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Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
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Statement of unit achievement
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UV40764 Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
The aim of this unit is to develop your understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a teacher in lifelong learning and the relationship between different professionals in lifelong learning. It includes responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment for learners.
Learning outcomes Evidence requirements
1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
2. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning
3. Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment
UV40764 3
1. Working environment There is no requirement for you to be observed/assessed in a work environment.
2. Teaching practice There is no requirement for you to undertake teaching practice.
3. Achieving assessment criteria There must be valid, authentic and sufficient evidence for all assessment criteria. Holistic assessment is encouraged and one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one assessment criterion.
4. Knowledge outcomes There must be evidence that you possess all the knowledge and understanding listed in the ‘Knowledge’ section of this unit. This evidence may include projects, assignments, case studies, reflective accounts, oral/written questioning and/or other forms of evidence.
5. Tutor/Assessor guidance You will be guided by your tutor/assessor on how to achieve learning outcomes in this unit. All outcomes must be achieved.
6. External paper There is no external paper requirement for this unit.
Achieving knowledge outcomes
Developing knowledge
You will be guided by your tutor and assessor on the evidence that needs to be produced. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using the assessment methods listed below:
• Observed work • Witness statements • Audio-visual media • Evidence of prior learning or attainment • Written questions • Oral questions • Assignments • Case studies
You can: Portfolio reference / Assessor initials*
a. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities
b. Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity
c. Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
d. Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners
*Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.
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Outcome 2
You can: Portfolio reference / Assessor initials*
a. Analyse the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles
b. Review points of referral to meet the needs of learners
c. Evaluate own responsibilities in relation to other professionals
*Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.
Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment
You can: Portfolio reference / Assessor initials*
a. Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment
b. Explain how to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others
*Assessor initials to be inserted if orally questioned.
UV40764 7
Outcome 1: Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
Unit content
This section provides guidance on the recommended knowledge and skills required to enable you to achieve each of the learning outcomes in this unit. Your tutor/assessor will ensure you have the opportunity to cover all of the unit content.
Legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice: Appropriate legislation and codes of practice (health and safety, equal opportunities), own role in promoting equality (teaching materials, translating legislation in practice, diversity and inclusion, impact on teaching and classroom practice, range of differences which might present in a classroom situation), promoting (data protection, consumer legislation and other legislation relating to subject specialism), regulatory requirements, safeguarding, child protection), Every Child Matters (ECM), be healthy, stay safe, make a positive contribution, achieve and enjoy, achieve economic wellbeing, record keeping), codes of practice (Institute for Learning, subject specialist codes of practice, boundaries of teaching role).
Responsibilities for promoting and valuing diversity: Understanding diversity in race, culture, religion, language, gender, education and age; language acquisition, recognising differences in perspectives and perceptions, equality of opportunity, awareness of learning disabilities and difficulties, inclusive approaches, promoting social integration, impact of legislation and policies on own practice and teaching (including how to deal with prejudice and discrimination), organisational policies and procedures, establishing ground rules, promoting diversity, inclusive practice, different teaching and learning methods to accommodate different learning preferences and different abilities and/ or needs, minimising potential barriers
to ensure curricula are accessible to all, special assessment arrangements.
Evaluating own roles and responsibilities: Teaching and training cycle (identify needs, plan, design, deliver/ facilitate, assess, evaluate, CPD and professionalism), Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), signposting, liaising with other professionals, meeting organisation’s requirements, systems, procedures; maintaining standards, quality assurance; keeping records, registers, learner work, results; health and safety in the workplace, policies and practice in organisations, keeping up with own professional requirements.
Reviewing own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners: Self-reflective practice, learning preferences, knowledge of specific learning difficulties and disabilities, lesson planning, teaching and training cycle, planning and negotiation skills, differentiation, reviews and feedback, embedding Literacy, Language and Numeracy (LLN) and ICT, use of feedback from a range of suitable sources (self, learners, peer/tutor observations).
Outcome 2: Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning
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Boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles: Role of collegiality and collaboration in local and regional areas, role of support agencies, learner referral, signposting, learner support opportunities, learning support opportunities, the different teams with which you interact in your daily work (e.g. external support agencies, external regulatory bodies, internal administrative support, internal quality assurance teams), limits of responsibility.
Reviewing points of referral to meet the needs of learners: Identifying support needs of learners, screening, initial
assessment, diagnostic assessment, identifying key staff within organisations responsible for referral, identifying sources of learner support and learning support.
Evaluating own responsibilities in relation to other professionals: Record keeping in relation to learner information, record keeping with reference to organisational procedures, record keeping with reference to quality assurance, professional code of conduct, qualitative evaluation.
Outcome 3: Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment
Safe and supportive learning environment: Concept of the safe learner (including identification of hazards, risks and controls, identifying own health and safety responsibilities, completion of hazard surveys, identifying key health and safety staff members, recording of emergency procedures currently in place, identification of applicable work procedures, identification of prohibitions and restrictions), safeguarding (e.g. Every Child Matters (ECM), be healthy, stay safe, make a positive contribution, achieve and enjoy, achieve economic wellbeing), data protection legislation, organisational policies and practice (e.g. equality and diversity, bullying, harassment, complaints, appeals and personal safety policies), updated/amended equality legislation (bringing together legislation it has replaced and extension to other groups),
impact of legislation on own practice, motivational theory (e.g. Mazlow, Herzberg, McGregor).
Promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others: Legislation (health and safety, equality, data protection, freedom of information, human rights) and its impact on own practice, ground rules, classroom management, inclusive practice, differentiation, organisational policies, (equality and diversity, bullying, harassment, complaint and appeals), how to deal with prejudice and discrimination.

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