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Page 1: Romania: Economic Memorandum: External Stabilization … · Economic Memorandum: External Stabilization and Structural Adjustment ... 2.3 Gross Fixed Capital Formation by ... includes

Report Nb. 5832-R0

Romania:Economic Memorandum:External Stabilization and Structural Adjustment(In Two Volumes) Volume II: Statistical Appendix

May 6,1986

Europe, Middle East and North Africa Regional Office


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Document of the World Bank

This report has-a restricted distribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwisebe disdosed without World Bank authorization.


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Fiscal Year = Calendar Year

Weights and Measures = Metric System

Currency EquivalentsDomestic Currency = Leu (L) (Plural: Lei)

Average Rate 2' Lei per US$1.00

1975 18.561980 10.901981 13.561982 14.31

Commercial Rate

July 1983 3' 17.501984 18.331985 17.791986 15.73

Non-Commercial Rate

1975 14.381980 12.001981 12.001982 11.001983 12.501984 14.131985 12.701986 11.23

Rates are those in effect as of January 1 unless otherwise indicated.

Nominal effective average exchange rate for trade in convertiblecurrencies.

A unified exchange rate for commodity trade was introduced on July 1,1983. At the same date, the commercial rate was pegged to a basket ofcurrencies.

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Page No.

ANNEX I: Statistical and Methodological Issues ...................... 1ANNEX II: Relationship Between Growth of Investment and

Growth of Productivity .*...*.......................... 16ANNEX III: Analysis of Trends in Romanian Exports to Major Markets .... 18


I. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT1.1 Population, 1975-84 ................. ,........................ 271.2 Demographic Indicators, 1975-84 ......... ........... 281.3 Labor Force, 1975-84 .................. .. * .. ........... 291.4 Occupied Population by Age and Sex, 1975-90 . 301.5 Labor Force Structure by Sector, 1975, 1980-84 311.6 Industrial Employment by Subsector, 1975, 1980-84 ..... 321.7 Average Monthly Wage, Net of Tax, by Sector, 1975-85 ....... 331.8 Money Income and Expenditure of Population, 1975-85 ....... 34

II. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS2.1 GDP by Origin, 1975-84 . .............. ... ......... ........ 352.2 GDP by Expenditure, 197584 - ............ ................ . 362.3 Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Economic Sector, 197584 4... 37

III. BAIANCE OF PAYMETS AND TRADE3.1 Balance of Paymets, 1975-85 - ................. ...... . 383.2 Balance of Payments, Convertible Currency, 197585 393.3 Service Receipts and Payments, 197645 403.4 Service Receipts and Payments, 197685,

Convertible Currency .. ........ ....... o ...... ..... 413.5 Comodity Composition of Expo-ts, 197584 ...4 423.6 Couodity Composition of Impc,ts, 197584 ........ 433.7a) )3.7b) Exports by Major Trading Partners, 1975-84 ............... ) 44-3.8a) ) 473.8b) Imports by Major Trading Partners, 197544 .............. )3.9 Composition of Exports to NonSocialist Countries, 1976-84... 483.10 Composition of Exports to Socialist Countries, 1976-84 ..... 493.11 Composition of Imports from NonSocialist Countries, 1976-84. 503.12 Composition of Imports from Socialist Countries, 197684.... 513.13 Composition of Imports, Convertible Currency, 198084 ...... 523.14 Composition of Imports, NonConvertible Currency, 1980-84 .... 533.15 Exchange Rates, 1975, 1980-85 ............. ................. 54

IV. EXTERNAL DEBT4.1 External Debt and Capital Flows, 1975-84 ......... 6......... 554.2 External Debt and Capital Flows by Type of Credit, 1976-84.. 56

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- ii -Page No.

V. PUBLIC FINANCE AND INVESTMENT5.1 Revenues and Expenditure of the State Budget, 1981-85 ........ 575.2 Investment Financing, 1980-85 ............................... 585.3 Credit and Deposit Interest Rates, 1975, 1980, 1983, 1985 .... 595.4 Sectoral Allocation of Actual and Planned Investments,

1981-85, 1986-90 ............................................ 605.5 Machinery and Equipment Investment by Branches of Economy,

1970-84 ..................................................... 615.6 Machinery and Equipment Investment by Branches of the

Manufacturing Sector, 1970-84 ................ .. ............. 62

VI. AGRICULTURE6.1 Trends in Production of Principal Agricultural Goods, 1975-84 63

Fig. 6.1 Trends in Production of Principal Agricultural Goods, 19/5-84 646.2 Principal Indicators of Agricultural Mechanization,

Fertilization, and Irrigation, 1975-84 ...................... 656.3 Livestock, 1975-84 ....................................... 666.4 Average Yield of Main Agricultural Products, 1975-84 ........ 67

Fig. 6.4 Trends in Average Yields of Main Agricultural Products 68-696.5 Exports and Imports of Agricultural Products and

Foodstuffs, by volume, 1975-84 ..... ......................... 706.6 Exports and Imports of Main Agricultural Products,

in US Dollars, 1978-84 ...................................... 71

VII. INDUSTRY AND ENERGY7.1 Gross Industrial Production, by Subsector, 1975-84 .. ........ 727.2 Industrial Investment, by Subsector, 1975-84 ....... ......... 737.3 Changes in Production Costs by Branch of

Manufacturing, 1979-83 ................ .. .................... 747.4 Construction Output by Type, 1975-83 ..... ................... 757.5 Production, Consumption, Exports and Imports of Oil

and Oil Products, 1975-85 .............. .. ................... 767.6 Installed Capacity and Electric Power Production, 1976-90 777.7 Domestic Production of Energy Products, 1976-90 . . 787.8 Trends in Domestic Energy Consumption, 1976-84 . 797.9 Trends in Electric Power Consumption, 1976-84 . .80

VIII. PRICES8.1 Comprehensive Consumer Price Index, 1981-85 ................. . 818.2 Retail Price Indices for Goods and Services

from the Socialist Sector, 1975-85 ......................... 828.3 Energy Prices, 1980-85 . ........................ ............ . 838.4 Producer Prices in Republican Industry and Agriculture,

1980-85 ..................................................... 84

IX. PRIVATE CONSUMPTION AND SOCIAL WELFARE9.1 Retail Sales in Socialist Trade, 1981-85 .... ................. 859.2 Construction of Housing, 1981-85, 1986-90 ................... 869.3 Meat Consumption Per Capita, 1975, 1980-84 . .87

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This Appendix highlights several methodological and statisticalproblems which have arisen in preparing the report. The followingpresentation is not intended to assess in detail the Rowanian statisticalprocedures and data. -This has been done to a large extent in separate studiesand further discussion of the issues would be redundant and outside themission's terms of reference. 1' The purpose of this note is simply tohighlight additional problems not discussed in the literature and specificissues affecting this report.


A. Production

1. Comparison of Changes in Gross Industrial Production by Branches withChanges in Output of Main Products, 1980-83

2. National Income Accounts and Implicit Price Deflators3. 1984 Production and Expenditure Accounts4. Transport Output in 1984

B. Pricins

1. New Products2. Moving Price Base

C. Foreign Trade Statistics and Exchange Rate Movements

' For more details see M.R. Jackson: Romanian National Accounts andEstimation of its Gross Domestic Product and Growth Rates, Washington,D.C.: World Bank, forthcoming as Working Paper, 1985. T.P. Alton, etal.: The Structure of Gross National Product in Eastern Europe(Derivation of GNP Weights for 1975-1979), New York, L.W. InternationalFinance Research, Inc., 1981.

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A. Production

1. Comparison of Changes in Gross Industrial Productionby Branch with Chanzes in Output of Main Products, 1980-83

1. The attached tables, drawn entirely from the Statistical Yearbook ofthe Romanian Central Statistical Office (CSO), permit a comparison of thereported increase in gross production of the engineering and metalworkingbranch, accounting in 1983 for almost 30S of total industry (Table A-1), withreported changes in output of what are described in the Yearbook as the mainproducts of this branch (Table A-2). (The period covered by the 1984 issue ofthe Yearbook is 1980-83.) While not fully conclusive in the absence ofweights, the tables show that whereas aggregate gross production of thisbranch is reported to have risen at the rate of 11.5S, as indicated in TableA-1, the last two columns of Table A-2 indicate a decline over the period1980-83 in the output of the main product groups. The only product groups forwhich output was reported to have unambiguously increased more strongly thanthe purported average were batteries, fine mechanical and optical products,metalworking machines, bicycles, and gas stoves. Most products, includingthose most commonly associated with Romanian engineering, showed eithersmaller increases (e.g., tractors) or sizable declines (e.g. railwaylocomotives and cars, motor vehicles, and radio and TV sets).

2. The discrepancy between the two sets of statistics is also evidentin the case of otner branches of industry. Production of electrical andthermal power is reported to have increased by 5.5S in Table A-1, whereas thelisting of physical output in the Statistical Yearbook suggests an increase ofonly 4.1X in electrical energy (measured in kWh) and a decline of 5.4S inthermal power (measured in kcal). Crude oil extraction is reported to haveinreased by 10.71 in Table A-1, whereas the volume of crude oil extracted roseonly from 11.5 to 11.6 million tons according to the product listing of theYearbook. Gross production of the ferrous metals branch is reported to haveincreased by 6.11 in Table A-1, whereas all of the iron rose and steelproducts (with the exception of specialty steels) showed sizable declines inthe product listing. There is evidence of similar discrepancies in the caseof most other branches of industry, although not always as conclusive, giventhe absence of appropriate weights for individual products.

3. The Romanian authorities explained the apparent discrepancies between thetwo sets of statistics on the grounds that gross industrial production (TableA-1) includes the value of repairs as well as the production of spare partsand unfinished products, whereas Table A-2 includes only the main finalproducts. However, in order to account for the magnitude of difference intrends between the two sets of data, the weight of repairs and spare parts intotal production would have to be very significant, and growing very rapidly.As indicated in Table A-1, however, for the machine-building and metal-processing branch alone, repairs only constituted 2.41 of total production(8.31 of this subsector's output).

4. It is possible that the apparent discrepancies in the data can bepartly explained by quality improvements and by the existence of "new

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Growth,in comparable

Structure in 1983 1/ Prices(in percent of total) (in percent)

Electrical and thermal power 3.3 5.5Fuel 9.7 3.8

Coal 1.1 10.5Coke 0.8 35.3Petroleum 7.0 -1.4

Crude oil extraction (0.8) (10.7)Processing (6.2) (-3.1)

Methane gas extraction 0.8 7.9Ferrous metals (including mining

of non-ferrous ores) 7.0 6.1Engineering and metal-working 29.0 11.5

Mechanical engineering 18.7 11.6Electrical engineering 4.2 0.4Metal products 3.7 11.7Repair works 2.4 32.9

Chemicals 10.3 11.2Non-metallic minerals 0.4 37.3Building materials 3.5 4.4Forestry and wood-processing 4.0 9.7

Forestry 0.6 16.7Wood processing 3.4 9.2

Pulp and paper 1.3 3.7Glass and chinawear 0.8 15.7Textiles 7.3 11.2Clothing 3.5 14.8Leather and footwear 2.2 18.8Food 11.5 2.1Other branches 2.4 ...


Memorandum items:Producer goods 74.7 8.8Consumer goods 2.5.3 7.3

- Calculated in current prices.

Source: Directia Centrala de Statistica, Anuarul Statistic, 1984.

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Table -2: 1fl P C UD2 AIS LF

Uhit of Puu&tim TIncrw DwcLiz"bumnmt in 198

(in )

Iiustrial atesm boilrs units 387 -24.9n I PN mu ... 20.9

Stem_ tbium Ihits 13 - -

n to '00 W 257 -48.3Wdr.uic nbz& units 54 640A.

to lo w 178 -16.mutin -u '1000 ado 228 -2.3

Eltric ar1 cat u1 qpaUrn '000 lei 926 -6.1

ELitric ad wtrwAuc .utcwtimequiPt -. '0 ei 8*261 -1.8

Eltric 'aFtor 00W 606 -45.5B wttie oo low i 1,371 25.5Electric ca ut cAbls '000 tICs 70 -29.3Eltric ioudio1d qap a li1ii li 2,533 2.3

dio ts '00o uit. 54&2 -37.2Thlwisii us '000 arits 390 -27.9Fim dmuil ad optical po&ts Mlim I 10,398 2.2%whiz for anel *&utti and 10

f1illizg 59,997 10Vimrns, eaziutand instaflatimu

fwe poll latio,wil ilirz ad 1sploiati '00D tm 138 10.6

~du~acgc mhim, pp adztallaeia f ;,duutzy 'OOD ton 602 -12.0

ZwAtoc Ibits 791 -34.0Tft=s IMit 77,142 8.8Tructr-drive pjua 1t 12,748 -0.5T ratO--dLO seda Ttiu 14,028 -27.5Cin hwwseers units 5,094 4.2Yin line lomtives units 168 -39.1tMin line fit cms Ibt 11,298 -6.0.in line pauw4pr en Liits 606 -32.8

tr vddclm '0 mits - 108 -15.6of Uti&: tam cas '000 iits 7 -3.1

em frihaern coo'000 t&, 287 -40.3lEw ba, sel-poplled lmi 20 -25.9Ball bearizW Hilia unit 109 6.7Bicycl '000 wits 248 15.91bindld seirg amchirm '00 Oii 49 -48.4GM stawes =00 wits 390 18.5Liquid gs cylindes '00oo units 83 10.7

Sm: Direie Caemla de Statistica, AmIul Stistic, 1984.


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products" not captured by physical output series.-' However, these factorsare unlikely to play a significant part in the case of fuels and electricpover and, perhaps, other industr-al branches producing standard andhomogenous commodities which are less amenable to quality upgrading andirnovation. A more Likely explanation is the methodology of computing thegross output series reported in Table A-2 (see item B.2 below, Moving PriceSeries).

2. National income accounts and implicit price deflators.

5. The Government supplied the mission with a table showing GDPfigures by origin in current and constant prices. The constant price serieswere provided in 1981 prices rather than in terms of 1977 prices which wereused previously. The table shows that the level of industrial outputexpressed on 1981 prices was lower in 1980, 1981 and 1982 than that expressedin terms of 1977 prices. This implies that the level of industrial prices in1981 was lower relative to 1977. According to Government's own figures,however, industrial prices increased by 12.4S in 1981 relative to 1980. Eventhough no comparable figures are available for 1978-1980, it is unlikely thatindustrial prices were actually reduced in those years by that magnitude.

6. Similarly, in 1984, aggregate consumption increased by 5.6X in 1981prices and by 4.1% in current prices as compared to the previous year.However, these changes are inconsistent with the change in the consumer priceindex which declined by only 0.2X in 1984.

3. 1984 production and expenditure accounts

7. According to the national income data provided by the Romanianauthorities, net exports (including statistical discrepancy) in terms of leiincreased by 143.4X in 1984. The actual data are shown in Table A-3.

8. However, the above net export figures are not consistent with thosein the balance of payments. Net exports of goods and non-factor services in1984 in the balance of payments amount to US$2,378 billion (Table 3.1,Statistical Appendix). If this figure is converted into lei at the averagecommercial exchange rate for the year of 21.28 lei = US$1 (cf. IFS), we obtain50.60 billion lei, i.e, 19 billion lei less than the figure from the nationalincome accounts.

9. The Romanian authorities have provided the explanation that thebalance of trade surplus achieved in 1984 was US$2.3 billion, "excludingUS$900 million representing commodities ready for the export as of December31, 1 9 8 4 ."A' The figure of US$900 million is equivalent to the discrepancy

' See M. Jackson, 'Romania's Economy at the End of the 1970s: "Turning theCorner of Intensive Development," East European Assessment; US Congress,Joint Economic Committee, 1981, Part 1, p. 238.

Government"' Economic Memorandum, June 1985, page 1.

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Table A-3: USE OF NATIONAL rNCOME, 1981-84 &'(in billions of lei)

1981 1982 1983 1984 bt 1985 c/

Consumption Fund 379.8 441.7 442.2 458.6 476.0Population 337.1 396.8 392.7 405.2 420.7Government 42.7 44.9 49.5 53.4 55.3

Accumulation Fund 149.9 164.1 186.8 180.8 194.0Net investment 142.1 144.2 153.3 160.1 172.5Increase in stocks 7.8 19.9 33.5 20.7 21.5

Net export and statisticaldiscrepancy 1.0 23.0 28.6 69.6 109.9

National income 530.7 628.8 657.6 709.0 779.9

'' National income as defined by Romanian authorities. The concept and,consequently, the figures and growth rates differ slightly from theWestern convention.

b' Preliminary.C' Forecast.

Source: Data provided by Romanian authorities.

between the net export figure in the national income accounts and that in thebalance of payments accounts (US$900 million x 21.28 lei:US$1=19.2 billionlei).

10. There are two important implications of the above discrepancy.First, the figure for net exports in lei in the national income accounts wouldbe consistent with a balance of trade of US$3.1 billion, an amount which wasactually announced in the 1984 Plan Fulfillment Commun.Lque. If we take thelower trade surplus figure of US$2.3 billion and calculate the correspondinglevel of national income used (Romanian definition) in that year, we obtain afigure of 688.3 billion lei, or about 3X less than the figure shown in TableA-3. To put it differently, the growth of national income used in 1984 afteradjustment for the statistical discrepancy would be 4.71 in comparison to 7.8Sas implied in Table A-3.

11. Second, to the extent that the comodities which are "ready forexports" have been actually sold and await loading, they will '"blow up" theexport figures in 1985. If they are not sold and remain in warehouses, theyshould show up as "increases in stocks" in 1984. If treated as stocks, thefigure of 19 billion lei would increase the existing "changes in stocks" to39.9 billion lei (=20.7+19.2), i.e., by 931. The authorities explained thatthe goods in question were sold and delivered in 1985, but will not bedouble-counted as exports in 1985.

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12. The discrepancy between figures for the net exports in the balanceof payments and in the national income accounts seem to be limited only todata for 1984. There are also some discrepancies in 1981 and 1982 but theyare not significant. To avoid such statistical problems in the future, it isrecomended that actual net exports be distinguished from "statisticaldiscrepancy" in the national income accounts.

4. Transport sector output in 1984

13. According to Plan Fulfillment figures, niet production value inindustry increased by 8.41 in 1984 in comparison to 1983 (gross industrialsupply increased by 71) and net agricultural output increased by 12.12 in thesame year (gross agricultural supply increased by 13.3Z). These substantialincreases in growth of agricultural and industrial output are not consistentwith the volume of goods transported by means of "public means oftransportation" which shows 4.21 decline in the same year. The mission wastold that road transport did decline by design as traffic was shifted to railand river conveyance. However, the data in question are inclusive of allmeans of transport, including those provided by producing enterprises fromtheir own stock of transport vehicles. No indications were made availableabout the magnitude of the enterprises' own transport and about theimplication for the value of industrial output which is now presumablydistorted by the inclusion of own transport. Pari passu, "transport" figuresare, therefore, downward biased.

B. Pricing

1. New products

14. It is well known that introduction of new products may havesignificant influence on changes in the rates of growth of output as well asprice indices. Since new products are typically introduced mainly by themanufacturing sector, it is the growth rates of the manufacturing output whichare affected most. Biases in growth indices of centrally-planned economies(CPEs) come from two sources: (i) choice of indices, and (ii) over-estimation of quality improvement in the system of price formation. Whileissues arising from (i) are the result of the familiar index number problem,issues under (ii) are specific for CPEs. The effect of Romanian methodologyof constructing index numbers is discussed in general terms in the 1980 CEM(Report No. 2757-RO), Appendix A.

15. It is less clear, however, what is the magnitude of the biasesarising from the introduction of new products in Romania. The bias willdepend on the rate at which new products are introduced into productionlines. The attached Table A-4 gives, therefore, an indication of theimportance of "new products" in industrial output. According to productionplans for 1980, new products introduced between 1975 and 1980 amounted toabout 451 of gross industrial output. The corresponding percentage for theperiod 1970-1980 was estimated in a separate source as 70-75S of the volume ofoutput. In other words, the product assortment was fundamentally changed in1980 in comparison to 1970; Romania produced in 1980 only about 251 ofproducts which it produced in 1970.

