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Page 1: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline




Home Address Office Address

5909 Down Valley Court Department of Sociology

Austin, TX 78731 University of Texas at Austin

512/467-9371 Austin, TX 78712-1088


FAX: 512/471-1748

INTERNET: [email protected]

Place of birth: Las Vegas, NM


B.A. (English), University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1970

University of New Mexico Graduate School (English), Albuquerque, NM, 1973-1974

M.S. (Sociology), University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1977

Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1981

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Rutgers-Princeton Program in Mental Health Research, 1981-1983

Major Honors

United States Public Health Service Traineeship Awards, January, 1975 - June, 1978

Post-Doctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health, July, 1981 - June, 1983

Silver Spurs Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Texas, Austin, 1990.

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1996

Pearmain Prize for Excellence in Research on Aging, 2012, University of Southern California

School of Social Work.

Military Service

United States Army, September, 1970 - June, 1973

Page 2: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Academic and Administrative Positions

Professor, Department of Sociology, the University of Texas, Austin, TX, September, 1993 to


Chair, Department of Sociology, the University of Texas, Austin TX, September, 1996 to

August, 2000.

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, the University of Texas, Austin, TX, July,

1990 to August, 1993.

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, July,

1988 to June, 1990.

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, July,

1983 to June, 1988.

Major Federal and Professional Advisory Positions

Member, Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2007 – 2011.

Member, National Advisory Board, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health

Policy, The University of New Mexico, 2007-Present.

National Advisory Committee Member, Scholars in Health Policy Research Program, The

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2002-2005.

National Advisory Board, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health Policy, 2008 –


American Sociological Association Representative to Section K (Social, Economic,

And Political Sciences) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

2007 - 2008.

Member, Epidemiologic and Services Research Review Committee, National Institute of

Mental Health, 1989 - 1993.

Member, Technical Working Group, National Research Center on Hispanic Children and

Families, sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) within

the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services.

Member, Board of Directors, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare


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Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2015. Latinos in an Aging World. New

York, NY: Routledge.

Angel, Ronald J., Holly Bell, Julie Beausoleil, and Laura Lein. 2012. Community Lost: The

State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York:

Cambridge University Press.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2009. Hispanic Families at Risk: The New

Economy, Work, and the Welfare State. New York, NY: Springer.

Angel, Ronald J., Laura Lein, and Jane Henrici. 2006. Poor Families in America's Health

Care Crisis. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Winner of a Choice Magazine

“Outstanding Academic Book Award, 2007”).

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1997. Who Will Care For Us? Aging and Long-

Term Care in Multicultural America. New York: New York University Press. (Winner

of a Choice Magazine “Outstanding Academic Book Award, 1998”).

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1993. Painful Inheritance: Health and the New

Generation of Fatherless Families. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

Refereed Articles

Garcia, Marc A., Jacqueline L. Angel, Ronald J. Angel, and Chi-Tsun Chiu. (forthcoming).

“Acculturation, Gender and Active Life Expectancy in the Mexican-origin Population.”

Journal of Aging and Health.

Angel, R.J., Angel, J.L., & Hill, T.D., (2014). Longer Lives, Sicker Lives? Increased Longevity

and Extended Disability Among Mexican-Origin Elders. Journals of Gerontology, Series

B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbu158.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Kate Prickett, and Ronald J. Angel. 2014. “Sources of Retirement

Security for Black, non-Hispanic White, and Mexican-Origin Women: The Changing Roles

of Marriage and Work.” Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, 35:222-241.

Angel, Jacqueline, Sunshine Rote, Dustin, Brown, Ronald Angel, and Kyriakos Markides.

2014. “Nativity Status and Sources of Care Assistance among Elderly Mexican-Origin

Adults.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 29:243-58.

Angel, Ronald J. After Babel: Language and the Fundamental Challenges of Comparative

Research. 2013. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 28:223-238.

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Panas, L.J., Siordia, C., Angel, R., Eschbach, K., and Markides, Kyriakos, S. 2013. Physical

Performance and Short-Term Mortality in Very Old Mexican Americans. Experimental

Aging Research, 39:481-492.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2013. “Ethnic Heterogamy and Partner Violence in

Mexico.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36:1666-1686.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2012. “Beyond Borders: Comparative Quantitative

Research on Partner Violence in the United States and Mexico.” Violence Against

Women, 18:5 - 29.

Angel, Ronald J. 2011. “Agency versus Structure: Genetics, Group Membership, and a New

Twist on an Old Debate.” Social Science and Medicine 73:632-635.

Angel, Ronald J. 2011. “A response to the commentaries by Craddock and Fotaki.” Social

Science and Medicine, 73:643-644.

Angel, Jacqueline, Jennifer Karas Montez, and Ronald J. Angel. 2011. “A Window of

Vulnerability : Health Insurance Coverage Among Women 55 to 64 Years of Age.”

Women’s Health Issues, 21:6-11.

Gajewski, Stephanie, Holly Bell, Laura Lein, and Ronald J. Angel. 2011. "Complexity and

Instability: The Response of Nongovernmental Organizations to the Recovery of

Hurricane Katrina Survivors in a Host Community." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector

Quarterly, 40:389-403.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, Carlos Díaz Venegas, and Claude Bonazzo. 2010.

“Shorter Stay, Longer life: Age at Migration and Mortality among the Older Mexican-

Origin Population”. Journal of Aging and Health, 22:914-931.

Salinas, Jennifer J., Soham Al Snih, Kyriakos Markides, Ronald J. Angel, Laura A. Ray.

2010. “The Rural – Urban Divide: Health Services Utilization among Older Mexicans in

Mexico.” The Journal of Rural Health, 26:333-341.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Jennifer Karas Montez. 2009. “The Work/Health

Insurance Nexus: A Weak Link for Mexican-origin Men.” Social Science Quarterly,


Lein, Laura, Ronald Angel, Holly Bell and Julie Beausoleil. 2009. “The State and Civil

Society Response to Disaster: The Challenge of Coordination,” Organization and

Environment, 22:448-457.

Montez, Jennifer Karas, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Ronald J. Angel. 2009. “Employment,

Marriage, and Inequality in Health Insurance for Mexican-Origin Women.” Journal of

Health and Social Behavior, 50:132-148.

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Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Terrence Hill. 2009. Subjective Control and Health

among Mexican-origin Elders in Mexico and the United States: Structural

Considerations in Comparative Research.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences,

64B: 390-401.

Hill, Terrence, Ryan Schroeder, Christopher Bradley, Lauren Kaplan, and Ronald Angel. 2009.

“The Long-term Health Consequences of Relationship Violence in Adulthood: An

Examination of Low-income Women from Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio.” American

Journal of Public Health, 99:1645-1650.

Hill, Terrence, Amie Nielsen, and Ronald Angel. 2009. “Relationship Violence and Frequency

of Intoxication among Low-income Urban Women.” Substance Use & Misuse, 44:684-


Angel, Ronald J. 2009. “Structural and Cultural Factors in Successful Aging among

Older Hispanics.” Family and Community Health, 32(Supplement):S46-S56.

