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Page 1: Rollins' 2012 Christmas Letter

Special Dates from 2012


ROLLINS’ Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy holiday this Christmas

Another year of adventures in the books. Farewell 2012!

This past year has been full of adventures for us. We started the year with an impromptu road trip out to Calgary with our dear friends Annamieke and Aaron Spotts. We drove all night through snow and thanks to some great driving by Annamieke especially, made it safely! We were so grateful to be able to celebrate the New Year with my sister Amy, her husband Kirk and our niece and nephews Zachary, Avalayne and Joshua.

Moving Day April 1, 2012 We moved into a new neighborhood,

much closer to Jen’s work…right by


C H R I S T M A S G R E E T I N G S 2 0 1 2

Merry Christmas! We wanted to take this time to share

some news from the past year. It’s hard to believe 2012 has come and gone. Thankfully the Mayans were wrong

because we have a lot to look forward to in 2013!

We wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. May your lives and homes be full of love, laughter and loads of great food!

So from us to you: Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all the best for the New Year!

Sterling’s Grad December 15, 2012 Sterling completed his BSc. in Financial

Economics at Brigham Young

University - Idaho

Permanent! December 11, 2012 Sterling has been approved to be a

Canadian permanent resident. Finally!

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Ice Skating in Claresholm Uncle Sterling had a great time helping Josh and Avalayne learn how to skate. There weren’t any skate rentals at the rink so thankfully Auntie Jen

has small feet!

One for the road While there, we also got to spend some time with our nephew, Zachary. We loaded Zach up with Tim Hortons sandwiches and doughnuts and also took him some of his favourite candies as a late Christmas present. We sure loved spoiling him a little. We had a great time! A short time after this visit, Zachary passed away. We were so grateful to have spent that precious time with him and so very thankful for eternal families and for the time we spent with Zachary while he was with us. He always exuded so much love and was truly a light in the lives of all those he met. We miss him dearly.

In April, we moved to our third basement suite. We’re getting pretty good at this moving business. The home we’d lived in for a year and a half was sold and the new owners wanted to tear it down so we made the move at a very busy time of the year. We love our new neighborhood though. We’re right by Playland, numerous parks and are much closer to Jen’s work.

Right after the move, Jen did her first in-season road trip working with the Canucks to Calgary. Then it was playoffs!

During a Canucks road trip, we were able to go see Coldplay at Rogers Arena with our cousin Dave and his wife, Meg. It was a blast!

Right after the Coldplay show, we saw Ed Sheeran and Snow Patrol. What a great time for concerts!

Playing through the Cold

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Almost the summer of ‘69 In June, Jen went to see Bryan Adams in Victoria, BC, with her friends from high school, Lisa and Kristy. It wasn’t quite the Summer of ’69 but it started off the summer of ’12 with a bang!

Then Jen was off to work the NHL Draft in Pittsburgh, PA. Before Pittsburgh, she made a pit stop in Washington, DC, with her friend Steph from work. It’s on our bucket list to go back together next time.

We love spending time with our family and got to visit with lots of cousins over the summer. We always love when our cousin Leanne comes to town (she lives in Arizona) because it means we get to play lots of Rook, a family favourite!

We also got to make a trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s.

It was Jen’s first time there and it quickly became clear why it’s a kid’s haven. So many great games.

We jam packed July with lots of adventure. The month started with celebrating Jen’s Grammie’s 90th birthday. She’s been a wealth of wisdom in our lives and has taught us a lot. We’re so grateful to have her just a phone call or ferry ride away. The four brothers (Jen’s dad and three uncles) planned a great surprise party for Grammie. It was such a great weekend full of family and FOOD!

Jen’s brother Shaun flew in from Saskatchewan and her mom and three siblings joined us for the weekend. It was great to have them stay with us and share a visit to the Vancouver Aquarium.

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Chasing the Sun

On the road again On Independence Day we made our way on a long (8,000+ kilometers), fun-filled trip around the Western United States. We drove through the night to Rexburg, ID, to visit Sterling’s brother Ethan. Of course we went to Craigo’s while we were there! It was nice to catch up with some old roommates and great friends too. We especially loved movie nights with the Plummers. We wish we saw them more.

To the Springs We love trips back to our alma mater BYU-Idaho. After Idaho, we went on to Colorado Springs to visit Sterling’s mom, Cynthia, and some friends. It was crazy to see some of the destruction from the wildfires. You can’t really see it in the picture but all the land right adjacent to the church building was burned to a crisp. So grateful for fire fighters!

Out of the desert Then off we went to Phoenix, AZ. We stayed with Sterling’s dad, Bryant, and soaked up as much sun as possible poolside. We also got to meet up with our cousin Mike and ate at a great burger joint that had been featured on diners, drive-ins and dives. They even had lime trees on-site!

California, here we come The next stop was southern California where we got to visit Jen’s cousins Jeff and Heleena. We spent the rest of our trip driving up the coast of California, camping along the way. And of course had to have In-N-Out!

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Chasing the Sun Pt. II

Out of the forest In Northern California we came across some tall, tall trees. We ended up hiking through the Redwood Forest. The hike ended right at the ocean where we encountered a large family of elk. Those tress were HUGE! We are surrounded with so much beauty.

The other Vancouver Our last pit stop after California was Vancouver, WA, where we stayed with Jen’s cousin Julie and her family. We played games and even got to load up on blueberries. Before we left the Portland area, we had a great visit with Sterling’s brother Scott.

There’s a lake for that We got home from our long road trip and went straight to our cousin Dave and Meg’s house to make the five-hour trip to Shushwap to spend a fun weekend playing games and for the brave ones, wakeboarding. And of course, Sterling ate his annual, massive ice cream cone. Thankfully he could still squish in the backseat on the way home with our cousin Michelle and her fiancé Daniel.

Spotting a wedding In August we celebrated the marriage of Annamieke and Aaron (who we’d gone on the trip to Calgary with). The wedding was a great weekend in a beautiful setting. We enjoy spending time with our friends on Vancouver Island.

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Falling together Everything seemed to fall together this autumn. Sterling’s favourite season! He landed an internship he could do online with a company in New York. We saw Hanson at the PNE and Sterling finished his last semester at BYU-I ever. We’re excited to see what 2013 has in store. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and better

New Year! Lots of love,

Jen & Sterling


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