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RRRRecommended Textecommended Textecommended Textecommended Textssss of of of of BA(Hons) Business ManagementBA(Hons) Business ManagementBA(Hons) Business ManagementBA(Hons) Business Management Course Name Recommended

Text Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Academic English (TENG 2533)

Main Brenda Bushell, Brenda Dyer. Global Outlook 1: high intermediate reading. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Hartmann, Pamela. Quest: reading and writing in the academic world. Book 1. New York: McGraw-hill Book Co., 1999. Kirn, Elaine, and Pamela Hartmann. A reading skills book, interactions one. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.,1996. Hartmann, Pamela. Quest: listening and speaking in the academic world, book 1. New York: McGraw-hill Book Co., 1999. Ivy reading test. CD-ROM. Summit Computer Technology. Co. Ltd. 1994.

418/BUS 418/BUS-3 c2004, int’l ed

418/HARV1 418/KIRV1 New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: cccc2002002002000000 418/HAR 428/CCT-2

E011019(RB) E018358(RB) E018338

E013613(RB) E005676 E004602(RB) E013743 E011955(AV) CD000149(AV)


Dobbs, Carrie. Reading for a reason : an intermediate advanced reading test. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1989. Forsyth, Will. Skills plus : reading and advanced speaking. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996. Simon Greenall, Diana Pye. Reading 3. 1st pub. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1992.

418/DOB-2 428/FOR 418/GRE

E006032(RB) E012875(AV) SC00360(AV) E003820(RB) E016167


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Pamela Hartmann, Laurie Blass. Quest : reading and writing in the academic world, book 3. Boston: McGraw-hill College, 1999. Elaine Kirn, Pamela Hartmann. A reading skills book, interactions one. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-hill Book Co., 1996.

418/HARV3 418/KIRV1

E005674(RB) E013615 E004602(RB) E013743

Accounting, Information and the Organisation (TACC 1015)

Main McLaney, E., Atrill, P. Accounting : an introduction. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 2008. Bagranoff, N.A., Simkin, M.G. and Norman C. Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems. 9th ed. Wiley, 2005.

657.042/MCL New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2010, c2010, c2010, c2010, 5555thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 657.042/MCL-2 New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed.:::: c2013, 12c2013, 12c2013, 12c2013, 12thththth ed. ed. ed. ed. (Int’l student ed.)(Int’l student ed.)(Int’l student ed.)(Int’l student ed.) 657/SIM:2

Title should be Accounting information systems

E019955(RB) E019956 E020540 E020541 E021942(RB) E021943

Supplementary Dyson, J.R. Accounting for Non-Accounting Students. 7th ed. FT Prentice Hall, 2007.

657/DYS-2 E019002(RB) E019003

Bahasa Kebangsaan (A) (MPW 2113)

Main Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid, Yap Kim

Fatt. Bahasa Kebangsaan : khas untuk IPTS. Petaling Jaya: Longman, 2002.

499.28/AB M008592(RB) M008589 M008588 M008590 M008591


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Supplementary Abdullah Hassan. Linguistik am untuk guru Bahasa Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: DBP, 1980. Abdullah Hassan. Isu-isu perancangan bahasa : peng intelektualan Bahasa Malaysia. Cetakan 1. Kuala Lumpur: DBP, 1987.

Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid, Yap Kim Fatt. Bahasa Melayu : komunikasi berkesan dan pengucapan umum. Petaling Jaya: Longman Malaysia, 1995. Ab. Rahman Ab. Rashid, Hjh. Wan Som. Bahasa Melayu : bahasa dalam komunikasi dan proses komunikasi. Petaling Jaya: Longman Malaysia, 1995. Asmah Hj. Omar. Penggunaan bahasa dalam surat rasmi bahasa dalam komunikasi. Cetakan 5. Kuala Lump: DBP, 1983.

Awang Sariyan. Mari berbahasa baku : sebutan baku dan ejaan rumi. Cetakan 1. Semenyih: Synergymate Sdn. Bhd, 1995 Ismail Hussein. Sejarah pertumbuhan Bahasa kebangsaan kita. Kuala Lumpur: DBP, 1992.

410/ABD-2 499.28/ABD-4 499.28/ABD-4C2 499.28/ABD-4 C3

302.2/AB 499.28/AB-2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 1997, Cetakan 51997, Cetakan 51997, Cetakan 51997, Cetakan 5 499.28/ASM-11

499.28/AWA-8 499.28/ISM c1981, Cetakan 2

M003257(RB) M004886 M001294(RB) M001293 M001295

M005651(RB) M005650 M005649(RB) M005652 M003734 M004435(RB) M004436

M003209(RB) M005073 M005645 M002271(RB) M002272 M002273


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Nik Safiah Karim et. al. Tatabahasa Dewan. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1993. Sulaiman Masri. Penulisan dalam Bahasa Malaysia baku. Cetakan 2. Kuala Lumpur: DBP, 1990.

