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Page 1: Royal Scottish National Orchestra



GlasGow Royal

ConCeRt Hall

Peter Oundjian:Music Director

Page 2: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Subscribe to the 2012:13 Season!InCRedIble value | beautIful musIC | woRld-Class aRtIsts

Join us at our exclusive receptionSubscribe to all 17 concerts and you will be invited to an exclusive reception with both Leaders of the Orchestra, James Clark and Maya Iwabuchi. Have you always wanted to know what the Leader of the Orchestra does behind the scenes? Well this is the perfect opportunity to get to know James and Maya and learn about their vital roles within the Orchestra both on-stage and off.

Simply complete and return your booking form today and we’ll ensure you’re on our guest list.

Join the Royal Scottish national orchestra and Music Director Peter oundjian for a rollercoaster of a Season! Packed full of your favourite music, you won’t want to miss a second.

ComPlete youR booKInG foRm at tHe ReaR of tHe bRoCHuRe today!

shostakovich Symphony No11

subscribe today and save up to 35% Simply choose a minimum of four concerts and you could start saving money! The more concerts you choose, the more you’ll save.

mendelssohn Elijahvaughan williams The Lark Ascending

smetana Má vlasttchaikovsky Manfred Symphony

Orff Carmina Burana

Dvořák Cello Concertobeethoven Eroica

adams Harmonielehre

Page 3: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

at a GlanceSaTurday 6 OCTOBer 2012season opener: oundjian Conducts shostakovich

SaTurday 13 OCTOBer 2012oundjian Conducts brahms

SaTurday 27 OCTOBer 2012 søndergård Conducts sibelius

SaTurday 10 NOveMBer 2012 Choral Classics: Carmina burana

SaTurday 24 NOveMBer 2012 also sprach Zarathustra

SaTurday 15 deCeMBer 2012 John lill Plays Grieg

SaTurday 26 JaNuary 2013 Dvořák Eight

SaTurday 9 FeBruary 2013 an american festival: I

THurSday 14 FeBruary 2013 Romantic valentine’s Concert

SaTurday 2 MarCH 2013 beethoven’s eroica

SaTurday 16 MarCH 2013 Järvi Conducts tchaikovsky

SaTurday 23 MarCH 2013 Oundjian Conducts Má vlast

SaTurday 13 aprIL 2013 Concierto de aranjuez

SaTurday 27 aprIL 2013 an american festival: II

SaTurday 18 May 2013 Choral Classics: elijah

SaTurday 25 May 2013 Dvořák Cello Concerto

SaTurday 1 JuNe 2013 oundjian and benedetti Gala Concert

RSno SeaSon 2012:13

Musical InsightsJoin us for our free pre-concert talks before each concert at 6.45pm. Over the course of the Season you’ll hear from journalists, rSNO players and conductors, all giving their unique insights into the music being performed. plus don’t miss peter Oundjian and Thomas Søndergård giving post-concert talks in the auditorium in October.

Look out for the symbol throughout the brochure for details.

Page 4: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

I’m so delighted to be here in Scotland and to welcome you to my first Season as Music Director of this magnificent orchestra, the RSNO.

I have long been anticipating this moment when we can reveal the many great concerts we’ve planned for you and start to share some wonderful music together.

For me, music is the ultimate universal language. There is something inexplicably magical about the process of bringing music to life and unveiling its secrets, its passions, its myriad expressions for the many listeners – of all generations – who are fascinated by this art form.

This Season we are delighted to welcome some of the world’s greatest artists to perform for you. violinist vadim Gluzman joins me to open the Season, rSNO favourite John Lill returns with Grieg’s piano Concerto, Neeme Järvi teams up with pianist Nikolai Lugansky, guitarist Miloš Karadaglić performs the beautiful Concierto de Aranjuez, and Truls Mørk performs Dvořák’s Cello Concerto.

I’m particularly looking forward to sharing the extraordinary music of John adams with you in our two-part american Festival, performing Carmina Burana with the rSNO Chorus and Junior Chorus, and sharing the stage with Nicola Benedetti for the first time. I urge you not to miss our very special evening in March featuring Smetana’s Má vlast. We’ve commissioned the amazing artist James Westwater to create visuals for this performance – it’s sure to be a magical experience.

Of course, I’m not the only ‘new kid’ in town! The talented Thomas Søndergård will be visiting throughout the Season in his new role as principal Guest Conductor with music by Mahler, Sibelius, Berlioz and Stravinsky.

There’s so much to look forward to – I can’t wait to get started! Here’s to a wonderful Season!

Peter OundjianMusic Director

dear friends,

Welcome to the New Season

Page 5: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

I am constantly overwhelmed by what

this orchestra has managed to achieve, and

thinking about the new possibilities is inspiring.

Box offIce 0141 353 8000

Page 6: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

SeaSoN opeNer: ouNdjiaN CoNduCtS ShoStakoviChTime to celebrate! Glinka’s Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla has been called a musical firecracker – so what better way to launch peter Oundjian’s very first concert as RSNO Music Director? That’s just the start of this thrilling all-russian programme, which sweeps from the heart-melting song of Tchaikovsky’s violin Concerto – played by the superb vadim Gluzman – to the revolutionary fervour of Shostakovich’s mighty eleventh Symphony. Be there, as we raise a glass to a very special night for Scottish music.

Glinka Overture to Russlan and Ludmillatchaikovsky violin Concertoshostakovich Symphony No11 The Year 1905

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)vadim Gluzman (vIOLIN)

6.45 MiChael tuMelty

Sat 6 oCt 2012: 7.30pM

Box offIce 0141 353 8000

But the night, with that cracking Brahms, belonged to Oundjian

and his new band.The herald

Page 7: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

ouNdjiaN CoNduCtS BrahMSpure romance: Johannes Brahms battled public anticipation and personal tragedy to complete his First Symphony, finally producing one of the most glorious triumphs in all music. rachmaninov’s Rhapsody, meanwhile, crowns a display of keyboard fireworks with one of the most passionate love-themes ever written. It’s heady stuff: the stunning young pianist Natasha paremski provides the sparkle, while peter Oundjian and the full rSNO unleash the emotion. Britten’s bracing Sea Interludes open the floodgates.

britten Four Sea Interludes from Peter GrimesRachmaninov rhapsody on a Theme of paganinibrahms Symphony No1

