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  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Hebrews




    Scrisoarea ctre

    EvreiDumnezeu a vorbit prin Fiul Su

    1 1n trecut, Dumnezeu a vorbit strmo`i-lor no`tri prin profe i*. Dumnezeu le-avorbit de multe ori, n multe feluri. 2Dar, nultima vreme, El ne-a vorbit prin Fiul Su.Prin El a creat Dumnezeu lumea `i pe El L-anumit s fie mo tenitor peste toate lucrurile.3

    n El se vede slava lui Dumnezeu. El estereflectarea perfect a naturii lui Dumnezeu.El este Cel care, prin Cuvntul Su plin deputere, sus ine toate lucrurile. Dup ce asplat pcatele oamenilor, El S-a a`ezat ladreapta Maiest^ii divine, n ceruri.

    Fiul este superior ngerilor4El a devenit superior ngerilor, tot a`a

    cum `i numele pe care l-a primit este maiimportant dect al ngerilor.

    5Cci nici unuia dintre ngeri nu i-a spusDumnezeu:

    Tu e`ti Fiul Meu; astzi Te-am nscut.Psalmul 2.7

    i Dumnezeu nu a spus despre nici un nger:

    Voi fi Tatl Lui, iar El va fi Fiul Meu.2 Samuel 7.14

    6i la fel, cnd Dumnezeu l aduce n lumepe Fiul Su, primul nscut, El spune:

    To^i ngerii lui Dumnezeu s I senchine! Deuteronom 32.43

    7Despre ngeri, Dumnezeu a spus:

    Dumnezeu `i face ngerii vnturi,

    iar pe slujitorii Si, flcri de foc.Psalmul 104.4

    8Dar despre Fiul Su, Dumnezeu a spus:

    11:3 right side The place of honor and authority (power). 21:6 firstbornThis word means that Christ was the first and most important of allGods children. 3 1:6 Let Son These words are found inDeut. 32:43 in the ancient Greek version of the Old Testament and in aHebrew copy among the Dead Sea Scrolls. 41:7 winds This can alsomean spirits.

    God Has Spoken Through His Son

    1 1In the past God spoke to our people throughthe prophets.* He spoke to them many timesand in many different ways. 2And now in theselast days, God has spoken to us again through hisSon. He made the whole world through his Son.And he has chosen his Son to have all things.3

    The Son shows the glory*

    of God. He is a perfectcopy of Gods nature, and he holds everythingtogether by his powerful command. The Sonmade people clean from their sins. Then he satdown at the right side1 of God, the Great One inheaven. 4The Son became much greater than theangels, and God gave him a name that is muchgreater than any of their names.

    5God never said this to any of the angels:

    You are my Son.

    Today I have become your Father. Psalm 2:7

    God also never said about an angel,

    I will be his Father,and he will be my son. 2 Samuel 7:14

    6And then, when God sent his firstborn2 Son intothe world, he said,

    Let all Gods angels worship the Son.3Deuteronomy 32:43

    7This is what God said about the angels:

    God changes his angels into winds4

    and his servants into flaming fire. Psalm 104:4

    8But he said this about his Son:

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    466EVREI 1.9 2.4 HEBREWS 1:92:4

    Tronul Tu, Dumnezeule,va rmne pentru totdeauna.

    Tu vei domni peste mpr^ia Ta`i hotrrile Tale vor fi

    ntotdeauna drepte.9 Tu iube`ti dreptatea`i ur`ti tot ce este ru.

    De aceea, Dumnezeule,Dumnezeul Tu i-a dat

    o bucurie mult mai maredect a celor care Te nso^esc.

    Psalmul 45.67

    10i Dumnezeu a mai spus:

    Doamne, la nceput Tu ai creat pmntul,iar cerurile au fost create de minile

    Tale.11 Ele vor pieri, dar Tu vei rmne;

    toate se vor nvechi,a`a cum se nveche`te o hain.

    12 Tu le vei mpturi ca pe o hain`i ele vor fi schimbate ca hainele.

    Dar Tu nu Te vei schimba niciodat,iar via^a Ta nu se va sfr`i niciodat.

    Psalmul 102.2527

    13Dumnezeu nu a spus niciodat unui nger:

    Stai la dreapta Mea, pn i voi punepe to^i du`manii Ti

    la picioarele Tale. Psalmul 110.1


    ngerii sunt cu to^ii duhuri care-I slujesclui Dumnezeu `i sunt trimi`i s-i ajute pecei care vor primi mntuirea.

    Superioritatea Noului Legmnt

    2 1De aceea trebuie s dm mare aten^ieadevrurilor pe care le-am auzit. 2Astfelnu ne vom abate din drum. Cci, dacCuvntul care a fost vestit prin ngeri s-adovedit a fi neclintit, astfel nct orice ncl-care `i orice neascultare `i-au primitpedeapsa meritat, 3cum vom scpa atuncinoi de pedeaps, dac privim cu dispre^ omntuire a`a de mare? Aceast mntuire

    ne-a fost vestit mai nti de Domnul, apoine-a fost confirmat de cei ce L-au auzit.4Dumnezeu a adugat mrturia Sa la mrtu-ria lor prin semne, minuni, tot felul de

    11:13 until I put power Literally, until I make your enemies a foot-stool for your feet.

    Your throne, O God, will continue foreverand ever.

    You will rule your kingdomwith right judgments.

    9 You love the right, and you hate the wrong.So God, your God, has given you

    a greater joy than he gave the peoplewith you. Psalm 45:67

    10God also said,

    O Lord, in the beginning you made the earth,and your hands made the sky.

    11 These things will disappear, but you will stay.They will all wear out like old clothes.

    12 You will fold them up like a coat,and they will be changed like clothes.

    But you never change,and your life will never end. Psalm 102:2527

    13And God never said this to an angel:

    Sit at my right sideuntil I put your enemies under your power.1

    Psalm 110:1


    All the angels are spirits who serve God and aresent to help those who will receive salvation.

    Our Salvation Is Greater Than the Law

    2 1So we must be more careful to follow whatwe were taught. We must be careful so thatwe will not be pulled away from the true way.2The teaching that God spoke through angels wasshown to be true. And every time his people didsomething against that teaching, they were pun-ished for what they did. They were punishedwhen they did not obey that teaching. 3The salva-tion we have is very great. So surely we also will

    be punished if we act like it is not important. Itwas the Lord Jesus who first told people aboutthis salvation. And those who heard him proved tous that it is true. 4God also proved it by usingmiraculous signs,* wonders,* and all kinds ofmiracles.* And he proved it by giving people

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    467 HEBREWS 2:513 EVREI 2.513

    miracole `i prin daruri ale Duhului Sfnt*,pe care El le-a mpr^it a`a cum a dorit.

    Cristos a devenit asemeneaoamenilor pentru a-i mntui

    5Dumnezeu nu i-a ales pe ngeri s fieconductori peste lumea viitoare, desprecare vorbim acum. 6Undeva, n Scriptur*,este scris:

    Ce este omul,ca s Te gnde`ti la el?

    i ce este fiul omului,ca s-i pese att de mult de el?

    7 L-ai fcut, pentru pu^in timp,inferior ngerilor.

    I-ai dat slav `i onoare8 `i i-ai dat stpnire peste toate

    lucrurile. Psalmul 8.46

    Dumnezeu l-a pus conductor peste toate `inu a lsat nimic care s nu fie sub controlullui. Dar acum noi nu vedem c toate lucruri-le i sunt supuse. 9Dar l vedem pe Isus, Celcare pentru pu^in timp a fost fcut inferiorngeri lor, ncununat cu slav `i onoare,datorit suferin^ei `i mor^ii Sale. Datoritharului lui Dumnezeu, Isus a murit pentrutoat omenirea.

    10Dumnezeu a creat toate lucrurile `i toatelucrurile subzist prin El pentru a arta slavaSa. Dumnezeu a vrut ca mul^i fii `i fiice s

    ia parte la slava Sa. De aceea a fost nevoies-L fac desvr`it, prin suferin^, pe celcare deschide calea spre mntuirea lor.

    11Cel care i sfin e`te pe oameni `i cei cesunt sfin^i^i au o origine comun. De aceea,Lui nu i este ru`ine s-i numeasc fra^iiSi. 12El spune:

    Voi vesti Numele Tu fra^ilor Mei.^i voi cnta lauden fa^a poporului Tu,

    n mijlocul adunrii. Psalmul 22.22

    13i mai spune:

    n Dumnezeu voi avea ncredere.Isaia 8.17

    i, de asemenea:

    Iat-M, Eu `i copiiipe care Mi i-a dat Dumnezeu. Isaia 8.18

    12:6 son of man This can mean any human, but the name Son of Man(see the Word List) is often used to mean Jesus, who showed what Godplanned for all people to be. 22:8 control Literally, feet.

    various gifts through the Holy Spirit* in just theway he wanted.

    Christ Became Like People to Save Them5God did not choose angels to be the rulers over

    the new world that was coming. That future worldis the world we have been talking about. 6It iswritten some place in the Scriptures,*

    Why are people so important to you?Why do you care about the son of man1?Is he so important?

    7 For a short time you made him lower than theangels.

    You crowned him with glory* and honor.8 You put everything under his control.2

    Psalm 8:46

    If God put everything under his control , thenthere was nothing left that he did not rule. Butwe dont yet see him ruling over everyth ing.9For a short time Jesus was made lower than theangels, but now we see him wearing a crown ofglory and honor because he suffered and died.B ec au se o f G od s g ra ce ,* Jesus d ied f or everyone.

    10Godthe one who made all things and forwhose glory all things existwanted manypeople to be his children and share his glory. So

    he did what he needed to do. He made perfect theone who leads those people to salvation. He madeJesus a perfect Savior through his suffering.

    11Jesus, the one who makes people holy,* andthose who are made holy are from the samefamily. So he is not ashamed to call them hisbrothers and sisters. 12He says,

    God, I will tell my brothers and sisters aboutyou.

    Before all your people I will singyour praises. Psalm 22:22

    13He also says,

    I will trust in God. Isaiah 8:17

    And he says,

    I am here, and with me are the childrenGod has given me. Isaiah 8:18

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    468EVREI 2.14 3.9 HEBREWS 2:143:9

    14Ace`ti copii sunt oameni, din carne `idin snge. De aceea `i Isus a devenit om dincarne `i snge, asemenea lor, pentru ca, prinmoartea Sa, s-l distrug pe cel ce are

    puterea mor^ii, adic pe Diavolul15

    `i s-ielibereze pe cei care au fost ^inu^i sclavi,de-a lungul ntregii lor vie^i , de teama demoarte. 16Este limpede c nu pe ngeri iajut El, ci pe urma`ii lui Avraam. 17A`a cIsus a trebuit s fie fcut asemenea fra ilorLui n toate privin^ele, pentru a putea deveniun mare preot* al lui Dumnezeu, un preotcr edi ncios `i p lin de m il, pentr u ca saduc iertarea pentru pcatele oamenilor.18El nsu`i a fost ispitit n ceea ce a suferit;de aceea El poate acum s-i ajute pe cei cesunt ispiti i.