Za’ ba. Pelita Bahasa Melayu penggal I-III. Kuala Lumpur: DBP, 2000.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2008, 32008, 32008, 32008, 3rdrdrdrd ed.ed.ed.ed. 499.285/SAF-3 499.28/SUL-2 499.28/SUL-2C2


M005746(RB) M005747 M005748 M001697(RB) M001696

M004446(RB) M004445

Basic Accounting (TACC 1013)

Main McLaney, E., Atrill, P. Accounting : an introduction. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, c2008. Wood, Frank, Alan Sangster. Frank Wood’s business accounting 1. 11th ed., Pearson, 2008.


New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: cccc2010, 52010, 52010, 52010, 5th th th th edededed 657.042/MCL-2

657/WOO-21 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2012, 122012, 122012, 122012, 12thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 657/WOO-23

E019955(RB) E019956 E020540 E020541 E020549(RB) E020550 E021172 E021173 E022001

Supplementary Dyson, J. R. Accounting for non-accounting students. 7th ed. FT Prentice Hall, 2007.

657/DYS-2 E019002(RB) E019003

Business and the Economy (TECN 1015)


Sloman, J. Economics and the business environment. 2nd ed. Harlow, Financial Times /Prentice-Hall, 2008.


E020608(RB) E020609


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code


Begg, David, Stanley Fischer, Rudiger Dornbusch Economics, 9th ed. London, McGraw-Hill Education, 2008. Suthers, W., Dennis, N. Business environment. Harlow, Pearson Educational Ltd, 2005. Parkin, M. Economics. 9th ed.

Boston, MA: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2009. Worthington, Ian, Britton, Chris. The business environment. 6th ed. Harlow : Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 2009.

330/BEG-3 Not available New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:

c20c20c20c2012121212, , , , 10101010thththth edededed

330/PAR-5 658/WOR

E020632(RB) E020633 Out of Print

E022072(RB) E022073 E020611(RB) E020610

Business Decision Making (TBUS 1015)


Davis Mark M., Heineke Janelle. Operations management. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2005. Morris, C. Quantitative approaches in business studies. 7th ed. UK: Pitman, 2008.

658.5/DAV Latest ed. in Process

E020668(RB) E020669 E020916 E020917

Supplementary -

Business English (TENG 1193)


John V. Thill and Courtland L. Bovee. Excellence in Business Communication. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice hall, 2007.


E015109 (RB) E015110


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Bovee, Thill and Schazman. Business Communication Today. 8th edition. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2005.

658.4/BOV-2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2010, 102010, 102010, 102010, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/BOV-4 c2012, 11c2012, 11c2012, 11c2012, 11thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/BOV-5

E013080(RB) E013223 E021195 E022052

Supplementary Bienvenu, Sherron and Timm, Paul R. Business Communication: discovering strategy developing skills. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2002.

658.4/BIE E011322(RB) E010486

Business Research & Project 1 & 2 (TBUS 3025/TBUS 3035)

Main Business Research & Project Handbook

Supplementary Jankowicz A D. Business research projects. 4th ed. Thomson, 2005. Blumberg, B et al. Business research methods. McGraw Hill, 2008. Bryman A, Bell E. Business

research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

650.072/JAN 658.007/BLU 658.007/BRY

NNNNew ed.:ew ed.:ew ed.:ew ed.: c2007, 2c2007, 2c2007, 2c2007, 2ndndndnd edededed 658.007/BRY-2

E022002(RB) E022003 E020636(RB) E020637 E015088

E021475 E018724(RB) E017425


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Neville, C. The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism. Maidenhead : Open university Press, 2007. Saunders M et al. Research methods for business students. 5th ed. Harlow, Essex: Prentice Hall/Financial Times,2009.

Zikmund W G. Business research methods. 8th ed. Australia: South Western Cengage Learning, 2010.

New edNew edNew edNew ed: cccc2010,2010,2010,2010, 2222ndndndnd ed.ed.ed.ed. 808.027/NEV 650.072/SAU


E021898(RB) E021110 E019957(RB) E019958

E020554(RB) E020555

Buyer Behaviour (TMK T2025)

Main Solomon, M. Bamossy, G. Askegaard, S & Hogg, M. Consumer behaviour : a European perspective. 4th ed. Harlow : Pearson Education,2010.


E020928(RB) E020929

Supplementary Wright, R. Business to business marketing a step by step guide. Prentice Hall, 2004. Evans, M. Jamal, Ahmed & Foxall,

G. Consumer behaviour. 2nd ed. Wiley, West Sussex, 2009. Schiffman L.G., et al. Consumer behavior : a European outlook. Prentice Hall, 2008.

Dubois, B. Understanding the consumer : a European perspective. Prentice Hall, 2001.