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Tble A-4- : M Or F nIM Or W twa i I Uwaz. wsr

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960

Total T,wtay - (1975 - ba mow)

2 Sir of am 2CS 15.5 Z.1 27.5 23.0 45.0

bW of r!l volam of

tdumlIgiD O0 27 46

W.niatzy of _ iU9- (970 - bs yer)

2 Suof muPi'O 21.6 35.3 52.5 60.9 67.2

lliatay of ahidldid d Elacticsl Oiam - (19)0 u br vow)

2 Shauofam p. 20.0 32.4 4J2*J 6.3 AD0

Skwc: IL Jadru: _i ibtinl Ac_ _s and EAtima of La Count Dometi,c Ptu& aCMW& am, t,hii-. D.C.; l1d a. 1exW- Pa, FUMmb.

16. One of the effects of the measures introduced under the umbrelLa ofthe stabilization program in 1981 was that resources were reallocated moretowards production of import substitutes. The policy was focussed primarilyon substitution of fuels imports but it also included products of themanufacturing industry. As a result of import cuts introduc.3d at the sametime, enterprises were requested to replace imports of machinery and equipmentfrom domestic sources as many import plans had to be scrapped. It is believedthat these commodities would be defined (and counted) in production statisticsas new products.

17. The 1986-90 Plan puts major emphasis on the introduction of new andtechnologically improved products. The definition of "new products" isdetermined by the authorities on the basis of a set of parameters of productperformance and other product features. For example. reduction of productioncosts resulting from savings of intermediate inputs may not lead to productionof a qualititatively different final product but could permit the product tobe identified as new. It is questionable that such commodities should bedefined as new and it is even less clear how the costs savings are related toprice formation of new products. Nevertheless, it is possible that theimportance of new products is overestimated, leading to increases in theirprices.

18. It is not possible to ascertain precisely the magnitude of the biaswithout detailed assessment of the price policy towards new products andwithout actual price data. The price coummission and, possibly, other centralorgans will typically provide guidelines such as "produse de talon" (i.e.reference products) which specify standards for production costs and usevalues. Both ministries and centrales, and even enterprises, haveconsiderable discretion to set and change prices of many products within suchguidelines.

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2. Moving price base

19. According to the Statistical Yearbook, "the dynamics of industrialproduction ... is calculated on the basis of prices existing in the beginningof the year and adjusted for price interventions in the year immediatelypreceding it."-' For example, the value of output in, say, 1984 is derivedfrom prices of January 1984 and it is believed that these were adjusted forprice changes in 1983 and should correspond, therefore, to the prices existingat the end of 1982. A similar procedure was adopted in deriving the value ofoutput in 1983 but with an adjustment for price changes in 1982 leading toadoption of prices existing at the end of 1981 and so on. In other words, theprocedure corresponds to a derivation of a "constant" price series which iscalculated on the basis of (continuously) moving price base. It should benoted further that how the adjustment is actually made for "price interventionin the preceding year" is not explained in the official sources. Here and inthe following example it was assumed that the adjustment for price changes ismade for actual prize changes rather than planned changes and that the changesrefer to those which occurred during the whole year rather than any part of it.

20. The effect of the current methodology on the value of outputmeasured by the "constant" (moving base) prices is shown in Table A-5. Thetable, which is based on a simple numerical example, shows that the procedureof using "moving" base price series generates an upward bias ii output series(compare rows 4 and 7).


1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

1. Output Volume (tons) .. 100 102 104 106

2. Price (Lei/ton) 5 5 8 10 11

3. Value (Lei)=(lx2) .. 500 816 1040 1166

4. Index of OutputVolume (1980 = 100) .. 100 102 104 106

5. Price Index(1980 = 100) .. 100 160 200 220

6. Index of Value ofOutput (=3)(1980 = 100) .. 100 163 208 233

7. Index of Output at"Constant" (Moving Base)Prices (1980 - 100) .. 100 160 204 229

' Statistical Yearbook 1984, p. 67.

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C. Foreign trade statistics and the exchange rates movements

21. The analysis of Romania's foreign trade is subject to difficultiesarising from peculiarities in the organization of foreign trade (and itsimplications on domestic price formation) and exchange rate policy; thedetermination of a particular level of the exchange rate and its changes arethe results of administrative decisions and the exchange rate does nottypically reflect the real scarcity value of foreign currencies. The recentrevaluation of the leu (plural:lei) seems to complicate further theinterpretation of Romanian foreign trade statistics.

22. The effect of the exchange rate on foreign trade statistics can beseen from Table A-6, which shows the total value of imports from socialistcountries in lei terms and in terms of US dollars and the respective shares ofsocialist countries in total imports. The lei value of imports in 1980 referto "valuta lei" and lei values of imports after 1980 refer to domesticlei."" The transactions are, therefore, affected by three changes in theexchange rate: by the introduction of a commercial exchange rate in 1981,devaluation in 1982 and revaluation in 1984.

23. As the table shows, the reported trade flows depend considerably onthe units of measurement (i.e., domestic or valuta lei or US dollars). Boththe growth rates and the geographical composition of imports vary considerablydepending on whether they are based on lei or US dollars. The share ofsocialist countries in total imports, which was approximately the same in 1980when measured in valuta lei in comparison to the US dollar share, increasedconsiderably in 1981 and has remained consistently above the share measured interms of dome3tic lei.

24. The effect of changes in the exchange rate does not appear to havebeen neutral with regard to the share of socialist countries in totalimports. The introduction of a commercial exchange rate in 1981 is associatedwith a substantial increase in the share calculated in dollar terms, asindicated above. However, the share calculated in domestic lei remainedconstant. The revaluation in 1984 was accompanied by an increase in thedollar-based share of socialist countries and a substantially reduced sharebased on domestic lei. Only the devaluation of 1982 appears te have a uniformeffect on both shares, slnce they show a similar increase.

25. At least part of the explanations for these dichotomies lies in thearbitrary changes in cross exchange rates between the US dollar,"' which isused in convertible currency transactions, and transferable rouble (TR), whichis used in non-convertible currency transactions. The effect of revaluationof the leu in November 1984 on the dollar-rouble cross exchange rate is shownin the Table A-7.

~-L A "leu valuta" expressed the formal gold price of the leu, termed the"official rate"; it was used only to express the value of foreign tradein government statistics. The "domestic leu" is converted at theconmercial exchange rate and is used in actual transactions as well toexpress the value of foreign trade in official statistics (starting in1981).

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1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

1. Imports from socialist countries 4851 5555 5141 5422 6051(mln. US dollars)

2. Imports from socialist countries 22315 61154 54430 65289 73190(mln. lei)

3. Total imports 12685 12264 9745 9643 10344(mln. US dollars)

4. Total imports 59006 164671 124851 130369 160816(mln. lei)

5. Share of socialist countriesin total imports 38.2 45.3 52.8 56.2 58.5[Based on US dollar data,5 = 1 as S 31

6. Share of socialist countriesin total imports 37.8 37.1 43.6 50.1 45.5[Based on lei data,6 = 2 as X 4]

7. Ratio of rows 2 and 1 4.60 11.01 10.59 12.04 13.00

8. Ratio of rows 5 and 6 1.01 1.22 1.21 1.12 1.29

Source: Data in Statistical Appendix.

Revaluation of the implicit cross exchange rate between thetransferable rouble and US dollar

26. The effect of the November 1984 revaluation of the implicit crossexchange rate between the transferrable rouble and US dollar can be analyzedwith the help of the following example. Let Us assume that exports to CMEAarea, to OECD area and, consequently, total exports are fixed at given levelsand the revaluation has no effect on the value of these exports. Therevaluation of the leu is also assumed to generate a revaluation of 8.8S ofthe TR vis-a-vis US dollar. The impact of the changes in exchange rate aresummarized in the following tables. Both tables are essentially identicalexcept that Table A-8 shows data expressed in lei terms while Table A-9 showsthe data in US dollar terms.

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1. Via-i-Vis US dollar : 19.4S [17.50 as X of 21.50 7

2. Vis-i-Vis Transferrable Rouble(TR) : 12.62 [15.50 as Z or 17.50 1

3. Transferrable Rouble -US dollar exchange rate:

a. Before revaluation: 1 TR = US$0.8140

b. After revaluation: 1 TR = US$0.8857

4. Implicit Revaluation ofTransferrable Rouble:

Vis-i-Vis US dollar : 8.82

27. One can draw the folloving conclusions from the tables. Assumingconstant value of exports to CMEA in terms of transferrable roubles andconstant value of exports to OECD countries expressed in terms of US dollars:

i) the value of exports to CMEA area and the share of CMEA increase as aresult of the revaluation; (2) the share increases by the same amountirrespective whether it is calculated in lei or US dollar terms. This mustclearly follow from the application of the same implicit cross exchange ratebetween TR and US dollars in both cases; (3) the effect of devaluation of theimplicit cross exchange rate between TR and US dollar will be exactly theopposite to the effect of revaluation.

Statistical Anomalies

28. The dollar share of, say, socialist countries in total Romanianimports will be the same as the corresponding share expressed in lei providedthat the dollar/leu rate implicit in data for trade with socialist countriesis the same as the dollar/leu rate in trade with non-socialist countries.Since trade with socialist countries is conducted in transferable roubles,their share will depend on cross exchange rates between the US dollar and TR.As the figures in Tables A-6 and A-10 reveal, however, the implicit dollar/leurates were different in trade with socialist countries in comparison to thoseimplicit in trade with non-socialist countries, with the exception of 1980(rows 7). This means, therefore, that import transactions with socialist andnon-socialist countries expressed in terms of lei were calculated on the basisof TR/leu and dollar/leu exchange rates which implied a cross dollar/TR rate

-' An indication of the arbitrariness of these changes is the transferrablerouble-US dollar rate as quoted by the Czechoslovak National Bank in1983: 1 Rb US$1.2638, which compares to 1 Rb - US$ = 0.8857 quoted byRomanians. The latter figure refers to 1984 but is comparable to theCzech figure for 1983.

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CMEA OECD Total1 2 3=1+2

1. Assumptions: Exports 100 TR US$ 100

II. Export Values: [leie

A. Before revaluation 1750 2150 3900B. After revaluation 1550 1750 3300

III. Export Shares:

A. Before revaluation 44.9 55.1 100.0B. After revaluation 47.0 53.0 100.0

' Implicit cross exchange rate: I TR = US$0.8140 (before revaluation)1 TR = US$0.8857 (after revaluation)


CMEA OECD Total1 2 3=1+2

I. Assumptions: Exports 100 TR $100.00

II. Export Values (US$)

A. Before revaluation:(1 TR:US$0.8140) lOOxO.8140=81.40 100.00 181.40

i .fter revaluation:(1TR:US$0.8857) 100x0.8857=88.57 100.0 188.57

III. Export (in percent)

A. Before revaluation 44.9 55.1 100.0B. After revaluation 47.0 53.0 100.0

J' Implicit commercial cross exchange rates:

1 TR = US$0.8140 (before revaluation)1 TR = US$0.8857 (after revaluation)

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different from the cross exchange rate between dollar and TR which wasactually used in the dollar computations, except in 1980, i.e., in derivingthe dollar values of imports.

29. Moreover, the changes in import shares of socialist countries indollar and lei terms will be the same, provided the change in cross exchangerate which is implicit in the transactions and the one actually used in thecalculations is the same. To put it differently, the changes in lei anddollar shares of imports of socialist countries will be the same. provided thechanges in cross exchange rate which is used in the conversion of imports fromtransferable roubles into dollars corresponds to revaluation/devaluation ofleu vis-a-vis dollar and TR. This was also clearly not the case during theperiod of 1980-84.

30. An interpretation. It is not entirely clear which cross exchangerate was actually used in the calculations. It appears, however, that in 1980both the trade transacticns and the cross exchange rates were based on thesame, and most probably, valuta, exchange rate when the dollar/rouble ratestood at US$l.49/lTR. This practice was discontinued in 1981 when rouble anddollar transactions were recorded at new commercial rates but the crossexchange rate between dollar and rouble actually used in data conversions wasthe same as in 1980 when the rate was derived from the valuta exchange rate.Thus, the implicit cross exchange rate between the IR and US dollar changed asa result of devaluation in 1983 and revaluation in 1984, but the crossexchange rate used in the conversion of trade from TR into US dollars didnot. Instead, a constant TR-US dollar valuta rate was used.

31. The effect of this methodology on the trade structure of Romania canbe sumarized as follows. The dollar share of socialist countries in Romanianimports increased relatively faster than the corresponding lei share as aresult of "revaluation" of the TR vis-a-vis the US dollar.,' "Devaluation"of the TR vis-a-vis the US dollar in 1983 increased the dollar share ofsocialist countries relatively less than the share in terms of lei. Moreover,the shares of socialist countries expressed in terms of US dollars have beengenerally higher in com_rison to those expressed in lei since 1981.

The term "revaluation" ("devaluation") of transferable rouble vis-a-visUS dollar refers here to the change in the implicit cross exchange rateresulting from changes in the commercial exchange rates of lei vis-a-visUS dollar and transferable rouble.

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1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

1. Imports from non-socialist 7834 6709 4604 4221 4283countries (mln. US dollars)

2. Imports from non-socialist 36691 103517 70421 65080 87626countries (mln. lei)

3. Total imports 12685 12264 9745 9643 10344(mln. US dollars)

4. Total imports 59006 164671 124851 130369 160816(mln. lei)

5. Share of non-socialistcountries in total imports 61.8 54.7 47.2 43.8 41.4

[Based on US dollar data,5 - 1 as S 31

6. Share of non-socialistcountries in total imports 62.2 62.9 56.4 49.9 54.5

[Based on lei data,6 = 2 as S 41

7. Ratio of rovw 2 and 1 4.68 15.43 15.30 15.42 18.58

8. Ratio of rows 5 and 6 0.99 0.87 0.84 0.88 0.76

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AN= Ir


1. The table in this Annex shows, in a summarized form, the results ofthe regression analysis of investment as a source of productivity growth.According to the null hypothesis, which was developed in the text, the growthof productivity in individual industrial sectors is dependent on investment(I) on year t (or t-1, that is in the year preceding t, or t-2). The numbersin columns identified as It, It-, and I-,_ are the estimatedb-coefficients of the regression equation OILma+bI+u, where O/L is the outputper worker, I is the fixed investment put into operation and u is the randomterm. The b-coefficient shows the strength of the relationship betweeninvestment and productivity. The higher the numbers are, the stronger is therelationship, i.e. the greater productivity growth was generated from one unitof investment growth.

2. Each sector's growth of productivity is related to investment in anyone year, say t, while possible effects of fixed investment put into operationin other years, such as t-l, were not considered. As shown in the table, mostresults are reported in column It-2, vhich suggests that each year's growthof productivity vas related in most sectors to fixed investment put intooperation 2 years earlier. Experiments for alternative years have been alsocarried out but they turned out to be statistically insignificant. Thefigures in the last three columns give the results of standard statisticaltests of the regression.

3. The form of the equation is based on vhat the mission believes to bea strong argument of economic theory. The relationship between investment andproductivity in market economies is probably subject to a great deal ofsimultaneity. In other words, investments (together with other factors) arebelieved to determine the growth of productivity while there may also be astrong effect of growth of productivity on growth of investments. Underconditions of central planning, however, the flow of causality fromproductivity to investment is likely to break down since investments aredetermined administratively and are subject to various constraints such associal objectives and price distortions. On the other hand, there are strongreasons to believe that the incentive schemes in centrally-planned economiesinduce enterprise managers to demand new investment as a "precondition" forgrowth of output and productivity, which contributes to what is sometimescalled "investment hunger".

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Itm (I. -!t-) t t-1 't-2 a r D41

Actricity 0.035 - - - O.m2 o.02S 0.363t64.221)

MIS 0.41 - O _ O.1 0.511 OJi3(0.057)

uous Iha11 - - - OA55 O.86 47.429 0.05(0.066)

a umu 1ItaUllr - - - 0.569 0.698 23.115 0.938(0.116)

hdiiin ldig - - - 0.563 0913 1..306 1.038(.053)

dhu.ca1u o- - 0° - 0.757 I0.751 1.171(0.093)

ctim n - - - 0n o06 16.517 0.906(0.264)

lEinaIa - - - 1.196 0.365 5.751 0.26%(.4A99)

1-aLp ua P - - - 0.A33 0.3S6 5.515 0.563(.0.184)

T-3WilW - - - 0.657 0.865 66.190 1.85(0.6)

C1oddi - - - 0.279 0.065 0.695 0.139(0.3Y.)

Food Paehming - - - 0.535 0.83 53.630 0.705(0.073)

Total Indus - - - 0.655 0.967 178.221 0.90t(0OQ69)

t ..... tim priod t

Figm in I ara are stadurd error. Siz of _s We 1m64 (1970-1983). Twmst Ei.zeszef w1 fid iu ,t PC unto opmtcni a, proactivity fiPes to totel tp" few deperiod 1970-1980 a to mtable som i aftmw&. he basic dets ue Om in 1963 peif do peri mtl 1976, an 1977 i tC until 1960, ad Uo '-alld "%mt.rwi pie"

afterward (mA I, pra. 19, for definition).

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1. One of the major statistical indicators of the competitiveness of acountry's exports is the trend in market shares: an increase in the share ofCountry X in total exports to (imports by) a given market would suggestgrowing competitiveness, while stable or declining shares would indicate thatexternal competitiveness is being maintained or lost, respectively.'L

2. The mission attempted such an analysis of market shares for Romaniausing data from the UN Trade Data System, which consists of countries'reported exports and imports tolfrom all other countries of the world. SinceRomania does not report her own trade to this system, data on Romanian exportsmust be obtained "inversely" as other countries' imports from Romania.Romania's export market shares can therefore be determined as the ratio ofimports from Romania into any given country or country grouping, and allimports from all sources into the same country or grouping.

3. Table A suhiarizes the trend of market shares for total merchandiseexports by Romania to three major market groupings !.* 1970-79. In thedeveloped market economies (defined by OECD membership), and in the "world"(defined as all reporting countries),z' Romania's export shares rose totheir peak in 1975-76 and then started to decline. In the developing countrymarket,-I this decline began somewhat later (1978).

4. Tables B-D record the market shares by commodity categories for thefive most recent years in the data system. Table B illustrates that in theOECD market, the share held by Romanian exports has further declined over the1979-83 period for almost every category of merchandise. The decline has beenparticularly marked and consistent for food (especially meats), non-fuel rawmaterials, and miscellaneous manufactures. The patterns for mineral fuels,basic manufactures, and for total merchandise are more erratic, but still show

Note that this indicator of competitiveness is merely descriptive, notdiagnostic; in particular, market shares tell us nothing about theefficiency or profitability of exports by Romania relative to those ofother countries.

2' Most CMEA member countries are not included.

3' Note that since not all countries in a given grouping report to the UNTrade Data System, the total values of trade for any commodity or partnercountry are not complete. Reporting is most comprehensive for the OECDarea, and least so for developing countries. Since the shares discussedhere involve the same reporting countries in the numerator anddenomindtor, the problem of non-reporting does not seriously affect thevalidity of the analysis.

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a loss of position, on balance. Machines and transport equipuent largelymaintained their market share; only chemicals show a steady increase in marketpenetration.

5. Among developing countries (Table C), the trends are moreequivocal. After falling sharply in 1980, Romania's export shares showed nodefinite pattern of change from 1980 to 1983 for mostcommodities. The shares fluctuate most sharply for food, non-fuel and rawmaterials, chemicals, and basic manufactures. suggesting that the markets arevolatile and/or that Romania has an insecure foothold.

6. Romania's exports "to the world" (Table D) show an overalldeterioration in market shares for total merchandise, and in particular since1981 for meats, basic manufactures, machines, and transport equipment.