    Isus este mai mare dect Moise

    3 1De aceea, fra i sfin^i*, care a^i fost che-ma^i de Dumnezeu, gndi i-v la Isus,Apostolul `i Marele Preot al credin^ei pecare o mrturisim. 2Isus I-a fost credinciosCelui ce L-a numit Mare Preot, dup cum `iMoise a fost credincios n toat Casa luiDumnezeu. 3Omul care construie te o casse bucur de mai mult onoare dect casaconstruit. La fel `i Isus merit s I se acor-de mai mult onoare dect Moise. 4Oricecas a fost cldit de cineva. Dar Dumnezeueste Cel care a cldit toate lucrurile. 5Moise

    a fost credincios ca slujitor n toat CasaLui, ca mrturie a lucrurilor care urmau sfie vestite. 6Dar Cristos a fost credincios caFiu, peste Casa lui Dumnezeu. i Casa Luisu nt em no i, da c n e p str m cu raj ul `increderea neclintit n speran^a cu care neludm.

    S continum s-L urmm pe Dumnezeu7Astfel, dup cum spune Duhul Sfnt*:

    Astzi, dac auzi^i glasul lui Dumnezeu,8 nu refuza i s-L asculta^i,

    mpietrindu-v inimile,a`a cum a^i fcut cnd v-a^i rzvrtitmpotriva lui Dumnezeu,

    cnd L-a^i pus pe Dumnezeula ncercare n pustie,

    9 unde prin^ii vo`tri M-au provocatpunndu-M la ncercare;

    `i timp de patruzeci de aniau vzut lucrurile pe care le-am fcut.

    14These chi ld ren a re people with physica lbodies. So Jesus himself became like them andhad the same experiences they have. Jesus did thisso that, by dying, he could destroy the one who

    has the power of deaththe devil.15

    Jesus becamelike these people and died so that he could freethem. They were like slaves all their lives becauseof their fear of death. 16Clearly, i t is not angelsthat Jesus helps. He helps the people who are fromAbraham.* 17For this reason, Jesus had to be madelike us, his brothers and sisters, in every way. Hebecame like people so that he could be their mer-ciful and faithful high priest* in service to God.Then he could bring forgiveness for the peoplessins. 18And now he can help those who aretempted. He is able to help because he himself suffered and was tempted.

    Jesus Is Greater Than Moses

    3 1So, my brothers and sisters, those chosen byGod to be his holy people,* think about Jesus.He is the one we believe God sent to save us andto be our high priest.* 2God made him our highpriest, and he was faithful to God like Moses*was. He did everything God wanted him to do inGods house. 3When someone builds a house,people will honor the builder more than thehouse. It is the same with Jesus. He should havemore honor than Moses. 4Every house is built bysomeone, but God built everything. 5Moses wasfaithful as a servant in Gods whole house. He

    told people what God would say in the future.6But Christ is faithful in ruling Gods house asthe Son. And we are Gods house, if we remainconfident of the great hope we are glad to saywe have.

    We Must Continue to Follow God7So it is like the Holy Spirit* says:

    If you hear Gods voice today,8 dont be stubborn as you were in the past,

    when you turned against God.That was the day you tested God

    in the desert.

    9 For40 years in the desert your peoplesaw what I did.

    But they tested me and my patience.

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    469 HEBREWS 3:104:3 EVREI 3.10 4.3

    10 De aceea M-am mniatpe oamenii din vremea aceea

    `i am spus:Oamenii ace`tia ntotdeauna gndesc

    gre`it.Ei nu au recunoscut niciodat cileMele.

    11 Atunci, n mnia Mea, am jurat:Ei nu vor intra niciodat

    n odihna Mea. Psalmul 95.711

    12Fra^ilor, ave i grij ca nici unul dintrevoi s nu aib o inim rea, necredincioas,care s se ntoarc de la Dumnezeul cel viu.13Ci, mai degrab, ncuraja^i-v unul pealtul n fiecare zi, ct nc mai este astzi.Ave^i grij s nu fie nimeni n`elat de pcat`i astfel s refuze s asculte. 14Cci cu to^ii

    avem parte de ceea ce-I apar^ine lui Cristos,dac pstrm cu perseveren^, pn la sfr-`it, credin^a sigur pe care am avut-o lanceput. 15A`a cum spune Scriptura*:

    Astzi, dac auzi^i glasul lui Dumnezeu,nu refuza^i s-L asculta^i,mpietrindu-v inimile

    a`a cum a^i fcutcnd v-a^i rzvrtit mpotriva lui

    Dumnezeu. Psalmul 95.78

    16Cine sunt cei care au auzit glasul luiDumnezeu `i s-au rzvrtit? Nu sunt chiar

    cei care au fost sco`i din Egipt prin Moise?17Pe cine a fost mnios Dumnezeu timp depatruzeci de ani? Pe cei care au pctuit `icare au czut mor^i n pustie. 18Despre cinevorbea Dumnezeu cnd a jurat c ei nu voravea odihna promis? Despre cei care nuL-au ascultat. 19Vedem deci c oameniiaceia nu au putut intra n odihna Lui dincauza necredin^ei lor.

    4 1Promisiunea lui Dumnezeu, c putemavea odihna Lui, nc este n vigoare. Savem grij deci s nu se ntmple ca vreunuldintre voi s nu o primeasc. 2i nou ne-afost spus Vestea Bun, ca `i lor. Dar mesa-jul pe care l-au auzit ei nu le-a fost de folos,pentru c ei l-au auzit, dar nu l-au primit cucredin^. 3Noi, cei care am crezut, intrm naceast odihn, a`a cum a spus Dumnezeu:

    13:13 today This word is taken from verse 7. It means it is important todo this now, while there is still opportunity.

    10 So I was angry with them.I said, Their thoughts are always wrong.They have never understood my ways.

    11 So I was angry and made a promise:They will never enter my place of rest.

    Psalm 95:711

    12So, brothers and sisters, be careful that noneof you is sinful, refuses to believe, and stops fol-lowing the l iving God. 13But encourage eachother every day. Do this while it is today.1Help each other so that none of you will be hard-ened because of sin and the way sin fools people.14We all share together with Christ. This is true if

    we continue until the end to have the sure faithwe had in the beginning. 15Thats why the Spiritsaid,

    If you hear Gods voice today,dont be stubborn as in the past

    when you turned against God. Psalm 95:78

    16Who were those who heard Gods voice andturned against him? It was all the people Moses*

    led out of Egypt.17

    And who was God angry withfo r 40 years? He was angry with those whosinned. And their dead bodies were left in thedesert. 18And which people was God talking towhen he promised that they would never enterhis place of rest? He was talking to those whodid not obey him. 19So we see that they were notallowed to enter and have Gods rest, becausethey did not believe.

    4 1And we still have the promise that God gavethose people. That promise is that we canenter his place of rest. So we should be verycareful that none of you fails to get that promise.2Yes, the good news about it was told to us just asit was to them. But the message they heard did nothelp them. They heard it but did not accept it withfaith. 3Only we who believe it are able to enterGods place of rest. As God said,

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    470EVREI 4.414 HEBREWS 4:414

    14.4 Citat din Gen. 2.2.

    n mnia Mea, am jurat:Ei nu vor intra niciodat

    n odihna Mea. Psalmul 95.11

    Dumnezeu a vorbit astfel, de`i lucrarea Luifusese terminat nc de la crearea lumii.4Undeva, n Scriptur, Dumnezeu vorbe tedespre ziua a `aptea astfel: n ziua a `aptea,Dumnezeu S-a odihnit de toate lucrrileLui.1 5Iar textul despre care am vorbit spune:Ei nu vor intra niciodat n odihna Mea.

    6Cei crora li s-a adus la nceput vesteabun despre ea n-au intrat n odihna luiDumnezeu din cauza neascultrii lor. Darsunt oameni care vor intra n odihna Lui.7De aceea Dumnezeu stabile`te din nou o zipe care o nume`te astzi. Dumnezeu avorbit despre aceast zi cu mul^i ani mai tr-

    ziu, prin David*, cum am spus n pasajulcitat mai devreme.

    Astzi, dac auzi^i glasul lui Dumnezeu,nu refuza^i s-L asculta^i,mpietrindu-v inimile!Psalmul 95.78

    8Iosua* nu i-a condus pe oameni n odihnapromis de Dumnezeu. Dac ar fi fcut-o,Dumnezeu nu ar fi vorbit mai trziu despre oalt zi. 9Deci nc rmne s vin a `aptea zi,o zi de odihn pentru poporul lui Dumnezeu.10Cel ce intr n odihna lui Dumnezeu se vaodihni dup ce termin munca lui, a`a cum

    `i Dumnezeu S-a odihnit cnd i-a terminatlucrarea. 11S ne strduim deci s intrm nodihna lui Dumnezeu, pentru ca nimeni snu urmeze exemplul celor ce nu L-au ascul-tat pe Dumnezeu `i s fie pierdut.

    12Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu este viu `iactiv. El este mai tios dect o sabie cudou ti`uri. El taie att de adnc, nct des-parte sufletul de duh `i oasele de mduvalor. Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu judec gnduri-le `i inten^iile din mintea noastr. 13Nici unlucru din lume nu este ascuns privirii Lui, citotul este gol `i descoperit naintea ochilorLui. i Lui trebuie s-I dm socotealpentru felul n care am trit.

    Isus este Marele nostru Preot14Noi avem un Mare Preot care S-a dus

    n ceruri: pe Isus, Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Deaceea s ne ^inem tare de credin^a pe care o

    14:4 Quote from Gen. 2:2. 24:9 seventh-day rest Literally, Sabbathrest, meaning a sharing in the rest God began after he created theworld. 34:12 Gods word Gods teachings and commands.

    I was angry and made a promise:They will never enter my place of rest.

    Psalm 95:11

    But Gods work was finished from the time hemade the world. 4Yes, somewhere in the Scrip-tures* he talked about the seventh day of theweek. He said, So on the seventh day God restedfrom all his work.1 5But in the Scripture aboveGod said, They will never enter my placeof rest.

    6So the opportunity is still there for some toenter and enjoy Gods rest. But those who firstheard the good news about it did not enter,because they did not obey. 7So God plannedanother special day. It is called today. He spokeabout that day through David* a long time laterusing the words we quoted before:

    If you hear Gods voice today,dont be stubborn as you were in the past.

    Psalm 95:78

    8We know that Joshua* did not lead the peopleinto the place of rest God promised. We knowthis because God spoke later about another dayfor rest. 9This shows that the seventh-day rest2for Gods people is still to come. 10God restedaf ter he f in ished h is work . So eve ryone whoenters Gods place of rest will also have rest

    from their own work like God did.11

    So let us tryas hard as we can to enter Gods place of rest.We must try hard so that none of us will be lostby following the example of those who refused toobey God.

    12Gods word3 is alive and working. It issharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all theway into us. It cuts deep to the place where thesoul and the spirit are joined. Gods word cuts tothe center of our joints and our bones. It judgesthe thoughts and feelings in our hearts. 13Nothingin all the world can be hidden from God. He canclearly see all things. Everything is open beforehim. And to him we must explain the way wehave lived.

    Jesus Is the High Priest Who Helps Us14We have a great high priest* who has gone to

    live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son ofGod. So let us continue to express our faith in

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    471 HEBREWS 4:155:13 EVREI 4.15 5.13

    mrturisim! 15Noi nu avem un Mare Preotcare nu poate s ne n^eleag slbiciunile, ciUnul care a fost ispitit n toate felurile, a`acum suntem `i noi, dar El nu a pctuit nici-


    A`a c putem veni cu ncredere nfa^a tronului harului lui Dumnezeu, ca sprimim ndurare `i s gsim har, pentru aavea ajutor la vremea potrivit.

