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Public Outreach

summary thus far…

July 21, 2013

Royal Gorge Outreach:

Multiple Ways to Provide Input

Public Meetings

Focus Groups

Online Survey

Hikes & Property Tours

Personal Communication

Public Meetings

June 15 @ Donner Trails School –

Outreach Kick-off Meeting

126 participants + 17 table hosts

June 17 @ Truckee Cedar House –

Outreach Kick-off Meeting

46 participants + 10 table hosts

July 6 @ Serene Lakes Firehouse –

Forestry Management

87 participants + 2 presenters

July 21 @ Serene Lakes Firehouse-

Neighbors Meeting

July 29 @ Mt. Judah Lodge –

Van Norden Meadow and the Dam at

Lake Van Norden. 9:00 – 11:00 AM

August 31 @ Mt. Judah Lodge –

Final Outreach Wrap-up

9:00 – 11:00 AM

Focus Groups

Selected experts and professionals

in focus groups

July 9th, Summit Station:

Representatives from mountain

biking, hiking, and equestrian


July 9th, Summit Station:

Representatives from advocacy

and environmental groups.

July 11th, Supervisor

Montgomery’s Home:

Government & Regulatory


August 5th, Mt. Judah Lodge:

Donner Summit Business Groups

Online Survey

• Opened May 2013

• Closing Mid-August 2013

Public Hikes &

Property Tours

June 15: Driving tour for non-hikers

June 23: Van NordenMeadow

June 30: Snow Mountain

July 14: Lyle’s Lookout

July 20: Mt. Rowton

August 4: Point Mariah

August 11: Palisade Peak

Photo: George Lamson



Personal communication

to the Land Trust

throughout the process.

Public Meeting



Encourage and educate everyone to be

good stewards of land.

Obtain a thorough understanding of the

ecological values of the property.

Participants favor preservation &

conservation over recreation but

understand the need for balance.

Want low-impact recreation trail network

for all users.


Have healthy, fire-safe forests.

Strong support for Land Trust forestry

plans including the fuel break around

Serene Lakes.

Public Meeting Takeaways


Support basic picnic areas at

trail heads and at scenic view


Support backcountry camping

in appropriate areas.

No fires, grills or fire pits to

address large concern about


Mixed opinions regarding



Want facilities to be subtle and

low impact.

Want information booths or


Public Meeting Takeaways


“Improved” trailheads –

decomposed granite for parking.

Separate staging area or

designated trailer spaces for


Neighborhood access points / no


Clear signage especially for

mountain bikes / equestrian --

OK and off limits trails.

Dog waste stations at trail heads.


Want more trails, especially

loop trails and trails that have

regional connections.

Favor a combination of

multiple use and single use


Want good signage and maps.

Use sustainable trail building


Design trails for safety and

reduced conflict

Dogs OK with mix of leash &

voice command

Focus Groups Key TakeawaysTRAIL ORGANIZATIONS

Favor a network of multi-use trails with

some single-use trails

Spirit of “howdy”; multiple user groups

can get along


Science and research to be most

important factor in development of land

management plan

Forest fuels management for the

protection of habitat and old growth


Improve water quality and quantity for

downstream users

No consensus on Van Norden

Dam, awaiting assessment


Do minimal improvements; stay

under the radar

Multiple regulatory agencies (Fish

& Wildlife, Army Corps, Nevada &

Placer Co., USFS, SLCWD)

Slow response time from law


Survey Key Takeaways

600 respondents to date

Top four summer Sierra activities of survey takers in order: mountain bike, hike, walk, trail run

Top activities/amenities survey takers would like to see at Royal Gorge, in order: hiking trails, mountain bike trails, camping, fishing, picnic areas, disabled use trails

Survey respondents are concerned about: conflicts with other users, increased wear & tear, general safety, unfriendly dogs

92% of respondents have participated in summer recreation in the Donner Summit / Lake Van Norden / Royal Gorge / Serene Lakes area.

Dogs kept under voice command is OK by a wide majority

Forestry Management is important to a wide majority

*Our apologies: Survey data on question 6 regarding summer use trails on the Royal Gorge Property inadvertently left out an option for equestrian & hiker only trails.

Hikes & property tours Very popular and successful; 20-40 participants per hike/tour on average

Brings awareness of the natural environment at Royal Gorge (forest,

wildflowers, wildlife, ecosystem, geology)

Confirms this a great summer place to recreate

Property “shows well.”

Thank you to our hike leaders (stand-up and take a bow!)

Personal Communication

23 Emails & letters received by the Land Trust

All correspondence responded to and added to the

public record.

Most correspondence expressing opinions

regarding Lake Van Norden Dam and mountain bike

/ equestrian use of trails.

Thank you for your input, it is valued!

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