7. To determine how Romania's exports of all commodities have performedmore recently in the market of major industrialized countries (DMEs), Table Eand Figure E were prepared from IMF Direction of Trade data. Romania's exportshare is shown to have followed a decline since the mid-1970s, with a greaterdeterioration in 1981-83. Export penetration partially recovered in 1984 andslackened again in 1985.

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Table A.: llt'S S9 OF IMYL MWV DE=5 tYU MNAW, 1970-79 *

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

OEM .24 .25 .26 . 27 .27 .28 .29 .25 .26 .28

Dwopig Ca ries .42 .41 .38 .42 .47 .554 .51 .58 .55 .50

Wbrld .30 .31 .35 .36 .36 .41 .38 .37 .37 .36

*ignes Tesent Total bvhuiae L,LarsS Re (by,XM Wc. Ibrld) fr =Total MOrhardise Imports by (OEM, DC, Ibrld) fE. aU sot=es.

Based an data in uerat US$ dollars (CIF).

Saue,; UN Trade Data System 'bvlopivg CGutdes" ax! '%rld' aredefiAed by cotries.itih repor to the System.

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Table B: ROVANIA'S SWIM OF DllS BY EC*(Percesttaps)

srrCox Ctiodities 1979 1980 1981 1982 1963

O Food, Live hdmls .21 .18 .15 .12 .10of uhich;

01 mat and Mat Products .70 .56 .50 .31 .271 Ba, Tdmcco .15 .14 .13 .11 .122 Cnsle tia, excl. Rals .15 .13 .12 .09 .093 Minwa1 Fus, etc. .45 .37 A2 .27 .404 AniW, Vegetable Oil, Fat .76 .21 .15 .55 .215 Clls .17 .19 .21 .23 .256 Basic tswfactues .30 .26 .33 .2 .2670- of diid: Mtals .43 .32 A3 .33 .316907 ?bdinsi, Tisport Equipanet 08 .09 .09 .07 .06- Hiscellaneous lufactur's .64 .57 .53 .54 .499 Goods not Classed by Kind .06 07 .0 .03 .0310 Ibtal dahlise .28 .25 28 .21 .23

*nomes remt (MM iuorts of cmidity i fram Th. iaMM total imorts of canmdity i(imp-ts from aln trade pars)

easd on data in cursent USt dollars (CIF).

Saice: Ul Trade Data System.

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i. m I b bi$B t

.~~~~ *eW PhuuR

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Table D: IO4A'S MM OF DIMS Iff 1 a Ujw b/(peratgs

snmCode Cdities 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

0 Food, Live Aimals .35 .28 .23 .19 .20of whidch

01 St atid Mat Pro;cts 1.0L .74 .78 .33 .361 Beverags, Tbacco .16 .19 .16 .23 .242 CnOde M'terials, exl. fir-ls .25 .23 .24 .25 .153 ineral Fuls, etc. b8 .35 .37 .25 .404 Animld, Vegetable Oil, Fat .62 .56 A2 .49 .335 hacals .34 .33 .41 .34 .376 BEsic Mzwfactte A0 .35 A4 .34 .31670 of ich; T*tals .48 .39 .58 .39 .396806907 Mahines, Transport Equipwent .21 .21 .20 .15 .168 Miscelles Muufactures .57 .52 .50 .54 .569 Goods not Classd by Kind .06 .04 .03 .05 .0310 'Dtda1 Mrhadise .36 .31 .33 .27 .3D

ing F pest brld's inqrts of cancdity i fr Ra iaWorld's total imports of commodity i

(i.e., fran all trde patners)

Based an data in curcet US$ dollars (CIF).

-b/ "',br1d" desipates all re comtries only. mDst OwA ier cowtries arenot icluded.

Source: UN Trade Data Systen.

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1976 Q4 1.70 1.84Q1 1.77 1.71Q2 1.80 1.64

1977 Q3 1.75 1.59Q4 1.73 1.50Q1 1.71 1.55Q2 1.73 1.57

1978 Q3 1.77 1.56Q4 1.8O 1.60Q1 1.89 1.57Q2 1.96 1.59

1979 Q3 1.93 1.71Q4 1.86 1.73Q1 1.82 1.68Q2 1.73 1.64

1980 Q3 1.65 1.56Q4 1.55 1.53Ql 1.41 1.56Q2 1.36 1.61

1981 Q3 1.27 1.61Q4 1.18 1.58Qi 1.09 1.56Q2 0.91 1.44

1982 Q3 0.79 1.35Q4 0.70 1.25Qi 0.62 1.24Q2 0.57 1.22

1983 Q3 0.55 1.22Q4 0.56 1.27Qi 0.55 1.32Q2 0.56 1.41

1984 Q3 0.57 1.50Q4 0.57 1.56Q1 0.55 1.54Q2 0.54 1.51

1985 Q3 0.56 1.46Q4 0.57 1.43

SHARE X - Romania's exports as percent of all exportsby Non-Oil Developing Countries to industrialcountries.

SHARE M - Romania's imports as percent of all imports byNon-Oil Developing Countries from industrialcountries.

* Moving averages for year ending in quarter indicated.

Source: IHF Direction of Trade Statistics.

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p p p p p ? - - - - - - - -


n2 1*11

'0 rfiw 4.I, N

s-I -

0' '0 0


3 'ii


.2.oft '0 IS 30

1' 2a

* as0

I -uUw 0

2 :30

0 1422 'I.

- 6�0* :3"I 2

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Tabl 1.1: POPULATION. 197S-1984(Thousands)

Year Total male Female Urban Rural

1975 21245 10460 10785 9182 12063

1976 21446 10565 10861 9404 12042

1977 21658 10676 10980 10362 11296

1978 21a55 10778 11077 10626 11229

1979 22048 10875 11173 10734 11314

1960 22201 10953 11248 110S 11186

1981 223S3 11030 11323 11194 11159

1982 22478 11092 11386 11576 10902

sm--Urban Urban

1983 22553 11129 11424 11054 696 10803

1984 22625 11165 11460 T1142 693 10790

SDMrcm: Statistical Yearbook and data supplied by the Romanian authorities.

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Table 1.2: OQEOGWWZC IMICAT@iS. 1971-1954

Rate of LA tnutur.Birth Oeath Natural UndJr 16 16-64 Aboe 64

Year Rate Rate Increse yrs years yearsIPav l.Oll inhahtantmI -------- Pareant

197S 19.7 9.3 10.4 26.6 63.6 9.6

1976 19.S 9.6 9.9 26.8 63.4 9.5

1977 19.6 9.6 10.0 27.0 63.0 10.0

1978 19.1 9.7 9.4 27.3 62.5 10.2

1979 18.6 9.9 8.7 27.6 62.2 10.2

1900 T8.0 10.4 7.6 27.9 61.6 10.3

1931 17.0 16.0 7.0 25.2 61.7 10.1

1982 15.3 10.0 5.3 25.4 61.7 9.9

1963 14.3 10.4 3.9 28.3 62.2 9.5

1964 15.5 10.3 S.2 27.1 63.S 9.4

5MjgM: Statistical Yearbook and data supplied by Rinwan authorities.

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T blWJ..: LAWh FORCE. 1975-1964(Thousands)

Population of IWrking Age_ 1/ Occupied ParticipationYear Total male Female Population Rate

(Total) (Total)

1975 13845 .. .. 10151 73.3

1976 13902 .. 10227 73.6

1979 13983 6931 7052 10320 73.8

1960 13999 6945 7054 10350 73.9

1961 14054 6977 7077 10376 73.6

1962 14171 7038 7133 10428 73.6

1983 14583 7245 7338 10458 71.7

1984 14824 7371 7453 1OSOO 70.8

1915 15075 7530 7545

1990 1S594 7634 7760

1995 16044 S0os 7965

2000 16334 8241 8093

1' Age groups 15-64.

SinirM: Statistical Yearbook. Figures for 1985-2000 are staff projections based onUK data.

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197S 1980 1985 1990


Iarkin. Ace Penulat im (16-59) AMl 6i5 6i7 li

16-20 years 939 758 942 97721-2S years 900 926 782 98126-45 years 2904 299S 3096 326146-Sg years 1478 1839 1931 1704

Oecunied Pomulatin . fim

Participation Rate .. .. 0.88 0.91


Wirkiua ae at in (16-S4) Du0 551 1131 192!

16-20 years 902 723 906 93721-25 years 867 896 72S 85326-4S years 2684 2977 3061 314146-S9 years 125S 1309 1346 1266

Occupied Pfulatian .. .. Amsa

Participation Rate .. .. 0.80 0.83

Smurc: Data supplied by Romanian authorities.

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Iab1J 1-9: LANE FORCE STRUCTURE. BY sECTOR, 1975. 1966-1954(Thousands)

1975 19is 1951 1932 1983 1954

Ac=nmiai Pemulatim 11151 16395 1*2Z1 IM U Igloor which:

Industry 3110 3679 2749 3211 235 3865

Construction J25 L55 798 O32 791 730

Agriculture 3837 3048 3003 2986 2619 3033

Forestry 26 39 36 37 40 3S

Transportation 422 630 655 651 636 635

Telecommunication 69 so 83 82 82 82

Retail Trade 559 620 620 61S M1S 617

_icipalit.y 349 391 398 407 436 41S

Education, culture. art 409 430 43S 429 424 416

Scientific. research.

tech. dvelopnmnt 77 9g 106 116 120 131

Wealth. Social assistnce 267 252 236 290 274 251

Administration 6a 6 65 2a s9 57

Other branches 123 136 139 129 1S2 153

Labor Force ExcludingAgricultural Cooperativesand Private Swetor (6301) (7240) (743S) (7552) (76006 (758S)

SgUM : Statistical Yerbook and data supplied by Romanian authorities.

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Table 1f.i: INOUSTRIAL EHPLOYMENT BY SU8SECTOR V/. 1975, 1980-1984(Thousands)

1975 1980 1981 19J2 1983 1984

Total n120.2RO2.1 2E2 21 201 .4E. 5 3292 ISflJ

Electricity & thermal power 41.9 44.4 45.S 48.1 49.1 50.0

Fuel 101.5 124.5 124.0 12i.S 140.4 135.5

Ferrous metallurgy 96.6 130.7 140.6 140.1 135.9 139.9

Mon-ferrous etallurgy 73.7 79.3 81.0 78.9 81.1 83.4

Engineering and metalworking 912.2 1186.0 1212.1 1247.4 1272.8 1274.8

Chemicals 191.8 224.5 232.5 246.4 252.8 253.4

Construction materials 121.5 130.9 127.1 125.5 123.5 113.1

Lumber & wood processing. 348.6 352.4 356.1 364.3 368.4 370.5pulp and paper

Textiles 317.1 386.5 402.3 412.1 415.8 411.3

Clothing 179.6 203.0 201.8 205.3 206.6 211.6

Leather, fur a footwear 102.7 119.9 125.6 130.0 132.4 132.8

Food processing 215.0 228.0 219.0 216.2 226.0 225.5

Other 99.9 119.1 129.5 127.7 124.4 121.7

.1/ State and cooperative enterprises; including private sector.

Shaure: Statistical Yearbook and data supplied by i.- Romanian authorities.

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1975 1980 1981 1982 1953 1984 1985

Industry 1602 2307 2342 2540 2621 2812 2987

Agriculture .1531 2160 2266 2454 2541 2663 3018

Forestry 1387 1954 2041 2088 2144 2412 2468

Construction 1838 2494 2656 2680 3006 3135 3534

Transport 1640 2267 2472 2665 2735 2903 2933

Telecommunications 1338 2011 2038 2217 2291 2SOS 2615

Trade 1364 1863 2023 21S7 2189 2344 2517

Minicipal Services 1408 1916 2067 2272 2333 2S68

Education. Culture & Art 1570 2138 2320 2492 2539 2644

Science and Research 1767 2420 2S73 2719 2784 3010

Public Health 1441 2009 2190 2347 2460 2568

Total 15 5 m ns 2 M 2 m zm ua

Source: Statisttcal Yearbook and data supplied by the Roownian authorities.

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Table 1-2: Ur PR m o wpIUI OF Th WJUn. l975-S5(Billion F Lai)

15 1976 l" li3 l" lug 1931 196 I1933 1936

YIUAtal v ul frit~~Ia1 itt e JBJ~~IU- nLJ flI ZUJ ILi Z7DJ nLI kjzL 2iZm nuA l

Goouwration or lowm1 11.V 131.4 153.5 17.1 1.5 23.3 217.6 236.7 247.3 2 6.1 25.1Peasant icom 14.5 16.1 17.2 17.9 18.4 18.9 19.3 23.7 %3.3 21.6 35.6State allocatlmon fr children 7.5 7.6 7.9 3.5 9.3 16.7 1.5 13.2 14.6 14.1 15.4Pmfise. social aSssttucand sclship 24.6 25.6 2.1 25.5 29.2 11.1 32.3 325.6 7.9 41.4 ".2

Otl 3.9 9.6 11.5 12.2 12.1 15.3 17.6 19.1 22.1 22.4 21.3

mIiit£en .. .. .. .. .. flj fJ 325 .. J 3Yatal _v av_ttun mu

qJIa ANr I2IA 22L Ri ZII DLI 2lL jiL iAN 22 7P waeuss or gis 136.7 155.1 159.1 173.4 196.9 2U.9 213.6 246.9 2U.2 26.9 219.5Setyl 23.9 25.5 27.2 28.6 33.2 26.7 46.5 45.9 56.4 52.0 59.CosStructti and Purchuse

of dellntgs 2.7 3.4 2.2 6.2 4.3 4.5 4.9 5.4 4.9 4.S 5.usTs. emrnes. umJram 2.9 3.3 4.1 6.4 4.3 5.5 6.6 7.3 7.7 *.1 8.5

Oter 6.7 7.7 11.1 9.0 9.4 16.5 12.4 12.5 16.6 15.1 21.3

ZtmJaUu Li IL iLl VL ILS ll oLZ La 2J B&l lohsits with sawings buts 6.5 7.3 9.3 15.3 9.6 11.7 12.2 3.6 9.6 11.1 13.3

Casm r Ws 2.7 2.4 2.3 1.2 5.8 5.0 2.6 3.3 0.2 3.7 2.5

Official forecst.

|: Data suuplllhd by the mian authorities.

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TABLE 2.1: UP BY CIGICN. 1975S1984

(ofLltfn Lel, aarrnt uW cnento prien)

1975 1976 1977 1973 1979 1960 1981 1962 ¶963 1964,... .... ..............................................................................


TOTAL GOP 437.0 490.9 512.9 552.1 598.6 619.9 642.2 746.6 736.3 843.2

iNDUTR 235.6 260.4 265.1 236.5 312.8 322.4 324.6 375.2 423.0 462.3ACRICULTURE A FUEITRI 63.7 0.3 75.0 76.1 60.9 60.1 91.6 132.4 111.4 117.2CONSTRUCTION 30.4 32.2 L9.1 51.2 51.8 48.8 48.0 48.7 53.6 54.8TUANIPorT a CoUNICATIOn 25.4 26.5 30.0 33.6 35.4 4.3 45.4 49.5 50.3 53.5TRADE 24.4 23.0 29.2 31.4 34.7 36.3 38.2 39.4 33.2 36.0OTnER 57.5 63.5 64.5 71.3 51.0 15.0 94.1 101.4 114.8 119.4


TOTAL UP 439.0 489.1 525.8 567.8 605.5 625.6 642.2 660.0 687.9 77.4

INRusTrY - - 24.0 268.2 281.3 311.4 324.6 333.6 358.6 384.9AGRICULTURE 4 FOKESTR - 102.7 107.5 9.0 93.4 91.9 96.6 96.3 106.2_NSTRLQ - - 47.0 47.5 44.9 50.2 48.0 47.5 52.6 53.7aTHER m - 139.4 136.2 207.0 170.6 177.7 180.3 180.4 192.6Statfstieal DlcrepuwC- 7.3 43.7 25.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


IHDUSTRY O . 0.46 0.47 0." 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52AGRICULTURE L FORESTtY - 0.20 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.1S 0.14 0.14CONsTRUCTIO N - 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07OTHER . 0.27 0.33 0.34 0.2 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.26


DP - 11.4 7.5 8.0 6.6 3.3 2.7 2.8 4.2 7.2INDSTY - - - 10.0 4.9 10.7 4.2 2.8 T.S 7.3AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY 4 - - 4.6 -8.8 -4.7 *1.6 7.3 -2.3 10.3CONSTRUCTIZO - - - 1.2 -5.6 11.9 -4.4 -1.0 10.7 2.1OTHER 35.0 10.0 .17.6 4.2 1.5 0.1 6.8

,,,,..........._.__...... ....... ............. ____. ._____.... _._......__.___.__............... ._ __.___.___ _:.......................

'Soure: I11R, Eefonaic Mwnan (larch 1986) wd date prowidad by the Roniian authorftles.

oots In term of 1961 prIce for years 1975 through 1979 hv bean obtafnedby rdelng the series fra the abv Ecrnmic Naoraw mAich weepresed In 1977 prices. The rabafn waqs done using 1981 - the overlappfng year.

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TABLE 2.2: EP BY EXPEVDITU 1E. 7M-1984(Sittion tol, currat md contant prfes)

.......................................................... .................................................................................................

975 y 1977 19Th 17 190 1931 1962 1963 1964,..............................................................................................................................


TOTAL GDP 437.0 490.9 512.9 552.1 S98.6 619.9 642.2 74.6 786.3 S43.2

couuawrzm 264.1 267.2 303.5 336.3 370 396.9 424 487.4 489.3 509.5

CROSS DONTIC FIXEDIUWESTUNMT 145.8 153.9 171.2 196.5 206.8 212.7 209.3 216.3 230.8 244.7

CNANCES IN STOCKS 30.5 49.2 32.9 26.2 30 22.6 7.8 19.9 33.5 20.7MET EXPORj 11 -3.3 0.6 5.3 -6.9 -8.2 -12.3 1.1 23 32.7 68.3


TOTAL UDP 439.0 489.1 525.8 567.6 605.S 625.6 642.2 660.0 667.9 737.4

CONSUWTION 293.6 320.0 343.3 374.9 403.0 413.0' Z4.0 -417:6 421.2 44.3

CROSS DONESTIC FIXEDINNESTNENT 150.3 162.8 182.- 211.1 219.7 225.3 209.4 201.4 206.3 218.9

CNANSES IN STOCKS 27.2 4.4 35.2 41.2 32.2 34.9 7.6 17.7 26.9 14.4NET EXPORTS 1/ 0.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.3 -0.1 -47.6 1.1 23.3 33.5 59.3Statisticat Discrepancy 32.2 40.1 35.1 59.1 49.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sm to r faing


COOSUUPTIOR 0.67 0.65 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.60CRO ONESTIC FIXED

IUWSTNEET 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.30KAUGES In STOCKS 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.02

NET EXPORTS I/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.06

Statfsticat discrprancy 0.07 0.08 o.or 0.10 0.06 0.00 .m 0.00 O.u 0.00


GDP 11.4 7.5 8.0 6.6 3.3 2.7 2.6 4.2 7.2CONSUIPTIOH 9.0 7.3 9.2 7.5 2.5 2.7 -1.5 0.9 5.6GROSS DOtESTIC FIXEDINVESTIECT 8.3 12.0 15.8 4.1 2.5 -T.1 -3.8 2.4 6.1

CNANGS IN STOCKS 70.2 -24.2 1 .3 -22.0 .5 -77.7 126.9 52.0 -46.5

1/ Goods md unw-factor services. Includes errors and issions. The filure for 194 i n constant pricesis *stintSd a a residbaL. Nt eports for 1964 are not fulLy consIstant with thecorreopanding figure in the balence of paynnts account hickh exctude USS miitoen

worth of coindftifs *re dy for eKports-. For mre detailto. s Annx 1.

