his officers and soldiers, w ho *hal| b* found making war, in-tlie territory of Venezuela, or rouuni'ting any acts of ho<tlli'v agdii-l lu»r peaceable inhabitants.

2. It any vill.ig-, ’own or city, shall give ail to the tyrant Roii-ar, or bis followers, it shall he outlawed ami burned

■t I hr fiovernmrn* of \ *n*7.iicla offer* the sum o' $2000 for the head nt Simon Bolivar, if lie shall tire a g in in t’ i* nnjn.t end wicked w ir, or -hall he apprehen- d d wi I in the I units of Venezuela.

I Tiie whol* p.’pu’a'ion are ch >.g with the execu- tion of this decree

PAF.Z AND HUM VAR. A friend, «ays the Jntirnd of Commerce, has shown

us the oiiginal of th** so called Prociatuation of Paez, which we pu‘ halted a lay or two since, as taken from the M iss ictiiisetls Journal It proves to lie, r.ot a tit* ~ree ol l‘a* /.. nor a decree at all, hut only a form of a decree which the l-.ditor of th* Caracas “Parmacopolo” say* ought to he issued.

^llOff.’O SIMONOS. Warren, -V. C.—On the FW 1st day of June next, the house* at SHOCCO SHflLX'QS, nine miles south of Warrcnton, and six een in'les north o* Lewihurg, will tie opened for 'he reception of Visitors.—The great advantages of this watering nitre in mist cases of dispepsw, in other di«eascs and debility, have been so often tested by those who have attended, that to such it i« only neces* sa<y to say, tint all the hull linga are ill excellent re. pair and condition I he accoinm,'dations, in every re- spect, shall he such as my best fF rts can effect. for comfort and convenience to all who may visit the place. To those who have not visit I Shoeco, it maybe ne- cessary to siy, that the buildings are snfflci-ntly nu. m-rnil* and conveniently arranged for the accoinmoJa- tion ot a larg-* assemblage. The private apartments wil! ii(for I ample retirement 'o th .ae who pref-r it, and the public halls arc abundantly spacious to receive all who may d -i e company, and where intfic and danc- ing can be enj >yed by <uch as delight in it.

Arrangements will he made to have divine worship perform *d at (he Springs on the Sabbath day, where such visitors a- may choose, can attend preaching wi'hout inconvenience.

In a ldi* on to the valuable medicind qualities of the Sh icco waters, ih-y are located in a most healthy part ot th* country, surrounded by a polisher) society, where t ie in■ alid ran be restored to health, in an agreeable

Tne best servints have been provid'd; the htr will he found to contain the choicest liquors, and no pain- will he spared to render the time of visitors perf-c ly comfort ihl».

My terms for hoard, fee. will he one dollar per day for each grown p-rsm—children aul servants hall price. For horses $|.» p«r month, or 60 cents per day.

ANN JOHNSON. There will he a Ram. h Partt furnished at

^h iren Spring*, «.n the evening* ol 'he 6th and 7 h ()| July. I lie music provided lor the o n-ion will not h" inferior to any that ever was heard in North Ca-

M a v 21.

AHSHAL’S SACK — Por»naut to a Decree ifftlol (lie Sup. r or Court of Chancery for the \Vj|.

liunaburg l)i«trict, in * came therein depending, pro- nounced die 8 h *lay of February, ISdO,between Hen- ry E'loe ami Elizabeth J.i< wi'e, ami the raid Ivlloe, K'1 trdtan of Virginia, Calharine, inti Julia Travis’

Again*! Hi ’hard I. Moore mil 8n« mi hie nife, Virginia, Cath-

arine, ami Julia Trari*. infanta, the 'aid Catherine anil Julia by i bona* (). Cogl.ill their guardian a*.*igncd,

Delta. I hall proceed to«e!l, h-f»r* th* Cour home door of

Jamer City County, in the City of WilliainMnirg, on Monday 'h» 12 h day of July next, being Court day, the following properly to wit:

A traci of land, part of Jameatnwn I aland, euppo*ed fo contain eight bu.drd acre*—the whole being Jamer river low-ground*, of line qualify.

A large and rou.uiodiotif two »*ory Dutch•roofted hou**, in (be Ci'y o| Williainaburg, an.I the |o« aitarli- ed, on which the lafa Samuel Travi* rerided at the time •' hi* ib a:h.

Ami aim a *iuall tract of land In June* City Conn'y, Within one half a mile of the City of Williarnahurg! called the Hobby, rup|»o*ci| foron’rin 100 acre*. The t«rrn« will ba a* follows: for the tract of land in

■I uncrown (aland, a credit of one, two, thre», four and j five year a, the tour la*t pay in *nl* to carry interpat from

the end of one year from Ibn d iy of a*!©, and the in- j lereat to be paid annually. For the liOtHea and lota in j ih» City of WiHiam'liurg, a cicdit for one half till I the I at .lay of January, ls;»0, and f.r the other hall a crulit till the l*t. day of January 18.12 And for the piece of laud calle I the I fobby, a credit of one. t w > and three year*, the two laat payment* fo carry in'erc*i from the end of one year from the tirn of the rale, the inter* ••*t to he paid annually. If nl and reeurity, and a deed oftru.at to he taken on (lie property fold tin-cure the payment of the purchase money.

CHAS. L WINUNELD.m. a. e. c. w d.

'vnil.m.b.tr,, U "

^llHIv »ub*crlber, Intending m open a Training Sta ■ hie thia Fall, at New Market, will lake four

c.ilta, or florae*, to train in the Stable with Polly Hop- kin* and Kite Kearney, tie ha* hired Charier, formei- ly the property of Wm. Winn, dee. of Suraex county —

All neCMnrv attention will be paid by the aiih*rriber, in person —The training will commence the fi «t day of July—and per*on* wi«htng to have their bor*ea train id ! will apply by or before that tim*.