658.8/WRI 658.8/EVA:2

Latest ed. in Process Not available

E021017(RB) E021018 E020992(RB)



Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Graham, J. F. Critical thinking in consumer behavior : cases and experiential exercises. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, c2010. Robert East, Malcolm Wright and Marc Vanhuele. Consumer behaviour : applications in marketing. Sage, 2008.

Marieke de Mooij. Consumer behavior and culture : consequences for global marketing and advertising. Sage, 2011. Elizabeth Parsons, Pauline Maclaran. Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009. Peter, J. Olson, J. Consumer behavior & marketing strategy. McGraw-Hill, 2008. Cooper, D. R. and Schindler, P. S.

Business research methods. 8th ed. London : McGraw-Hill, 2003. Jankowicz, A. D. Business research methods. 4th ed. Thomson Press, 2005.

658.8/GRA:2 658.8/EAS

658.8/MOO 658.8/PAR:2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2010, 92010, 92010, 92010, 9thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/PET-5 New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed:

cccc2020202008,1008,1008,1008,10th th th th ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.007/COO-4 650.072/JAN

E021944(RB) E021945 E021896(RB) E021897

E021883(RB) E021884 E022000(RB) E022018(RB) E022019

E018664(RB) E018665 E022002(RB) E022003


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Computer Application (WCOM 1003)

Main Joe Habraken. Microsoft Office 2010 in depth. Que, c2011.

005.3/HAB-2 E021895(RB) E021902


Katherine Murray. Microsoft Office 2010 : plain and simple. Microsoft Press, c2010. Shelly and Freund. Windows Internet Explorer 8 : introductory concepts and techniques. Course Technology, 2009.

005.3/MUR New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: cccc2010201020102010 004.6/SHE-2

E021845(RB) E021885 E021104 E021105(RB)

Concepts & Principles of International Management (TMGM 3035)

Main Lassere, P. Global strategic management. 2nd ed. Palgrave, 2007. Terpstra & David. The cultural environment of international business. 3rd ed. South Western Publishing, 1991.

Morrision, J. International business : challenges in a changing world. Palgrave, 2009.

658.4/LAS Not available 658.049/MOR

E021695(RB) E021784 Out of Print E021694(RB) E021781


Richard L. Daft, Dorothy Marcic. Management : the new workplace. South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2008. Bartlett, C. and Ghoshal, S. Managing across borders : the transnational solution. 2nd ed. Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2002.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2011, 7c2011, 7c2011, 7c2011, 7thththth ed. ed. ed. ed. (Int’l )(Int’l )(Int’l )(Int’l ) 658/DAF-2 658.049/BAR

E022015(RB) E022016 E021874(RB)


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Hampden-Turner, C. and Trompenaars, A. The seven cultures of capitalism : value systems for creating wealth in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands, New York. Currency/Double Day, 1993. Hodgetts, R. M. International

management : culture, strategy and behavior. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005. Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede, Michael Minkov. Cultures and organizations : software of the mind. London : McGraw-Hill, 2005. Geert Hofstede. Culture’s consequences : comparing values, behaviors, institutions and organizations across nations. London : Sage, 2002.

Lewis, R. D. When cultures collide : leading across cultures. 3rd ed. Nicholas Brealey, 2005. Henry Mintzberg. Mintzberg on management : inside our strange world of organizations. London : Free Press, 1989.

Not available New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed:

2012, 82012, 82012, 82012, 8thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.049/LUT Author: Fred Luthans, Jonathan P. Doh New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2010, 3c2010, 3c2010, 3c2010, 3rdrdrdrd ed. ed. ed. ed. 306/HOF 155.89/HOF c2001

658.049/LEW c2006 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2007200720072007 658/MIN

Out of Print

E022024(RB) E022025 E021872(RB) E021873 E021886(RB)

E021946(RB) E021893(RB)


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Moran, R.T. and Reisenberger, J.R. The global challenge : building the new worldwide enterprise. London : McGraw-Hill, 1994. Donald G. Krause. The art of war for executives. London : Brealey, 1995.

Tjosvold, D. and Leung, K. Cross-cultural management : foundations and future. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003. Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner. Riding the waves of culture : understanding cultural diversity in business. London : Nicholas Brealey, 2000.

