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Room temperature ferromagnetism in partially hydrogenated epitaxial grapheneLanfei Xie, Xiao Wang, Jiong Lu, Zhenhua Ni, Zhiqiang Luo, Hongying Mao, Rui Wang, Yingying Wang, Han

Huang, Dongchen Qi, Rong Liu, Ting Yu, Zexiang Shen, Tom Wu, Haiyang Peng, Barbaros Özyilmaz,

Kianping Loh, Andrew T. S. Wee, Ariando, and Wei Chen

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 98, 193113 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3589970 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3589970 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/98/19?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Precise control of epitaxy of graphene by microfabricating SiC substrate Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 041605 (2012); 10.1063/1.4740271 Epitaxial graphene on single domain 3C-SiC(100) thin films grown on off-axis Si(100) Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 021603 (2012); 10.1063/1.4734396 Schottky barrier inhomogeneities at the interface of few layer epitaxial graphene and silicon carbide Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 183112 (2012); 10.1063/1.4711769 Epitaxial graphene on cubic SiC(111)/Si(111) substrate Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 191910 (2010); 10.1063/1.3427406 Hall effect mobility of epitaxial graphene grown on silicon carbide Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 122102 (2009); 10.1063/1.3224887

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Room temperature ferromagnetism in partially hydrogenated epitaxialgraphene

Lanfei Xie,1 Xiao Wang,1,2 Jiong Lu,3 Zhenhua Ni,4 Zhiqiang Luo,4 Hongying Mao,3

Rui Wang,1 Yingying Wang,4 Han Huang,1 Dongchen Qi,1 Rong Liu,1 Ting Yu,4

Zexiang Shen,4 Tom Wu,4 Haiyang Peng,4 Barbaros Özyilmaz,1 Kianping Loh,3

Andrew T. S. Wee,1 Ariando,1,2,a� and Wei Chen1,3,a�

1Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 1175422NUSNNI-Nanocore, National University of Singapore, 5A Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 1174113Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3, Singapore 1175434Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371

�Received 12 March 2011; accepted 18 April 2011; published online 12 May 2011�

We report room temperature ferromagnetism in partially hydrogenated epitaxial graphene grown on4HuSiC�0001�. The presence of ferromagnetism was confirmed by superconducting quantuminterference devices measurements. Synchrotron-based near-edge x-ray absorption fine structureand high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements have been used to investigatethe hydrogenation mechanism on the epitaxial graphene and the origin of room temperatureferromagnetism. The partial hydrogenation induces the formation of unpaired electrons in graphene,which together with the remnant delocalized � bonding network, can explain the observedferromagnetism in partially hydrogenated epitaxial graphene. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.�doi:10.1063/1.3589970�

Graphene has been one of the most fascinating materialsin the last decade due to its extraordinary quantum electronicproperties and great potential for various applications.1–3

Much effort has been dedicated to the study of its intrinsicproperties, as well as to producing its derivatives by chemi-cal modifications �such as oxidization and hydrogenation�and nanostructuring.4–6 It is predicted that zigzag-edgedgraphene or semihydrogenated graphene sheets would ex-hibit ferromagnetic properties.7–9 In the case of pristinegraphene sheets, every carbon atom is sp2 hybridized withthree neighboring atoms and contributes to a delocalized �bonding network. Such configurations lead to its intrinsicnonmagnetic properties. On the other hand, in the case ofsemihydrogenated graphene, the remnant � bonding networkaccompanied by the formation of unpaired electrons can in-duce ferromagnetism.9 The realization of such pure carbon�graphene� based ferromagnetic material will be of a greatinterest for scientific studies and spintronic devices.10 In thisletter we report the observation of room temperature ferro-magnetism in partially hydrogenated epitaxial graphene �EG�grown on 4HuSiC�0001�.