Kulkarni, Shanti, Holly Bell, Julie Beausoleil, Laura Lein, Ron Angel, and Johnnie Hamilton-

Mason. 2008. “When the Floods of Compassion Are not Enough: A Nation’s and a

City’s Response to the Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina.” Smith College Studies In Social

Work, 78:399-425.

Hill, Terrence, Amy Burdette, Mark Regnerus, and Ronald Angel. 2008. “Religious

Involvement and Attitudes toward Parenting among Low-income Urban Women.”

Journal of Family Issues, 29:882-900.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Terrence D. Hill. 2008. A Comparison of the

Health of Older Hispanics in U.S. and Mexico: Methodological Challenges. Journal

of Aging and Health, 20:3-31.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2007. “Stability and Change in the Experience of Partner

Violence among Low-Income Women.” Social Science Quarterly, 88:1281-1306.

Pereira, Javier, Ronald J. Angel, Jacqueline L. Angel. 2007. A Case Study of the Elder Care

Functions of a Chilean Non-Governmental Organization. Social Science &

Medicine, 64: 2096-2106.

Tovar, Jennifer J., Ronald J. Angel, Karl Eschbach1,David V. Espino, and Kyriakos S.

Markides. 2007. “The Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Study of

the Elderly: Selected Longitudinal Findings.” Aging Health, 3:325-331.

Durden, Emily, Terrence Hill, and Ronald Angel. 2007. “Social Demands, Social

Supports, and Psychological Distress among Low-income Women.” Journal of Social

and Personal Relationships, 24:343-361.

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Hill, Terrence, Krysia Mossakowski, and Ronald Angel. 2007. "Relationship Violence and

Psychological Distress among Low-income Urban Women." Journal of Urban Health:

Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 84:537-551.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Maren Jimenez, and Ronald J. Angel. 2007. “The Economic

Consequences of Widowhood for Older Minority Women.” The Gerontologist, 47:224-


Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 2006. “Minority Group Status and Healthful

Aging: Social Structure Still Matters.” American Journal of Public Health, 96:1152-


Angel, Ronald J. 2006. “Narrative and the Fundamental Limitations of Quantification in

Cross-Cultural Research.” Medical Care, 44 (Supplement 3):S31-33.

Lein, Laura, Holly Bell, and Ronald J. Angel. 2006. “The Importance of Selection

Factors: Evaluating the Impact of Employment on Family Well-Being in Families

Transitioning from Welfare to Work.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social

Environment, 13:43-61.

Hill, Terrence D., Amy M. Burdette, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Ronald J. Angel. 2006.

“Religious Attendance and Cognitive Functioning among Older Mexican Americans.

Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 61:P3-9.

Hill, Terrence, Jacqueline Angel, Christopher Ellison, and Ronald Angel. 2005. “Religious

Attendance and Mortality: An Eight-Year Follow Up of Older Mexican Americans.”

Journal of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences,


Hill, Terrence, Catherine Ross, and Ronald Angel. 2005. “Neighborhood Disorder,

Psychophysiological Distress and Health.” Journal of Health & Social Behavior,


Angel Ronald J., Sonia M. Frias, and Terrence D. Hill. 2005. “Determinants of Household

Insurance Coverage among Low-Income Families from Boston, Chicago, and San

Antonio: Evidence from the Three City Study.” Social Science Quarterly, 86:


Hill, Terrence and Ronald Angel. 2005. “Neighborhood Disorder, Psychological Distress, and

Heavy Drinking.” Social Science & Medicine, 61:965-975.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2005. Identifying Hispanic Subgroup Variation in the

Risk Profile for Domestic Violence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 67:552–564.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, Maria P. Aranda, and Toni P. Miles. 2004. “Can the

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Family Still Cope? Social Support and Health as Determinants of Nursing Home Use in

the Older Mexican-origin Population.” Journal of Aging and Health, 16:338-354

Angel, Ronald J., Michelle Frisco, Jacqueline L. Angel, and David Chiriboga. 2003.

“Financial Strain and Health among Elderly Mexican-origin Individuals.” Journal of

Health and Social Behavior, 44:536-551.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Nora Douglas, and Ronald J. Angel. 2003. “Gender, Widowhood, and

Long-term Care in the Older Mexican American Population.” Journal of Women and

Aging, 15:89-105; discussion 185-7.

Reprinted in Carol L. Jenkins (ed.) Widows and Divorcees in Later Life: On Their Own

Again, Pp. 89-105. Binghamton, New York: The Haworth Press.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 2002. “Stability and

Change in Health Insurance Among Older Mexican Americans: Longitudinal Evidence

From the Hispanic Established Populations for Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly.”

American Journal of Public Health, 92:1264-1271.

Lee, Geum-Yong and Ronald J. Angel. 2002. “Living Arrangements and Supplemental

Security Income Use Among Elderly Asians and Hispanics in the United States: The

Role of Nativity and Citizenship.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28:553-563.

Markides, Kyriakos, Sandra Black, Glenn Ostir, Ronald Angel, Jack Guralnik, and Michael

Lichtenstein. 2001. “Lower Body Function and Mortality in Mexican American

Elderly.” Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 56:M243-47.

Angel, Ronald J. and Michelle Frisco. 2001. “Self-Assessments of Health and

Functional Capacity among Older Adults.” Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 7:119-


Reprinted in Skinner, John H., Jeanne A. Teresi, Douglas Holmes, Sidney M. Stahl, and

Anita L. Stewart (eds.) 2002. Multicultural Measurement in Older Populations, Pp. 129-

46. New York: Springer.

Angel, Ronald, Glenn V. Ostir, Michelle L. Frisco, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 2000.

"The Comparison of a Self-Reported and a Performance-Based Assessment of Mobility

in the Hispanic EPESE," Research on Aging, 22:715-37.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 2000. “Late Life

Immigration, Living Arrangements, and Headship Status Among Older Mexican-Origin

Individuals.” Social Science Quarterly, 81:389-403.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, Geum-Yong Lee, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 1999.

“Age at Migration and Family Dependency Among Older Mexican Immigrants: Recent

Evidence from the Mexican American EPESE.” The Gerontologist, 39:59-65.

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Angel, Jacqueline and Ronald J. Angel. 1998. “Aging Trends–Mexican Americans in the

Southwestern United States.” Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 13:281-290.

Perkowski, Linda C., Christine A. Stroup-Behnam, Kyriakos S. Markides, Michael J.

Lichtenstein, Ronald J. Angel, Jack M. Guralnik, James S. Goodwin. 1998. "Lower

Extremity Functioning in Older Mexican Americans and Its Association with Medical

Problems." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 46:1-8.