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)natasha Paremski (pIaNO)

SøNdergÅrd CoNduCtS SiBeliuSSibelius thought of his Second Symphony as a mighty river flowing to the sea. From pastoral beginning to soul-stirring finish, new Principal Guest Conductor Thomas Søndergård takes us on Sibelius’ journey, while baritone roderick Williams takes us on Mahler’s – a tale of deceptively-tuneful heartbreak in a fairytale landscape, and a far cry from the concert’s opening: an ear-dazzling tribute to Hieronymus Bosch by Swedish maverick B Tommy andersson.

andersson The Garden of delightsmahler Bluminemahler Songs of a Wayfarersibelius Symphony No2

thomas søndergård (CONduCTOr)Roderick williams (BarITONe)

6.45 paul SutherlaNd (RSno SuB-PRIncIPal DouBle BaSS)

Post peter ouNdjiaN in conversation with paul SutherlaNd Post thoMaS SøNdergÅrd in conversation with

urSula heideCker alleN

6.45 urSula heideCker alleN (RSno VIolIn)

Sat 13 oCt 2012: 7.30pM Sat 27 oCt 2012: 7.30pM

RSno SeaSon 2012:13

Page 8: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Choral ClaSSiCS: CarMiNa BuraNaEnter a vastly different world with Carl Orff’s roof-raising masterpiece Carmina Burana. Magical powers, extraordinary sounds, those implacably pounding rhythms – it all explodes into multi-coloured life with the massed rSNO choruses under the baton of peter Oundjian. First though, give in to the seductive sleaze of Thomas adès’ tabloid opera – and get your breath back with the timeless serenity of vaughan Williams’ rapturous Tallis Fantasia.

adès dances from Powder Her Facevaughan williams Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas TallisOrff Carmina Burana

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)valentina farcas (SOpraNO)daniel taylor (COuNTerTeNOr)audun Iversen (BarITONe)Rsno ChorusRsno Junior Chorus

Sat 10 Nov 2012: 7.30pM

6.45 Frikki Walker

The excitement that I sense from the audience at the start of an RSNO concert always reminds me how privileged I am to play with this fantastic orchestra.eliTa Bungard, assT PrinciPal 2nd Violin

SpONSOred By

Page 9: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

alSo SpraCh ZarathuStra“I mean to portray in music the whole story of the human race…” richard Strauss never did anything by halves, and if you’ve heard the sensational opening of Also sprach Zarathustra in 2001: A Space Odyssey, you’ll know to expect something extraordinary. Guest conductor Kazushi Ono has a passion for Strauss – but it’s not all blockbusters tonight, as pianist Saleem abboud ashkar brings his special poetry to one of Mozart’s loveliest concertos, while Prokofiev’s Cinderella gets things off to a fairytale start.

Prokofiev Selections from Cinderellamozart piano Concerto No23 K488R strauss also sprach Zarathustra

Kazushi ono (CONduCTOr)saleem abboud ashkar (pIaNO)

Sat 24 Nov 2012: 7.30pM Sat 15 deC 2012: 7.30pM Sat 26 jaN 2013: 7.30pM

johN lill playS griegWinter warmers: Tchaikovsky was a nervous soul, and he was modest about his First Symphony. But audiences for over a century have fallen head-over-heels for its wintry sparkle and youthful freshness. The rSNO’s charismatic Assistant Conductor continues his love affair with the music of the north as keyboard legend John Lill plays Grieg’s hugely popular concerto. and if you enjoy Scandinavian Tv drama, you’ll be charmed by the unmistakably Swedish style of Lars-erik Larsson’s tuneful homage to Shakespeare.

larsson en vintersaga (A Winter’s Tale)Grieg piano Concertotchaikovsky Symphony No1 Winter Dreams

Christian Kluxen (CONduCTOr)John lill (pIaNO)

dvor�ák eightIf you love Dvořák’s New World Symphony, you won’t be surprised to hear that his eighth Symphony is every bit as enjoyable. But you might be surprised by just how many tunes you go home humming! Glorious stuff, conducted with verve by the dynamic andrey Boreyko. First, though, enjoy Schumann’s bright-eyed love-letter of a piano concerto with award-winning polish pianist Rafał Blechacz – and discover the amazing world of victoria Borisova-Ollas and her Salman rushdie-inspired Open Ground.

borisova-ollas Open Groundschumann piano ConcertoDvořák Symphony No8

andrey boreyko (CONduCTOr)Rafał Blechacz (pIaNO)

6.45 elita BuNgard (RSno aSSIStant PRIncIPal 2nD VIolIn) 6.45 liSa rourke (RSno SuB-PRIncIPal VIola) 6.45 peter huNt (RSno cello)

SpONSOred By

Page 10: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

thu 14 FeB 2013: 7.30pM

roMaNtiC valeNtiNe’S CoNCert Whether it’s the star-crossed romance of romeo and Juliet or the seductive glamour of don Juan, the great composers have always known how to tell a love story. This valentine’s night, make them part of yours. Snatch a brief encounter with rachmaninov’s Second piano Concerto, and surrender to the Spanish passion of ravel’s Boléro, as the rSNO, under the baton of Christian Kluxen, serves up the ultimate in musical indulgence: a five-course feast of the food of love itself!

R strauss don JuanRachmaninov piano Concerto No2tchaikovsky romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overtureshostakovich romance from The GadflyRavel Boléro

Christian Kluxen (CONduCTOr)olga Kern (pIaNO)

aN aMeriCaN FeStival: iDon’t miss the first of two concerts dedicated to the stars and stripes. a supertanker in San Francisco Bay gathers speed and suddenly rockets into the sky. That’s the image that inspired John adams’ Harmonielehre – and the music is every bit as spectacular. This big, fabulously colourful orchestral extravaganza might just be the Great american Symphony; it’s definitely a thrilling climax to an evening that begins with Bernstein’s rip-roaring comedy overture and Gershwin’s gloriously jazzy “skyscraper concerto”. peter Oundjian lights the blue touchpaper, and pianist Jon Kimura parker makes sure things go with a swing.

bernstein Overture to CandideGershwin Concerto in F for piano and Orchestraadams Harmonielehre

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr) Jon Kimura Parker (pIaNO)

Sir alexander Gibson Memorial Concert

6.45 aliSoN MciNtyre (RSno VIolIn)6.45 elita BuNgard (RSno aSSIStant PRIncIPal 2nD VIolIn)