A S f intend to clore my nrerent budn-r*, and re- / n move from the rity of Kirhmnml in a *hort time,

I would be thankful to all tho*e indebted to me to romr itid eeille their account* a« roon a* porndhle, a* I arn •Jeririiu of rlo-ing all before f go away.

1*1 Iffa.

Peterrhurr, May 21. THOMAS D. WATSON.

4 — Wt|*l.ti||y NOTICK.


_RICUAKXYD, FRIDAY, AMY~tt. Airs, Nunley's Litter-1‘he Ujipotiliun prints have jii«i !

hunt <1 up a letter fioni Mi# Harney to the President ol the U. S written neatly a twelvemonth ago. (June 13th. 1829.) on tho ml.j ct of the removal of her hus- bimi, Maj. W. B. Barney, late Naval Oifiew at Haiti more. M’Ay it is, that this piodunion has been to Inuy kept hack horn the public—or, tehy it i«, that it i# now n*h**re<l forth—or f»v whom it lias t o»n puh'Mied, dr- not appear Irom any thing in the chaste column* of :li- N tional Journal in which it make* it* firet appena'.re. The Ilaltimore Keiubliran, which makes some strong comments upon this letter that we shall re-pnhli-h In our next paper, “thinks, indeed is jure, that the error ol pubbeatlon aber such a lap*e ol lime, docs not lie with Mrs Harney.”

This letter seems foliar* b- cn addressed to th* Presi- dent. iii replv t‘> the following note Irom his piivate So cretary. A'ter Mr. Muncy’s removal, Mr». B applied to <»en. J i«,lc*on, fir a re'ii'ii of the 'ediinonia'* in lavor of her hii-batul. Mr A.J. Oanelson returned them with th-* following note :

•* Madam : In answer to your r i|ue*f of tha 18 h inst. I am desired by the President to send to you the letters on lile in bis office, in relation to 'be applleat on of M >ia- Birneyto b> retained as Naval Officer for tin- port ol Baltimore; and, at 'lie same, lime, to express Ins sincere regret that the rnl<# which he had fell bound to adopt fir the government of such case*, did not per- mit the gratification of your wish**.

I have the honor to be, with gr-it resptcl, vour obe- dient servant, ANOIiKWJ DONELSON

221 A pi it, 1289. Newly two motrlie aft r the d its of this note, Mri

B addre**“'l tho present letter to th President—ami e

leven months alter its rompml ion.it i* submitted to the public !

\\ e xr-not informe I, whether the P i-.j |. ,tt though1 lit to answer it. The uncoiir eon* anil contemptuous '•rin* in which il I* couched,might have prevented him Th*- author?*** herself, ron*idereil it •• possible" that i' rnia^tit he regarded a* uiiwor'liv of notire”—hut ,he could scarcely have exp cled from the acrimony of i * manner, to prevail upon the President to avail himself of •• llu means of ropai ing the injury (he had) done.”

Mr*. Ii’« letter it the impa«*ioned production of a I.ady ol talent* ami of spirit Sh- pour* for'h. in no measured strain*, the resentment* ol an irrita ed wife, uul the unhappy motht r of •• ei-lit little child-e:».”—* The Very violence of those feeling*, account* for n ana ol the harshe*t expri s*int *0f if,- |e ter, and prevent' her troin doing any sort of ju*'ice to the P oddetit hini-elf_ Some doubts may he entertained, whether it might not have hern more consistent with the dignity of the sufferer t > avo d he language of complaint, the acrimony of tecii mina i >n—the angry vindication of her hua lami’s »vr ng or the discussion of political topics. But on one que-tion there can he no soit of doubt—that ll i Idler has been thrown before the public by political p irli/.ans for the pur- pj*e of addressing the prejudices of the l.adies, fanning the ll une of opposition, & promoting the ambitious views of designing politician*. No engine is left unemployed —no plot is disdained—no trick !s untouched by the tools ol the Coalition. When denunciation is baffled, pathos is excited: And when arguments are wanting to address the prejudice* of men, expedient* are employed to rouse the feelings of the Ladies.

But, suppose this engine had been turned upon out political enemies, what would they have said to (lie in- genuity of the experiment Suppose that every officer, who had been turned out by the Ad tins Party in Ma- ryland—that every constable, and justice of Ihepracr- that officer* of almost every grade and de*ctiption, who ha I he ti swept away by the Execu ive power ot that Stale, had po«-es*rd a tongue to expre s their injuries, and to pour lor'h their complain s —Suppose some ol these persecuted and disbanded officer*, or that even one ot (It III had p s* .seed a Wife, like Mr*. B.irney.rn- pnhleol throwing into eloquent strain*, the injuri-s o' their hu-band*, and (lie distresses of their children—and no* only capable of ilie effort, hut willing to exeit th -ii talents in such a Cause, what would h ive been *aid ot the groin* of the sufferer.-? Mow many i,ir,cf- ing Elegies — how many indignur Philippic*, might have graced the li’erary Annals of Maryland? 'Is it *> soon forgotten, how many victims have fallen beneath the persecutions of the Coalition Party ol that distracted State? is it not known tli.it in a single county, seventy or eighty officers were dismissed by the Adams Party? It each of those had been gifted with a wife like Mrs. Barney, how much should we have been moved by simi- lar appeals; by affecting compositions of the same descrip- tion. To the South, we are strangers to this state system of politics. In Virginia, for example, we have o'ficersof both parties: and it is on this account that such com- plaints against (fen. Jackson are so much more vehe- mently urged among us. But, the lex loci has been different in Maryland—in Delaware—in Maine— and N. Hampshire—In one of the Eistorn States, it was held sulficient to turn out a poor door-keeper of the Le- gislature, because lie was favorable to Don. Jackson.— Mr*. Barm y appeals with gr.-at emplia*i- to the maxim* and example ol Mr. Jefferson— but how wa* it even in hi* days?— I lie lolldw'iig are extract* from fetters which he addressed soon alter the commencement ol hi* ad- ministration, fo L vl L n oln E q., the Attorney Gen-

