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Page 1: Royal Pavilion & Museums...Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition

Royal Pavilion & Museums MPM Programme 2016-17

Arts Council England Q4 Report (January – March 2017)

The following is a summary update of activity against outcomes, for the MPM Programme for the period January - March 2017

The report is laid out as per the Arts Council England 5 goals and includes data where appropriate For further information please contact: Florence Edwards Administrative Support Officer 4-5 Pavilion Buildings Brighton BN1 1EE 01273 292562 [email protected] http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/

Page 2: Royal Pavilion & Museums...Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition


Goal 1 Excellence Excellence is thriving and celebrated in the arts, museums and libraries Our projects under Goal 1 have two specific aims: bringing arts and heritage together to engage and inspire new and more diverse audiences; and improving public access to RPM’s outstanding and Designated collections Agreed Outcomes:

RPM’s collections are more accessible and relevant to audiences

Audiences have greater depth of engagement with collections, they are inspired by them and have a stronger sense of shared ownership of the stories they tell

Creative partnerships strengthen RPM’s work

Audiences are increased and more diverse

Page 3: Royal Pavilion & Museums...Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition


Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition category. Photo-punk: 40 images from the birth of UK punk by Ian Dickson and Kevin Cummins. This display (which continued until 5 March) was popular with visitors and received great social media coverage. A Facebook post about Photo-punk by Captain Sensible of The Damned received 1.7K ‘reactions’. Visitor comments included ‘A small exhibition but well worth viewing.’ ‘The Photo-punk exhibit @brightonmuseums is absolutely fantastic.’

Figures 1 & 2: Photo Punk at Brighton Museum

Page 4: Royal Pavilion & Museums...Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition


Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

1 Themed Programming

Number of exhibitions / commissions /displays telling new stories from RPM collections

8 1 10

1 Themed Programming

Number of exhibitions developed with community groups, cultural organisations/partners and artists.

5 0 7

1 Themed Programming

Number of exhibitions evaluated (Digivey) 2 0 2

1 Themed Programming

Visitor numbers to BMAG exhibition galleries for 1 exhibition (Fashion Cities Africa) (automatic counters)

No target 1,215 54,416

1 Themed Programming

% visitors coming to BMAG from BME communities (Digivey)

26% 22% average 22% (average)

1 Themed Programming

% resident visitors coming to BMAG from BME communities (Digivey)

5% increase on 21% baseline figure (2013-14) = 26%

17% on BMAG general digivey, 22% on FCA exhibition digivey. Both represent a decrease against the 23% figure in BMAG general digivey for 16/17

NB in each instance there is a marked increase in number of people who ‘prefer not to say’


1 Themed Programming

% visitors coming to BMAG with an interest in fashion (for Fashion Cities Africa) (Digivey) *NB this does include people identifying main reason for coming as an interest in African fashion and design but only those who selected their main reason as being an interest in fashion generally.

20% 28% visitors completing exhibition digivey give interest in fashion as reason for visiting exhibition


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Museum Lab Greater depth of engagement/Stronger sense of shared ownership: There has been an increase in return visitors who are contributing several hours each week in the Drop in & Do sessions. They are writing labels and documenting collections onto the collections database. This includes a young audience; college students and afterschool visits from parents with children. Quote from staff: “The attendees have become passionate about the project” Attendee quote: “This is so exciting, I love your job, can I come and help again” Collections are more accessible and relevant to audiences Curator Dan Robertson hosted a pilot coffee morning co-organised with the local community leaders who run Brighton Past Facebook account. Quote from participants about what they liked about the event; “Being able to help identify photographs from the museum collection. Meeting others interested in Brighton history” “I would like this to be a regular event…(we)are very willing to help photo and painting id- we have lots of knowledge!”

Creative Partnerships: All Discovery Days aim to include partnership working; Urban Creatures, Wonder Women (part of wider museum festival), and Kids Archaeology day were very successful, hosting academics and societies alongside museum staff. Held on Saturdays or in school holidays encourages repeat family visits. Urban Creatures included Doctor Dawn Scott from University of Brighton who has appeared on BBC’s Autumn Watch and delivered a very appealing talk to on Urban Creatures to an intergenerational family audience. The Kids Archaeology Day was a collaboration with Brighton & Hove Archaeological Society resulted in largest visitor numbers yet for a MuseumLab event and feedback from visitors was very positive; “Interactive, amazing opportunity for kids to speak to staff, who are very passionate about their work”

Figure 3: Edwin Wood, Finds Liaison Officer for Sussex, at Archaeology and finds identification day at Brighton Museum

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

1 Museum Lab Collections Documentation: Number of CMS records created

1,000 1591 6283

1 Museum Lab Collections Documentation: Number of CMS records improved

10,000 19902 71660

1 Museum Lab Collections Care: Number of objects assessed and repacked

1,750 9537 23957

1 Museum Lab Number of tailored and/or public programmes/events 4 63 196

Royal Pavilion Estate Installed display ‘Visions of the Royal Pavilion Estate’ in the Prints & Drawings Gallery of Brighton Museum. It comprises around 60 objects from the Royal Pavilion Archives and brings together many of the stories researched over the last 18 month. Related to the above: The display has attracted considerable press and media interest, including glossy magazines such as ‘Sussex Life’, as well as local TV (BBC South) and radio. Alexandra has also given a number of talks and lectures on the topic and written blog posts documenting the work. Also related to the above: Together with Kevin Bacon and volunteer Colin Jones we have created and interactive platform in the gallery, using the 3D and Virtual Reality components designed by Jones and Bacon, based on archival materials. See: http://pavisions.rpm-gallery.org.uk/ And: http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/royalpavilion/history/tales-pavilion-archive/ Examples of blog posts relating to the project: http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/discover/2017/03/23/familiar-yet-strange-humphry-reptons-royal-pavilion-estate-in-3d/ http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/discover/2017/01/18/ch-ch-ch-changes-the-south-gate-of-the-royal-pavilion-through-the-ages/

