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Routing Considerations/Environmental Protection

Surveys and field studies will be conducted multiple times throughout the project

• Archaeological/Cultural

• Civil

• Sensitive species

• Wetlands and waterbodies

• Wildlife Habitat


RESIDENTS• Avoid houses, yards and areas of residential development• Maintain residential access during construction• Minimize dust

LAND USE• Avoid areas of incompatible land use• Consult with land managing agencies/counties/

municipalities• Minimize crossing designated recreational areas• Consider long-term land management plans• Segregate topsoil in cultivated areas

AIR AND NOISE QUALITY• Consider noise impact during compressor station siting• Best in class facility• State-of-the-art emission control technology

CULTURAL RESOURCES• Survey, identify and assess cultural resources• Avoid pre-historic and historic sites where possible• Prepare site-specific data-collection plans, where needed


• Careful route selection• Reduce workspace• Incorporate construction timing restrictions• Develop well-planned restoration/mitigation

VEGETATION• Re-establish species if needed• Control undesirable species• Monitor restoration

WETLAND AND WATER RESOURCES• Select appropriate crossing methods• Follow Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Procedures to minimize impact• Control erosion• Develop well-planned restoration/mitigation

TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, SOILS• Final route will avoid areas identified as unsuitable

for construction

FERC Required Comprehensive Environmental Resource Reports

1. General project description 2. Water use and quality3. Fish, wildlife and vegetation4. Cultural resources5. Socioeconomics6. Geological resources7. Soils8. Land use, recreation and aesthetics9. Air and noise quality10. Alternatives11. Reliability and safety12. PCB contamination

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Environmental Stewardship

• Dominion sponsors the Virginia and West Virginia Envirothon programs, which encourages high school students to be actively engaged in the environment around them. Students participate in both written and hands-on competition relating to a specific environmental issue. Teams from across the country compete for the chance to earn thousands of dollars in scholarships.

• Dominion’s approach to the environ-ment goes beyond a compliance mindset to a culture of stewardship. To find out more, visit Dominion’s Citizenship and Sustainability Report online at www.dominioncsr.com.

• In October 2014, Dominion volunteers supported The Westmoreland Conservation District by providing help with landscaping maintenance at the Donahoe Center Campus in Greensburg, Pa.

• Dominion donated 477 acres of extraordinary ecological habitat called Bear Rocks Preserve to The Nature Conservancy of West Virginia.


• Dominion Transmission is a member of EPA’s Natural Gas STAR Program, a voluntary partnership between government and industry to reduce methane leakage and emissions to the environment, and has adopted some of its best practices to document and lower methane emissions at the company’s facilities

• A strong track record of achieving sustained improvements in environmental perform- ance and stewardship in air and water quality, carbon emissions, protection of sensitive habitats, waste reduction and energy conservation

• Experience and expertise in balancing the impact of energy infrastructure projects on environmental and cultural resources with the needs and expectations of our customers who depend on energy-related services

• Through the FERC process, potential environ-mental and cultural impacts will be identified and understood and appropriate mitigation strategies, techniques and best practices will be developed

• Dominion is ranked #38 in Energy Intelligence’s top 100 global “green” utilities in reducing CO2 emissions

Bear Rocks Preserve, West Virginia

Landscaping maintenance at the Donahoe Center Campus in Greensburg, Pa.

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• Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

• Clean Water Act Section 404

• Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Permit

• Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation

• Migratory Bird Treaty Act Consultation

• Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification

• Chapter 105 Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit

• Submerged Land License Agreement

• Air Permit

• Water Withdrawal for Hydrostatic Testing

• Construction Stormwater and Hydrostatic Test Water Discharge Permits

• National Heritage/Protected Species Consultation

• National Heritage/Protected Species Consultation

• National Heritage/Protected Species Consultation

• National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation

• Erosion and Sediment Control Permit

• Erosion and Sediment Control Permit

• National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation

• Dominion will apply for county/local permits as applicable


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Pennsylvania Game Commission

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission

Westmoreland Conservation District

Greene County Conservation District

Native American Tribes



Anticipated Environmental Permits and Authorizations — Pennsylvania

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• Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

• Clean Water Act Section 404 Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Permit

• Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultations

• Migratory Bird Treaty Act Consultation

• Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification

• Air Permit

• Water Withdrawal for Hydrostatic Testing

• Construction Stormwater and Hydrostatic Test Water Discharge Permits

• Stream Activity License

• Natural Heritage/Protected Species Consultation

• National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation

• National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation

• Dominion will apply for county/local permits as applicable


Anticipated Environmental Permits and Authorizations — West Virginia



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

West Virginia Division of Culture and History

Native American Tribes


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