    5 1Orice mare preot* este ales dintreoameni. El este pus s-i ajute pe oamenin lucrurile pe care trebuie s le fac pentruDumnezeu. El trebuie s aduc daruri `ijertfe pentru pcate. 2Marele preot este i elom, supus slbiciunii. De aceea el poate sfie blnd cu cei ne`tiutori `i rtci^i. 3Dincauza slbiciunii lui, marele preot trebuie saduc jertfe att pentru pcatele lui, ct `ipentru ale poporului.

    4Nimeni nu- i poate lua onoarea aceastasingur, ci marele preot trebuie s fie che-mat de Dumnezeu, a`a cum a fost Aaron*.5La fel, nici Cristos nu i-a luat singur slava de a fi Mare Preot, ci o are de laAcela care I-a spus:

    Tu e`ti Fiul Meu; astzi Te-am nscut.Psalmul 2.7

    6Iar n alt pasaj din Scriptur*, El spune:

    Tu e`ti preot pentru totdeauna,la fel ca Melhisedec*. Psalmul 110.4

    7n timpul vie^ii Sale pe pmnt, Isus I-aadus rugciuni `i cereri cu strigte mari `i culacrimi Celui ce putea s-L scape de la moarte`i a fost ascultat datorit reveren ei Sale fa de Dumnezeu. 8De i era Fiul lui Dumnezeu,prin lucrurile pe care le-a suferit, Isus a nv-^at ascultarea. 9i fiind fcut desvr it, El adevenit sursa mntuirii eterne pentru cei careascul t de E l, 10fi indc a fo st nu mit d eDumnezeu Mare Preot, la fel ca Melhisedec.

    Imaturitatea cititorilor11Despre toate acestea avem multe lucruri

    de spus, dar ne este greu s vi le explicm,pentru c nu v mai strdui^i s n^elege^i.12De`i deja trebuia s fi^i nv^tori, voiave^i nevoie de cineva care s v nve^e dinnou primele lec^ii ale nv^turilor luiDumnezeu. Voi ave^i nevoie de lapte, nu demncare solid! 13Oricine se hrne te culapte nu are experien^a prin care s poat

    him. 15Jesus, our high priest, is able to understandour weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, hewas tempted in every way. He was tempted in thesame ways we are tempted, but he never sinned.16

    With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free tocome before Gods throne where there is grace.*There we receive mercy and kindness to help uswhen we need it.

    5 1Every Jewish high priest is chosen fromamong men. That priest is given the work ofhelping people with the things they must do forGod. He must offer to God gifts and sacrifices*for sins. 2The high priest has his own weaknesses.So he is able to be gentle with those who dowrong out of ignorance. 3He offers sacrifices fortheir sins, but he must also offer sacrifices for hisown sins.

    4To be a high priest is an honor. But no onechooses himself for this work. That person mustbe chosen by God like Aaron* was. 5It is the samewith Christ. He did not choose himself to have theglory* of becoming a high priest. But God chosehim. God said to Christ,

    You are my Son.Today I have become your Father. Psalm 2:7

    6And in another part of the Scriptures* God says,

    You will be a priest forever,just like Melchizedek.* Psalm 110:4

    7While Christ lived on earth he prayed to God,asking for help from the one who could save himfrom death. He prayed to God with loud cries andtears. And his prayers were answered because of hisgreat respect for God. 8Jesus was the Son of God,but he still suffered, and through his sufferings helearned to obey whatever God says. 9This madehim the perfect high priest, who provides the wayfor everyone who obeys him to be saved forever.10God made him high priest, just like Melchizedek.

    Warning Against Falling Away11We have many things to tell you about this.

    But it is hard to explain because you havestopped trying to understand. 12You have hadenough time that by now you should be teachers.But you need someone to teach you again thefirst lessons of Gods teaching. You still need theteaching that is like milk. You are not ready forsolid food. 13Anyone who lives on milk is still ababy and is not able to understand much about

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    472EVREI 5.14 6.12 HEBREWS 5:146:12

    16.2 botezuri poate fi vorba despre botezul cre`tin sau despreritualurile evreie`ti de splare.

    recunoa`te adevrata nv^tur, cci estenc un copil. 14Dar mncarea solid estepentru oameni maturi ale cror sim^uri spiri-tuale s-au deprins prin practic s deose-

    beasc binele de ru.6 1De aceea ar trebui s lsm deoparteadevrurile nceptoare ale lui Cristos `is naintm spre maturitate, fr s mairevenim la primele nv^turi despre ntoar-cerea de la faptele rele `i despre credin^a nDumnezeu. 2Atunci am nv^at desprebotezuri1, despre punerea minilor, desprenvierea mor^ilor `i despre judecata etern.3Dar acum, cu voia lui Dumnezeu, trebuies cre`tem spre a ajunge la maturitate.

    4Cci este imposibil ca aceia care au fostlumina^i odat, care au gustat darul ceresc,care au devenit prta i Duhului Sfnt* 5`ia u c un os cu t b un t at ea C uv n tu lu i l uiDumnezeu `i lucrrile puterii veacului vii-tor, 6`i totu`i au czut, s fie fcu^i s-`ischimbe din nou via^a, pentru c l rstig-nesc nc o dat, pentru ei n`i`i, pe Fiull ui D um ne ze u ` i l s up un r id ic ul iz r iioamenilor.

    7Oamenii se pot asemna cu pmntulcare absoarbe ploaia czut pe el. Dacpmntul aduce o recolt folositoare celorcare l-au semnat, el prime`te binecuvn-tarea lui Dumnezeu. 8Dar dac aduce buru-ieni `i mrcini, nu-i de nici un folos `i este

    n pericol s fie blestemat de Dumnezeu.Acest pmnt va sfr`i prin a i se pune foc.

    Siguran^a promisiunii fcute lui Avraam9Preaiubi^ilor, chiar dac vorbim astfel,

    a`teptm din partea voastr lucruri mai bunecare vor nso^i mntuirea voastr. 10CciDumnezeu nu este nedrept ca s uite lucra-rea voastr `i dragostea voastr pentru El,pe care a^i artat-o ajutndu-i pe sfin^i*, a`acum `i face^i n continuare. 11Dar dorin^anoastr este ca voi s continua^i s arta^iacela`i zel pn la sfr`it, spre mplinireacomplet a speran^ei voastre. 12Am dori snu deveni^i lene`i, ci vrem s urma^i exem-plul celor care, avnd credin^ `i rbdare,primesc mo`tenirea promis.

    16:12 baptisms The word here may mean the baptism (brief burial inwater) of believers in Christ, or it may mean Jewish ceremonial wash-ings. 26:12 the laying on of hands This act was a way of asking Godto bless people in a special way. Here, it probably refers to what wasdone to give people power to begin a new work.

    living right. 14But solid food is for people whohave grown up. From their experience they havelearned to see the difference between goodand evil.

    6 12So we should be finished with the begin-ning lessons about Christ. We should not haveto keep going back to where we started. We beganour new life by turning away from the evil we didin the past and by believing in God. Thats whenwe were taught about baptisms,1 the laying on ofhands,2 the resurrection* of those who have died,and the final judgment. Now we need to go for-ward to more mature teaching. 3And thats whatwe will do if God allows.

    46After people have left the way of Christ, canyou make them change their life again? I am

    talking about people who once learned the truth,received Gods gift, and shared in the HolySpirit.* They were blessed to hear Gods goodmessage and see the great power of his newworld. But then they left it all behind, and it is notpossible to make them change again. Thatsbecause those who leave Christ are nailing him tothe cross again, shaming him before everyone.

    7These people are like land that gets plenty ofrain. A farmer plants and cares for the land so thatit will produce food. If it grows plants that helppeople, then i t has Gods bless ing. 8But if itgrows thorns and weeds, it is worthless and indanger of being cursed by God. It will be

    destroyed by fire.

    9Dear friends, I am not saying this because Ithink it is happening to you. We really expect thatyou will do betterthat you will do the goodthings that will result in your salvation. 10God isfair, and he will remember all the work you havedone. He will remember that you showed your loveto him by helping his people and that you continueto help them. 11We want each of you to be willingand eager to show your love like that the rest ofyour life. Then you will be sure to get what youhope for. 12We dont want you to be lazy. We wantyou to be like those who, because of their faith andpatience, will get what God has promised.

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    473 HEBREWS 6:137:5 EVREI 6.13 7.5

    16.14 Citat din Gen. 22.17.

    13Dumnezeu i-a fcut o promisiune luiAvraam. i pentru c nu era nimeni maimare, Dumnezeu a jurat pe El nsu`i 14`i aspus: Te voi binecuvnta nespus de mult `i

    ^ i voi da foar te , foar te mul^ i urma`i .1

    15Avraam a a`teptat cu rbdare `i a primitceea ce i promisese Dumnezeu.

    16Cnd fac un jurmnt, oamenii folo-sesc ntotdeauna numele cuiva mai maredect ei. Jurmntul arat c ceea ce spunepersoana respectiv este adevrat `i astfelse pune capt oricrei dispute. 17Dumnezeua vrut ca to^i cei care au primit promisiuneaLui s n^eleag c planul Su nu se vaschimba. De aceea, El a ntrit promisiuneaSa cu un jurmnt, 18astfel ca, prin doulucruri n care este imposibil ca Dumnezeus mint, s putem fi ncuraja^i mult noi,cei care am alergat s prindem speran^acare ne era oferit. 19Speran^a aceasta esteca o ancor, sigur `i necl in ti t , pen trusufletul nostru. Ea ptrunde n Locul celmai sfnt, dincolo de perdeaua Templului.20Isus a intrat primul acolo pentru noi `i adeschis drumul . El a devenit pentru tot-deauna Mare Preot, la fel ca Melhisedec.

    Preotul Melhisedec

    7 1Acest Melhisedec a fost mpratulSalemului `i preot al DumnezeuluiPreanalt. Melhisedec a ie`it n ntmpinarealui Avraam `i l-a binecuvntat, cnd acestas-a ntors victorios dup btlia dat mpo-triva mpra^ilor. 2Avraam i-a da t lu iMelhisedec o zecime din tot ce luase {caprad de rzboi} .Tradus , numele lu iMelhisedec nseamn n primul rnd Regea l d rep t ^ i i . Apoi e l e s te Rege a lSalemului, ceea ce nseamn Rege alpcii. 3Nu `tie nimeni cine au fost tatl `imama lui Melhisedec sau strmo`ii lui. Nuse cunoa`te data na`terii sau data mor^ii lui.La fel ca Fiul lui Dumnezeu, el rmnepreot pentru totdeauna.

    4Vede^i deci ct de mare a fost acest om,dac pn `i patriarhul Avraam i-a dat ozecime din prada de rzboi! 5Legea cereurma`ilor lui Levi care devin preo^i sstrng zeciuiala de la popor, adic de lafra^ii lor, de`i ace`tia sunt `i ei urma`i ai lui

    16:14 Quote from Gen. 22:17. 26:19 curtain The spiritual curtain inthe heavenly temple, which was symbolized by the physical one thatseparated the inner sanctuary (and Gods presence) from the otherroom in the Holy Tent and in the Jerusalem Temple. See curtain in theWord List. 3 7:3 No one came from Literally, Melchizedek waswithout father, without mother, without genealogy.

    13God made a promise to Abraham.* And thereis no one greater than God, so he used himself tomake a vow* that he would do what he said. 14Hesaid, I will surely bless you. I will give you many

    descendants.1 15

    Abraham waited patiently forthis to happen, and later he received what Godpromised.

    16People always use the name of someonegreater than themselves to make a vow. The vowproves that what they say is true, and there is nomore arguing about it. 17God wanted to prove thathis promise was true. He wanted to prove this tothose who would get what he promised. Hewanted them to understand clearly that his pur-poses never change. So God said somethingwould happen, and he proved what he said by alsomaking a vow. 18These two things cannot change.God cannot lie when he says something, and hecannot lie when he makes a vow.