Not available New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2005c2005c2005c2005 658.4/KRA-2

658.3/CRO New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2012, Rev. and c2012, Rev. and c2012, Rev. and c2012, Rev. and updated 3rd ed.updated 3rd ed.updated 3rd ed.updated 3rd ed. 658.4/TRO

Out of Print E021879(RB) E021880

E021996(RB) E021877(RB) E021878

Critical Perspectives in Leadership & Management (THRD 3035)

Main John, C. Maxwell. The 21 irrefutable law of leadership : follow them and people will follow you. Rev. and updated 10th anniversary ed. Thomas Nelson, c2007. George Manning, Kent Curtis. The art of leadership. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009

658.4/MAX-2 New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed. 2012, 52012, 52012, 52012, 5thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4092/MAN

E021875(RB) E021876 E022020(RB) E022021

Supplementary Various journals including:Various journals including:Various journals including:Various journals including:

International Journal of Management

European Management Journal

Journal of Management Research


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Journal of International Management

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Organisational Change Management

Knowledge Management

Management Decision

Management Review


Public Money and Management

Critical Thinking (WMGM 1043)

Main Peter Facione. Think critically. Pearson Higher Education, 2011.

160/FAC E021315(RB) E021316


Robert H. Ennis. Critical thinking. Pearson Higher Education, 1996. Bruce N. Waller. Critical thinking : consider the verdict. 6th ed. Pearson Higher Education, 2012.

Not available 160/WAL:2 160/WAL:2-2 Int’l ed.

E021549(RB) E022067

Economics (TECN 1003)


Parkin, M., Powell, M., Matthews, K. Economics. 5th ed. Boston, MA : Pearson Addison Wesley, 2003. Case Fair, Ray C. Fair, Sharon M. Oster. Principles of economics. 8th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2008, c2008, c2008, c2008, 7777thththth edededed.... 330/PAR-4 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c200c200c200c2009999, , , , 9999thththth edededed.... 330/CAS-5 c2012, 10c2012, 10c2012, 10c2012, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 330/CAS-6

E021188(RB) E021189 E020556(RB) E020557 E022069


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Supplementary R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O’Brien. Economics. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008.

330/HUB E018690(RB) E018691

Entrepreneurship (TMGT 2013)

Main Barringer B., Ireland D. Entrepreneurship : successfully launching new ventures. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2011.

658.1/BAR-2 c2012

E022074(RB) E022075

Supplementary Mariotti, Steve and Glackin, Caroline. Entrepreneurship and small business management. Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2011. Scarborough, Norman M. Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. 6th ed. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2011. Mariotti, Steve and Glackin, Caroline. Entrepreneurship : starting and operating a small business. 2nd

ed. Uppeer Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2009.

Lambing, Peggy, Charles R. Kuehl. Entrepreneurship. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007.

In Process 658.02/SCA Old ed:Old ed:Old ed:Old ed: cccc2007200720072007 658.1/MAR


E021306(RB) E022065 E019005(RB)

E017495 E017820(RB) E018762

Fundamentals of Marketing (TMKT 1015)

Main Brassington, F, Pettitt, S. Essentials of marketing. 2nd ed. Harlow, Essex: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 2007.


E020315(RB) E020314(RB) E020316


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Baines, P., Fill, C., Page, K. Marketing. New York, Oxford University Press, 2008.

658.8/BAI:2 E020481(RB) E020482


Baker, M, J. Marketing : an introductory text. 7th ed. Helensburgh, Westburn Publishers Ltd, 2006. Kotler, P., Amstrong, G. Marketing : an introduction. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007.

Old ed:Old ed:Old ed:Old ed: cccc1982, 31982, 31982, 31982, 3rdrdrdrd ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/BAK-2 New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed. c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9thththth edededed 658.8/ARM-2 c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/ARM-4

E002267 E018685(RB) E018684 E022071

Human Resource Development (THRD 1013)

Main R.Wayne Mondy, Rober M.Noe, Shane R. Premax. Human resource management. Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education, 2007.

c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.3/MON-3

E018701(RB) E018702

Supplementary Gary Dessler. Human resource management. 11th ed. Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education, 2008.

658.3/DES-10 E018699(RB) E018700

International Dimensions of Business (TBUS 2015)

Main Harrison, A. Business environment in a global context. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010.

338.7/HAR E020528(RB) E020527


Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. and Sullivan, D. P. International business : environments and operations. 12th ed. Upper Saddle River : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008.

658.1/DAN-3 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2013, 14c2013, 14c2013, 14c2013, 14thththth edededed 658.1/DAN-4

E019006(RB) E022076


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Griffin, R.W. and Pustay, M.W. International business. Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2007. Friedman, T. The world is flat : the globalized world in the twenty-first century. London : Penguin Books, 2006.

Hill, C.W.L. Global business today. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007. Hill, C.W.L. International business : competing in the global marketplace. London: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Porter, M. E. The competitive advantage of nations. New York : Free Press, 1998. Krugman, P. R. and Obstfeld, M.

International economics : theory & policy. London: Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2008. Useful Journals and Periodicals • The Economist; Journal

of Common Market Studies • Financial Times & other quality

newspapers; Journal of International Business Studies

New edNew edNew edNew ed....:::: cccc2010, 62010, 62010, 62010, 6thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658/GRI-6 303.48/FRI-2 303.48/FRI-3 c2005

658/HIL-2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2011, 7c2011, 7c2011, 7c2011, 7thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658/HIL-3 658.1/HIL:2-6 c2009, 7th ed. Old ed:Old ed:Old ed:Old ed: cccc1990199019901990 338.9/POR 337/KRU-4

c2009, 8th ed.