Beethoven said “Music should strike fire from the heart of

man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.” It’s such a

pleasure to play his wonderful music. aleksei kiselioV,

PrinciPal cello

Sat 9 FeB 2013: 7.30pM

Page 11: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Sat 2 Mar 2013: 7.30pM

BeethoveN’S eroiCapoet, revolutionary, hero: Ludwig van Beethoven changed the history of music. Tonight, guest conductor dima Slobodeniouk and virtuoso pianist rudolf Buchbinder take us on an incredible journey through a turbulent age; from the stirring Leonore Overture No3 to the epic adventure of Beethoven’s “Heroic” Symphony – inspired by Napoleon, but dedicated to the cause of freedom. In between comes Beethoven’s darkest piano concerto, a moving reminder of the deeply romantic spirit behind that unstoppable energy.

beethoven Leonore Overture No3beethoven piano Concerto No3 beethoven Symphony No3 Eroica

dima slobodeniouk (CONduCTOr)Rudolf buchbinder (pIaNO)

6.45 MiChael tuMelty

Sat 16 Mar 2013: 7.30pM

järvi CoNduCtS tChaikovSkyByron’s Manfred is the ultimate outsider, brooding, impetuous and tormented by a forbidden love. Tchaikovsky didn’t just identify with him, he poured all his passion into this tremendous Manfred Symphony: sixty minutes of sweeping tunes, heart-pounding drama, and raw emotion. If you don’t know it, there’s no better guide than rSNO legend Neeme Järvi – just as no pianist plays Prokofiev’s Third Piano Concerto with more flair than the incomparable Nikolai Lugansky. Hold onto your seat…

arensky variations on a Theme of TchaikovskyProkofiev piano Concerto No3tchaikovsky Manfred Symphony

neeme Järvi (CONduCTOr)nikolai lugansky (pIaNO)

6.45 katheriNe WreN (RSno VIola)

Beethoven said “Music should strike fire from the heart of

man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.” It’s such a

pleasure to play his wonderful music. aleksei kiselioV,

PrinciPal cello

Page 12: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

It is immensely uplifting to be part of a great concert; to be

surrounded by the wonderful sound this orchestra can make.

ursula heidecker allen, Violin

Sat 23 Mar 2013: 7.30pM

ouNdjiaN CoNduCtS Má vlaStWhen Bedřich Smetana wrote Má vlast (My Country), he didn’t only create a hymn to a great nation – he stretched the very limits of what music could achieve. So he’d have been thrilled by tonight’s performance, in which his music is accompanied by stunning, specially-commissioned visuals by the artist James Westwater. Join peter Oundjian and the rSNO on their journey down the river vltava; and let Westwater’s images and Smetana’s music bring this tale of love, war and liberation unforgettably to life.

smetana Má vlast (COMpLeTe)

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)James westwater (pHOTOCHOreOGrapHer)

6.45 WilliaM ChaNdler (RSno aSSocIate leaDeR)

Page 13: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

It is immensely uplifting to be part of a great concert; to be

surrounded by the wonderful sound this orchestra can make.

ursula heidecker allen, Violin

Sat 13 apr 2013: 7.30pM

CoNCierto de araNjueZIt might not be summer just yet, but tonight the rSNO, guest conductor Gilbert varga and Montenegrin guitar hero Miloš Karadaglić take you on a Mediterranean holiday with a difference! There’s Italian romance with Martucci’s dreamy Notturno and a guided tour of historic Italy with Ottorino respighi – from the delightful Ancient Airs and Dances to the roof-raising hedonism of his sensational Roman Festivals. and, of course, there’s the Spanish tune the whole world loves, in rodrigo’s chart-topping Concierto de Aranjuez.

Respighi ancient airs and dances Suite No1Rodrigo Concierto de aranjuezmartucci Notturno Op70 No1Respighi roman Festivals

Gilbert varga (CONduCTOr)Miloš Karadaglić (GuITar)

6.45 urSula heideCker alleN (RSno VIolIn)

aN aMeriCaN FeStival: iiOur second stateside trip opens with aaron Copland’s joyous ballet Appalachian Spring. John adams sees a darker america, and his atom-bomb opera Doctor Atomic caused a sensation when it was performed in London in 2009. under peter Oundjian, this should be a highlight of the Season – a must-hear concert that also features two real rarities as Xiayin Wang performs piano concertos from Copland and Samuel Barber. If you love Barber’s Adagio, prepare for an electrifying surprise!

Copland appalachian Springbarber piano ConcertoCopland piano Concertoadams doctor atomic Symphony

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)Xiayin wang (pIaNO)

Sat 27 apr 2013: 7.30pM

6.45 WilliaM ChaNdler (RSno aSSocIate leaDeR)

Page 14: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Choral ClaSSiCS: elijah“Is not His word like a fire?” Felix Mendelssohn may have been a friend of Queen victoria, but there’s absolutely nothing stuffy about his Elijah. This is religious music with a wonderful difference: a rip-roaring Old Testament epic full of blood, thunder and fabulously hummable tunes. We welcome back conductor Sir andrew davis, the rSNO Chorus and Junior Chorus, and an all-star team of soloists for what should be a truly roof-raising night to remember.

mendelssohn elijah (SuNG IN GerMaN)

andrew davis (CONduCTOr)lisa milne (SOpraNO)Catherine wyn-Rogers (MeZZO-SOpraNO)barry banks (TeNOr)Hanno mueller-brachmann (BarITONe) Rsno ChorusRsno Junior Chorus

Sat 18 May 2013: 7.30pM

6.45 urSula heideCker alleN (RSno VIolIn)Box offIce 0141 353 8000

The orchestra’s explosive and

blindingly dramatic account...was a tribute

to the persuasive and interpretative powers of

this fine conductor...The herald

Page 15: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

dvor�ák Cello CoNCerto“What a symphony that would make!” declared Antonín Dvořák when he saw the Niagara Falls. But he didn’t write a symphony: he wrote the most sweepingly romantic cello concerto of all time. The superb Norwegian cellist Truls Mørk throws himself headlong into its torrents tonight, while conductor Thomas Søndergård and the RSNO let loose a volley of musical fireworks with Stravinsky’s Petrouchka – a riotous story of old russia, with an unforgettable sting in its tail…

Dvořák Cello Concertostravinsky petrouchka (1947)

thomas søndergård (CONduCTOr)truls mørk (CeLLO)

This concert is dedicated to the Lillie Bequest Fund in honour of the rSNO Foundation

Sat 25 May 2013: 7.30pM

6.45 katheriNe WreN (RSno VIola) anD david MartiN (RSno VIola)

SeaSoN FiNale! ouNdjiaN & BeNedetti

gala CoNCert Laurence Olivier’s wartime film of Shakespeare’s

Henry V is a true classic of British cinema – and William Walton’s stirring score is quite simply one of the greatest of all time. peter Oundjian, the massed

rSNO choruses and a special guest narrator all come together to end the Season in truly spectacular fashion

– and welcome Scotland’s favourite violinist, Nicola Benedetti in two all-time favourites from opposite

sides of the Channel. “We few, we happy few…” – make sure you’re amongst them!

