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Science ReportMr. Castrellon

May 2014

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This presentation will be about the kit fox. The scientific name for the kit fox is Vulpes macrotis. They are also called the island fox and the swift fox. You going to learn about the family life and their habitat.

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DIET Foxes eat birds, frogs, insects,

lizards, and rabbits. They also eat fruit, remains of dead animals, fish, kangaroo rats, cotton tailed rabbits, jack rabbits and snakes.

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Grass lands and deserts of western North America are their habit. Mojave Desert occupying burrows sand dunes and under grass mounds .

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The kit fox is found only in western North America in United States.

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Foxes live in family groups while the young are growing up. They do not form packs as wolves do. A male and a female mate in early winter . They play together and cooperate in hunting. If one of a pair of foxes is chased by an enemy its mate may dash out of a hiding place and lead the pursuers astray. Baby foxes are born in a den. Baby foxes are called kits. At one month of age they are ready to explore. The young foxes stay near their den at first. They play and fight. Then they learn to stalk and hunt. Foxes are able to mate for the first time when they are nine to ten months old although in some cases females do not mate and have pups until they are nearly two . By the time the fox pups are seven to eight months old they have learned how to hunt and take care of themselves.

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The kit fox is sometimes called the swift fox though scientist believe they are separate species. Kit foxes are among the smallest foxes of the Americas . Quick reflexes make them deadly predators. However, they can get eaten by other animals.

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