E020152(RB) E080153 E016327(RB) E016363

E017036(RB) E022017 E018663(RB) E005936 E020162(RB)



Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

• Harvard Business Review; Management International Review

• International Business Review ; International Trade Journal

• Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Leadership and Mentoring (THRD 2025)


Peter G. Northouse. Leadership : theory and practice. Los Angeles: Sage, 2004. Peter G. Northouse. Introduction to leadership : concepts and practice. Sage, 2009. Clutterbuck D. Everyone needs a mentor : fostering talent at work. CIPD London, 2001. Michael Schantz. 75 Principles of conscious leadership : inspired skills for 21st century business. Reed Publishers, 2008. Adair. J. Effective leadership development. CIPD, 2005.

John Potter, Alan Hooper. Developing strategic leadership skills. CIPD, 2005.

New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed.:::: cccc2010, 52010, 52010, 52010, 5thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 303.3/NOR c2013, 6c2013, 6c2013, 6c2013, 6thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 303.3/NOR-3 303.3/NOR-2 New edNew edNew edNew ed....:::: cccc2004, 42004, 42004, 42004, 4thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/CLU 658.4092/SCH In Process Not available

E020462(RB) E020463 E021869 E020654(RB) E020653 E020513(RB) E020512 E021894(RB) E021947


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Michael Marquadt, Peter Loan. The manager as mentor. Greenwood Press, 2005. Betty Farmer. Mentoring communication. Information Age Publishing, 2007. Journals:Journals:Journals:Journals: Career Development International

The Leadership Quarterly Leadership

658.3/MAR:2 c2006 In Process

E021881(RB) E021882

Supplementary -

Logistics Operations (TMGT 2003)

Main Paul R. Murphy, Donald F. Wood. Contemporary logistics. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson/ Prentice Hall, 2010.

658.5/MUR:2-3 c2011

E022070(RB) E021194

Supplementary Martin Christopher. Logistics & supply chain management. 4th ed. UK : Financial Times/Prentice hall, 2011. Douglas M. Lambert, James R. Stock, Lisa M. Ellram. Fundamentals of logistics management. US : Irwin/

McGraw-Hill, 2005.

658.5/CHR-2 Old ed.Old ed.Old ed.Old ed.:::: c1998c1998c1998c1998 658.7/LAM

E022066(RB) E022068 E005424(RB)

Managing & Developing

People (THRD 1005)


Maund L. An introduction to human resource management: theory and

practice. Palgrave Macmillan,



E020986(RB) E021260


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Torrington, Derek, Hall, Laura, Taylor, Stephen. Human resource management. 7th ed. Harlow : Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 2008. Fisher, D. Communication in organizations. 2nd ed. Mumbai, Jaico, 2006.

658.3/TOR-4 Not available

E020612(RB) E020613 Out of Print


Operations Management (TMGT 3023)

Main Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston. Operations management. 6th ed. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2010.

658.5/SLA-4 E022013(RB) E022014

Supplementary Alex Hill, Terry Hill. Essential

operations management. Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. R.Dan Reid, Nada R.Sanders. Operations management : an integrated approach. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.




E022023 E017491(RB) E017492

Pendidikan Moral (MPW 2153)

Main Abdul Rahman Md. Aroff. Pendidikan moral : teori etika dan amalan moral. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia, c1999.

Eow, Boon Hin. Moral education. Petaling Jaya : Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd, 2009.


370.11/EOW-2 c2008, Rev. ed.

M004167(RB) M004045

E0 21185(RB) E019924 E021186


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

E021381 E021383 E021408

Supplementary Abdul Latif Samian, Khairul Anwar Mastor, Nasrudin Yunos, Rozita Ibrahim (PYNT). Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Etika Gunaan dan Profesional. Bangi: UKM, 2002. Frankena, W. K. Ethics. 4nd ed. New Jersey : Prentice-Hill, 2005. Ghazali Darusalam. Dinamika ilmu akhlak Islamiah. Kuala Lumpur : Utusan Publications and Distributors, 1997. Herman T. Tavani. Ethics & technology : ethical issues in an age of information and communication technology. USA : John Wiley and Sons, 2004. Ibrahim Mamat. Etika untuk mahasiswa. Kuala Lumpur : Kumpulan Budiman, 2000. Bruner Kenneth. Philosophy : the power of ideas. 7th ed. Boston : McGraw Hill, 2009

Not available Old ed.:Old ed.:Old ed.:Old ed.: 1973, 21973, 21973, 21973, 2ndndndnd ed.ed.ed.ed. 170/FRA 297.44/GHA 174/TAV New edNew edNew edNew ed.:.:.:.: c2007 c2007 c2007 c2007 174/TAV-2 370.114/IBR 100/MOO-2 2008

E017752(RB) E017753 E006256 M005646(RB) E013250 E019710(RB) E019711 M008312(RB) E019815(RB) E019816


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Mackinnon, B. Ethics : theory and contemporary issues. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 2005. Mohd. Janib Johari. Moral : teori aplikasi & permasalahan. Skudai : Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 1994.

