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THE MUSIC VIDEO LINK:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM&ob=av3e

LYRICS AND VISUALS: ‘How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down

into my core’ – this uses direct address which makes the audience feel apart of the narrative and makes them curious.

‘Bring me to life’ – this links into the video as she is being

possest or soul-less, and she is pleading to the audience to

help her.

‘Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold’ – this

Is also mixed in with editing to show that a spirit has taken over



MUSIC AND VISUALS: In the beginning of the music video the instrumental was

playing alone, and at the same time sounds of wind were also added to help show the setting and add to the gothic element.

The first time the chorus is played, is when the band is shown first. This is when the music turns from being soft and mysterious to hard. This shows creditability to the instruments used which are drums/guitars/vocals. – these are conventional instruments.

Music help emphasize on the visuals and make it clear to the audience on what’s going on. For example the sound of the door opening adds to the introduction of a new character.

One theme that was portrayed in the music video was a gothic element. This was done by the setting, which consisted of tall buildings and a dark airy background at the time of night. The background music used high pitched instruments for the instrumental. Also the female singers voice is high pitched with also adds to the theme. This made it unique from other types of videos in the genre as it focuses around having ‘hard and strong’ instruments and voices. Also the lyrics help emphasize the gothic theme as their are many references to ‘corpse’ and ‘spirits’. – This also links into the next theme which is dreams.

Another theme that was expressed throughout the video was the ‘being possest’. The music video was based around this and even started of with this. The lyrics helps illustrate this to the audience as it says ‘Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold’. This sends a sense of mystery and makes the audience a feel curious and intrigued to the video.


Narrative is mainly played throughout the video as the story is about the character feeling empty and lonely until a mysterious individual takes her by surprise, which takes her soul away and she desires to ‘come back to life’.

Although the music video was heavily based on narrative, it also combined with performance as the band was still present in the video by showing clips of them singing. This is done specifically for the market as the audience are expecting to see the band. Also it helps the singers connect with the audience by singing to them. Furthermore a unique aspect is included as they female character interlinks with a band member and makes him part of the narrative, not just the performance. This is effective as the song is as if they are conversating with each other through singing and then meet at a peak time of the video (when she falls) This is effective as there is still a large focus on the lead singer and has a balance of both narrative and performance and that now the lead singer is put into a position where the he can save her. Also camera angles are used to reinforce this as low/high angle shots of the female show that she’s in need and gives the singer a superior status.



They are references to religion and the everesance are stated to be a religious band. Examples of references with in the video are ….

• "my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold’’ •

‘’until you find it there and lead it back home."

"save me from the nothing I've become“

Another example of references to religion could be the use of spirits and souls being taken away. All religions don’t believe in exorcism, therefor may trying to focus on a specified religion. - THIS IS ALSO REINFORCES THE GOTHIC ELEMENT.



Before the band member is introduced, we can see her pleading for his help…

The audience think she’s going to fall, but

she just jumps …

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