Extract of a letter July 11,1801. )Vc are I'rooeeding gradually in the regeneration

of olli.-c*, and introducing republic m* to some share in tli-Mii. I do not know that i* will tie pushed lurth> r than wa« settled helore you went a way, except a* to Es*es men. I must a*k you to make out a list ol those in of fiee in your’.* and die neighboring states, and to lnrnish me With it. Tilt-re i* IvtleoJ thin spirit South of the Hnd*c.h. I understand that Jirk-. ni» a very deter mined one, though in private life amiable and honora- ble. Pul amiable monarchist* are not sate subject* of republican confidence What will be the efl ct of hi* removal? How should it he limed? Who I i* surer*-or? — *\\ hat place can (Jen Lyman propnly occupy? Oar gradual reformation* *eeu» to iro'uce go><l efface* f v* -ry where in Connecticut? Turir last *e**ion ot I,- gi-lature ha* been more in ol-rmt Inn all others JfV must meet them with ei/unl intolerance. When thru W'll give a share in the State Offices, they shall be replaced in a share of the General O fioe*. Till then toe must falfoio their et tinp’r.

To the same, dated. Jlu%. 2tt. 1301. “The clamour which ha* hern rai-e I will not pro- voke me to remove on- in ire, or deter me from re-

moving one let*, than if not a word hu| not been said on the subject. In Ma**achu*«lts you mav ha asoir <1 great moderation *v.ll he n-ed. Indeed, Connecticut' Nev York, Nimv-Jersey, Pennsylvania aid I) law.re are (lie only S at-* wher.* any thing considerable is le-

Tho Boston Patriot repent* the Invitation to Mr Clav to visit N. York,an.! the N. England States, dui-tn^ the approaching summer. “An it tiod been given out (wv. t'lHi paper) ••that the President i.s about to make a political tnov. m nt in tins direction, t c ne v «iti'n*f we pr«*. finie Mr.Chiy.a private man, may vi-.ii hi- friendshcre, without having hi* inolivet misrepresented end rnlum-

—'Y,,v' «*" have all >he folly ol the oilricli. They would liidu their own eyes, and think no body cine cun see them. They publicly pres* upon Mr. C'l.iy an Elcctiofiearing tour—and yet af- lect to treat it as a private visit of pleasure or of heal h I bey talk ol the triumphs with which ho would b- re- ceived— .u-d yel they would di.goi'e tbe motives which pro hire I his visit. They would first make him out hy the tin it-elt to hr a poli leal inmiltebatik and in*ri guer, and then they all-ct to bs Indianan! at bis cne- uiirs considering him in the same light

I he boston Cmi icr h pressing upon bis partlzm* in I Congress and in Washington, to hold a Caucus, before < o irre.s adjourns, and-nouiinate him for ib-r Preside!)* cv;(Me*«rs. Thomas Cliil'on. John Holmes k Co ) —

\ e 11 so mu h tbe het'er. The sooner (bey throw off 'he flimsy mask whit h disguises their views—the soon- er it is publicly k .own that Mr. Clay is a Candidate I r t >e ('halt} the so ui-r the just suspicions of bis enemies Wil’ confirmed, by the tran.actions ol bis own Iriemls ‘o much (lie better !

TilE NEW t:<»A l.ll’ioN, The N. Orleans Argus is still harping upon tbe divi-

stnns in tbe Cabinet—and the hopes of divisions between the friends of Messrs Van Huron and Calhoun—Vain hope ! — Ridiculous calculation!—In the same article which treats of tbe fenrt entertained by the friends of tbe Administration “of the fallen Ifenrv ('lav ”_»h„ Editor has the folly to say:

* 01 eouise Urn. rat Jackson is left out of »ho account- tbe attempt by the friends of Mr. Van Huren to im- po.e a belie I upon the p-ople (bat he is to be a eandi- Ilat-(or re-election, having been received by ev. t one wPh incredulity.”-By no one “with incr-dulitv” egeept the partisan proselytes of Mr. Clay They (fat ter themselves that Hen. J. is out of the account 'The v are most wofully mistaken.

CONSTITUTION A E PoTf,. ;,he tr»fnmissioner’s teports are now daily coming in

P„ hT K**r",ivft including boll, the April an<l May nti VT,nf Wr ',hi® ytiy before our readers, the Official returns from 13 counties—The New Constiu.

AlhcKuri'ii Chariot to ('li«Kl«HieM Gloucester Isle of Wight James City Kitijj Geoi gu Montgomery Nanwiiioiul Nottoway Oljio •’rince William Rockingham Kocklirlilge Spott .yieania Sussex

OFFICIAL. For Kotijijnifi.

027 tan 401 252 210

71 102 194 102 214 042 150 457 4 Id 452 259

tot HmfsctiMg. 7

12 15 62

6 3-1

7 050

72 5 3

20 19

125 16


JlucktCounty—The cotnpiuta vote of tliia county, including the May l’oll, is,

For the ('oil-litittion 5«l -igui net it


Piince William—Jno. \V. 'I’yler* and Kedmon Fos- ter.

*.VV< in fit last legislature. **

~foh ~riiE e.yqVIRKn. 'Va.1Iinuton, May 8th, 1830.

Ai a friend of the Naval service, and of Capt. lloll- >:ian, but without his know ledge, or that of any other person, I .send you the billowing statement, hecause I think it is a subject in which the country has a deep in- terest, on acrount of all tho circumstances which ap- pertain to the whole alljir.

Vours respectfully. The recent arrest and trial of Ca/>t. Iloffman. It would require but cursory an I brief retrospect of

our Military and Naval Courts Martial, to convince the most unpractised observer ol the deplorable degeneracy ol those institutions, into a mockery of justice, and a prostitution ol the dignity and honour ol the two pro- fessions, as evinced by the malii'iiiiy of arrests and specilica'ions, the unfairness ol their trials, the injus- tice and oppression of tln.ir decision*.

