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  • 8/19/2019 River Upgrade Proposal









    Babagon River Measurement and Upgrade


    23rd December 2015


    Mrs. Janice Lynn Ayog




  • 8/19/2019 River Upgrade Proposal


    Table of Contents


    1.0 Introduction 1-2

    2.0 Methodology 3-5

    3.0 Data and result 6-11

    4.0 Discussion 12

    5.0 Conclusion 12

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    1.0.  Introduction

     “Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without

    water”, Albert Szent. Water is one of the most important aspect in life. Without it,

    life itself would not exist. Babagon River has been providing fresh clean water to

    villagers. Over the course of decades however, development at Kampung Babagon

    has increase. Thanks to the government, villagers of Babagon are now using clean

    treated water. Today the river is used as recreational purpose, a place where

    family hang out and enjoy quality time during the weekend. The flow of the river

    however is not efficient. To make matter worse, during monsoon season, the river

    cannot drain all the surface water flowing from the village. Thus, the river need to

    be upgraded. For the purpose of research, students were given a task to turn this

    beautiful natural flowing river into a channel. The goal of this research is to

    compute a modeling as well as designing a proper channeling using advance

    computer software. To do so, site visit was conducted. During site visit, students

    recorded four cross-sections of the river with an interval of 5m between each

    cross-section. The speed of the river was also recorded.

    1.1.  River

     According to Oxford dictionary, river is a large natural stream of water

    flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river. Rivers are vital

    providers of mineral water and nutrients to areas all around the earth. They

    are critical components of the hydrological cycle, acting as water flow and

    drainage channels for surface water. River offer environment, nutrition and

    means of transport to countless organisms; they offer tracks for discovery,

    business and recreation. Rivers are important to many of ecological issues

    that concern community and they are analyzed by number of professionals

    such as hydrologist, engineers, ecologist and geomorphologist. In basic

    terms, the existence of a river relies upon three factors; the availability of

    water surface, a channel in the ground and inclined surface. Active river

    change over time, eroding and depositing sediments in predictable patterns

    that are apparent in stream cross sections. Active eroding side of a river is


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    called scarp and the path of deepest channel is called thalweg, (Glenn

    Merrick et. Al., 2008)

    1.2.  Channel

     Any liquid flow in conduit with a free surface can be called as channel.

    This free surface is subjected to atmospheric pressure. Position of the free

    water surface makes flow condition in open channel complex. Not to

    mention depth of flow, discharge and the slopes of both channel bottom

    and free surface are also contributing to complexity.

    There are several types of flow in channel. For example; steady and

    unsteady flow, uniform flow, steady non-uniform flow and unsteady flow.

    They are all govern by many factors such as; position of free water surface,

    depth of flow, discharge, slope of channel bottom and slope of free surface


    Efficiency of any channel will affect the speed of water streaming

    through it. The efficiency of a channel is govern by the channel’s surface

    contact and surface roughness. The rougher the channel surface, the

    higher the friction lowering the channel efficiency. Thus, smoother surface

    of channel and less contact surface of water with the channel gives higher

    channel efficiency.

    1.3.  Hec-Ras Software

    The Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)

    is an advance computer software developed by U.S. Army Corps of

    Engineers (USACE). With this advance software, users are able to execute

    variety amount of flow. The software comes with 64-bit and 32-bit version

    and it is compatible with Windows XP and above. The objective of this

    report was to conduct channel modelling and channel designing for

    Babagon River using advance HEC-RAS software.

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    2.0.  Methodology

    2.1.  EQUIPMENTS

    Equipment used in conducting this research are as follows:


    Surveying Staff.2.  Measuring Tape.

    3.  Current meter.


    In order to acquire the cross section information of the river; the

    speed, depth and width of the river were measured. Four cross section

    information were taken from upstream to downstream. The procedures are

    as follows;

    i)  Measurements of the stream was taken using the current meter and

    the river’s velocity was computed by taking an average of three value

    of velocities.

    ii)  First cross-section area was selected and its cross section was

    measured by stretching measuring tape across from the left of

    riverbank to the right of river bank.

    iii)  The depth of the river were taken every 3m interval across the river for

    every cross-section using a surveying staff.

    iv)  For next cross section, distance of five meters were measured from the

    previous cross section and the depths were taken (Steps ii. and iii.).

    v)   Another 3 cross section of river were taken and step iv. was repeated.

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    Data obtained from site visit was then computed and model of the

    river using the HEC-RAS software was created. The procedures are as


    i)  The software was opened and new project file was created. This file

    was then saved in new folder named “River Modelling”  in desktop.

    ii)  The unit system was set to “System International (Metric system)”. 

    iii)  In the main window, under  “edit”   menu bar, Geometric data was

    keyed in and river reach was drawn and all four cross sections

    obtained from the site visit were keyed in. The Manning ’ s coefficient

    was set to be 0.03 for river bed that has a coarse-grained smooth


    iv)  Back main window, flow rates of a steady flow data was keyed in under

     “edit” , “Steady Flow Data”  

    v)  In the same steady flow data window, under boundary reach button

    downstream and upstream was keyed in as “critical depth” .

    vi)  Back to the main window, steady flow simulator was performed by

    clicking “Perform a steady flow simulation” . The button looked like a

    person surfing on surface of water and positioned number 9 from themost left button.

    vii) Finally, the result of the computation was obtained by clicking  “River

    cross section”  and “ View 3D river cross section plot” .