Figure 4: Young visitor to the ‘Visions of the Royal Pavilion Estate’ exhibition, using the interactive IPad

Page 7: Royal Pavilion & Museums...Themed Programming Fashion Cities Africa (which closed on 8 January) has been shortlisted for a Museums + Heritage award in the temporary or touring exhibition


Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

1 Royal Pavilion Estate

Number of archives processed (Year 1 & 2 only)

100 200 450

1 Royal Pavilion Estate

Number of students, academics, volunteers and community members involved

8 2 5

1 Royal Pavilion Estate

Number of stories researched

3 3 9

1 Royal Pavilion Estate

Implementation of RP Estate interpretation strategy 2 pilot projects 1 2

Spotlight Gallery ‘Experimental Motion’ continues to draw visitors and positive feedback. It will remain in the Spotlight Gallery until 25 June 2017. Meanwhile work is fast-developing for the next Spotlight Gallery display, ‘The Museum of Transology’, which opens on 20 July 2017. RPM will be the first museum to exhibit this collection. For further information see the community engagement section in Goal 2. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

1 Spotlight Gallery

% of all objects on display to be on display for the first time

70% No change 75% of objects in Experimental Motion are on display for the first time,

1 Spotlight Gallery

% of visitors rate the displays as excellent or good 70% No change 80% of visitors rated display as excellent or good

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Goal 2


Everyone has the opportunity to experience and to be inspired by the arts, museums and libraries For goal 2, we are focused on our mission to inspire a strong sense of shared ownership of RPM Agreed Outcomes:

Audiences are increased, more diverse and have a stronger sense of ownership

Collections better reflect and engage audiences

Visitors have a better quality experience

Broadening access through digital development

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Cross Arts & Heritage Events Programme Spectrum at Brighton Museum This collaboration with BDBF took their regular live music event out of its usual theatre setting and into the galleries of the museum on the 20 February. The selected performers each responded to the gallery they performed, through their dress, set and music. In small groups 60 attenders toured each performance in turn. Audience comments included: ‘If this is what happens when they shut the Dome theatre and let Spectrum loose on Brighton, bring it on. This was one of the most cleverly and interesting nights of live music I’ve been to in Brighton for ages. It felt exceptionally decadent gorging on the feast of cultural delights the museum has to offer whilst it was brought to life by a delicately chosen cacophony of live sound. I left feeling spoilt and very lucky.’

International Women’s Day This collaboration with BDBF and Brighton Women’s Centre created a full day of talks, workshops, performances and craft to celebrate International Women’s Day on 4 March 2017 across Brighton Museum and the Dome. 2,567 people visited the Museum throughout the day and the programme included talks by photographer Marilyn Stafford and authors Alexandra Heminsley and Mathilda Gregory; the walking talking curator highlighted

Figure 5: Spectrum at Brighton Museum Figure 6: International Women’s Day

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women’s stories from the collections. Zine making and blogging workshops were full to capacity and the Vincent Dance Company transformed one of the galleries into an interactive space for events and performances exploring feminism, power, violence and gender stereotypes. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Total number of events

200 111 398

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Total number of participants 10,000 14,990 88,452

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Number of events developed in partnership with BDBF

15 3 15

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Number of events developed in partnership with other cultural partners, community groups and artists

30 17 60

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Pilot targeted programme of new activity,

2 1 2

2 Cross Arts & Heritage Events

Evaluate sustainability of pilot programme and report

2 1 2

Audience Research During this quarter we have worked with Impact, our distribution company, on developing a bespoke campaign for our 17/18 Regency Season using Audience Agency segmentation: specifically Trips & Treats and Homes & Heritage to identify locations for print distribution in Sussex and Greater London. Our visitor numbers overall are down 9.3% on last year with the biggest drops at Brighton Museum & the Royal Pavilion where a higher proportion of our visitors are from other areas of the region and UK. In quarter 4 the Royal Pavilion was closed for 9 days in total for both maintenance works and a filming project which impacted on figures.

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Advisory Groups AAG At the last meeting for 2016/17, we discussed different models of Access Advisory Group and decided to trial a new way of working at RPM. This is so the group can be used to its full potential within RPM. Although they have been able to influence many far reaching and important changes (their work has ensured that RPM has baseline set requirements for all exhibitions, building changes and access that are embedded within RPM) they are still often consulted quite late in a project's planning process. For 2017/ 2018 the membership of the AAG will remain the same, however the Community Engagement Officer is going to inform all staff of the new system of engagement with the group. The onus is on RPM to look at any projects/ exhibitions etc that are planned, think about the access issues, what areas they need members of the AAG to advise on, this may not always be the full group. Through the Community Engagement Officer & the AAG support officer, RPM staff will need to share documents and arrange meetings in plenty of time for meaningful consultation & input. During this period the funding will remain the same, the group members will receive the same payments as 2016/ 17. We will review the success or otherwise of this new approach at the end of 2017/18. LGBTQ BE BOLD: proposals were considered by our critical friends in conjunction with RPM staff, due to the pressures of other work Matt Smith stepped down, as this was at quite short notice we recruited an LGBTQ member of RPM staff who previously co- created the BMAG LGBTQ trail. Our relationships and partnerships with a number of LGBTQ groups, projects and initiatives grow from strength to strength, through connections made through the BE BOLD: consultations. Museum Lab is now hosting the B&H LGBTQ HISTORY club monthly, supported through the RPM Engagement programme, and a collaboration with the organisers of Queer Beyond London resulted in BMAG hosting the 2 Brighton consultation meetings. BME Heritage Network BME Heritage Network members are keen to work towards a conference-style event which will interrogate the low profile / visibility for African / African Diaspora Culture and Heritage in the South East. An initial planning meeting has been held with more to follow. RPM staff member Helen Mears and (RPM-commissioned) network chair Sarah Lee are providing support and facilitation where needed.