In the origin, progress, and termination of the recent trial <>t ( apt. I loliiuan, suitable terms are not to be found in the vocabulary ot common parlance, by which properly to characterise its diabolical iniquity and op- pression.

(hi the 15th ot November, 1828, the Secretary of tho Navy dispatched the \ andalia, (’apt. Galaghcr, as a re- lief vessel to the lioston, Capt Ilollinan, then oil the Ih a/.ilian Station, with unsealed orders to Coni. Creigh- ton, commanding tho squadron, “to send the Idoston to •he United States, touching at the principal West India

The V uidali arrived at the Station on the 6lhof Feb- ruary, lSJ't, following, when Capt. (!jla;jher presented the orders to ( om. Creighton. Tho oders not being sealed, Capt. Galaghcr w as acquainted with their con- tents, as a matter of course.

r r »ni tin* fjinc until »!i*» (i h c.l June following, four month*, the I Itnhnn. the llmton. mot h«r r-liet »l.ip. t e V.,n temaiu *d in a..,t a1 out 'he llr<tziti>iii roo'

( *• *1 the ItiVff I*t I’ln'a; Coin Cr-igh'*»n not having ex erut.ol the order* ol fly* Secretary <1 he Navy tod pttch th-> Horton hack to the U States. While in the l.a Plat.*, wln-r the Sq.l idroii rin.tiiMially Iia1>'u ami expored, lo the tornado* prevah nt in tliat reei n. it wa*the on-tom ol the conimand'-r* ol the ship* to pre- pare for the expected utornt, by taking in ree'« in their »ail* aril making other preparations, a* ret forth in the evidence 0,1 P'S 'ti ll. \\ h r. a certain evening Com Creighton,Cap! C3alagh-r aid Cjpt. Hoffman ha.l thus ore pared lor an approaching hcrrieane a* n-tial. Corn. Creigh'on made •ignal to Capt. lit liman to Iwii out hi* r-el*; leaving hi* own v •**el and Capt. Galagher** in the it'Hal nttiu.'rs of safety. CM't. Hoffman aimwore.l the *i> nal hut did no! m-tiiIc it. herans* It held him. «e|f respond! |e, a- in fact hr was responsible, hv the intrli s*c prineiple* of naval tsr'ic*, in *nrh pre-ring contingency, far the safety of hi* ve**e| and rrew. " hereupon Com. Creighton rent a vethal message to Capt Hofftn >n. enquiring il he lind ra ood the sign*', See. Cap'. Hoffman returned for uii'Wer, that he could not receive a verbal cominunicali n from him, a« he had alretdy goMen hitri'elf in difticuliy wi h Com (. reighton. who had denied upon a farmer occasion a verbal order which he h -d exeefe I, aid l.y h >t denial had threwn the respon* hili'y of the act mini. him. wi'h a'l the consequences that an tinatilhoiizrd act might perrhance bring on him under »iirh riri-iims anre*.

Now. it must be perfectly obvious to every one, that any military or naval order involving much danger and responsibility, being made verbally, ought to he consider- ed irregular, a* it is liable lobe mutilated and misunder- stood. as well as to he afterwards denied l.y him who is- sued it, or him who received it,and to open a w ide field foi contentions, grievances an I rriiiiiiiatioi.s, arrests, courts martial and oppression; dividing the soli I column of pro- fessional honour and harmony, into personal jealousies, vexatious orders and consequent insubordinations, equal- lv out ol the purview of the service of the Country— Kven the very order in question, to turn out the reef* ol the Boston, while the other vessels of the squadron were made partial exceptions to that order, upon whom all the circumstances of the case were equally operative, had it been regularly made in writing, would yet have been a vexatious order and unworthy to he obeyed In,Iced this is a case strictly illustrative of the truism, that a man may be placed in such a situation l.y the malice of his ene- mies, or other perverse fate, tint he has no alternative ot action, to avoid censure and condemnation. The command to ('apt. Hoffman to turn out his reel's must ho obeyed, or he incurs a charge of insubordination: if it were obeyed, the ship and crew had inevitably hee.n en- dangered, and possibly lost; and this issue would have he -n imputed to a want of skill and officer-like conduct on the part of ( apt. Huffman. Nay, emergencies have often occurred, wherein inferior officers, impelled l.y an ardent sense ol patriotism, and a deep conviction of right, have assumed the responsibility of acting prompt- ly, without awaiting the sanction of tlicir superiors, as well as m opposition to flieir express commands, and the results have been the lull consummation of the ends and view, of the public service. Nor does Capt. Hoffman’s disobedience ot the vexatious order to turn out his reefs nor his returning to the United States without orders, a* he afterwards di lraffordany exceptions to those instances hilt confirm their justification l,V suporadded beneficial results, for oxamph—Capt. Decatur assumed the re- sponsibility ol destroying the Philadelphia under the batteries of I npoli, a torlorn hope, of which his com- mander would never have ordered the attempt to he made: yet Hu, glorious achievement may jus ly he term- ed the matrix l.y which our subsequent naval d trin" ha* been modelled, the diffusive stimulus or rmulati n that In, inspired our officers and crews with sunerlm- man energies and steadiness of execution. Capt De eaii.r sailed ... squadron under Com. Rogers, from Bos- on m 1«12, and separated from him in the cruise, con trary to orders, and h s rapture of the Macedonian wa* the consequence: nor wa* any exception taken to this insubordinate conduct. Capt. Biddle. In IS2S, committed he same offence as Capt. Hoffman, l.y leaving the s.vne Brazilian station and returning home without oidors from il* government: nor was any exception taken to that act of insubordination!!