Angel Jacqueline L., Ronald Angel, and Kristin Henderson. 1997. "Contextualizing Social

Support and Health in Old Age: Reconsidering Culture and Gender." International

Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 17:83-116.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1996. "The Extent of Private and Public Health

Insurance Coverage among Adult Hispanics." The Gerontologist, 36:332-40.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald Angel, Judi McClellan, Kyriakos Markides. 1996. "Nativity,

Declining Health, and Preferences in Living Arrangements among Elderly Mexican

Americans: Implications for Long-term Care." The Gerontologist, 36:464-73.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1996. "Physical Co-Morbidity and Medical Care

Use In Children with Emotional Problems." Public Health Reports. 3:8-14

Bagley, Shirley P., Ronald Angel, Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, William Liu, and Steven

Schinke. 1995. "Adaptive Health Behaviors Among Ethnic Minorities." Health

Psychology, 14:632-40.

Revised version published as Ana Abraído-Lanza et. al. 1997. "Task Group V:

Adaptive Health Behaviors." Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health, 2:143-62.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Christine L. Himes. 1992. "Minority Group Status,

Health Transitions, and Community Living Arrangements among the Elderly." Research

on Aging, 14:496-421.

Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 1992. "Age at Migration, Social Connections, and

Well-Being among Elderly Hispanics." Journal of Aging and Health, 4:480-499.

Mechanic, David, Ronald Angel, and Lorraine Davies. 1992. "Correlates of Using Mental

Health Services: Implications of Using Alternative Definitions." American Journal of

Public Health, 82:74-78.

Guarnaccia, Peter J., Jacqueline Lowe Angel, and Ronald Angel. 1992. "The Impacts of Farm

Work on Health: Analyses of the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey."

International Migration Review, 26:111-132.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline L. Worobey. 1991. "Intra-Group Differences in the Health of

Hispanic Children." Social Science Quarterly, 72:361-78.

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Guarnaccia, Peter J., Ronald Angel, and Jacqueline L. Worobey. 1991. "The Impacts of

Marital Status and Employment on Depressive Affect for Hispanic Americans." Journal

of Community Psychology, 19:136-149.

Mechanic, David, Ronald Angel, and Lorraine Davies. 1991. "Risk and Selection Processes

Between the General and Specialty Mental Health Sectors." Journal of Health and

Social Behavior, 32:49-64.

Worobey, Jacqueline Lowe and Ronald Angel. 1990. "Poverty and Health: Older Minority

Women and the Rise of the Female-Headed Household." Journal of Health and Social

Behavior, 31:370-83.

Worobey, Jacqueline Lowe and Ronald Angel. 1990. "Functional Capacity and Living

Arrangements of Unmarried Elderly Persons." Journal of Gerontology, 45:95-101.

Idler, Ellen and Ronald Angel. 1990. "Self-Rated Health and Mortality in the NHANES-I

Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study." American Journal of Public Health, 80:446-52.

Angel, Ronald and Peter J. Guarnaccia. 1989. "Mind, Body, and Culture: Somatization

Among Hispanics." Social Science and Medicine, 28:1229-38.

Guarnaccia, Peter J., Ronald Angel, and Jacqueline Lowe Worobey. 1989. "The Factor

Structure of the CES-D: Evidence from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey." Social Science and Medicine, 29:85-94.

Angel, Ronald and William Gronfein. 1988. "The Use of Subjective Information in Statistical

Models." American Sociological Review, 53:464-73.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline Lowe Worobey. 1988. "Single Motherhood and Children's

Health." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 29:38-52.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline Lowe Worobey. 1988. "Acculturation and Maternal Reports of

Children's Health: Evidence from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey." Social Science Quarterly, 69:707-21.

Worobey, Jacqueline Lowe, Ronald Angel, and John Worobey. 1988. "Family Structure and

Young Children's Use of Medical Care." Topics In Early Childhood Special Education,


Angel, Ronald and Peggy Thoits. 1987. "The Impact of Culture on the Cognitive Structure of

Illness." Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 11:23-52.

Mechanic, David and Ronald Angel. 1987. "Some Factors Associated with the Report and

Evaluation of Back Pain." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 28:131-39.

Angel, Ronald and Paul D. Cleary. 1984. "The Effects of Social Structure and Culture on

Page 10: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Reported Health." Social Science Quarterly, 65:814-28.

Cleary, Paul D. and Ronald Angel. 1984. "The Analysis of Relationships Involving

Dichotomous Dependent Variables." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 25:334-48.

Angel, Ronald. 1984. "The Costs of Disability for Hispanic Males." Social Science Quarterly,


Brodkin, Adele M., Diane Shrier, Ronald Angel, Elizabeth Alger, William A. Layman, and

Martin Buxton. 1984. "Retrospective Reports of Mothers' Work Patterns and Subsequent

Psychological Distress in First-Year Medical Students." Journal of the American

Academy of Child Psychiatry, 4:479-85.

Tienda, Marta and Ronald Angel. 1982. "Headship and Household Composition Among

Blacks, Hispanics and Other Whites." Social Forces, 61:508-31.

Angel, Ronald and Marta Tienda. 1982. "Determinants of Extended Household Structure:

Cultural Pattern or Economic Need?" American Journal of Sociology, 87:1360-83.

Chapters and Invited Publications

Angel, Ronald J. (Forthcoming). “Social Class, Poverty and the Unequal Burden of Illness and

Death.” Chapter 31 in Linda Burton and David Brady (eds.) Oxford Handbook of P

overty and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Angel, Ronald J. and Javier Pereira. (Forthcoming). “Pension Reform, Civil Society, and Old

Age Security in Latin America.” In William Vega, Kyriakos Markides, Jacqueline Angel,

and Fernando Torres-Gil (eds.) Challenges for Hispanic Aging: Mexico and the United

States. New York: Springer.

Herrera, Angelica P., Jacqueline L. Angel Carlos Díaz Venegas, and Ronald J. Angel.

(Forthcoming). “Estimating the Demand for Long-term Care among Aging Mexican

Americans: Cultural Preferences versus Economic Realities.” Pp. 259-276 in Health and

Health Care Challenges for Aging Latinos: The Mexican-origin Population, edited by

Jacqueline L. Angel, Fernando Torres-Gil and Kyriakos Markides. New York, NY:


Angel, Ronald J. 2014. “Public Policy, the Welfare State, and Older Minority

Americans.” Pp. 525-538 in Keith E. Whitfield and Tamara A. Baker (eds.) The

Handbook on Minority Aging. New York: Springer.

Markides, Kyriakos S., Ronald J. Angel, and M. Kristen Peek. 2013. “Aging, Health,

and Families in the Hispanic Population: Evolution of a Paradigm.” Pp. 314-331 in

Merril Silverstein and Roseann Giarrusso (eds.) From Generation to Generation: Kin and

Cohort in an Aging Society. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Page 11: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Lein, Laura, Ronald Angel, Julie Beausoleil, and Holly Bell. 2012. “The Basement of Extreme

Poverty: Katrina Survivors and Poverty Programs.” Pp. 47-62 in Lynn Weber and Lori

Peek (eds.) Displaced: Life in the Katrina Diaspora. Austin, TX: University of Texas


Herrera, Angelica, Jacqueline L. Angel, Díaz Venegas, and Ronald J. Angel. 2012. “Estimating

the Demand for Long-Term Care Among Aging Mexican Americans: Cultural Preferences

Versus Economic Realities.” Pp. 259-276 in Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-

Origin Population, edited by Jacqueline L. Angel, Fernando Torres-Gil, and Kyriakos

Markides. New York: Springer.