    So these two things are a great help to us whohave come to God for safety. They encourage usto hold on to the hope that is ours. 19This hope islike an anchor for us. It is strong and sure andkeeps us safe. It goes behind the curtain.2 20Jesushas already entered there and opened the way forus. He has become the high priest* forever, justlike Melchizedek.*

    The Priest Melchizedek

    7 1Melchizedek* was the king of Salem and apriest for God the Most High. He metAbraham


    when Abraham was coming back afterdefeating the kings. That day Melchizedekblessed him. 2Then Abraham gave him one-tenthof everything he had.

    The name Melchizedek, king of Salem, has twomeanings. First, Melchizedek means king of jus-ti ce. An d king of Salem means kin g of peace. 3No one knows who his father or motherwas or where he came from.3 And no one knowswhen he was born or when he died. Melchizedekis like the Son of God in that he will always be apriest.

    4You can see that Melchizedek was very great.Abraham, our great father,* gave him one-tenth ofeverything that he won in battle. 5Now the lawsays that those from the tribe of Levi who become

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    474EVREI 7.621 HEBREWS 7:621

    17.17 Citat din Ps. 110.4.

    Avraam. 6Melhisedec nu se trage din levi^i.Cu toate acestea, el a luat zeciuial de laAvraam `i l-a binecuvntat pe cel cruiaDumnezeu i fcuse promisiunile. 7Toat

    lumea `tie c cel care este mai important dbinecuvntarea, iar cel mai pu^in importanto prime`te. 8Levi^ii care strng zeciuialasunt oameni obi`nui^i, care se nasc `i mor.Dar Melhisedec este un om despre careScriptura* spune c este nc n via^. 9Levieste cel ce strnge zeciuiala, dar se poatespune c atunci cnd Avraam i-a pltitzeciuial lui Melhisedec, `i Levi i-a pltit.10Cci, de`i Levi nu se nscuse nc, el seafla n trupul strmo`ului su Avraam, cndacesta s-a ntlnit cu Melhisedec.

    11Dac desvr irea ar fi putut fi atinsprin preo^ia levi^ilorcci prin aceasta a pri-mit poporul Legea*atunci de ce a mai fostnevoie de un alt fel de preot, nu asemenea luiAaron, ci asemenea lui Melhisedec? 12Cndavem un alt fel de preo^ie, cu siguran avem`i o alt lege. 13Cel despre care spunem aces-te lucruri este Cristos. El nu era din tribul luiLevi `i nimeni din tribul Lui nu a slujit laaltar. 14Este clar c Domnul nostru descindedin tribul lui Iuda, iar Moise nu a spus nimicdespre preo^i n legtur cu acest trib.

    Isus, preot asemenea lui Melhisedec15i totul devine `i mai clar cu venireaacestui alt preot asemenea lui Melhisedec.16El a fost fcut preot, dar nu pentru c ar findeplinit cer in^a apartenen^ei la familiapotrivit. El a fost fcut preot prin putereavie^ii ce nu se va sfr`i niciodat. 17CciScriptura* spune despre El: Tu e`ti preotpentru totdeauna, la fel ca Melhisedec.1

    18Vechea porunc a fost lsat deopartepentru c era lipsit de putere `i inutil,19cci Legea nu a fcut nimic desvr`it.Acum ne-a fost dat o speran^ mai bunprin care ne apropiem de Dumnezeu.

    20De asemenea, este important s `tim cDumnezeu a fcut un jurmnt cnd Isus afost fcut Mare Preot. Nu a existat nici unjurmnt cnd cei lal^i au devenit preo^ i.21Dar Cristos a fost fcut preot cu un jur-mnt din partea lui Dumnezeu, care I-a spus:

    17:17 Quote from Ps. 110:4.

    priests must get one-tenth from their own people,even though they and their people are both fromthe family of Abraham. 6Melchizedek was noteven from the tribe of Levi, but Abraham gave

    him one-tenth of what he had. And Melchizedekblessed Abrahamthe one who had Godspromises. 7And everyone knows that the moreimportant person always blesses the less impor-tant person.

    8Those priests get one-tenth, but they are onlymen who live and then die. But Melchizedek, whogot one-tenth from Abraham, continues to live,like the Scriptures* say. 9Now those f rom thefamily of Levi are the ones who get one-tenth fromthe people. But we can say that when Abrahampaid Melchizedek one-tenth, then Levi also paid it.10Levi was not yet born, but he already existed inhis ancestor Abraham when Melchizedek met him.

    11The people were given the law* under thesystem of priests from the tribe of Levi. But noone could be made spiritually perfect through thatsystem of priests. So there was a need for anotherpriest to come. I mean a priest like Melchizedek,not Aaron.* 12And when a different kind of priestcomes, then the law must be changed too. 1314Weare talking about our Lord Christ, who belongedto a different tribe. No one from that tribe everserved as a priest at the altar.* It is clear thatChrist came from the tribe of Judah. And Moses*said nothing about priests belonging to that tribe.

    Jesus Is a Priest Like Melchizedek15And these things become even clearer whenwe see that another priest has come who is likeMelchizedek.* 16He was made a priest, but notbecause he met the requirement of being born intothe right family. He became a priest by the powerof a life that will never end. 17This is what theScriptures* say about him: You are a priest for-everthe kind of priest Melchizedek was.1

    18The old rule is now ended because it wasweak and worthless. 19The law of Moses* couldnot make anything perfect. But now a better hopehas been given to us. And with that hope we cancome near to God.

    20Also, it is important that God made a vow*when he made Jesus high priest.* When thoseother men became priests, there was no vow.21But Christ became a priest with Gods vow.God said to him,

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    475 HEBREWS 7:228:6 EVREI 7.22 8.6

    18.5 cortul de nchinare un cort special n care preo^ii evrei I senchinau lui Dumnezeu `i n care locuia Dumnezeu n mijloculpoporului Su. 28.5 Ai grij pe munte! Citat din Ex. 25.40.

    Domnul a fcut un jurmnt`i nu Se va rzgndi:

    Tu e`ti preot pentru totdeauna.Psalmul 110.4

    22Cu att mai mult, Isus a fost fcut garantulunui legmnt mai bun.

    23Au existat mul^i asemenea preo^i, ccimoartea i mpiedica s rmn n slujb.24Dar El, fiindc trie te pentru totdeauna,are o preo^ie care nu poate fi transmis de launul la altul. 25De aceea El poate s-i mn-tuiasc pentru totdeauna pe cei care vin laDumnezeu prin El, pentru c El trie`teetern ca s mijloceasc pentru ei.

    26De un astfel de Mare Preot aveamnevoie: sfnt, fr vin `i nentinat; despr-^it de pcto`i `i nl^at mai presus de

    ceruri. 27Isus nu are nevoie, ca ceilal^i maripreo^i, s aduc jertfe n fiecare zi, mai ntipentru pcatele lor, apoi pentru pcatelepoporului. Jertfa adus de El cnd S-a datpe Sine nsu`i ajunge pentru totdeauna.28Legea pune ca mari preo^i oameni care au`i ei slbiciunile lor. Dar promisiunea cujurmnt venit dup Lege* l pune ca MarePreot pe Fiul, care a fost fcut desvr`itpentru totdeauna.

    Isus `i Noul Legmnt


    1Acesta este punctul principal n ceea cev spunem: noi avem un Mare Preot

    care st la dreapta tronului ceresc al luiDumnezeu. 2El sluje`te ca Mare Preot nLocul cel mai sfnt, n adevratul loca` denchinare, care nu a fost fcut de oameni, cide Dumnezeu. 3Orice mare preot are rolulde a aduce att daruri, ct `i jertfe. De aceeaera nevoie ca `i Marele nostru Preot s-Iaduc ceva lui Dumnezeu. 4Dac ar fi acumn via^, pe pmnt, El nici nu ar fi preot,pentru c sunt deja preo^i care i aduc darurilui Dumnezeu, conform Legii. 5Slujirea loreste doar o imita^ie `i o umbr a lucrurilorcere`ti, dup poruncile primite de Moise din

    partea lui Dumnezeu cnd urma s ridicecortul de nchinare1. Dumnezeu l-a avertizatatunci: Ai grij s faci totul dup modelulpe care ^i l-am artat pe munte!2 6Lucrarea

    17:26 holy Living in a way that pleases God. 28:1 right side The placeof honor and authority (power). 38:2 Most Holy Place Literally, holiesfor holy of holies, the spiritual place where God lives and is worshiped.4 8:2 place of worship Literally, Tabernacle or tent. 5 8:5 Quotefrom Ex. 25:40.

    The Lord has made a vowand will not change his mind:

    You are a priest forever. Psalm 110:4

    22So this means that Jesus is the guarantee of abetter agreement* from God to his people.

    23Also, when one of those other priests died, hecould not continue being a priest. So there weremany of those priests. 24But Jesus lives forever.He will never stop serving as a priest. 25So Christcan save those who come to God through him.Christ can do this forever, because he always livesand is ready to help people when they comebefore God.

    26So Jesus is the kind of high priest we need.He is holy.1 He has no sin in him. He is pure andnot influenced by sinners. And he is raised above

    the heavens. 27He is not like those other priests.They had to offer sacrifices* every day, first fortheir own sins and then for the sins of the people.But Jesus doesnt need to do that. He offered onlyone sacrifice for all time. He offered himself.28The law chooses high priests who are men andhave the same weaknesses that all people have.But after the law, God spoke the vow that madehis Son, who had been made perfect through suf-fering, to be a high priest who will serve forever.

    Jesus Our High Priest


    1Here is the point of what we are saying: Wehave a high priest* like we have been telling

    you about, who sits on the right side2 of Godsthrone in heaven. 2Our high priest serves in theMost Holy Place.3 He serves in the true place ofworship4 that was made by God, not by anyonehere on earth.

    3Every high priest has the work of offering giftsand sacrifices* to God. So our high priest mustalso offer something to God. 4If our high priestwere now living on earth, he would not be apriest. I say this because there are already priestshere who follow the law by offering gifts to God.5The work that these priests do is really only acopy and a shadow of what is in heaven. That is

    why God warned Moses* when he was ready tobuild the Holy Tent*: Be sure to make everythingexactly like the pattern I showed you on themountain.5 6But the work that has been given to

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    476EVREI 8.7 9.2 HEBREWS 8:79:2

    18.6 legmntul Dumnezeu face un legmnt cu poporul Su.Pentru evrei, acesta consta n Legea lui Moise. ns acum El ainstituit un legmnt nou cu poporul Lui, prin Cristos.

    care I-a fost dat lui Isus este mult maiimportant dect a celorlal^i preo^i. La fel `ilegmntul1 al crui mijlocitor este El estemai bun dect cel vechi pentru c se bazea-

    z pe promisiuni mai bune.7Dac primul legmnt ar fi fost perfect,nu ar fi fost nevoie de un alt legmnt, cares-l nlocuiasc. 8Dar Dumnezeu i acuz peoameni `i spune:

    Va veni vremea, spune Domnul,cnd voi face un nou legmntcu poporul Israel

    `i cu locuitorii din Iuda.9 Acesta nu va fi ca legmntul

    pe care l-am fcut cu strmo`ii lorn ziua n care i-am luat de mn

    `i i-am scos din Egipt.

    Ei nu au respectat legmntul fcut cuMine,a`a c Mi-am ntors fa^a de la ei,

    spune Domnul.10Acesta este legmntul

    pe care l voi face cu poporul Israeln vremurile viitoare, spune Domnul.

