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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

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    Oracle NAIO

    Developing Oracle Application Reports Author: Ajay Solanki

    Creation Date: June 8, 2003

    Last Updated: April 11, 2004

    Document Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS

    Version: DRAFT 1C


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  • Technical White Paper

    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

    Document Control 2

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    Change Record


    Date Author Version Change Reference

    8-Jun-03 Ajay Solanki Draft 1a No Previous Document

    12-Jun-03 Ajay Solanki Draft1b Added section on multi language report

    11-Apr-04 Ajay Solanki Draft1c Added section on printing bitmap reports.


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  • Technical White Paper

    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

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    Document Control ................................................................................................................ 2

    Developing Oracle Application Reports............................................................................ 5

    Before starting report .................................................................................................... 5 Before report trigger ...................................................................................................... 5 After report trigger ........................................................................................................ 5 Query and group names ............................................................................................... 6 Field, Boiler text, repeating frame names ................................................................... 6 Parameter........................................................................................................................ 6 Column alias names ...................................................................................................... 6 Address field .................................................................................................................. 7 Format triggers............................................................................................................... 7 Formula columns ........................................................................................................... 7 Numeric Formula columns........................................................................................... 8 Data type of variables.................................................................................................... 8 Formatting amounts ...................................................................................................... 8 Precision Formatting ..................................................................................................... 9 Lexical Parameters......................................................................................................... 9 Debugging reports ....................................................................................................... 11 No data found .............................................................................................................. 12 End of report ................................................................................................................ 12 Fonts in character report ............................................................................................. 12 Report Conversion....................................................................................................... 12 Header template .......................................................................................................... 12 Others ............................................................................................................................ 13 References ..................................................................................................................... 13

    Registering the report in Oracle Applications................................................................. 14

    Creating Executable..................................................................................................... 14 Defining Concurrent Program ................................................................................... 14 Adding Parameters...................................................................................................... 15 Attaching report to responsibility ............................................................................. 16

    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications........................................... 18

    Adding columns........................................................................................................... 18 Create a new Value Set ............................................................................................... 18 Enter values for the value set ..................................................................................... 19 After Parameter Form Trigger ................................................................................... 20 Layout editor ................................................................................................................ 22

    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications ....................................................... 23

    Postscript Printer.......................................................................................................... 23 Check the printer Type ............................................................................................... 24 Create a new driver ..................................................................................................... 24 Create a new driver style ............................................................................................ 25 Add the printer style to printer type......................................................................... 26 Define Concurrent Program....................................................................................... 26

  • Technical White Paper

    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

    Document Control 4

  • Technical White Paper

    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

    Developing Oracle Application Reports 5

    Developing Oracle Application Reports

    This document defines the technical guidelines for developing Oracle Applications Reports. The information has been drawn from standard documentation and consulting experience from numerous customization projects. It is aimed to help all the consultants developing reports in Oracle Applications. It will be helpful in mentaining standards and debugging if the consultant follows the tips given below while developing Oracle Applications report. The author welcomes all suggestions at [email protected].

    Before starting report

    Please confirm the following things before starting the report.

    1. The report is a character or a bitmap report.

    If it is a character report then in the report properties, the Design in character units property should be set to Yes else if it is a bitmap report then the Design in character units property should be set to No. In the System Parameters, the Mode parameter, the initial value should be made as character or bitmap.

    2. Report style: Portrait (80x66), or Landscape (120x66), or Landwide (180x66). In the System parameters, Orientation property, set the required initial value. In the Layout Model, Main section Properties, set the required width height and orientation.

    Before report trigger

    Write the following code in the before report trigger if you are using any user exits or it is a multi-org report. SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND SRWINIT'); This sets your profile option values and allows Oracle Application Object Library user exits to detect that they have been called by a Oracle Reports Program. It also allows your report to use the correct organization automatically.