Angel, Ronald J. 2011. “Civil Society and Eldercare in Post-Traditional Society.” Pp. 549-

581 in Handbook of Sociology of Aging, edited by Richard A. Settersten and Jacqueline

L. Angel. New York: Springer.

Pereira Bruno, Javier and Ronald Angel. 2009. “From Adversary to Ally: The Evolution of

Non-Governmental Organizations in the Context of Health Reform in Santiago and

Montevideo.” Pp. 97-111 in Savatore J. Babones (ed.) Social Inequality and Public

Health. Bristol, UK: Polity Press.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Laura Lein. 2008. “The Health Care Safety Net for

Mexican American Families.” Pp. 395-410 in Russell Crane and Tim B. Heaton (eds.)

Handbook of Families and Poverty: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage Publications.

Angel, Ronald. 2007. "Illness Behavior." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ritzer,

George (Ed). Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Blackwell Reference Online.



Henrici, Jane, Ronald J. Angel, and Laura Lein. 2007. “Women and Children in the Health

Care Gap.” Pp. 71-92 in Barbara A. Arrighi and David J. Maume (eds.) Child Poverty in

America Today, Volume 4: Children and the State. Westport , CN: Praeger.

Angel, Ronald J. and Sonia M. Frias. 2007. “Migration and Health.” Pp. 374-376 in Kyriakos

S. Markides, Dan Blazer, Laurence G. Branch, and Stephanie Studenski (eds.)

Encyclopedia of Health and Aging. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Angel, Ronald J. & Jacqueline L. Angel. 2007. “The Health Care Safety Net for

Hispanics.” Pp. 263-279 in Jacqueline L. Angel and Keith E. Whitfield (eds.). The

Health of Aging Hispanics: The Mexican-Origin Population. New York: Springer


Angel, Ronald J. and Laura Lein. 2006. “The Myth of Self-Sufficiency in Health.”

Pp. 99-112 in Jane Henrici (ed.) Doing Without: Women and Work after Welfare

Reform. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

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Angel, Ronald J. and Laura Lein. 2006. “Living on a Poverty Income: The Role of

Non-Governmental Agencies in the Scramble for Resources.” Washington University

Journal of Law & Policy, 20:75-99.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline Angel. 2006. “Diversity and Aging in the United States.”

Pp. 94-110 in Robert Binstock and Linda George (eds.) Handbook of Aging and the

Social Sciences (6th

Edition). New York: Academic Press.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2005. "Families, Poverty, and Children's

Health." Pp. 156-77 in Russell Crane and Elaine S. Marshall (eds.) Handbook of

Families and Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2004. "Family, the State, and Health Care:

Changing Roles in the New Century. Pp. 233-252 in Jacqueline Scott, Judith Treas, and

Martin Richards (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to The Sociology of Families. Oxford,

UK: Blackwell Publishing.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 2003. “La Salud Física y

Mental De Los Mexicanos Migrantes Mayores en Los Estados Unidos." Pp. 153-172 in

Calidad de Vida y Vejez en la Pobreza: Una Perspectiva de Género, V. Nelly Salgado

de Snyder and Rebecca Wong (eds.) Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Cuernavaca,

Morelos, México.

Angel, Ronald and Kristi Williams. 2000. “Cultural Models of Health and Illness.” Pp.

25-44 in Israel Cuéllar and Freddy A. Paniagua (eds.) Handbook of Multi-Cultural

Mental Health: Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations. New York:

Academic Press.

Revised Version: 2013. Pp. 49-68 in Freddy A. Paniagua and Ann-Marie Yamada (eds.)

Handbook of Multi-Cultural Mental Health: Assessment and Treatment of Diverse

Populations. New York: Academic Press.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1997. "Health Service Use and Long-term Care." Pp.

343-66 in Kyriakos S. Markides and Manuel Miranda (eds.) Minorities, Aging and

Health. New York: Sage.

Markides, Kyriakos S., Laura Rudkin, Ronald J. Angel, and David Espino. 1997. "Health

Status of Hispanic Elderly." Pp. 285-300 in Linda G. Martin and Beth J. Soldo (eds.)

Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Health of Older Americans. Washington, DC:

National Academy Press.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1995. "Mental and Physical Comorbidity Among the

Elderly: The Role of Culture and Social Class." Pp. 47-70 in Deborah Padgett (ed.),

Handbook on Ethnicity, Aging, and Mental Health. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Page 13: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Angel, Ronald and Ellen Idler. 1992. "Somatization and Hypochondriasis: Sociocultural

Factors in Subjective Experience." Pp. 75-97 in James R. Greenley and Philip J. Leaf,

(eds.), Research in Community and Mental Health, Vol. 7. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Idler, Ellen and Ronald Angel. 1990. "Age, Pain, and Self-Assessments of Health." Pp. 127-

148 in Gary L. Albrecht, (ed.), Advances in Medical Sociology, Vol 1. Greenwich, CT:

JAI Press.

Angel, Ronald. 1985. "The Health of the Mexican Origin Population." Pp. 410-26 in Rodolfo

Alvarez, Frank Bean, Charles M. Bonjean, Rodolfo De La Garza, and Ricardo Romo

(eds.), The Mexican American Experience: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. Austin, TX:

University of Texas Press.

Angel, Ronald and Marta Tienda. 1984. "Household Composition and Income Generation

Strategies among Blacks, Hispanics, and Non-Hispanic Whites in the U.S." Pp. 141-73

in Merlin B. Brinkerhoff (ed.), Family and Work: Comparative Convergences.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Book Reviews and Review Essays

Angel, Ronald J. 2014. Review of Aaron Major, Architects of Austerity: International

Finance and the Politics of Growth. Stanford University Press, 2014. Social Forces.

Angel, Ronald J. 2015. Review of Elizabeth M. Aranda, Sallie Hughes, and Elena Sabogal,

Making a Life in Multiethnic Miami: Immigration and the Rise of a Global City.

Boulder, Colorado, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2014, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38:


Angel, Ronald J. 2014 Review of Raúl L. Madrid, The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin

America, Cambridge University Press, 2012. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37:1884-1886.

Angel, Ronald J. 2014. Review of Romke van der Veen, Mara Yerkes, and Peter

Achterberg (Eds.), The Transformation of Solidarity: Changing Risks and the Future of

the Welfare State. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012. Contemporary

Sociology, 43:276-278.

Angel, Ronald J. 2014. Review of Omar S. Valerio-Jimenez, River of Hope: Forging Identity

and Nation in the Rio Grande Borderlands, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013.

Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37:1886-1888.

Angel, Ronald J. 2011. Review of Anthony P. Mora, Border Dilemmas: Racial

and National Uncertainties in New Mexico, 1848-1912, Durham, NC: Duke University

Press. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34:1774-1775.

