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Page 1: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

Narrative The narrative starts off with a plane crash and only Katy Perry and her boyfriend surviving. The video then shows them exploring the jungle before her boyfriend gets killed by a tiger. The video then follows Perry’s journey of surviving in the jungle.

Page 2: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

IntertextualityOne way intertextuality is used in Roar is that it makes reference to old jungle movies. As shown by the title card it’s copied the idea of having the title card similar to a comic book. This technique was often used to advertise old school jungle movies. As you can see in figure 2 the editors tried to make this seem like a short movie rather than a music video. It shows attention to detail.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Page 3: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

Intertextuality pt. 2They also keep with theme of it being like an old school jungle movie by having Katy Perry use over the top facial expressions, a technique commonly used in old school movies. Throughout the song the phrase “eye of the tiger” is repeated this maybe in reference to the 1982 song “Eye Of The Tiger”. This links to the song as the original song is about surviving and becoming the strongest and the one on top.

Page 4: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

CameraAt the start of the music video the camera uses a lot of high angles. They have used this to show that in this part Perry is submissive and is controlled by her boyfriend. By using a high angle it makes her seem small and powerless. In addition by using a long shot it emphasises the idea that Katy Perry is small and powerless. Furthermore, her facial expression in the second photo is a scared one this suggests that she is lost without her boyfriend.

Page 5: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

By using a point of view shot it immerses the audience into the video and makes them feel like they’re in the video . In addition, it introduces the audience to the boyfriends character the fact that he’s taking selfies after a plane crash suggest that he’s self obsessed and thinks very highly of himself. This may be seen as representative of Russel Brand as he’s known to be quite full of himself especially in his views. The fact that he is very comfortable around Katy Perry and will easily go up to her and put his arm round her emphasises the idea that they're in a relationship. The use of the two shot shows the contrast in their relationship. As you can see Perry looks very apprehensive and scared where as the boyfriend looks very cheery this suggests that Perry is quite sensible and has been made to be submissive as a result she doesn’t cope well in new situations. Where as the boyfriend seems quite silly and very vain as a result he doesn’t think much and just expects Katy Perry to follow him blindly and do whatever he wants her to do.

Page 6: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

Towards the end of the music video they use a lot of low angle shots and shots of her looking over the horizon. By using a shot of her looking over the whole jungle it gives the idea that she’s “Queen of the jungle”. This uses intertextuality and references to Tarzan being the king of the jungle. Furthermore, this shot shows a visual representation of how far Katy Perry has come because she used to be seen as lesser by her boyfriend and not capable than being anything else than his follower and person that did everything for him. Now that she’s escaped him she’s realised her true potential and now she’s ruling the jungle and all the animals are her muses. By having the low angle shot of her by the waterfall it gives the idea of dominance and she’s higher than the audience. This also links into the idea that she’s the “Queen of the Jungle” and she has the most power. This also contrasts with her at the beginning where she’s very submissive and does everything her boyfriend wants. Now she’s an independent woman taking control of her own life and the jungle as well.

Page 7: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

The music video uses close ups throughout the video as well as slow pans. In the first shot they use a medium close up and a slow pan by doing this it means that the audience can see every angle of Katy Perry. The pose she’s in is a very provocative pose and her having direct eye contact with the camera gives the idea that she’s flirting with the audience and is making us focus on her. This idea is also emphasised in the second photo as she’s looking at the audience with provocatively and is the same idea that she’s flirting with the camera as well as selling sex. The main idea of close ups is selling her as well as flirting with the audience or emphasising how perfect she is and encouraging the female audience to replicate her look. For example the third image shows the fact that she has bright white send perfectly straight teeth. She also has flawless skin and perfectly imperfect, shiny black hair. By continuously showing Perry’s face it imprints the image of her in your mind as a result people will likely remember hoe good the video for Roar was and how much they liked the song as a result they’re more likely going to buy the song and the album.

Page 8: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

EditingThe editing fits with the beat of the song as in the music video they cut to a different shot every fifth drum beat by doing this it creates regularity and helps the audience notice the beat of the song. However, it’s unusual they cut on the 5th drum beat as generally it would make more sense to cut on the main and louder drum beat. The editing fits with the pace of the song as in the verses there is less cuts as the verses and slightly slower. Where as when the chorus comes the cuts are more frequent as the chorus is more upbeat and quicker paced. Finally, the video features a lot of lip synch as the lyrics fit with the sequence of the song and the music video. In addition, by having a lot of lip syncing means that Katy Perry’s face had more screen time as a result she can sell herself more.