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

2 Audience research & advisory groups

Research and feedback on 1 project per advisory group

3 0 4

2 Audience research & advisory groups

Number of Advisory Group meetings AAG 3 MC 12 BME HN 3 LGBT 2


AAG 4 MC: 9 BME HN: 7 LGBT: 3

2 Audience research & advisory groups

Number of participants in advisory groups

AAG 9 MC 10 BME HN: 25 LGBT 10

AAG 8 MC: 6 BME HN: 20 LGBT: 5

AAG 8 MC: 23 BME HN: 94 LGBT: 52

2 Audience research & advisory groups

Visitor satisfaction

BME: within 1% of overall LGBT: within 1% of overall Limited Disability within 1% of overall

BME: 87% LGBT: 83% Limited Disability: 84%

BME: 87% LGBT: 83% Limited Disability: 84%

2 Audience research & advisory groups

Visitor and non-visitor profiles and satisfaction rates across all RPM sites 83% across all sites

87% 86%

Community Engagement The BE BOLD : open call for Brighton & Hove LGBTQ proposals for exhibitions, events & workshop programming resulted in 16 diverse & exciting proposals. An internal RPM staff group including LGBTQ staff and our critical friends discussed and explored the proposals, against the stated aims of connecting to Brighton & Hove LGBTQ lives & experience. We are able to realise, to differing degrees, 3 quarters of the proposals with 2/possibly 3 longer term exhibitions, and a number of shorter displays, events and workshops. RPM are pioneering a new community responsive way of working; this is resulted in RPM hosting the "The Museum of Transology" on in July. It is a growing collection, developed through crowd sourcing objects primarily from B&H Trans community by EJ Scott. The current display is exhibited at London College of Fashion. http://www.fashionspacegallery.com/exhibition/museum-transology/

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The current exhibition was developed with the Trans Community who contributed items, text, film, images, music and created some display items through workshops. At RPM, the exhibition will expand to include new objects, working and workshopping with new people, the themes and display

will alter and develop. Weekly sessions at St Anne's day centre for homeless people were established in the period before Christmas with an intensive week of sessions each morning. This meant a large number of people were accessing creative opportunities, taking away small note books for writing, small sketch pads, and crafting materials. One entrepreneurial couple made a number of items that they sold to the public then used the funds to buy more materials and they continue to create items to sell. Queer Beyond London (QBL) http://queerbeyondlondon.com/ Working collaboratively with QBL, we ran two events together at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery; the first to invite members of the LGBTQ community to talk about their experiences of living, working and socialising in Brighton & Hove, these oral histories we recorded to contribute to the QBL project outcomes. The second event was to share the QBL work with the LGBTQ community and to have open discussions connecting with the work to date. This collaboration & relationship was built up after meeting with the project coordinators at Without Borders LGBTQ conference in 2016.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

2 Community Engagement

Number of interpretation projects, displays and events co-produced with our communities

1 Pavilion Blues Discussion wall community conversation throughout exhibition

1 LGBTQ spotlight exhibition in progress


2 Community Engagement

Number of participants engaged in CE programme on site

288 354 1,719

2 Community Engagement

Number of participants engaged in CE outreach programme

82 297 657

2 Community Engagement

Profile of participants

End of year outcome

End of year outcome

End of year outcome

2 Community Engagement

Qualitative measure – sense of ownership

End of year outcome

End of year outcome

End of year outcome

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Digital Initiatives Digital initiatives highlights this quarter include the release of VR model of Royal Pavilion Estate by volunteer Colin Jones, and several other 3D models of the Royal Pavilion http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/royalpavilion/history/3d-history. This was also used in new gallery interactive in Visions of the Royal Pavilion Estate display in Brighton Museum. The first testing of prototype mobile tour of Brighton Museum, this will inform content production with aim of public launch in Sep 2017 as part of Brighton Digital Festival. The release of Digital Review 2016-17 highlighting achievements in increased transactional use of website and improved engagement with online collections through Digital Media Bank was released this quarter, http://brightonmuseums.org.uk/DigitalReview1617.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

2 Digital Initiatives

Number of website sessions 550,000 151,735 577,288

2 Digital Initiatives

Number of online posts by staff, volunteers and participants

120 28 137

2 Digital Initiatives

Social media followers (total no. of subscribers to actively used social media platforms: Facebook + Twitter + Google+ + YouTube)

17,600 22,695 22,695 (please note this is not a cumulative figure quarter by quarter)

2 Digital Initiatives

No. of digital projects with external partners

6 2 6

2 Digital Initiatives

Annual review of Digital Initiatives

1 1 1

Figure 7: Touchpad in Brighton Museum

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Goal 3

Resilience The arts, museums and libraries are resilient and environmentally sustainable We will intensify our focus on ensuring the long term sustainability of RPM by developing our audiences, building our profile and diversifying our income streams Agreed Outcomes:

Achieve greater resilience by developing our audiences and building our profile

Investment in sustainable operating systems

Achieve greater financial resilience by developing business opportunities and growing support