Angel, Ronald J. 2010. Review of Michael E. Fix (Ed.), Immigrants and Welfare:

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The Impact of Welfare Reform on America’s Newcomers. New York: Russell Sage

Foundation, 2009. Contemporary Sociology, 39:568-569.

Angel, Ronald J. 2009. Review of Suzanne M. Bianchi, John P. Robinson, and Melissa A.

Milkie. Changing Rhythms of American Life. New York: Russell Sage Foundation

(Rose Series in Sociology), 2006. American Journal of Sociology, 114:1572-1574.

Angel, Ronald J. 2008. Review of Dan Zuberi, Differences that Matter: Social Policy and the

Working Poor in the United States and Canada. Ithaca and London: Cornell University

Press, 2006. Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law, 32:1043 – 1045.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2009. Review of Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala,

Ahtziri Molina Roldán y Rosaura Avalos Pérez. Migración, redes transnacionales y

envejecimiento, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de

Investigaciones Sociales.” Revista Mexicana de Sociologia, 71:387-390.

Angel, Ronald. 1999. “Cultural Sensitivity–Who needs It?” Review essay of Caregiving

Across Cultures: Working with Dementing Illness and Ethnically Diverse Populations,

by Ramón Valle, Taylor & Francis, Levittown, PA, 1998; Ethnogerocounseling:

Counseling Ethnic Elders and Their Families, by Virginia S. Burlingame. Springer

Publishing Company, New York, 1999; and Long-Term Care and Ethnicity, by Ada C.

Mui, Namkee G. Choi, and Abraham Monk. Auburn House, Westport, CT, 1998. The

Gerontologist, 39:376-378.

Angel, Ronald. 1999. Book Symposium: Commentary on One Nation, After All by Alan

Wolfe, Sociological Perspectives, 42:123-125.

Angel, Ronald. 1991. Review of Health Policies and Black Americans. David P. Willis (Ed.),

New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1991. Contemporary Psychology, 36:223-


Angel, Ronald. 1989. Review of Culture and Human Nature: Theoretical Papers of Melford

E. Spiro. Benjamin Kilborne and L. L. Langness (Eds.) Chicago: University of Chicago

Press, 1987. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 177:434-44.

Angel, Ronald. 1988. Review of Prolonged Connections: The Rise of the Extended Family in

Nineteenth-Century England and America by Steven Ruggles. Madison, WI: University

of Wisconsin Press, 1987. American Journal of Sociology, 93:1255-57.

Angel, Ronald. 1987. Review of The Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Mental Health--A

Curriculum and Practice Model. Mary Ward Day (Ed.), Vantage, 1985. Contemporary

Sociology, 16:101-102.

Other Publications and Reports

Page 15: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Angel, Jacqueline and Ronald Angel. 2003. “Hispanic Diversity and Health Care Coverage”.

Public Policy and Aging, Report 13:8-12.

Angel, Ronald and Michelle L. Frisco. 2003. "Social Functioning Among Mexican-

American Elderly Persons". In Black, Sandra A, Laura A. Ray, Ronald J. Angel, David

V. Espino, Manuel Miranda, and Kyriakos S. Markides. 2003. Resource Book of the

Hispanic Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly. Ann Arbor,

MI: National Archive for Computerized Data on Aging.

Angel, Ronald, Laura Lein, Jane Henrici, and Emily Leventhal. 2001. “Health Insurance

Coverage for Children and Their Caregiver in Low-Income Neighborhoods.” Welfare,

Children, and Families, Policy Brief 01-2.

Fomby, Paula, Andrew Cherlin, Ronald Angel, Jane Henrici. 2001. “Public Assistance Receipt

Among Native-Born Children of Immigrants.” Welfare, Children, and Families, Policy

Brief 01-3.

Cherlin, Andrew, Pamela Winston, Ronald Angel, Linda Burton, P. Lindsay Chase-

Lansdale, Robert Moffitt, William Julius Wilson, Rebekah Levine Coley, James Quane.

2000. “What Welfare Recipients Know About the New Rules and What They Have to

Say About Them.” Welfare, Children, and Families, Policy Brief 00-1.

Winston, Pamela, Angel, Ronald J., Burton, Linda M., Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay, Cherlin,

Andrew J., Moffitt, Robert A. and Wilson, William J. 1999. "Welfare, children, and

families: Overview and design." Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University.

Angel, Ronald. 1999. The Hispanic Elderly as Community and Network Anchors. Report

to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore Maryland.

Angel, Ronald. 1994. "The Impact of Culture and Social Class on Health Status and Medical

Care use." Pp. 70-74 in Sue Keir Hoppe and Wayne H. Holtzman (Eds.), Search For a

Common Language in Psychiatric Assessment. Texas-World Health Organization

Collaborating Center, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, The University of Texas,

Austin, Texas 78713-7998.

Angel, Ronald. 1992. "A Brief Reflection on Measurement and Modeling: A Comment on

Age and Depression." Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 33:206-9.

Angel, Ronald. 1989. Physical Illness and Depression Among Mexican Americans. Grant

No. MH42917, Ronald J. Angel Principal Investigator. Final Report to The National

Institute of Mental Health.

Angel, Ronald. 1983. "The Study of the Health of Chicanos: Some Recent Findings." La

Red/The Net, Newsletter of the National Chicano Council on Higher education, 74:2-7.

Mechanic, David and Ronald Angel. 1983. "Psychiatric Need and Help-Seeking Processes:

Needed Research with Particular Reference to Disadvantaged Groups." Pp. 1-71 in Vol.

Page 16: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


II Behavioral Sciences in Mental Health: An Assessment of the State of the Science and

Recommendations for Research Directions. Rockville, MD: Report to Director, National

Institute of Mental Health, by the Behavioral Science Research Review Consultant panel.

Angel, Ronald. 1982. "The Economic Cost of Chronic Health Limitations for Hispanic

Males." La Red/The Net, Newsletter of the National Chicano Council on Higher

Education, 61:2 - 3.

Angel, Ronald. 1982. "Problems in Studying the Impact of Social Structure and Culture on

the Health and Medical Care Utilization of Chicanos." La Red/The Net, Monthly

Newsletter of the National Chicano Research Network, 55:2-3.

Angel, Ronald. 1981. "The Impact of Disability: A Comparison of the Costs of Work

Limitations for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Males." In Marta Tienda (ed.),

Hispanic Origin Workers in the U.S. Labor Market, Final Report to the U.S. Department

of Labor, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia. 22151.


Angel, Jacqueline and Ronald Angel. 2013. Challenges of aging reach across borders. Austin American-

Statesman, Friday, September 20, A8.

Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 2010. “Saving the Biggest Health Care Losers.” Austin

American- Statesman, Thursday, March 11, A14.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline Angel. 2009. “Hispanics Get Overlooked in Health Care Debate.” Austin

American-Statesman, Tuesday, September 15, A9.

Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 2003. “Hispanic Diversity and Health Care Coverage.”

Public Policy and Aging Report 13:8-12.

Ronald J. Angel and Angel, Jacqueline L. 1997. “Brave Old World that Lies Ahead.” Commentary,

Philadelphia Inquirer, November 10.