    After report trigger

    Write the following code in the after report trigger. SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND SRWEXIT'); This ensures that all the memory allocated for Oracle Application Object Library user exits has been freed up properly.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 6

    Query and group names

    The query and groups should be given meaningful descriptive names instead of Q_1 and G_1. eg use Q_PO_HEADER, Q_PO_LINE, G_PO_HEADER, G_PO_LINE. This will make it easier to identify the purpose of the query.

    Field, Boiler text, repeating frame names

    In the layout editor the name of the field displaying the column should be the same as the column name. Eg if you are displaying the column requestor then the field name should also be F_requestor and not F_1. The names of the boiler text should be same as the text eg if the text is No data found, then instead of B_1, use B_no_data_found. When repeating frames are created manually, they are named as R_1, R_2 etc. They should be given the same names as the Query group name eg R_PO_HEADERS if the name of the group is G_PO_HEADERS.


    The parameter p_conc_request_id is necessary to run the report on applications if it is a multi-org report. The concurrent manager passes the concurrent request id to your report using this parameter. Name: p_conc_request_id Datatype: Number Width: 20

    Column alias names

    Give alias to all your columns as TableAlias_ColumnName. If it is a attribute column then give the column alias as TableAlias_ColumnMeaning. This makes it easier to identify from which table, the field is coming by looking at the data model. Refer to the example in the address field.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 7

    Address field

    Instead of Selecting address1, address2, address3, country, pin etc as separate fields and then using the format trigger to hide the object if it is null, use CHR(10). The format triggers make the report slower. Here the formatting is done in the query itself.

    Instead of using:

    SELECT PVS.vendor_site_id PVS_vendor_site_id ,PVS.vendor_site_code PVS_vendor_site_code ,PVS.address_line1 PVS_address_line1 ,PVS.address_line2 PVS_address_line2 ,PVS.address_line3 PVS_address_line3 ,PVS.address_line4 PVS_address_line4 ,PVS.country || '-' || PVS.zip || ' ' || PVS.city PVS_country_zip_city FROM po_vendor_sites PVS

    Use the following:

    SELECT PVS.vendor_site_id PVS_vendor_site_id ,PVS.vendor_site_code PVS_vendor_site_code ,PVS.address_line1 || DECODE(PVS.address_line1 ,NULL,NULL,CHR(10)) || PVS.address_line2 || DECODE(PVS.address_line2 ,NULL,NULL,CHR(10)) || PVS.address_line3 || DECODE(PVS.address_line3 ,NULL,NULL,CHR(10)) || PVS.address_line4 || DECODE(PVS.address_line4 ,NULL,NULL,CHR(10)) || PVS.country || '-' ||PVS.zip || ' ' || PVS.city PVS_address FROM po_vendor_sites PVS

    Format triggers

    If you have n fields which have to be formatted with the same condition instead of using format trigger on each of them separately, put them in a frame and use format trigger on the frame.

    Formula columns

    Always write exception no_data_found in the formula columns.

    function CF_supplier_contactFormula return Char is lc_supplier_contact VARCHAR2(40); BEGIN SELECT PVC.first_name || ' ' || PVC.last_name PVC_fullname INTO lc_supplier_contact FROM po_vendor_contacts PVC WHERE PVC.vendor_contact_id = :PH_vendor_contact_id ; RETURN(lc_supplier_contact); EXCEPTION

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 8


    Numeric Formula columns

    Always check for zero divide error and use NVL.

    Ln_amount := (:qty * :rate) / :abc Here if :abc is zero then you will get a zero divide error.

    Ln_amount := (NVL(:qty, 0) * NVL(:rate, 0) ) /NVL( :abc, 1)

    Data type of variables

    Always use %type as the data type in formula columns.

    function CF_requestorFormula return Char is lc_requestor per_all_people_f.full_name%TYPE; -- Recommended VARCHAR2(240) -- Not recommended begin

    Formatting amounts

    All the amount columns should use the FND FORMAT_CURRENCY. Currency formatting support provides a flexible, consistent method to format a numeric value according to its associated currency. The currency value appears with the correct thousands separator and radix character 9decimal point) of the users country. The value appears with positive and negative indicators of users choice. If you want to format a field called total_amount Make a formula column CF_total_amount_DISP. It should be of type character and size 20. Copy the following code in the formula column.