Various techniques can be used to produce graphene,including micromechanical cleavage or chemical exfoliationfrom bulk graphite, chemical vapor deposition of hydrocar-bons on metal films, and thermal decomposition of singlecrystal SiC wafers.1,11,12 In our experiments, we chose EGgrown on commercial single crystal 4HuSiC�0001� wafersfor the hydrogenation experiments.13 It is able to grow singlecrystalline and large size �centimeter in our experiment� EGon nonmagnetic SiC with low density of structural defects.This can ensure the reliable characterization by supercon-ducting quantum interference devices �SQUIDs� measure-ment. Hydrogenation of graphene was realized by radio fre-quency hydrogen plasma treatment �10 W, 1 Torr� at room

temperature.14 By controlling the hydrogenation time, EGcan easily be partially hydrogenated. Magnetic measure-ments were performed on partial hydrogenated EG �HEG� byusing “Quantum Design” SQUID. Synchrotron-based near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure �NEXAFS� measure-ments at the SINS beamline in the Singapore SynchrotronLight Source15 and high resolution electron energy loss spec-troscopy �HREELS� were employed to investigate the hydro-genation of EG grown on SiC. For control experiments, SiCreference samples without graphitization were treated withhydrogen plasma at the same time with graphene samples,where no magnetic signal was detected after hydrogenation.

The schematic view of hydrogen attachment ongraphene is presented in Fig. 1�a�, where different configu-rations of hydrogen atoms are indicated in different colors�ortho-dimers in yellow, para-dimers in blue and monomersin red�. From theoretical calculations,16 ortho-dimers andpara-dimers were predicted to be nonmagnetic; while singlehydrogen attachment �monomer� to be magnetic. Ramanspectroscopy was performed after hydrogenation and com-

a�Electronic addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].

FIG. 1. �Color� �a� Schematic representation of hydrogenated graphene,where different configurations of H atoms are indicated in different colors,i.e., ortho-dimers in yellow, para-dimers in blue, and monomers in red; �b�Raman spectra before and after hydrogenation.


0003-6951/2011/98�19�/193113/3/$30.00 © 2011 American Institute of Physics98, 193113-1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 07 May 2014 08:41:59

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pared with that of pristine EG in Fig. 1�b�.17 After the hydro-genation, the D peak at 1360 cm−1 was enhanced. Such en-hancement is most likely due to hydrogen attachment, whichbreaks the translational symmetry of CvC sp2 bonding.5,18

The magnetic properties of these HEG samples werecharacterized by SQUID with sensitivity better than 5�10−8 emu. The temperature dependence of the magnetiza-tion of HEG measured at 10 Oe is shown in Fig. 2�a�. Asindicated from the curves, a divergence between 1000 Oefield cooling �FC� and zero field cooling �ZFC� clearlyemerges starting around room temperature, revealing themagnetic nature of the HEG sample. Figure 2�b� shows mag-netization versus applied magnetic field at room temperaturefor a field range from �500 to 500 Oe. A prominent hyster-esis loop is present with the value of saturation magnetiza-tion, MS, approaching 0.2 �B per carbon hexagon or ben-zene ring. Being around 50 times of MS of the protonirradiated graphite,19 the magnetism of HEG is remarkablylarge for a pure carbon-based material. The magnetism mea-surements of EG, HEG, and hydrogenated SiC �HSiC� with-out subtracting background are shown in Figs. 2�c�–2�e�, re-spectively. Clearly, only HEG shows ferromagnetic property.To rule out any contamination issue, secondary ion massspectroscopy �SIMS� studies were performed. After Si or Cnormalization, the impurity level was found to be less than 1ppm and within the noise level, indicating the absence ofmagnetic elements such as Fe, Co, Mn, Ni, or Cr in thesamples.20 Furthermore, the magnetic samples do not showany significant deviation in the concentration of magneticelements compared to the non-magnetic ones �pristine SiCsubstrate, pristine EG, and HSiC�. The ferromagnetism ob-served in this partial HEG is suggested to come from a dis-rupted �-bonding induced by hydrogen bonding with carbonatoms accompanied by the formation of unpaired electrons;21

while in the case of pure graphene, every carbon atom is sp2

bonded, resulting in a delocalized � bonding network thatleads to its nonmagnetic character as shown in Fig. 2�c�.