Muhammad Uthman El Muhannady. Akhlak dalam Islam. Kuala Lumpur : Dewa Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1994. Michael J. Quinn. Ethics for the information age. 2nd ed. New York : Pearson Addison Wesley, 2005. William H. Shaw. Social and personal ethics. 7th ed. United States : Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2008. Jacques P. Thiroux, Keith W. Krasemann . Ethics : theory and

practice. 10th ed. New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2009. James E. White. Contemporary moral problems. 9th ed. United States : Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2009.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2012, 7c2012, 7c2012, 7c2012, 7thththth ed.ed.ed.ed.(Int’l (Int’l (Int’l (Int’l ed.)ed.)ed.)ed.) 170/MAC-2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: 2001, 3rd ed.2001, 3rd ed.2001, 3rd ed.2001, 3rd ed. 370.114/MOH

Not available 174/QUI 2006 175/SHA 170/THI


E022010(RB) E022009 M005654(RB) M005655

M005672 E013906(RB) E019706(RB) E019707 E019894(RB) E019895

E019693(RB) E019692

Pengajian Islam (MPW 2143)

Main Beg, M. A. J. The images of islamic civilization. Kuala Lumpur :

Not available

Out of Print


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

University of Malaya Press, 1980. Haron Din (...). Manusia dan Islam. 3 Jilid. Kuala Lumpur : DBP. Shaharir Mohamad Zain (ed). Pengenalan tamadun Islam dalam sains dan Teknologi. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa Pustaka,


Not available Not available

Out of Print

Mohd Yusuf Ahmad. Pengajian Islam. Kuala Lumpur : Pernerbit Universiti Malaya, 2003. Sayyid Qutb ; translated by John B. Hardie ; translation revised and introduction by Hamid Algar. Social justice in Islam. Islamic Publications International, 2000. Ibn Khaldun, `Abd al-Rahman. Muqaddimah (terj.). Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1995. Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf. Kabangkitan Islam di antara tantangan dan ekstrimisme. Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, 1994. Ahmed, Akbar S. Postmodernism and Islam : predicament and promise. London : Routledge, 1992.

297.7/MOH 297.27/QUT Not available Not available New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: c2002c2002c2002c2002 297.09/AHM:2

M004466(RB) E021891(RB) E021892 E010847 E010848(RB)


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Pengajian Malaysia (MPW 2133)

Intan. Malaysia Kita. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara, 1991. Jayum A. Jawan. Malaysian politics & government. Shah Alam: Karisma Publication, 2002. Asnarulkhadi Abu Saman, Jayum A. Jawan. Kenegaraan Malaysia.

Serdang: Penerbit Universitit Putra Malaysia, 1997. Mohamed Suffian Hashim, Tun. Mengenal perlembangan Malaysia. Edisi Kedua. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1984. Lembaga penyelidikan undang-undang. Perlembagaan persekutuan (dapatkan edisi terbaru). Kuala Lumpur: International Law Book Stories.

Not available 320.9595/JAY c2003 959.5/KEN

Not available Not available

Out of Print E016047(RB) E016048 M004387(RB) M003603


Andaya, Barbara Watson, Leonard Y. Yahya. A history of Malaysia. Hampshire: Palgrave, 1982. Hanna, Willard A. The formation of Malaysia. New York: American Universities Field Staff, 1964. Mohamed Noordin Sopiee. From Malayan Union to Singapore

959.5/AND-3 c20c20c20c2001,201,201,201,2ndndndnd ed.ed.ed.ed. 959.5/AND-2 Not available New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed. c2005, 2nd ed.c2005, 2nd ed.c2005, 2nd ed.c2005, 2nd ed.

E015564(RB) E001510 E010845 E010854


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

separation : politics unification in the Malaysia region 1945-65. Kuala Lumpur: UM Press, 1974. Ryan, N.J.. The making of modern Malaysia and Singapore: a history from earliest time to 1966. Kuala Lumpur: OUP, 1976. Tregonning, K.G.. A history of

modern Malaysian and Singapore. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 1972. Zainal Abidin Abd Wahid. Sejarah Malaysia. Bangi: Penerbit UKM, 1991. Ahmad Ibrahim, Alilanah Joned. Sistem undang-undang di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1987. Cheah Boon Kheng. Malaysia : the making on a nation. Singapore: ISEAS, 2002.