Research Grants

Co-Investigator (Jacqueline Angel, Principal Investigator). NIH- National Center on Minority

Health and Health Disparities. 2010-2012, $681,853

Co-Principal Investigator. The Parallel Strengths and Weaknesses of the Civil Society and the

State: The Example of Katrina Survivors (Laura Lein, Calvin Streeter, Elizabeth

Pomeroy, Loretta Pyles, Co-Principal Investigators) National Science Foundation

$98,712, January 15, 2006 through January 14, 2007.

Co-Principal Investigator. Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children (Linda Burton,

Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, Andrew Cherlin, Robert Moffitt, and William Julius Wilson,

Co-Principal Investigators) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,

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$12,000,000. Additional funding of $5,500,000 from several private foundations.

Competing renewal funded for the period to 5/31/2007.

Co-Principal Investigator. A Longitudinal Study of Elderly Mexican American Health.

(Kyriakos Markides, David Espino, Co-Principal Investigators) National Institute on

Aging, $3,468,518 September 30, 1992 through July, 1997. Competitive renewal

covering the period July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2003 funded for $3,714,248. Competitive

renewal covering the period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2008 funded for

$4,627,531. Competing renewal extending the study until 2012 funded.

Co-Investigator (Christopher G. Ellison, Robert A. Hummer, and Daniel A. Powers). Religion,

Race/Ethnicity, Health and Mortality. National Institute on Aging, $300,000 -- July,

2000 through June 2002.

Co-Principal Investigator. Risk and Risk Factor Modeling Project. (Louise Russell, Co-

Principal Investigator) Agency for Health Care Policy Research, $352,828, February,

1992 through January, 1994.

Principal Investigator. Mental and Physical Comorbidity Among Older Texans. The Hogg

Foundation for Mental Health, $ 17,118 -- February 1, 1991 through August 31, 1992.

Principal Investigator. Physical Illness and Depression Among Mexican Americans: The Role

of Age and Acculturation. National Institute of Mental Health, $82,099 -- August 1, 1987

through December 31, 1988.

Co-Investigator (with David Mechanic and Philip J. Leaf). Relationships Between General

Medical and Mental Health Specialty Care. National Institute of Mental Health,

$227,017 -- January 1, 1989 through December, 1991.

Co-Investigator (with David Mechanic and Peter Guarnaccia). An Analysis of Major Mental

Health Issues in New Jersey. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $50,000 -- August

1, 1988 through January 31, 1990.

Co-Investigator (with members of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging

Research). Center for Research on the Organization and Financing of Care for the

Severely Mentally Ill. National Institute of Mental Health, $643,110 -- June 1, 1988

through May 31, 1990.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Peter Guarnaccia). The Health of Hispanic Farm Workers.

New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook College, Rutgers University, $3,950 -

- 1987 - 88.

Co-Investigator (with David Mechanic and Stephen Hansell). Program In Secondary Data

Analysis, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $92,222 -- 1984 - 86.

Pilot Research Projects with a Focus on Latin America

Page 18: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Co-Investigator (with Verónica Montes de Oca, Rogelio Sáenz, Jacqueline L Angel, and

Telésforo Ramírez The Health Initiative of the Americas (HIA), University of California,

Berkeley, Migration and Health Research Program (PIMSA). “La Migración y Su

Impacto En La Vejez De Hombres Y Mujeres: Un Estudio Comparativo De La Salud De

Los Migrantes Mayores en Texas, California, Illinois y México, 2009-10.

(Part of a larger project entitled “Aging in a Foreign Land” with sponsorship of the New

York Academy of Medicine.)

Training and Institutional Grants

RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, University of Texas, Austin. $20,000

Grant to develop a graduate course entitled “Nongovernmental Organizations in the

Developed and Developing Worlds.” Offered on an annual basis and cross-listed with

several departments.

Co-Director, Underserved and Diverse Populations Core, Center for Health Promotion

Research, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin (Dr. Sharon A. Brown,

Director and PI).

Faculty Member, Andrew Mellon Foundation Fellowship Program in Latin American

Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (Dr.

Teresa Sullivan, PI).

Faculty Member, Pre- and Post-doctoral Fellowship Program, Sealy Center on Aging,

University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, Texas (Dr. Kyriakos S.

Markides, PI).

Faculty Member, Health-Promoting Nursing Intervention: Under Served Women, School of

Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin (Dr. Lorraine Walker, PI).

Conference entitled "Demography of Aging along the U.S. Mexico Border," held at the Lyndon

B. Johnson Library and Museum, The University of Texas at Austin April, 1995.

Sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, April, 1995.


Pereira Javier, Ronald J. Angel, and Verónica Montes De Oca. 2014. “Strained Solidarity:

Population Aging, Civil Society, and Eldercare in Latin America.” Paper presented at

the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Garcia, Marc, Ronald Angel, Chi-Tsun Chiu. 2014. Acculturation, Gender and Active Life

Expectancy in the Mexican-origin Population. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of

the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Page 19: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Phillip Cantu, Ronald Angel. 2014. “Subjective Disability and Mortality Risk among Elderly

Mexican Americans with Severe Physical Limitations. Paper presented at the Annual

Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Angel, Ronald J, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Terrence Hill. 2014. “Longer Lives, Sicker

Lives? Increased Longevity and Extended Disability Among Mexican-Origin Elders.”

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.

Cantu, Phillip A. and Ronald Angel. 2014. “Limited but Not Disabled: The Objective

Functional Limitations, Subjective Disability and Mortality among Elderly Mexican

Americans.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association

of America, San Francisco, CA.

Garcia, Marc Anthony, Ronald J. Angel, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Chi-Suun Chiu. 2014.

“Active Life Expectancy among Older Mexican-American Men and Women.” Poster

presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.

Angel, Ronald J. and Javier Pereira, 2013. “Pension Reform, Civil Society and Old Age

Security in Latin America.” Paper presented at the 2013 International Conference on

Aging in the Americas, LBJ School, University of Texas, Austin.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Terrence Hill. 2013. “The Compression of

Morbidity among Mexican-Origin Elders in the United States: Social and Political

Implications.” Presentation at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics

Congress, June 23. Seoul, Korea.

Angel, Ronald, J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Terrence Hill. 2013. The Character and Pace of

Functional Decline among Mexican American Elders in the United States. Presentation

at the Population Association of America Meeting, May 11, New Orleans, LA.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, Carlos Diaz Venegas, and Claude Bonazzo. 2010. Age

at Migration and Mortality in the Older Mexican-Origin. Population Association of

America Meeting, Dallas, TX.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2011. “Ethnic Heterogamy and Partner

Violence in Mexico.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American

Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV.

Angel, Ronald. 2010. “In the Shadow of T.H. Marshall: Social Rights and Health Care for

Minority Americans.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association,

Atlanta, GA.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Jennifer Karas Montez, and Ronald J. Angel. 2010. “Sources of

Retirement Security for Black, Non-Hispanic White, and Mexican-Origin Women: The

Changing Roles of Marriage and Employment and Work.” Paper presented at the

American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.