Ravel alborada del graciosovaughan williams The Lark ascending

saint-saëns Introduction and rondo capricciosowalton/Palmer Henry v: a Shakespeare Scenario

Peter oundjian (CONduCTOr)nicola benedetti (vIOLIN)

Rsno ChorusRsno Junior Chorus


Sat 1 juN 2013: 7.30pM

6.45 MiChael tuMelty

Page 16: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Find out more at childrensclassicconcerts.co.uk

SuppOrTed By

be PaRt of tHe Rsno famIly

Owen and Olly, together with the rSNO, bring you another action-packed season of concerts created especially for families.

*Maximum of two free U16 tickets per paying adult. Additional children £5 each.


£5 TICKETWhether you already love classical music, you’re curious to see what it’s like, you’ve got a date to impress, or you want a great night out with friends, the RSNO’s Under 26 discount lets you experience the RSNO for just £5 at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.

Simply ask for an Under 26 £5 ticket at the Box Office today.**

Introduce your young ones to the RSNO! Under 16s go free to all RSNO concerts at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall (except Christmas – 50% off). Plus! On the night of the concert, show your U16 ticket to the programme sellers in the venue and receive a free concert programme.

Simply ask for an Under 16 ticket at the Box Office.*



**Excludes Christmas - 50% off. Proof of age required.

Page 17: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

the operaa Night at

Join phil, aly, the rSNO and special guests for their annual party celebrating the best of Scottish music.

John logan (CONduCTOr)Phil Cunningham (aCCOrdION/KeyBOard)aly bain (FIddLe)national youth Pipe band of scotland

Join the RSNO and RSNO Chorus for a magnificent evening of your favourite opera arias and choruses in the great hall of Kelvingrove art Gallery and Museum. Featuring the Triumphal March from Aida and va pensiero from Nabucco. Bellissimo!

enrique mazzola (CONduCTOr)Rsno Chorus

Fri 7 and Sat 8 SeP 2012: 8PM Fri 30 nOv 2012: 7.30PM

In collaboratIon wIth SponSored bY


phila ST aNdreW’S parTy WITH&aly

Page 18: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Chamber Series

Symphonie FantaStiqueSat 17 nov 2012: 7.30pm

Berlioz Symphonie fantastique

thomas Søndergård (conductor)

paul Rissmann (preSenter)

Sex, drugs…and symphony orchestras! Maddened with unrequited love, hector berlioz imagined the ultimate in musical opium-trips – but the real drug in his astonishing Symphonie fantastique is the sound of a 100-piece orchestra doing things no-one thought possible. paul rissmann teams up with the rSno’s brilliant principal Guest conductor thomas Søndergård and the full rSno to uncover the stories, the scandals and the fabulous tunes behind classical music’s first great tabloid shocker!

StRavinSky’S FiReBiRd thu 21 FeB 2013: 7.30pm

Stravinsky the Firebird (coMplete)

Christian kluxen (conductor)

paul Rissmann (preSenter)

are you sitting comfortably? because Igor Stravinsky is about to tell you a story. Mystical beings, magic spells, green-clawed monsters and beautiful princesses…Stravinsky’s The Firebird has them all. You just need to listen. paul rissmann is your guide, while conductor christian Kluxen and a glittering, blazing, super-sized rSno paint the pictures that show how Stravinsky turned an old russian fairytale into the stuff of dreams, and created a ballet as gripping as a blockbuster movie.

WagneR’S Ring Sat 11 may 2013: 7.30pm

Wagner/de vlieger the ring: an orchestral adventure

philippe Bach (conductor)

paul Rissmann (preSenter)

wagner’s epic Ring cycle is the kind of experience that changes lives. a tale of gods, lovers, tragedy and redemption that begins at the bottom of a river and ends with the destruction of a world – it’s quite simply overwhelming. but if you don’t happen to have four days to spare, here’s your chance to see what the fuss is about: an hour-long orchestral highlights package! paul rissmann tells the story: richard wagner and the rSno do the rest. prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.

Relax and unwind on a Sunday afternoon with the RSNO Chamber Series. These performances offer a refreshing chance to hear the musicians of the Orchestra up close and personal, performing music by the great composers in an intimate setting.

Brahms Clarinet QuintetSun 24 Feb 2013: 2.30pm

RSNO clarinettist Josef Pacewicz takes centre stage for Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet – widely regarded as Brahms’ greatest achievement in chamber music.

Strings & Brass CelebrationSun 21 Apr 2013: 2.30pm

From Haydn to Pärt, enjoy an afternoon of music written especially for string trio and brass quartet, celebrating the wonderful acoustics of St Mary’s Cathedral.

Classical Strings Sun 16 Jun 2013: 2.30pm

Join our quintet of strings for a survey of great classical chamber music including Wolf’s Italian Serenade and Schubert’s String Quintet in C major.

at St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow

Page 19: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Handel’s messiah

Sat 30 Mar 2013: 7.30PMBehold the Lamb of God

Hallelujah Chorus The trumpet shall sound!

I know that my Redeemer liveth

Join the RSNO Chorus and an all-star British cast under the baton of Paul Agnew for a very special Easter performance of Handel’s

masterpiece, Messiah.

sPonsoRed by

Sat 22 dec 20122pm (rSNO Junior Chorus) and 6pm (rSNO Chorus)

Join the rSNO this december for a special feast of Christmas cheer! This family friendly concert is packed full of your favourite festive melodies and singalong

carols, including the magical film The Snowman shown on the big screen, accompanied by the Orchestra and narrated by a very special star guest.