    SRW.REFERENCE (:currency_code); SRW.REFERENCE (:total_amount); SRW.USER_EXIT ('FND FORMAT_CURRENCY CODE = ":currency_code" DISPLAY_WIDTH = "18" AMOUNT = ":total_amount" DISPLAY = "CF_total_amount_DISP"');

    RETURN( LTRIM(RTRIM(:CF_total_amount_DISP))) ;

    Note: Currency_code has to be selected in the query.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 9

    Precision Formatting

    If you have a numeric column which has to be formatted according to the precision parameter (P_qty_precision) then attach the library called inv.pll to your report.

    In the format trigger for that field write

    get_precision(:P_qty_precision); return (TRUE);

    In this case if you give the value of the precision parameter as 3 then the numeric column will be shown as 1234.000. If you give the value of the precision parameter as 2 then the numeric column will be shown as 1234.00.

    Lexical Parameters

    Always use lexical parameters when you have to check in the query if the parameter value is null or not. Make a lexical parameter cp_where5 Datatype: Character Width: 500 Initial value: AND 1=1

    Character comparision:

    In the where clause of query, instead of using AND ( :p_trx_class IS NULL OR :p_trx_class = RACTT.TYPE) In the before report trigger, use

    IF (:p_trx_class IS NOT NULL) THEN :cp_where5 := ' AND RACTT.TYPE = '''||:p_trx_class ||''''; ELSE :cp_where5 := ' AND 1=1'; END IF;

    And in the where clause of query, use WHERE RACT.cust_trx_type_id = RACTT.cust_trx_type_id AND RACTT.org_id = fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID') &CP_WHERE1 &CP_WHERE5 AND RACT.term_id = RAT.term_id(+) AND HZCAS.party_site_id = HZPS.party_site_id

    Character comparision between:

    In the where clause of query, instead of using AND (API.invoice_num >= :p_invoice_num_from OR :p_invoice_num_from IS NULL) AND (API.invoice_num

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 10

    ELSIF :p_invoice_num_from IS NOT NULL AND :p_invoice_num_to IS NULL THEN :cp_invoice_num := ' AND API.invoice_num >= ''' || :p_invoice_num_from ||'''' ; ELSIF :p_invoice_num_from IS NULL AND :p_invoice_num_to IS NOT NULL THEN :cp_invoice_num := ' AND API.invoice_num = '||:p_trx_no_low; ELSIF (:p_trx_no_low IS NULL AND :p_trx_no_high IS NOT NULL) THEN :cp_where1 := ' AND RACT.trx_number

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 11

    AND ( :p_print_date_low IS NULL OR RACT.printing_last_printed >= TO_DATE(TO_CHAR( :p_print_date_low ,'YYYY/MM/DD') ||' 00:00:00' ,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') ) AND ( :p_print_date_high IS NULL OR RACT.printing_last_printed

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 12

    No data found

    The report should display message *****NO DATA FOUND***** if the query does not return any rows. Make a text field with text *****NO DATA FOUND***** Make a summary column CS_count which gives count of a not null field in the main query. Make a format trigger on the text item, if CS_count >0 then hide the object. It should be center aligned with respect to the page.

    End of report

    The report should display *****END OF REPORT***** after the last line of the report is printed. It appears only once per report. If you are printing Pos for the range PO Number 1 to PO number 20, then the end of report will come after PO number 20 is printed. It should be center aligned with respect to the page.

    Fonts in character report

    It is advisable not to have different fonts in character report as the report will become printer specific. It is suggested to make the report in bitmap mode.