    Voi pune legile Mele n mintea lor`i le voi scrie n inima lor.

    Eu voi fi Dumnezeul lor,iar ei vor fi poporul Meu.

    11 Nu va mai fi nevoie ca cineva

    s-l nve^e pe fratele su sau pe vecinulsu, spunndu-i:Cunoa`te-L pe Domnul!Cci cu to^ii M vor cunoa`te,

    de la cel mai mic pn la cel mai mare.12 i le voi ierta gre`elile

    `i nu-Mi voi mai aduce amintede pcatele lor. Ieremia 31.3134

    13Prin faptul c Dumnezeu vorbe`tedespre un nou legmnt, El arat c pri-mul este dep`it. i tot ce este dep`it senveche`te `i curnd nu va mai fi.

    nchinarea sub Vechiul Legmnt

    91Primul legmnt con^inea reguli cuprivire la nchinare `i la un loc pentru

    nchinare pmntesc. 2Acest loc era uncort. Prima parte se numea Locul Sfnt.n el se aflau sfe`nicul, masa `i pinile ofe-

    1 8:8 Israel First, Israel was the people descended from Jacob (seeIsrael in the Word List), but the name is also used to mean all of Godschosen people. Also in verse 10.

    Jesus is much greater than the work that wasgiven to those priests. In the same way, the newagreement* that Jesus brought from God to hispeople is much greater than the old one. And the

    new agreement is based on better promises.7If there was nothing wrong with the firstagreement, then there would be no need for asecond agreement. 8But God found somethingwrong with the people. He said,

    The time is coming, says the Lord,when I will give a new agreement

    to the people of Israel1 and to the people ofJudah.*

    9 It will not be like the agreementthat I gave to their fathers.

    That is the agreement I gavewhen I took them by the hand and led them

    out of Egypt.They did not continue followingthe agreement I gave them,

    and I turned away from them, says the Lord.10 This is the new agreement I will give

    the people of Israel.I will give this agreement

    in the future, says the Lord:I will put my laws in their minds,

    and I will write my laws on their hearts.I will be their God,

    and they will be my people.11 Never again will anyone have to teach their

    neighbors or their family to know the Lord.All peoplethe greatest and the leastimportantwill know me.

    12 And I will forgive the wrongs they have done,and I will not remember their sins.

    Jeremiah 31:3134

    13God called this a new agreement, so he hasmade the first agreement* old. And anything thatis old and useless is ready to disappear.

    Worship Under the Old Agreement

    91The first agreement* had rules for worshipand a place for worship here on earth. 2This

    place was inside a tent. The first area in the tentwas called the Holy Place. In the Holy Place werethe lamp and the table with the special bread

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    477 HEBREWS 9:313 EVREI 9.313

    1 9.4 chivot cutie special din lemn, acoperit cu aur, n careerau pstrate tablele de piatr cu legile date de Dumnezeu prinMoise. 2 9.5 scaunul ndurrii locul de deasupra chivotuluilegmntului pe care marele preot stropea cu sngele unui ani-mal, o dat pe an, pentru isp`irea pcatelor poporului.

    rite lui Dumnezeu. 3n spatele celei de-adoua perdele se afla ncperea numitLocul cel mai sfnt. 4Aici erau un altarde aur pentru arderea de tmie `i chivotul

    legmntului. Acest chivot1

    era acoperit nntregime cu aur. n chivot se gsea un vasde aur umplut cu man*, toiagul lui Aaroncare nfrunzise ` i table le VechiuluiLegmnt. 5Deasupra chivotului se aflauheruvimi* care artau slava lui Dumnezeu`i care umbreau scaunul ndurrii2. Dar nuputem acum s vorbim n detaliu despreaceste lucruri.

    6Dup ce totul a fost aranjat astfel, preo^iiau in tra t n f ieca re z i n prima ncpe repentru a ndeplini ceremonialul de nchinare.7Dar n cea de-a doua ncpere intr doar marele preot*, o dat pe an, `i nu fr sngepe care l aduce lui Dumnezeu pentru pcate-le sale `i pentru pcatele pe care le fac oame-nii fr s `tie c pctuiesc. 8Prin acestedou ncperi, Duhul Sfnt* ne arat c, attatimp ct exist prima ncpere, drumul spreLocul cel mai sfnt este nc nchis. 9Acestelucruri sunt un s imbol pentru vremea deacum, cnd se aduc daruri `i jertfe, care nsnu sunt n msur s-l ridice pe cel ce senchin n acest mod la acea treapt de per-fec^iune cerut de con tiin a sa. 10Ele nu suntdect ni`te porunci pmnte ti, asemntoarecelor referitoare la mncruri, buturi `i dife-

    rite splri ceremoniale, valabile doar pn lastabilirea unei noi ordini de ctre Dumnezeu.

    nchinarea n timpul Noului Legmnt11Dar acum Cristos a venit ca Mare Preot

    al lucrurilor bune ce urmau s vin. El a slu-jit ntr-un cort, care este mai important `idesvr`it . Acesta nu este fcut de mnaomului `i nu apar ine acestei crea^ii. 12Cnda intrat n Locul cel mai sfnt, o dat pentrutotdeauna, Cristos nu a adus cu Sine sngede ^api sau de vi ei, ci propriul Su snge cajertf, ob^innd pentru noi eliberare eternde pcat. 13Dac sngele ^apilor `i al taurilor`i cenu`a unei vaci, stropite peste cei necu-ra^i, puteau s-i sfin^easc, fcndu-i cura^i

    19:5place of mercy Or mercy seat, a place on top of the Box of theAgreement, where the high priest put the blood of an animal once ayear to pay for the sins of the people. 29:8 Most Holy Place Literally,holies for holy of holies, the spiritual place where God lives and isworshiped. Also in verses 12, 24.

    offered to God. 3Behind the second curtain* was aroom called the Most Holy Place.* 4In the MostHoly Place was a golden altar* for burningincense.* And also there was the Box of the

    Agreement.* The Box was covered with gold.Inside this Box was a golden jar of manna* andAarons rodthe rod that once grew leaves. Alsoin the Box were the flat stones with the Ten Com-mandments of the old agreement on them. 5Abovethe Box were the Cherub angels* that showedGods glory.* These Cherub angels were over theplace of mercy.1 But we cannot say everythingabout this now.

    6Everything in the tent was made ready in theway I have explained. Then the priests went intothe first room every day to do their worshipduties. 7But only the high priest* could go into thesecond room, and he went in only once a year.Also, he could never enter that room withouttaking blood with him. He offered that blood toGod for himself and for the sins the people com-mitted without knowing they were sinning.

    8The Holy Spirit* uses those two separaterooms to teach us this: that the way into the MostHoly Place2 was not open while that first roomwas still there. 9This is an example for us today. Itshows that the gifts and sacrifices* that the priestsoffer to God are not able to fully cleanse the con-sciences of the worshipers. 10These gifts and sac-rifices are only about food and drink and specialwashings. They are only rules about the body.

    God gave them for his people to follow until thetime of his new way.

    Worship Under the New Agreement11But Christ has already come to be the high

    priest.* He is the high priest of the good things wenow have. But Christ does not serve in a place likethe tent that those other priests served in. He servesin a place that is better than that tent. It is moreperfect, and it is not made by anyone here on earth.It does not belong to this world. 12Christ enteredthe Most Holy Place only one timeenough for alltime. He entered the Most Holy Place by using hisown blood, not the blood of goats or young bulls.He entered there and freed us from sin forever.

    13The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes ofa cow were sprinkled on those who were nolonger pure enough to enter the place of worship.

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    478EVREI 9.1426 HEBREWS 9:1426

    pe dinafar, 14cu att mai mare este putereasngelui lui Cristos care, prin Duhul* etern,S-a adus pe Sine nsu`i ca o jertf desvr-`it lui Dumnezeu. Sngele Lui ne cur^

    deplin con`tiin^a. Astfel, cur^i^i fiind, neputem nchina Dumnezeului celui viu.

    15De aceea, Cristos este Mijlocitorul unuiNou Legmnt. El a murit pentru a-i eliberape oameni de lucrurile rele pe care le fcu-ser sub Vechiul Legmnt. Pentru c El am u r i t , c e i c a r e a u f o s t c h e m a ^ i d eDumnezeu pot s primeasc acum mo`teni-rea etern pe care a promis-o Dumnezeu.

    16Cnd un om moare, el las un testa-ment. Dar trebuie dovedit c omul care afcut testamentul a murit 17pentru c dacel mai este n via^ testamentul nu poate fifolosit. El este valabil numai dup moarteacelui ce l-a fcut. 18De aceea, nici primullegmnt nu a fost inaugurat fr snge.19Dup ce Moise a rostit naintea ntregu-lui popor fiecare porunc din Lege, el aluat sngele vi^eilor `i al ^apilor, cu ap,ln ro`ie `i isop `i a stropit att cartea, ct` i tot poporul . 20El a spus: Acesta estesngele legmntului pe care Dumnezeuv-a poruncit s-l respecta^i.1 21La fel, el as tropit cu snge cortul ` i toate lucruri lefolosite pentru nchinare. 22Conform Legii,

    aproape orice lucru trebuie s fie cur^atcu snge. Fr vrsare de snge nu existiertare.

    Jertfa lui Cristos ne cur^ de pcate23Aceste lucruri sunt imita^ii ale celor

    aflate n ceruri, `i era nevoie s fie cur^ateprin acest fel de jertfe. Dar lucrurile cere`titrebuie cur^ate prin jertfe mai bune dectacestea. 24Cristos nu a intrat ntr-un locsfnt fcut de mini omene`ti, care este oimita^ie a celui adevrat. Cristos a intratchiar n ceruri, pentru a Se prezenta acum,pentru noi, naintea lui Dumnezeu. 25i Elnu a intrat cu scopul de a Se aduce pe Sinensu`i ca jertf de mai multe ori, a`a cummarele preot* intr n fiecare an n Locul celmai sfnt, aducnd snge care nu este alsu, 26fiindc atunci ar fi trebuit s sufere demai multe ori, nc de la crearea lumii. Dar

    19:14 Spirit Probably the Holy Spirit. See the Word List. 29:20 Quotefrom Ex. 24:8.

    The blood and ashes made them pure againbutonly their bodies. 14So surely the blood sacrificeof Christ can do much more. Christ offered him-self through the eternal Spirit1 as a perfect sacri-

    fice* to God. His blood will make us completelyclean from the evil we have done. It will give usclear consciences so that we can worship theliving God.

    15So Christ brings a new agreement* from Godto his people. He brings this agreement so thatthose who are chosen by God can have the bless-ings God promised, blessings that last forever.This can happen only because Christ died to freepeople from sins committed against the com-mands of the first agreement.*

    16When someone dies and leaves a will,* theremust be proof that the one who wrote the will isdead. 17A will means nothing while the one whowrote it is still living. It can be used only after thatpersons death. 18That is why blood was needed tobegin the first agreement between God and hispeople. 19First, Moses* told the people every com-mand in the law. Then he took the blood of calvesand mixed it with water. Then he used red wooland a branch of hyssop* to sprinkle the blood andwater on the book of the law and on all thepeople. 20Then he said, This is the blood thatmakes the agreement goodthe agreement thatGod commanded you to follow.2 21In the sameway, Moses sprinkled the blood on the HolyTent.* He sprinkled the blood over everything

    used in worship. 22The law says that almosteverything must be made clean by blood. Sinscannot be forgiven without a blood sacrifice.