Page 20: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Angel, Ronald. 2009. Agency versus Structure: A New Twist on an Old Debate.” Keynote

Speech at the Third Annual International Conference on Aging in the Americas, LBJ

School, University of Texas, Austin.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, and Jennifer Karas Montez. 2009. “Health Insurance

and the Failure of the Male Breadwinner Model for Pre-Retirement Age Women.” Paper

presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Montez, Jennifer Karas, Ronald J. Angel, and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2008. "Work and Family

Sources of Inequality in Health Care Coverage for Mexican-Origin Women." American

Sociological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.

Pereira Bruno, Javier, Ronald Angel and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2007. “Efficiency with a Human

Face: Post-Neoliberal Reforms and the Right to Health Care in the Southern Cone.”

Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Canada.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel and Jennifer Karas Montez. 2007. “The Work/Health

Insurance Nexus: A Weak Link for Hispanics.” American Sociological Association,

New York, NY.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, and Terrence Hill. 2007. “Immigration Influences on

Healthful Aging in the U.S. and Mexico.” Gerontological Society of America Annual

Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Angel, Ronald. 2007. “The Institutional Context of Immigrant Incorporation.” First Global

Conference on Multiculturalism, Conflict & Belonging, Mansfield College, Oxford.

Pereira Bruno, Javier and Ronald Angel. 2006. “From Adversary to Ally: The Evolution of

Non-Governmental Organizations in the Context of Health Reform in Santiago and

Montevideo.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, 56th

Annual Meetings, Montréal,


Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald Angel. 2005. “Race and Ethnic Differences in Healthful

Aging.” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia.

Frias, Sonia M. and Ronald J. Angel. 2005. “Stability and Change in the Experience of Partner

Violence Among Low-Income Women.” American Sociological Association,


Deibert, Gini, Terrence Hill, and Ronald Angel. 2004. "Financial Strain, Psychological

Distress, and Heavy Drinking: A Partial Test of General Strain Theory." North Central

Sociological Association, Cleveland.

Hill, Terrence and Ronald Angel. 2004. “Neighborhood Disorder, Psychological Distress, and

Heavy Drinking.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco.

Durden, Emily, Terrence Hill, and Ronald J. Angel. 2004. “Demands, Supports, and the

Page 21: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Mental Health of Low-Income Women with Children.” American Sociological

Association, San Francisco.

Hill, Terrence D., Amy M. Burdette, Jacqueline L. Angel, and Ronald J. Angel. 2004.

“Religious Attendance and Cognitive Functioning Among Older Mexican Americans.”

Gerontological Society of America Meeting, Washington, DC.

Jiménez, Maren A., Ronald Angel, Jacqueline Angel, 2004. “Influences of Marriage and

Immigration on Women’s Retirement Security.” American Sociological Association

Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Angel, Ronald, Sonia Frias, Terrence Hill. 2003. “Determinants of Household Insurance

Coverage: An Examination of Low-income Children from Boston, Chicago, and San

Antonio.” Population Association of America, Minneapolis, MN.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Cynthia J. Buckley, Ronald J. Angel, and Maren A. Jiménez. 2003.

“The Economic Consequences of Marital Disruption for Pre-retirement Age African

American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White Women.” Population Association of

America, Minneapolis, MN.

Angel, Jacqueline, Ronald J. Angel, Maria Aranda, and Toni P. Miles. 2003. “Risk of Nursing

Home Use in the Older Mexican American Population.” Symposium: Longitudinal

Perspectives on Living Arrangements, Gerontological Society of America Meeting,

San Diego, CA.

Douglas, Nora, Jacqueline L. Angel, Ronald J. Angel, and Christopher Ellison. 2002.

“Functional Status, Religious Attendance, and Mortality: An Eight-year Follow up of

Older Mexican Americans.” Gerontological Society of America Meeting, Boston, MA.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Nora Douglas, and Ronald J. Angel. 2002. “Widowhood, Ethnicity, and

Health Care Coverage.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association

Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Fomby, Paula, Andrew Cherlin, Ronald Angel, and Jane Henrici. 2002. “Public Assistance

Use Among Native-Born Children of Immigrants after Welfare Reform.” Paper

presented at the annual meetings of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald Angel, and Toni P. Miles. 2001. “Practice Patterns in Geriatric

Primary Care: Consequences for Medical Effectiveness.” Primary Care Research

Methods and Statistics Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Angel, Jacqueline, Ronald Angel, and Kyriakos Markides. 2001. “Health Insurance Coverage

Among Older Mexican Americans: The Consequences of Inadequate Coverage.” Paper

presented at the annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL.

Angel, Ronald, Michelle Frisco, Jacqueline Angel, and David Chiriboga. 2000. “Financial

Strain and Health: Evidence from the Hispanic EPESE.” Paper presented at the annual

Page 22: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.

Angel, Ronald, Michelle Frisco, Kyriakos S. Markides, Glenn V. Ostir, and Sandra Black.

2000. “Self-Assessed Health and Functional Capacity: Evidence from the Hispanic

EPESE.” Paper presented at the Health Aging in the Next Century Conference, South

Padre, Island, Texas, October 20-22.

Angel, Ronald and Laura Lein. 1999. “Child Outcomes and Welfare Reform: Mexican

American Households in Texas.” Paper presented at the 1999 biennial meeting of the

Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Angel, Ronald, Markides, Kyriakos S., Ostir, Glenn V. and Frisco, Michelle. 1999. "A

Comparison of Self-Reported and Performance-Based Assessments of Functional

Capacity in the Hispanic EPESE." Paper presented at the 1999 Pan-American Congress

on Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Antonio, Texas.

Angel, Ronald. 1996. "Aging, Health, and Social Policy." Presentation at the Annual

Meetings of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, LA.

Angel, Ronald and Jacqueline Angel. 1995. "Income and Health Security among Elderly

Mexican Americans: The Role of Public Policy." Paper presented at the 1995

Gerontological Society of America Meetings, Los Angeles, CA.

Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 1994. “Living Arrangement Choices of Older

Mexican Americans." Presentation to the Annual Scientific Meetings of the

Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.

Angel, Ronald J., Jacqueline L. Angel, and Tracy Citeroni. 1994. “Racial and Ethnic

Differences In Economic and Social Resources Among Infirm Older Men and Women.”

Presentation to the Annual Scientific Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America,

Atlanta, GA.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1994. "The Acute and Long-term Care of Minority

Elderly: Implications of Health Care Financing Reform." Paper presented at the

American Sociological Association Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Presented as the fourteenth annual Leon and Josephine Winkelman Lecture, The

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February, 1994.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, and Kristin J. Henderson. 1992. "Racial Differences in

Mortality Among Older Women: The Significance of Social Support and Living

Arrangements." Presented at the annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of

America, Washington, DC.