Conducted by Christopher bell

Page 20: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Dávur Juul Magnussen PrinciPal Trombone

meet tHe Rsno...Formed in 1891, the royal Scottish national orchestra is one of europe’s leading orchestras. The eighty musicians perform across Scotland and internationally and have a very busy schedule of recordings, education and community programmes. The rSno is a charity and is one of Scotland’s national Performing companies, supported by the Scottish Government.

David ChiversaSST PrinciPal Violin

William ChandleraSSociaTe leader

James Clarkleader

Maya Iwabuchileader

Tamás FejesaSSiSTanT leader

Barbara PatersonSub-PrinciPal Violin

Jane ReidViolin

1St v



Katherine Bryan PrinciPal FluTe

Helen Brew aSSoc PrinciPal FluTe

Janet Richardson PrinciPal Piccolo

Robert McIntosh 4Th horn

David McClenaghan PrinciPal horn

Alison Murray 5Th horn

Sally Davis double baSS

David Inglis PrinciPal double baSS

John Clark double baSS

Michael Rae aSST PrinciPal double baSS

Paul Sutherland Sub-PrinciPal double baSS

Gordon Bruce double baSS



e Ba









Marcus Pope Sub-PrinciPal TrumPeT

John Gracie PrinciPal TrumPeT

Lance Green aSSoc PrinciPal Trombone

Alastair SinclairPrinciPal baSS Trombone

John WhitenerPrinciPal Tuba

Martin Gibson PrinciPal TimPani











Maria Trittinger Viola

Francesca Hunt Viola



Fiona West Viola

Claire Dunn Viola

Ian Budd aSSoc PrinciPal Viola

Michael Lloyd aSST PrinciPal Viola

Susan Blasdale Sub-PrinciPal Viola

Lisa Rourke Sub-PrinciPal Viola

David Martin Viola

Nicola McWhirter Viola

Katherine Wren Viola

2nd v



Harriet Wilson Sub-PrinciPal 2nd Violin

Christopher Ffoulkes Violin

Xander van VlietPrinciPal 2nd Violin

Jacqueline Speirs aSSoc PrinciPal 2nd Violin

Marion Wilson aSSoc PrinciPal 2nd Violin

Elita Bungard aSST PrinciPal 2nd Violin

Nigel MasonViolin

Page 21: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Ursula Heidecker Allen Violin

Alison McIntyreViolin

Gail DigneyViolin

Elizabeth LloydViolin

Caroline ParryViolin

Lorna RoughViolin

Alan JohnViolin

Susannah LowdonViolin

Katy MacKintosh aSSoc PrinciPal oboe

Zoe Kitson PrinciPal cor anGlaiS

John Cushing PrinciPal clarineT

Josef Pacewicz PrinciPal eb clarineT

Duncan Swindells PrinciPal baSS clarineT

Nicholas Reader PrinciPal conTrabaSSoon

David Hubbard PrinciPal baSSoon

Rosina Alter aSSoc PrinciPal baSSoon








Christopher Bell rSno Junior choruS direcTor

Simon Lowdon PrinciPal PercuSSion

John Poulter aSSoc PrinciPal PercuSSion

Alan Stark Sub-PrinciPal PercuSSion








Peter Oundjian muSic direcTor

Thomas Søndergård PrinciPal GueST conducTor

Neeme Järvi conducTor laureaTe

Christian Kluxen aSSiSTanT conducTor

Timothy Dean rSno choruS direcTor

Pauline Argondizza aSSoc PrinciPal cello

Betsy Taylor aSST PrinciPal cello

William Paterson cello

Peter Hunt cello

Ruth Rowlands cello

Kennedy Leitch cello

Sarah Digger cello

Rachael Lee cello



Michael RiggViolin

Sheila McGregorViolin

Wanda Wojtasinska Violin

Penny DicksonViolin

Isabel Gourdie Violin

Paul Medd Violin

Anne Bünemann Violin

Sophie Lang Violin

Walter Weller conducTor emeriTuS

Alexander Lazarev conducTor emeriTuS

Aleksei KiseliovPrinciPal cello

Page 22: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

ScotRail RSNO sponsorship ad aw.indd 1 23/07/2010 14:20

We love MoviNg MuSiC

The rSNO is delighted to have the support of Scotrail as our Official Transport Provider for the Season. Transport is critical to the success of the rSNO. This partnership enables our musicians to travel to and from concerts in comfort, ensuring they arrive refreshed and ready for the demands of the performance ahead, whilst also reducing the environmental impact of our busy touring schedule.

a Big thaNk you!

aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of CommerceLa Bonne aubergeedinburgh Chamber of CommerceFirst rule Investment Consultancy LtdThe Franco-Scottish Business ClubGallagher Heath

Glasgow Chamber of CommerceHSBCScots MagazineThe Scottish Council for development & IndustrySmart Graphicsvalvona & Crolla

Corporate Partners

transport PartnersOfficial Transport Provider

Principal sponsors & Corporate donors

media Partnerbroadcast Partner

visit www.scotrail.co.uk or call 08457 55 00 33 to book tickets.

We recommend you make tracks for our concerts by taking the train.

I love taking the train to concerts. I enjoy being able to sit back and relax with my colleagues during the journey.alan John rsno Violin

Page 23: Royal Scottish National Orchestra



Music inspires us and plays a significant part in all our lives. It calms us and reassures us. It excites us, uplifts us and gives enjoyment. Your national symphony orchestra is a symbol of cultural excellence with a world- class reputation.

We now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build on this success with our plans for a new purpose-built home for the Orchestra alongside the Glasgow royal Concert Hall. Our centre will include a bespoke learning, education and community facility, a 600-seater auditorium and vastly improved rehearsal spaces. Cutting-edge digital technologies for recording, composing, and streaming music and learning programmes will ensure that we can encourage ever greater numbers of people across the length and breadth of Scotland to engage in music-making.

The plans for our new home are only the beginning. Our fundraising campaign is not just about a building. It is about what the building will enable your orchestra to deliver to the communities of Scotland. We have never been content to confine ourselves to the concert hall. With your involvement, we can surprise through our innovation and the impact of working together with many partners to engage our next generation of audiences.