Crouch, Harold, Lee Kam Heng, Michael Ong. Malaysian politics and the 1978 election. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 1980. Francis Loh Kok Wah, Khoo Boo Teik. Democracy in Malaysian : discourse and practices. Cornwall: Curzon Press, 2002.

959.5/MOH:6 959.5/RYA c1969, 4th ed. Not available

Not available New ed.New ed.New ed.New ed. c2005, c2005, c2005, c2005, eeeed. keduad. keduad. keduad. kedua 349.595/AHM 959.5/CHE-2

Not available 320.9595/DEM

E013458(RB) E009256(RB) E015573

M005661(RB) M005662 E010843 E010855(RB)

E010849(RB) E010850 E016119 E016120


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Ho Khai Leong, James Chin. Mahathir’s administration : performance and crisis in governance. Singapore: Times Media, 2001. Jayum A. Jawan. The ethnic factor in modern politics. Hull: Hull University Press, 1991: the case study of Sarawak, East Malaysia.

Kitingan, Jeffery J., Maximus J. Ongkili. Sabah : 25 years later, 1963-1988. Kota Kinabalu: IDS, eds 1989. Means, Gordon P. Malaysian Politics. 2nd ed. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1976. Means, Gordon P. Malaysian politics : the second generation. Singapore: OUP, 1991. Mohd Hazim Shah, Jomo, K.S., Phua Kai Lit. New perspectives in Malaysia studies. Kuala Lumpur:

PSSM, 2002. Ongkili, James P. Modernization in East Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur : OUP, 1972. Wu Min Aun. The Malaysian legal system. 3rd Impression. Petaling Jaya: Longman Malaysia, 1994.

959.505/MAH c2003 320.9595/JAY-2

Not available Not available 320.9/MEA 379.595/NEW

Not available Not available

E010844(RB) E010853 E020658(RB) E020659(RB)

Out of Print E003065(RB) E011090(RB)


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Personal & Team Effectiveness (THRD 1015)


Belbin, R. Meredith. Team roles at work. Amsterdam : Butterworth Heinemann, 1993. Cottrell, S. Skills for success : the personal development planning handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Bryan Greetham. How to write better essays. 2nd ed. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Cottrell, S. The study skills handbook. 3rd rev. ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Martin. J. Organizational behaviour and management. 3rd ed. London: Thomson Learning, 2005. Winstanley, D. Personal effectiveness. CIPD, 2005.

New edNew edNew edNew ed.:.:.:.: 2020202010, 210, 210, 210, 2nd nd nd nd ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/BEL 371.3028/COT-3 New edNew edNew edNew ed.:.:.:.: 2010, 2nd ed.2010, 2nd ed.2010, 2nd ed.2010, 2nd ed. 371.3028/COT-6

808.042/GRE 371.3028/COT-5 658/MAR:2-3 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2009 c2009 c2009 c2009 158.1/WIN

E020614(RB) E020613 E018508 E020681(RB)

E022007(RB) E020479(RB) E020480 E020495(RB) E020496 E020630(RB) E020631

Supplementary -

Planning for Business Operations (TBUS 2025)

Main Barrow, C, Paul Barrow, Robert Brown Med. The business plan workbook : the definitive guide to researching, writing up and presenting a winning plan. 6th ed. London: Keegan Paul, 2008.


E020621(RB) E020622


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code


Burns, P. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and the small business. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. McDonald, M. Marketing plans : how to prepare them, how to use them. 6th ed. London: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.

Stutely, Richard. The definitive business plan : the fast track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs. 2nd rev. ed. Harlow: Prentical Hall / Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2007. Williams, S. Lloyds bank small business guide. Penguin, 1987.

658.02/BUR 658.8/MCD-3

658.4/STU Not available

E020661(RB) E020662 E019468(RB) E019469

E020592(RB) E020593 Out of Print

Principles & Practice of Marketing (TMKT 2035)

Main Brassington, F, Pettitt, S. Essentials of marketing. 2nd ed. Harlow, Essex : Prentice Hall, 2007. Baines, P., Fill, C., Page, K. Marketing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

658.8/BRA:3-2 658.8/BAI:2

E020314(RB) E020315(RB) E020316 E020481(RB) E020482


Baker, M. J. Marketing : an introductory text. 7th ed. Helensburgh: Westburn Publishers Ltd, 2006. Kotler, P., Amstrong, G. Marketing : an introduction. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson/

Prentice Hall. 2007

Old ed:Old ed:Old ed:Old ed: cccc1982, 31982, 31982, 31982, 3rdrdrdrd ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/BAK-2 New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/ARM-2

E002267 E018685(RB)



Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/ARM-4


Principles of

Investment (TFIN 2113)

Main Gitman, Joehnk. Fundamentals of

investing. 9th ed. Boston: Pearson/ Addison Wesley, 2005. Hebert B. Mayo. Investments: an introduction. 7th ed. Thomson Learning, 2003.