    Christs Sacrifice Takes Away Sins23These things are copies of the real things that

    are in heaven. These copies had to be made cleanby animal sacrifices.* But the real things inheaven must have much better sacrifices. 24Christwent into the Most Holy Place. But it was not theman-made one, which is only a copy of the realone. He went into heaven, and he is there nowbefore God to help us.

    25The high priest* enters the Most Holy Place*

    once every year. He takes with him blood to offer.But he does not offer his own blood like Christdid. Christ went into heaven, but not to offer him-self many times like the high priest offers bloodagain and again. 26If Christ had offered himselfmany times, he would have needed to suffer many

    19.20 Citat din Ex. 24.8.

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    479 HEBREWS 9:2710:11EVREI 9.27 10.11

    acum Cristos a aprut o dat pentru totdeau-na, la sfr`itul veacurilor, pentru a nlturapcatul prin jertfa Sa. 27i dup cum oame-nilor le este sortit s moar o singur dat,

    apoi vine judecata,28

    la fel `i Cristos, dupce a fost jertfit o singur dat pentru a luapcatele multor oameni, Se va arta a douaoar, nu pentru a lua pcatele, ci pentru a-imntui pe cei care l a`teapt.

    Cristos jertfit o dat pentru totdeauna

    10 1Legea* era doar o imagine neclar alucrurilor bune ce urmau s vin. Eanu este imaginea exact a realit^ii. Oameniicontinuau s aduc jertfe, an dup an, darLegea nu i-ar fi putut face niciodat des-

    vr`i^i. 2Dac Legea i-ar fi putut face peoameni desvr`i^i, ar fi ncetat aducerea dejer tfe. Atu nc i ce i ca re se nc hi na u luiDumnezeu ar fi fost cur^a^i o dat pentrutotdeauna `i nu s-ar mai fi sim^it vinova^ipentru pcatele lor. 3Dar aceste jertfe sunt oaducere aminte a pcatelor n fiecare an.4Pentru c nu este posibil ca sngele taurilor`i al ^apilor s cure^e pcatele.

    5De aceea, cnd a intrat n lume, Cristos aspus:

    Tu nu ai dorit nici jertf, nici dar, ciMi-ai pregtit un trup.

    6 Animalele omorte `i arse pe altarsau jertfele pentru pcat

    nu au fost pe placul Tu.7 Atunci am spus:

    Iat-M! Am venit s fac voia Ta,Dumnezeule,

    dup cum este scris despre Minen cartea Legii. Psalmul 40.68

    8nti, El a spus: Tu nu ai dorit nici jertfe,nici dar, nici animale omorte `i arse pealtar, nici jertfe pentru pcat. Aceste lucrurinu erau pe placul Tu (de`i erau cerute deLege*). 9Apoi a spus: Iat-M! Am venits fac voia Ta. Astfel, Dumnezeu nlturprimul sistem de jertfe, pentru a-l aduce peal doi lea . 10C r i st o s a f c u t v o i a l u iDumnezeu. Prin aceast voie suntem sfin^i^inoi, `i anume, prin jertfirea trupului lui IsusCristos, o dat pentru totdeauna.

    11n fiecare zi, fiecare preot i ndepline`-te ndatoririle religioase. El aduce acelea`i

    times since the time the world was made. But hecame to offer himself only once. And that once isenough for all time. He came at a time when theworld is nearing an end. He came to take away all

    sin by offering himself as a sacrifice.27Everyone must die once. Then they arejudged. 28So Christ was offered as a sacrifice onetime to take away the sins of many people. Andhe will come a second time, but not to offer him-self for sin. He will come the second time to bringsalvation to those who are waiting for him.

    Christs Sacrifice Makes Us Perfect

    10 1The law* gave us only an unclear pictureof the good things coming in the future.The law is not a perfect picture of the real things.The law tells people to offer the same sacrifices*every year. Those who come to worship God con-

    tinue to offer those sacrifices. But the law cannever make them perfect. 2If the law could makepeople perfect, those sacrifices would havealready stopped. They would already be cleanfrom their sins, and they would not still feelguilty. 3But thats not what happens. Their sacri-fices make them remember their sins every year,4because it is not possible for the blood of bullsand goats to take away sins.

    5So when Christ came into the world he said,

    You dont want sacrifices and offerings,but you have prepared a body for me.

    6 You are not pleased with the sacrificesof animals killed and burned

    or with offerings to take away sins.7 Then I said, Here I am, God.

    It is written about me in the book of the law.I have come to do what you want.

    Psalm 40:68

    8Christ first said, You dont want sacrifices andofferings. You are not pleased with animals killedand burned or with sacrifices to take away sin.(These are all sacrifices that the law commands.)9Then he said, Here I am, God. I have come todo what you want. So God ends that first systemof sacrifices and starts his new way. 10Jesus Christdid the things God wanted him to do. Andbecause of that, we are made holy through thesacrifice of Christs body. Christ made that sacri-fice one timeenough for all time.

    11Every day the priests stand and do their reli-gious service. Again and again they offer the

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    480EVREI 10.1225 HEBREWS 10:1225

    jertfe, iar `i iar, dar aceste jertfe nu pot nl-tura pcatele. 12ns Acest Preot a adus osingur jertf pentru pcate, o dat pentrutotdeauna, dup care S-a a`ezat la dreapta lui


    Iar acum a`teapt pn cnddu`manii Si vor fi pu`i sub picioarele Sale.14Printr-o singur jertf, El i-a fcut desvr-`i i pentru totdeauna pe cei care sunt sfin^i iprin ea. 15Despre lucrul acesta depune mr-turie `i Duhul Sfnt*, care, dup ce spune:

    16Acesta este legmntulpe care-l voi face cu poporul Meun zilele ce vor veni, zice Domnul:

    Voi pune legile Mele n inima lor`i le voi scrie n mintea lor.

    Ieremia 31.33


    Le voi ierta pcatele `i faptele lor rele.i nu mi voi mai aminti de ele.

    Ieremia 31.34

    18Cnd pcatele au fost iertate, nu mai estenevoie de o jertf pentru pcat.

    Apropia^i-v de Dumnezeu19De aceea, fra ilor, avem ndrzneala de

    a intra n Locul cel mai sfnt datorit snge-lui lui Isus. 20Putem intra pe o cale nou `ivie pe care Isus ne-a deschis-o prin perdea,adic prin trupul Su. 21i avem un Mare

    P re ot c ar e d om ne `t e p es te C asa l uiDumnezeu. 22Inimile noastre au fost cur^atede sentimente de vin, iar trupurile noastreau fost splate cu o ap curat. S ne apropi-em deci de Dumnezeu cu o inim sincer `icu deplin siguran^, datorit credin^ei noas-tre. 23S pstrm cu perseveren^ speran^a pecare o mrturisim, cci putem avea ncrederec Dumnezeu i va ^ine promisiunea.

    S ne ajutm unii pe al^ii24S ne gndim bine cum s ne ncurajm

    unii pe al^ii la dragoste `i la fapte bune!25S nu renun^m s ne adunm mpreun,

    a`a cum fac unii, ci s ne ncurajm unii pe

    110:13 to be put under his power Literally, to be made a footstool forhis feet. 210:16 agreement The new and better agreement that Godhas given to his people through Jesus. See the Word List. 310:19 MostHoly Place Literally, holies for holy of holies, the spiritual placewhere God lives and is worshiped. 410:20 curtain The spiritual curtainin the heavenly temple, which was symbolized by the physical one thatseparated the inner sanctuary (and Gods presence) from the outerroom in the Holy Tent and in the Jerusalem Temple. See the Word List.

    same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.12But Christ offered only one sacrifice for sins,and that sacrifice is good for all time. Then he satdown at the right side of God. 13And now Christ

    waits there for his enemies to be put under hispower.1 14With one sacrifice Christ made hispeople perfect forever. They are the ones who arebeing made holy.*

    15The Holy Spirit* also tells us about this. Firsthe says,

    16This is the agreement2 I will make with mypeople in the future, says the Lord.

    I will put my laws in their hearts.I will write my laws in their minds.

    Jeremiah 31:33

    17Then he says,

    I will forgive their sins and the evil they doI will never remember them again.

    Jeremiah 31:34

    18And after everything is forgiven, there is nomore need for a sacrifice to pay for sins.

    Come Near to God19And so, brothers and sisters, we are com-

    pletely free to enter the Most Holy Place.3 We cando this without fear because of the blood sacrificeof Jesus. 20We enter through a new way that Jesusopened for us. It is a living way that leads through

    the curtain4

    Christs body.21

    And we have agreat priest who rules the house of God. 22Wehave been cleansed and made free from a guiltyconscience. And our bodies have been washedwith pure water. So come near to God with a sin-cere heart, full of confidence because of our faithin Christ. 23We must hold on to the hope we have,never hesitating to tell people about it. We cantrust God to do what he promised.

    Help Each Other Be Strong24We should think about each other to see how

    we can encourage each other to show love and dogood works. 25We must not quit meeting together,

    as some are doing. No, we need to keep on

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    481 HEBREWS 10:2638 EVREI 10.2638

    1 10.25 Ziua probabil ziua revenirii lui Cristos. 210.30 Citatdin Dt. 32.35. 310.30 Citat din Dt 32.36.

    al^ii, cu att mai mult cu ct vede^i c Ziua1se apropie!

    Nu v ntoarce^i de la Cristos26Dac noi hotrm s continum s pc-

    tuim, dup ce am cunoscut adevrul, atuncinu mai exist nici o jertf care s ne cure^e depcate. 27Dac noi continum s pctuim,nu ne rmne dect a teptarea plin de teama judec ii `i a focului violent care i va ardepe to i cei rzvrti i mpotriva lui Dumnezeu.28Orice om care nu respect Legea lui Moiseeste omort fr mil, pe baza mrturieiaduse de doi sau trei martori. 29Pedeapsa pecare o merit cel care L-a clcat n picioarepe Fiul lui Dumnezeu este cu mult mai mare.El a profanat sngele legmntului care l-as fi n^ it , a i ns ul ta t D uh ul h ar ul ui l ui

    Dumnezeu! 30Noi l cunoa`tem pe Cel ce asp us: R zbun area este a Me a; Eu voirsplti.2 El a mai spus: Domnul va judecapoporul Su.3 31Este un lucru nfrico`tor scazi n minile Dumnezeului celui viu!

    Nu v pierde^i curajul `i bucuria32Aminti^i-v de zilele de la nceput,

    cnd, dup ce a^i primit lumina, a^i ndurat olupt grea, plin de multe suferin^e. 33A^ifost chiar insulta^i `i persecuta^i n vzultuturor. Alteori, a^i stat alturi de cei caretreceau prin acelea`i suferin^e. 34A i luatparte la suferin^ele celor care se aflau n

    nchisoare `i a^i acceptat cu bucurie confis-carea bunurilor voastre. Voi a^i putut faceaceste lucruri pentru c `tia^i c ave^i nceruri o comoar mai bun, ceva care varmne pentru totdeauna.

    35A`a c, s nu v pierde^i ncrederea, cciea v va aduce o mare rsplat! 36Trebuiedeci s ave i rbdare, pentru ca, mplinindvoia lui Dumnezeu, s pute^i primi ce v-apromis El. 37nc pu^in, foarte pu^in timp `i

    Cel ce trebuie s vin va veni;El nu va ntrzia.

    38 Cel drept, care este al Meu, va avea via^datorit credin^ei sale.

    Dar dac va da napoi,nu-Mi voi gsi plcerea n el.