*Source: 1330 Economic Namornan (CNarch 1984) w*d data provided by Rcmoninm authorities.

'Data in term of 1981 pricn for yers 1975 throah 1979 has bean obtainedbV rdming the series from the above Ecovnc;c _inrands, cwhih areexpressed in 1977 prices. The chasing was dww using 1961 am the overlapping year.

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197Caal rc~Currant uric.197S 197 1977 1973 1979 1980 1951 1982 193 1934

law 13-9674~~~Z 1515 7 169260 1962fl 2006 21101 207-94 216i3S4 220743 2U714

Industry 66125 69350 30573 97164 104221 107053 105490 1OS45 111634 124394Produeer goods S639 53573 6374 3471 90594 39330 39717 3447 96993 109IConsunr goods 9736 10772 11799 13093 12727 17173 15773 13104 1463 14405

Construction 6243 9194 10747 12723 12745 9652 7213 3212 3142 9542Agriculture 18940 21236 235S 26540 26024 27244 32090 23U13 26627 40039Forestry 55 632 650 762 S09 7" 731 069 34 924Transport 13475 14433 1S797 U22 13496 22606 19332 25569 28139 2S560Teleansications 1291 1539 1723 1630 1Ul 160 1299 1414 994 1261Trade S2U S974 528l 5421 4591 4567 466 5701 5227 1059Itmicipal services, housing.

t other nonproductiveservices 20419 21974 22903 26462 23470 2391 23322 3340S 24311 33633

Mowsing only 16085 16103 16475 19333 21393 21920 234S1 26206 2S116 23176Education, culture & arts 2963 3029 2973 2331 2524 2761 1977 204 1092 771

Education 2573 254 2440 2348 2070 2229 1609 1SS3 744 562Culture * arts 3as 495 532 S33 4S4 S22 36 49S 332 209

Science & scientific services 369 959 1162 1200 1122 1349 1239 1135 1064 1230Public health. social

assistance & physicalculture 1S23 137S 14S0 12S1 962 1050 1091 1236 1099 1OS2

Adinistration 971 137S 16S0 1449 1463 1218 1117 1446 900 1110Other branhds 964 447 291 S16 1020 1111 632 312 560 734

- Invest nt comissioned in the national cony.

jmg: Statistical Yerbook and data supplied by the ft_nian authorities.

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TML 3.1t IALANCE OF PA UTSm 1 197-1965

CNH t Ilion US DeLLtwo)


1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1190 1951 lNU 190 196 1965

0008 AM SEltVICESCdlty TrI-

Eerts (f.o.b.) 5341 6134 6659 O2 9303 11023 12367 11S59 11512 1266 12320liorts (f.o.b.) -52 -067 -7002 -li -10519 -126 -1226 -95 -9643 -10334 10867

Trid anee *1 47 *143 -606 -1216 -1661 103 1814 1669 2312 1453

erviesskervf e*not -134 -63 -161 -153 -47 -759 -93 -77n -709 5 -541

Current kceout -135 -16 -304 *759 -1653 -2620 -3 1040 1160 1719 912

CAPITALNediul S Logi-Tukorromingnot 43 260 290 S5 1256 195. 1027 741 1S4 -73 -90

Credift Received 517 762 U61 1174 20 205 2160 26 14. 336 34?i cpspnt -310 -502 -562 5a6 -an -65 -1133 -2119 1255 102 -m

Ndsm It Lng-TerLtndIns.net -149 -392 -358 -34. -309 -151 -175 -251 -346 -7 -4.04

Credits Ext de -192 475 45 43 4 32 1 23 226 26 252-ePmynt 67 -83 -127 -137 177 -201 -26 -519 572 -69 '656

Sbort-Twr cepftal,n.t -266 - 2I -73 580 2zt 69 -136 -529 -92 -460 60M0 Allotetlon 33 33 32 -

e of N1 Credit 68 l15 38 -20 -s 52 290 301 132 56 -175Paywnt AgreenntsE& I 4 163 101 103 96 -67 -22 - -7 -4 S0Depots2/ - - - - - -436 366 70Errowe d 01es1ons 9 - 13 -I 30 19

ChaW en Lmrvesl 12 -52 297 -159 -145 160 -77 -37 -88 -164 464Arresms * * - - 1143 -755 -386

IINIOtSAIOI:Intern'l reserves 3/ 615 674 386 529 688 469 550 5So 658 837 353(md of yer)

1/ Include foreign exhae ed SDR noldings.

2/ D0epmiz reqired In advate for iWports md for redschstling.31 Including foreign ex1hae Ss wd gold.

Soure: Data provided by the tomunion *Utharitlea.

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1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985........................................................................................................


Exports (f.o.b.) 2839 3403 3700 6040 5363 6303 7216 6235 6266 6892 6270Inports (f.o.b.) -2950 -3327 -37 -4632 *6518 -303 -7012 -4710 -4556 -4706 -4767

Trad Ualwcs -111 76 -83 -592 -1155 -1536 204 1525 1618 2186 1504

SevicesServices,not -149 -137 -190 -187 -513 -86s -1022 -870 -766 -630 -602

Current Account -260 -61 -273 -779 -n S6 -2399 -818 655 922 1S36 902

CAPITALediums & Long-Tm

Uorroinh,nat 440 258 282 585 1251 1920 1001 752 137 -7m -977Credits Recetvad 810 740 863 1167 2050 2747 2107 2833 1346 274 292-a-p " to -370 -42 -561 -582 -799 -897 -1106 -2061 -1211 -1045 -1269

Nadls IL Long-TnLgnding,net -55 -237 -191 -201 -186 -110 -105 -150 -236 -266 -221

Credits Extendad -7 -259 -247 -299 -237 -214 -216 -293 -351 -388 -336Rep,ments 23 22 56 96 101 104 141 143 113 120 115

-'a.rt-Tern copfteL,net -147 -69 -153 349 813 344 -14t6 -330 -861 -403 -33SDR Allocation 33 33 32 - * - -

Uc of INF Credit 48 lal 38 -20 -3 52 290 301 132 56 -175PeVmant Agreamnts & IBECDeposits. - - - - - - -436 366 70 -Errors and Calfssna 24 - - -1 -76 - - - - 34 19

Change In Reserves 1/ -50 -52 297 -133 -159 160 -77 -37 -*U -184 484Arrers 4- - * - 3 -755 -38 -


1/ Includes foreign exchnge and SDR holdings.

Sumre: Data providad by the tomanian authorities.

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TABLE 3.3: SERVICE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS, 1976-1985(MiLLion US doLLars, current prices)



1976 1977 1978 1979 1960 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

TOlRISN,NET 113 127 184 229 251 236 119 110 110 94Recelpts 167 161 247 303 324 303 203 202 121 103Payments -54 -34 -63 -74 -n -67 -84 -92 -11 -9

TRANSPORTATION ANDTELECOMNUNICATI0NSHNET -103 -113 -135 -377 -446 -358 -156 -176 -66 - n

Receipts 203 245 336 367 441 523 447 335- 299 267Payments -306 -358 -471 744 -892 -881 -603 -511 -367 -338

OTHER SERVICES,NET 45 -43 -34 69 215 203 114 67 14 49Receipts 138 92 123 160 295 269 175 190 126 96Payments -93 -135 -157 -91 -80 -66 -61 -123 -112 -49

TOTAL NON-FACTOR SERVICES,NET 55 -29 15 -79 18 61 77 1 56 72

Receipts,totaL 508 496 706 830 1063 1095 825 727 546 468Payments, totat -453 -527 -691 -909 -1045 -1014 -748 -726 -490 -396

INTEREST ON DEBT,NET -118 -132 -168 -358 -777 -1017 -851 -710 -706 -674Receipts 37 50 56 77 73 113 119 97 62 52Pa yents -155 -182 -224 -435 -850 -1130 -970 -807 -766 -726

TOTAL SERVICES,NET -63 -161 -153 -U37 -759 -936 -774 -709 -650 -602

................... ..............................................................................................

*Data provided b7y Romanian authorities.

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TRLE 3.4: SERVICE RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS 19761985, IN COINEtTIBLE CURRENCY(NilLion US dollars, current prices)


Forecat1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

TOURISIINET 93 79 112 171 210 190 116 102 110 123Receipts 112 98 138 203 238 208 121 112 121 135Payments -19 -19 -26 -32 -28 -18 -5 -10 -11 -12


TELECONNUNICATIONS,NET -108 -95 -111 -370 -458 -346 -139 -159 -68 -95Receipts 138 183 249 272 335 372 294 214 299 310Payments -246 -278 -360 -642 -793 -718 -433 -373 -367 -405

OTHER SERVICES,IET 27 -29 -15 71 171 181 70 28 14 9Receipts 84 65 115 110 238 223 120 125 126 131PaVments -57 -94 -130 -39 -67 -42 -50 -97 -112 -122

TOtAL NON-FACTOR SERVICES,NET 12 -45 -14 -128 -n7 25 47 -29 56 37Receiptsatotal 334 346 502 585 311 803 535 451 S46 576Payments, total -322 -391 -516 -713 -M -778 -488 -480 -490 -539

INTEREST ON DEBT,NET -129 -145 -173 -385 -788 -1047 -917 -737 -706 -587Receipts 23 34 42 44 48 66 45 62 62 68Payments -152 -179 -215 -429 -836 -1115 -962 -799 -768 -655

TOTAL SERVICES,NET -117 -190 -187 -513 -865 -1022 -870 -766 -650 -550

'Data provided by Romenian authorities.

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................. ..................................................... .......................................................................................

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19S2 1913 1984'..........................................................................................................................

TOTAL EXPORTS 5341 6134 6881 86 9724 11209 12610 11S59 11512 12646

Machinery ad Eqipunt 1352 1576 18S1 2288 2548 2791 36S7 3822 3649 4047Fuels. Minarers S I otmls 1191 1479 1431 1105 2340 3307 3507 2785 3155 3541Chmialets, Fertilizerg

tubber s77 509 593 741 864 1087 1185 1143 1116 1265Su ILding Materials lSS 184 206 209 224 2U 252 258 230 253VegetabLe & AniaL

REm Matercias 1/ 336 399 385 459 486 538 567 499 507 632R_a Materials for

Food Pr.Jction 304 386 406 71 243 471 41 251 161 126Other Foodstuffs 566 595 860 781 934 953 1021 8a 760 759Indstrial Consumer Goods 860 1006 1149 1402 15S5 1816 1980 193S 1934 2023


Machinery wd Equilpuet 25.3 25.7 26.9 28.4 26.2 24.9 29.0 33.1 31.7 32.0FueLs. Minerals & tetals 22.3 24.1 20.8 22.4 29.2 29.5 27.8 24.1 27.4 26.0CheIcals. Fertilizers

4 tRber 10.8 8.3 3.6 9.2 8.9 9.7 9.L 9.9 9.7 10.0luilding Materials 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0V*gtable & ArimL

Ra Materials 1/ 6.3 6.5 5.6 5.7 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.4 5.0law Materials for

Food Production 5.7 6.3 5.9 4.6 2.S 4.2 3.5 2.2 1.4 1.0Other Foodstuffs 10.6 9.7 12.5 9.7 9.6 8.5 8.1 7.5 6.6 6.0Itdstrial Consuar Goods 16.1 16.4 16.7 17.4 16.3 16.2 15.7 16.7 16.5 16.0


TOTAL EXPORTS - 14.6 12.2 17.1 20.7 15.3 12.S -8.3 -0.4 9.9Machinery erd Equiwnt - 16.6 17.4 23.6 11.4 9.5 31.0 4.5 -4.5 10.9Fuetls, Minerlts & Mtals 24.2 -3.2 26.1 57.3 16.4 6.0 -20.6 13.3 12.2ChmicaLs, Fertilizers

& Rubber -11.8 16.5 25.0 16.6 25.8 9.0 -3.5 -2.4 13.4Blluding Materials - 18.7 12.0 1.5 7.2 9.8 2.4 2.4 -10.9 10.0Vegetabte & Anilst,

Raw Materials 1/ - 18.8 3.5 19.2 3.9 10.7 5.4 -12.0 1.6 24.7bw Materials for

food Production - 27.0 5.2 -8.6 *34.5 93.8 -6.4 -43.1 -35.9 -21.7Ohr Foodstuffs - S.1 44.5 -9.2 19.6 2.0 7.1 15.2 -12.2 -0.1ISndutralt Consuar Goods 17.0 14.2 22.0 13.1 14.6 9.0 -2.3 -0.1 4.6

1/ IncLudes Liv mnuils.

covenment estinte.

Source: Date provided by Ramnian authoritien.

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XULAI.I: COSbODTYr CWROSITION OF IMPTS, 19?5-1984CHitt1on US Dollars, f.o.b.)


1975 1976 1977 1976 1979 1980 1961 1982 1983 t196......................................................................................................................

TOTAL IMRTS 5342 6087 7022 6O 10915 12618 12457 9745 9643 10334

Machinery and Equipmnt 1654 1936 2577 3205 3504 3140 2940 2596 2391 2552Fuels, Minerals & Mtals 2041 2495 2627 3257 4737 6447 6054 4913 5149 543Chmlcals, Fertfizers£ Ruber 317 414 435 579 731 21 7m 570 636 713

Building Materials 59 73 77 104 120 128 100 as 67 83Vegetable & AnimLEaw Materials If 454 450 541 579 677 744 860 587 46 550

ar Materials forFood Production 267 390 34 415 491 743 622 313 269 341

Other Foodstuffs 117 122 147 161 2D6 410 473 272 241 217InAtrfml Consamr Goods 203 207 274 320 371 385 436 40 366 434


Machinery nd Equipnt 34.7 31.8 36.7 37.1 32.1 24.5 23.6 26.6 24.8 24.7Fuels, Mrwatls & Metals 38.2 41.0 37.4 37.7 43.4 50.3 48.6 50.4 53.4 S2.6Ch_mca It Fort It lzrs

& Ruber 6.S 6.8 6.2 6.7 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.8 6.6 6.9ulildfng Materials 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.8

Vegtable & AnimlEar Materisls 1/ 8.5 7.4 7.7 6.7 6.2 5.6 6.9 6.0 5.0 5.4

Er Materisls forFood Projition 5.0 6.4 4.9 4.8 4.5 5.8 6.6 3.2 3.0 3.3

Other Foodgtuffs 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.8 2.8 2.5 2.1Industrial Canamr Goods 3.8 3.4 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.0 3.5 4.2 3.8 4.2


TOTAL INMPTS 13.9 15.4 23.0 26.3 17.4 -2.8 -21.8 -1.0 7.2Machinery and Equipmnt 4.4 33.1 24.4 9.3 -10.4 -6.4 -11.7 -7.9 6.7Fuels, Minerals & Metats - 22.2 5.3 24.0 45.4 36.1 -6.1 u1.8 4.8 5.6Cheicals, Fertilizes

& REbber 19.3 S.1 33.1 26.3 12.3 -6.0 -26.2 11.6 12.1luilding Materials 23.7 5.5 35.1 15.4 6.7 -21.9 412.0 -1.1 -4.6Vegetable & Animl

Ear Materials 1/ -0.9 20.2 7.0 16.9 9.9 15.6 31.7 -17.5 15.3Raw Materalts for

Food Prouction 46.1 -11.8 20.6 18.3 51.3 10.6 -61.9 -7.7 18.0Other Foodstuffs - 4.3 20.5 23.1 56.9 4.4 15.4 -42.5 -11.4 -10.0mndistrial Cansumr Goods - 2.0 32.4 16.8 15.9 3.6 13.2 -6.9 .-9.9 18.6

..................... .......................................... ...... ........ .... ... ...... ........................ %... ......... .......... ...................

11 Includes 1ve animls.Govennt estiates.

Source: Data provided by Ecwnian authorities.

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TABLE 3.7. EXPUTS BY PAJU TWINC PARTMERS 1975IM190(MIllion 1.1 valuts *. current prie.)


CWNTRY 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960.......................................................................... ................................................ .:

TOTAL EXPORTS 26546.9 30504.5 34614 36821.3 43M66.6 50962.9

COEA Total 1/ 10145.6 11592.9 14499 1506I.3 15571.4 1891.6

USSR 5278.9 58.6 6686.8 6669.1 7365.4 9968.7Ge n,W.OR 1339.6 2079.5 2570.3 2731.6 2564.8 2970.9Czechoslovakia 1162.1 1368.8 1883.6 2062.4 1964.5 1842.6Nhwgry 872.7 994.5 1151.6 1273.3 1542.3 1481PoLnd 1012.3 1156 1424.6 1833.4 1439.2 1778.9BuLfarmo 680 635.5 782.3 689.5 735.2 929.5

OTNER SOCIALtST COUNTRIES 2067.7 2199.4 2313.6 3090.3 3787.2 3J88.5

China 1096 1236.8 1188.7 1707.1 2487.1 2236.7Yugoslavia 676 856.8 896.1 932.9 820.2 721.1Other 2/ 297.7 305.8 226.8 650.3 479.9 890.7

DEVELOPED MARKET ECOUOIES 8225 9406.S 9623.6 11041.5 14362.7 16294.7

Germ-,FE 2192.3 2623.9 2547.8 2931.6 4020 4343United Stetss 485.5 966.1 1368.3 1726.7 2118.9 1857.1Italy 1123.6 1001.6 1050.9 1208.3 1775.5 2936.6Nethrlads 596.6 781.2 748.9 819 1403.3 1597t-r 77.9 890.9 867.4 961.9 1314.8 1549.9nfited Kingdm 624.2 74S.3 660.2 890.7 977 763.9

Austria 597.9 685.6 637.9 690.2 761.6 731.5Switzerland 712.2 510.7 563.2 613.7 558.1 933.4Othws 1146.8 1223.2 1179 1219.4 14S2.5 1582.3

DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 6108.6 7105.7 8247.8 7625.2 9745.3 11868.1

Algerfa 178.6 205.8 416 290.7 437.1 339.6Egypt 367.2 346.5 602.4 593 964.6 1190.8Grece 416.9 681 535.7 613.7 801.2 1164.3Iran 811.2 N28.1 1053.6 818.6 S78.7 1086.8Iraq 325.1 156.5 82.8 147.8 290.3 855.6Lebdo 384 362.9 539 560.5 699.3 8MLibya 582 565.8 66 707.5 509.7 499.7Sywi 305.9 776.9 1123.7 819.S 789.4 806.6Turkey 227.5 539.7 439.4 516.1 997.7 1233.4Others 2510.2 2582.5 2991.2 2557.8 3657.3 3803.3

1/ Excluding Albanisn Cuba, Vietnam nd Nongolia2/ Including Albanie C0uba. Vietnam9 Peopte s RepubLic of Corea and Mongotia.'NOTE: The trae figures for 1975-1980 are converted fro the currency of invoice

into tei using the official exchange rate (if vatuta) even though the transactionactatty took pLace at .ch higher and nonruniform cemercial exchange rates.

Source: Statistical Yearbook and data provided by Romulan authorities.

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TABLE 3L7b : EXPORTS BY MAJOR TRADING PARTNERS, 1981-1984(Million (o, currant prices)

.... ....................................................................