New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 332.6/GIT-2 cccc2011, 112011, 112011, 112011, 11thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 332.6/GIT-3 332.6/MAY New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: cccc2002002002008, 9th ed.8, 9th ed.8, 9th ed.8, 9th ed. 332.6/MAY-2


E018706(RB) E018766 E020895(RB) E020896 E011432(RB) E011433 E020897(RB) E020898

Supplementary Haim Levy, Thierry Post. Investment. 1st ed. Harlow, Essex: Prentice Hall/ Financial Times, 2005.

332.6/LEV-2 E018767(RB) E018768

Principles of Public Relations (WMKT 2013)

Main Dennis L Wilcox, Glen T. Cameron. Public relations : strategies and tactics. 9th ed. Allyn & Bacon, 2009.

659.2/WIL-3 New ed:New ed:New ed:New ed: cccc2012, 10th ed.2012, 10th ed.2012, 10th ed.2012, 10th ed. 659.2/MIL-4

E019858(RB) E021314

Supplementary David W Guth, Charles Marsh. Public relations : a values-driven approach. 5th ed. Allyn & Bacon,



E021550(RB) E022008


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Randy Bobbitt, Ruth Sullivan. Developing the public relations campaign : a team-based approach. 2nd ed. Allyn and Bacon, 2009. Glen Broom. Cutlip and center’s effective public relations. 10th ed. Prentice Hall, 2009.

659.2/BOB-2 659.2/BRO

E021313(RB) E019800(RB) E019801

Relationship Marketing (TMKT 3035)

Main Buttle, F. Relationship marketing : theory and practice. Sage, 1996.

Godson, M. Relationship marketing. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. Egan, J. Relationship marketing : exploring relational strategies in marketing. 4th ed. London : FT Prentice Hall, 2011.

658.8/REL 658.8/GOD 658.8/EGA

E021554(RB) E021555 E021491(RB) E021377 E021411(RB) E021378


Baker, M. J. Marketing : an introductory text. 7th ed. Helensburgh: Westburn Publishers Ltd, 2006.

Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. Marketing : an introduction. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson/ Prentice Hall. 2007 Steve Baron, Tony Conway and Gary Warnaby. Relationship

marketing : a consumer experience

Old ed:Old ed:Old ed:Old ed: cccc1982, 31982, 31982, 31982, 3rdrdrdrd ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/BAK-2

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9c2009, 9thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/ARM-2 c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11c2013, 11thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.8/ARM-4 658.8/BAR:2


E018685(RB) E018684 E022071 E021870(RB) E021871


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

approach. Los Angeles : SAGE, 2010.


Methods of Business (TRMB 2025)



Hair, J, Money, A, Samouel, P,

Page, M. Research methods for business. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2007.

Not available Out of Print


Zikmund, W. et al. Business research methods. 7th ed. South Western, Thomson Learning, 2003. Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler. Business research methods. 2nd European ed. London : McGraw-Hill, c2008. Cooper D R, Schindler P S. Business research methods. 8th ed. London: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Jankowicz A D. Business research methods. 4th ed. Thomson Press,

2005. Saunders et al. Research methods for business students. 4th ed. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall, 2007.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2010, 8c2010, 8c2010, 8c2010, 8thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.007/ZIK 658.007/BLU New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10c2008, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.007/COO-4 650.072/JAN

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2009, 5c2009, 5c2009, 5c2009, 5thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 650.072/SAU

E020554(RB) R020555 E020636(RB) E020637 E018664(RB) E018665 E022002(RB) E022003

E019957(RB) E019958

Strategic and Change Management (TMGT 3035)

Main Hughes, M. Change management : a critical perspectives. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2006.

Not available

Out of Print


Course Name Recommended Text

Author/ Title/ Publisher/ Year Call No. Bar code

Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland. Business strategy : theory and cases. 2nd ed. Cengage Learning, 2008.

658.4/HOS c2009

E021899(RB) E021900


Ireland, R., Hoskisson. M., and Hitt, M. The management of strategy : concepts and cases. 8th ed. Cengage Learning, 2009. Jones, H. Strategic management essentials. 2nd ed. Cengage Learning, 2009. Lasserre, P. Global strategic management. Palgrave Publishing, 2007.

New ed.:New ed.:New ed.:New ed.: c2013, 10c2013, 10c2013, 10c2013, 10thththth ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/IRE NewNewNewNew ed.:ed.:ed.:ed.: c2012, 3c2012, 3c2012, 3c2012, 3rdrdrdrd ed.ed.ed.ed. 658.4/JON Author: Gareth R. Jones, Charles W. L. Hill 658.4/LAS

E022011(RB) E022012 E021887(RB) E021888 E021695(RB) E021784


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