    Report Conversion

    To convert a bitmap report into character report, go to File Administration Convert In the Conversion tab enter the following values: Document Type: Report Source File: Report Binary File (RDF) Source: Mention the source of the file. Destination Type: Report Binary File (RDF) Destination: Mention the destination

    In the Options tab Destination Unit: Character. Override: Prompt

    Click on Ok button. The report will be converted into character mode.

    Header template

    Open the properties of the report. In the comments section, paste the header template which describes who has created the report, when it was modifed and the functionality of the report.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports 13


    Transfer the report in binary mode to server.


    For more information, please refer to

    1. Build_Standards_MD040.DOC

    2. Oracle Applications Developers Guide.

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    Registering the report in Oracle Applications 14

    Registering the report in Oracle Applications

    Assume that you want to register a report in Purchasing super User. Report Name: XXSSIPOEDOC.rdf

    Creating Executable

    System Administrator Concurrent Program Executable

    It is suggested that the executable name, short name and execution file name be same as the rdf name.

    Defining Concurrent Program

    System Administrator Concurrent Program Define

    Enter the values as shown. Choose the Output format as PDF for bitmap report and Text for character reports. Choose the required style- Portrait, Landscape, Landwide etc

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    Registering the report in Oracle Applications 15

    Adding Parameters

    Click on the parameter button and enter the required parameters. The important thing to note is that the token should be the same as parameter name in the report.

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    Registering the report in Oracle Applications 16

    Attaching report to responsibility

    Adding the report to the Purchasing Super User Responsibility:

    System Administrator Security Responsibility Define

    Query for the responsibility name ie Purchasing Super User Note the Request Group name ie All Reports Note the Application Name ie Oracle Purchasing

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    Registering the report in Oracle Applications 17

    System Administrator Security Responsibility Request

    Query for the Group: All Reports Application: Oracle Purchasing:

    Add your report to the Group.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications 18

    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications

    Quite often we have the need to create a multi-language report in Oracle applications. Here the headings of the column displayed will change according to the parameter P_LANGUAGE.

    Adding columns

    Query the Descriptive Flexfield, Flexfield Segment Values. Unfreeze the segment definition. Click on the Segment button and add the required number of attributes.

    Freeze the Flexfield definition and press the Compile button.

    Create a new Value Set

    Create a new Value Set, eg XXSSI_AR_EDIIREP_LANG with validation type Independent and maximum size 240.

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    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications 19

    Enter values for the value set

    System Administrator Application Validation Values

    Choose Find Values by: Value Set Enter the value set name and click the Find button.

    Enter a record for the required language.

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    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications 20

    Click on the DFF and enter the values in the corresponding language.

    After Parameter Form Trigger

    Create various parameters to hold the attribute values. In the after parameter form write the following code.

    function AfterPForm return boolean is begin SELECT

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    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications 21

    attribute6 --date: ,attribute7 --terms of payment: ,attribute8 --your ref.: ,attribute9 --department ,attribute10 --our ref.: ,attribute11 --tax number: ,attribute12 --page: ,attribute13 --interest on late payment ,attribute14 --invoice no. ,attribute15 --due date ,attribute16 --late payment amount ,attribute17 --days ,attribute18 --rate ,attribute19 --total ,attribute20 --phone: ,attribute21 --fax: ,attribute22 --internet: ,attribute23 --cvr number: ,attribute24 --bank / swift adr. : ,attribute25 --bank account: INTO :pl_date ,:pl_terms_of_payment ,:pl_your_ref ,:pl_department ,:pl_our_ref ,:pl_tax_no ,:pl_page ,:pl_interest_late_payment ,:pl_invoice_no ,:pl_due_date ,:pl_late_payment_amount ,:pl_days ,:pl_rate ,:pl_total ,:pl_phone ,:pl_fax ,:pl_internet ,:pl_cvr_number ,:pl_bank_swiftadr ,:pl_bank_account FROM fnd_flex_values FFV ,fnd_flex_value_sets FFSV WHERE FFSV.flex_value_set_id = FFV.flex_value_set_id AND FFSV.flex_value_set_name = 'XXSSI_AR_EDIIREP_LANG' AND flex_value = :p_language; RETURN(TRUE); End;

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    Creating a Multi Language Report in Oracle Applications 22

    Layout editor

    In the layout editor reference the parameter fields as &pl_due_date etc.