COUNTRY 1981 1982 1983 1984

TOTAL EXPORTS 167702.3 151836.7 173323.7 228122.9

CNEA Total 1/ 50320.4 48534.2 58305.4 65649.2

USSR 30284.7 25803.1 30101.8 35305.4GCrrmny,DR 6979.9 6925.8 7730.9 9295.9Czechoslovakis 3766.6 4649.3 4939.2 4924.5Hiungary 34W8.9 3655.9 4265.5 4336.5Poland 3556.8 4999.5 7740.4 8064.9mulgerif 2313.5 2500.6 3527.6 3721.9

OTHER SOCIALIST COUNTRIES 10705.5 10911.2 10236.4 15395.2

China 5975.3 6452.7 5310 9424.7ugoslavia 2002.2 1467.1 1882.4 2254

others 2/ 2728 2991.4 3044 3716.5

CEELOPED MARKET ECONOMIES 50296.5 43961 59453.7* 95574.4

Go erny, FR 12073 12056.8 10798.6 16059.4United States 8192.3 4930.8 6686.3 14969.2Italy 5599.7 5212.3 10640.7 19887.4Netherlnds 3980 2678.3 3552.4 5334.3Fr nc 6234.6 4715.5 5514.9 6398.6United Kingdom 3526.5 2899.2 4719.1 5115.3Austria 3370.1 2640.3 3234.4 4034.8Switzerland 3037.9 5699 1984.9 1674.9Others 4282.4 3128.8 12322.4* 22100.5

DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 56379.9 48430.3 45328.2** 51504.1

Algeria 776.3 1574.7 1442.9 971.7Egypt 4392 3147.1 4599.9 6065.1Greece 4270.7 3307.6I ran 6215 6730.9 6125.5 8373.9Iraq 14596.5 12315.9 6940.7 8939.7Lebanon 3177 2164.7 3351.7 .026Libya 3676.1 2200.5 2432.7 2131.2Syrfa 1906.6 797.5 1577.5 2385.6Turkey 4248.6 1991 2472.1 2317.5Others 13121.1 14200.4 16385.2*" 21793.4

1/ Excluding ALbania, Cuba, Vietni and ongolia.2/ Including Albanis, Cuba, Vietn-n, People's Republic of Korea and Nang* Including Spain, Portugal and Greece."Excluding Spain, Portugal and Greece.

Source: Statistical Yearbook and data provided by Romanian authorities.

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UK"J. INPORTS BY NAJOt TRADING PARTNERS, 1975-1960(Mtilion lef vatuto *, current prices)

COUNTRY 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980..................................................... ..... ......... ........................................................

TOTAL IMPORTS 26548.5 30293.9 34879.4 40618.9 48792 59006.2

C1EA TotaL 1/ 9766.B 12005.9 14490.6 14947.3 16496.1 18113.9

Bulgaria 543.1 653.9 1046.1 922.8 968.6 1084.1Cz-chosLovakia 1284.6 1316.2 1730 1964.5 2128.1 1929.3Germany, DR 1569.4 2174.2 2535.3 2825.2 3112.2 2634.1Hungary 730.8 981.9 1143.8 1205 1516.5 1561.4PoLand 1060.3 1574.6 1380.8 1509 1586.3 1682.8USSR 4578.6 5305.1 6654.6 6520.8 7166.4 9222.2

OTHER SOCIALIST COUNTRIES 1791.7 1761.2 2071.9 2784.9 3366.3 4201.5

ChIna 1070.4 1003.6 1357.7 1893.5 2233.8 2796.6Yugolavfa 533.8 545.9 492.6 636.1 707.6 926.5Others 2t 187.5 211.7 221.6 255.3 424.9 478.4

DEVELOPED MARKET ECONOMIES 10762.3 10516.1 12318.3 14659.3 16588.4 17464.2

Austria 894.9 940.2 964.2 1159.8 1286.3 1197Frnc 941.3 1266 1188.2 1479.5 1773.7 1473.3GermmnyFt 28466. 2020.5 2653.4 3299.8 4322.1 3782.3IteLy 1149.8 954.8 831.6 1137 1364 1232.2Japan 835.4 680.7 1253.9 1207.9 907.4 946.1NetherLands 424.5 65.6 512.7 705.2 662.6 868.5Suitzerltwd 1356.3 828.8 1388.6 1138.6 588.5 488.8United Kingdom 879.2 832.3 984.8 947.8 865.4 1112.1United States 688.6 1375.4 1427.4 2161.9 2930.3 4365.4Others 745.5 1140.8 1093.5 1421.8 1888.1 2018.5

DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 4227.7 6010.7 5998.6 8227.4 12341.2 19206.6

Egypt 359.4 140.5 86.6 120.7 295.4 963.5Greec 213.4 226.9 239.1 657 274.5 392.4Iran 890.9 1506.1 1466.4 1083.1 1616.7 3086.9Iraq 34.8 855.6 1036.7 1963.6 4150.9 4300.6Libya 351.3 707.6 452.6 1148.8 1315 1860.1Other 237c.9 2574 2717.2 3254.2 4698.7 8603.1

1/ Excluding ALbania, Cubs, Vietnan Peoptles Replbtic of Kore and MongoLia.2/ Including Albania, Cub.a Vietna, People's RepaLic of Kome and Nongolia.

NOTE : Th trdf figures for 1975-1980 are converted from the currency of invoiceinto lei using the officiaL exchange rate (Let valuta) even though the trancectioactually took place at much higher and non-uniform comnerciaL exchange rates.

Source: Statistical Yearbook end data s pltied by the Rommnfan authorities.

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(Nillion tei, current prics)

............. ............................. , .......... X.

CJNTRY 1961 1992 1963 1984........................................... ...........................................................................

TOTAL INPUTS 164670.8 124850.6 130369.8 160816.3

CNEA Total 1/ 51578 46177.9 55926.5 61537.8

Bulgaria 2792.8 2651.8 3383 3710.5Czechoslovakia 4303 4522.2 4117.7 4184.9Germany, DR 6905.3 7592.4 8093 8751Rungary 3334.2 3203 3137.8 3832.8Poland 4216.7 5217.5 8180.2 9172USSR 29958 22991 29014.8 31886.6

OT3ER SOCIALIST COUNTRIES 9576.9 8251.9 9362.6 11361.2

China 5936.9 5127.2 4976.9 5702.5YugoLtevi . 1915 1833.3 2222.7 2687.6others 21 1725 1291.4 2163 2971.1

DEVELOPED MARKET ECONOMIES 50066.9 26170.9 22227.4 3/ 32931.5 3/

Austria 282.8 2009.5 1357.4 1567.9Frawne 7133.7 2121.7 1801 2658.2Germrwv,FR 9376.3 6079.7 4600.5 6495.8italy 3362.1 2036.6 1604.7 2159.1Japnn 2913.3 1631.4 1372.6 1540.7NotherLands 1807.9 150.7 10446. 1487.8Switzerltad 15J5.5 124S.6 i97.5 1153.6lnbited Kingdom 3921 3340.1 2133.5 3406.7United States 126U0.7 3830.8 3610.6 5748.8Others 4241.6 2726.8 3705.4 3/ 6172.9 3/

DEVELOPING COUNtRIES 53451 44269.9 62853.3 4/ 55525.8 4/

Egwt 1665.4 3151.5 5166.4 13287.3Greece 1M.7 1152Iran 11655.3 11107 9119.4 14956.5Iraq 5462.3 4665.9 508.5 1246.6Libya 5395.9 4311.4 5933.1 3010.6Others 27976.4 19882 22125.9 4/ 23026.8 4/

....... ............. .................................... ................................................. .. .... ..........

1/ Exeluding Albanti, Cus, Vietn, People's Repiblic of Korea d onpoli21 Inctuding Altanio, Cua, Vietnuo, People's RepubLic of Korea and Nonolf31 Including Spafn, Portugal nd Greece.4/ Exctudfng Spafn, Portugal nd CGrom.

Source: Statistieal Yero nd dta suplpfed by the Romnian authorities.

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JA E 3.9 WN: nlY TIUN OF SOT TO SociALIST CURIES(N Ilionm of US Dollars)


1976 1977 1973 179 1980 1961 1932 1 1_.........................................................................................................................

TOTAL EXPOTS 3319 353 4081 S593 6335 7112 6006 5m W

Machinery wd EqufpmentIncitding Trneport EqIIlnt 601 67 9 696 49 1622 1516 122 1St

Chmicals, Pert tin & Rather 266 279 351 43 526 590 S29 512 SIndustrial Conuar Goods 561 601 73S m 1026 105 919 m omFuel. Nineral am Mterisats & MetaLs 936 914 1200 2206 273 2817 20me am JOlultding Materalts ad Fittings 96 120 135 151 190 199 139 151 I"Other Mam-Food Re matorrils nd

Processed produat 272 226 302 336L 367 391 333 S 42GLive Anits 3 4 4 S 2 7 2 -

a Materilso for Foodstuff Production 209 311 249 205 1a 71 148 42 IFoodstuffs 375 43 4 4a6 405 320 29? 273


Machilne wd Equipnt

Inrluding Trasport Equipnt 18.1 18.3 16.4 12.9 13.4 22.6 25.2 21.6 1L?Chemicals. Fetiizr S Ruer 8.0 7.9 6.6 8.1 6.3 8.3 3.6 6.3 9.5Irdatrial Coerumr Goods 16.9 17.0 18.0 16.6 16.2 15.4 Isa 14.3 14.2Fuet, Mineral Raw NMterials I Metats 23.2 25.3 29.4 40.9 '4.0 39.6 34.4 41.1 45.3Suitding Materils sod Fittings 2.9 3.4 3.3 2.6 3.0 2.6 3.1 2.6 23Other On-Food Re ateriats ed

Pross products 6.2 6.4 7.4 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.6 5.6 6.?Live MnfIs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 E URa M fateils for Foodstuff Prodiutfon 6.3 68. 6.1 3.8 2.9 1.0 2.5 1.1 0.6Foodstuffs 11.3 12.3 10.7 8.6 6.4 4.5 4.9 4.7 4.2


Total Eprt . 0.07 0.15 0.32 0.17 0.12 -0.16 -0.03 0.S9NMchinry ad Equepnt

Including Tranport EWipant 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.22 0.91 -0.07 -0.17 -0.16Chmcatls, Fertitizes & Ruber 0.05 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.12 -0.10 0.03 0.16Insustrial Conuar Good - 0.07 0.22 0.22 0.1S 0.07 -0.16 -0.09 0.96Fuel. MIneral Rn Mterials £ Metals -0.02 0.31 O.64 0.26 0.0t -0.2 0.16 0.21BuiIding Matrilots ad Ffttings 0.25 0.13 0.12 0.26 0.05 -0.05 -0.20 -0.63Othr Hon-Food Rew Mterialts nd

Procesd products - -0.17 0.34 0.11 0.10 0.07 -0.14 0.00 0.3Live AnMis - 0.33 0.00 0.25 -0.60 2.50 -0.71Rm Materils for Foodstuff Production - 0.49 -0.20 -0.18 -0.11 -0.61 1.08 -0.56 -0UFoodstuffs 0.16 0.00 0.06 -0.13 -0.21 -0.07 -00.9 * 02

.......... ................................ ...............................................................................

Source: Date provided by Rosnfan authorfties.

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.......................................................... .............................................................................................. .

19o 1977 197S 1979 19U0 1901 1932 1963 1964................................. ...................................................................... ................ ................. .....................................

TOT L EXPORTS 2815 33 375 4331 4674 5498 5553 5679 6299

Machiry aid EwI_ntInctudins Treuport Eqii_t 97 1207 1622 105 1935 2034 2306 230 2986

Chilatls, Fetllhers 5 mLir 239 306 38 423 5S6 594 614 604 66Zirfdutrfel Cenu_r Goods 4S 548 661 663 790 891 1016 109 1121Fuel. Minwat tar Materiats £ Metals 540 S15 604 62B 531 682 717 757 636Oulding Materiats ad Fittings 90 67 72 74 63 60 69 79 107Other mon-Fod R a Materials ad

Processd predate 124 15 1S5 152 175 176 159 16J 208Live AinltsEar Mtarials for foodstuff Production 180 97 123 39 283 363 103 99 88Foodstuffa 220 422 345 468 541 698 569 487 491


Machinery id EquipetIncluding Transport Equipmont 34.7 36.1 40.8 42.8 39.7 37.0 41.5 42.0 47.4

chemical, Frtiltizrs &I tiMe 8.5 9.2 9.7 9.9 11.4 10.8 11.1 10.6 10.5industrial Cuser Coods 15.5 16.4 16.8 1S.9 ¶6.2 16.2 18.3 19.3 17.8Fuel, Mineral Er Mterials & etats 19.2 15.5 15.2 14.5 iO.9 12.4 12.9 13.3 10.1uldding Materials *d Fittings 3.2 2.6 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.7

other Eo-Food ar Neteritaa wdProcesed waists 4.4 4.7 3.9 3.5 3.6 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.3

Live AniI_I rnw Mteriatl fwr Foodstuff Preduction 6.4 2.9 3.1 0.9 5.6 6.6 1.9 1.7 1.4

Foodstuffs 7.8 12.6 8.7 10.3 11.1 12.7 10.2 8.6 7.8


Total Exports 0.19 0.19 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.01 0.02 0.11Machinery ad Equipmnt

Including Transport Equipmnt 0.24 0.34 0.14 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.04 0.25Chmdeats. Ferttilzers & Esther - 0.29 0.25 0.11 0.30 0.07 0.03 -0.02 0.10Inditrial eo s ,edB 0.23 0.22 0.03 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.05 0.02Fuel, Mineral En materials & Metats - -0.04 0.17 0.04 -0.15 0.28 0.05 0.06 -0.16Building Materals awd Fittings -0.03 -0.17 0.03 -0.15 -0.05 0.15 0.14 0.35Other mn-Food ar Xaterials and

Processd products 0.27 -0.01 -0.02 0.15 0.01 -0.10 0.06 0.24Live Animi lo

Ea Motarials for Foodstuff Production - -0.46 0.27 -0.68 6.26 0.28 -0.n -0.04 -0.11eodstuff - 0.92 -0.15 0.36 0.76 0.29 -0.18 -0.14 0.01

p b .............................................................................................................S .

Source: Daft provided by Roseni n authorities.

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....................................................... ............................................................................................. ................................

1976 197I 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1986.........................................................................................................................

TOTAL IMPORTS 3317 3666 4864 6L72 7967 6902 4604 4221 4283

Machinery and EquipmentIncluding Transport Equ1 pent 6L1 1032 1352 1342 1068 792 426 408 331

Chemicals Fertillznw & REbor 315 313 413 543 605 490 331 327 380Inijetrial Conrumr Coeds 46 41 54 64 64 92 69 79 65Fuel, Mineral law Materials & Metals 1559 1527 2169 3385 4756 384A 3042 2921 3004luflding Materials end Fittfnge 36 37 S4 58 79 55 42 46 35Other Nan-Food flw Matorias and

Promcsed proidcts 325 350 365 556 574 62s 362 Z02 27Live nimols 7 7 14 13 8 7 4 IRaw Materilts for Foodstuff Production 338 291 360 388 S96 690 216 162 166Foodstuffs S0 81 83 123 215 304 112 76 54


Machinery nd Equip entincluding Trnaport EquIpment 19.3 28.0 27.6 20.7 13.4 ll.S 9.3 9.7 7.7

Cemicatel Fertilizers & RuEber 9.5 8.5 8.5 8.4 7.6 7.1 7.2 7.7 8.9Indutriel Couanr Goods 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.SFul, Mineral lRw Materiatl & Metals 47.0 41.4 44.6 52.3 59.7 55.7 66.1 69.2 70.1lultding Moterials nd Fittings 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.1 0.8Other MOrrFood Er Materiels and

Procesd products 9.8 9.5 7.5 8.6 7.2 9.1 7.9 4.8 S.8Live Anlets 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 ERR 0.0Rov Materials for Foodstuff Production 10.2 7.9 7.4 6.0 7.5 10.0 4.7 3.8 3.9Foodstuffc 1.5 2.2 1.7 1.9 2.7 4.4 2.4 1.8 1.3


Total Ieport - 0.11 0.32 0.33 0.23 -0.13 -0.33 -0.08 0.01Machinery nd Equipment 0.11 0.32 0.33 0.23 -0.13 -0.33 -0.08 0.01

Including Transport Equipment 0.61 0.31 -0.01 -0.20 -0.26 -0.46 -0.04 -0.19Chemiecls, Fertilizers & Rubber - -0.01 0.32 0.31 0.11 -0.19 -0.32 -0.01 0.16Industrial Consrun- Goods 004 0.13 0.19 0.00 G.M -0.25 0.14 0.1eFuel, Mineral Raw Materials £ Metals -0.02 0.42 0.56 0.41 -0.19 -0.21 -0.04 0.03luitding Materials end Fittings - 0.03 0.46 0.07 0.36 -0.30 -0.24 0.10 -0.24Other Mon-Food Raw Materialts ndProcessed products 0.08 0.04 0.52 0.03 0.09 -0.42 -0.44 0.22

Live Animls - 0.00 1.00 -0.07 -0.38 - - ERRmw Moterials for Foodstuff Production - -0.14 0.24 0O.08 0.54 0.15 -0.69 -0.25 0.02

Foodstuffs 0.62 0.02 0.48 0.75 0.41 -0.63 -0.32 -0.29

Source: Data provided by Rtouanian authorities.

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1976 1977 1978 1979 t9J0 1981 1962 1983 1961

TOTAL IMPORTS 2770 3336 3776 143 "51 5555 5141 522 6051

Mhinerwry w*d EqufintIncluding Tranprt Equlpunt 1297 1548 1tU 2159 2091 2145 2170 1913 2221

Chbmicals. Frtitlzers & Rubber 100 123 162 167 218 283 239 309 333In.dLtrial Corsaur Goods 163 227 264 311 320 344 337 287 369FLel. Nineral Naw MaterIals 4 Metatl 933 1096 1084 1342 16t8 2205 1871 222t 2432luflding Materials nd fIttings 33 43 57 58 53 50 46 41 4tOther Mon-Food Ram NteriaLs a*rd

Procen d producto 119 177 200 151 161 228 219 280 309Live AnlmLs 3 3 4 * 5 2 2 2Km MterilLs for Foodstuff Production 47 50 53 71 131 126 97 127 175Foodstuffs 75 67 96 160 16U 172 160 163 163


Ma1hnery nd EqiipmntIncluding Trnport Equipmnt *.6.8 46.4 *9.1 48.6 U3.1 38.6 42.2 36.6 36.7

chemcaLs. Fertilizers & Rubber 3.6 3.7 4.3 4.2 4.5 5.1 4.6 5.7 5.5Indstrlal Conrdwr Coad 5.9 6.8 7.0 7.0 6.6 6.2 6.6 3.3 6.1Fuel, Mineral Karm NterILs & NtetatI 33.7 32.9 28.7 30.2 34.8 39.7 36.4 41.1 40.2SuiLding Materials nd Fittings 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8Other n-Foed Em Materials and

Proessed ordctr 4.3 S.3 5.3 3.4 3.3 4.1 4.3 5.2 5.1Live Animls 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ERR 0.0 0.0 0.0am Materials for Foodstuff Productfon 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.6 2.7 2.3 1.9 2.3 2.9

Foodstuffs 2.7 2.0 2.6 3.6 3.8 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.7


Total iports- 0.20 0.13 0.1l 0.09 0.15 -0.07 0.05 0.12machinery and Equipment - 0.20 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.15 -0.07 0.05 0.12

lcluding Tranport Equipiunt 0.19 0.20 0.16 -0.03 0.03 0.01 -0.09 0.12lmicals. Fertitizer & Rubber 0.23 0.32 0.15 0.17 0.30 -0.16 0.29 0.06

Industrfal Conumr Good. - 0.39 0.16 0.18 0.03 0.05 -0.02 -0.15 0.29Fuel, Nineral an Naterifls & Metals - 0.18 -0.01 0.24 0.26 0.31 -0.15 0.19 0.09luilding Materfils nd Fittings 0.30 0.33 0.02 -0.09 -0.06 -0.06 -0.11 0.17Other Mon-Food Ero Materilts and

Processed products 0.49 0.13 -0.25 0.07 0.42 -0.04 0.26 0.10Live Aninls 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.25 - 0.00 0.00R anMterials for Foodstuff Pro.uction - 0.06 0.06 0.34 0.85 -0.02 -0.24 0.31 0.38

Foodstuffs -0.11 0.46 0.63 0.15 -0.07 -0.07 0.03 -0.01............................................... ..........................................................................

Dt4ce ata provided by Romnian authorities

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- 52 -table 3.13 i CeMIIu W IuM. CM 1wuMuvmL. a1111,

(Nttllnw of US SeItem)

iou lei low Ion "a........................................................... .................................