    Habacuc 2.34 (versiunea greceasc)

    1 10:25 Day Probably the day Christ will come to judge everyone andtake his people to live with him. 2 10:30 Quote from Deut. 32:35.310:30 Quote from Deut. 32:36.

    encouraging each other. This becomes more andmore important as you see the Day1 getting closer.

    Dont Turn Away From Christ26If we decide to continue sinning after we

    have learned the truth, then there is no other sacri-fice* that will take away sins. 27If we continue sin-ning, all that is left for us is a fearful time ofwaiting for the judgment and the angry fire thatwil l des t roy those who l ive agains t God.28Whoever refused to obey the law of Moses* wasfound guilty from the testimony given by two orthree witnesses. Such people were not forgiven.They were killed. 29So think how much more pun-ishment people deserve who show their hate forthe Son of Godpeople who show they have norespect for the blood sacrifice that began the newagreement* and once made them holy, or who

    insult the Spirit* of Gods grace.* 30We know thatGod said, I will punish people for the wrongsthey do; I will repay them.2 And he also said,The Lord will judge his people.3 31It is a terriblething to face punishment from the living God.

    Keep the Courage and Patience You Had32Remember the days when you first learned

    the truth. You had a hard struggle with much suf-fering, but you continued strong. 33Sometimespeople said hateful things to you and mistreatedyou in public. And sometimes you helped otherswho were being treated that same way. 34Yes, youhelped them in prison and shared in their suf-

    fering. And you were still happy when everythingyou owned was taken away from you. You con-tinued to be happy, because you knew that youhad something much bettersomething thatwould continue forever.

    35So dont lose the courage that you had in thepas t. Your courage wil l be rewarded r ichly.36You must be patient. After you have done whatGod wants, you will get what he promised you.37He says,

    Very soon now, the one who is comingwill come and will not be late.

    38 The person who is right with mewill live by trusting in me.

    But I will not be pleased with the onewho turns back in fear.

    Habakkuk 2:34 (Greek version)

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    482EVREI 10.39 11.10 HEBREWS 10:3911:10

    1 11.10 cetatea cetatea spiritual unde poporul lui Dumnezeutrie`te mpreun cu El. Mai este numit `i Ierusalimul ceresc.Vezi Evr. 12.22.

    39Dar noi nu suntem dintre aceia care daunapoi `i sunt pierdu^i. Noi suntem aceia careavem credin^, `i de aceea suntem mntui i.

    Prin credin^

    111Credin^a nseamn a fi sigur delucrurile la care speri; nseamn a fi

    sigur de lucruri pe care nu le po^i vedea.2Datorit credin ei lor, oamenii din trecut aufost pe placul lui Dumnezeu.

    3Prin credin n^elegem c ntreaga lumea fost creat prin Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu,c ceea ce vedem a fost fcut din lucruri pecare nu le putem vedea.

    4P r i n c r e di n ^ A b e l I - a ad u s l u iDumnezeu o jertf mai bun dect a luiCain. Datorit credin^ei sale, Abel a fostdeclarat un om drept. Dumnezeu a depus

    mrturie despre dreptatea lui prin faptul ci-a primit darurile. i de`i Abel este mort,credin^a lui vorbe`te `i astzi.

    5Prin credin^ Enoh a fost ridicat laDumnezeu fr s fi trecut prin moarte.Scriptura* spune c, nainte de a fi ridicat,Enoh a primit mrturia c era un om pe pla-cul lui Dumnezeu. Enoh nu a mai putut figsit, pentru c Dumnezeu l luase s fie cuEl. 6Fr credin^ este imposibil s fim peplacul lui Dumnezeu. Cel care vine laDumnezeu trebuie s cread c El exist `ic i rsplte`te pe cei care se strduiesc

    s-L gseasc cu adevrat.7Noe a fost avertizat de Dumnezeu curmau s se ntmple lucruri pe care nuputea s le vad. Prin credin^ Noe a ascul-tat `i a construit o corabie pentru a-`i salvafamilia. Noe a condamnat lumea de pe vre-mea lui `i a devenit unul dintre oamenii caremo`tenesc dreptatea prin credin^a lor.

    8Prin credin^ Avraam L-a ascultat peD um nezeu cn d El l- a c hem at s pl ec entr-un loc pe care urma s-l primeasc dreptmo`tenire. Avraam a plecat, de`i nu `tia undese ducea. 9Prin credin^, el a locuit ca strinn ^inutul pe care Dumnezeu i-l promisese. Alocuit n corturi la fel ca Isaac `i Iacov, careprimiser `i ei aceea`i promisiune. 10El aputut s fac acest lucru pentru c avea privi-rea ndreptat asupra cet ii1 cu temelii tari, alcrei Arhitect `i Constructor este Dumnezeu.

    111:10 city The spiritual city where Gods people live with him. Alsocalled the heavenly Jerusalem. See Heb. 12:22.

    39But we are not those who turn back and arelost. No, we are the people who have faith andare saved.


    111Faith is what makes real the things wehope for. It is proof of what we cannot

    see. 2God was pleased with the people who liveda long time ago, because they had faith like this.

    3Faith helps us understand that God created thewhole world by his command. This means that thethings we see were made by something thatcannot be seen.

    4Cain* and Abel* both offered sacrifices* toGod. But Abel offered a better sacrifice to Godbecause he had faith. God said he was pleasedwith what Abel offered. And so God called him a

    good man because he had faith. Abel died, butthrough his faith he is still speaking.

    5Enoch was carried away from this earth, so henever died. Before he was carried off, the Scrip-tures* say, he was a man who pleased God. Later,no one knew where he was, because God hadtaken Enoch to be with him. This happened to himbecause he had faith. 6Without faith no one canplease God. Whoever comes to God must believethat he is real and that he rewards those who sin-cerely try to find him.

    7Noah was warned by God about things that hecould not yet see. But he had faith and respect forGod, so he built a large boat to save his family.With his faith, Noah showed that the world waswrong. And he became one of those who aremade right with God through faith.

    8God called Abraham to travel to another placethat he promised to give him. Abraham did notknow where that other place was. But he obeyedGod and started traveling, because he had faith.9Abraham lived in that country that God promisedto give him. He lived there like a visitor who didnot belong. He did this because he had faith. Helived in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who alsoreceived that same promise from God. 10Abrahamwas waiting for the city1 that has real foundations.He was waiting for the city that is planned andbuilt by God.

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    483 HEBREWS 11:1125 EVREI 11.1125

    11Sara nu putea s aib copii `i Avraamera prea btrn. Dar el a avut credin^ nDumnezeu, a avut ncredere c El `i vamplini promisiunea. i Dumnezeu i-a fcut

    n stare s aib copii.12

    i din acest om, careera att de naintat n vrst nct nu maiavea mult de trit, au ie`it att de mul^iurma`i cte stele sunt pe cer `i la fel de greude numrat ca nisipul de pe malul mrii.

    13Ace`ti oameni `i-au pstrat credin^apn la moarte. Ei nu au primit lucrurilepromise, dar le-au vzut de la distan^ `is-au bucurat. Ei au recunoscut n fa^a tuturorc erau strini `i cltori pe pmnt. 14Ceice spun astfel de lucruri arat c ei sunt ncutarea unei patrii. 15Dac ar fi continuat sse gndeasc la ^ara pe care o prsiser, arfi avut ocazii s se ntoarc. 16Dar acum eisperau s ajung ntr-o ^ar mai bun, adicuna cereasc. De aceea, lui Dumnezeu nu-Ieste ru`ine s fie numit Dumnezeul lor `i apregtit o cetate pentru ei.

    1718Prin credin^ Avraam era gata s-lje rt fe asc pe Is aac atun ci cnd l- a pu sDumnezeu la ncercare. Dumnezeu i spuse-se: Prin Isaac se vor na`te urma`ii ti.De`i primise promisiunea, Avraam era gatas-`i jertfeasc singurul fiu. 19Avraam s-agndit c Dumnezeu putea chiar s-l nviedintre cei mor^i. i ntr-adevr, el l-a primitpe Isaac ca `i cum acesta s-ar fi ntors dintre

    cei mor^i.20Prin credin^ Isaac a binecuvntat viito-

    rul lui Iacov `i al lui Esau. 21Prin credin^,cnd Iacov era pe moarte, i-a binecuvntatpe fiecare dintre fiii lui Iosif. El s-a sprijinitn toiag `i I s-a nchinat lui Dumnezeu.

    22Prin credin^ Iosif, la sfr`itul vie^iisale, a vorbit poporului Israel despre pleca-rea din Egipt `i a dat instruc^iuni cu privirela nmormntarea sa.

    23Prin credin^, cnd s-a nscut Moise,pr in i i lu i l -au ascuns timp de trei luni,pentru c vzuser ce copil frumos era. i

    ei nu s-au temut s ncalce porunca mp-ratului.24Prin credin^, cnd a crescut, Moise a

    refuzat s fie numit fiul fiicei faraonului.25El a ales mai degrab s sufere alturi depoporul lui Dumnezeu, dect s se bucurede plcerile de scurt durat ale pcatului.

    111:1718 Quote from Gen. 21:12.

    11Sarah was not able to have children, andAbraham was too old. But he had faith in God,trusting him to do what he promised. And soG o d m a d e t h e m a b l e t o h a v e c h i l d r e n .12

    Abraham was so old he was almost dead. Butfrom that one man came as many descendants asthere are stars in the sky. So many people camefrom him that they are like grains of sand on theseashore.

    13All these great people continued living withfaith until they died. They did not get the thingsGod promised his people. But they were happyjust to see those promises coming far in the future.They accepted the fact that they were like visitorsand strangers here on earth. 14When people acceptsomething like that, they show that they arewaiting for a country that will be their own. 15Ifthey were thinking about the country they hadleft, they could have gone back. 16But they werewaiting for a better countrya heavenly country.So God is not ashamed to be called their God.And he has prepared a city for them.

    1718God tested Abrahams faith. God told himto offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham obeyedbecause he had faith. He already had the promisesfrom God. And God had already said to him, It isthrough Isaac that your descendants will come.1But Abraham was ready to offer his only son. Hedid this because he had faith. 19He believed thatGod could raise people from death. And really,when God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, it

    was like he got him back from death.20Isaac blessed the future of Jacob and Esau.

    He did that because he had faith. 21And Jacob,also because he had faith, blessed each one ofJosephs sons. He did this while he was dying,leaning on his rod and worshiping God.

    22And when Joseph was almost dead, he spokeabout the people of Israel* leaving Egypt. And hetold them what they should do with his body. Hedid this because he had faith.

    23And the mother and father of Moses* hid himfor three months after he was born. They did thisbecause they had faith. They saw that Moses was

    a beautiful baby. And they were not afraid to dis-obey the kings order.2425Moses grew up and became a man. He

    refused to be called the son of Pharaohsdaughter. He chose not to enjoy the pleasures ofsin that last such a short time. Instead, he chose tosuffer with Gods people. He did this because he

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    484EVREI 11.2640 HEBREWS 11:2640

    111.28 ngerul Mor^ii lit. nimicitorul. Dumnezeu a trimis un ngers omoare to^i ntii-nscu^i din familiile egiptenilor. VeziEx. 12.2932.

    26Moise a considerat c a suferi pentruCristos valora mai mult dect comorileEgiptului, pentru c el avea privirea ndrep-tat spre rspltire. 27Prin credin Moise a

    plecat din Egipt fr s se team de mniampratului. El a rmas neclintit ca `i cumL-ar fi vzut pe Cel Nevzut. 28Prin credin-^ Moise a srbtorit Pa`tele*. El a stropitpragul de sus `i stlpii u`ii cu snge, pentruca ngerul Mor^ii1 s nu omoare pe nici unuldintre primii nscu^i ai familiilor din Israel.