Our task is urgent and exciting. We will need you to play your part in making our new ambitions happen.

To keep up to date on our plans and discover how you can invest in the future of the rSNO today, please visit rsno.org.uk/newhome

We hope that we can welcome your support and promise that we will reward you with being part of a success story.


Page 24: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

youR suPPoRt matteRstHe Rsno ReCeIves a GRant fRom tHe sCottIsH GoveRnment and loCal autHoRItIes wHICH, toGetHeR wItH tICKet sales, CoveRs 85% of ouR annual Costs. We need to fundraise nearly £1million in additional income to bring you the outstanding performances that you enjoy.

While you experience the music of the rSNO in the concert hall, many others discover the rSNO in their local community across Scotland. rSNO musicians regularly visit hospitals and children’s hospices making music with patients and their families; they perform concerts in sheltered housing schemes sharing musical memories with the residents; they present workshops and masterclasses in schools and colleges, inspiring the children and young people of our nation. your gift helps us to make all this possible. please join the Circle and support the rSNO.

Joining the Rsno Circle brings you closer to the music.When you become a member of the rSNO Circle you get to know us better. Our exclusive magazine Inner Circle has the latest news about our players, tours, Cd releases, and so much more. as a member of the rSNO Circle you get the chance to meet the players you have seen on the concert platform, hear them play at special recitals, listen to them talk about their lives and work at Circle dinners and watch them at open rehearsals.

what to do next…There are five levels of Membership to choose from:

virtuoso £1,000Symphony £500concerto £250Sonata £100Overture £25 (£20 concessions)

Simply indicate your chosen level of gift in the box on your booking form. your payment will be added to your subscription and you will then receive your Circle welcome pack before the start of the 2012:13 Season. By ticking the Gift aid box the rSNO will be able to claim 25 pence for every £1 you donate.

for more information: visit rsno.org.uk/circleemail [email protected] phone 0141 225 3565

please don’t hesitate. Support your Orchestra by joining the rSNO Circle today as you complete your subscription form!

already a member? Thank you for your support.Membership prices are correct at the time of going to print.

Page 25: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

subscription packages are available when you choose fouR oR moRe concerts and are the easiest and most popular way to book your tickets.

Why subscribe?Book the full 17 concert Season and meet Leaders James Clark and Maya Iwabuchi at an exclusive subscriber reception.

Subscribe to the full Season and save up to 35%.

enjoy reduced ticket prices for the Oundjian and Benedetti Gala Concert when you book it as part of your subscription.

ticket exchange – can’t make a concert? We’ll swap your tickets to another date.*

receive your fRee subscriber calendar.

Get Ready to staRt ConCeRt GoInG and beGIn savInG…JOin tHOUSandS OF MUSic lOverS acrOSS ScOtland and SUBScriBe tO tHe rSnO SeaSOn.

*Terms and conditions apply turn the page and start ticking…

Page 26: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

save £s and subsCRIbe to tHe season today!booking four or more concerts? Save up to 35% by subscribing and enjoy exclusive benefits. Complete and return your form today!

buyInG ConCeRt tICKetsThere are 3 ways to book tickets to individual concerts:

by PHone: 0141 353 8000†

Open Monday – Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 10am to 6pm

onlIne: rsno.org.uk†

In PeRson: Visit the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Box Office at 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3NyOpen Monday – Saturday: 10am to 6pm†a transaction fee of £1 is charged for online bookings and £1.50 for phone bookings

sInGle tICKet PRICesSeason concerts: £35, £25.50, £19, £14.50, £11.50Oundjian & Benedetti Gala concert: £39, £29.50, £22, £18.50, £14St andrew’s Party with Phil & aly: £34, £26, £22, £16, £12.50christmas concert: £34, £26, £22, £16, £12.50Handel’s Messiah: £34, £26, £22, £16, £12.50naked classics: all tickets £10chamber Series: all tickets £12

Subscriptions on sale from Tuesday 20 March 2012.Single concert tickets on sale from Tuesday 1 May 2012. rSNO Circle members can priority book single concert tickets from Monday 23 april 2012.

undeR 16su16s go free to all rSNO concerts in the Glasgow royal Concert Hall (except Christmas – 50% off). Children must be accompanied by a paying adult. Maximum of two free children’s tickets per adult. additional children £5 each.

undeR 26s and matuRe studentsIf you are aged between 16 and 26 inclusive, or are in full-time education, you can purchase tickets to all rSNO concerts in the Glasgow royal Concert Hall for £5 in price bands B-E (excludes Christmas – 50% off). Proof of age or valid full-time student card must be shown.

unemPloyedIf you are of working age and in receipt of unemployment benefit, you can purchase tickets to all concerts for £5 in price bands B-e (excludes Christmas – 50% off).

Rsno PatRons wItH dIsabIlItIespatrons with disabilities and their carers are entitled to 50% off any single ticket price. Please purchase tickets in advance. (disabled concessions are not applicable to subscription prices.) Wheelchair spaces (£5 each) are situated at the ends of Terrace Blocks a and C. access for the disabled is via the North entrance (Killermont Street). Lifts are available to all levels.

sCHool GRouPsSchool and school-age youth groups are most welcome to all rSNO events. all tickets, including accompanying adults, are £5 (excluding Christmas).‡

GReat dIsCounts foR GRouPsGroups of 6-10 save 20% off full price tickets.‡ Groups of 11+ save 30% off full price tickets.‡

‡Subject to availability.

subsCRIbe today!Join thousands of people across the country and subscribe to the Rsno today! simply choose a minimum of four concerts and you can:

save money Save up to 35% on full ticket prices.

enjoy reduced ticket prices for the Oundjian and Benedetti Gala Concert when you book it as part of your subscription.

spread your subscription payments over 6 months by Standing Order if you book before 1 October 2012 – simple, convenient and interest free.

Choose the seats you want – we know how important your seat is to you. Let us know where you like to sit and we’ll do our best.

easily exchange tickets – if one of your subscription dates becomes inconvenient, you can swap your tickets for another in the Season. Terms and conditions apply.

Keep your dates with the rSNO handy with your exclusive wallet-sized concert calendar.