Preston Manor, the Booth and Hove Museum become more sustainable

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Marketing The Royal Pavilion and Brighton Museum’s Free Day in January attracted wide press interest both before and after, including The Daily Telegraph, The Argus, Brighton & Hove Independent, BBC Sussex Breakfast Show, Viva Brighton, GScene and Child-friendly Brighton & Hove. The Pavilion was also in the spotlight when Benedict Cumberbatch and co came to film The Current War, with coverage including The Argus, Juice FM, the B&H Independent and Latest TV. BBC 1’s Royal Recipes featured David Beevers talking about George IV’s Coronation menus, while Who Do You Think You Are? brought Sophie Rayworth to discuss the palace’s piano and Bargain Hunt featured the new Saloon carpet being woven at Axminster. Coverage of new display Visions of the Royal Pavilion Estate included BBC Homes & Antiques magazine, BBC SE Tonight, Sussex Life, BBC Sussex Breakfast show, Art Daily, EasyJet magazine, The Argus and The Sunday Mirror, plus a feature by curator Alexandra Loske in Building Design. And our free open day for International Women’s Day attracted a live broadcast by the BBC Sussex Danny Pike Show and coverage on The Pool and Juice FM. Photo-punk came to a close as Exhibition Pick of the Week in the Guardian Guide, and was mentioned twice by Marc Riley on his BBC 6 Music show and on Twitter. The forthcoming opening of Constable and Brighton was previewed by Art Quarterly, Sussex Life, The Argus and The Countryman, while the Drawing Circus at The Royal Pavilion was covered by the B&H Independent, Viva Brighton and as a full-page feature in The Argus. March also saw the first RPM Object of the Month slot on the new B&H Independent website.

In March 2017 RPM attended Explore GB which was hosted in Brighton. New travel trade and groups collateral was developed with this market in mind. Over the course of two days the team had in excess of 50 appointments with international buyers from as far afield as India and the US. A number of follow up enquiries have been made.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

3 Marketing E-news subscribers

9,000 1,344 8,224

3 Marketing Annual Review 1 1 1

3 Marketing Delivery of Audience Development Plans by Site 533,515 (all sites) 92,000 481,612

3 Marketing Major press story per month

12 Numerous – see quarterly press coverage report

Numerous – see quarterly press coverage report

3 Marketing Develop groups & travel trade sales & marketing strategy (5% growth on 2015/16) 141,039 19,077 122,054

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Business & Operating Systems

One major project is ongoing: moving all of the Museums servers hosted by corporate ICT to virtual servers hosted in a data centre. This provides greater ICT resilience and also facilitates potential move to Trust.

An audit has been commissioned of all ICT and telephony cabling preparation for move to Trust in addition an audit of hardware requiring replacement is underway.

A full Wifi survey of both public and staff areas across all sites has been undertaken again to scope requirements for move to Trust Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

3 Business & operating systems

Evaluate actions from review 3 further systems reviewed

0 3

Commercial Development: Functions

A major filming project in Qtr4 provided a new source of commercial income. The project provided a valuable learning experience for a larger cross section of staff involved and has generated a number of subsequent high profile enquiries.

New marketing collateral for both Corporates and Weddings has been designed and produced during Qtr4.

The Business development manager attended Explore GB in March 2017 meeting with a number of buyers from the International corporate group market.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

3 Commercial Development - Functions

Earned income through functions (10% increase on 2015/16)

£262,670 £29,244 £253,673

3 Commercial Development - Functions

Number of staff trained to build commercial acumen 6 0 6

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Fundraising During Q4 we have been experimenting with messaging across the donation boxes to test different propositions. This has included linking in to the national #PoundForPound campaign which celebrated the launch of the new 12-sided £1 coin. In February we held a workshop with over 30 of our members to gain a greater understanding of their interests and experiences of supporting. The findings will help to shape our fundraising activity for the next year, including planned changes to our membership scheme, while also enabling us to improve the way we work with our supporters. In March we ran a half-day training session for staff across RPM, helping them to write compelling and successful funding applications. This will enable a greater number of people to apply for funding for their activity, engaging all staff in fundraising activity. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

3 Fundraising Number of new Memberships

1,115 168 new memberships (equates to 262 members)

813 New Memberships (1,228 members) with a value of £25,340 to date

3 Fundraising Total number of Memberships Realising gross unrestricted income of £108,000

Total membership has decreased slightly over the same period last year.

£88,009. This figure is the point in time value of our total membership income.

3 Fundraising Percentage of memberships sold onsite

30% 73% 70% (average Q1 + Q2 +Q3+Q4)

3 Fundraising Number of new Patrons

Increase Patrons by 20% pa realising gross unrestricted income of £21,000

1 new patron in Q4

Total number of Patrons at end of Q4 is 22. Membership income from these 22 is £14.500 pa.

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

3 Fundraising Total number of Patrons (26 at start of year 2) Maintain 90% retention rate

1 patron did not renew due to ill health. 3 Patrons due for renewal in Q4 did renew

85% (22 patrons in total)

3 Fundraising Value of funds raised from Trusts and Foundations

£250,000 pa

0 £5,000

3 Fundraising Number of legacy pledges 3 0 0

3 Fundraising Value of major gifts incl corporate support

£10,000 No additional major gifts in Q4


Fundraising Target Commentary Memberships Commentary – membership sales and renewals continue to hold steady, despite a slight reduction in promotional activity. We ran an interactive workshop in February which was designed to give us a greater insight to our members’ motivations for supporting, and to identify areas for improvement. This was a valuable exercise and will help us to shape the future membership scheme. We have also been experimenting with a smaller, more focused programme of members’ events. This enables us to reduce the running costs of the scheme while also supporting our wider audience development aims. Trusts and Foundations Commentary – since Q3 we have lost a further member of staff, reducing our capacity to secure funding from Trusts and Foundations. Recruitment is ongoing and we hope to have someone in post soon. In the meantime, we have invested in upskilling staff across the organisation to write proposals to support their own projects. This has resulted in Collections staff writing bids in order to acquire items for the collection, and Conservation staff researching possible funders for a new Archaeology exhibition at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. We are now looking ahead to the new financial year, as well as preparing for a possible capital campaign. Legacy Pledges Commentary - further to our activity in Q3 we have been looking to re-engage previous legacy pledgers. We have also been looking for new opportunities to promote Gifts in Wills as a way of supporting RPM. This has included a newsletter article highlighting a number of items in the collection made possible because of legacy gifts. We have committed to including information about legacies at every opportunity as we see this as an important source of income for RPM in the near future.