Angel, Jacqueline L., Ronald J. Angel, and Kristin J. Henderson. 1992. "Gender and Social

Support Differences in Mortality." Presented at the annual meetings of the American

Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

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Angel, Ronald, Jacqueline Worobey, and Christine L. Himes. 1991. "Transitions in Health

and Living Arrangements in Later Life: Issues of Race, Class, and Gender." Population

Association of America, Washington, DC.

Worobey, Jacqueline Lowe and Ronald J. Angel. 1990. "Poverty and Health: Older Minority

Women and the Rise of the Female-Headed Household." Presented at the annual

meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC.

Angel, Ronald, Jacqueline Lowe Worobey, and Lorraine Davies. 1990. "Mental Health and

Medical Care Use of Minority Children in Two-Parent and Female-headed Families."

Presented at the annual meetings of the American Public Health Association, New York

City, New York.

Selected Invited Presentations

Angel, Ronald. J. 2012. “After Babel: Language and the Fundamental Limitations of

Comparative Research.” Keynote Lecture at the 2009 International Conference on Aging

in the Americas. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, Edward R.

Roybal Institute on Aging.

Angel, Ronald. J. 2009. “Agency Versus Structure: A New Twist on an Old Debate.” Keynote

Lecture at the 2009 International Conference on Aging in the Americas. Austin, TX,

University of Texas.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 2009. “Hispanic Families at Risk.” Paper presented

at the Robert Wood Johnson Series on Health Policy. University of New Mexico,

Albuquerque, NM.

Angel, Ronald. 2009. "Segmented Labor Markets, Segmented Lives: Late-Life Consequences

of Lifelong Marginality for the Mexican-Origin Population" Institute for Poverty

Research, Northwestern University, 40th Anniversary Conference: Dynamics of

Inequality in America from 1968 to Today, April 16-17, 2009.

Angel, Jacqueline L. and Ronald J. Angel. 2008. “Caring for the Elderly of Mexican Origin

in Texas: Where Does the Burden Fall?” Conference on Latinos and Public Policy in

Texas, LBJ School of Public Health, University of Texas at Austin, April 11.

Angel, Ronald. 2008. “Los Servicios Sociales y el Estado de Bienestar Incompleto en los

Estados Unidos: Implicaciones para la Población de Origen Mexicano.” Conference

sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin and El Colegio de México entitled

Norteamérica y el Dilema de la Integración. México City, México, February 28.

Angel, Ronald, 2008. “Structural and Cultural Factors in Successful Aging among Older

Hispanics.” Center for Health Promotion& Disease Prevention Research In Underserved

Populations, conference on Promoting Health in Underserved Population: Advancing

Healthy Aging. University of Texas, Austin, February 6.

Page 24: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Angel, Ronald. 2004. “Growing Up Poor: The Health Care Safety Net for Vulnerable

Children.” The Child Policy Speaker Series, Georgia Health Policy Center, Andrew

Young School of Policy Studies, Atlanta, GA, February 23.

Angel, Ronald and Laura Lein. 2003. “Welfare, Children & Families: A Three City

Study.” Pre-biennial legislative poster presentation to the Texas State Legislature,

Austin, TX.

Angel, Ronald. 2002. “Health Care Coverage Among Poor Families.” A Congressional

Briefing, Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C., May 17.

Angel, Ronald. 2000. “Mixed Citizenship Status Families and Welfare Reform.” Presented at

the Casey Journalism Center’s Conference on 2020 Vision: Covering Immigrant Families

with an Eye on the Future. College of Communication, the University of Texas at

Austin, Austin, TX, April 28.

Angel, Ronald. 1998. Comments on Alan Wolfe’s One Nation After All. Author Meets

Critics session of the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San

Francisco, April 17.

Angel Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1994. "Health Perspectives in Culture." Cultural

Awareness Week. Texas Department of Health, Austin, TX.

Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline L. Angel. 1993. "Family and Cultural Factors in Mental and

Physical Co-morbidity in Children." Paper presented at the Public Health Conference on

Records and Statistics (PHCRS). National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD.

Angel, Ronald. 1992. "Culture and Adaptive Health Behaviors Among Hispanic Americans."

Conference on Behavioral and Sociocultural Perspectives on Ethnicity and Health."

National Institute of Health, American Psychological Association, and the Upjohn

Corporation. Rockville, MD, September 17 - 21.

Angel, Ronald. 1992. "The Use of Subjective Information in Quantitative Social Science: A

Research Agenda." Meeting of the Committee on Culture, Health, and Society of the

Social Science Research Council. Cuernavaca, Mexico, February 13 - 15.

Angel, Ronald. 1991. Discussant of "The Demography of Minority Aging Populations."

Gerontological Society of America Task Force on Minority Issues in Gerontology, Airlie,

VA, April 25 - 26.

Angel, Ronald. 1991. "A Health Research Agenda for Hispanic Children." Stanford Center

for Chicano Research, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, October 25 - 27.

Angel, Ronald. 1991. Discussant of "The Relationship Between Child Support Payments,

Parent Child Contact, and Child Well-Being" by Nazli Baydar, Jean Brooks Gunn and

Pedro Hernandez. Conference on Child Support and Child Well-Being, Airlie, VA,

December 5 - 7.

Page 25: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Angel, Ronald. 1990. "The Importance of Advocacy at the Federal Level." Presentation at

Diabetes Among Mexican Americans: Challenge to Action. Conference sponsored by

the Texas Diabetes Association, The Centers for Disease Control, The American

Diabetes Association, and the Texas Department of Health. San Antonio, TX,


Angel, Ronald. 1990. "Physical Illness and Depression Among Mexican Americans.

"Presentation at the Eastern U.S. Minority Mental Health Services Research Workshop,

Division of Applied and Services Research, National Institute of Mental Health,

Washington, DC. July.

Editorial Experience

Co-founding Editor (with William Avison), Series on Social Disparities in Health and Health

Care, Springer Publishing.

Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1994 to 1997

Deputy Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 2011-2013

Editorial Board, American Sociological Review, 1997 to 2002

Editorial Board, Social Science Quarterly, 1988 to 1993

Editorial Board, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1987 to 1989; 1992 to 1993; 2002-

2005; 2007-2011.

Editorial Board, Journal of Aging and Health, 1992 to present

Reviewer (Selected Journals)

American Journal of Community Psychology

American Journal of Public Heath

American Journal of Sociology

American Sociological Review

Crime & Delinquency


Human Organization

International Journal of Aging and Human Development

Journal of Aging and Health

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

Journal of Gerontology

Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Medical Care

Social Forces

Page 26: RONALD J. ANGEL CURRICULUM VITAECommunity Lost: The State, Civil Society and Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina. New York: Cambridge University Press. Angel, Ronald J. and Jacqueline


Social Problems

Social Science and Medicine

Social Science Quarterly

Work and Occupations

Professional Memberships

American Sociological Association

American Public Health Association

American Statistical Association

Gerontological Society of America

Population Association of America

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Research and Teaching Interests

Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations

Latin America

The Welfare State

Health Care Policy

Aging and the Life Course

Social Welfare, Poverty, and Minorities

Demography and Epidemiology

Research Methods and Statistics

Language Proficiencies



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