Page 27: Royal Scottish National Orchestra






e1 35 25.50 19 14.50 11.50



4 114 82 62 48 38

5 142.50 102.50 77.50 60 47.50

6 171 123 93 72 57

7 199.50 143.50 108.50 84 66.50

8 228 164 124 96 76

9 238.50 175.50 130.50 99 81

10 265 195 145 110 90

11 291.50 214.50 159.50 121 99

12 318 234 174 132 108

13 325 234 175.50 136.50 110.50

14 350 252 189 147 119

15 375 270 202.50 157.50 127.50

16 400 288 216 168 136

17 391 280.50 212.50 161.50 127.50

Subscription discounts begin after only 4 concerts

(£) SuBSCrIpTION BaSe prICe

subsCRIPtIon PRICInG table

How to subsCRIbeSubscribing to the rSNO is easy! Simply complete both sides of the booking form and return it to the Box Office using the Freepost address on the form. Bookings need to be processed carefully and so they cannot be completed by phone or while you wait.

subsCRIPtIonsADULT SUBSCRIPTION Tick the concerts you’d like to attend on the booking form. Count up the number of concerts you have selected and find your subscription cost in the price table opposite. You may find that you save money by adding a few more concerts to your subscription!

DISABLED SUBSCRIPTION Tick the concerts you’d like to attend and then calculate the cost of your tickets. disabled patrons and their carers are entitled to 50% off the subscription base price (£35, £25.50, £19, £14.50, £11.50).

addItIonal tICKetsUNDER 16s under 16s go free to rSNO Season concerts when accompanied by a paying adult. Maximum two u16s per adult.

UNDER 26s/MATURE STUDENTS If you are booking an adult or disabled Subscription and would like an u26/Mature Student to sit beside you, please write the number of tickets required in the column. These tickets cost £5 per concert and are non-refundable.

ADDITIONAL ADULTS If you would like to book extra tickets for family and friends to sit beside you for certain concerts, please write the number of tickets required for each concert in this column. additional tickets are charged at full price and are non-refundable. please note additional seats will be allocated subject to availability.

tHe moRe you booK, tHe moRe you save!your Incredible Subscription prices


Return your completed form to:Freepost rrJe-LXZy-uuee

Box Office, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3Ny

Please noteThe seating plan, price bands and correlating pricing table in this brochure relate to subscription bookings only.all discounts are subject to availability. The rSNO reserves the right to introduce ticket discounts at any time. We regret no refunds can be made except to full Season subscribers as noted in the terms and conditions. all details correct at time of print. The rSNO reserves the right to change performance details without prior notice. Patrons should be aware that when you book your details will be held on the box office computer system. If your consent has previously been indicated or is given at the time of purchase, this information will be passed to the rSNO and from time to time we may contact you with information from the rSNO. We do not pass your details to any third party organisations. If you feel your consent has been wrongly applied, your details are incorrect or you would like to withdraw from the rSNO marketing list, please write to: The database Manager, rSNO, 73 Claremont Street, Glasgow G3 7JB.

subscriber ticket exchange terms & Conditions24 hours’ notice required, same price band, admin charge of £1 per ticket. Full Season subscribers will be offered a refund. Maximum of three exhanges/refunds allowed. Subscribers who wish to exchange tickets at a later date to the Benedetti and Oundjian Gala Concert may do so, but will be charged the difference between full and subscription ticket prices. Please note that the Box Office is unable to process ticket exchanges between 7pm-7.30pm on concert nights.

Page 28: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

CIrCLeCIrCLe upper CIrCLe

SUBScriPtiOn SeatinG PlanbooKInG foRm PaGe 1

4. youR tICKets

additiOnal ticketS


Please indicate your seats on the plan above.(Please tick – we will do our best to accommodate you. You do not have to be exact!)

If you are a previous subscriber and know your usual row and seat, please specify here. Please note: we cannot guarantee this seat, although priority consideration will be given to early subscribers who book for 12 concerts or more.

Please tick your subscription concert choices. You must select a minimum of four concerts for your subscription.

Write the number of additional tickets required in these columns


area e.g. circle

rOW Seat

(PleaSe cIRcle)

2. CHoose youR PRICe band

1. youR subsCRIPtIon 3. youR seats

this subscription booking form can be used until april 2013!









eD S









e St





nal a






U26s/Mature Students

no. of adult Subscribers

Total no. of concerts

Total no. of concerts

Total no. of Tickets

cost of one Subscription

cost of one Ticket

cost of one Ticket

no. of disabled Subscribers

(50% Off Subscription base Price) SUB-tOtal

SUB-tOtal £







tOtal cOSt OF YOUr ticketS £

(Subscription base Price)

Free 0.00












returN to: freepost RRJe-lxZY-uuee, Box office, Glasgow Royal concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3nY

Booked For all 17 CoNCertS? We’ll send you an invitation to the “full Season Subscriber” event with James and Maya near the time.

Oundjian Conducts Shostakovich sat 6 oCt 2012

Oundjian Conducts Brahms sat 13 oCt 2012Søndergård Conducts Sibelius sat 27 oCt 2012Choral Classics: Carmina Burana sat 10 nov 2012also sprach Zarathustra sat 24 nov 2012John Lill plays Grieg sat 15 deC 2012Dvořák Eight sat 26 Jan 2013an american Festival: I sat 9 feb 2013romantic valentine’s Concert tHu 14 feb 2013Beethoven’s eroica sat 2 maR 2013Järvi Conducts Tchaikovsky sat 16 maR 2013Oundjian Conducts Má vlast sat 23 maR 2013Concierto de aranjuez sat 13 aPR 2013an american Festival: II sat 27 aPR 2013Choral Classics: elijah sat 18 may 2013Dvořák Cello Concerto sat 25 may 2013Oundjian and Benedetti Gala Concert sat 1 Jun 2013 total Number of Concerts

total Number of additional Tickets

TerraCe a

TerraCe B

TerraCe CareNa

Page 29: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

kelvinGrOve cOncertS £20 £18 £8

FrI 07.09.12 (8pM) adult Concession Standing SaT 08.09.12 (8pM) adult Concession Standing

St andreW’S PartY WitH PHil & alYPrice band a B c d e U26 U16adult / disabled (50% off) £34/£17 £26/£13 £22/£11 £16/£8 £12.50/£6.25 £5 Free

pHIL & aLy 30.11.12

naked claSSicS £10 £5 £5 Free

SyMpHONIe FaNTaSTIQue 17.11.12 adult disabled u26 u16STravINSKy’S FIreBIrd 21.02.13 adult disabled u26 u16WaGNer’S rING 11.05.13 adult disabled u26 u16

cHriStMaS cOncertPrice band a B c d eadult / u16s, u26s, disabled (50% off) £34/£17 £26/£13 £22/£11 £16/£8 £12.50 /£6.25