Social Enterprise Staff from the South East Museum Development Programme were invited to the Proposal Writing Training in March. While this didn’t generate income for RPM, it did achieve RPM’s wider aim of providing leadership and skills sharing with the wider sector.

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

3 Social Enterprise

Value of unrestricted income raised

£20,000 net profit


Social Enterprise income of £16,948 has been invoiced. This would take our Y2 achievement to £36,970


Social Enterprise Target Commentary Social Enterprise Commentary - over the last year we have explored ways to commercialise the skills, knowledge and experience we have within the team. This has predominantly focused on fundraising expertise, with staff working on a secondment or consultancy basis with other local organisations. During this time we have seen that this is a way that RPM can generate income. However, we have decided to review this activity for the next financial year. There are a number of reasons behind this decision. The first is that, with the current staff resource, we don’t have the capacity to seek out these opportunities or to deliver this work. The second is that we believe other activities will provide a greater return on investment (both staff time and salary). This is likely to include seeking opportunities to provide training and upskilling other organisations.

Business Planning: Booth, Preston Manor & Hove

Hove Museum & Art Gallery The exhibition ‘Fabula presents: Many Ways to Tell a Story’ has received a very favourable response. Visitor satisfaction has risen from 72% to 92%. The exhibition has received wide press coverage and the artists have been interviewed for magazine publication and on radio. The exhibition has been accompanied by a programme of artist-led workshops. As part of the objective of developing a functions programme Hove Museum hosted a very successful evening event for the Hove Business Association, who will also be booking for their summer event.

We have developed plans to move the retail area and front desk visitor services into Gallery 2. IT provision has been created in Gallery 2 in anticipation of the move.

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Preston Manor Further progress has been made in closed season during Q4 in support of the strategic priority for the site, which is to build up the functions and events offer to establish new income streams and boost footfall. With invaluable support and advice from the RPM Functions Business Development Manager and BHCC’s Health & Safety team, we are writing a site-wide risk assessment for outdoor events, focussing on the croquet lawn and surroundings, the Walled Garden and the Kitchen Garden. We will use this to strengthen the potential of our outdoor spaces for prospective hirers, making the process better understood by, and more efficient for, both parties. There are two additional elements linked to this work that will benefit the site and support its ambitions. Firstly, the team at the Manor will be better equipped to apply in due course for full premises licence, with the outcome that the commercial hire offer will be stronger. Secondly, the footpath from Preston Park into the south-east corner of the grounds has been nominated by BHCC’s Technical Access Manager as a worthwhile access improvement project for BHCC’s 2017-18 DDA budget. Another highlight for Q4 has been a new Workforce Development placement at Preston Manor. Vicki Tambling, one of our Casual VSOs has been working with Gaye Conley, Assistant Conservator, and with house staff for an additional two days per week since 16 January, to ensure that the house has been thoroughly cleaned in preparation for re-opening to the public on 1st April. Additionally, Gaye also organised a very successful cleaning week in February half term, and she, Vicki and several other conservation and technical colleagues were able to tackle several long-standing conservation and cleaning tasks, all of which have contributed to the house looking and feeling clean and fresh for the coming season. The Booth Museum of Natural History Further progress was made in Q4 towards achieving the priorities agreed for this site in the business plan. Work has continued with the BHCC’s Technical Access Manager to implement the plan to double the public WC capacity at the Booth. Although the timescale has slipped slightly due to the number of pre-booked school groups (who make extensive use of the WC facilities), Listed Building Consent for the work has now been receive and a contractor appointed, so it is hoped that the work can start at the beginning of May. During the 3-4 weeks duration, the museum will remain open, and alternative arrangements will be published guided visitors to alternative facilities. Brighton Museum & Art Gallery The focus of this quarter has been the piloting new routes through the museum for adult visitors and children & families. We saw the first testing of prototype mobile tours of Brighton Museum (see also Goal 2), and a pilot of Basecamp in the February half term - encouraging children to draw in the

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galleries. Using the evaluation from this pilot, Basecamp launched for the Easter holidays on Sat 8 April, encouraging young visitors to become museum explorers. After collecting a magnifying glass, torch, compass, trail and knapsack from a self-service unit stocked with paper, pens and other creative resources, they set off on a journey of exploration across the museum. This is envisaged as a regular offer during the school holidays. From the May half term the adapted self-service unit will be replaced by a bespoke unit developed in response to the feedback from users over Easter. This is a vital and core provision for children and their families, which has been a gap in our visitor offer for some time. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

3 Business Planning

Evaluate against business model developed Monitoring against business models

On target vs. agreed site activity plans

On target vs. agreed site activity plans

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Goal 4 Leadership Leadership and workforce in the arts, museums and libraries are diverse and appropriately skilled Activity under Goal 4 focuses on the support we provide the museums sector, drawing on our key strengths, and on the step change we will make in skills development for staff and volunteers Agreed Outcomes:

Cultural organisations work together to deliver sustainable Heritage Learning

Efficient and effective delivery of RPM’s MPM and SEMDP

Organisational learning, experience and skills shared within the SE and nationally