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    Once the river modelling was computed, a design of a river

    channelling is then computed using the HEC-RAS software. The

    procedures are as follows;

    i)  The software was opened and new project file was created. This file was

    then saved in new folder named “River Modelling”  in desktop.

    ii)  The unit system was set to “System International (Metric system)”. 

    iii)  In the main window, under “edit”  menu bar, Geometric data was keyed in

    and river reach was drawn and all four same cross sections (1.5m deep,

    3m wide) were keyed in. The Manning’ s coefficient was set to be 0.03 for

    river bed that has a coarse-grained smooth channel.

    iv)  Back main window, flow rates of a steady flow data was keyed in under

     “edit” , “Steady Flow Data”  

    v)  In the same steady flow data window, under boundary reach button

    downstream and upstream was keyed in as “critical depth” .

    vi)  Back to the main window, steady flow simulator was performed by clicking

     “Perform a steady flow simulation” . The button looked like a person surfing

    on surface of water and positioned number 9 from the most left button.

    vii) Finally, the result of the computation was obtained by clicking “River crosssection”  and “ View 3D river cross section plot” .

  • 8/19/2019 River Upgrade Proposal





    Three velocities obtained from current meter = 0.9m/s, 1.2m/s, 1.4m/s

    Velocity, V = (0.9 + .2 + .4)3


    = 1.166 m/s ≈ 1m/s 


    1 2 3 4


    26.720 27.330 28.570 29.600

    Depth at 3m intervals(m)

    0.150 0.050 0.400 0.110

    0.260 0.120 0.240 0.300

    0.390 0.270 0.420 0.310

    0.690 0.320 0.580 0.470

    0.760 0.590 0.760 0.530

    1.500 0.800 1.040 0.830

    1.220 1.000 1.200 1.020

    1.480 1.290 1.380 1.210

    1.390 1.380 1.300 1.500

    0.580 1.160 0.50 1.310

    0.400 0.390

    Cross-section Area, A(m2)

    22.90 19.430 23.0 22.90

    Flow Rate, Q=AV(m3/s)

    22.90 19.430 23.090 22.90

  • 8/19/2019 River Upgrade Proposal




    Figure 3.1. First Cross section of Natural River.

    Figure 3.2. Cross section of Natural River 5m from first cross section.

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    Figure 3.3. Cross section of Natural River 10m from first cross section.

    Figure 3.4. Cross section of Natural River 15m from first cross section.

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    Figure 3.5. River profile from four cross section.


    Figure 3.6. First Cross section of Concrete Channel.

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    Figure 3.7. Cross section of Concrete Channel 5m from first cross section.

    Figure 3.8. Cross section of Concrete Channel 10m from first cross section. 

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    Figure 3.9. Cross section of Concrete Channel 15m from first cross section. 

    Figure 3.10. Concrete Channel profile from 4 cross section. 

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    4.0.  DISCUSSION

    During site visit, it was observed that the right bank of the river is going

    through erosion while the left bank has a decreasing slope. It was also observed

    that the river is deeper toward right side of the bank compared to the left side of

    bank. The river bed was full of smooth and slippery stone. Precautions had to be

    taken while taking measurement. The staff was carefully placed during recording

    of depth so that the staff reach actual bed of river.

    By using data of the river obtained from site visit, the modelling of the

    Babagon River was computed using the advance HEC-RAS software to obtain its

    profile. After profile of the river was obtained, channel design was conducted. A

    channel was designed in such way that the new and improved channel would be

    efficient and can sustain excess water surfacing during rainy season. The new and

    improved Babagon channel is 1.5m deep and 30m wide. The width of this new

    channel is 101.35% wider than the natural river while its area is 181.81 % larger

    than the natural river which means it can transport surface water more efficiently.

    By increasing the channel’s area, larger volume of water can be sustain by the

    channel. This large area produce larger contact surface between water and the

    channel, thus increasing friction. To overcome this, smooth concrete in which

    lowers the Manning’s value is used to build the channel and decrease the friction.

    By using rectangular shape as channel design, smaller top width can be achieved.

    This cross section can benefit villagers of Kampung Babagon as its small top width

    saves a lot of land usage.

    5.0.  CONCLUSION

    To put it briefly, through the conduction of this assignment, data in which

    defines the characteristics of the Babagon River was able to be determined. This

    data was then put to use to compose the cross-sections of the river using the

    HEC-RAS software thus providing an overview of the river’s shape. Similarly, this

    data was also used to compute a channelling design for river upgrading purposes

    based on the model constructed. In short, all objectives of this assignment was


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