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Breathing is one of the most amazing things we do — and we do it without even noticing. When your stress levels are high, simple breathing techniques can help you feel more calm and relaxed; changing your breath can even influence the messages being sent to your brain. The key is to breathe deeply from the abdomen, getting as much fresh air as possible into your lungs. The more you get, the less tense and anxious you will feel.

Positive effects of deep breathing

Start incorporating the following deep-breathing tools into your routine for at least five minutes a day, and start breathing in the benefits.

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Think about how your breathing changes in response to different emotions, such as fear or excitement. Are there times when you feel out of control of your emotions, your stress or your thoughts? What are you wanting for yourself when it comes to managing these things?


• Decreases risk for a number of chronic health conditions

• Releases toxins

• Strengthens the nervous system

• Assists in weight control

• Boosts energy levels

• Improves digestion

• Increases focus

• And more!

Coherent breathing (or “equal breathing”)

This is consciously taking equal lengths of breath, both in and out, usually at a count of four or five seconds. It will cause a shift in your nervous system, allowing a higher heart rate variability, which is associated with a healthier cardiovascular system and a stronger stress-response system.

Practice the coherent breathing technique:

» Breathe in: count one, two, three, four, five.

» Breathe out: count one, two, three, four, five.

Breath moving

This is using your imagination to flow with your breathing, not focusing on anything other than the journey of your breath.

Practice the breath-moving technique:

» Breathe in, imagining moving your breath to the top of your head.

» Breathe out, imagining moving your breath to the base of your spine.

» Repeat your breaths, moving the breath to the top of your head each time you breathe in, and to the base of your spine each time you breathe out.


Progressive breathing (or “head-to-toe breathing”)

This is about monitoring and controlling your state of muscular tension, generally starting at the feet and working up to the face.

Practice the progressive-breathing technique:

» Breathe in through your nose and hold for a count of five while you tense your muscles. Then breathe out through your mouth when you relax the tension.

» Move through your body, one muscle at a time, flexing and relaxing with every breath.

• Start with your right foot and tense the muscles, holding for a count of 10.

• Relax your foot and focus on the tension going away.

• When you’re ready, shift the focus to your left foot and repeat.

• Move up through your calves, thighs, hips and buttocks, stomach, chest, back, arms, hands, neck, shoulders and face — all while maintaining deep, slow breaths.


What stands out to you as the potential benefits to incorporating these breathing practices into your day?

Considering the breathing techniques above, what can you commit to practicing on a daily basis?

Alternate-nostril breathing (or “Nadi Shodhana”)

This involves uniting the right and left sides of the brain to encourage feeling more awake and focused. It is stimulating, like a cup of coffee — so don’t try this one before bed!

Practice the alternate-nostril breathing technique:

» Hold your right thumb over your right nostril and inhale deeply through your left nostril.

» At the peak of inhalation, close off your left nostril with your ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril.

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