Final Pruite 730 44 20 1I0 114

C0tsw t6fI 146 14 Its 143 *

'_n'mt 5so so In is 34

1"2.~r 2 4w11 7301 l1ii 41A 411 459"1OSIMM WdI

*actuInr truupat wiuwt 40 414 313 am 30SuIidqi ,t,,r,M,, ,, ,itt§R, a i 4 51 J

ckmi.at* Fntlal a _*hr SW " 4W 3e 33 432Fl. in Im_ Eteristl & Hotels 9144 UK 544 31 3530

Of maich:Cruj aIt 373 339 24 147 2610

Cost 15 7n p 73 n 4FarrA Etate us3 10 19" lS 78Nmferr,. Ntte 13 149 121 2 101

Cake 300 339 22 104 109

Ir aOre 32 Is 1

ite Uamrial. for Fm*tuf Pro GI ion 190 45 221 102I 173

T o T AL 0m1 708 4710 *SSII 47

Of wield: m-,el lqot 4353 30 18 2101 2090

PecUt_0 tJmm- of Total

Final Prowtg 9.0 6.3 6.3 3.9 2.5

Consumption 1. 2.0 4.1 3.1 1.73I __mm 7.2 *.3 2.2 0.0 0.3

lntuialta CiB 91.0 93.7 93.7 01.1 97.s

Rubins" Wa d N IIAt 0.0 0.0 0.e e.g 0.0

3fttudu.n Tr -i rt Igaip 5.1 S.9 6.s 6.11 4.4

Iulldiumo rstsrlle md Fittings 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.3

CowcaL. Fl rtiltzear G 2 r 7.4 GA 6.3 8.1 9.2

Fuel* 5ma01t la Nattriola £ tate 3s "0 59.1 3.1 1.1 75.0

Of .61db:Crub oil 46.2 47.1 5..3 53.0 Ss.S

Coal 0.9 1.0 1,6 1.4 0.5

Farrpm Ntal. 4.3 3.1 4.1 2.3 1.7

amferrns metat. 2.3 2.1 2.4 1.9 2.2

coe 3.0 4.0 4.8 2.3 2.3

Ire Ore 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2

a motorilst foer Foodituf Ora fend 7.4 9.6 4.7 4.0 3.7

r 0 T A L 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Of Ieici: mon-oil loagorts 53. 52.5 4.7 ".1 4.S

Growth Rates . 3

Frnal Preoits *39.10 33.33 -39*.8 -3 .S3

Consumpt io 2.08 3.46 -25.13 -".0

I nwstwnt 8.20 65.35 *e664 2.20

Inteardlate Ce.0 -10.05 .3333 -0.77 4.79

Natinry an Emer WiAt

Inctlinq grpr:t Ewa'mnt e.e5 *24.78 .4.07 2.72

Betilding Int s atelo I ittin1 2s1J5 *25.4 17.02 -30.91

Chicalt. Fertiliasrr a 5.*kr -21.74 -31.62 15.31 17.07

Fl* Nmaw-arl Raw Nateriat. a metals *1l39 1 -.1 *o-. 3.16

Of .6ide-tnrs Olt -10.14 -26.70 -0.20 6.23

Cml 5.13 22.54 - *1.9 -7.12

Perreon Estast 10.22 -11.30 -46.1S -25.71

Nonferrous tal a 21.16 *16.73 -30.45 22.09

CAba 9,,t -33.01 t4.19 4.61

I1m Ore -59.3

tws Ntateorte for Iad'titf P.ongcum 4.01 -61.20 -1.4 -e 4.95

f Ot TL 12.0 -33.33 -3.23 3.25

of hich: mao-oil l *.11 3934 1, .5 e.2

........................ .... .... . .............................. .... .... .... .... ... .

SLWe: Oet. proided byw Mt's i, n mithor,ties.

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'able 3.14 : tinoiitim OF eWGiI. UCW,ETE cOENm"CMlIsI i t f V a"tr)

iwo iwo io "a it&............................................................................................

Fitit Pe o 1S55 15t 1511 113 139cetuwdes us us ea as soInveustmen Its ioa is6 SuI 111

lntwmulmte fl 3112 Sab1 ism 36 a"mmanly .5 Owl suw

lIhlulslq Trart Wsl st lW 115i 115s lD1 1295halidism _1iIsis US Flttlts 52 42 61 32 41cQmlt, rwmlilhn a _ r 25 US so w 31si*. uisuri ma. "§ints a u nit. 12SO I3 140 1727 1oOf flintCrude all

cut In 133 lS 311 342fers Metals 247 a5 313 3 305lmonfeuflstais 46 40 42 a acot 91 3 ¶31 111 aim Or& a 2a a. 2n 20am Malaits far PaStuff prattle MD 135 92 107 1"

TOTAL 47V 539 gmS SO 542Of Slet. "w.ell lirts 4 532 S

PanM Pol Ushr if Taea

fils PtSets 32.i 23.4 3e.0 24.3 24.5Cnstmele 9.1 3. 9.? 3.3 3.2

m JJ23.3 19.7 J.3 1S.3 16.3

lntimdls. GasS 47.1 714. re.0 rs.7 is.maneriey US OwSrip 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0lwiudIsg Trrawt EqipuZ 21.7 214. 22.9 24.2 23.0

kl1idlfq triats w- Fittinis 1.1 0.8 5.8 0.4 0.3C-sml. fartillam Suldh r 4.3 5.7 s.e 5.3 5.0rautm. mimrt Raw aterists A fttt 27.1 34.2 29.2 34.0 33.9Of shico:Crude sil 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0cmii 2.4 2.4 3.1 6.1 4.1FVie sna Mtas 1.2 4.9 6.3 6.1 5.4hswiverraA sttats 1.0 0.9 0.81 1.3 1.5coke 2.0 1.7 2.6 2.2 1.5mranU re 4.3 4.4 5.3 5.0 5.2im StrIate for Fcdscuff Pra"tIon, 2.3 3.4 1.5 2.1 3.0

1 0 T A L 108.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0of flick: Ean-ol t Iaorws 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

GratIs ia"" (

Flmin Prutsts -.1.5 .1.31 -1313 11.48CeIUs Ianl. 9.87 3.31 -16.6 13.30innaran *5.60 -3511 13358 10.59

IntirsMiuate Gouds 21.72 -8373 9.19 18.42Machinry we +..'r

including Trn'saru lempet 12.54 -0.17 4.47 5.20Builling alirNats .5 'stumn. -1952 2.233 *21.95 40.63Chemical. FertitIsars A Seer- 35.54i -8f03 4.08 5.24FI.tl Mineral sawn Mtstrate a Natal. 64.14 -2.3.3 17.54 10.34of *stic:

Cnude oiLcool 12.20 12.32 100.45 9.97F.ernsu metals 7.20 20.00 -3.14 4097Pmrforrnaus arta., 4.52 -14.20 541.74 32.31CES 532 47.1 .. 5.3 -21.62

Iren (e O0.73 3.4&7 8.92 1.102Rawn materiats Iv *O.fl -09.73 14.30 57.01

I 2TAL 14.07 42 0.99 10.53Of flich: Ian-oal IL.s 14.0? -4.42 099 10a."

InMM: Dat eproeidgd -,tyt *. - sw.

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1975 1960 1981 1962 Jan. 1 JuLy I 19M 19f 19S5......................................................................... .....................................................................................

-ueor of exhng retnExports 12 18 13 a 3 1 1 1 1Iorts 12 1S 3 2 1 1

Raw beten highet adlowst rates

Exports: highet 27.78 24.65 22 22 19.5 17.5lowest 8.7 5.63 a 12 16.5 17.5

Imorts: highnt 43.59 17.06 15 1S 16.5 17.5let 14.92 7.11 10 12 2/ 16.5 17.5

Averap rat 1/Exports 13.14 12.16 14.5 14.77 n.a. 17.slsorts 18.28 9.88 12.6 13.7 16.5 17.5Total 18.56 10.9 13.56 14.31 n.o. 17.5

CiOrcial rate 20 3/ 184/ 15 15 16.5 17.5End of perfod 18.33 17.79 15.73feriod average 17.179 21.2 17.14

h-c_rcll ratL 14.318 3/ 12 4 11 5/ 11 12.5 6/ 13.5Wof pored 14.13 12.7 11.23eriofd average 13.12 14.01 12.24

Exchang rates for lorts ofCrude oil 16.67 7.11 10 12 2/ 16.5 17.5Iron ore 17.57 10.21 14 1S 16.5 17.5Coking coal 14.92 9.06 14 1S 16.5 17.5

......... ........................... ......................................................................................................

NOTE 1 The rates until 1981 refer to imlpicit Pxchange rates defined as the ratiosof dosatic prices in Lei to world prices in US dollars. Ouoted rates referto thoe of fective fru aiw ry 1 each year unless othewise spfcif fad.

MOTE 2: A unified exchane rate for coaudity traed was introdur an July 1, 1983.At the s date, the peg for the cocrcial rate wn suitched free the U.S. dollar to abasAt of six currencies based an the geographical pattern of lRanifn trad- d payments.

1/-Effective weghtod averae exchne rate for trad in convortibL cuwrecies.2/*lisad to 15 an Juty 1, 1982.3/-Fron Octobr 2. 1974.4/-Frau March 6. 1978.5/-From February 11, 1901.6/-From Oeder 29, 1982.

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TAKLE 4.1t EXTERNAL DEOT AD CAPtTAL FLOUS 4J 1975-19M(Thousuad uS dott1o. current rice )


1975 1976 1977 1979 1980 1961 1962 U 963 196U......................................................................................................................

A. Outstanding ConvertibLe Debt 2513 3582 S0 7173 95s7 10160 9766 am60 7198(at end of yer)

of misch-Nudium and Long-tern 2696 3344 4171 5406 7431 8374 5607 390 6671Short-trm 115 238 903 1765 2124 643 771 490 327Arr r - - - 1143 388

B. mmw Commitunta Cduring yeer) 946 1051 1657 3764 2955 1406 3192 1149 272of which:

Nedusm *nd Long-term 946 843 1216 2050 1855 765 2546 750 -

Short-tern 235 441 1714 1100 643 546 399 272

C. Gross DOsbursemnt 1003 928 1989 4093 5029 3156 4135 1945 736of shichF

Nedi1m wnd Long- ter 921 925 1216 2105 2405 2513 3179 1S46 464howrt-ter 82 773 1963 2124 643 956 399 272

0. I yo nte 616 608 890 196 2702 3347 3970 2606 1712of sschbt

MNdium nd Long-tem 482 608 651 862 933 1222 2126 127 1179Short-term 136 239 1126 1769 2125 1089 941 533Arrers on short-tern - - 386

E. NIt Credit Flow CC - D) 387 320 1099 2105 2327 -191 165 -661 -976of ishch:

Ndium and Long-tem 439 320 565 1243 1972 1291 1053 269 -715Short-t -52 534 862 355 -1482 -88 -930 -261

F. Intest Paymnts 229 273 215 429 836 1115 962 799 765of ihich:

Nedism nd Long-tern 154 192 144 247 345 555 625 585 551Short-tern 75 51 71 182 491 560 337 214 187

e. Net Transfer CE - F) 158 47 8J4 1676 1491 -1306 -797 -1460 -17Uof ihch:

Nedism *nd Long-tern 285 128 421 996 1627 736 425 *316 -1296Short-tem -127 -81 463 650 -136 -2042 -1225 -114 -448

*reeceduted mouts.

of Cnvertible currency debt only.

SourCe: Infor_tfon provided by the RoananIw goverrnnt.

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TABLE 4.2 rn hlUN DEBT AM CAPITAL FLM By TYP OF CREDIT 3/ 1976-19*(US Del trs, tios ma)


1976 197 1978 1979 1930 1961 1902 19 1916.....................................................................................................................

Outstawd.no Comertibie Debt 2612 3582 S07 713 57 10110 97S U 71016(at nd of yeer)of thich:

OfficialIMF 276 325 333 323 428 680 931 1070 16oIID 2/ 143.5 285.1 453.6 59.6 32 1056 1485 15383 1Export Credits 1335 93 1120 1070 106s

PrivetsFIneanil Institutlens - 4654 SU 481s 4171 3123

d{IgN wid Lon-Ter - 410 445 440S 1 3123Short-Torm 551 63 410 100

S l ief Credits - 2320 2406 1415 96 574edia wid Long-Term - 745 1263 666 596 247

Short-Tom - 1575 1143 749 390 32

eu Commitments Cduring yer) 946 1081 1657 3764 2955 1406 3192 1149 272of Aich:

ORD 21 110 137 225.5 340 240 48 196.5 -

Gross Disents 1003 928 199 40 S029 3156 4135 19L5 736

of which:Officflt- INF 113 8S 49 55 153 406 346 19 190

IBUI2/ 124.4 145 166.1 141.6 189 332 361 385 131Export Credits ) 3721 111S 2346 970 217

Privete - financial Intitution)S4pLi am Credits 957 1097 Sea 412 196

n.puemnts 616 605 89 1988 2596 3231 30 260 1712of Ailch:

Official- IMF 47 69 63 106 116 45 166 134IB3 V2/ - 0.6 6.7 25 29 57 72 121Ezport Credft ) - - 1676 2193 3172 1496 U6S

Private - Finncial institutions)SiWplers Credits - - - 893 696 870 592

Interet Payments 229 273 215 429 336 1115 962 799 mof Aidch:

Official- IMF - - 21 39 41 98 9gIUM 2/ 1.S 17 28.3 S7 51 66 97 132 130Export Credfts ) - - 577 805 750 s 5s0

Privote- Finncial Institutfins)SW ta n Credfts t1o7 lS 74 71 43

1/ Include both mdfin ad eng term as 1L *ras short term debt in convertfble currecy only.

21 The I3R0 data for 1980-84 as reported kee are obtafned from the Iinnfangovweuent. The differ slightly frem t%e wcrld Bank figures in the Debt ReportingSystem because of differences in te vat .e ion of non-US dottlr-dnominated debt.

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...... .--------Outturn ............. Estimate1981 1982 1983 1984 1985


A. Revenue, total 280,342 277,408 259,364 310,938 362,645

Turnover tax 36,933 65,265 80.646 93,512 96,689Tax on net production 59,101 61,847 30,151 48.396 77,786Payments from profits 81.929 44,902 38,683 49,590 68,350Other taxes and revenues

fron sociaList units 20,809 18,725 20,757 25,271 21,350Taxes on agriculturat

coeperatives 942 1.186 1,282 1,278 1,550Taes on total Rmiunentlion

Fund 36.701 39,627 40,929 43,414 47,100Taxes and duties on thepopulation 3.216 3,860 4,013 4.190 4,181

Soial Insurance fee 34,740 37,644 3883 41,239 42,359Other 7,971 4,352 4,020 4,048 3.280

_. Expwnditure, total Z71,829 257,456 236,796 260.207 362,645

Finrncins of the natfonaleconomy 3A 162,138 148.705 136,296 154,761 189,747

SoaL uelfat , nd culturalwtivitie (current

expenditure) 74,354 82,597 82,43 86.805 90,926Ecation, culture & art 19,638 19,760 18,175 17,721 18,085Uelth, physical

education sports 15,779 16,968 16,692 17.622 18,022State scal fnwurce &

penfons 28.068 31.232 33.285 36.439 39,574Childrmn's tLl OB10869 14.637 14,291 15,023 15,245

National def 10,503 11,339 11,662 11,8 12,278Adeinistratfon & justice 3,657 3.791 3,646 3.637 3.840other 21,177 11,024 2,749 3.116 3,273Reserve funds 62.581

C. Surplus CA - 3) 8,513 19,952 22.568 50.731 0

Source: Data provided by the Romanian authoritfe.

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nfla 2.2: NWSIN1T UmIZ. 1oo4a

1m 11 1U 13 1910 IM1bUmha Mtual INS I1 We 1(,11ions of Is,) (Percunt of total)

Econec C Investment bygoverSmnt"' and bystat. enterprisa JILJL 132,. .14 lULl hLZL 2*34 IL MA Uh LZ 34 MAl Ei

Finarced by:State budget 93.7 Iii 94.5 92.8 118.0 142.6 (50.3) (41.4) (49.6) (46.6) (NI3) 157.5)Amertizatlon funds 52.6 47.6 49.7 51.9 52.6 53.1 (27.9) (26.0) (26.1) (24.9) (34.6) 121.1)

etained earnings another enterprise funds 17.3 11.0 14.1 15.2 22.3 23.2 (0.) (4.0) (7.4) (7.3) (18.2) (9.5)

Iean credit 23.1 41.4 32.1 48.4 33.6 26.5 (12.4) (22.6) (14.0) (22.2) (15.2) (12.2)

Other Inwestat bycentral gsvernwntl a.2 6.3 7.9 6.4 6.4 7.4 3.9 3.0 3.6 2.8 2.6 2.7

Other Invateant blocal govenrnt; 2.3 2.9 2.7 2.3 2.6 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.6 *.S 0.7

Intgstnt by cowecatlvs *.2z 114 11.4 -ILI _.L AA -Lh -l I 4*4 4.*2

letal tnvestmont bysocialist sector 2 lLl 50l-7 2124 IL 123 ZZj. ELI EL2J KA l LA EL M4

Investnt by private sector .. LZ .. L .. 2 .2 1L2 2.L 2 .LA C JU ... L -. L .. L

Total fixed investmnt 21R 5 U A l 21Li 1 J 25L.Z 27I Incl J3 100 14 Cl. 14 8 12 IN

J/ Inclulding Infrastructure investmnt.Z/ mainly of a social nature.

S : fta supplied by the 1anin authorities.

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ZAMIJJ: COlDlM upEOIhNTKhS lai, 975, Iwo lost, 1ns(in perent. effative fre Jarary I * - ymr)

Memi erudtte iniis er.jtU1575 _Sa i__ 1 l 17 1 I o n

Industry. tran_PUt1tiu. services.tahnicel _U mterial supply.fOrisgn tred 5.0 6.6 3.6 5.6 12.6 12.6 12.1 5.6

Lorculturs 2.0-4.6 2.0-4.6 5.6 2.6 12.1 12.1 12.1' 6.6C'mtructi. 2.0 2.6 s.e 2.0 12.6 12.6 12.1 4.6

intic trade 2.0 2.6 6.0 5.6 10.0 16.6 10.1 S.0

ToisecAne units 2.6-4.0 2.6-4.6 5.6 3.6 6.0 e.0 5.6 5.0For lack of pl_md r_abr 8.s a.e 3.6 5.e 12.0 12.6 12.0 5.6To thu pWulatim ftr r11ng 2.0-6.0 2.64.0 5.64.6 2.0-6.6 8.9-12.0 1.0-12.0 0.6-12.0 8.0

Maina -tai i e snw 1.5 1.5 2.6 1.5 - - -

1ntaraut P3mm mm AuIt

Current account 1.S l.S 2.6 2.6O_1sts In accouts fwr mre

ttm ena n r - - 5.6 4.6De_Usts of te pulatio s 2.0-5.0 2.0-5.0 3.0-4.6 2.6-5.6_Umost of savings b1a In

laifnal Um* 4.71 4.75 s.n5 4.75Domits In foreign currmy 2.0-5.0 2.0-5.6 2.0-5.6 2.6-5.0

A Leels established by Decrw 381/1904. Usneber 1. 1944.

vl U in agricultural cooperatives.

MU: ew inteet ratn for credits extended by the ba*s for replmniskint of the pajnt capacityae 1-23 igher tha intest rates for noval credits.

