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Page 1: Rise of Grassroots Philosophy

The rise of grassroots philosophy:

a talk at the British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) 11/2012

by Jules Evans, www.philosophyforlife.org

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Philosophy groups are mushrooming all over the world

850 philosophy groups on

meetup.com, in 384 cities across 25

countries, with a combined

membership of 125,000

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London Philosophy Club

2,500 membersTalks, debates, reading groups, socials We’ve done

events at HTLGI,

Voewood, Latitude, Galway

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The Skeptics • Started in late 1970s,

committed to scientific and rational thinking

•Now huge grassroots movement

• 41 Skeptics in the Pub around UK

• Events like TAM and Night of 400 Billion Stars

• Transformed sci-com

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Lots of grassroots groups across UK

And many in schools and universities too..

Philosophy In Pubs, Liverpool

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Philosophy Now magazine, Philosophy For All

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Commercial ideas events organizers

• School of Life

• Intelligence Squared

• Idler Academy

• 5X15


•Wilderness, Port Eliot, Latitude, HTLGI etc

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Mainstream philosophy magazines

Helping to organize events like the Month of

Philosophy in Holland, the

Modena philosophy

festival in Italy, Les Nuits de

Philosophie in France

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Internet giving talks and events a global reach

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Why the rise of grassroots


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Rise of the ‘mass intelligentsia’

• 300 book festivals in the UK

• 50,000 people in book clubs in UK

• Museum + gallery attendance up 100% from 2000 to 2010

• Classic FM most popular commercial radio station

• People want to learn and discuss ideas together

Expansion of % going to university in the UK

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Decline of traditional religion and desire for new forms of


School of Life Sunday Sermon

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The crisis has got people thinking and talking...

The New Putney Debates: did inequality cause the recession?

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People are hungry for more public and social philosophy

Michael Sandel giving a talk to 5,000 people in South Korea this


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People are hungry for new ideas, new values, new experiences and forms of


Cafe Oto’s 24-

hour Zizek-a-


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People are interested in well-being / art of living

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Where next for philosophy festivals?

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Dream big! Philosophy should blow people’s minds

Akhram Khan’s Desh, complete with animated elephant

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Think multi-media

Wanye McGregor’s FAR, a choreography based on Roy Porter’s Flesh In the Age of Reason

Ideas best connect with people in combination with other media, like art / animation (think of the RSA Animate videos); stories and narratives (think of Sophie’s World or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance); photography (Alain de Botton’s books), comedy (Woody Allen’s films), and music / dance.

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Think interactive...and international

Grassroots philosophy is becoming more internationally-connected

And philosophy in general is becoming more interactive. The distance between the ‘intellectual’ and the ‘masses’ has been reduced - the masses have wised up, and don’t want to be spoken down to.

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Thank you! Get in touch at

www.philosophyforlife.org and @julesevans77

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