RPM has a more diverse and skilled workforce and volunteer base

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Sector Leadership This quarter the Workforce Development Conference team have been working on the legacy of the Conference through evaluating the feedback postcards, Twitter feed, and team feedback. This report will be available April 2017. We also hope to be able to set up a Workforce Development network of interested sector reps to follow up on some of the key points and conversations from the Conference. RPM has been working with the South East Museum Development team to plan Digital Workshops to be delivered in Q1 & Q3 2017-18. In 2015/16, our annual conference and two half-day workshops focussed on museum digitisation, and due to growing demand for training in this area, we have chosen to focus on digitisation again this year. We are providing one in-depth workshop instead of the two half-day sessions held in 2015/16 to provide more in-depth for SEMDP staff and volunteers. RPM’s Director has been working closely with Norfolk and other MPMs in the delivery of Sector Leadership responsibilities around Audiences & Equalities. This information is being pulled together into one document to be shared across the sector; RPM will be delivering a conference around the theme of Audiences on its LGBTQ work for 2017-18 and will deliver related activity and share learning via links in to the South East Museum Development Programme. RPM updated its Equalities Plan this quarter, for delivery 2017-18, which has incorporated its Diversity priorities as per the Arts Council’s Diversity report and recommendations. RPM staff have delivered papers at a high number of wide- ranging conferences and symposia through the south-east region as well as nationally over the past year. Many of the papers delivered have been around digital engagement in museums, for which RPM is developing a high profile within the sector, as well as focussing on our diverse collections, partnerships and engagement with local and international communities, and workforce development. A wide number of online and conventional publications by RPM staff back up the training and research disseminated throughout the museum and heritage sector at conferences. Awards and nominations, such as Fashion Cities Africa for Best Touring or Temporary Exhibition at the Museums & Heritage Awards 2017, also help to demonstrate excellence within the museum and heritage sector.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

4 Sector Leadership

Annual conference

1 0 1

4 Sector Seminars/workshops 3 1 1 - *See

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

Leadership commentary below

4 Sector Leadership

Number of participants attending workshops and conferences

150 20 110

4 Sector Leadership

Staff participation in regional and national conferences, publications, awards

N/A Full report supplied with Q4 papers

Full report supplied with Q4 papers

4 Sector Leadership

Working with Norfolk on delivery of MPM action plan for diversity report As per action plan diversity report

As per action plan diversity report

Ongoing See narrative above

4 Sector Leadership

Implementation of actions in diversity report through the Equalities Plan Reporting to ACE and picking up in the Equalities

Equalities plan

Complete See narrative above

* RPM had decided to hold 2 workshops (rather than 3 as per the target) as there was less funding available for workshops due to the funding used for the Workforce Development Conference. The planned 2 half-day workshops have since been amalgamated into a one-day, more in-depth workshop following feedback from trainers and participants in last year’s digital workshop. This one-day workshop has been organised and paid for in Q4, but the delivery date will be 26 April (therefore Q1 in 2017-18).

Heritage Learning Partnership This quarter the Heritage Learning Partnership met at Downs Junior School as a potential new partner, to learn about their schools offer, the air raid shelter Take Shelter. Two new partners have joined the partnership; Downs Junior school’s Take Shelter project and the education arm of the Theatre Royal. The partners have decided that Marketing will be the focus for 2017-18 so will be reviewing the website, branding and ding a big marketing push with schools.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

4 Heritage Learning

Number of school visits across the Partnership

1,200 Data gathered at year end

Awaiting data

4 Heritage Learning

One collaborative project delivered 1 0 1

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Volunteering & Workforce Development This quarter saw one new volunteer role created in Museum Lab working with collections documentation; 18 new volunteers started with us, three in the new Museum Lab role, and 15 in existing roles, and we ended the year with 121 volunteers in total who contributed 17,052.5 hours to the service. This dropped from 140 volunteers at end of quarter 3 due to many volunteers leaving that were recruited for the Preston Manor events programme based around the Doreen Valiente exhibition, but these hours have been included in the total. This quarter saw 17 members of the front-of-house team participating in 12 Workforce Development opportunities including developing a new offer for language schools, working with the conservation team, working on a new exhibition, gardening with the Head Gardener at the Royal Pavilion, reviewing and developing our reminiscence boxes at Hove Museum, and developing new servants stories at the Royal Pavilion. One of those participating has successfully applied to do the Influence strand of the Museum’s Association Transformers Programme, one has successfully applied to be the Assistant Curator at the Hockey Museum, and one is looking into an NVQ in social care as a result of working with a group of adults with critical social care, thus reflecting some of the key positive outcomes of the scheme. We will be evaluating the programme in 2017-18. Through 2016-17 all staff across RPM have benefitted in some way from the Learning & Development Plan. This is through 1-2-1s, PDPs, staff briefings, workshops, and through the open process of applying to attend conferences such as the MA and Museum Ideas. Staff can also put forward ideas for their development that can be funded from the Learning & Development budget, with manager approval. In 2017-18 some of the key areas delivered include: Continuing to support 2 staff doing their AMA, Damp & Historic Buildings training, Conservation training, Salvage training, Basic British Sign Language, Social Media training, Defib training, First Aid, Premises Licence training, and Project Management. Conferences attended include: MA, Museum Ideas, Without Borders LGBTQ, Transforming People, MA Digital Conference and Lesbian Lives. 86 members of staff benefitted from these directly in 2016-17. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date


Volunteering & Workforce Development

Number of volunteering roles/opportunities developed

8 1 7

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Number of new volunteers

10 18 59

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Total number of volunteers

80 121 121

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Volunteer profile

Profiling to be done at end of year

Profiling to be done at end of year


4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Number of workforce development opportunities

11 6 13

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Number of staff benefiting from workforce development opportunities

19 7 26

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Numbers of staff benefiting from Learning & Development/training

132 86 86

4 Volunteering & Workforce Development

Diversity: three apprentices (two via BHCC, one with MPM funding) 3 1 via British Museum traineeship; 1 via SOCL (with MPM funding); 1 via BHCC (booking office)


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Goal 5

Children & Young People Every child & young person has the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts, museums and libraries

The activities under Goal 5 are geared to make a real difference to children and young people’s skills, learning and quality of life Agreed Outcomes:

Families and children have engaging and enjoyable experiences

RPM supports and provides inspiring learning experiences

A diverse range of young people are actively engaged with RPM

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Children & Families Programming The family offer at Hove Museum was strengthened by a programme of activities that accompanied the Fabula exhibition which provided new opportunities for children. These workshops were run by the some of the artists. They were aimed at slightly older children than the holiday activity age group – 8 and up – and were about developing craft making skills.

Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

5 Children & Families Programming

No. of visitors (Hove Museum)

5% increase (on 33,075)

See Year 2 achieved to date figure

38,818. Target was 36,000. Increase of over 7%

5 Children & Families Programming

Visitor satisfaction (Hove Museum) 90% 687 adults and children at activities

Visitor satisfaction at 92%

5,509 adults and children at activities over the year.

Visitor satisfaction ends the year at 92%

Schools Digital Learning The Booth Loans website project also featured a science teacher focus group to help us write a 3 year science and schools strategy for the Booth Museum. We have redeveloped the India school session working with the Brighton Hindu Women’s Group. The session now focuses on a Hindu wedding, happening in Brighton. Members of the Hindu community star in the videos giving children the instructions. The aim of the session is to place the Hindu Community in Brighton central to children’s learning about India. We piloted the new Africa – Nigerian Detectives session as part of an Our Future City wellbeing project with a group of EAL pupils and their families and the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service around the history of migration to the city. We are now working on how we can extend this topic to other schools.

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

5 Schools Digital Learning

Partnership meetings:

20 6 22

5 Schools Digital Learning

Working with teachers:

6 8 12

5 Schools Digital Learning

Digital Interventions to improve whole museum experience:

6 2 6

5 Schools Digital Learning

Digital enhancements to sessions

2 2 2

5 Schools Digital Learning

Online resources for schools

page views of school resources on website:

views of resources from the TES website:

downloads of resources from the TES website:




37,981 166





Early Years Children’s centres across the city have benefitted from visits to Toddler Tuesdays, Mosaic Under 5’s, Stay & Play sessions and EAL Groups all accessing their first hands on experiences of the museum’s collections and introducing parents and children alike to the rich variety of museums we have in Brighton & Hove. Monday is Story Time at Jubilee Library in Brighton and our Early Years Officer takes this as a regular opportunity for the earliest readers to get hands on with some of the many fabulous objects we have in our collections. We have looked at tiger skins, whale bones, mini beasts and dinosaurs all with stories attached. The children get an opportunity to see first-hand the Tiger Who Came to Tea or handle mini beasts while we chant along to I Love Bugs. It is also a great opportunity to make parents aware of the engaging collections we have on offer in museums across the city. Nursery Schools have been able to connect topic based learning with real interactive sessions, engaging children in some of the most economically deprived areas with fantastic objects from the museums natural history collections helping to extend and enrich the children’s experience beyond the classroom.

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Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target (Year 2)

Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved to date

5 Early Years Number of children participating in on site informal activities, or via outreach- Pre-5, and qualitative evaluation

2,874 464 under 5’s engaged

5,525 under 5’s engaged

Youth Engagement In February half term we ran an open access targeted workshop for young women. 13 young women from diverse backgrounds, including some refugees new to the city, came together for a day exploring issues around female representation. They looked at objects from the collection and worked with a sound artist to create a soundscape that was later played in the fashion gallery as part of the celebrations around international women’s day. Other highlights included a visit from young people with Learning disabilities from Downs view link college, they had a tour and creative workshop as part of their arts award, and young people from the councils fostering and adoption team visited BMAG for some creative sessions, as part of their holiday programme. Goal Work Package 2016-17 Target (Year 2) 2016-17 Target

(Year 2) Q4 achieved Year 2 achieved

to date

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 14-15 participating in informal activities on site Targets to be set for 2017-18 based on 2016-17 full year figures

6 107

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 16-19 participating in informal activities on site

24 73

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 20-25 participating in informal activities on site

4 55

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 14-15 participating in informal activities off site

0 81

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 16-19 participating in informal activities off site

0 17

5 Youth Engagement

Number of young people aged 20-25 participating in informal activities off site

0 28

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5 Youth Engagement

Qualitative measure – ownership and skills development

To be evaluated in Year 3

5 Youth Engagement

Profile of YP

Q4 Appendix I: Audience Data, Income and Targets

a) General Audience Data

Q1 Target Q1

Q2 Target Q2

Q3 Target Q3

Q4 Target Q4

Total to date

Target 2016-17

2015-16 actual

% of visits rated as good or excellent

85% n/a 86% n/a 87% n/a 87% n/a 86% 83% 83%

% of BME visits rated as good or excellent

88% n/a 86% n/a 89% n/a 88% n/a 87% 1% of

overall 86%

% of LGBT visits rated as good or excellent

84% n/a 80% n/a 86% n/a 83% n/a 83% 1% of

overall 80%

% of Limited Disabilities visits rated as good or excellent

85% n/a 83% n/a 83% n/a 84% n/a 84% 1% of

overall 78%

Total child visits (including schools)

64,247 56,252 58625 69,763 30,427 33,282 36,116 37,529 189,415 196,826 218,778

School visits

6,728 5,877 4,886 3,066 8,156 8,432 6,495 8,175 26,272 25,550 24,806

Young people accessing RPM through youth programme 122 n/a 103 n/a 135 n/a 39 n/a 399 n/a 415

No. of activities involving children (figure includes all activities not just Youth engagement, but not outreach)

44 n/a 33 n/a 226 n/a 11 n/a 315 n/a -

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Q1 Target Q1

Q2 Target Q2

Q3 Target Q3

Q4 Target Q4

Total to date

Target 2016-17

2015-16 actual

No. of children participating in activities (figure includes all activities not just Youth engagement, but not outreach)

1,881 n/a 2,080 n/a 4,017 n/a 1,534 n/a 9,553 n/a 7,144

No. of groups of children accessing Early Years programme (including outreach)