    29Prin credin^ poporul Israel a trecutMarea Ro`ie de parc ar fi mers pe uscat.Cnd egiptenii au ncercat s fac acela`ilucru, s-au necat cu to^ii.

    30Prin credin s-au prbu`it zidurile cet-^ii Ierihon, dup ce poporul le-a nconjurattimp de `apte zile.

    31Prin credin^ prostituata Rahav nu afost omort mpreun cu necredincio`ii, cia fost salvat pentru c i-a primit n casa eipe spionii israeli^i.

    32i ce a` mai avea de spus? Nu amdestul timp pentru a vorbi despre Ghedeon,Barac, Samson, Iefta, David, Samuel `idespre profe^i*. 33Prin credin^ ace`tioameni au rsturnat mpr^ii, au fcutdreptate `i au primit lucrurile pe careDumnezeu le promisese. Prin credin^ ei aunchis gurile leilor, 34au stins puterea focu-lui `i au scpat de ti`ul sabiei. De`i erau

    slabi, ei au primit putere, au fost viteji nlupte `i au pus pe fug armatele du`manilor.35Unele femei i-au primit napoi pe cei carele muriser n familiile lor `i care au fostnvia^i. Al^ii au fost tortura^i, dar nu au vruts accepte s fie elibera^i, cci vroiau snvie pentru a tri o via^ mai bun. 36Uniioameni au fost ridiculiza^i `i biciui^i, iaral^ii au fost pu`i n lan^uri `i arunca^i nnchisoare. 37Au fost uci i cu pietre, tia^i ndou cu fierstrul sau uci`i cu sabia. Aurtcit mbrca^i n piei de oaie sau decapr, au fost sraci, au fost asupri^i `i chi-


    Ei, de care lumea nu era demn, aupribegit prin de`erturi `i prin mun^i, trindn pe`teri `i grote fcute n pmnt.

    39To^i ace`tia, de`i au ajuns cunoscu^ipentru credin^a lor, nu au primit ceea ce lepromisese Dumnezeu. 40D um ne ze u a

    1 11:28 angel of death Literally, the destroyer. To punish the Egyp-tians, God sent an angel to kill the oldest son in each home. SeeEx. 12:2932. 211:28 firstborn The first child born into a family.

    had faith. 26He thought that it was better to sufferfor the Christ* than to have all the treasures ofEgypt. He was waiting for the reward that Godwould give him.


    Moses left Egypt because he had faith. Hewas not afraid of the kings anger. He continuedstrong as if he could see the God no one can see.28Moses prepared the Passover* and spread theblood on the doorways of the people of Israel, sothat the angel of death1 would not kill their first-born2 sons. Moses did this because he had faith.

    29And Gods people all walked through the RedSea like it was dry land. They were able to do thisbecause they had faith. But when the Egyptianstried to follow them, they were drowned.

    30And the walls of Jericho fell because of thefaith of Gods people. They marched around thewalls for seven days, and then the walls fell.

    31And Rahab, the prostitute, welcomed theIsraelite spies like friends. And because of herfaith, she was not killed with the ones whorefused to obey.

    32Do I need to give you more examples? I donthave enough time to tell you about Gideon, Barak,S am so n, J ep ht ha h, D av id , S am ue l, a nd t heprophets.* 33All of them had great faith. And withthat faith they defeated kingdoms. They did whatwas right, and God helped them in the ways hepromised. With their faith some people closed themouths of lions. 34And some were able to stopblazing fires. Others escaped from being killed

    with swords. Some who were weak were mades trong. They became powerfu l in bat tl e anddefeated other armies. 35There were women wholost loved ones but got them back when they wereraised from death. Others were tor tured* butrefused to accept their freedom. They did this sothat they could be raised from death to a better life. 36Some were laughed at and beaten. Otherswere tied and put into prison. 37They were killedwith stones. They were cut in half. They werekilled with swords. The only clothes some of themhad were sheep skins or goat skins. They werepoor, persecuted,* and treated badly by others.38

    The world was not good enough for these greatpeople. They had to wander in deserts and moun-tains, living in caves and holes in the ground.

    39God was pleased with all of them because oftheir faith. But not one of them received Godsgreat promise. 40God planned something better for

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    485 HEBREWS 12:111EVREI 12.111

    pregtit pentru noi ceva mai bun. Atunci vorputea ace`ti oameni s fie fcu^i desvr`i^i,dar numai mpreun cu noi.

    S urmm exemplul lui Isus

    12 1Avem mul^i martori ai credin^ei. Eine nconjoar asemenea unui nor.S aruncm deci tot ce ne trage napoi `ipcatul care att de u`or ne face s nempiedicm! S alergm cu perseveren^ nntrecerea care ne st nainte! 2S ne ^inemochii a^inti^i asupra lui Isus, conductorulcredin^ei noastre `i cel care o duce la mpli-nire. Pentru bucuria care l a`tepta, Isus andurat moartea pe cruce `i a acceptat ru`i-nea unei astfel de mor^i, iar acum st ladreapta tronului lui Dumnezeu. 3Gndi^i-v

    la El, care a ndurat o opozi^ie att de maredin partea oamenilor pcto`i, pentru ca snu v pierde^i curajul `i s cde^i deoboseal.

    Dumnezeu este ca un tat4A i luptat mpotriva pcatului, dar nu a i

    ajuns nc s v mpotrivi i pn la moarte.5Sunte i fiii lui Dumnezeu, dar a i uitat cuvin-tele de ncurajare care v-au fost adresate:

    Fiul meu, nu dispre^uidisciplinarea Domnului

    `i nu renun^a cnd El te mustr!6

    Cci Domnul disciplineazpe cine iube te`i l pedepse`te pe acela pe

    care l-a acceptat ca fiu al Su.Proverbe 3.1112

    7Rbda^i aceast disciplin! Ea arat cDumnezeu Se poart cu noi ca `i cu fiii Lui,pentru c orice tat i disciplineaz copilul.8Dac nu sunte i disciplina^i a a cum sunt to^icopiii, atunci sunte i copii nelegitimi, `i nu fiiadevra^i. 9Prin ii no tri naturali ne-au disci-plinat `i noi i-am respectat. Deci cu att maimult ar trebui s acceptm disciplina Tatlui

    nostru spiritual `i s trim.10

    Prin ii no trine-au disciplinat pentru un timp, a a cum aucrezut ei c este mai bine, ns disciplina apli-cat de Dumnezeu este spre binele nostru, cas devenim sfin i, asemenea Lui. 11Disciplinanu este niciodat plcut pe moment, ci estedureroas. Dar mai trziu, dup ce am trecutprin `coala ei, disciplina aduce pacea uneivie i trite potrivit cu voia lui Dumnezeu.

    us. He wanted to make us perfect. Of course, hewanted those great people to be made perfect too,but not before we could all enjoy that blessingtogether.

    We Also Should Follow Jesus Example

    12 1We have all these great people around usas examples. Their lives tell us what faithmeans. So we, too, should run the race that isbefore us and never quit. We should remove fromour lives anything that would slow us down andthe sin that so often makes us fall. 2We mustnever stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader ofour faith, and he is the one who makes our faithcomplete. He suffered death on the cross. But heaccepted the shame of the cross like it wasnothing. He did this because of the joy that Godput before him. And now he is sitting at the right

    side of Gods throne. 3Think about Jesus. Hepatiently endured the angry insults that sinfulpeople were shouting at him. Think about him, sothat you wont get discouraged and stop trying.

    God Is Like a Father4You are struggling against sin, but you have

    not had to give up your life for the cause. 5Youare children of God, and he speaks words of com-fort to you. You have forgotten these words:

    My child, dont think the Lords discipline isworth nothing,

    and dont stop trying when he corrects you.6

    The Lord disciplines everyone he loves;and he punishes everyone he acceptsas a child. Proverbs 3:1112

    7So accept sufferings like they are a fathers dis-cipline. God does these things to you like a fathercorrecting his children. You know that all childrenare disciplined by their fathers. 8So, if you neverreceive the discipline that every child must have,you are not true children and dont really belong toGod. 9We have all had fathers here on earth whocorrected us with discipline. And we respected

    them. So it is even more important that we acceptdiscipline from the Father of our spirits. If we dothis, we will have life. 10Our fathers on earth disci-plined us for a short time in the way they thoughtwas best. But God disciplines us to help us, so thatwe can be holy* like him. 11We dont enjoy disci-pline when we get it. It is painful. But later, afterwe have learned our lesson from it, we will enjoythe peace that comes from doing what is right.

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    486EVREI 12.1224 HEBREWS 12:1224

    112.18 munte versetele 821 fac trimitere la evenimentele princare a trecut poporul lui Israel pe Muntele Sinai, relatate nEx. 9 . 2 12.20 Citat din Ex. 19.1213. 3 12.21 Citat dinDt. 9.19.

    Ave^i grij cum v tri^i via^a!12A`a c ntri^i-v bra^ele obosite `i

    genunchii tremurnzi! 13Merge i pe caleacea dreapt pentru ca s fi^i mntui^i `i

    pentru ca nu cumva slbiciunea voastr sv fac s v abate^i de la ^int.14ncerca^i s tri^i n pace cu to^i oame-

    nii `i s duce^i o via sfnt, cci fr sfin-^enie nimeni nu-L va vedea pe Domnul.15Ave^i grij ca nimeni s nu se abat de laharul lui Dumnezeu `i astfel s devin ase-menea unei buruieni amare care cre te `i dna`tere la multe probleme `i prin care mul ioameni pot fi tulbura i `i distru i. 16Ave^igrij ca nimeni s nu fie imoral sau un omlumesc, cum era Esau. Esau ` i-a vndutdreptul primului nscut doar pentru o por iede mncare. 17i `ti^i c dup aceea a vruts-`i primeasc binecuvntarea, `i chiar aplns. Dar tatl su a refuzat s i-o dea,pentru c Esau nu putea s schimbe ceea cefcuse.

    18Voi nu v-a^i apropiat de un munte1 careputea fi atins `i care era cuprins de foc, dentuneric, de negur `i de furtun; 19nici nuv-a^i adunat la sunetul unei trmbi^e `i n-a^iascultat glasul care a vorbit n a`a fel, nctcei care l-au auzit au cerut s nu li se maivorbeasc. 20Cci ei nu puteau suporta ce lise poruncise: Chiar un animal dac se vaatinge de munte, s fie omort cu pietre.221i ntr-adevr, imaginea aceea era att denfrico`toare, nct Moise a spus: Tremurde fric.3

    22Dar voi v-a^i apropiat de muntele Sion,de cetatea Dumnezeului celui viu, deIerusalimul ceresc; de miile `i miile dengeri care s-au adunat cu bucurie; 23deBiserica primilor nscu^i, ale cror numesunt scrise n ceruri; v-a^i apropiat deDumnezeu, Cel ce judec to^i oamenii, `i deduhurile oamenilor drep^i, care au fostfcu^i desvr`i^i; 24de Isus, Mijlocitorulunui nou legmnt `i de sngele ce a fost

    stropit, care ne vorbe`te despre lucruri maibune dect sngele lui Abel*.

    1 12:20 Quote from Ex. 19:1213. 2 12:21 Quote from Deut. 9:19.312:21 Verses 1821 These verses refer to things that happened to thepeople of Israel in the time o

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