II ^f1'’ ( °r' 9r'ilh’rn proper lo arre.1 Tap*. H<df nan. fof 'n,° »nare which h* hvJ «o art f..Hy np.,4 to-him—and here i* .he traln.-On a far- ( ,V,> " verbal order to apf. Hofrinan whirh he executed; and sfl-rward* om. « reigblon denied the ord. r. lo ih ow H,,fTn -n in- ir a cnll'M'.n with him. advan'ag-ou* t0 him««lf, a* p-.ior offleer ami pc judicial lo II- ffman. Af a *„h*e. qu*’t line, he ordered Capf. IfonTmm hy *lgnal and rrthnl In endanger hie fliip an.l rrew, hV let- n i°"k l” w^n •••reaiene.l wi'h a pampnra winch he knew C,p». M fT.nan could not comply »vi h conn tenfly with the *»Mv of hi. -hip. And finally he wi hheh! from Capt Hoffman, the order* of »! e s' .' rmiary of the Navy, lo rend (he Ho-lon In .he United

reVieveM e l 'T " ,or^^r‘f^'-V •«.- Vandalin.to relieve the Ho* on—kn.wing, that a. Capt. OWacher ** wPI,r,*, -,l of Ihc na'nre „f (ho.e order*, he would in' d. inferroi.rae will. Cant. I! .ffman, on .he .»a i In. h.rm him of .heir exir.enre, and, |n all probability, lap Hoffm* n would execute them. without the form Of their heme communicated to him hy Tom. Ciriah (on, and thu» coii.Uirimate a pretext Tor arret. Accordinglv. Cap.. Halagher did conmunlcate t » .ipi- Hoffman, the purport of thorn order.; and aft •nmr month* in th- n.id-tof hi* perpleiifie* ith Vo,, rcigSton. ob-erred, that were Im placed in the -it,,, tio.i of Capt. If h- would return to the Uni'e.l S at — nnder the re*pr>n*ibilify of tin** unfed circiim.fane** n,e term of rcrvlee ot the crew of Capt. Huffman’. MUp. had alro expired, and they were clamoron* to re turn home. By ao doing, he haa *»v*d lo the ff .vcr-1 ment many thonaand dollar*, In extra pav, that wonl. have been incurred to the crew, or the inconvenience and danger of live, that inuat have been hmurded, h\ discharging ihem in *o digtanl a p„r- together with the co*t and inconvenience of rending out another crew to ihf» n.i«ion. For thl* manly eland agaln.f rflHal injury and on

pre*»ion, totally foreign from the renui*ition* of the w* trrvice, ha* Com. Creighton had Capt. Hoffman »r re.ted an I tried before a trihunilof prefaeaional men Who are alway., in the e*'en(ial n Hire of thing* clan n-*h in fh* |r feeling*, and deplorably infected wi.'h ,,ro- lernonal jealou-ie* and pirlialitlc*. The arni.aiio,,* and the trial n*elf are in the very nature of a p-rmnaf quarrel between Coin. Creighton and C*rt. Iloffma arh.uated by the friend* of Creighton; who being al*n an officer ol *uper.or grade, Capt. Hoffman, in „ne- q-al a eontc*t. mn*t ncce.*arilv go to l*e waard An- other ^trorig trait ol Ir-ju.tice, in tl>» procedure, t*. that c*Pf> Hof.man waa aireatad on (he 29th of Auguat l«»Ht

•ml was not furnished mill the oliarges again't liioi, until Krbiuiry, 1about the commencement ol the trial—Whtriw,th« law rrqmief, that the charges •lull be furnished in »o many hours alter at rest, or a* soon there af’cr •• possible.

Hut,divesting the affair of all the exceptionable trait* of a personal quarrel, ar'fully rnatle to assume this t< rtu, l»y Coin. Creighton, tor the sake of more effec- tually wri aking his vengeance rn Capt. Hoffman, I won tl n-k il it i< po'itir, ami in Inrllieranre nt the na- val service, to dismiss iter high minded anti gallant ot- ti-er» tt|»on *o slight ati >■ lienee as thi*?—Tito name ol C«pt I|.fftnan tarn!* ronspicuons on the annals of our

aval renown, fo' di-tin* ui«hrd patrio'ic -cvires t-s I,is •-‘■in try. Anil, I brieve, not one ol t‘>e Court who

i <1 etui eomletnneii Irtit to di-missal, nor even I is ae eu er.t mu. t'reiKh'on, ran ho-at of n» many laurels as en'wlue the len-ured broiv of Cap! ILffuiat A rwor<! was voted to him bv the City ot New Yotlc—t*.r c m dais by the Congress ot hi* country—anil a service ol id.'te by the citir.onsot bis native county, In the S ate of N w \ oik, a* f^re t fill me'iieii'os of hi* valour and prowess in sundry naval engagements wi h the Ciuer- riere, the Java, the Syren, ami the I-evant, during the !»te war. Moreover, ran a> y one boliev*, that (iapt Hoffman could so deliberately aid wantonly have wi thereil ami tarnUliod tiio«c emblems ol liis valour, and

| ol In* country’* grali'ude, which lie had won, at such repeated ImziriU i>( hi* IiI«• i achievi -g hi* country’* it lory.* Suft-ly not; on the contrary, lie confided in the i"»'i**e ami magnatiitnPy ot hi* country at a iuhaeqiient period, to •iiatatn him in hi* determination to return home fiom the Brazilian elation, under a coinhinatu n ol justiliratorv motife*, and rid hiiit*e|f of th pe a rn- •i"tia ot (aim. Orelght in, hy ■ Xrcuting the order* cf the S-rret try ol I lie Navy, which Coin. Creighton had * ithheld (tom li'nw

I- or'iina'cty, thi* prnc»c !ttr and d 'ci«ioo of unpar. I- lelled iniquity had to pas* under the review of one who know* th" right* ol military men. and who-e prid it i«, to dive*t aW ruch contenlmns n| their peraonal charac* ter. at d judge them accord ilg 'o the dtc'ate* ot jo* ice at.tl she count*)’* good. Thu*, with hit wonted pr.-mpt- lie** ol decieion and high *en*e of j I tire, th™ Pre*i •'cut in two r three day* after Cap*. I !,d!in*ti”* dismi** **l hy the Court, reversed lie deri*ion, and rea'ored tiiui to lii* grade in lfo» N ivy.