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    Developing Oracle Application Reports File Ref: Developing Oracle Application Reports (v. DRAFT 1C )

    Doc Ref: NAIO/APP_REPORTS April 11, 2004

    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications 23

    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications

    There are certain settings which are required to prin t the report in bitmap mode, pdf format from oracle applications. This section will explain how to go about printing a bitmap report in pdf format from the oracle applications. We need to create the printer drivers and styles as follows. The printer we are using should be a postscript printer.

    Postscript Printer

    Ask the DBA to configure a postscript printer to apps. Let us call this printer as factprinter. Ask the DBA to install Acrobat reader on the application server. Put a pdf file on the server and try printing the pdf file from the OS OS should be able to print PDF files directly from prompt. cat < PDF document > | /usr/Acrobat4/bin/acroread -toPostScript -shrink | lp -c -d < Printer > -n Example go to the directory where you have put the pdf file in bitmap mode and give the following command: cat test.pdf | /factd4/applmgr/Acrobat5/bin/acroread -toPostScript -shrink | lp -c -d factckprinter Where test.pdf is the name of the test pdf file to be printed. /factd4/applmgr/Acrobat5/bin/acroread is the location where the acrobat reader is installed factckprinter is the name of the printer. Once the command works from the OS, register a new driver and type as follows.

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    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications 24

    Check the printer Type

    System Administrator Install Printer Register. Query all the records and check the type of the factckprinter. Change the printer type to HPLJ4SI, and bounce the concurrent manager.

    Create a new driver

    System Administrator --> Install --> Printer --> Driver Create a new driver as follows: a. Driver Name: PDF_PORTRAIT_DRIVER b. User Driver: PDF Portrait for HPLJ4SI c. Driver Method: Command d. Arguments: cat $PROFILES$.FILENAME | /opt/Acrobat4/bin/acroread -toPostScript -shrink | lp -c -d$PROFILES$.PRINTER -n$PROFILES$.CONC_COPIES -t"$PROFILES$.TITLE" Example: cat $PROFILES$.FILENAME | /factd4/applmgr/Acrobat5/bin/acroread -toPostScript -shrink | lp -c -d$PROFILES$.PRINTER -n$PROFILES$.CONC_COPIES -t"$PROFILES$.TITLE" Where /factd4/applmgr/Acrobat5/bin/acroread = path where the acrobat reader is installed e. Driver Method: Comand. f. Driver Method Parameters: Standard Input "checked" Save your new driver.

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    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications 25

    Create a new driver style

    System Administrator Install Printer Style. We'll create new style as follows a. Style Name: PDF_PORTRAIT_STYLE b. Seq: an unique number c. User Style: PDF Protrait d. SRW Driver: HPL e. Description: PDF Protrait f. Columns: 80 g. Rows: 55 h. Orientation: Protrait i. Save your work.

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    Printing a bitmap report from Oracle Applications 26

    Add the printer style to printer type

    System Administrator Install Printer Types - we'll change an existing type: HPLJ4SI a. Enter query Mode and find HPLJ4SI b. Here, add a new Style: PDF_PORTRAIT_STYLE (from LOV) and the new Driver Name: PDF_PORTRAIT_DRIVER (from LOV). c. Save your work.

    Define Concurrent Program

    Create an Executable and a Concurrent Program for the report to be printed. In the Concurrent Program set the Format as PDF and Style as PDF_PORTRAIT_STYLE.

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