HREELS is a surface sensitive technique that can beused to probe surface vibrations.22 Energy loss spectra ofelectrons backscattered from EG and HEG surface at roomtemperature ��25 °C� were acquired separately with an in-cident angle of 50°, as shown in Fig. 3. Comparing with EG,except the broadening of Fuchs–Kliewer peak,23 an addi-tional peak arising from CuH sp3 stretching appears at 360meV after hydrogenation. This peak can be assigned to thevertical CuH bonding,24 giving direct evidence for hydro-gen attachment on graphene surface. Detailed configurationsof hydrogen bonding on EG surface have been studied bySTM, where stable monohydrogenated carbon atoms havebeen observed.25 Theoretical investigations reveal that thesemonomers could generate localized magnetism.16 Therefore,a possible origin for the ferromagnetism property observedin HEG sheet could come from the monomer configurationof hydrogen atom attached to graphene as shown by theschematic in Fig. 1�a� highlighted in red.

The covalent attachment of H atom on graphene planeresults in the formation of sp3 hybridized bonding geometry,which can attenuate the delocalized � orbital. In principle,complete hydrogenation of EG will lead to the disappearanceof both occupied and unoccupied � orbitals of graphene, andhence results in nonmagnetic property. However, with regardto partial hydrogenation, part of the delocalized � network

would still be preserved, facilitating the long range couplingbetween those net spin units �unpaired electrons� through theremaining percolated � network.9 NEXAFS was performedto evaluate the hydrogenation on EG by comparing the ��

resonance peak intensity before and after hydrogenation.26

Figure 4 shows the carbon K-edge NEXAFS spectra of cleanEG and HEG surface at the grazing �G� and normal �N�incident angles ��� of the linear p-polarized synchrotron lightwith respect to the surface plane. For pristine graphene inFig. 4�a�, the peak position of �� band for G and N inci-dence, with angle of incidence � at 20° and 90°, respectively,is aligned at 285.3�0.1 eV. The intensity of the �� absorp-tion at G incidence is much stronger than that at the N inci-dence, indicating that graphene lies flat on SiC. After hydro-genation, the intensity of the �� absorption at G incidence islargely suppressed as presented in Fig. 4�b�. This reduction ismainly caused by the formation of CuH bonding that at-tenuates the delocalized � network in EG, which is consis-tent with our HREELS measurement. As indicated in Fig.4�b�, after hydrogenation, a peak at 287.6 eV shows up at

FIG. 2. �Color online� �a� ZFC and FC data showing the temperature varia-tion in magnetization of HEG at 500 Oe; �b� magnetic hysteresis �in unit ofBohr magnetons per benzene ring� of HEG at 300 K after subtracting theantimagnetic background; magnetism signal with background of clean �c�EG, �d� HEG, and �e� HSiC.

FIG. 3. �Color online� EELS spectra collected in specular direction for EGand HEG.

193113-2 Xie et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 193113 �2011�

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both G and N incidences. In combination with the HREELSresults revealing the appearance of the CuH stretchingpeak, this peak can be assigned to the resonant excitationfrom C 1s core level to the CuH related unoccupied ��

band.27 Therefore, partial hydrogenation results in the incom-plete decoration of hydrogen monomer on EG. At the sametime, the remaining percolated � bonding network after par-tial hydrogenation allows the existence of a long range cou-pling among unpaired electrons, facilitating the ferromag-netism in the HEG sample.

In summary, room temperature ferromagnetism was ob-served in partially hydrogenated EG. Hydrogenation wasconfirmed by HREELS experiments with the appearance of aCuH stretching peak. The mechanism of the observed fer-romagnetism is explained by the formation of unpaired elec-trons during the hydrogenation process, together with theremnant delocalized � bonding network existing in the par-tially hydrogenated EG. The fabrication of a variety of spin-tronic devices requires room temperature ferromagneticsemiconductors. By this controllable hydrogenation method,we can easily turn graphene into a robust room-temperatureferromagnetic semiconductor and open up the possibility ofmaking highly tunable graphene-based spintronic nanode-vices.

The authors thank A. H. Castro Neto and V. M. Pereirafor their helpful discussions, and acknowledge the supportfrom NRF-CRP Grant “Graphene and Related Materials and

Devices,” and “Tailoring Oxide Electronics by Atomic Con-trol,” NUS cross-faculty grant, the ARF Grant Nos. R-143-000-406-112, R-143-000-440-112, and R143-000-452-101.

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FIG. 4. �Color online� NEXAFS spectra of �a� the clean EG and �b� HEG.

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