It aiqeat* 'o me to lie a matter worthy of the roil* '(deration 11 the President and ol Cong* e*«,.whether a na- val am! militaiy trilnmal could not he oiganize.d to advan- j lege, out ol men who have retired from the srivice. to *uh' itute the prevent Court* Martial. Would not the o'yanization of two such Court* reward di tmguishd I'lHcer* as tlic highest goal ol Hii ir laudable ambition; would they mt sive expense to the government, and interruption to the service consequent on t<diou* and repeated com ts martial; would they not di-courag* vexation* arrev, ami insure impartial procs uliogs and I j'i“* decision ? I am strongly, inclined to the alfir- I mative o’ these enqutri •*. KAMKICIUS.

appointmenthY the governor OK Man VI. A.YD.


John ?->rar Niclmla*. ol Hal ion,re city, and .lolin P. j dale, o: Somerset county, *o h liis Aid* de C«mp with the ’itlu ol Colonel. | Haft. Rep.

M Vltltlldlj—On Wcdnesilny, tjolli till., tiy tllo Ut. llev. I’.idion alvaile, Ai.ntar I'i'hsi:,, f.*.| of Kin» Ceurgu Co. Va., lu Mis, Llizibkth ('ary .\ i.M't Ol Frcilcrick Co.

RICUMO.Y1) PRICKS CURllEA'T. 1 ulmcco, no lino

l*o. 3 a 5 I >o. KuIiuimI a 3

I'luur, city nnlli, nono, l»o. I mini,

H'licnl, l>u«hul l.’nrn, <lo Meal, do

do lluron. j»«ir l!i. Hotter, do < \dV.K-,' do l'otlo:i, do Indigo, do Nnil«, cut, do Kioe, do Sueur, lawf, ll>.

Do. Ilrown,

^ 37 1 --3

rc i-a •10 a |j fin 30 Had I-a I

II n III 13 all. ‘J u 10 !

130 a 1HD! C

3 1-3; 10 a 33 7 1 3 n 11 I

Hiili-d, Spnniali, ltrniulv, c<>^. "iillcin,

\ppln, Wliiakoy, limn, lihlia,

Do Now Ini"laiul, Wiuo. Mu.leria,

Do Sicily Mujeira, Do .Malaga

Tea. Ini|i. ami Gunp. l)o Vming llyaon, Molamea, llninp, par 100 Ilia, liar lion, <lo I’ork, per bill. Shail Jo Cut llurringa, No. 1, Salt, per am-k,

II a 17 1 n I 06

S7 a SO SI a 36 b') a 'JO SJ ajitu

560 a ;ioo I 10 a I SO

SO 1 10 a I -III

tn a 95 S7 a 3S

II 5 u 6 I -S

iJuiiims'o Mahogany from I ft to iW conttf per foot, 10 lo do

PRICES OF STOCK'S. H.H Hank, J03 Hank ol* Virginia! <11 Furiiicr*' Hank, y;i &)

COURSE OF EXCn.LYOE. Norlli I'nrnlinu Hank Note*, 2 Voulli Carolina, <lit. 1 |.^a | |.q tieorgia, do. 2 1 -2 it 3

aw mi ipi« mM. w—

valuable property for sale. K* ^ !T !,',k!,eriter i* selling hi* plan la (ion a'

Nelson Courthouse Tlii* tract of land contain* near ( ‘roe liiinttreil acre*, including i, u building lot* in the loivn o! Lavingston. Tin? buildings arc large and con verin n\ am! »ir well calculated eidi-r for a public or private t o isc, l einK situated on (lie m.-in street, pins- "’K *lirotijfli the town, and is on ilie public road leading 'roln Chariot|-«vill- to Lynchburg The liable* arc lit»rc, containing about o le hundred Mali*. The land i< well supplied with timber, which i* scarce in the neighbourhood, and it very valuable. A fur her tie scrip'inn of the land i» deem'd unnecessary. 1 will • ell either fir cash, or credit, on accommodating term*, the payments being secure.

WM. If. D1GGES. LovuigUon, May 21 4_tf

■IHSIIAI.'S SALT.— By virtue of a Decree ol i/tt ibeSuierior Court ol Ounce v hr tho Rich- inon.1 di-tricl, in a ante then in dep ruling, be. tween Edmund Wall*, pLintifl against William y ‘,l:8,,ee a'',, Jmties Rawlings, Executor ol

■ l-nt'cher, Sr., decM, defendants,—I at.all proceed to -ell, lor ca-h. on the premise*, in the county of War- wick, on the 5:li day of June next, at public auction, the tract ot land in 'lie lull mentioned, being 314 acres an l one quarter ol an acre, called Rich Neck; rr so much thereof, as will he sufficient to satisfy the said de- cree and expenses of sale,

CIIA. L. WINGFIELD, ,, M. ». C C. W. D.

Ma>21-_ 4—t s

VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE? SSM M.L sell to the highest bidder on the Dt ot

June next,if fair, ifotherwieo.the first fair day there- afier, the tract of land, on which I reside, situated on the southern hank of Dan River and on each side ofAa ron * Creek, (which is the dividing line between the Counties of Halifax and Mecklenburg ) On this Creek and about the centre of (lie tract, is a well-constructed t.riu Mill, which affords a yearly profit of 250 barrel* ot cram. Also, a Cotton Machine, in a separate build-

, ,,m? «cr‘*. '* '•"* quantity of land contained in the tract, about two hundred and foity of which i* low grounds. The most substantial evidence I can offer cd tb. value cl tin* land, is, that my average crop Is about two thoti*»n<! pound* ot Tobacco, anc! eight hundred pounds ot Pork and Meet to each hand; besides a super- abundant supply of every grain crop which is neces-a rv lor the plantation, or that can add to (he comfort of a large family.