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It ^ t A *, 1J& k/n Tntik(billion) (billion lei) 1"1i-iuS 1m-_

Sector 1 _re In 1 12 19 lg 13 luL 4 Prat Pn Pecct

Industry(lcl. *neroy) 652 54 165 102 112 124 146 509 S0 64-630 60of which:

Enhroy 1/ 207 17 31 27 44 51 33 112 lV 17 276-302 20Metkllurgy 63 5 123 1 2 12 13 11 26j 6 71 5Machne-bldg. 127 11 27 21 23 26 20 71 j 11 104 aChemiCals 114 10 16 13 13 12 1 9 29j 6 97 7Others 141 12 18 19 20 21 63 61 g 9 256 It

Construction 39 3 7 a a 10 10 43 4 36 3

Agriculture(nel. forestry) 136 ,/ 11 23 34 37 41 4S 191 16 179-199 13

Transport andtelecomnication 113 9 21 27 29 26 23 1Z2 11 121 9

Housing 107 9 23 26 25 (23 26 ( ) 139 to( ( )

Other services as 7 12 12 13 ( . ( . 71-7 5(44 18) (213 19)

Uon-allocated funds 68 6 6 7 5 ( )

Total A/ .iZD in ZI Zi 2U1 2L Z 11.m I 1350-1400 In

i/ Investmnt figures for theJ931-1955 plan period are expressed in 19S prices.hl Current prices of* each year.Vf In 1960 prices the figure is 15S billion lei.d Total for 1911-1963.Z/ Figures my not add up due to rounding.1/ Including fuel.

Sourcs: Statistical Yearbook and data provided by the Government.

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--------------------- SHARES ---------------------- ----------- G ---------Itele 1970 1,75 1930 1911 12g2 1983 1934 19n 1292 1932 1934

zaisltry 51.3 S.1 S7. 61.3 54.0 56.5 55.9 -4.5 -13.3 6.5 5.3Comntruetimn 10.4 9.3 5.5 7.2 I.A S.1 3.7 -26.4 17.0 -1.6 15.0^fiaalture mmd

Furnstry 12.4 11.5 10.2 13.4 12.3 14.6 15.1 13.4 -5.9 13.9 11.5Tranmpwrtatlmn 16.2 15.6 15.0 10.6 15.7 15.3 14.0 -36.6 45.6 4.9 -4.3Toloteomiwcation 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.J 0.6 0.7 -9.3 12.1 -20.7 33.9Trad 2.9 3.5 1.6 2.1 2.7 1.3 1.7 17.3 2S.3 -33.0 6.6Nmec10 1 Srwvicn 2.0 3.1 2.S 2.1 2.5 1.5 1.9 -24.3 16.9 -26.1 13.3

of which: Housing 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 3.1 -27.6 -15.1"ue.. Culture. Arts 1.0 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.2 -45.6 5.2 -60.8 -36.6

Scietific Services 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.5 1.0 -26.1 1.7 4.1 43.2Pub. Health. Sports 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 -22.2 41.2 -67.0 16.9Aidnistrati1n 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 -19.6 32.1 -66.2 195.9OIhr brarahhs 0.4 1.3 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 -30.7 12.9 -36.5 -9.3

Total * 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -16.1 -1.6 3.7 5.1

g'urne for 1970 are expressed in 1963 prices and those for 197S in 1977 prices.Figsw for 1900-1901 are expressed In 1931 prices.Figurs for 192-19B4 are expressed in current prices.

' Figrs not add up to 100 due to rounding.

S:: lased on data provided by R1nian authorities.

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-------------------------------------------------------------- __-------------__------------------------------

------------------- SHAIES ----------------- G -Zti 1970 1975 1950 19S1 19U2 1962 1964 1961 1962 193 1964

Electricity & Power 1323 9.o S.6 6.5 9.9 10.7 9.6 11.60 2 .20 14.92 -2.59Fuel S 3 9.5 9.6 11.0 13.6 17.9 17.S 86.7 7.25 40.83 6.34Ferrous Metallurgy 11.8 1.9 11.6 10.0 9.1 .1 8.3 -17.74 -20.56 -5.66 12.22*onfer. Metallurgy 1.7 2.6 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.7 2.7 -4.64 -5.72 39.36 11.19Mach. Bldg. a Proc. 25.2 25.0 36.6 34.4 31.1 30.2 30.4 -10.56 -21.72 3.46 9.60Chicals 10.5 15.1 14.5 16.2 14.2 11.1 11.9 6.76 -23.91 -16.36 16.46Nonferrous Mining 1.1 0.5 0.4 O.S 0.2 0.6 1.1 1S.32 -46.S0 99.25 109.64Construction S.9 S.0 4.4 3.6 3.4 2.3 2.4 -22322 -13.06 -27.03 11.00Wood Processing 4.7 4.3 1.9 2.0 2.6 2.2 2.7 -1.13 12.34 -6.08 27.25Pulp and Paper 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.0 1.6 -11.43 -24.26 96.15 -14.56Glass and China 2.S 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 -23.16 -13.72 -19.24 7.66Textiles 5.6 5.0 5.6 4.7 3.1 2.6 3.2 -19.67 30.05 -20.67 22.23Clothing 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 -17.17 39.02 11.40 6.69Furs. Leather. etc. 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 13.02 -7.41 -20.67 -2.57Food Processing 7.8 6.4 4.1 S.7 6.6 7.2 6.7 22.62 0.69 17.61 -0.05Printing 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 35.96 -47.11 -45.31 24.29Other Branches 0.7 0.8 0.5 OS 0.6 0.7 0.6 -1.21 -6.12 19.22 -3.53

Total. Manufac. c 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -4.51 -13.24 6.54 5.7

AFisures for 1970 are expressed in 1963 prices and those for 197S in 1977 prices.Figures for 1900-1951 are expressed in 1951 prices.Figures for 1952-1984 are expressed in current prices.

* Figures amy not add up to 100 due to rounding and minor adjustaentin original data.

Source: Based on data provided by Romnian authorities.

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Xbmin *. 1: bOOLUCYbO OF PRINCIPAL MRUCULTIWL COOS. 1937-1966(Thousand tons)

1915 1976 1977 1978 1979 196 1961 1962 1963 1934

Grains - total hIM IUll 1L4 1IRZ&4 1 9 2M 10 45 22 1235 2 saof bicbh

WH"t and rye 4912 6773 6SJ 6310 4716 6467 5245 660S S2S Z627main 9241 11562 10114 16268 1242S I1S5 11892 12626 11962 13274larley and

two-row barley 962 1231 13S9 2307 2044 2466 2571 3052 2192 2448

Sugar beet 4905 6911 6246 S845 6109 SS62 S441 6647 4819 7018

Sunflowr 726 799 1507 16 see 817 610 847 706 s51

Soya 213 213 191 230 326 448 266 361 2S9 407

Flaw and hwp 247 327 248 299 229 271 16 167 263 217

tatdoes 2716 4768 4207 4465 4562 413S 4447 S006 6209 6291

Field Vegetables 2392 3472 3104 3518 3276 3439 3826 4732 4467 6028

Fruit 1161 13S2 1455 1316 1806 1418 1349 2043 2000 2062

Grape 1112 1S36 14S9 1321 1466 1313 1755 2192 1711 1752

Mot (Livewightl ' 2012 2157 2286 2308 2S38 2437 2427 2223 2225 2415

Cow- s milk ('000 hl) 40990 44821 48775 50863 5113 49773 4S729 42777 47290 50221

Iwol 321S2 32020 34699 35937 37325 37376 35961 32596 39352 42254

Eggs (millions) S412 6153 6299 6650 7065 6727 7017 7155 7465 8012

Os Destined for slaughter.

SurW.: Statistical -Yearboo! d data provided by Rannian authorities.

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0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Thousands) tons (Thousands) tons

4 rp.~~~~~~~~~~~d4in*~

313~I I I ~ 3


I-I I~~~9

b - I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t

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- 65 -

T sabl 6-2: 2hNPAL hIhCTMS rS AUACULTI NUC1KT FrwnL I AMO Zf&TZ. In-1184

1915 1071 191 1i70 11 IWO 1H1 IH2 9U2 116

Nhmers of Nachines:

Agricultural tractors UU41 11441 111521 10158i 137121 143674 106134 l51401 140172 13251

Tractor dram ploughs 57676 77025 12792 U62 1074" 102665 104 116759 16911560 101576

Mechanical cultivators 2726H 20733 24724 3i042 6 3297 299 41907 39791 455 322717

Chotcal frrtiliwr spreaders 091 7e32 96 3272 14"4 1490 11075 1322 1225 12001

Imhanical srayrs an dusters 11316 12U2 l164i 14799 21917 22714 2:428 U2U2 26762 220

Tractor-dram grain cminnn 17337 14244 14633 14411 13 4137 1573

Ml" cI e"as 1512 1420 1264 II16 1425 91I 277

Self-ropelled cobines' 1127 17056 21131 2421 34442 2975 4922 3323 52325 49457

Usa of: Fertiliers I100o tons)lIn taw of active inuredientl 929 liii 1025 1111 1217 1114 1032 1677 1157 11"

Irrigatod Area (e60 ha) 1474 1729 1054 265 2252 2261 2215 223 1166 2612

Agricultural Area 1 OS ha) ... ... ... ... 196 149" 14964 1411 14193

S : Statistical Yearbook and dat provided by thr R_1nian authorities.

MM: Data for sme years are net constant with corresponding igues In the Statistical Yearbook adG_ve Ints cmnemic _wan (aJue 1995).Figures for 196 do not tnclude machinery passed frm mechanization units to State Form.

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*13 *-: LIVES1O. 1976-196(OW of Vearl

1975 1976 197 1976 1979 196 191 Ina 1963 964

Cattle sushmns 6121 "A1 6364 G111 4113 G6 63t3 GM 6112 763Pigs a*im 1si3 97. l033 ismw 1l1t2 1246 1264 12317 14717Shmee* 131s 1331 14463 2 15613 IU20 I 665 1726n 16121 11i 13s63Poltry * 7872 91502 119 99721 95417 9736 109244 111467 119237 121t62

P.epan.uaaa ttl. hv r

CAWa in in jig in in in in inState units aN coopetives 57 57 s5 St 61 *1 *1 63 GO GoPrivte snter 43 43 42 41 40 39 9 3 44 4o

rim nA in in In M in in in in inStte ufits andeoopeativs 71 67 67 73 76 72 71 75 73 71Private seter 27 32 33 27 24 23 29 25 36 29

am in in in in in in in in in inState units ul ePoo.rativs 51 56 5o 5s u 57 sZ 6s a6Private sector 46 4 2 *2 42 43 46 5o so so

Poultry in ion in in in in in in in inState units aN cerative 53 43 56 S4 S7 57 S 61 61 * 2Private sector 47 52 44 46 43 43 42 39 29 33

Sma: ta p ided by Gove t.

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1275 1976 1977 n97 1979 19M 12 196 I9S 19NS

ilhat wd ry kg/ha 205 273 2520 2710 2203 25U7 2496 2973 2321 3193

Puls kg/h 2731 3414 3036 2203 3717 3390 3IS6 4229 3620 4244

SurntS h/ha 1425 1534 1572 1195 1711 160 1642 179 1436 179

Sugr Whot kg/ha 19o4 29442 24537 23407 23615 23397 1927) 24741 16790 25982

GrCoes hg/ha 3264 50e2 4957 4509 5613 4906 6763 8472 6572 662

capita 1636 1779 Isle 19" 1961 1901 1777 1706 1693 1196

INgS uni ts/capita 139 147 147 151 159 1G6 1S9 1M1 1S 173

wool kg/capita 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7

Smize: Ote proide by Gmvernint.

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2* 2a)





1175 1171 :177 1173 11071 lUll 1I1 1332 1lUl 1114

3 Wet & Ryre

X =_ Ej' ~~~~~~~~~~~~Sunlflower

Son*S 10 1J01 1 * 1 ;71 1;23 1Gae

4 Mbmiai X ze& Xk

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175 .


_6 180_0.

c) X 1s

140 -

I mys lope 1177 Io I| ;1| 11l I 1;81 1 ;12 1 ;13 11U4

' ii 115-




1175 1U7 137 137 1171 133 111 II liii 1314

d) C6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o *

2.4 -

2.3 d


SOr* 2.be43 4

*Cos il i ltes2.pta

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1975 1976 1977 197 1979 1910 1961 19 19 1916................................................................................................................................


Neat A _at produets (thousand ten) 165 165 194 15S 225 191 206 136 110 145.2

Cerels (thousnd tans) 11" 1633 2052 1853 629 1720 1534 1147 530 340

Chee CthoAwd Ctns) 6 a 8 11 a 9 4 S 5 6.6

Freh vgetable (thousnd ters) 15i 176 198 193 185 193 16 140 112 12..4Cwed vsgtabltn (thousand ton) 49 59 92 67 61 72 71 6 74 53.8

Fr, sfruits (thousand tea) So 31 104 77 39 43 4 5 60 70.7

Caed fruits (thousand tam) 59 65 101 93 90 83 83 72 65 63Efg (mIlltons) L.04 553 552 391 433 26 23 147 33 U

Anmlt re (thousnd ten) 21 29 35 43 30 19 47 15 20 19.1Edible aft (thousd tons) 141 57 1s8 131 146 S 82 107 96 109.6lmr (thound tons) 84 71 87 91 90 103 a 8S 79 71.5

Fodr (thous tons) 353 243 295 220 341 382 651 170 141 133.5

Flshproiwts cthom nd tan) 30 31 22 25 24 36 26 2A 7 12.8

lice (thaused tm) 62 5s 35 62 67 s7 56 62 4 44.3

Ccos (thousrd tans) 13 14 12 14 14 12 11 6 6 4.5

Citric fruits (thouBand ton) 71 51 83 86 BB 96 94 96 52 45.5

-ulr (thosmaed tnm) 19 119 205 135 183 194 105 165 277.2


.MCE: Date provided by theoRomanian authorities.

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Tabl 6.6a 1MIS m IN61S OF MNI AhIA1UM4 P6WEIUJ. 1976*19 6CNIttlna of CLrrflt UMI

197 199 1960 1961 1962 16 16 *.... ... ,^^*.. *. .. Z. ............................................................................. ......

tseltilt son.se. satglls von.ms. sctlostt Mon.l. sboistio Nm-$W. so1lollt Nunim. bIoalist Uuw$oc. SfeltIst lrsO.Camtmel CumtrIr Cautri. Caatrqog Comtrfoeg Coaurf1 Cmmtri. Cumtins Ceaitrieo Cogtries CcatrfIs Cotmtnf. Cuigwarf Cmintrl

6310T1 343,410 639,40 337,64U7 60,411 396,306 155,700 366,412 113,54 38,2 495,0 s4,597 207,33 344,556 2900

Cmte, Is.gf eeulcd. 22,257 23,2 19,45 74,015 113,3 316,619 1939w6 09,2m 21,308" 11,525 76,135 10.448 S,5 5,550Nsat wd owa proite 16,119 210,449 16,471 333,4 14,776 304,227 16,871 181,671 14,396 192,300 133,487 4,076 2S,44 76,352age... 14,250 11,941 S5,097 7,196 6,9 10,008 9,1Frih "tim 46,159 14,272 ",2M S 7,3 80,640 1,6 ot1,0ta 13t,902 72,925 10,499 52,164 11,64 51,632 16,456Cew w.tae4s, 14,129 9,196 11,450 I1,961 28,756 11,59 31,7061 6,142 30,650 6,001 s2.972 19,614 28,6 66fro" fruits 1T,523 14U,1S 4,413 14,061 1,S36 1,129 12,001 9,3Ts 13,221 4,71s 16,424 7,33 16,556 7,162* tpme 21,4" 364 16,159 491 2r,916 no 2e,s71 440 34.994 S" 21,117 32 19.712 MGCurmd frults 40,961 9,510 43,811 6,435 48,155 4.010 55,535 4,2 357,91S ,206 35,63 4., 20,450 in'"06 18,610 18,619 13',6 18,696 6,400 1,SSI 3,316AntIt edile erae 2,761 24,144 9,o4 10,325 12,127 2,"6 2,49 96,400 1,152 2,917 4,6 2VA4=2 20,526 2.. s3Idibte oil 1,030 A1,192 2,717 102,612 11 49,2e1 2.s9 50,62 54,6693 3,0 40,60 77,6l5Wins (weraut old cOrn

PM" SKdtIdid 112,7Or 6,316 115,649 6,446 121,60 12,101 9,m 12,17 114,27 9.20M 119,434 9,301 10O.515 7.r,Otkg sI1datIc drlr* e

(euuantroted out ofIre aotiied) 23,619 185 27,62 261 30,2 324 26,007 161 27,64 24 31,750 1,0n 13,049 119

IP1TS 48,6 124,276 62,46 210,402 107,376 26,5 93,225 406,473 73,624 163.401 76,306 61,n73 20.141 1s4,76,

Curin^trstei fdr 43,222 11',47 124.002 245,042 117r,55 6 1.0 FIdg ad ffis prox:s 10,063 1,712 10,69 71 11,27 S,S67 6,62 4,237 7,2ss 02 7U435 55 59 stRICe 2,305 29,215 21,96 3,291 19,65s 9,538 14,120 9,5S32 10,06 10.028 7.9*2Coco 6,161 45,05 6,449 46,737 49,95 4,227 19,907 7,691 10,336 1,059 9,636 10,326 9.2?sCitric fruits #,eU3 29,429 S3,e.5 36,306 26,000 15,943 10,972°"119 10,541 13.n 16,153 15,567 1327 10,615 9,017

fdfibe oil 1,67 2n5 2,493 410 1,614 11,343 2,00 6,022 2,32 112 3,459low rd rPffr d W0 33,064 6,254 22,300 8,359 80,974 59,6 u,42 5s,9s 93,153

Ii-Oats fotr s.laist comtnrfs we In r-cowsrtiblia eurraml. only; date fer - -0iotiat comtrlos gee In cwr.stiblt as will a ra n-cmrtible cwnrnclsu.


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TABLE 741: OMo MmuurAL MiCaTION Pf ina0-uTcmm* 1ws-IM(Sultlen Leil

197 1 1977 1978 1979 19m0 i§ 19J2 1983 134Cin 1963 pries) (in current pries)


TOTAL 586.9 660.6 753.8 317.2 883.7 93.1 909 1009.1 1101.6 1174.6

Produer Goods 424.3 478.9 545.8 603.1 651.3 697.4 5.4 m 822.5 877.4Caonumsr Goods 162.6 131.7 208 214.1 232.4 231.7 243.6 238.1 279.1 297.2ElectrIcfty and Thewl

Pomer 15.8 17.2 13.6 14.7 15 16.5 23.3 28.3 36.1 39.7Fuel 21.4 23.1 39.2 40.9 41.5 41.9 81.7 82.7 106.7 110.2Ferrous Netallury 46.3 51.5 58 62.9 66 69.6 66.9 82.7 76.7 U.8Nan-Ferroma MetaLlurgy 16.1 17.2 26.4 2.8 28.3 30.3 36.9 40.4 41.1 42.7Nadine gldg and etal.

Procensing 190 220 237.4 29.7 300.5 329.7 275.6 299.7 319 342.4ChIcatls 66.5 77.3 67.8 75.2 76.9 81.5 U.5 96.9 113.8 124.8Construction NateriaLs 18.1 20.5 24.2 23.6 30.9 31.8 31 34.3 31 39.8Lut.r ard Mood Procesfnsr 34.6 36.3 46 47.4 50.4 51.4 48.5 55.5 58.7 60.3Texttle 39.7 46.2 62.6 67 73.3 76.4 67.9 78.7 81 80Clothing 29.8 33 n. 23.6 30.9 33.4 33.3 31.3 38.1 42.5Leather. Fur and Footwear 11.4 *2.6 15.8 17.2 18.6 20.6 19.4 22.2 24 25.9Food Proceing 76.9 83.9 111.6 111.9 120.2 120.2 101.3 120.1 127.3 134.8Other 20.3 21.8 24.1 25.3 29.2 32.8 32.7 36.3 40.4 42.7

................ ......................................................... .. .........................................................................

* Pulp md papr fncluded.

source: Statistical Yearbook mrd date provided by the Uoiniton authorfties.