41 n/a 19 n/a 25 n/a 30 n/a 115 n/a -

No. of children accessing Early Years programme

1,352 661 392 460 687 1,006 460 747 2,891 2,874 3,221

No. of groups of adults participating in Community Engagement projects (this figure includes all adult activities not just community engagement, but not outreach)

144 n/a 180 n/a 130 n/a 117 n/a 577 n/a -

No. of adults participating in Community Engagement projects (this figure includes all adult activities not just community engagement, but not outreach)

6,074 n/a 4,153 n/a 5,835 n/a 3,510 n/a 20,312 n/a 1,605


No. of web sessions

146,460 130,000 152,249 160,000 147,601 120,000 153,771 140,000 600,061 550,000 603,101

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b) Visitor Figures

Q1 Target Q1

Q2 Target Q2

Q3 Target Q3

Q4 Target Q4

Total to date

Target 2016/17

2015-16 actual

RPM visits (all sites)

139,934 156,255 151,293 188,548 87,497 89,951 94,355 98,761 473,921 533,515 533,515

Royal Pavilion visits 101,462 105,585 107,256 111,790 44,758 50,628 51,984 56,512 305,611 324,515 328,566

Brighton Museum & Art Gallery visits

16,601 30,599 21,154 52,257 17,327 19,203 24,276 22,941 79,358 125,000 114,167

Hove Museum & Art Gallery visits

8,134 8,711 9,783 8,680 12,262 8,412 8,639 10,197 38,818 36,000 40,831

Booth Museum visits 6,360 6,012 7,670 7,798 7,446 6,612 7,950 7,578 29,426 28,000 29,495

Preston Manor visits 7,377 5,348 6,060 8,023 5,704 5,096 1,506 1,533 20,708 20,000 20,456

% of Royal Pavilion visitors from Brighton & Hove

3% n/a 3% n/a 5% n/a 5% n/a 3% n/a 4%

% of Brighton Museum & Art Gallery visitors from Brighton & Hove

21% n/a 16% n/a 27% n/a 7% n/a 17% n/a 28%

% of Hove Museum & Art Gallery visitors from Brighton & Hove

56% n/a 54% n/a 55% n/a 43% n/a 52% n/a 50%

% of Booth visitors from Brighton & Hove

48% n/a 43% n/a 49% n/a 38% n/a 44% n/a 49%

% of Preston Manor visitors from Brighton & Hove

17% n/a 14% n/a 46% n/a 26% n/a 25% n/a 18%

% of RPM (all sites) visitors from Brighton & Hove

11% n/a 10% n/a 23% n/a 12% n/a 13% n/a 16%

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c) Income and Targets

Target 2016/17 Actual 2016/17 Variation

2016/17 Q4 Actual Q4 Target Q4 Variation

Royal Pavilion £2,618,100 £2,491,389 -£126,711 £381,416 £416,278 -£34,862

Preston Manor £43,680 £54,182 +£10,502 £3,386 £3,781 -£395

Brighton Museum £261,070 £153,977 -£107,093 £35,067 £47,914 -£12,847

Functions £262,670 £253,673 -£8,997 £29,244 £46,896 -£17,652

Retail Net £705,840 £661,771 -£44,069 £108,699 £109,383 -£684

Catering Net £77,230 £10,049 -£67,181 -£1,204 £19,308 -£20,512

Donations £29,550 £22,114 -£7,436 £6,145 £7,131 -£986

Learning (schools) £55,800 £58,344 +£2,544 £18,293 £16,810 +£1,483

Guiding £54,270 £44,307 -£9,963 £6,941 £12,706 -£5,765

Events £28,270 £33,982 +£5,712 £3,044 £2,689 +£355

Filming £11,300 £89,071 +£77,771 £86,238 £2,825 +£83,413

Property Rental £6,400 £6,396 -£4 £1,599 £1,599 £0

Booking fees £8,180 £10,728 +£2,548 £1,636 £2,045 -£409

TOTAL £4,162,360 £3,889,983 -£272,377 £680,504 £689,365 -£8,861

Note: funds from the Royal Pavilion & Museums Foundation are not included in the above figures (Donation income sits with core RPM budget)

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Q4 Appendix II: MPM Strategic Risk Forecast Risk ref Risk / Opportunity

Likelihood (1=low

3 =high)

Impact (1=low

3 =high) Q2 Q3 Q4

2017-18 Q1


1 Decrease in visitors to the Royal Pavilion and Museums

2 2 N/A N/A Medium Medium

Marketing and promotional activities targeting existing and new visitors are in place. Programme of exhibitions and events are planned to attract visitors.

2 BHCC funding decreasing

3 3 N/A N/A High High

Strategy in place to manage the decrease in funding. New Head of Fundraising in post and fundraising training session delivered to staff (Feb 2017).

3 ACE NPO funding (2018-2022) not secured 2 3 N/A N/A High High

Application submitted for funding post 2018. Decision June 2017.

4 BHCC recruitment and financial controls 3 2 N/A N/A Medium Medium

BHCC have relaxed some financial restrictions but there is still a vacancy control process in place

5 Move to trust meaning uncertainty for staff leading to issues with staff retention 2 3 N/A N/A Medium High

Regular updates and communication with staff to inform them of progress. Staff succession planning, induction & retention strategies and tools.

6 Underspend within MPM budgets 1 2 N/A N/A Low Low

Identify potential under-spends & re-allocate funding to other elements of the work packages.

7 Loss of ACE Accreditation (leading to loss of funding)

2 3 N/A N/A Low Medium

Ensure April 2017 return provides appropriate information and is submitted before the deadline. Ensure BHCC is clear on consequences of selling collections/item from collection Effective management of staff retention during move to trust as described above (as appropriate number and type of staff need to be employed) Governance structures, policies, procedures and plans to be updated ready for move to Trust

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