My term* will be, four equal annual payments, to take date from lh<* first dayol January next, (it which time possesion will be given,) and each payinst-,t to be secured by bind with personal security, and a lein on the property.

ROBERT NELSON. APr'16- 111—wtIJeif

BN < "\.\< ER\ At rules ho den in the Clerk’* Office of (Ik. County Court of Amelia, for lire month ol April, ui the year IM30— Miles Webster and Rebecca his wife, Complt*. against John Webster. Ea’cr of Edward Wrbater, an.) ns Atltnorof Elizabeth Webster, and as Adm’or of Fannv

,V."r: "‘l'1,,i* °'v,‘ r'Kh,5 *’*•*»»•> MfOla.s„n am! I belie hi* wife, Defiltg The Delrmlmi* I’aschal MrOla-son and Fh*be hi* ♦vifn, riot havirift entered their appearance, and riven security ac-ord,,,* to the act of Assembly and the rule- ol tin* Court, and it appearing that they are not inbahi l ulls o| this Commonweal'h, On the motion ol the Com- plainant* by their Counsel, It is Order-d, That the said I retendant* do appear here on the fourth Thursday in Ju|y no*t, and answer the Complainant’* bill; and ||,s, H co|iy ol this order be forthwith inserted in some news, paper pnhiishe.l in ll.e City of Richmond, for two months successively, ami another copy he posted at the iron! door of tl»a Courthouse of this co'in'y.

a A Copy. Teste, J. T. LEIfJH, A>,ri1 27 120-wHw

7 rn.'INlA: In Chancery—Af a Court continued March 18:10

* l}"rk,n*,'“,n eo,,n»y» •*»• 1 I<h dity of Lillie berry Hardiman, John ll.irdiman, and John Morri* adm’r of lllchard II 'fdiman, dee d, Dt-fid* I lie defpndant John Hardiman not having en-

» appearance, and given arc.irily according to the Act of Am Moldy and the inlr* of thi* court, and it an

Bearing by aati.I,teiory evidenc- that hr ia not an inha. Mlant of Ihia atale, On the motion of the plaintiff, It i. < rd»’red, I hat the raid John llatdiman do appear herr on the hr at day of Align*! term next, and mover the hill of the plalnt.fT; and that a copy of thia order be forthwith married in the Richmond Enquirer, lor two month* *ueee,*|v*|y, p^ied at the front door of the Court.home of thia counly. A O.pv. Teate _April fl. Ill — wSw R KLMRIDCF, c. r

I II h. All peraona are hereby ranfioned again* Irtiatin* my wile, Sarah If Hurf, for any article

which ahe may purrhaae on my account, a* I arn dp. lermlrerl not to pay the aatne—ahe having *ohint*rllv quit my hed ami board. SAMUEL f. HURT

Charlotte, May 18. 3 w4l*

V(Rt>4N f A : At a Superior Court of Chsncory, hold- en at tho capitol iu the city ot Richmond, tho VUt

day of March, UI29 :

Jlenry W. Moncure and John Rohinscn, survivor* of themselves and Frederick Pleasant*, late merchant* and partners, trading under the firm of Moncurc, Kobin«oit & Pleasant*, on behalf ef then.selves and all others, tho creditors ol John \\ dike, dcc’d. who shall coins in and seek relict by aud contribute te tho expeus* ol this suit,

Plttfi. against

I.yddull Howies, u<fln’or. of the said John Walker, dm* d. C .tlvin W alkcr, (Jeorge IV. Walker, I.ydia Croade, Dos worth Walker, Mary Daggett, Joseph Walker and l.uthur \\ alkor, heirs ol the said John Walker, dcc’d. Mosby Sheppard, Orris S. Paine and Orris Paine,

Deft*. I his cause in which tf»o bill hath been taken lor corr-

tossed as te the defendant, Orris Paine,and in which thu plaintiffs appear to have proceeded in the inode prescrib- ed by law against the oilier defendants (except Lyddall llowlcs and Mosby Micppard) w|»o aro out of this coun- try, came on this day to be heard on-the bill, the an- swers ol the said ltowles and Sheppard, with the repli- cations thereto, and exhibits, and ivm argued by coun- sel: On consideration w hereof, the'Court doth order that the defendant, Lyddall Howies, render an account of hie administration ol the estate o( his intestate, before a l ommi-sionnr id the Court, who is directed to examine, state and settle the same; and the court doth further or- der, that the said Commissioner take an account of what is due to tire plaintiffs, and Hie other creditors of tiro said intestate, for their debts, nud s'ate the amount, dig- nity and priority thereof, for which purpose the said other creditors are to tie at liberty to come in before the said Commissioner and prove their debts; and the Court dotli further Older, that the said Commissioner state an account of the real estate whereof the mid intestate died seized, and ot the pioceedsol that part thereof which has been sold by the tie tend ant, Meshy Sheppard; and that all deeds and writings in the power of any of the par- ties, relating to the said real estate, he produced before Hie said Commissioner; ami the said Commissioner is to make report thereof to the Court, of all the said ac- counts. with any matters specially stated, deemed per- tinent by himselt, or which may be required by the parties to-be so stated.