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-(1977 PIECES) ................. .m... PR. CL-t-N-PtCE........ICE195 1976 1977 1975 1979 IWO 1931 19Q 191 1934


TOTAL 66125 69350 0673 9716 104321 107056 105490 101543 11164 1240K

Praiser Goods 5339 58578 68374 34071 90594 MM0 WT37 341 969 109689Conse r Goos 9766 IoM 11799 13M 13 1n7n7 157 13104 1u 14405

Electrtcity and ThmalPoar 9217 96 9660 10M9 11030 11578 14210 18 22324 2602T

Fuel 9330 10167 l1a 12215 12176 1408 16327 13349 21957 25034Ferroum MetalLurgy 445 7439 813 10976 11876 12477 10039 70 81U6 903NOnV-FerrOW Metallurgy 1962 2548 2707 2994 22 2640 2475 2313 3339 4170Machine .win and MetaL

Processing 12549 14334 19334 24002 27343 30909 27346 21373 23257 256a6Chmleca 9744 U91 12514 15576 1837 14963 15554 13002 12555 12832Construction Materials 3005 3225 291f 4232 4691 44"93 3521 2377 240 2314Lutr and wood Processing.

Ppe nd Pulp 3274 2m 3231 3926 3663 315; 3152 3346 4262 4640Textlie 2236 2352 3039 3496 3460 4279 3497 2440 2107 2255Clothing 349 249 325 393 322 275 246 340 35 435Leoothr. Fur mid Footwear 281 270 340 494 354 311 305 290 294 239food Prom ing 4409 4799 464 4391 4831 4725 5833 6322 8070 3164Claees China, Frelence 251 323 s15 6 an3 711 497 391 361 371Mining of Mon-Ferrous

Prodets 379 37 346 60S 613 432 554 272 m 1474Others 166 1957 2273 2239 15 3017 1814 1543 410 1411

Source: Statistical Tarbook aNd ate provided by the Mmi_n a uthoritie.

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(1979 * 160)

saw a/ Social Depre-mterials Fuels Enrgy Tax Deduct. ciatlon

Electric energy 178.0 31.3 137.S 136.0 126.1 119.3Fuels 263.9 40C.4 2S1.0 204.9 212.3 202.9

Coal 172.6 325.0 271.4 143.7 165.7 162.3Coke 248.0 193.2 506.6 229.6 250.0 100.0Oil 306.1 469.6 360.6 240.6 219.1 224.7

Ferrous mtallurgy 106.4 142.4 197.6 106.1 112.4 115.2Non-ferrous mtallurgy 147.P 192.9 191.2 113.9 116.7 116.6Machine building 161.5 276.7 170.3 104.0 102.6 126.2Ch_ncals 163.2 493.4 232.5 110.9 112.2 114.0Ninerals 267.1 432.0 412.5 132.9 183.3 215.4Construction materials 121.6 282.1 132.3 96.8 166.0 106.0Ibod processed 1l2.9 269.4 180.2 110.1 116.6 166.9Cellulose 106.2 232.1 16S.4 93.9 166.6 97.2Glass. cIna 126.0 454.6 165.7 106.1 10.1 125.0Tentiles 99.9 362.1 203.6 123.6 132.4 139.3Clothing 115.2 466.0 OO.6 151.7 156.0 140.0Shoes. leather 123.7 400.0 2".7 139.6 140.4 111.5Food processed 97.8 304.6 164.4 113.1 115.2 124.7Cosmetics 176.7 .. .. 160.6Printing 129.0 106.0 200.0 114.3 125.6 114.3Others 118.3 .. 260.0 100.6 166.0 100.0

A/ Fetributili.

burM: Statistical Yearbook. 1980. 194 (pp. a5. 110 and 1S7. 213. respectively).

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!abl 7.4: CONSTRUCTION OUTPUT BY TYPE. 1975-1983 ^(Percentages)

------------------------------------------------------------- __--------------__-----

---------------- Shares ---------- Growth1975 1980 1981 1982 1983 1980-83


Total m100.0 1000 A0 160.0 100.0 129] 7

Industrial Construction 38.5 41.3 39.1 38.7 40.7 127.7

Agricultural Construction 5.2 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.1 120.4

Public Building -- -- -- -- -- --

Residential Building 17.2 19.7 20.6 21.1 19.3 126.B

Roads 4.9 3.7 4.4 C5 4.4 154.6

Railways 3.4 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.6 118.6

Supply Network 4.9 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.3 128.2

Power Distribution 6.8 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.3 114.6

Other B/ 19.1 16.8 17.9 17.8 18.3 149.4

A Based on 1977 prices for 1975 and 1980 and current prices afterwards.

" Calculated In the table as residual.

92"g,: Based on data provided by Government.

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............................. .................................................... d.......................

CR0e OIL 151110 P UT............................. ................................................................................


............................. ..........................................................................

- ............. .(thouman tun)CU ..................................- .......--- S NiLL mtio) .

1975 149 55 55 2003 19791 6176 13415 538.5 400.1 138.41976 15052 U75 2352 23039 752 15197 m.2 717.1 18.1197 15002 864 236 2333 6742 165 U1.1 A5. -187.3197 14041 12937 26995 2554 7559 1795 746 1218.3 -472.8l979 12663 149 261 26 6164 192 1744 2051 -3071980 11O 15961 27 2701 6976 V/ 8In 2153 33 -15851931 1nnrl 12678 Z L9 24S21 7m V 16421 20u2 353 -13371982 12112 1094 23036 225 6099 2/ 166 1532 2462 -9313 11974 Z195 239 23M 2 2 1465 1943.1 2457.2 -494.'19U 11535 13534 25369 240 lO2 14175 216.2 2610.1 -44S.91985 3/ 1300 14000 27000 26200 10900 15300 2200 2100 4600

... ............. ........................ ... ... .......... ................... ...... .......... .........................................

1/ IncLu.el a ett must of tiquiffed naturat gs.2/ CGotolne, disol otl wd hosting oit.3/ Forecasts.

Source: Oata provided by the Ramnen eutbowitlee.

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mission---------------------------- Actual A/ --------------------------- - EuiteIMUs -

Eta. 1975 1977 1971 1979 1911 1911 192 1932 1944 1931 1990

Installed Cakaaeltv hb. Source (NW)

2112 1=S 15603 JIM I 1610 11741 I7S 4I4ll 211100

Hydropower 2705 2912 2102 3225 3455 2523 2724 2385U 4062 4600 5100 CeThermoelectric ia 10548 11041 12377 12554 13079 13736 14162 14762 15300 152000 4/of Sihch coal-based .(616) h

Nuclear -- - 1400 /

rletrir Poer Production (billion Kwhl

Hydropower 8.1 9.3 10.5 11.2 12.5 12.7 ;1.9 10.0 11.3 16.0 17.0 I/Thermoelectric 50.2 50.5 52.5 52.5 54.3 57.4 57.1 50.2 0.23 63.0 23.0

of Shich coal-based (17.9) (17.61 (17.4) (19.9) (21.4) (261 J/Nuclear - - - - - -. 0

Percanta-u Shaers

Installed Camoitw 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Hydropower 22.0 21.4 21.9 20.7 21.4 21.3 21.4 21.6 21.6 23.1 22.4Thermoelectric 73.0 73.1 70.1 79.3 73.5 73.7 783. 73.4 73.4 76.9 70.2of Stich coal-based (46)

N_lear - - 5 4

Power Proadwtlon 100.0 100.0 180.0 100.0 190.0 138.0 100 .0 1 .0 0 100. 180.0 100.0

Hydropower 13.9 15.7 1656 17.4 13.3 13.1 17.1 14.4 15.3 12.7 19.2Thnrwelectric 61 64.2 82.4 32.6 31.2 31.4 52.9 85.5 64.2 U33 71.5

of Stich coal-based (32) (213 (21) (23) (25) (41)Nuclear - - - - - - - - - - 9.1

&/ From Covernant s Econsic Nmormnduin. June 1985. Table 39. and Statistical Yearbook.' Mario Ours. The Oevelopnnt of Qemnian Enlry., Swiste aoini ca Heo. 32. August tO. 1984. pp. 4-6. 23.

cL Esed on new capacity of about 500 NW to cow onstrema In 1936-90 free hydre projects which are alreadyundery.

dj Assming that closine of units operating on hydrocarbons proceeds no faster than opening of new capacity.a/ AssuwAne only two units of Cornavoda 1750 NW each) are operational by 1990.fr Assuing an impronemmit In the utilization factor of thermoelectric plants from about 0.55 in 1984 to 0.57 In

1M0.a/ Used on assund output of lignite and brown coal (Table 7.7). The mission stimate assune 1.7 tons

lignite:1000 Kwh (Implying on average 3.0 kcal/Kuh).

.. x not available - * nil

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--------------------------ACtual A/-------- - ----- - [St1nt -lItS 1976 1977 1973 1979 19U 1501 193 1939 1964 19s3 191s

Crude Oil (million tons) 14.7 14.7 13.7 12.2 ll.S 11.6 11.7 11.6 11.5 12.1 14.6

Oil Products (million tons) 23.0 23.2 25.5 26.7 27.1 24.5 22.6 22.5 24.6 26.7 / 33.6 a/

Natural Gas (billion mI 326.2 3S.1 2S.4 33.9 21.0 26.9 37.3 25.1 25.5 37.9 23.7

Net Coal (million tons) 25.5 26.3 29.3 32.3 35.2 26.9 37.9 44.6 44.2 U.S 71.3of *hich:

Lignite and Brown Coal 27.1 23.6 30.7 26.7 3SI J/ 4O .0 Al 66.S S/

" From Govenent's Econamic Narando. June 1935. Table 42* Statistical Yearbook, and Table 7.S.Frm 1934 Co1mique on Plan Fulfillment.

Ci Oerlved fra sam of crude oil produced and Iworted in that year (see Table KI-8). Eote that if the argin (inforeign exciane) betwen the iport of crude oll and export of refined products Is unfavorable, exports shouldbe nil; it could also be preferable to mnt the domstic d_end for refined products by ilortine thm diretly.rather than by i1eorting crude for local refining. It either of these options we chosen, refinery btui twould be considerably redueod.would bn on csidctay of out 3.6 million tons to cae onstro I n 1986 fron projects in Tirna1-CerisoausValea de tai. Timiseni-Pinoas Corieva Jest lord, and Cuprifere Sarce Rosia. nd assming som_ incre Inproductivity of existing minn.

EX sad on new capcuty of about 17 million tons to com onstrem In 1966-90 from above projects as well as thosin Lupeni-Sud. Pesteava. Srinul Jiet Sud, and Carieva Nosia Jiu. and assuwing se increae in productivity ofexisting mines.

NM: Crude oll excludes Natural Gas Liquids (HaL). amunting to about 0.4 million MT annally. Natural gasIncludes associated ga nd methane.

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---------------------------------------------------------- __-----------------__-----------------------

1976 1978 1980 19B1 1982 1983 1984-------------------- Actual -------------------------------

Total Eneray (million TOE) Alof which:

Industry 36.6 41.3 44.1 45.7 45.4 46.1 49.8Agriculture 6 Forestry 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.9 2.6Transport & Teleconiunicattons 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.7Household S.7 6.4 6.7 7.1 7.2 6.7 6.8Total 56.7 60.8 64.0 65.9 64.4 64.7 68.3

Pere it or Total Consumptionof which:

Industry 64.6 68.0 68.9 69.3 70.5 71.3 72.9Agriculture & Forestry 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 3.8Transport & Teleconmunications 5.5 5.1 5.1 4.8 4.4 4.1 4.0Household 10.1 10.5 10.5 10.8 11.3 10.4 10.0

Consumtian Elasticities *with respect to GDP

Industry - 0.49 0.36 0.88 -0.25 0.22 1.11Agriculture & Forestry - 0.68 -0.15 -2.98 -1.25 -0.95 -0.87Total - 0.50 0.79 1.16 -0.86 0.12 0.77

(average 1976-80=0.46) (average 1981-84.0.38)

lotal Consumption Per CaRita c 2.64 2.78 2.88 2.95 2.86 2.87 3.02(Toe/Inhabitant)

Al From Government's Economic Memorandum. June 1985. Table 40. Converted from Tons Cop! Equivalentat average caloric value of 7000 Kcal/Kg standard coal and 10.2 million kcal/mt 'OE. BecauseTOE figures are obtained from data in TCE using average conversion factorb. .nere are smalldiscrepancies for some years in relation to demand figures on Table 1IZ-B.

0d' Calculated as percentage rate of annual change in consumption/percentage rate of annual changein real GOP. for respective sectors and for total.

c- For reference, comparator countries had the following energy consumption per capita (in TOE) in1983:

Portugal 1.2Yugoslavia 1.9Hungary 3.0Poland 3.1Bulgaria 4.4Czechoslovakia 4.7

Source: IBRO. World DeveloWment ReRort. 1985.

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1976 1977 1973 1979 1930 1981 1931 1913 1934

flectrieitv Consit mtynIbillion KuKlof which:

Industry 25.7 38.1 40.0 41.1 42.7 44.1 45.0 46.1 43.9Households 4.3 4.8 5.4 5.4 4.9 6.1 6.1 6.0 4.3

Total Actual Use S2.7 S5.6 58.5 60.3 62.9 66.1 66.2 63.6 70.8

Plus losses in Transport. Distrib. 4.1 4.1 3.9 3.9 4.0 2.9 3.8 3.8 3.9

Total. Including Losses 56.8 S9.7 62.8 64.2 67.9 70.0 70.o 72.4 74.7

Percent of Actual aonsumNtIon

Industry 67.7 68.5 67.9 68.2 68.4 67.5 63.0 67.2 69.1Households 8.2 8.6 9 2 9.0 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.3 6.3

Indlcatars of Actual Consumotion:

Consumotion Per Capita (Mwh) 2.46 2.7 2.69 2.73 2.3U 2.96 2.94 3.04 3.13(all sectors)

Household Consulmtion per Ca1ita 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.24 0.22 0.;3 0.22 0.22 0.21(MM)

CnsMmition F1astici ties

With respect to Industry GOP .. .. 0.52 0.53 0.60 0.59 0.19 0.31 0.34

With respect to Total GOP .. .. 0.73 0.36 1.79 1.31 0.03 0.87 0.45

(average 1976-80 = 0.76) (average 1981-84 = 0.62)

aI From Government's Economic Memorandum. June 19855 lable 37.

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-------------------------------------------------------------- __-------------__--

eansuUer Pr les I/Socialist Services ofRetail Socialist Peasant

Composite Trade Sector Markets

11980 a 1001

1901 103.S 101.6 102.2 124.9

1982 118.1 115.6 114.3 168.6

1983 123.S 121.0 130.1 145.0

1914 123.3 122.0 129.6 120.6

(end-1984) (123.3) (122.0) (129.6) (120.6)

196S 123.3

1Parcent&a._ ehan&en

1981 3.5 1.6 2.2 24.9

1912 14.1 13.8 11.8 35.0

1963 4.6 4.7 13.8 -14.0

1954 -0.2 0.8 -0.4 -16.6

1915 ... ...

V The consumer price Index is calculated as a Paasche Index by using thestructure of consumption expenditure of workers" families (excluding tobaccoand alcoholic beverages).

SOUree: Data provided by the Romanian authorities.

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All Items index of Salected Itnrn 119701001Index Percentage Food Fuel and Clothing Rent Other

(1970.100) Annual Lighting andChange Footwear

1975 102.6 0.2 105.5 110.9 100.0 108.3 100.01976 103.2 0.6 106.1 120.8 100.0 111.1 100.11977 103.8 0.6 107.1 121.3 100.5 112.2 100.61978 1OS.S 1.7 108.1 122.0 100.9 114.9 103.91979 107.6 2.1 109.0 137.8 100.8 116.6 107.41980 109.9 2.3 111.0 187.4 101.2 117.9 108.01981 112.1 2.2 112.9 187.4 102.8 120.7 111.11982 131.2 16.9 1S1.1 232.2 105.4 121.9 119.61983 138.4 5.3 156.7 32S.3 109.4 124.0 125.91984 139.6 1.1 158.1 327.8 110.0 124.8 127.01985 2/ 100.7-101.0

I/ The retail price indices are Pasche-type indices.V Forecasts.

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mmmk smit mmmi lmmi min mOu eei1 -19 -29 -0ii -egg -0s -m1s -fis lIeu/eat) £313iJ3S13

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...................................... _......._... ............ ................... ........................................................................8

- E8 -

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Aggregate Industrial Hetal-Produeer Prices Electric lurgical Che_ical Light rood Machine-Year- Annual Power Industry Industry Indutry Industry Building Agric-End Average ----------- Selected Industries (annual average) ------------- ulture Ui

t930 0.1 6.1 2.7 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.2 0.1 1.6

1981 12.9 12.9 31.1 25.0 45.0 1.2 1.s -0.2 11.1

1982 16.9 10.7 28.8 8.4 1S.7 SS 21.4 2.9 13.8

1983 0.1 5.6 14.1 7.8 l.l 3.4 1.4 2.3 1.6

1984 -1.3 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 -0.5 6.9

1985 -1.0- -1.5 0.2- (0.4)

A/ State industry, excluding cooperatives.

-I Index of prices at which agricultural products are sold by state farms cooperatives andprivate producers to state purchasing untts.

jDUre: Data provided by the Ramanian authorities.

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Table O.1: RETAIL SALES IN SOCIALIST TRAOE. T981-85(t41110ns of lei)

State CooperativeTotal Trade Trade

1910 213.085 162.622 S0.463

1981 223,189 174,018 49.171

1982 250,952 194.988 55.964

1913 259,336 201,021 58.315

1954 272.177 211.883 60.294

1915 (planned) 273.500 212.267 61.233

Food- Public Non-Total stuffs Catering Food Goods

1960 213.08S 70,761 35,468 106,856

1981 223.189 71,732 37.892 113.565

1982 250.9S2 86.897 45,370 118.685

1983 259.336 93,114 47.083 119,139

1984 272.177 98.247 50.224 123.706

1985 (planned) 273.500 58.701 50.927 123.872

Source: Statistical Yearbook and date provided by Government.

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Table 0.2: CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSING. 1981-85, 1986-90(000t units)

Funds of PenulationTotal Fron With From

Housing State Funds State Aid* Own ResourceS


1981 145.682 106.657 37,360 1,6651982 144.803 110.693 32,181 1.9291983 129.300 104,849 22.660 1,7911984 116.962 99.845 15.301 1,8161985 120,000 82.000 36.000 2,0001986-90 (planned) 650,000 440.000 200.000 10.000


1981 15.709 6.492 - 9,2171982 16.410 7.263 - 9,1471983 17.315 7,849 - 9.4661984 14.939 7.326 - 7,6131985 20.000 7.000 - 13.0001986-90 (planned) 100.000 35.000 - 65.000


1981 161.391 113.149 37,360 10.8821982 161.213 160.955 32,181 11.0761983 146.615 112.698 22.660 11,2571994 131,901 107,171 1S.301 9,429198S 140.000 89.000 36.000 15.0001986-90 (planned) 750.000 475.000 200.000 75,000

Source: Statistical Yearbook and data provided by Government.

H Houses built from State funds and sold to population.

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1975 1930 131 132 1913 134

(Thousands a. tons)A. Total Heat Production a/ 2012 2437 2427 2222 2225 2415


2. Total Heat Production hi 115S 1514 is 1431 1430 1637(Heat and Neat Products) 1

C. Exports 15 191 206 136 110 145(Neat and Neat Products)

0. Export Adjustment Cl 1t0 208 225 148 120 I5

E. Domestic Consumption (9-0) 975 1376 1344 1252 1311 1379

F. Population (millions) 21.2 22.2 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.6

G. Total Neat Consuiptionin Kg/capita (E/F) 46 62 60 57 53 61

Snuree: Statistical Yearbook and Govements Economic Nmorand (June 1935).

a/ Neat destined for slaughter. Includes private slaughtering.

h/ Edible meat.

cV Adjustmer.t to meat basis (exports x 1.09).

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