CHrISTMaS 22.12.12 (2pM) CHrISTMaS 22.12.12 (6pM)

Handel’S MeSSiaHPrice band a B c d e U26 U16adult / disabled (50% off) £34/£17 £26/£13 £22/£11 £16/£8 £12.50/£6.25 £5 Free

MeSSIaH 30.03.13

cHaMBer SerieS £12 £6 £5 Free

BraHMS CLarINeT 24.02.13 (2.30pM) adult disabled u26 u16STrINGS & BraSS 21.04.13 (2.30pM) adult disabled u26 u16CLaSSICaL STrINGS 16.06.13 (2.30pM) adult disabled u26 u16

Why not take this opportunity to also book your tickets to the following RSno performances now? Write the number of tickets required in the boxes below.




BaNK addreSS


pOST COde dayTIMe pHONe (INC area COde)


SIGNaTure daTe

SIGNaTure daTe

tOtal cOSt OF SUBScriPtiOnS (See Part 4)

nOn-SUBScriPtiOn cOncertS (See Part 5)

JOin tHe rSnO circle (See Part 6)

BOX OFFice Fee (adMin & POStaGe)

Grand tOtal aMOUnt PaYaBle






cHOOSe a MetHOd OF PaYMent

I authorise you to debit my Mastercard/Visa/Maestro for



Card No. CV2

vaLId FrOM eXpIry daTe ISSue No.

Payment by Standing order (for bookings made before 1 october 2012)

LaST 3 dIGITS rear OF Card



£ £

Please pay Bank of Scotland sort code 80-54-01, Gordon Street, Glasgow G1 3RS for credit of Royal Scottish national orchestra, Subscription account no 00956570

starting in September and on the of each month until february 2013.

6 Monthly Instalments of tOtal


5. non-subsCRIPtIon ConCeRts

6. JoIn tHe Rsno CIRCle

7. Payment – CustomeR detaIls

choose your level of support (tick as appropriate)

If you are a uK taxpayer you can help the RSno further by ticking this box. I would like the RSno to treat this and all future donations I make to the RSno as Gift aid Donations. I confirm that I am a uK taxpayer and the amount of tax I pay exceeds the amount I would like the RSno to claim.

£1,000 virtuoso£500 Symphony

£250 Concerto£100 Sonata

£25 (£20 concessions) Overture

I enclose a cheque/postal order for(please make payable to culture and Sport Glasgow)

nOn-SUBScriPtiOn cOncertS tOtal £

Page 30: Royal Scottish National Orchestra

tHe Rsno 2012:13 seasonKelvingrove Concerts: a night at the operaFrI 7 Sep: 8pM GLWSaT 8 Sep: 8pM GLW

oundjian Conducts shostakovichTHu 4 OCT aBNFrI 5 OCT edNSaT 6 OCT GLW

oundjian Conducts brahmsTHu 11 OCT dNdFrI 12 OCT edNSaT 13 OCT GLW

søndergård Conducts sibeliusFrI 26 OCT edNSaT 27 OCT GLW

Choral Classics: Carmina buranaFrI 9 NOv edNSaT 10 NOv GLW

naked Classics: symphonie fantastiqueTHu 15 NOv dNdFrI 16 NOv edNSaT 17 NOv GLW

also sprach ZarathustraFrI 23 NOv edNSaT 24 NOv GLW

a st andrew’s PartyFrI 30 NOv GLW

John lill Plays GriegFrI 14 deC edNSaT 15 deC GLW

Christmas ConcertWed 19 deC aBNFrI 21 deC * dNdSaT 22 deC: 2pM * GLWSaT 22 deC: 6pM GLWSuN 23 deC: 3pM edN

Dvořák EightTHu 24 JaN dNdFrI 25 JaN edNSaT 26 JaN GLW

an american festival: IFrI 8 FeB edNSaT 9 FeB GLW

Romantic valentine’s ConcertTHu 14 FeB GLWFrI 15 FeB edN

Chamber seriesSuN 17 FeB: 2.30pM edNSuN 24 FeB: 2.30pM GLW

naked Classics: stravinsky’s firebird THu 21 FeB GLWFrI 22 FeB edN

beethoven’s eroicaTHu 28 FeB pTHFrI 1 Mar edNSaT 2 Mar GLW

Järvi Conducts tchaikovskyFrI 15 Mar edNSaT 16 Mar GLW

oundjian Conducts Má vlastTHu 21 Mar pTHFrI 22 Mar edNSaT 23 Mar GLW

Handel’s messiahSaT 30 Mar GLW

Concierto de aranjuezTHu 11 apr aBNFrI 12 apr edNSaT 13 apr GLW

Chamber seriesSuN 14 apr: 2.30pM edNSuN 21 apr: 2.30pM GLW

an american festival: IIFrI 26 apr edNSaT 27 apr GLW

appalachian springFrI 3 May: 8pM INv

naked Classics: wagner’s RingTHu 9 May aBNFrI 10 May edNSaT 11 May GLW

Choral Classics: elijahFrI 17 May edNSaT 18 May GLW

Dvořák Cello ConcertoTHu 23 May dNdFrI 24 May edNSaT 25 May GLW

season finale! oundjian and benedetti Gala ConcertFrI 31 May edNSaT 1 JuN GLW

Chamber seriesSuN 9 JuN: 2.30pM edNSuN 16 JuN: 2.30pM GLW

To find out about the RSNO’s concerts across Scotland, visit rsno.org.uk

Scottish company no 27809Scottish charity no Sc010702

73 claremont StreetGlasgow G3 7JbT: +44 (0)141 226 3868F: +44 (0)141 221 4317W: rsno.org.uk

Photography© andy buchanan© Tom Finnie© mark hamilton

all concerts start at 7.30pm unless noted otherwise

The rSno is supported by the Scottish Government.

edInbuRGH 0131 228 1155GlasGow 0141 353 8000

abeRdeen 01224 641 122dundee 01382 434 940

InveRness 01463 234 234PeRtH 01738 621 031

* RSNO Junior Chorus

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