A Copy. Tesfe, WM. U. PENDLETON, C. C. Commissioner’s OrncE, )

Richmond, May 17th, 1S30. \ The parties interested-will please take notice, that l

have appointed flic 30th day of June next, to commence the accounts directed in the hire going order of Court, on which day at if o’ clock, A. M. they are required to attend at iny olice in this city, with their accounts, •otichers, documents, &c. ready for examination and settlement, and with office copies of Hie necessary Court papers; and the creditors of Jno. Walker, dec’d. will at the same time and place exhibit and prove thoir I claims against the said estate

HILARY BAKER, Coin’r. Rray 2T- 4—

IN CHANi’EHV—In Nottoway Cuiiuiy Cutir:, f>tb M.«y, 18H0:

Bartelrt l\ Todd, adm’ r of William Bate#, dec’d A'omplt.

ae/inct 1

J .lm I? <’«ck«», Roh’t If. P-«tti|lo. Jonfi. iniin^raior ol John Hamblin, dec. Philip Jone# ur.d John G. Kieve#, Defte

I hi* dayramc t!n> Com pi I, by hi* cntin«vl and the def John II. C'ck** no having entered hi* appearance and given aerurpy according to the act ot Assembly and the rule* of thi# couit, and it appearing to the *a- ti*f.»cion ol tlr- court that the -aid deft John FI. Cocke i« not an it habitant of thi* Cominonwo.dih: On the mo- tion of the Cixnplt. it i* oid-red: That the del-. John If Cocke, appear here on he find day of Augu«t court next to answer the hill of the »aid Complt., that the deft#. Hoht. If. I*iitdlo, Lew Jonea, ahn’orot John Ham- him, dec Pnilip Jon-a and .1 din O. Kieve*, k-ep from paying, conveying away, •ecreting, or othvnvhe di«- pn*ing ol the money or efT-ty* of Hie defendant John H. Cocke, ill their hand#, until (he further ouler and deert of (Ini court; and that a copy of thi# order bo ‘orthwith inserted in rome public newspaper paMi#hed in the Ci y ol Richmond or town ol Petersburg, tor two month# #ticce*-ivelv, and pn-ted at the front door of the corn ihun*u of thi* county,on two aiicceMivn court day#. A copy. Te#le,

*' FITZGERALD, C. C. M .y 21. 4_w8;» J-KKA*' salk ok law hooks.—o.i the 2nd

<4 *s Thursday ol September next, will t>e sold by •Mi. t'oii 'I'e Law Stork of a Hiokseller; consisting of a- bou» Thuty Thousand Volumes, embracing the latest • ihtioria ot nearly all hooks in general me, and a great number of Hie old Reporters, and other scare*

At the same time will bo sold, a largo number of im- portant Miscellaneous works.

I'he Catalogue will he ready by the ftru of June. Any gentleman desiring it for war,led to him, will please •Pply (|»u*l paid) to the subscriber.

M* THOMAS, Auctioneer. Philadelphia May 21. 4_v.-3t


II HE Dismal Strainp Lottery JV'o. 6, frill be drawn »i Richmond, Tuesday, the 1st day ol June


25,000 DOLL’S! 1 °* $25,0011 is ja-25 OOO 5.000 2 500 1 500 1.000

$25 5.000 2.500 I 5H0 5 000

besides $500, 100, 300, 200, 100, Stc. Slc. I lokels ll&tves

5 2 50

Quarter* 1 25

O <l*ra Irom the country promptly attended to. *"l).der» for ticket*, which should not arrive until «fter the Drawing, ran t.e supplied in the neat Claw

(ihe 7th,) which will draw shortly alter.—Scheme, the <»me as above.

IIJ” ^ Icket, I, 12, 27, the Grand Capital of £30,009 in die last Clare ol the Dismal (’anal Lottery, was sob! and paid at this olfice t> a gentleman of Richmond trn

,, yates &. McIntyre.

May 21. 4_|d



HIGHEST PRIZE 10,000 DOLL’S! Wosi.lee which there are the ti/ual nuriiher of minor

denominations, anti no price lower than Five dol- lars. Only 0,000 Ticket* in Ihe scheme— More Priie* than Blank !—the whole p.yable in CASH, which as usual can lie hail the moment they are drawn: W hole Tickets, $t"» 00 I Quarter*, $1 25 Halve*. 2.50 | Eighths, «2cts ”•* ORDERS either by mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or prize*, will meet the

same prompt and punctual attention a* if on personal application.—Address

J. I COHEN, Jr. k BROTHERS, n ... Baltimore, Baltimore, May 7. 123—I24M.


(Cnn«* Si HKr.T nr.t r itEi.ow thk Haoi.c Hmi.,) ■ ft KSPECTFUl.l.Y Inform the Public, that they ere H ft. new better prepared to execute work, than they have ever heretofore heen. Beside* having many new Fount* of elegant Type, (Book an>l Job—In fact, their Office la ahno«t enttrrlv nrer.l they have recently in- troduced the Compilation Holler, for applying the Ink to the Type, which it one among the greatest improve* mentr yet made in the art of Printing. These Roller* •lo much heifer work than any thing heretofore discov- •red —their execution it beautiful.

Their hand* are inferior to none; and their material* b. i„g of the beat kind, they c.in with confidence pro- mise, which they do, to erectile all work, of every de- ■cription, which may b» confide.I to them, with nreura• •■It, (which is of the first importance,) neaines*, anddi*- patch,and on the most accommodating term*.

They return their thank* to their Friend* and the Pub- lic, for past favor*, with a promise to exert themaelvea, if possible, more than heretofore, to merit their prefer-

They keep on hand a general assortment of Blank* on good paper,

April 27. 120—wlwif

To the Supernumerary Officer* of the Virginia State Line, ilming the Hevohitionary tVar.

! Ti.tifl ol Appeals having recently decided Ihiit R the Srpernuinerary Officers are (Milled to half-

1 pay so Ion* »" they live, and it appearing that a an it rnn.f be brought in every raae, he lore the debt wilt be p*nl, the subscriber tendera hla services, aa an agent and attorney in prosecuting anrh claims. Having for •everal yrara given iiia attention to Ihia anbjeel, and the elaima of otfieera to Land Bounty, he haa mails hitua-lf familiar with the Laws re*pecting auch rlairna, and the in* ana of procuring the evidence necessary, to eatat Jn>h them, il to be had by reference to the public Record* or application to the aurviving ofTirere.

I.etteta addressed to the subscriber at thia place will receive punctual atteotinn THOMAS GREEN.

Riel mond, April 10. 117_tftf

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