Page 9: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

At the start of the music video they use a burning transition of the title screen to the action of the music video. By burning the title screen it introduces the audience into the plane crash scene in a more interesting way. As well it shows how the comic book title screen matches up with the real life jungle. The next effect is adding the tiger that jumps on to the boyfriend and kills him. They did this by attaching a bungee cord to the actor and them pulling him out of frame, they then added the tiger in later. By using the bungee cord and pulling him rather than having him fall gave a more realistic feel and helps immerse the audience into the music video and make them feel like he the actor really did get attacked by a tiger. Finally, in post production they added the fireflies by doing this it meant that they could put the fireflies together to look like eyes staring at Perry by doing this it entices the audience to sty on the music video a they want to see what the eyes are and what happens to Katy Perry.

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They also add a tiger into the water to represent her reflection. By doing this it suggests to the audience that Katy Perry has the passion and fight of a tiger. It also conforms to the idea that everyone has a spirit animal and that in her spirit she is truly a tiger and she just needed or get away from her boyfriend to realise it. In addition the fireflies coming together enhance this idea that Perry is the human embodiment of a tiger. By having the fireflies coming together it her personality coming together. She’s finally realising that she can do whatever she wants and she’s the queen of the jungle. She’s finally becoming the independent woman she should have been however she was always following her boyfriend and submitting to him and his every need. Now that he’s dead the fireflies represent her coming together. They may also be seen representative of hope and showing her that the jungle isn’t as scary as its seems as the fire flies used to look like evil eyes and now they’re coming together this shows that the jungle isn’t as scary as she thinks.

Page 11: Roar by Katy perry Analysis

They also added the effect of a tiger coming out of Perry as she’s roaring at tiger. By doing this it shows that she’s become a tiger personified and she’s truly the queen of the jungle. It shows that she’s become dominant and her own empowered person. It could also be seen as the tiger representing her boyfriend as she used to be his al,=most slave and very submissive to him and now she’s dominated him and she’s in charge. In addition, in post production they added an animation sequence where a tiger defeats an entire army by roaring at their arrows and making them turn around and kill the army. There is then a dissolve from the animated tiger roaring at the camera to then Perry coming out the tigers mouth. This suggests to the audience that the animated tiger is a representation of Perry’s progression as the animated Tiger started off small like Katy Perry did at the start of the song. The tiger then only intimidates a few people this represents Perry learning how to cope in the jungle then finally the animated Tiger defeats a whole army this represents Perry becoming queen of the jungle.

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Katy Perry is represented in the video as being very girly and colourful. it’s almost like the idea that she’s a bubble-gum princess. This is shown by the fact in the video she is painting an elephants toe nails and putting on lipstick using a pomegranate. The fact that she’s doing these girly but frivolous things while in the jungle is keeping with her iconography of her being very girly. Also, the fact that she’s using pink nail varnish on the elephant continues with the idea of her being very girly and colourful. Also, by having the colourful and diamond encrusted collar keeps with the idea that she’s quite eccentric as the tiger does not need that large and blingy of a collar. In addition, calling the tiger “Kitty Purry” keeps with her iconography as she is known for her love of cats and her actual pet cat is called “Kitty Purry”.

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The two main outfits in the music video are a ripped up shirt and a grass skirt with a cheetah print crop top. Both outfits keep with the ideography of her being girly as she’s in either in a dress or a skirt. In addition, the second outfit keeps with her ideography as it’s very eccentric. However, there is controversy over the outfits because as she gets more empowered she wears less clothes. For example, the dress she’s wearing in the first image is quite short and does not cover a lot of skin. In the second image she’s wearing a very low cut cheetah print crop top this already sexualises her as cheetah print is often associated with looking sexy. In addition, she’s got a push up bra on which makes the focus on breasts which attracts the male audience. In addition, she’s wearing an very short grass skirt this adds to the idea of her looking sexy. This contradicts the idea of the video as she’s empowered yet extremely sexualised. Even though this is a very feminist anthem it’s still trying to appeal to men by sexualising Katy Perry. However, this still fits with her iconography as she often wears quite scandalous for example in “California Gurls” Perry is naked on a cloud and seen sporting a bikini and booty shorts.

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